#u have to report on the ways women were made to suffer without ending up implying that women were just helpless victims
cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
been cosigned by the bi women in my life to say this but i think the whole ‘bi women are 100000x more likely to be victims of partner abuse’ thing gets...almost victim blamey if u think abt it too hard. do we believe that there are men who are totally fine to date as a straight woman but if you’re bi they become Abusers or are we just avoiding thinking too hard about the reality of dating a guy who would hypothetically be beating u if u were bi. are we saying the abuse happens because they’re bi? anyway the elephant in the room is that we’re talking about self-reported statistics here and bi women are more likely to be feminists and informed about consent and coercion and so on in order to RECOGNISE abuse. meanwhile a majority of straight women don’t even believe in marital rape and we know a lot about the lengths people can go to avoid labelling what they experienced/are experiencing as abuse. + DUH sexuality is self reported too so of course going through abuse at the hands of men can be a factor in a woman unpacking compulsory heterosexuality and realising she isn’t straight.
i think it’s important because in one narrative, victim-blaming myths about IPV are subtly reinforced in the name of advocating for bi women while the other recognises that abuse can happen to anyone but bi women are informed and autonomous and not just helpless victims with no choice but to play dating life russian roulette 
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biopsychs · 6 years
What I Learned From University (2nd Year)
See what I learned in first year here
Adjust how you study → I have a different study method for each class. Even if the content is similar to another class or you’ve had the prof before, you have to personalize your learning.
You can skip class sometimes → My introductory microbiology class was the worst class I’ve ever taken and I love microbiology. The prof sucked and I found I could just catch up on notes on the bus and have extra time to sleep in. I rarely skip class but I realized my time was much better spent working on other things. Only skip classes if catching up on notes is more efficient/a better use of your time than actually going to lectures. Also, don’t be afraid to take a day off (when you can) if your mental or physical health is suffering.
Group projects suck → I knew this already but nothing could have prepared me for what I had to deal with in my one semester long research methods class. I wish I had talked to my TA  or prof earlier to explain what was going on and how I could fix it. (Side note: Use Google docs for group projects!)
Mentoring programs are a great thing to be involved in → I got involved with a mentoring program for women in stem at my university and it has been such a valuable experience! I have access and connections to upper year students and women working in academia and industry who are there to provide help and guidance. My only regret is that I was too timid to ask for help at the start -- take advantage of the opportunities you have!
Get larger projects like reports and essays done as soon as you get them → My organic chemistry lab reports always took so long to write so I would delay working on them. However, I eventually got into a routine of finishing my lab report (or at least 95% of my report) on weekends (my labs were on Fridays) and it made my life so much easier! Just get it done and you won’t have the looming stress of a big project or report hanging over you.
Go to social events on and off campus → You can be social in so many different ways at university! Find something you’re comfortable with or go just outside your comfort zone. I went to a pizza party for psych majors and it was chill. I also went to a pubcrawl and it was so much fun. If you’re hesitant, drag a friend along the first time but make sure you talk to new people!
Apply for summer jobs early → Lots of good summer jobs for university students are posted early! I check my university’s job board and also look for jobs that are meant for students (where I live the government will provide funding for summer students to certain organizations). Make sure you send in your applications in as soon as possible too! Even if the deadline to apply is in two weeks, some places will get in touch with applicants (and could potentially hire someone) before that deadline. Find out if your uni has a career advising office (or something like that) and check it out, if you need help with resumes, cover letters, interviews, etc.
Leave your options open  → If you’re unsure about your major or career path, leave your options open as much as you can! Use the time you have now to explore what you really like. Last year I made the decision to do a double major in biology and psychology, because I wanted to go to med school but also wanted to leave the option of research (in bio or psych) open. Now, I’ve decided to major in psych and minor in bio, with the intent to pursue clinical psychology. I took classes and got research experience that helped me make an informed decision about what I really like and want to do.
Get involved in research and use your connections → Get research experience as early as possible. This will help you figure out if you actually want to pursue research or not, and will be so helpful with applications if you end in a position where you’re doing your own research! I have found it much easier to get involved with research by having connections (like talking to a prof, grad student, or upper year undergrad student who is already involved with a lab) rather than sending out cold emails to profs and hoping they’ll reply. If you are sending an email to a prof/lab you don’t have any connections to, make sure your personalize it -- mention any prior experience you have and why you’re interested in that lab specifically.
Check your email constantly → As a general rule, you can never check your email too much. Make an effort to reply to emails as soon as you get them, because otherwise you might forget about them. In general, reply to emails within 24 hours anyways.
Take a summer class → I took a summer class on the psychology of motivation and it was totally worth it. I knew I would have to take a summer class at one point and I knew I would prefer to do it earlier in my degree (taking a summer class in my last year does not sound like fun). It was refreshing to see how well I could do when one class was my only priority and I was able to learn/retain the content so much better. It was also nice that I was able to take an upper level course (my previous psych courses had been only 1st or 2nd year level) by itself so I could get used to the increased demands. One thing to note is that summer classes go by really quickly (in my case 3 lectures were equivalent to 3 weeks of classes) so make sure you’re keeping up with the material.
Find your optimal level of stress → One thing I learned in my motivation class is that we all have an optimal level of stress. Think of it as an inverted U shape, with performance on the y axis and stress on the x axis. The highest point, the top of the U, is your optimal level of stress, where stress is helping you perform to the best of your ability. If you move past that point (either less stress or more stress) your performance is going to decrease. If your stress levels are high and anxiety-causing your performance is going to suffer. I found my optimal level of stress when I was studying for my first motivation midterm -- I was cramming the night before but because I had no other pressing responsibilities (like 4 other classes) I was able to feel stressed without feeling panic or test anxiety also. Find your optimal level of stress and see how well you perform. Remember that feeling when your stress levels are rising so you have a baseline to get back to.
Don’t get stuck as “premed” → Being premed is completely okay but don’t close yourself off from other options. I know so many people who are premeds and are also biochemistry majors. Some of these people don’t even like biochemistry but stick with it because they think it will make their application look better. Please study something you’re actually interested in. Med school is a great option but just make sure you have a plan B (and a degree that is going to suit this plan B). I know someone who graduated with their biochemistry degree and regretted it -- by the end of their degree, their plan was no longer med school and they wished they had done a general biology degree, w classes they liked, while taking a few biochem classes they liked. I used to consider myself premed but I realized clinical psychology is a much better fit for what I actually like/am good at. Just make sure you want to be a doctor for the right reasons is all I’m saying.
Morning classes are actually kind of okay → Everyone talks about how bad morning classes are, but I actually prefer them. I have a hard time paying attention in later classes and it’s really nice to have all my classes done by mid-day. Just make sure you keep a regular sleep schedule (i.e. try to go to bed/ wake up at reasonably early times so your body can recover better on the nights where you get less sleep) 
Always come prepared → This applies for so many things. Bring a snack, don’t forget your charger, do your readings. You’re never going to regret being prepared but you may regret not being prepared.
Be ready to register for classes → Know your time and date to register for classes and be ready to click register right at that time! I always make multiple schedules b/c often the lab times or classes I want to take are full. If a class is full, make sure you know what to do. Register on the waitlist. If there isn’t a waitlist, find out who you need to talk to (usually the prof or department head). Check back a few times a week to see if spots open up in classes, because a lot of people change their schedule. Don’t wait to talk to an academic advisor if you’re not sure which classes to take or have any concerns.
Quizlet is a blessing  → Quizlet is an app/website that lets you make flashcards and view other people’s flashcard sets. Study flashcards while you’re waiting in line for coffee or on the bus. You may also be able to find flashcards from people who took the same class as you -- use those! If you make your own flashcards be a nice person and share them with your friends :)
A bad grade is not the end of the world → In one class I got 35% on my first midterm and never managed to get a midterm grade higher than 68%. I was absolutely destroyed when I saw that mark on my first midterm and was ready to give up. Please don’t give up! I talked to my prof and was able to have my other midterms weighted more and I used my lab reports to bring my mark up. If you show your profs you’re working hard they’ll do what they can to help you out. It’s really easy to feel like your hard work is not making a difference, especially if you’re continually not getting the results you want -- this doesn’t mean you should stop working hard, it just means you may have to study differently, review material daily, and ask for help! If you fail you need to remember that you will have to work harder -- you have to keep up with the new material and relearn the old material. I wasn’t overly happy when I saw my final grade in the aforementioned class but, when I compared it to my first midterm and my feelings of utter confusion, I was satisfied with my grade because it showed my progress and improvement (and I also used it to motivate me to never let it happen again).
Realize that everyone is at university for different reasons → Some people have big goals, some people are still figuring it out, and some people just want to get their degree as soon as possible. There’s nothing wrong with being any of the above, just don’t expect everyone to have the same goals as you.
Know the deadlines for dropping courses → Even if you don’t think you’ll be dropping or changing any courses, write the dates down in your planner. My friend waited a few days too long to drop a math class that turned out to be extremely difficult and, even though she passed it in the end, she was stressed out all semester and her performance in other classes suffered as a result.
You’ll always be meeting new people and making friends → I lived off campus first year and felt like I had missed my chance to make friends. I shouldn’t have worried so much. Second year was much better in that there were a lot more familiar faces in my classes and I got to know other people much better through smaller classes and labs! Other people are always happy to make friends so just take the first step by starting a conversation :)
You can’t give 100% all the time → Some of the best advice that I was given this year was that you can’t give 100% all the time. You only have so much time and energy (mental and physical) you can give. For some tasks, the outcome from 70% effort and 100% effort may not be too different. Figure out what tasks those are so that you have enough energy to give 100% when you really need it.
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orbemnews · 3 years
JPMorgan Shakes Up the Race to Succeed Jamie Dimon In a position to succeed? JPMorgan Chase announced a major management shuffle yesterday, renewing chatter about a hotly debated topic on Wall Street: Who will succeed Jamie Dimon as C.E.O.? The changes may also pave the way for a woman to lead the United States’ largest bank. Here’s the rundown: Marianne Lake, the bank’s head of consumer lending, and Jennifer Piepszak, its chief financial officer, will become joint heads of the consumer and community bank, effective immediately. Gordon Smith, who has run the bank’s consumer operation since 2012 and served as co-chief operating officer and co-president since 2018, said he would retire at the end of the year. Daniel Pinto will become JPMorgan’s sole president and C.O.O. (and remains the head of the corporate and investment bank), and Jeremy Barnum will succeed Lake as C.F.O. The moves solidify Lake and Piepszak as contenders for C.E.O. The executives, both 51, are now in charge of a business that takes in more than $50 billion per year in revenue. In a memo to staff, Dimon praised Lake and Piepszak as “superb executives who are both examples of our extremely talented and deep management bench.” Dimon, 65, took his role as the bank’s C.E.O. in late 2005, making him the longest-tenured big bank chief. “The board has said it would like Jamie to remain in his role for a significant number of years,” Joe Evangelisti, a JPMorgan spokesman, said in a statement. The new setup creates an unusual situation in which two executives competing for the top job share a leadership role. That may be tricky to navigate, management experts say, and whether it’s a good test of leadership skills is debatable. Co-management can be hard to pull off. In a 2012 paper, Ryan Krause of the Neeley School of Business at Texas Christian University examined how sharing power impacted the performance of public companies. Estimating the relative power of co-C.E.O.s using proxies such as tenure and stock ownership, he and his co-authors concluded that executives who had more equal levels of power performed worse than those with disproportionate power. “We interpret this as being evidence that, basically, having co-C.E.O.s really only works if they’re not really co-C.E.O.s,” Krause told DealBook. Co-leaders of a division, he said, may be more successful because they can more easily divide responsibilities instead of sharing authority. Such setups are not uncommon at JPMorgan. It could highlight the ability to work collaboratively, said Steve Odland, the head of the Conference Board and the former C.E.O. of Office Depot and AutoZone. “Whenever you’re in a C.E.O. successor position, it’s difficult because there are a lot of things that have to go right and you’re under the microscope,” Odland said. “But to do so with your competitor, and have to compete with your co-head, at the same time you’re making it work is especially stressful. Which is why it’s an interesting test, because the person who succeeds at this should be amply able to succeed in the C.E.O. role.” Is it a good idea? Dan Ciampa, an adviser to C.E.O.s and directors during leadership transitions, said that he wouldn’t recommend such a test (speaking generally, and not about JPMorgan specifically). “It may make sense to have co-division leaders or co-unit leaders and maybe even co-C.E.O.s,” he said. “But to use that as a way to determine who the next person should be to run the entire organization, to me it says that the board and the sitting C.E.O. and the head of H.R. have probably not done their homework.” Flashback: One sign of Dimon’s long tenure at JPMorgan is measured by a famous cover of Fortune magazine from Sept. 2008, featuring him and seven of his top lieutenants, headlined “The Survivors.” When Smith retires, Dimon will be the only person on the cover left at the bank. HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING AT&T investors sour on the WarnerMedia-Discovery deal. Shares in AT&T fell nearly 6 percent yesterday (and are down again premarket today), as shareholders reckoned with the possibility that the spinout of its media arm would expose issues at its core wireless business — and lead to a smaller dividend. Bank of America will raise its minimum wage to $25 an hour by 2025. The announcement cements the lender’s status as a leader on pay in the banking industry: In 2019, it was one of the first to guarantee a $20 hourly wage, a goal it achieved a year ahead of schedule. Amazon indefinitely bans the police from using its facial-recognition software. The company extended a moratorium imposed last year amid the nationwide protests over racial injustice and biased policing. Though critics have said that the technology leads to unfair treatment of African-Americans, Amazon has defended the product’s accuracy. More signs of life in retail. Target reported a 23 percent jump in sales for the first quarter from a year ago, as shoppers returned to stores. It joined Macy’s and Walmart in surpassing analysts’ estimates. Also, a reminder: Most pandemic restrictions in New York City end today. Today in Business Updated  May 18, 2021, 9:07 p.m. ET The criminal investigation into the Trump Organization widens. The office of New York’s attorney general, which has been running a civil inquiry into the Trump family company, joined the Manhattan attorney general’s criminal investigation into potential financial crimes, including tax and bank fraud. Bitcoin’s wild ride The largest cryptocurrency’s price is down sharply again today, leaving it 40 percent lower than its mid-April high. (Other cryptocurrencies — even Dogecoin! — are similarly suffering.) As usual, there are a few potential culprits: Chinese regulators issued a stern warning to financial institutions (again) not to accept cryptocurrency as payment. Elon Musk’s U-turn on Bitcoin is continuing to roil investors’ appetite for the currency. Some industry executives said such pullbacks were “normal” in crypto. That said … Bitcoin is still up more than 30 percent for the year, Ethereum nearly 300 percent and Dogecoin more than 8,000 percent. A lot of investors are feeling plenty flush, for now; more on that below. “There’s been such an erosion of trust, distrust for government, distrust for the virus, distrust for this party or that party. So when you tell the public what to do, there are people who say, ‘How can I trust the guy without the mask?’” — Dr. Howard Markel, a medical historian at the University of Michigan, on how the new mask guidelines from the C.D.C. have created a complicated vaccination honor code. The business case for better care policies JPMorgan Chase, McDonald’s, Spotify, Uber and almost 200 other businesses announced today that they have formed a coalition focused on “reimagining” the United States’ “caregiving infrastructure.” The coalition, called the Care Economy Business Council, is a strong signal that fixing the crumbling care systems for children and older people is essential to the economic recovery. The new group will pressure Congress to pass policies that enable workers — particularly women — to get back to work. Led by Time’s Up, the advocacy group formed by powerful women in Hollywood, the council is demanding federally funded family and medical leave, affordable child care and care for older relatives, and higher wages for caregiving workers. “What I’m seeing now that I have not seen in the many years I’ve been working on this constellation of issues is a realization by employers that they have a stake in this,” said Tina Tchen, the chief executive of Time’s Up. The pandemic laid bare the caregiving sector’s limits, particularly in child care. Many providers either shuttered or cut back on hours, leaving parents without a reliable and safe space for their children while they worked. That was a major reason that hundreds of thousands of women left the work force in the past year, bringing the female labor participation rate to the lowest level since the 1980s. For many executives, the crisis made clear that the entire system needed an overhaul, as companies scrambled to cobble together solutions such as flexible work hours and additional child care stipends. The issue is “bigger than something we can solve on our own,” said Christy Pambianchi, the chief human resources officer at Verizon, a member of the council. President Biden’s two-part infrastructure plan proposes pumping $425 billion into the child care industry and an additional $400 billion to expand in-home care for older adults and those with disabilities. The plan also offers businesses a tax credit for building child care centers in their workplaces. Philanthropies bank crypto windfalls Charities have an inherent interest in cryptocurrencies because, increasingly, their fates are intertwined. Nonprofits benefit from financial windfalls and recently people have been getting rich with crypto. “There’s no question” that the price of cryptocurrency is linked to the volume of giving, said Joe Huston, the managing director of Give Directly, a global aid group. Crypto is volatile, especially lately, but philanthropies have seen consistent growth in digital asset donations over time. Fidelity Charitable reported that crypto giving went from $13 million in 2018 to $28 million in 2020. Give Directly has seen a “big uptick,” Huston told DealBook. The Twitter founder Jack Dorsey gave the group $12.8 million, the co-founder of the Ethereum platform Vitalik Buterin donated $4.8 million and Elon Musk of Tesla gave “some.” The cryptocurrency exchange FTX donates one percent of its fees and encourages traders to channel returns to charity. But newfound riches donated in novel ways raise questions. Buterin recently gave $1.2 billion dollars to fund Covid relief efforts in India. The gift was in SHIB, a crypto token named after a Shiba Inu dog that’s a derivative of the onetime joke crypto Dogecoin. These tokens were sent unbidden to Buterin to bolster their value. His approach in giving them away was “impressively lightweight and fast,” Huston said, showing how frictionless crypto-based philanthropy can be. Previously, it was unimaginable to transfer such an enormous sum without an institutional intermediary. “There are a lot of young people with stupid amounts of money,” said Austin Detwiler, a consultant at American Philanthropic, a consulting firm. Fund-raisers should facilitate giving from this new generation, mindful that “it’s easy to start accepting crypto, but it’s volatile, so have a policy,” he said. THE SPEED READ Deals Robinhood plans to publicly disclose its I.P.O. filings as soon as next week. (Bloomberg) A firm founded by the son of China’s vice premier has reportedly become one of the country’s most aggressive investors in tech companies. (FT) Politics and policy How electric pickups — like the Ford F-150 that President Biden tested yesterday — are a key part of the White House’s infrastructure plans. (NYT) The Senate is considering a bill that would pour $120 billion into research in semiconductors and other technologies to counter China’s supply chain dominance. (NYT) Tech The e-commerce lender Klarna, one of Europe’s most valuable tech start-ups, said its decision on a London I.P.O. depends on Britain’s rolling out relaxed fintech rules. (Bloomberg) The Financial Conduct Authority, a British regulator, warned 300 fintech start-ups to stop misleading customers by comparing themselves to fully fledged banks. (FT) Best of the rest Demand for WeWork office space has now surpassed prepandemic levels, according to its chairman. (Bloomberg) Bill Gates has disclosed over $3 billion in stock transfers to Melinda French Gates since they announced their divorce. (WSJ) “Hertz, the Original Meme Stock, Rewards Its True Believers” (WSJ) We’d like your feedback! Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Source link Orbem News #Dimon #Jamie #JPMorgan #Race #Shakes #succeed
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