rxng · 10 months
"Such a nice sculpt."
Please don't. I don't want to be in here when you think these thoughts about him.
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"testing stuff"
okay thus is a tyest
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begaana · 6 months
oki i have a physics tyest tomorrow and id liek to think im done with most od the chapters, i know thermodynamics, magnetic materials, and oscillations, magentic field of electric current i need to brush up same with thermo and i need to start emi and superposition of waves wish n=me luck
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witchblade · 4 months
she wonted to tyest her hyusband...
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turangalila · 2 years
Philippe de Vitry (1291–1361) Petre Clemens tam re quam nomine / Lugentium siccentur occuli plaudant senes (Motette)
TRIPLUM Petre Clemens tam re quam nomine / cui nascenti donantis dextera / non defuit qui ymo cardine / e supremo beata munera / superes o felix ac omnia / quae reliqua celi benignitas / dare protest; nec defuit pia / pyeridum sacrarum dignitas / harum precellis vero dotibus / harum dono cuncta Germalia / carmentina pegasi pedibus / transvectus es a puericia; / aut fata vero aut ipsa prospera / te fortuna mellus spiritus / sublimavit ergo considera / quod Cephas es sed orbi deditus / quod monarcha, sed servus omnium / princeps orbis, sed orbis languidi / servus nempe sed delirantium / ac ne cui tandem sint perfidi / arte princeps serve dimelicum / torque fides mundialis celis / regnum tuum furorem tragicum / potens pie conpescere velis. / Absit tuo Tyestes tempore / et austerus, absint Thebaides / abutentes fraterno jecore; / unumque sint scissi Philipides / urben vide classis per equora / deterreat principes Thaneos / clangor turbe turcorum pectora / decipiant augures mempheos. / Consoletur tristis Armenia / et elatus succumbat Ismael / et germinet deserta Syria / et depressus resurgat Israel: / tunc nature gloriosissimus / triumphator tributum solvere / non dolebis heres legitimus / Jhesu Christe moriens libere: / et si desint marmor et gemula / ac metallum sculpenda sinceri / erit tandem tumulus vernula / semper fama pespondens operi / quam posceris prebebit regula / gubernandi faveant operi. // MOTETUS Lugentium siccentur occuli / plaudant senes exultent parvuli / umbre mortis quoniam regio / quos temnunt splendoris visio. / Est exorta radio spiritus / Clemens sextus sanctus divinitus / stupor orbis otersum speculum / ad formandum virtutummodulum / cirrei Syris Apollinis / pervasiti vigor certaminis / phitonistas horsis / ubere crapulatos solos / prosternere ac dum flectis / sermonis timpanum / corda rapis ad aurisorganum. / Petrus primus, Petrum non deseris / vices eius quia recte geris / tu clemens es et Clemens dixeris / pesagii qui fontis aperis / venas gratis vidis et rudibus / Athlanticis et Ethiopibus / stitis quoque quid in preconia / laudum mane sudatjusticia. / Non angentur memento secula / non mana tumescunt gutula / nec ulla laus addendere mentis / tuis unquam poterit inclitis / vulgi tamen modica porcio / de te saltem clangere gestio / vivat, vivat orbi perutilis / cui non est inventus tuus similis. //
_ Philippe de Vitry – Motets & Chansons Sequentia (1991, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi – 77095-2-RC)
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dewcrane · 7 months
Testing 1 2 3
test qoute
test: meow meow: tyest
atest wow
hai im real
0 notes
unitedbyblue · 7 years
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United By Blue Tyest Backpack
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edgymegatronus · 4 years
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djkhaledstinyson · 5 years
This is a test post
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waitineedaname · 5 years
god I take so many fucking notes in my classic lit class
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nevermindrussia · 2 years
Давай на «ты». How to switch to informal way of communication in Russian without looking stupid
Alright then. Here's another suggestion from my dear follower, and it's both of modern Russia and Russian language.
"How is a non-Russian to know when to suggest a switch to ты? Is it ever appropriate for a non-Russian to initiate it? Etc."
That's a really great topic, both obvious and misterious, just like what I'm loving! Obvious — for every Russian, due to some specific cultural code; misterious — also for every Russian, for it's really not easy to formalize and describe. Anyway, challenge accepted! :)
So, let's start from the basics.
In Russian there are 2 ways of addressing pronouns:
вы (вас/вам/вами/о вас) [vy (vas/vam/vami/o vas)] - a formal way;
ты (тебя/тебе/тобой/о тебе) [ty (tebya/tebe/toboi/o tebe)] - an informal way;
While in English there basically is only one — "you". Although English-speaking persons also have "thou" pronoun, literally meaning ты, but it sounds a bit obsolete and is not popular (except you are speaking to God in your prayer, as we were explained at English lessons at school :)).
But how to make 2 forms of addressing out of 1? Let's see.
In Russian, we say вы to people who are:
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1. Not too close to us, such as strangers or some random short-term aquaintances, such as travelling companions, people whom you're waiting in line with, etc.
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2. Respected by us, for ex. our boss or a government officer of a teacher, or just an elderly person etc. As for me, I also keep saying вы to all my students, no matter 70 or 7 years old, highlighting my respect to them in studying environment (even when they are my friends so I say ты to them out of studying).
So, вы is a default form of address to show our respect and tact and seeing other's personal boundaries. But in some cases it may show also coldness and distance; see below for it.
And whom are we sayind ты to?
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1. Friends of course. Mostly though; there are cases when people who make friends differ very much in age and/or knowledge, for ex., a teacher and his/her former student. Then a younger person may choose to say вы to an older friend, while the older one can feel free to say ты. But this is rather exception of rules.
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2. Lovers. Just always in modern Russia.
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3. Family members. Not always. In Russia family is more than it is, for ex., in US. Very often we live at one place (flat basically) as one family including parents, children an one of the parent's parents. Husband parents to a wife are called свёкр [svyokr], m. and свекровь [svekrov'], f. And wife's parents to a husbands are тесть [tyest'], m. and тёща [tyoscha], f.. So, although they are one family, a man may say вы to his тёща or тесть, or the opposite of a woman and her husband's parents. But parental/children communication is always by ты. Except you are in pre-revolutionary Russia at the beginning of XXth century or earlier. That time was a common practice for children to address their parents by вы, representing - again, respect.
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4. Some people who are not our friends actually, but who make us feel some soulmating, even situative. For ex.: if you are just waiting in line nearby someone and make a small talk, you probably say вы; but if you're doing the same for several hours and people nearby are you fellow sufferers and you start to discuss some government politics and some problems as a whole and your children and your pets and your diseases - you may say to this people ты. Usually it comes even without any declaration: you just find yourself talking to people in informal way. And then it all ends, and then you can't even remember their names, and this is absolutely fine when you're in Russia :)
That's the basic rules; but as always in Russia, there are plenty of exclusions. For ex., some people (usually not very polite and educated) prefer to address by ты to anyone, no matter is their counterpart an acquaintance or a stranger, young or old, an ordinary or a respectful person. We dislike it generally. And we say to such person (sounding a bit rude): "Прекратите мне тыкать" [prekratite mne tykat'] - "stop saying ты to me"; also it's a kind of wordplay, for тыкать may be read as a verb from ты, literally "making ты", but basically it means "to poke". So we express that hearing ты from an insolent stranger is unpleasant for us as much as anybody would poke us with a finger or a stick or something.
Summarizing all above,
what could a situation when you'd like to transfer to more informal communication be like?
1. When you're making some random but suddenly sincere acquaintance.
What to do:
Just continue the conversation using ты instead of вы. I say, nobody will mind it. Anyway, few hours later you may not even remind of each other.
2. When you've got a feeling it may be a friendship.
What to do:
That's the moment when a phrase from my headline should work. Давай на ты [davai na ty] - "let's transfer to ты". There's about 95% that you'll be answered "Да, конечно" [da, kaneshna] - "yes, sure" or "Не вопрос" [ne vopros] - " no problem", or something like that. If one've refused that proposal, it's depending on his own special standards of communication, not on you. So feel free to initiate, and don't be upset if you're getting a refuse. Also, answering to my dear suggestor: no, it doesn't matter if you're a Russian or not. Except counterwise: if you're a foreigner who knows of вы and ты thing and at least tries to figure it out, you have +500 to charisma in the eye of your Russian companion, and he/she will more likely approve your movement.
3. When you want to become less formal with someone of your business or learning affairs: colleagues, boss, business partners, teachers, students and so on. IMPORTANT NOTICE below: some rules for it.
What to do:
Just what's above, but in more formal way. For example:
Вы не возражаете, если мы перейдем на "ты"? [vy ne vozrazhaete yesli my pereidyom na ty] - Would you mind if we transfer to ты?
Думаю, мы можем общаться на "ты", как вы считаете? [dumayu my mozhem obschat'sya na ty, kak vy schitayete] - I guess we might communicate using ты, what do you think?
And now the IMPORTANT NOTICE. There are certain rules of etiquette for suggesting transfering to ты. That's not some strict and dogmatic thing, but you'd better remember.
Who should initiate that transferring:
if a gentleman and a lady are communicating: a lady.
if a younger and an older persons are communicating: an older person. A bit complicated is a situation where a younger person is a lady and the older one is a gentleman. In that case, I guess lady still should initiate this, but it takes more time to get sure an opponent is really ready to transfer to an informal way.
if an employee and a boss are communicating: a boss. Also it works for if there are a boss and a big boss, etc.
So, the one who is more privileged (who's got higher social status, or an respectable age, or who is a lady in front of a gentleman) is the one who suggests less formal way. That's his/her right to initiate this. Another part of communication may agree or decline that (but declining may be a bit offencive; except you grant your counterpart the right to say to you ты while youre still keep saying вы.
So I guess that's all rules for transfering to ты in Russian. I hope you've got them all — for I've not yet at all :))))
And, as a resume.
Remember I've said about coldness and distance? It's actual sometimes, when one side of communication wants to be closer, but other one prefers to be all formal and strict. That was more actual in Russia of XIXth century, where the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin was living - for that was a time when saying вы was fine not only for children to parents, but even for a guy or a girl to his/her sweetheart. But ты still existed, representing an extreme grade of intimacy and sincerity.
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Вы и Ты
Пустое "вы" сердечным "ты" Она, обмолвясь, заменила И все счастливые мечты В душе влюбленной возбудила.
Пред ней задумчиво стою, Свести очей с нее нет силы; И говорю ей: как вы милы! И мыслю: как тебя люблю!
That is the poem by Pushkin, which I've learned by heart when I was about 7 years old: just because it hanged on the wall in a classroom of our school. I always considered it beautiful. So let me try and translate it for you (not equirithmically or even rhymed of course); to be more revealing I'll use "thou" when ты is assumed.
You and Thou
She've said a sincere "thou" instead of a shallow "you" Maybe by mistake, And she've woken up by this All the happy dreams inside of my soul fallen in love.
I stand in front of her thoughtfully, I cannot take my eyes off her, And I say to her: "How nice of you", And I think of her: "How much I love thou".
...so I guess that's all for today. Live high, make friends, transfer to ты, be proud of what you and your relationship are. More Russian language discoveries - in my further posts. Follow me so!
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Barely known and almost forgotten, but hella fascinating myth. It had unquestionable influence at the events of Oedipus Rex. It has many versions, more or less dark. However I'll try to show in this thread why it is really worth knowing about!
It all starts years before the events of Thebean Trilogy. King Pelops of Elis (yes, son of Thantal who was known for challenging gods), despite being married to Hippodamia, had a half-god son born of either nymph Danais or Aksioche. After his golden hair, the son was named Chrysippus, what meant literally a Golden Horse. And it was knowingly firstborn and most beloved son of Pelops, who later also had about 12 children with his own wife.
But the fate of said son turned out to be rather tragic. When, as an exile from Thebes, future king Laius appeared in Elis looking for a place to stay, he was welcomed honourably. However while staying there, he eventually fell in love with the golden-haired prince, who he had teached riding a chariot. Sources do not precise, if this was a mutual feeling; despite that, when Lauis was asked to escort the prince to Nemeian Games, he chosen to kidnap Chrysippus instead.
There are many versions of what happened from there. So let's just list it up:
From what I've read, it's one of the most common endings of this myth. In short, it claims that after being kidnapped and forced to love, Chrysippus had killed himself. One thing unsure is when and how would he do that. Either way, his son's death would cause King Pelops to put a curse at the house Labdacis, which eventually lead to horrible events of Oedipus Rex.
This one should probably be separated, since there are two potential murderers; it was either King Laius, or Hippodamia.
As this ending claims, Chrysippus would be left on a desert to die, or pierced by a sword. First version accords to King Laius, but the question is, why would he kill someone he himself has kidnapped? And loved? This is why for me personally this one seems a bit irrational.
However, the other one, about Hippodamia, is very much worth considering. She's said to hate her husband's illegimate son up to a point she might've actually consider mudering him to provide the throne of Elis for her own sons.
In version including Hippodamia, it was either herself, who pierced Chrysippus with a sword while he layed sleeping by the side of Lauis, or her sons, Atreus and Tyestes. Either way, murder weapon stays the same and is named precisely: it was King Lauis' own sword, taken from a wall, probably to make people blame him for Chrysippus' death.
This plan does not succeed, though. In the last breath Chrysippus blames the real murderers of his.
These events would casue Pelops to set the curse, as previously, but also exile his wife and sons out of Elis. This would actually connect with why Atreus and Tyestes were said to rule Mycaene in other myths, and not Elis, as would be logical.
There is also one ending where it is not precised if Chrysippus dies or not and I think it is worth mentioning. In this version, it is Hera herself who set the curse, together with Sphinx, as a punishment for unrightful love which King Laius had for Chrysippus.
As with many myths, there are also few doubts, caused by multiple versions of this story. Main of them are the following:
how old was Chrysippus when these events occured? (some of sources claim 'a youth', others - 'a child', 'a boy')
did this cause a war between Thebes and Elis, or not? (at least one of sources I found states that King Pelops actually went seeking revenge after his son kidnapping; Elis won, but Pelops let his enemies go after hearing a 'mercy plea' from King Laius and 'deciding not to punish love')
were the gods involved into this? Or is Hera's influence a made-up?
Very sadly, we do not even have opportiunity to to check these out. In ancient times, there was a stage play named Chrysippus, but it's one of these gone in time.
(tw; pedophilia, rape) (may skip this if feel disturbed by these themes)
This one connects strongly to the part of doubts. And things get darker as we read into them. Some of the sources I found claim that Chrysippus was a child when things described in the myth happened to him. The age they state is around 12-14. Read this way, entire thing kinda changes it's meaning, right?
More describeful sources also state that it was not love what drove the King Laius into kidnapping, but rather sexual desire, and this version is oftenly connected with ending involving leaving Chrysippus on a desert. In these terms, it's also often repeated that Chrysippus was raped and thus might've suicided.
Shortly, aftermath of this myth is well-known. Labdacids were cursed, and Lauis was at some point foretold that his son will kill him marry own mother. This is why he avoided Jocasta as much as he could (though some of sources say simply, that he had avoided her, because of being gay). She hadn't known about the curse, though. And one time humiliated Jocasta got her husband drunk enough to make a child with him.
And this is how Oedipus happened. Later on everything was revealed and as we know, child was abandoned to die; however it didn't, and the fate was fulfilled.
So, well, here is the end of this thread! Hope you enjoyed, my personal theories will be included in another post, but feel free to share your thoughts and discuss. I wonder if any of you heard about this myth before? And which from the variety of versions do you find most believable?
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witchblade · 2 years
she wonted to tyest her hyusband...
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yaru-na-ningen-blog · 4 years
sdfsdf sdfsdfsdf
Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testingv
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rxbodybuilding · 5 years
I have posted this on several boards already but thought I would post it here for the GROWXXL bros as well. This information covers pretty much everything beginners and vets might need to know or have wondered about DNP.
Credit to the gods that wrote this...
Since some guys have been playing around and disrespecting DNP and then griping to the forums about the painful results, we need to make this VERY specific and VERY correct so that people won't keep jumping for DNP out of curiosity, or without the willpower they need to operate this respondibly. So here are my experienced guidelines to using it the RIGHT way.
FIRST GUIDLINE: Dosing. Use ONLY 200mg a day for the first four days. I don't care that you don't "feel" anything yet and you wanna bump it up. DNP accumulates in the body, and not "feeling" something means NOTHING. It's there, and it's working (the effect on metabolism begins within two hours of the first dose!). Four days will let you test your tolerance: do you have an allergy? Does it give you a rash? etc. Only after those four days do you bump it up, by 200mg a day. The average dose is 400-600/day, and more than that gets a little severe. A full gram is the highest dose I've heard anyone use. I've used that much, and it's hell. I like to stay around 600 a day, which is HOT but safe and effective. Take caps even hours apart through the day, ending about 4-5 PM.
SECOND GUIDLINE...How to eat on DNP. This is purely personal experience, because some guys like to carb-deplete *before* using DNP (then eat carbs as usual while on), and other guys like a low-carb approach throughout. Both are fine. Using DNP is the only time that fructose is a desireable cutting carb, because it keeps the liver replentished. That reduces lethargy and spares muscle. Be aware that eating high-carb foods WILL increase the heat sensation within an hour, and last about 2 hours. That means don't eat carbs before bed unless you want those night sweats to be even WORSE. Personally, I ate whatever the hell I wanted! IHOP, chinese, fajitas...Yes, I burned hot, but I still lost 1.5 pounds every 2 days. Keep protein HIGH for muscles' sake, and try it yourself.
Foods I suggest including: Blueberry yogurt. Blueberries are excellent antioxidants, and yogurt cultures help with digestive function, gas, and stool consistency (disgustingly soft stools are common during DNP). Oregano-based foods. Oregano is perhaps one of the most potent antioxidants around,a nd one spoonful counts as a vegetable serving. See this article Pineapple - I've found that pineapple helps alleviate those "DNP Blues". The fructose helps, and pineapple enzymes aid in protein digestion. V8 - one 12-ounce can supplies six servings of veggies, concentrated as an excellent source of antioxidants, lycopene, and recovery of electrolytes. Oatmeal - high-fiber foods are necessary. You'll find out why around, oh, day 5 or so. Trust me.
THIRD GUIDELINE...Supplements and DNP. I suggest: ECA - DNP is not a stimulant. To keep energy high and aid in fat loss, use an ECA. Some advisors suggest that regular ephedrine is preferable to norephedrine because of the more direct "hit" of energy. Prohormones - perfectly fine on DNP. I used 1-AD just to help keep strength and muscle up, and it worked fine. No problems here. You won't GROW muscle on DNP, but it'll help with strength and protection. Obvious stuff - multivitamin, ZMA, etc. Biotest PowerDrive - No, I'm not pimping Biotest. But PowerDrive is an excellent pre-workout mixture that actually works. Plus it's low-carb (only 15 calories total), so it won't cause carb-heat in the middle of your workout.
Antioxidants - I'm giving my own personal list, and why I use them: Alpha Lipoic Acid - aids in fat management and blood sugar, and an excellent antioxidant. Grape seed extract Syntrax Radox Green Tea Inositol - mood enhancement, antioxidant, and muscle support. 1 gram/3x day Ellagic acid - protects cell DNA/RNA from damage by free radicals, and may even atack cancerous cells. 400mg/twice a day Fruit antioxidants - beyond-a-century's powder of high-potency natural fruit anti's. 1 gram, 2-3x day. Trimethylglyceine - antioxidant, helps move fat and blood lipids into the liver and out of the body. 500mg, 2x day. Vitamins E and C
Supplements NOT to use: Any medications that suppress energy. No allergy meds, antidepressants, muscle relaxers, or beta blockers. DNP will have you low as it is; don't worsen your body's energy by taking something that suppresses you further.
DRUGS - Sheesh, you'd think I wouldn't have to mention this, but two idiots in particular (right here on this forum) recently affirmed that some people still just don't get it. NO alcohol (not even "moderate"), NO ecstasy, NO GHB, etc. If you don't have the willpower to forego these habits, DNP is not for you.
Syntrax Swole - a personal discovery. I tried Swole while on DNP...once. Two hours of hell, feeling inside-out.
FOURTH GUIDELINE...working out on DNP. Keep lifting short, 30-40 minutes. DNP works very well, causing your body to use 150% or more the calories per action you'd normally use. That means DON'T try to repeat your usual workouts. Drop to moderate weights, 8-12 reps, not to failure, and with plenty of walking rest between sets. You are NOT going to grow muscle on DNP, so don't use your usual heavy routine. Since DNP can cause light-headedness and heat dizzyness, you have my permission to skip squats in favor of leg presses this time.
Cardio is a controversial one. My advice - do NOT do cardio on high doses of DNP (600mg or more). It's dangerous and counterproductive. Below that amount, some cardio is fine, but keep it to 20 minutes and not at full-gallop. Remember, DNP will drain water from your quickly, causing you to leech out minerals, vitamins, and salts. Don't overdo it.
During exercise, consume at least 1 liter of water per 30 minutes of work, whether you're thirsty or not. DNP is evil in the way it blunts thirst, while at the same time doing the cruel trick of bloating your body with water WHILE dehydrating you from water in your organs. MAKE yourself drink. Always folllow DNP exercise with antioxidants, carbs, and this is a good time to use your multivitamin.
Don't feel embarrassed about poor workouts. Just this morjning I did a workout with a whopping nine sets (wimp!) before calling it quits. Listen to your body, and let it tell you when enough's enough; don't guage workouts by what you *usually* can do otherwise.
Here's my research. This is AMAZING! Not only has not a single test found it to be carcinogenic, but test after tyest after test find that DNP actually ATTACKS cancer cells, and helps anti-cancer medications work better, and helps anti-leukemia medications work without destroying cell DNA, and suppresses tumor growth by 20-50%. The summaries are all right here, friends. Karma me up!
DNP is Ames negative, and does not promote tumors. See for yourself at http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/
http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/hlthef/dinitrop.html reports on health risks. While there have not been human studies, animal studies found no cancers caused by DNP administration. It is considered a toxin because it causes nausea, sweating, and weight loss.
http://www.cyberiron.com/drugs/dinitrophenol.html reports on halth risks from external exposue. In other words, don�t get it in your eyes, or on your skin if you�re allergic. Pretty elementary stuff.
http://www.ebec2000.com/abstracts/056.htm This animal study documents a 64% increase in metabolism. "These findings confirm that DNP effectively increases metabolic rate..." Duh.
http://www.zymed.com/pdf/04-xxxx/04-8300.pdf A PDF file about an antidote to DNP.
http://www.boehringer-ingelheim.es/...glesa/cap13.htm finds that DNP did not activate liver enzymes (MAT) associated with liver damage
"Comparative study of toxicity of 4-nitrophenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol in newborn and young rats." Koizumi M, Yamamoto Y, Ito Y, Takano M, Enami T, Kamata E, Hasegawa R. Division of Risk Assessment, National Institute of Health Sciences, 1-18-1 Kamiyoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8501, Japan. This study found that DNP can induce death in overdosed amounts, but that up to that point no toxicity was evident, nor were there any abnormalities in physical development.
"Phenol toxicity and conjugation in human colonic epithelial cells." Pedersen G, Brynskov J, Saermark T. Dept of Medical Gastroenterology, Herlev University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.. This study found that DNP has a toxic effect on cells of the colon, with "toxic" defined in two ways: first, it interfered with metabolism (this we know�it�s the intended effect of DNP users!) and second, it interfered with bowel inflammation (not a health risk. This is caused by osmotic effect, with the worst results being softened stools and gas).
"Mechanisms of bacterial resistance to macrolide antibiotics." Nakajima Y. Division of Microbiology, Hokkaido College of Pharmacy, 7-1 Katsuraoka-cho, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0264, Japan. This study found that antibiotic-resistant bacteria could be thwarted with DNP. "the extent of the accumulated drug in a resistant cell increases as much as that in a susceptible cell in the presence of an uncoupling agent such as�2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP)."
"Absence of Crabtree effect in human melanoma cells adapted to growth at low pH: reversal by respiratory inhibitors." Burd R, Wachsberger PR, Biaglow JE, Wahl ML, Lee I, Leeper DB. Departments of Radiation Oncology, Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas ****erson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107, USA. Check this out�DNP actually helps make melanoma tumors easier to attack by increasing ratio of oxygen consumption to lactic acid production, while glycolysis remains the same. "Therefore, tumor acute acidification and oxygenation can be achieved by exposure�"
"New insights in the cellular processing of platinum antitumor compounds, using fluorophore-labeled platinum complexes and digital fluorescence microscopy." Molenaar C, Teuben JM, Heetebrij RJ, Tanke HJ, Reedijk J. Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands. DNP is used as a control in tests of antitumor cells because it does NOT bind to cell DNA, nor promote tumors, yet its staining abilities enable tracking of the uptake of antitumor drugs.
Specific inhibition of breast cancer cells by antisense poly-DNP-oligoribonucleotides and targeted apoptosis." Ru K, Taub ML, Wang JH. Department of Biochemistry, State University of New York, Buffalo 14260-3000, USA Are you ready for this? DNP actually INHIBITS (!!!) breast cancers! Yes, not only does it NOT promote cancers, it�s being recognized as a cancer-fighter/blocker. "Two membrane-permeable and RNase-resistant antisense poly-2'-O-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-oligoribonucleotides (poly-DNP-RNAs) have been synthesized as inhibitors of human breast cancer�fluorescence assay indicates that the targeted antisense inhibition by poly-DNP-RNAs leads to apoptosis of SK-Br-3 cells but does not affect nontumorigenic MCF-10A cells. The control poly-DNP-RNAs with random or sense nucleotide sequence are completely inactive." Plain English? DNP can be synthesized as an anti-cancer compound, because tests show that it blocks mutagens but does NOT affect non-mutagenic (healthy) cells, and has no RNA effects on them.
"Heat shock protein induction by certain chemical stressors is correlated with their cytotoxicity, lipophilicity and protein-denaturing capacity." Neuhaus-Steinmetz U, Rensing L. Institute of Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, NW II University of Bremen, Germany. The thermic effect of DNP induces protein synthesis (heat shock protein, or HSP, synthesis). In fact, it�s quite GOOD at it: "ASA, DNP and CCCP induced HSP at lower concentrations than substances with a similar lipophilicity�"
"Comparative effects of the metabolic inhibitors 2,4-dinitrophenol and iodoacetate on mouse neuroblastoma cells in vitro." Andres MI, Repetto G, Sanz P, Repetto M. National Institute of Toxicology, Seville, Spain. In this study, DNP�s observed effect was an increase in metabolism (duh!), while the other toxins compared to it had harmful in vitro effects but no increase in metabolism.
"Inhibition of uncoupled respiration in tumor cells. A possible role of mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux." Gabai VL.Medical Radiology Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Obninsk. DNP not only does not cause tumors, but it inhibited their respiration by 20-25% compared to controls.
"Amsacrine-induced lesions in DNA and their modulation by novobiocin and 2,4-dinitrophenol." Shibuya ML, Buddenbaum WE, Don AL, Utsumi H, Suciu D, Kosaka T, Elkind MM. Department of Radiology and Radiation Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins 80523. In this study, researchers found that DNP abrogates�or disrupts�cytotoxicity in hamsters (using cancerous cells). They expected to find that DNP would interfere with anticancer treatments, but instead found that DNP increased their effects. They state, though, that they cannot claim a proven effect of DNP on anticancer treatments yet, although they do agree that treatment with DNP actually enhanced the effects of the DNA regenerative therapy of anticancer chemotherapy.
"Induction of endonucleolytic DNA cleavage in human acute myelogenous leukemia cells by etoposide, camptothecin, and other cytotoxic anticancer drugs: a cautionary note." Kaufmann SH. Oncology Center, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland 21205. The authors warn that certain anti-leukemia drugs resulted in "extensive DNA degradation." BUT (good ol� DNP to the rescue!), "Preincubation with dinitrophenol abolished the effect�"
"" Akhlynina TV, Buzhurina IM, Panov MA, Rozovskaia IA, Chernaia NG. DNP actually inhibits the synthesis of RNA in carcinoma cells. In other words, it helps cancerous cells commit suicide by neutering themselves. "Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis in the intact Ehrlich ascite carcinoma cells is selectively inhibited by papaverin (ED50 = 0.01 mM), 2,4-dinitrophenol (DPN; ED50 = 5 microM), and actinomycin D (ED50 = 0.1 microgram/ml)."
"Autocatabolism of surface macromolecules shed by human melanoma cells." Bystryn JC, Perlstein J. Cancer Res 1982 Jun;42(6):2232-7. This study finds that DNP helps melanoma cells die (autocatabolize) while other cells are unaffected.
http://www.geocities.com/byggdegstor/dnpforside - tons of research, including medical studies. Excerpts:
DNP does not cause liver damage: "Their analyses demonstrate, beyond a doubt, that the liver does not suffer any damage in the course of dinitro treatment." (Biological Study of Dinitro Drugs in Humans By Dr. Jacques Bell. Bell, Jacques. 1939. Etude biologique des produits dinitres chez l'homme. Medecine. 19:749-54. Translation � 1996 Robert Ames)
Also: "Experimental studies on animals do not show toxic effects of dinitrophenol on the kidney. Anatomical-pathological examinations of animals, even those which died from a massive dose of dinitrophenol, do not reveal any important anatomical changes, except a small degree of cytolysis. Clinical documents are not abundant, but, on the whole, do not seem to demonstrate that dinitrophenol is toxic for the kidneys."
"Dinitrophenol has almost no action on the blood cholesterol. (Grant and Schube)."
"it doesn't seem that dinitrophenol at usual clinical doses is likely to harm the kidneys."
"Dinitrophenol is remarkable for its absence of effect on the cardio-vascular system...dinitrophenol is absolutely devoid of toxicity for the heart."
"Dinitrophenol does not attack cell tissue albumin and does not determine the fat loss to the expense of the muscles, contrary to thyroxine."
"dinitrophenol offers this precious advantage that the cessation of its use at the slightest appearance of signs indicating an imminence of intoxication results immediately in the arrest of those symptoms." (Professor Pouchet)."
Interestingly, one medical theory on a health ADVANTAGE of DNP is that the slight increase in thermogenic temperature simulates the fever a body induces during a viral attack. The body increases itsheat to protect organs but kill viruses, and some theorize that DNP can do the same thing, thus killing viruses in the body. In this mechanism, DNP may have an immune-enhancing effect.
More DNP info. This was posted by ProLINE, but I believe it was originally written by Animal for those that have been in the game long enough to remember...
Why you might want to use DNP. Add some DNP to an animals diet. DNP can get metabolism up at least 50% which is conservative as some say 75%This would mean if the animal eats 3000calories maintenance they are now at 1500 calories a day with no change in diet! A 2500 calorie a day would leave them with 1250 calories a day. There are 4086 calories in 1lb of fat and at 3000 calories a day your DNP adjusted calories for the day is 1500. Multiply that x 7 days to give you 10500 calorie deficit which is 2.5 lbs of fat loss for the week. At the 2500 calorie you have a 2.14 lb fat loss. These are both below what the BO diets claim and you don't have to stop eating!
If your animals weigh around 200lbs their effective dose is 400mg and the max can be as high as 800mg a day.
High fat diets market on the basis that you are going to be able to lose 1.5-2lbsof fat by just changing your diet!
1 gram of fat is 9 calories. There are 454grams in a 1 pound. This gives you 4086 calories for 1lb of fat. If you want to lose that 1lb of fat you have to have a 4086 calorie deficit to do it. In other words, you need -4086calories in your diet if you want to lose 1 lb of fat. Now, Let's say you are at 3000 cal a day for maintenance. That is 21000 calories a week. You believe the marketing of the post above and think you can lose 1.5lbs of fat. That, my friends, is 6129 calories which you have to subtract from 21000 which leaves you with 14871 calories for the week or 2124 calories a day. You are going from 3000 to 2124 a day. If you want to lose that great sounding 2pounds you are now at 12828 for the week or 1832 calories a day.
Let's be realistic and put you at 2500maintenance calories. To lose 1.5lb you now need 11371 calories a week or 1624calories a day or a nearly 900 calorie a day change. To lose the magical 2lb aweek you need 9328 calories for the week or 1333 calories a day or a 1167calorie change per day! That is rather difficult, but let's add some DNP which can get you metabolism up at least 50%which would mean you are now at only 1500 calories a day for a 3000 calorie diet with no change in diet! A 2500calorie a day would leave you with 1250 calories a day.
These are both below what the BO diets claim and you don't have to stop eating!
What you want to keep in mind
Everyone is different.
Don't take it on an empty stomach or it will feel like you have indigestion for most of the day.
I wanted to stress not to just go balls out(5mg/kg) and you should move up gradually on DNP for your first experience.
If you have an allergic reaction with red spots and itching then stop the DNP and get some Benadryl and then you should be able to start again.
The type of diet will also affect how you feel, as well as the type of workouts you are doing. These are variables you also will have to figure out for yourself. The logic of my dieting regimen follows that while you are DNP all the glycogen/glucose is being scavenged to provide ATP for the mitochondria so you will want to eat a regular diet. High fat BO is not going to help you build muscle even though DNP is anti-proteolytic (protein sparing).. Furthermore, when you eat fat it is morelikely to go to fat! That is scientifically proven. So if I'm trying to burn fat, why would I want to eat it right back?
DNP is anti-proteolytic which means it uses carbohydrates or fats exclusively to supply energy for the mitochondria and does not facilitate muscle breakdown, however, this does not therefore mean DNP is positive for muscle building. The cells are running on overdrive and they are not going to be looking to make themselves bigger which requires even more energy.
Everyone is different and other supplements you take will affect your results, but as a whole, most people are not going to do well or feel well on high fat and DNP. I also have found that taking particular supplements helps with how will you feel while on the DNP.
I feel better when I don't do huge carbs, however, when I don't do any as in high fat type diets, my workouts suffer just the same. Each individual has to decide for themselves and put those factors into perspective with what their goals are and how fast they want to accomplish them and how bad they are willing to feel for the desired weight loss.
WARNING: DNP will turn everything and anything yellow including skin, clothes, carpet, and hair. I dropped a capsule in my DNP container and bent over to look for it and my hair touched the edge of the container and my hair got dyed yellow! My hair did not even touch the DNP, but just the side of the container for about 2 seconds! DNP for the most part is not removable or bleachable with normal chemicals. It will also track. By that I mean, you think you have washed it off your hands and you touch something and later you see yellow spots on what you touched. If you are making caps you need 2 pairs of gloves, at least, as the DNP goes through the first pair due to an atrraction it has for moisture. DNP sublimes and floats. Due to this sublimation it will land on EVERYTHING if you leave it out even if there is noair circulation. DNP goes through EVERYTHING including plastic, hdpe plastic, pet plastic, plastic bags, nitrile and latex gloves. It can be washed ou tof clothing with hot water and detergents that have phenolic compounds in them such as Tide. DNP is not solvated bylaquer thinner, acetone, paint thinner or turpentine or any of the common organic solvents. If you wash your hands immediately after touching DNP with gamma-butyrolactone, otherwise know as GBL and use to make GHB, and then a detergent such as Dawn dishwashing soap, the stain will come out for the most part.
I have to say that a certain guru which some people keep quoting is what I feel to be a very unreliable source. I will give him credit for bringing DNP to the forefront, but I will bet you a million bucks that he has never done it or mixed it. Here is a quote that bears this out; 'I don't see what the worry is about everything turning yellow? I have no problems, I just dry it out and cut it with a credit card and cap it.'
That is total BULLSHIT!. Anyone who has used or mixed DNP powder knows that it will get on EVERYTHING and turn it yellow. It goes through plastic bags. Just today I was sending someone3g for research and I put it into a ziploc and 2 hours later I came back and the envelope under the bag was YELLOW! It goes through 1 laver of rubber gloves. It turns white HDPE bottles yellow. It floats everywhere. I had to putmy stuff in a hood because it got on everything I had sitting out and I had to wash all my glassware and scales before I could use them again. DNP floats by sublimation which would be known just be reading the safety sheet or the MerckIndex.. On the basis of that statement alone I have some real problems believing anything he says on the subject, but another famous quote is, 'DNP will raise your body temp high enough to kill you!' This also proves that he has never done it because as you will find, your body temp only goes up about one degree. Ok, enough about the fake guru.
Someone just asked me if the shit I sent them was real. Well, if you want a test then rub it on your hands and throw some on your carpet. When your carpet has to be replaced because NOTHING can remove the yellow and you look like a total ass because your hands are bright yellow, then you can ask me if it is real!
Mostly people are taking DNP for 1 week at a time because it exhausts you and you sweat a lot, usually that is what I do, but due to my 'work' with DNP I got a dose while on an ECA week and that combination of DNP-ECA was like methamphetamine. In fact it was better because it had less side affects. I would venture that DNP-PPACA would also have the same methamphetamine effects. At this time I do not know, however, whether PPA works on the same receptor so I would not do them back to back in cycles. ECAY where Y is yohimbine is also a combination that has meth type benefits. Clen-DNP did not exert any magical meth benefits that I noticed.
Have not taken PPACA or PPACA-DNP or PPACAY.
Tyramine and yohimbine are awesome and someone that I hold using it was getting goosebumps and asked a pharmacologis what the goosebumps were about. Thepharmacologist told him that it meant he was burning a lot of calories. I love this combination and it is just like meth due to large releases of NA although it only lasts 4 hours or so.
DNP also 'upgrades' the effects of clen. If you have used clen before and it had/has stopped working, then DNP will bring back it's glory.
I like to keep the clen and DNP a week apart due to the affects they have on t3 although they work on different mechanism it is just a precaution to keep from shutting down the T3. You could add Y to it for an added benefit which will not cause downgrade of anything. Reports on DNP-Y indicate a higher rise in body temperature on this combination.
Due to the systemic affects of DNP, it affects EVERY cell in the body that has mitochondria, including smooth(digestive) and muscle and fat as well, you will not see a significant rise inbody temp like you see with clen or ECA. Clen and ECA work primarily on muscle cells and that causes a rise inbody temp just as if you were working out. I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for some to understand, but I was sweating like hell recently, and I took my temp and it was 95.8. ON DNP!
The basics first. DNP is a classified as a chemical poison. It's mode of action is to disrupt the ETC (electron transport chain) and cause uninhibited exchange of protons. This exchange of protons is what is responsible for making ADP into ATP. NOTHING can stop the disruption of this process once it starts. DNP works no matter what! High or low T3 has nothing to do with whether or not DNP affects the mitochondria and burns off extra energy. DNP gets into the cell and into the mitochondria and causes proton release. No other hormones are needed or noted.
Even so, it works in much the same way as clen or ECA or PPACA or thyroid. They ALL cause the metabolism to speed up. These all work via the mitochondria as well, although the non-DNP diet drugs work on the receptors first and DNP goes directly to the mitochondria the results are the same which is speeding up the metabolism to burn fat.
Some other important facts you should know are how ephedrine and beta-3 activation drugs work.
These both cause uncoupling of the ETC chain just like DNP! Ephedrin works part of its magic via beta-3's and much research has been done looking for a magic beta-3 drug. Why, we have it and it is called DNP! If you are sitting around and something is making you hotter, you are most likely experiencing an uncoupling of the ETC chain. No big deal, but DNP just causes a greater effect.
I knew there was a reason that you CANNOT die from DNP usage, at least the doses many are doing. I talked to a couple people about this but just couldn't find the info to prove it. Ok, so what does DNP do? It uncouples the ETC or oxidative phosphorylation as was elaborate upon above, allowing electron flow to go unchecked at maximal rate and resulting in heat production and ATP depletion.
ATP depletion is the key. What condition exists when you have totally exhausted all ATP and no more is being created? A very good instance we all know about is when you are dead and it is called 'rigor mortis'. Rigor mortis results because no more ATP is binding to the myosin head of the sarcomere in the muscle fibers.
So what does this have to do with us? No one has ever had rigor mortis on DNP or even severe cramping that has ever been documented. Furthermore, and to be more specific as to the uncoupler DNP, the electron gradient is collapsed and it runs unchecked at maximal as I have explained above, but as the gradient continues to increase electron transport becomes more difficult and the process SLOWS! Additionally, under very large artificially created electrochemical proton gradients, normal electron flow stops and may even result in
REVERSE electron transport flow!
All that was complicated and here is what it means. The respiration chain has a safety mechanism which allows for feedback controls to keep you from killing yourself. This is also another reason you will not want to do DNP for long periods. If you have taken enough as to create a large gradient the flow of electrons your burning of calories might even STOP! This will happen if you don't eat enough calories and appears to be more detrimental on a high fat type diet because as you will see below, glucose can ameliorate charge differentials in the mitochondria and at the cell surface while on DNP.
DNP works NO MATTER WHAT! It uncouples the electron transport train (ETC) and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Some have said it doesn't work after a small dose or only after taking DNP for 2 days or so. I think they are the same kind of person who would take a drink of beer and say, 'Oh, I'm not drunk so alcohol doesn't work'! Alcohol still affects your brain cells and hormone levels and slows down the metabolism. Just because you didn't drink enough to be drunk doesn't mean nothing happens!
DNP is anti-proteolytic. This means DNP does not break down protein via the mechanism through which DNP works. DNP is actually better for you than cardio because exercise is PROTEOLYTIC which in itself is another reason to not be doing a high fat diet. High fat diets and exercise both lower insulin and raise glucagon levels which cause breakdown of protein. It is a proven fact that 10-20% of energy from exercise comes from AA breakdown as well as release of glutamine from the cells. DNP burns calories and does not affect hormone levels. Someone said something about it causing ketosis which is likely if you don't eat any carbs but DNP is not, by itself going toaffect insulin levels like glucose disposal agents metformin or phenformin.
DNP is not going to be advantageous to muscle building. THIS DOES NOT DISAGREE WITH WHAT I WROTE ABOVE! It is anti-proteolytic via its mode of action, BUT if there is not enough energy in the cells to build muscle it ain't gonna happen. Again, diet is key.
DNP is one of the SAFEST drugs you can take!!!!! Why? Am I nuts?! I am basing this on DNP's mode of action. DNP has one purpose and mechanism and affects nothing else, but the mitochondria. DNP does not affect hormone levels as do clen, ECA, T3, etc. It has no side affects that you don't expect such as shakes or cramping. Compare DNP to some of the Drugs the FDA has approved and look at their side effects and then tell me what is safer!
After you read this study you need to ask yourself, need I say more? In the earlier paragraph on the mechanisms of DNP on the mitochondria I explained the safety mechanism which could keep DNP from being totally depleted of ATP. Some were saying ATP depletion would result in cell death. The study below illustrates another mechanism which I didn't know about. The crux of it can be summarized by this sentence: 'The failure to find a reduction in ATP concentration in either fibre type during prolonged exercise in the face of a progressive increase in the number of fibers showing little or no glycogen concentration suggests that protective mechanisms exist that prevent an energy crisis. The nature of these protective mechanisms remains to be elucidated. ' In other words,
When glycogen is gone there is a mechanism which keeps ATP from being depleted which is unknown at present
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rockfact · 2 years
tyest ^ yhts me
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