#two of them actually look like boys from the s2 warbler team as well
simplysummers · 2 years
Whats ur silliest headcanon?
That the guys from the ‘Hit me baby one more time’ number are warblers.
They aren’t, but they have the ties and similarly styled blazers, so in my brain they absolutely are.
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Plus I definitely wouldn’t put it past Rachel to call up boys from a showchoir she doesn’t know to accentuate her performance.
(Ignore the fact that this is a dream sequence)
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katyobsesses · 3 years
Katy!! if you want to, how about you rank glee competitions outfits (not necessarily new directions) <3
ooooo Myle!! This is a fun ask! Sorry I'm so late responding to it I've been away from my computer a lot this week and didn't have time to sit down and rank all of these!
I've put a little tier list thing together for the ND outfits here
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and the reasoning and actual ranking is under the cut (worst to best) as well as some images of my fave Non ND competition outfits :)
S6 Sectionals/Regionals:
I hate it. I understand the reasoning for it but I hate it. Flashbacks to Secondary school. I know just how uncomfortable these would be, how they dance in them I have no idea. Like they look cute but NO. Just no. You're McKinley students now Warblers, learn to wear other clothes. You can dress how you want now. You could have honored Dalton by wearing navy and red and not blazers. Apparently I really hate this competition look... I thought S2 Regionals would be the losers but...
S2 Nationals:
I actually almost forgot this one! I hate it <3 the little flower at the bust for the girls, the empire waist, the white ties for the boys, it looks like they're wearing two tone shoes too 🤢 I just... no. Obviously they chose these before Kurt came back from the Warblers... huh maybe that's why most of the S2 looks are terrible. They didn't have Kurt there to guide them. Maybe the reason the only good look in S2 is the sectional's one is because Kurt maybe helped out with ideas before he transferred. Anyway I hate this look. It's boring while being way too busy, but also just black... idk i hate it.
S2 Regionals:
I love the original songs, Loser Like Me is Iconic, and sure these outfits are also Iconic but not in a good way! Those dresses are terrible, they look like bad bridesmaid dresses and they're both shiny and completely creased and the three quarter leggings are a choice. (I love the shoes though) Also the boys are litterally just wearing black, at least wear a matching tie!
S1 Sectionals:
The Only reason this is ranked higher than the S2 Regionals is the lack of leggings. it's just boring and also I hate the flats the girls are wearing and the way the belts sit just under the bust on the girls.
S1 Regionals:
Yes, this is Iconic, sure but... I've always hated it. ALL of the girls look pregnant, not just Quinn, the beehive hairdo is a Choice, and I'm not a fan of halternecks. Also the colour gold isn't the prettiest shade, and I hate the texture on the dresses. (that being said the dresses really remind me of this one I was givn from my cousin when she was clearing out her closet that I wore once for a New Years Eve party with friends in maybe my first year of uni in 2014 (or maybe the year before) except mine was black and strapless)
S5 Nationals:
Is there a reason for the pink flowers? or the pink in general? Like are they meant to symbolise something? The dresses are cute but I'm not the biggest halterneck fan and I think it annoys me where the belt lies on them because it looks like the dress is meant to be an empire waist and then it's cut awkwardly by a ribbon. It's a cute dress, why do that? I love the petticoats and the fullness of the skirt, and the shoes are cute. I don't like the boy's outfits. why are they keeping them buttoned the entire time? it makes the fit of them look awkward! the last time they wore white blazers (S3 secionals) they unbuttoned them as they danced and the lines looked better. I hate that I don't really like these outfits because I love the setlist so much and it makes me cry everytime.
S3 Sectionals:
Love it! The boys look interesting and dynamic for once, i love the tuxs(?) a lot and Quinn and Tina look so good 😍 I love thier skirts so much and their shoeessss! Kurt and Blaine were definately the ones to push for everyone wearing bowties.
S2 Sectionals:
again with the three quarter length leggings... and all of them are different lengths too, i mean i know it's 2010 but like... no! But i love this anyway. I love the ombre look and the shoes are adorable. I also really like the burgandy shirts the boys are wearing.
S4 Sectionals:
I love the dresses and the shoes and the boys outfits are nice with the blazers with gold piping but the girls dresses are just inferior versions of the S3 Regionals dresses, though i do prefer the wider band at the waist I miss the red petticoat and the neckline isn't as pretty or flattering as the S3 regionals dress.
S6 Invitationals:
I love these looks so much! Finally switching up the shirt colours for the boys again instead of them in just black or white! it's such a pretty blue too and the shades of the dresses and the shirt match! I love the lace on the girl's dresses (i just recently rewatched this episode and was mezmerised by the dresses) and the strappy heals are really cute.
S4 Regionals:
😍 the girl's dresses are so so so so soooooo pretty! I love the purple and the little belt and the fullness of the skirt and the neckline and the black petticoat anahsdkaghk. and the shoes are so cute too. Great look!
The boys however 😬 I don't like it. Why cardigans? They look like they're wearing school uniforms and ugly ones at that. The cardigans are baggy on all of them! I would have preferred maybe a simple black shirt rolled up the the elbows and purple tie combo, OR just a purple shirt with sleaves rolled to the elbows (kinda like S2 sectionals) also their ties are ever so slightly lighter than the girl's dresses and that is really annoying me.
S3 Regionals:
Yes. just YES. I love the fullness of the skirts, I love the red petticoats for some McKinley High spirit, I love the gold accents at the neckline and the belt and the headband, the girls also have these cute shoes too. And then there's the boys with their all black with gold accents! I love that too! I maybe would have had them wearing something red - maybe the shirts, maybe the bow ties, maybe the suspenders - but I still love the look!
S3 Nationals:
The t-strap shoes 😍 I love the cute sort of vintage style the girls have with the shoes and the hair! I would have maybe added a red lip on all of the girls to complete the look, like Rachel has and maybe had rachel have her hair up too, but I guess she's the lead soloist so it makes some sence to make her stand out a bit from the other girls. I alo love these dresses. I think my favourite dresses are the ones where they have really full skirts. The boys are cute and I like the matching pop of red in the ties but I maybe would have lost the vests, personally, and maybe they should be wearing bowties to match the little bow on the girl's dresses. hmm maybe all black with red bowties and a red belt/cumberbund as an inverted look of the girls and also maybe long sleaves rolled to the elbow.
Non ND competition outfits I love:
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The Warblers!
Yes, their uniforms may uncomfortably remind me of my own School Uniform for Secondary (ours were red and black striped ties and solid black blazers with black skirts/trousers but close enough) but they are iconic 🥰
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Harmony and whatever her Show Choir was called.
I love the boy's outfits with the untied bowties, but most of all I love the girl's dresses and the slicked back hair and red lips. I wish Harmony had been a sort of antagonist in S4 like it seemed they were alluding too with her line of "I'm only a Sophmore" I love her.
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Vocal Adrenaline S2 Nationals
I think I just like it when the boys are wearing a coloured shirt, also these dresses are stunning and I remember wanting to find something like them for my Prom! (my Prom dress was kinda like these but long and one shoulder and not as poofy) - I also like the bohemian rhapsody look for the guys i just don't like the girl's dresses much
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The Rainbow Connection dudes:
I hope they had more members than in this image... that is not a regulation team. BUT I love the fact that they look like butlers.
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John Baptiste and his Show Choir:
Yes. the girls poofy dresses, the boys colourful suits, the costume change. just yes. these guys understand show choir. (however the turquoise of the girls dresses with the blue of the boys is annoying me)
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S6 The Falconeers (or whatever)
I mean... they had falcons with them, plus cute turquoise dresses with sparkles, what's not to like!?
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Vocal Adrenaline S6 Invitationals:
These guys went all out, I mean it's hideous but... wow
(that's all that's coming to my head in terms of Non ND outfits but a lot of the time they were better than NDs lol)
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