twitchesandstitches · 4 years
on the necessity of cruelty
sl“Die in joy!” shrieked a chimerical assembly of armor and stabby things, wading into the crowd. “Die in pleasure! Let the blood flow, show me yours!”
The defenders took point as it and the other fae advanced from the corridor, shieking and laughing with voices that rang like bells, an empty and wild glee in eyes bubbling out from their skulls as they lost hold of the idea of pretending to look approachable; first they had been beautiful and grand in their fashion, unsettling though it was, but now in the spirit of slaughter and bloodshed, they couldn’t decide what to be, and the emptiness inside them shone forth.
Tiashar stomped forwards, her heavy arms thrust forwards as their swords came down. They bit deep into her black flesh, and bounced right off, her body’s soft surface absorbing the damage and bouncing it right back. “Get behind me! Hurry!” The others did so, huddling behind her as her tail bulb hovered over their heads, its lips spread wide and sliding over them. Her tail convulsed as her bulb swallowed them all, into the secondary bellies in her tail.
There. Now nothing could get to them. The urge to protect pulsed in her, an overriding and demanding obsession; she turned towards the first fae soldier, the one who had spoken before. “Face me as an honorable warrior!” It demanded.
Beside Tiashar, a behemoth of a woman at nearly ten feet though a little over half Tiashar’s own size, was Angilaka. Her good natured face was hidden behind a helmet like a snarling beast’s jaws, her body made even bigger in an exoskeleton-powered suit of spiky armor. It was a brutal, cruel thing, something ideal for slaying things that embodied doom itself. She raised her fists, the knuckles bladed and electrified, and retorted, “You bastards don’t know the first thing about honor!” She swung a fist, and the things head crumbled before the divine energies in her punch.
It got back up, even so, and started coming. “Die die die!” It sang.
Tiashar simply stepped on him. In truth, she had many options; she could have telekinetically flung him, she could have blasted him with her own radiant beam attacks, or even swallowed him whole, but she didn’t feel it. Metal crumbled beneath her foot, and then, there was a whimper of something like pain, even if only a guess at it.
It wasn’t real. She knew it. This was just a patchwork of nightmares and fleeting moments of bloodlust. It was a true monster, a thing with an empty void where a heart could have been and stitching stolen scraps of mortal concepts around itself like a mask to be bigger, to be scarier and worse than it could be on its own. It wasn’t alive. It was hateful and cruel and hurt things for fun, it needed to be put down.
she knew this, intellectually. Nonetheless, when she heard that whimper, she froze up, and she haltered.
The whimper intensified. Her foot, slimy and three-toed and like a combination of a frog’s fot and a sauropod’s, instinctively raised back, away.
A knife plunged into her ankle, instantly. Angilaka rushed forward, pulling it out and whipping it into the creature’s head; she pulled it out, and Tiashar shut her eyes in revulsion as she heard the disgustingly wet noises of Angilaka ripping it in half.
She didn’t stop there. Tiashar tried not to listen. The splattering noises... the heavy noises like wet things hitting walls and fits... her pummeling and slamming and yelling after it was already dead.
Then, a few solitary grunts, and the dropping of a dead carcass.
Tiashar opened all four of her current set of eyes. The other fae, alarmed (and aroused) at the remnants of their fellow warrior now spread all over the floor and now Angilaka’s front, turned back the way they came, no doubt to wait for a day when she wasn’t on duty.
Angilaka herself, was not paying attention. She checked Tiashar’s foot, examining the thick webbed bits across her relatively short toes, examining it for any blood. “Are you okay? Could have sworn that guy got you pretty good.”
“Uh... no...” Tiashar said slowly, the words coming out slow and uneven.
Angilaka stood up. She looked almost sad. “...Tia. You can’t hold back against these things. They won’t show you any mercy, and they don’t understand the concept in the first place.”
Tiashar bowed her head. “...I know.”
Angilaka patted her leg. She knew Tiashar didn’t sound too convincing. “It’s hard to accept. But sometimes, you have to be a worse monster than who you’re fighting.”
Angilaka went off, marching ominously and vanishing into the dark to keep up her grim, bloody work. The sound of blood dripping from her followed even long after she was gone from sight.
Tiashar watched her go, numbly. Eventually she sat down, swing her massive tail around, and tightly hugged the huge lump of the people she was protecting with her body.
They hugged her back. It made her feel a little better.
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
Since she’s been brought up, here’s a brief rundown of one of my older OCs, Angilaka
A bombastic and cheerful paladin from a post-apocalyptic land of giant amazons, able to serve as a leader and champion!
Name: Angilaka; her people typically have single names. Their equivalent to surnames are simply geneological records and do not translate easily.
Appearance: A fearsomely large and powerful Inuit woman, Angilaka has a case of the ‘looks like a deadly warrior but is a total sweetheart after about five seconds’ vibe. Extremely large, her basic body has powerful amazonian features; broad shoulders, a muscular and beefy built lines with scars from her rough life and geometric tattoos that may be tied to her paladin abilities.
Her hair is long, white and usually shaved completely on one side of her head, with the remainder worn over on shoulder. She’s very solidly built, thick and has very large breasts/hip proportions. The key look is amazon; she’s not hyper muscular, but she IS beefy and looks built like a truck. Has a lot of piercings on her eyebrows, nose and ears. Generally wears green clothing, with a tendency towards looser outfits, and is a bit of a fashionista. Her skin is a dark shade of brown.
Angilaka comes from a population of human remnants who were mutating towards progressively bigger, more powerful forms, and she likely qualifies as a ogre-variant human. Accordingly, she can grew short but thick claws and her teeth are notably sharp, but she otherwise seems to be an ordinary, if very large, human woman.
Height: She stands roughly 12ft tall even without any power boosts. In Crossthicc speciically, she is somewhere around 40ft with a bit of decent power behind her, but she can grow much larger; assume several hundred feet at her max for brief bursts.
Backstory: Angilaka comes from a colony of humans that survived the Cataclysm, but as their technology failed and magic flooded their world with unpredictable disasters and monsters, they adapted by becoming survivalists and working out how their new home functioned, and learned how to live in such a way that it accomodated them. They grew larger over time, becoming proto-ogre variants, and developed peaceful ties with neighbors who came to the world.
Angilaka grew interested in the outside world and began to explore it, traveling to distant space habitats and ancient ruins to learn more. At some point, she became a devout believer in an unspecified religion (it may differ, depending on continuity), and trained as a paladin to channel holy powers on their behalf to protect the weak and better the world. She tends to drift around from place to place, doing Good as she can best interpret.
Personality: Outwardly a bombastic and loud woman, she’s a cheerful braggart who announces herself with emphatic gestures, doesn’t so much enter a room as crash into it, and just plain loves a chance to mix it up. This is belied by a surprisingly thoughtful and patient mindset. She is very deliberative and a surprisingly good diplomat. Her performative boastfulness may literally be a performance, as she watches, and waits, and makes her private judgments.
She can be surprisingly cynical, in her more honest moments, believing that people inevtiably screw up everything around them. Nevertheless, she still works to help others and repair the world, because if you can choose to do so, what right do you have to make any other choice? She has a very low threshold for bullshit, though, and upon spotting a problem, will take the most efficient route to dealing with it; sometimes, this includes breaking a tyrant in half before his entire court. She does not care!
Abilities: A skilled combatant with an expertise in fighting with her bare hands, with a hint of acrobatic wrestling moves. Her divine powers allow her to infuse holy energy into herself to a variety of effects. In general, she becomes absurdly strong beyond her normal limits for brief moments, has demonstrated the ability to armor herself against damage provided it is from an evil source, and she can heal others or repair damage around her. Her powers do exceptional damage to evil things, to the point that the malicious find her presence deeply uncomfortable, and artworks depicting abhorrent concepts tend to decay around her.
She can do things like jump incredibly high and crash down with tremendous speed (Sort of like platformer action, but played realistically), fire bolts of holy light by punching at them really intensely, and scan people to determine the weight of moral failure upon them. (It’s not very reliable and she tends not to employ it as a ‘who do i smite’ sense.) She is also a very adept healer; mostly through personal touch (her kisses literally make you better), but drinking her milk or being near her when she radiates her power can also suffice.
Pred Level: Fairly low. She’s not terribly interested in vore situations, herself. She’s not opposed to it in order to dispose of a problematic relic or a vicious enemy, but she doesn’t deliberately seek it out.
Prey level: Moderate. She’s fine with being gulped, but evil beings trying to swallow her are in an extremely bad position; her powers DO work from that point, and trying to swallow a paladin can result in an evil belly being incinerated from the inside out. She CAN heal you if you are not evil, and may choose to be swallowed to do so.
Relevant Themes: She’s mainly a big, cute giant girl; her being super busty and milky (with various applications based on her divine powers) wouldn’t go amiss. She’s a rowdy, powerful heroine who is a lot more thoughtful than she lets on, too. Probably fairly lusty, and may even have taken a vow to ‘assist’ others with such urges as part of whatever deity she follows.
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
have a vague idea for a plot featuring some of my older OCs and using them in a new context with my newer ones:
The Pequod Society, an organization centered around hunting down dangerous elritch monsters and harvesting them, is gaining power and influence, and beginning to harvest things specifically to empower its members and give them eternal life, even when the monsters in question are harmless. To this end, an internal affairs agent from a sister organization of paladin-types has been sent to make sure they have not gone rogue, and to take down the leadership if they have.
This agent is Audrey; a robot paladin who was once a drone to a larger hive-mind, and is slowly dying from his bodily functions shutting down one by one. He expects this to be his final case and reacts accordingly.
In the Pequod Society, our primary antagonist is Edhitha, an asari who has been converted into a being of living star-matter, incredibly strong and with powerful explosive abilities, and she may have gained these powers here from consuming eldritch monster materials. She has set her sights on Tiashar, for whatever reason; she is an Ahab analogue here, and Tia is her Moby Dick, and Edhitha is trying to persuade the Society to help her kill Tiashar and harvest her, all in order so Edhitha CAN kill her.
Edhitha has developed an obsession with Tia after a previous encounter; it is somewhere between the need to win by killing her, and a final rapturous confrontation; she wants a finish. She wants to kill Tia and wear her bones as jewelery, or she wants to be killed by Tia and devoured by her, a perfect and fitting ending for either of them. One of them lives, one of them dies. It is how it must be, Edhitha proclaims with a wild gleam in her eye. Either she kills a monster, or the monster takes her down.
She has a plan, and has discovered a deadly weapon created in ancient times: a blade with an edge that neutralizes magical energies, able to cut through any barrier and overcome even Tiashar’s incredible healing powers. With this, she believes she can kill her.
Audrey investigates, and concludes that 1. Tia is no danger. and 2. she is in need of help. He finds a way to contact her, and tries to think of some way to warn her and her friends of the plot.
Among other allies Audrey brings is a fearsome but friendly orc mercenary named Gritzgrotz who used to work for the Society before it started to dovetail, a transgirl broodmother super scientist code-named Brainlord who left the Society and accidentally created a power vacuum, and an incredibly terrifying and brutal antiheroine who slaughters villains in gruesomely memorable ways... who proves to be a friendly amazon named Angilaka, who has some past history with Edhitha in the first place and wants to crush her like a bug.
Tia’s role in this story, besides the focal point, has shades of a damsel being pursued by hostile threats in a noir story, with Audrey as the detective
(Feel free to ask me about any of these characters if they interest you!)
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
Noria 🤝 Angilaka 🤝 Host.
for those unaware, Angilaka is an older OC I haven’t used outside of one particular crossover/fusion fic from years ago, but talks with Heimko here have given me some ideas for bringing her back: here is a pic of here, with a source to my pic in question:
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source! Also pictured with her is an earlier form of my ork boy, Gritzgrots, and one of my robot OCs, Pantsman Audrey, infamous for his obsessive thing about his terrible pants.)
They make a great trio and are probably in a polyship, and contrast very well due to their respective temperments. Noria has a good heart but she can be abrasive, and is probably not much for forethought. Angilaka is a rowdy and loud gal, but she is surprisingly thoughtful and tends to deliberate before actually acting. And finally Host is the calmest and most introspective of them all, filtering her thoughts through dozens if not hundreds of minds before doing anything.
As a result, they balance out well. Noria provides a momentum that the others lack on their own, Host keeps them all thinking clearly before doing anything, and Angilaka provides moderation between their very different view points, as well as soothing the conflicts between their various personalities.
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
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Happy Birthday! Have a pic drawn by invertedmindinc / inverted-mind-inc-sideblog, featuring Noria and Angilaka! :D
Twitchy thoughts: ohh, nice!! It’s really great to see Angilaka, as I haven’t actually used her in much of anything for years now, and i feel a bit motivated to bring her back? she pairs off well with Noria here, and the size difference is just really cute!
plus, Angilaka’s whole personality is conveyed in her expression, i love that
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