#twilio video pricing
mahi85sharma · 1 month
Consider Which Way to Go After Twilio Video’s Exit
As businesses navigate the changing landscape of communication technology in the wake of Twilio’s Video API exit, EnableX emerges as a leading alternative, offering a versatile, reliable, and cost-effective solution to meet their video communication needs. With its advanced features, developer-friendly integration, and wide range of use cases, EnableX empowers businesses to revolutionize their video communication.
Get started with EnableX Video API
Key Considerations When Choosing a Video API Provider:
Reliability and Scalability: Video communication services demand unwavering reliability to ensure seamless experiences for users. Look for providers with proven track records in uptime, robust infrastructure, and the ability to handle traffic spikes effortlessly.
Feature Richness: Beyond basic video calling, consider features like screen sharing, recording, real-time transcription, noise cancellation, and AI-powered enhancements. A feature-rich API empowers you to build highly engaging and interactive video experiences.
Security and Compliance: Data security and privacy are paramount. Choose a provider that prioritizes user data protection, adheres to industry regulations, and offers robust security features like end-to-end encryption.
Ease of Integration and Use: A well-documented API with SDKs for various platforms and clear tutorials streamlines integration and saves development time. Look for providers offering developer-friendly resources and comprehensive support.
Cost and Pricing Structure: Understand the pricing model upfront, considering your usage requirements and budget. Opt for transparent pricing and flexible plans that scale with your needs.
Why Choose EnableX: The Best Video API Provider
EnableX has established itself as a reliable and forward-thinking video API provider, exceeding expectations in key areas:
Unwavering Reliability and Scalability: We have a robust infrastructure with a proven track record of uptime and scalability, ensuring your video experiences run smoothly even during peak usage periods.
Feature-Packed API: Our Video API goes beyond basic calling, offering features like screen sharing, recording, AI-powered noise suppression, real-time transcription, meeting summarization, and more. These features empower you to create truly immersive and interactive video experiences.
Uncompromising Security and Compliance: We take data security seriously, adhering to industry-leading standards and regulations. End-to-end encryption, secure infrastructure, and robust access controls ensure your data remains protected.
Developer-Friendly Approach: We provide comprehensive documentation, SDKs for various platforms, and dedicated support to ensure a smooth integration experience. Additionally, their Low Code Visual Builder streamlines video call app development for novice developers.
AI-Powered Enhancements: We incorporate cutting-edge AI features like real-time transcription, noise suppression, and toxicity detection, making video interactions more inclusive, efficient, and secure.
Flexible and Transparent Pricing: We offer transparent pricing plans tailored to different usage needs and budgets. You can try their API for free and scale your plan as your application grows.
Migration Guide From Twilio To EnableX: Web SDK
Migration Guide From Twilio To EnableX: Android SDK
Migration Guide From Twilio To EnableX: IOS SDK
Exploring the EnableX Video API Offering:
Our Video API opens doors to a world of possibilities, empowering you to:
Seamlessly integrate video calling into your applications and websites: Connect with customers, employees, or team members across various channels, including video, voice, and SMS.
Reduce costs: Eliminate travel expenses and office space needs with virtual meetings, training sessions, and remote collaboration.
Increase sales and engagement: Enhance customer interaction and satisfaction with personalized video interactions, demonstrations, and virtual consultations.
Next-generation AI-powered features: Leverage real-time transcription, noise suppression, toxicity detection, and meeting summarization to enhance accessibility, clarity, and efficiency.
Multi-party video conferencing: Host dynamic conferences, webinars, and virtual gatherings with ease, fostering collaboration and engagement.
Customizable user interfaces: Tailor the video call experience to your brand identity and user preferences.
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EnableX Video API Use Cases:
Virtual Meetings & Collaboration: Enhance remote teamwork and communication with real-time video interactions.
Telehealth & Remote Consultations: Deliver seamless and personalized healthcare experiences through secure video consultations.
Education & Virtual Classrooms: Create engaging and interactive learning environments for students and educators alike.
Customer Support & Engagement: Offer personalized customer support with face-to-face video interactions, building stronger relationships.
Live Events & Webinars: Host immersive live events and webinars with real-time engagement features.
EnableX Video API Benefits
Improved User Engagement: Video communication fosters a sense of community and connection, leading to higher user engagement and satisfaction.
Streamlined Communication: Real-time video interactions facilitate quicker decision-making, problem-solving, and collaboration.
Reduced Costs: Eliminate travel expenses and office space requirements with remote communication and collaboration.
Enhanced Customer Service: Provide personalized and efficient customer support through video interactions, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Increased Sales: Display products and services more effectively with live video demonstrations and virtual tours, leading to increased sales opportunities.
With its comprehensive features, AI-powered enhancements, developer-friendly tools, and cost-effectiveness, EnableX emerges as a strong alternative in the wake of Twilio’s video exit. Whether you are looking to enhance your application’s capabilities, improve communication within your team, or deliver exceptional customer service, EnableX offers a compelling solution worth exploring.
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singh456 · 2 months
Your Top 10 Twilio Video Alternatives in 2024
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In the dynamic realm of real-time communication and video conferencing, the search for reliable alternatives to Twilio Video has led to the emergence of diverse platforms and APIs. As we navigate through 2024, businesses and developers are exploring a wide array of options to enhance their digital communication experiences. Let's delve into the top 10 Twilio alternatives, including the notable addition of EnableX, and uncover the innovative solutions shaping the future of real-time collaboration.
1. Agora
Agora emerges as a frontrunner in the real-time engagement landscape, offering a comprehensive platform for voice, video, messaging, and live streaming. Its robust APIs empower developers to seamlessly integrate interactive communication features into applications, ensuring scalability and high-quality experiences.
2. Vonage Video API
Vonage Video API, previously known as TokBox, provides a versatile toolkit for embedding live video, voice calling, and messaging functionalities. With a focus on customization and reliability, Vonage's SDKs empower developers to create immersive communication experiences tailored to their specific needs.
3. WebRTC
WebRTC, an open-source project revolutionizing real-time communication, continues to be a prominent choice for developers. Its peer-to-peer architecture, coupled with support for audio, video, and data sharing, enables seamless integration of communication capabilities into web and mobile applications.
4. Zoom Video SDK
Zoom's Video SDK offers a robust infrastructure for integrating video conferencing features directly into applications. With features like HD video, screen sharing, and virtual backgrounds, Zoom empowers developers to deliver seamless and engaging communication experiences to users.
5. Amazon Chime SDK
Amazon Chime SDK provides developers with tools for adding video and audio calling, screen sharing, and chat functionalities to applications. Leveraging Amazon's cloud infrastructure, developers can build scalable and reliable communication solutions tailored to their business requirements.
6. EnableX
EnableX stands out as a powerful alternative for real-time communication, offering a suite of APIs for video calling, messaging, and collaboration. Its features include multi-party video conferencing, screen sharing, and interactive whiteboards, making it a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking robust communication capabilities.
7. Twilio Flex
Twilio Flex, while known for its omnichannel contact center capabilities, also includes video and voice functionalities. This makes it a versatile option for businesses looking for a unified platform for customer engagement across multiple channels, including real-time video communication.
8. Microsoft Azure Communication Services
Azure Communication Services by Microsoft offers a range of communication APIs, including video calling, chat, and SMS. Integrated with Azure's cloud services, developers can leverage Microsoft's security and scalability features to build secure and reliable communication solutions.
9. Google Cloud Communications APIs
Google Cloud's suite of communication APIs enables developers to integrate voice and video calling, messaging, and telephony features into their applications. With Google's infrastructure and AI capabilities, developers can create intelligent communication experiences for their users.
10. Kurento
Kurento is an open-source WebRTC media server that provides advanced features for real-time video processing and streaming. Developers can leverage Kurento's capabilities to build custom video applications with functionalities like recording, transcoding, and augmented reality overlays.
In conclusion, the landscape of Twilio Video alternatives in 2024 offers a diverse range of platforms and APIs that cater to the evolving needs of businesses and developers. Whether it's enhancing customer engagement, enabling remote collaboration, or creating immersive communication experiences, these alternatives provide innovative solutions that drive connectivity and productivity in the digital age. Embracing these alternatives opens doors to endless possibilities in real-time communication and collaboration.
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aisha-kalra · 2 months
Choose the Right Way in the Wake of Twilio's Video Exit
In the aftermath of Twilio's departure from the video market, businesses and developers are tasked with finding a new Twilio video migration platform that aligns with their needs and objectives. This blog delves into critical considerations and key variables to help you navigate this transition effectively.
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Importance of Video Performance and Stability Video performance and stability are paramount in ensuring a seamless user experience. Factors such as video quality, latency, and reliability play a significant role in maintaining engagement and satisfaction levels. Look for a platform that offers robust infrastructure, advanced codecs, and adaptive streaming capabilities to deliver high-quality video content consistently across devices and network conditions.
Flexibility and Customization Preferences Every business has unique requirements and preferences when it comes to video communication. Consider whether you prioritize flexibility and customization options in a platform. This includes the ability to tailor features, user interfaces, and branding elements to reflect your company's identity and meet specific use cases. Look for platforms with extensive API support, SDKs, and developer tools that enable seamless integration and customization.
Evaluating Live Streaming's Role in Your Strategy Live streaming has become an integral part of many businesses' communication strategies, offering real-time engagement and interaction opportunities. Determine the importance of live streaming in achieving your goals. Look for platforms that provide robust live streaming capabilities, including support for multiple streaming protocols, adaptive bitrate streaming, real-time analytics, and audience engagement features like chat, polls, and Q&A sessions.
Additional Variables to Consider In addition to the core considerations mentioned above, several other variables can influence your decision-making process: • Scalability: Assess the platform's scalability to accommodate your growing user base and increasing video traffic demands. Look for scalable infrastructure and flexible pricing plans that align with your growth trajectory. • Security: Prioritize platforms that offer comprehensive security features, such as end-to-end encryption, access controls, secure APIs, and compliance with industry standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). Security is crucial in protecting sensitive data and maintaining user trust. • Cost and Pricing Structure: Consider the cost-effectiveness of the platform, including subscription plans, pricing tiers, usage-based fees, and any additional charges for premium features or services. Evaluate the total cost of ownership (TCO) over time to ensure it fits within your budget constraints. • Developer Support and Community: Evaluate the level of developer support, documentation, resources, and community engagement offered by the platform. A robust developer ecosystem can expedite integration, troubleshooting, and innovation efforts. • Integration Capabilities: Assess how well the platform integrates with your existing systems, applications, and third-party services. Look for Video APIs, webhooks, pre-built integrations, and compatibility with popular tools and frameworks to streamline workflows and enhance functionality. Conclusion Choosing the right video communication platform post Twilio's exit requires a thorough assessment of critical factors such as video performance, flexibility, live streaming capabilities, security, cost, developer support, and integration capabilities. By carefully evaluating these variables and aligning them with your business goals and user needs, you can make an informed decision that ensures a seamless and effective video communication experience for your organization.
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technologiesgtg · 4 months
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Twilio, a leading cloud communications platform that assist in empowering businesses with APIs for voice, messaging, video and more more. With the help of this automated cloud communication platform, you can drive a seamless customer engagement and generate a great brand building of your product and services.
However, for those who are seeking for a adoptable Twilio alternative, platforms like Nexmo, Plivo, and Sinch offer similar capabilities at affordable prices.
Nexmo boasts global reach and robust APIs, while Plivo provides scalable voice and messaging services. Sinch offers omnichannel communication tools with innovative and incredible features.
Evaluating these twilio alternatives allow businesses to tailor their communication strategies effectively in very less timing. Whether it's API reliability, pricing flexibility, or feature richness, exploring Twilio alternatives ensures businesses find the right fit for their communication needs, fostering enhanced customer experiences and operational efficiency.
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vanshika393 · 9 months
Communications Platform as a Service CPaaS Market- Future Growth Prospects for the Global Leaders
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The latest market report published by Credence Research, Inc. “Global Communications Platform as a Service CPaaS Market: Growth, Future Prospects, and Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2028. The global Communications Platform as a Service CPaaS Market has witnessed steady growth in recent years and is expected to continue growing at a CAGR of 29.70% between 2023 and 2030. The market was valued at USD 12.1 Billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 74.7 Billion in 2030.
Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) refers to a cloud-based platform that allows developers to add real-time communication features to their own applications without needing to build backend infrastructure and interfaces. Essentially, CPaaS provides a set of APIs, SDKs, and other development tools that facilitate voice, video, messaging, and other communication functionalities directly into software applications, websites, and services.
Key characteristics of CPaaS include:
Cloud-based architecture: CPaaS platforms are typically hosted in the cloud, allowing for scalability, flexibility, and rapid development and deployment of communication features.
API-driven: These platforms offer APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) which developers can use to integrate communication services into their applications.
Multichannel capabilities: CPaaS solutions usually support a variety of communication channels such as voice, video, SMS, chat, and more.
Flexible and scalable: Since they're cloud-based, CPaaS platforms can be easily scaled up or down based on the demands of the application or the number of users.
Here are some key recommendations:
Assess Your Communication Needs:
Begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your organization's communication requirements. Identify the channels (voice, SMS, video, chat, email) you need and the specific use cases (customer support, marketing, sales, etc.) for which CPaaS will be used.
Choose the Right CPaaS Provider:
Select a CPaaS provider that aligns with your organization's goals and requirements. Consider factors like service reliability, security features, scalability, compliance with data regulations, and pricing models. Request references and case studies from potential providers.
Prioritize Security and Compliance:
Ensure that the CPaaS provider has robust security measures in place to protect sensitive data. Verify their compliance with relevant data protection and privacy regulations, especially if you operate in multiple regions.
Integration Planning:
Evaluate how well the CPaaS solution integrates with your existing software and systems. A seamless integration can streamline workflows and enhance productivity. Prioritize providers that offer APIs and SDKs for customization.
Some of the major players in the market and their market share are as follows:
Infobip Ltd.
Bandwidth Inc.
IntelePeer Cloud Communications LLC
Plivo Inc.
Twilio Inc.
8×8 Inc.
Vonage America LLC
Avaya Inc.
Browse 247 pages report Communications Platform as a Service CPaaS Market By Component (Solution, Service) By Enterprise Size (Large Enterprise, SMEs)-Growth, Future Prospects & Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2030 - https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/communications-platform-as-a-service-cpaas-market
Here are some top report findings and trends:
Integration and APIs: CPaaS providers were focusing on offering robust application programming interfaces (APIs) to facilitate easy integration with business applications and services. This allowed businesses to embed communication capabilities into their existing workflows.
Omnichannel Communication: The shift towards omnichannel communication was a notable trend. CPaaS platforms were offering a wide range of communication channels, including SMS, voice, video, email, and chat, to enable businesses to engage with customers on their preferred channels.
AI and Automation: Many CPaaS providers were incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and automation capabilities into their platforms. This included chatbots, virtual assistants, and AI-driven analytics to improve customer interactions and streamline communication processes.
Security and Compliance: Security remained a top concern for businesses using CPaaS solutions. Providers were investing in enhanced security features and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations to address these concerns.
Key segments
By Industry Vertical
IT and Telecom
Government and Public Sector
By Component
By Enterprise Size
Large Enterprise
Why to Buy This Report-
The report provides a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the global Communications Platform as a Service CPaaS Market by segments, current trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and market dynamics with the historical period from 2016-2020, the base year- 2021, and the projection period 2022-2028.
The report includes information on the competitive landscape, such as how the market's top competitors operate at the global, regional, and country levels.
Major nations in each region with their import/export statistics
The global Communications Platform as a Service CPaaS Market report also includes the analysis of the market at a global, regional, and country-level along with key market trends, major players analysis, market growth strategies, and key application areas.
Browse Complete Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/communications-platform-as-a-service-cpaas-market
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Browse Our Blog – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/communications-platform-service-cpaas-market-expected-vanshika-shukla
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enablexio · 10 months
Exploring the Realm of Video Call API Pricing
Unveil the intricacies of Enablex video call API pricing as we delve into the realm of options, costs, and factors to consider. Discover the best choices for your needs and empower your communication.
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Video Call API Pricing
In this digital age, video communication has become a cornerstone of connectivity. As individuals, businesses, and organizations seek seamless and interactive ways to connect, video call APIs have emerged as a vital tool. However, with a plethora of options available, the question of "What is the best video call API pricing?" arises. In this article, we embark on a journey to uncover the depths of video call API pricing, exploring the intricacies and options that can empower your communication endeavors.
Unveiling the Options: A Multitude of Video Call API Providers
As the demand for video communication grows, so does the array of options for video call APIs. A diverse range of providers offers varying features, functionalities, and pricing structures. The key lies in finding the right fit for your specific needs. From giants like Zoom and Microsoft Teams to specialized providers like Agora and Twilio, the choices are abundant. To navigate this landscape effectively, understanding the core offerings and costs is essential.
Factors Influencing Pricing: Delving Deeper
The perplexity of video call API pricing arises from the multitude of factors that influence it. Burstiness in pricing structures can be attributed to considerations such as.
1. Usage Volume
The frequency and scale of your video calls play a pivotal role in determining pricing. Providers often offer tiered plans that cater to different levels of usage.
2. Features and Functionalities
Different providers offer a varying set of features, ranging from basic video calling to advanced options like screen sharing, recording, and real-time translation. The level of functionality you require can impact the pricing tiers you choose.
3. Scalability
As your communication needs evolve, the ability to scale seamlessly becomes crucial. Providers may offer flexible pricing structures that accommodate growth while ensuring cost-effectiveness.
4. Quality and Reliability
The quality of video and audio transmission, as well as the overall reliability of the API, can influence pricing. Higher quality often comes at a premium.
Navigating the Pricing Models: Subscription vs. Pay-as-You-Go
Among the burstiness of options, two primary pricing models emerge: subscription-based and pay-as-you-go. These models offer distinct advantages based on your usage patterns and budget.
Subscription Based Pricing
A subscription model offers a fixed monthly or annual fee in exchange for a predetermined set of features and usage limits. This model is suitable for businesses with consistent communication needs, as it provides predictability in costs.
Pay-as-You-Go Pricing
For those seeking flexibility and burstiness in their usage, pay-as-you-go pricing is a compelling option. With this model, you pay only for the services you use, making it ideal for sporadic or fluctuating communication requirements.
The Best Video Call API Providers-
Let's take a closer look at some of the prominent players in the realm of video call APIs and their pricing structures.
1. Zoom
Zoom offers a pay-as-you-go model with competitive pricing, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. Its comprehensive feature set and user-friendly interface add to its appeal.
2. Microsoft Teams
As part of the Microsoft 365 suite, Teams provides robust video call capabilities. Its pricing is bundled within the suite's subscription plans, offering a holistic solution for businesses.
3. Agora
Agora stands out with its customizable pricing options, catering to diverse usage scenarios. Its strong focus on scalability and reliability makes it a contender worth considering.
4. Twilio
Twilio's pay-as-you-go pricing and extensive developer tools make it a favorite among developers. Its versatile API allows for integration into various applications.
Crafting the Perfect Communication Strategy.
Amidst the burstiness of options and perplexity of pricing structures, crafting the right communication strategy becomes paramount. To guide your decisions, consider the following:
1. Define Your Needs
Assess your communication requirements, including the number of participants, features needed, and expected usage volume. This clarity will help you narrow down the options.
2. Scalability
Factor in the potential for growth. Choose a provider that can accommodate your expansion without exorbitant costs.
3. Quality Matters
The quality of communication can impact the effectiveness of your interactions. Consider providers that prioritize high-quality audio and video transmission.
4. User Experience
A user-friendly interface and intuitive features can enhance the overall experience for both hosts and participants.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What is the average cost of video call APIs?
The cost varies widely depending on factors like usage volume, features, and provider. On average, monthly costs can range from $50 to $500 for small to medium-sized businesses.
Q2: Are there free video call API options available?
Yes, some providers offer limited free tiers with basic features. However, for advanced functionalities and larger usage, opting for a paid plan is recommended.
Q3: Can I switch between pricing tiers as my needs change?
Most providers allow you to upgrade or downgrade your pricing tier based on your evolving needs. Flexibility in pricing is a key consideration.
Q4: What are some add-on features that may incur extra costs?
Additional features like recording, transcriptions, and real-time translation may come with added costs. Ensure you understand the pricing implications of these features.
Q5: How can I ensure the security of my video calls?
Security is paramount in video communication. Look for providers that offer end-to-end encryption and robust security measures.
Q6: What should I prioritize: cost or quality?
The balance between cost and quality depends on your specific needs. While cost-effective solutions are appealing, compromising on quality may impact user satisfaction.
Summary: Navigating the Terrain of Video Call API Pricing:-
In the realm of video call API pricing, the options are vast, and the considerations are multifaceted. From understanding the factors that influence pricing to exploring subscription and pay-as-you-go models, the journey is one of discovery and decision-making. By delving into the features offered by prominent providers and considering your own communication needs, you can navigate this complex terrain with confidence. Remember, the best choice is one that aligns with your unique requirements, empowering your communication endeavors in this digital age.
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Travel Assistance Companies
Travel assistance companies provide an extra layer of support for employees on the go. They often work around-the-clock via hotlines and chat apps.
They can help with a range of issues, from canceled flights to medical and insurance concerns. They also offer concierge services and can help with language barriers.
Travel Perk
TravelPerk is a business travel management platform that helps companies budget, book, and manage trips, while maintaining travel policies in line with company budgets. It also provides a portal to monitor travel expenses and invoices. Its features include a mobile app for booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and rail services; customer care; carbon offsetting solutions; and expense integrations.
It offers three pricing plans: free, pro, and enterprise. The paid options allow companies to embed their travel policies into the program and eliminate the need for manual approval processes. The enterprise option also includes more advanced reporting.
TravelPerk uses Twilio Segment to build a unified data pipeline and centralize its customer support workflow, enabling it to deliver a next-level customer experience. This has resulted in a significant reduction in engineering time and an increase in collaboration between the product and engineering teams. TravelPerk is backed by world-class investors including Kinnevik, Target Global, Felix Capital, and LocalGlobe.
Global Rescue
Tulane University partners with Global Rescue, a leading integrated travel risk crisis management company, to provide medical and security field rescue and evacuation services for its business travelers and students on university sponsored study abroad programs.
Unlike travel insurance, a Global Rescue membership covers local field rescue and worldwide medical evacuation services, even within 100 miles of home. It also includes access to expert medical doctors for real-time video consultations and treatment as well as intelligence on 215 countries and territories including COVID-19 entry requirements, restrictions and alerts.
When a member experienced symptoms of a blocked bowel in Argentina, Global Rescue dispatched an ambulance to the site. The member was stabilized and evacuated to the hospital of his choice. Global Rescue’s team of military special operations veterans will also extract members if they become threatened or injured during war, civil unrest, natural disasters and government evacuation orders. Memberships include a lifetime service guarantee. For additional coverage, an upgrade to the Security Membership provides medical and security teams, aircraft and top-quality hospitals.
Travel Guard
Travel Guard is the product name for insurance and travel assistance services underwritten by AIG Travel. It is an American International Group subsidiary, with headquarters in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
The company provides travel insurance and assistance plans to individuals and companies worldwide. Plans include medical, trip cancellation, baggage, and emergency evacuation coverage. Assistance services include 24/7 helpline, lost bag tracking, locating a doctor, and more.
AIG Travel also offers a variety of add-on options such as a wedding bundle for canceled engagements, pet bundle for sick pets, and an inconvenience bundle for when attractions you wanted to see are closed. They also offer upgrade plans like Preferred and Deluxe with more comprehensive coverage, including a Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) option.
Five College students, faculty, staff, and alumnae traveling on official business are eligible for discounted rates and benefits through AIG/Travel Guard. For more information about the program, please review the Travel Guard Program Overview.
On Call International
For more than 25 years, On Call International has enabled academic institutions like Columbia to take a proactive approach to managing travel emergencies when they occur and planning for them before they happen. On Call’s fully customizable medical, security and travel assistance programs deliver care to travelers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Kristin began her career at On Call as an Assistance Coordinator in the Global Response Center where she handled a broad range of travel, medical and security evacuation cases. She was promoted to Operations Supervisor and Senior Assistance Coordinator before assuming her current role as Client Relations Manager, where she works closely with clients to ensure their programs are meeting their business goals.
She is proud to be part of a team that is passionate about helping travelers, every day, in their time of need. In her free time, she enjoys restoring her turn of the century home in New Hampshire and competing in gaited dressage with her Tennessee Walking Horse.
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serenatechie · 1 year
Make a choice among popular chat API for iOS
There are several chat API for iOS options available for iOS development. Here are a few popular ones:
Innoinstant chat API : Innoinstant offers a scalable communication platform with their powerful and customizable APIs and SDKs for chat, video and voice. 
Twilio Programmable Chat: Twilio provides a powerful API for adding chat functionality to your iOS app. It supports features like real-time messaging, channels, message history, typing indicators, and more.
Firebase Realtime Database: Firebase, a mobile and web application development platform, offers a real-time database that can be used to build chat applications. It provides features like real-time syncing, offline capabilities, and authentication.
SendBird: SendBird is a cloud-based chat platform that offers a comprehensive set of APIs and SDKs for iOS development. It provides features such as real-time messaging, group chats, push notifications, and moderation tools.
Stream Chat: Stream Chat is an API service that enables you to add chat functionality to your iOS app. It provides features like channels, message history, reactions, typing indicators, and more. Stream Chat also offers client SDKs for iOS development.
ChatKit by Pusher: Pusher's ChatKit is an API and SDK package that allows you to add chat functionality to your iOS app. It provides features like private and group chats, typing indicators, read receipts, attachments, and more.
These are just a few examples of chat APIs available for iOS development. Each option has its own features, pricing plans, and documentation, so it's important to evaluate them based on your specific requirements before making a choice.
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rvtechnologies0 · 1 year
Twilio Business Model
Twilio's Business Model: Revolutionizing Cloud Communications
Twilio is a cloud communications platform that provides developers with a set of APIs to add messaging, voice, and video capabilities to their applications. The company has revolutionized cloud communications by offering a pay-as-you-go pricing structure that allows customers to only pay for the services they use.
Twilio's pricing structure is designed to be flexible and scalable, making it easy for customers to adjust their usage as their needs change. In addition, Twilio offers enterprise-grade features such as security, reliability, and scalability, making it a popular choice for companies looking to build communication solutions that can handle large volumes of traffic.
Twilio's business model has been successful due to its focus on providing a reliable and flexible platform that can be easily integrated into a wide range of applications. This has made it a popular choice for developers and businesses looking to add communication capabilities to their products and services.
In conclusion, Twilio's business model has disrupted the traditional communication market by providing a flexible and scalable cloud communications platform. The company's success is a testament to the power of innovative pricing models and the importance of providing enterprise-grade features to customers.
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mdmenewyork · 1 year
Sendiio 3.0 Review - the FIRST AI-infused email autoresponder EVER!! (My Honest Review & Bonus)
In this Sendiio 3.0 review, I go in-depth on features, benefits, and capabilities of this email autoresponder POWERHOUSE! Including all the upgrades, bonuses, discount, and what's New. Get Sendiio today! Learn more or buy it here⤵️ https://gohere.click/get-sendiio It's the FIRST A.I-infused autoresponder being made available to the public. For the first time EVER, an artificially intelligent email autoresponder has hit the market… But I’m not talking about just ANY autoresponder. I’m talking about an autoresponder that not only combines the 3 MOST profitable marketing channels EVER…(Email, SMS, FM Messenger marketing) ..NOW imagine if that 3-in-1 autoresponder ALSO came built-in with a WHOLE A.I writing engine, so that: ✅ It can write ALL your subject lines for higher open rates for you ✅ It can write ALL of your email copy for you for higher engagement and clicks on your offers ✅ It can write ALL of your SMS texts for you for higher conversions on your mobile offers ✅ It can write ALL of your FB messenger copy for you for higher conversions on your social offers ✅ And imagine if that Autoresponder has been around since 2019 and serves over 12k users and delivers over 1M messages PER DAY! Well, that’s just ONE of the 12 MAJOR updates that Sendiio has released TODAY as part of their HUGE 3.0 grand opening! You have to head over and see this insane AI autoresponder in action... Get Sendiio today! Learn more or buy it here⤵️ https://gohere.click/get-sendiio P.S. An even BETTER part is that Sendiio is one of the EASIEST Autoresponders to get set up with. All you have to do is follow 3 simple steps: 1. Import your lists and create your campaign 2. Let AI write ALL your copy FOR YOU directly inside the dashboard! 3. Send (or schedule) your campaign That's it... Sit back, tweak, and reap the rewards This is the FIRST of it’s kind and something you Do NOT want to Miss out on!! FOMO stinks. Period. Go and try Sendiio 3.0 risk-free TODAY. 👉 Grab it HERE before it's too late: https://gohere.click/get-sendiio And say YES to... ✔️ an unlimited email autoresponder ✔️ an unlimited SMS/text autoresponder ✔️ an unlimited FB Marketing autoresponder ✔️ and ZERO-Monthly fees! AND combining ALL of that with a powerful A.I Engine to write ALL of your subject lines, email copy, text messages and FB messages FOR YOU plus MORE! Making Sendiio 3.0 the best autoresponder software in existence today! Enjoyed the demo and walkthrough? Let me know. // VIDEO TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Introduction 00:11 What is Sendiio? 00:54 Sendiio Pricing 02:28 Sendiio Bonuses 03:32 Phone Usage, SMS, & Email Statistics 04:23 Who created Sendiio? 04:45 Proof of Purchase 05:18 What Sendiio Looked Like Before 05:55 My History with Sendiio 06:31 Sendiio Demo & Walkthrough 07:14 Twilio SMS Pricing 07:40 Sendiio Tutorials 08:06 Virtual Assistant access 08:47 New Updates & Features 10:37 Email & 3rd Party Mail Services 11:05 Amazon SES Pricing 11:31 Personal SMTP Setup 11:55 Email Forms 12:14 Mobile 12:36 Social Media Accounts 12:52 Agency Subusers & Groups 14:06 Sendiio 3.0 Bonus Recap 14:21 Sendiio Sales Page 15:10 Optional Sendiio OTO & Upsells 17:33 Price Comparison 19:19 Final Thoughts // DISCLAIMER The information given on this YouTube Channel and the resources made available are for educational and informational purposes only.​ This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you go to one of the products from my link, I'll receive a small commission. This is at no extra cost to you and in many cases include exclusive discounts where applicable. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make free videos like this to help you and everyone who watches them, so thank you for the support! // CONTACT US My Digital Marketing Empire 42 Broadway, Suite 12-447 New York, NY 10004, USA Phone: (800) 792-5702 Email: [email protected] Website: https://mydigitalmarketingempire.com Originally published here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4ZAk2e6A8U
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twilioalternative · 1 year
Twilio Alternative
Twilio Alternative
There are several alternatives to Twilio that offer similar cloud communication services, including:
Nexmo: A cloud communication platform that offers voice, messaging, and phone verification API's
Bandwidth: A cloud communication platform that offers voice, messaging, and 9-1-1 API's
Plivo: A cloud communication platform that offers voice, messaging, and phone verification API's
Videosdk: Video SDK is an API that enables developers to easily build live audio & video experiences in any platform within minutes
Vonage: A cloud communication platform that offers voice, messaging, and phone verification API's
Sinch: A cloud communication platform that offers voice, messaging, and phone verification API's
When considering an alternative to Twilio, you may want to compare the features and pricing of multiple platforms to find the one that best meets your needs. It's also a good idea to read reviews and ask for recommendations from other developers or businesses that have used the platform.
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harwinderdev · 2 years
Do's and Don'ts for a Successful Best Twilio Freelancer
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Twilio's APIs
Before starting to work with Twilio, you should familiarize yourself with the SDK. The SDK has a handy reference guide that walks you through debugging, exception handling, and more. It also has instructions for returning header information. This information includes the number of simultaneous requests, duration of a particular request, and a Unique Request ID (which is useful for escalation). You can also try sending the same API request using Twilio CLI or curl to make sure there are no errors.
It is important to keep in mind that Twilio has been very successful in marketing and advertising itself. The company has proved that it can be beneficial to consumers as well as developers. This makes it an ideal choice for freelance developers to work with.
Twilio is a platform that connects with various API systems. It is designed for software developers and can help them reduce their time spent on app development. Its programming features include automated calls, SMS, and video messages. It also includes tools for designing communication workflows. Its APIs are used by many different companies for marketing, customer service, and improving overall company efficiency.
The pricing for Twilio services varies. There are monthly recurring charges and pay-as-you-go usage charges. If you plan to use Twilio for business purposes, you should be aware of its pricing policies. Twilio offers volume discounts for large enterprises.
Its growth
In order to become a successful best Twilio freelancer developer, you will need to have a proven track record in developing distributed systems. You should be familiar with web stacks and frameworks as well as have developed and maintained existing API frameworks. If you are looking for a freelance position, consider applying on Guru, a site that is trusted by more than three million employers. This site is a great place to find a freelance job and is flexible and cost-effective.
Twilio began its business model by empowering developers. In 2010, Twilio had only sixteen employees and could perform 5,000 simultaneous calls. Today, Twilio's customers send more than 100 million messages a day, and its servers can handle 13,000 messages per second on peak. The company will employ about 3,000 employees by 2020, which is a huge jump from the 16 employees that it employed in 2010. In just four years, Twilio has grown from 900k developers in 2016 to 2 million developers in 2017, and tens of millions by 2020.
Twilio developers are trained to work on the latest technologies and trends. Their work is high-quality and reliable. Twilio's web API allows developers to communicate with other applications and users without the need of a network operator. Through this API, software developers can send and receive text messages, make calls and more. The Twilio API is accessible over HTTP, and Twilio charges based on usage.
Its acquisitions
If you want to be the best Twilio Freelancer Developer, there are several things that you need to know to make a success of your job. You should focus on the following areas: learning the product and making sure that your developer knows its features. There are a few issues with the UI, and it could use a bit of improvement. It can be confusing to use, and there are not enough documentation and usage analytics. It can also be difficult to get new features and functionality, and Twilio's communication can be sporadic.
The first thing to remember is that Twilio's business model started with individual developers. It eventually grew into an enterprise sales organization. Developers, who are trusted to be the best at what they do, have been the ones who made it possible for the company to grow. This is why the company puts its toolkit in the hands of developers, rather than pushing its marketing and sales departments.
Developers who focus on security and compliance will find the most work with the Twilio platform. The company's mission statement focuses on developer centricity. As such, the CEO of the company is also a developer. The company aims to modernize communications by virtualizing telecommunications infrastructure and making it available as a flexible web API. This enables developers to build programmatic communication features.
Its engagement booster
Whether you're looking for a new project or a way to enhance your current one, Twilio can make the process easier. Its Programmable Messaging API provides businesses with features that allow them to interact with users across different platforms. These features allow businesses to create customized customer solutions and enhance existing ones to meet their specific needs.
Its pricing
Twilio is a communication platform as a service that allows you to automate your communication services. Its APIs allow you to integrate different forms of communication and can be used by developers in a variety of programming languages. By using this platform, you can easily integrate SMS with other web services, and it can also be used for monitoring phone calls. In addition, it can be integrated with a variety of communication channels, including email and fax services.
Twilio is a leading communications API provider. Its APIs are incredibly powerful and flexible, and have changed the way businesses communicate in the field. Companies such as Uber, Salesforce, and Zendesk have started using Twilio to improve their communication services. As Twilio has become increasingly popular among businesses, you can earn a great living by working on apps that integrate the API.
As a Twilio developer, you can expect to work on the latest trends and technologies. This allows you to offer high-quality services to your clients. For example, Twilio provides a web API that lets software developers communicate with users without the help of a network operator. Developers can also use this API to automate marketing campaigns and verify user information.
Twilio's pricing model is flexible and attractive to large businesses. With a flexible pay-as-you-go pricing model, you only pay for the services you need, and Twilio offers volume discounts. You can also get a free trial account, which means that you can try out the platform before committing to a monthly payment.
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besttwiliodeveloper · 2 years
Best Twilio Developer
If You are looking for a Best Twilio Developer ? Harwinder Singh is a top notch  Twilio developer across the world . I have  around 8 years experience in Twilio Development. Solid expertise in Twilio Live Streaming , Online Conference , Virtual conference , Twilio flex, Twilio IVR, Twilio studio, Twilio sms , Twilio audio video Programming. Get Best Services At an affordable price . Check my services here https://www.harwindersingh.com/
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bridger-2021 · 3 years
Bridger Review 2021 -⚠️HOAX or LEGIT⚠️
2020 was NOT easy for you. For nobody, actually. 2021 has to be your YEAR. It’s time to start taking action. Why is taking action important? Because you CAN’T MISS OPPORTUNITIES LIKE THIS.
Bridger Is The World’s First All-in-One Multichannel Marketing Application for your business to grow. Make it a win-win by saving time & talking to your customers on the channels right for them.
==> Special Discount: Order Today With Best Price And Special Offers
Bridger was specifically created to generate free traffic and help people all around the world to create a consistent online income EFFORTLESSLY. “One-click-generate” mechanics is what stands behind Bridger.
And others have already taken action and use Bridger to generate a 5-Figure income that gives them the FREEDOM they want in life. It’s your DUTY to do the same.
In the details, Bridger is a multichannel marketing software, mostly for Facebook messenger marketing. With Bridger, you can build fully interactive and highly responsive chatbots smoothly and comfortably.
>> Visit The Official Website Here to Place Your Order!
The application has a full-featured Ecommerce platform. On the platform, you can create vigorous and nice-looking Ecommerce stores that can sell products to customers and receive payments, living both inside messenger and on any browser. Indeed, you can utilize the Ecommerce store as the QR code digital menu for your restaurant.
Besides, the application comprises multiple unique and advanced features. To attract people to your business and products, it has a social post scheduler that can publish and schedule posts on different popular social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on.
To engage customers with your business, it has Facebook and Instagram comment growth tool that can comment and reply to comments under posts and accomplish many other things. Certainly, the application has Email and SMS marketing tool that can send Bulk Emails and SMS to your customers.
(LIMITED SUPPLIES) Click Here To Order From Its Official Website
Facebook recently announced new customer acquisition plugin into closed beta, which can allow your website visitors to chat directly with you (Facebook page) inside your website, leveraging Facebook Messenger Platform. Bridger is a software developed using this latest feature to outrun any other chat plugin running in the market.
Once you have an audience, you can promote anything you like for profit. Affiliate products or your own, doesn’t matter. All you need is a source of buyers eager to pay for your stuff. Bridger allows your website visitors to instantly send and receive message inside your website, while previous Facebook chat plugins only allows to initiate chat by visitors.
It offers all-powerful tools like:
Email Marketing (SMTP, Mailgun, Sendgrid, Mandrill, etc.)
Search Marketing
Comparison Marketing
SMS Marketing (Twilio, Plivo, Clickatell, Nexmo, AfricasTalking, Msg91, SemySMS, RouteSMS, Custom HTTP GET API integration.)
Facebook Marketing (Messenger BOT, Comment BOT, Auto Comment Tools, etc.)
E-commerce in Messenger
Social Media Posting (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Blogger, WordPress, etc.)
Analytical Marketing & many other features.
This is a powerful software meant for the right time as this. Very powerful features for a time like this when covid-19 is keeping everyone at home. Bridger is helping me to handle all my businesses right from my home. From selling my goods to communication with my customers.
Therefore, Bridger is the best choice for your daily marketing solutions. So don’t hesitate to check the next parts of this Bridger Review as I’ll show you how powerful it is!
For a limited time, you can grab Bridger with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
$5 Billion Traffic Potential Bridger Software
Three figure per day Training Videos
Automate Your Traffic and Sales Mechanism with Bridger
Build Your 5 Figure Online business with Bridger
24*7 Customer Support
Double Your Money Back Guarantee
Listen, What If You Had A Cash Machine, But You Feel Like You Want More. You Want To Speed Up The Process… You Feel Like You Deserve More. What If You Can Have 2 Cash Machines, Or 3? Or Unlimited?
By unlocking all the features, you give yourself the possibility to use the software to create an unlimited number of campaigns that make you consistent income everyday.
Imagine this…you can have 1 Money-Making System, or you can have 10, or 100. You probably already know how much money you can make with only 1 Campaign.
10 or more campaigns may make you cry of happiness. Let’s say your 1 campaign makes you $100/week. How much will 100 campaigns make you? Do the math…
As you’ve probably heard the saying “more campaigns means more money”. That’s why we specifically created this “Unlimited” option.
We know how important it is to be able to scale your income. Exactly what you can unlock with this upgrade.
You must understand that what you have is basically a traffic tool. You know that the more traffic you have, the more money you will make.
What if you could have an option like a switch-on button and when you press it, it automatically starts sending unlimited traffic to your money-making Offers. Your Affiliate links may basically become flooded with traffic and sales.
All these lead to 1 single thing…
Having the “Unlimited” option unlocked, you open the gates to increasing your income to how much you want.
You have the power of your income. Something MOST people would die for. And now you have this opportunity.
What Will Set & Forget Mode Do For You?
#1 Deploy Full Income Automation: Our Cloud-Based Software Will Bring You High-Quality Traffic & Continuous Sales 24/7
#2 Autopilot Posting: Let our software do the continuous, monotonous grinding work of posting for you Every Single Day. Even 1 Year Long. That’s 1 year of consistent passive income for you without doing ANY work.
#3 Autopilot Traffic Creation: Sitting on a beach. Spending time with your family or dear ones. Doing the activities you want while having your mind at ease that LOTS of people will get to see your Affiliate links and buy from you. This is the ultimate “Free Traffic” Automation.
OTO 3: DFY SETUP – $27
The Upgrade You’re Looking At Isn’t A Shortcut To Affiliate Commissions Success. It’s A TELEPORTER. Your Teleporter To Online Passive Income. Just give us your affiliate ID and let us flood your account with top earnings.
P.S We’ll do all the work for you. Feel at ease and see your Affiliate commissions flood constantly. It’s insane.
#1 Everything Done For You. Fully. We will take care of your customer. Set up the whole platform automation for you. Configure it to run smoothly and specifically for your needs.
#2 DFY Traffic: We will set up the automated traffic to your platform to ensure that you get consistent membership registration on your platform. Everything Done for you from Traffic to getting new customers to your platform.
#3 Ensure Your Earnings: We make sure everything goes accordingly. If something comes up, we’ll immediately fix it for you. We know how important it is to create a flawless experience in life. That’s why we’re doing it for you. We’ll make sure everything is fine and create the perfect system to continuously deliver earnings to your Affiliate account
#4 Sit Back & Relax: Just give us your Affiliate ID ( so we can set up everything to be linked to your account ) and go back to your normal activities. Enjoy the time with your family. Go to the beach. Play games. Anything that makes you enjoy life. And don’t forget to check your Affiliate earnings and feel amazing.
Here’s What You Are Getting With An AGENCY LICENSE?
Create Sub User Account Yourself & Give Access to Your Buyers: You will get access to create the account yourself for the customer. We will provide the control panel with all the essential setup. Now you have control over creating and deleting accounts yourself for your customer… Now take over Bridger for yourself for a low one-time fee today.
Sell Bridger Accounts and Keep 100% Profit: Now sell Bridger to your customers and clients using our DFY marketing materials. You can create a Basic and Pro account for your customer using the control panel yourself.
Freedom to Sell at Any Charges: Now you can charge monthly recurring and yearly payments to your customer… You can even charge $1000s of dollars for one unlimited account. You can charge them fees through PayPal, wire transfer, and bitcoin anything you want.
Done For you Sales Materials: We are providing all the Done for you Sales materials like Video Sales letters, High converting sales copy, Premium built sales pages and many more to help you make more profit. All you need is sit back and relax and start making easy Income on autopilot with our Done for you sales material,
Expert Guidance to Sell Product: We provide all the support to your clients. You don’t need to worry about the technical support of your clients… We take care of everything and you can start making some serious moolah.
We Provide Technical Support to your Customer for Lifetime: We are providing all the Done for you Sales materials like Video Sales letters, High converting sales copy, Premium built sales pages and many more to help you make more profit. All you need is sit back and relax and start making easy Income on autopilot with our Done for you sales material,
You will get 100% profit for the product that you just bought (Bridger All OTOs). Yes, You can sell Bridger to unlimited customers and keep 100% of the Profit. Best of all, you are licensed to use our Marketing Materials such as the sales page and VSL, etc.
The actual value of the funnel is $700 and you get to keep all this profit yourself.
If you sell to 10 people you earn $7000.
If you sell to 100 people you earn $70000.
if you are able to 1000 people (Which is now possible with Power of Bridger you will make $700,000. That’s more than half a million, ALL YOURS!
What are you waiting for? Grab the Bridger license NOW!
Thank you so much for reading Bridger Review! I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This system is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.
Get For a Special Discounted Price Today (In Stock)
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jjkfire · 3 years
honestly i am CONVINCED like i HEAR U when u emphasize with ur life how beneficial it is to invest 😂 i really do take u seriously tho but the only thing is that it’s pretty daunting when my financial literacy is shite like i’m a stem major in undergrad and i want to become smarter with my money and invest but first things first is a bitch has got to read and figure out what this all means !! i will definitely take ur advice tho and when i have the time i’m going to read into it!
haha me busting a lung about how important investing is!!! i think a great place to start is this graham stephan video. it’s 15 minutes long but it’s 15 minutes you can spare. people doubt investing in index funds because you won’t be rich immediately but you know what, you definitely will be rich in 20 years. like millionaire rich. anyway graham makes the topic approachable and more understandable plus he gives you the facts and numbers. it’s really a great place to start! watch it over lunch or smth. after watching a few of his videos, i went to reddit and read all the resources on r/personalfinance. it is a wonderful subreddit!
you can do it! i was a STEM major too :3 i opened my robinhood account junior year and finally committed to buying stocks in my senior year. like above, my journey started with youtube videos, reddit and cnbc articles. the first stock i bought was twilio at $125.70 and i wouldn’t say it was the smartest thing to do in terms of standard financial advice but it’s a company i believed in and even mentioned in the first few chapters of Escape which i wrote 3 years prior to me buying the stock. i sold for profit at $150 which was not a great move tbh but then I rebought later on at $220 and as of writing it is worth $342.86. that’s $122.86 profit. 
then i moved into safer investments like VOO which is the index fund that is mentioned in the video above among other ‘popular’ stocks. but all you really need is VOO and to remember you should always be buying and never selling VOO. when it tanks, just buy more. it’s known as the dollar cost averaging method. you can just google index fund millionaire to see all the many gajillion articles about it. if being a millionaire in the future doesn’t motivate you, i’m not sure what else will haha. it was all i needed tbh!!! also, robinhood has fractional shares if you can’t afford the full price of a share. but again, only invest if the money you put in is money you can afford to lose. anyway being able to invest easily is one of the biggest benefits of being american. if you are american, it is an honest to god golden opportunity. you do not understand the hundred hoops other people have to jump through to invest in the american market, and the way uncle sam takes a 30% cut in terms of tax......... y’all get amazing tax benefits over everyone else because obvi it’s the american market. so! do! it! but do your homework first!!!!!! no paper hands, no panic sell. investing is the long game.
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localbizlift · 4 years
Software will reshape our world in the next decade
Alfred Chuang Contributor
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Alfred Chuang is general partner at Race Capital, an early-stage venture capital firm.
As I was wrapping up a Zoom meeting with my business partners, I could hear my son joking with his classmates in his online chemistry class.
I have to say this is a very strange time for me: As much as I love my family, in normal times, we never spend this much time together. But these aren’t normal times.
In normal times, governments, businesses and schools would never agree to shut everything down. In normal times, my doctor wouldn’t agree to see me over video conferencing.
No one would stand outside a grocery store, looking down to make sure they were six feet apart from one another. In times like these, decisions that would normally take years are being made in a matter of hours. In short, the physical world — brick-and-mortar reality— has shut down. The world still functions, but now it is operating inside everyone’s own home.
This not-so-normal time reminds me of 2008, the depths of the financial crisis. I sold my company BEA Systems, which I co-founded, to Oracle for $8.6 billion in cash. This liquidity event was simultaneously the worst and most exhausting time of my career, and the best time of my career, thanks to the many inspiring entrepreneurs I was able to meet.
These were some of the brightest, hardworking, never-take-no-for-an-answer founders, and in this era, many CEOs showed their true colors. That was when Slack, Lyft, Uber, Credit Karma, Twilio, Square, Cloudera and many others got started. All of these companies now have multibillion dollar market caps. And I got to invest and partner with some of them.
Once again, I can’t help but wonder what our world will look like in 10 years. The way we live. The way we learn. The way we consume. The way we will interact with each other.
What will happen 10 years from now?
Welcome to 2030. It’s been more than two decades since the invention of the iPhone, the launch of cloud computing and one decade since the launch of widespread 5G networks. All of the technologies required to change the way we live, work, eat and play are finally here and can be distributed at an unprecedented speed.
The global population is 8.5 billion and everyone owns a smartphone with all of their daily apps running on it. That’s up from around 500 million two decades ago.
Robust internet access and communication platforms have created a new world.
The world’s largest school is a software company — its learning engine uses artificial intelligence to provide personalized learning materials anytime, anywhere, with no physical space necessary. Similar to how Apple upended the music industry with iTunes, all students can now download any information for a super-low price. Tuition fees have dropped significantly: There are no more student debts. Kids can finally focus on learning, not just getting an education. Access to a good education has been equalized.
The world’s largest bank is a software company and all financial transactions are digital. If you want to talk to a banker live, you’ll initiate a text or video conference. On top of that, embedded fintech software now powers all industries.
No more dirty physical money. All money flow is stored, traceable and secured on a blockchain ledger. The financial infrastructure platforms are able to handle customers across all geographies and jurisdictions, all exchanges of value, all types of use-cases (producers, distributors, consumers) and all from the start.
The world’s largest grocery store is a software and robotics company — groceries are delivered whenever and wherever we want as fast as possible. Food is delivered via robot or drones with no human involvement. Customers can track where, when and who is involved in growing and handling my food. Artificial intelligence tells us what we need based on past purchases and our calendars.
The world largest hospital is a software and robotics company — all initial diagnoses are performed via video conferencing. Combined with patient medical records all digitally stored, a doctor in San Francisco and her artificial intelligence assistant can provide personalized prescriptions to her patients in Hong Kong. All surgical procedures are performed by robots, with supervision by a doctor of course, we haven’t gone completely crazy. And even the doctors get to work from home.
Our entire workforce works from home: Don’t forget the main purpose of an office is to support companies’ workers in performing their jobs efficiently. Since 2020, all companies, and especially their CEOs, realized it was more efficient to let their workers work from home. Not only can they save hours of commute time, all companies get to save money on office space and shift resources toward employee benefits. I’m looking back 10 years and saying to myself, “I still remember those days when office space was a thing.”
The world’s largest entertainment company is a software company, and all the content we love is digital. All blockbuster movies are released direct-to-video. We can ask Alexa to deliver popcorn to the house and even watch the film with friends who are far away. If you see something you like in the movie, you can buy it immediately — clothing, objects, whatever you see — and have it delivered right to your house. No more standing in line. No transport time. Reduced pollution. Better planet!
These are just a few industries that have been completely transformed by 2030, but these changes will apply universally to almost anything. We were told software was eating the world.
The saying goes you are what you eat. In 2030, software is the world.
Security and protection no longer just applies to things we can touch and see. What’s valuable for each and every one of us is all stored digitally — our email account, chat history, browsing data and social media accounts. It goes on and on. We don’t need a house alarm, we need a digital alarm.
Even though this crisis makes the near future seem bleak, I am optimistic about the new world and the new companies of tomorrow. I am even more excited about our ability to change as a human race and how this crisis and technology are speeding up the way we live.
This storm shall pass. However the choices we make now will change our lives forever.
My team and I are proud to build and invest in companies that will help shape the new world; new and impactful technologies that are important for many generations to come, companies that matter to humanity, something that we can all tell our grandchildren about.
I am hopeful.
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