thetrailthestarsblaze · 4 months
deciding to make Brindleface, Frostwalk (Frostfur), and Lotushoney (Whitestorm) siblings. Snowcliff (Snowfur) and her three kiddos she never got to raise.
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infogreentech · 6 years
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hollyleaf or star flower
Thank you! Hollyleaf! In this au the three are Stormfur and Brambleflower (Brambleclaw)'s kits. Their all adopted! Hollyleaf has some sort of learning disorder (unsure which would make sense yet) and ADHD. Which makes her apprenticeship as a medicine cat hard but not impossible. Mothwing tries to be very patient with her but she ends up needing help from some other cats as well. She's closer to Lionblaze than Jayflight (Jayfeather) and she has two mates! Cinderheart and Willowshine. Both Willowshine and Hollyleaf were apprenticed under Mothwing and act as medicine cats.
Hollyleaf's ability is to "go back in time" of an area. On a small scale, if she stands where a patrol was hours ago she can 'see' everything that happened in the area. On a larger scale she can go back years, lifetimes in the past as long as it was in that area.
Hollyleaf uses she/her. Is a cis asexual lesbian. and is very very focused and intense but she means well. She ends up in the tunnels still but this time it's to unlock ancient mysterious lying under her pawsteps. Fallen Leaves keeps calling her 'Miss Holly Leaves' because just Hollyleaf is odd to him- Star Flower I am personally uncomfortable with Star Flower's flirting with Thunder then getting with his dad. Like in a more realistic gritty version of wc I can see it. but im unsure. So as of now, Star Flower never has intensions with Thunder.
Star Flower is a complex lady. She shares her father and Skystar's thirst for power (Skystar is a villain in this) but she doesn't always understand her actions are vicious and she prefers to think she's 'defending herself'. In some cases, this is true! Especially the life she lived, but she also sometimes attacks others for no reason but to feel powerful and in control. She's somewhat petty, holding grunges against others and despite feeling a deep sorrow for losing Tiny Branch, she tries to convince herself Tiny Branch wouldn't have survived anyway.
Her littermates were Golden Spot and Rose Bloom. Who died shortly after their birth and were named by One Eye. her mother was named Garden.
Star Flower equals the harshness and bite of her mate but often tries to lull cats into a sense of comfort and security before using their flaws against them. She isn't well liked in history and her wereabouts in the afterlife are unknown.
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Ravenflight "I had a bad dream."
Ravenflight padded through the dense woods of Thunderclan. The warmth of the sun, disappearing as he traveled under the shade of trees. In his mind, a goal was floating around absently. The Queens needed extra food and he was going out to hunt. He kept his ears perked for the slightest sounds, but the world had stilled. He inhaled, wet moss and the dense fur of some poor creature filled his nose. He crouched just below a bush, tall enough to cover his back. He could sense scurrying feet and the heartbeat of some sort of prey. Mindlessly, he watched and waited for the perfect moment to strike. He leapt out and before he could touch the ground he was swept sideways by a heavy strike. Ravenflight scrambled to find himself, but was pinned down by his head before he could see who had struck him. 
“Pathetic.” A deep, rough voice echoed through the woods. 
Ravenflight tried to strike out, but found his paws and limbs were smaller than before. He was younger and weaker. His attacker felt like a tree crushing him by comparison. He was like a mouse under a cat’s paw; promised dead.
“Darkstripe, how could you let him get in the way?” Tigerclaw’s voice rang out clear. The only other sound was Ravenflight’s ragged heartbeat and Darkstripe’s jaws hissing. 
“Sorry. He must have slipped in. What are we going to do with him?” Darkstripe’s spoke as his claws sank deeper into Ravenflight’s flesh, nearing his eye. 
“We can’t let anyone know. We’ll leave his body near the dogs. Dog spit hides our smell and Starclan’s wishes.” Tigerclaw replied, hardly looking at his apprentice. “I’ll dismantle him quickly.” Darkstripe agreed. “No. Make it slow. For a disobeying, worthless, murderer. Pour venom in his eyes. For my mother.” Tigerclaw snarled, his temper suddenly flared.  Ravenflight could see the shadows growing closer before the tip of a narrow curled fang appeared in his vision, growing ever closer while Darkstripe peeled his eyelid back with his hooked claws. No matter how he squirmed, Ravenflight couldn’t get free. He was powerless. He was...
Ravenflight choked out a scream, but only a gargled, strangled noise came out. He darted his head back and forth, seeing only his clanmates sleeping deep into their nests. A few rolled or moved around, likely due to Ravenflight’s disturbance. Ravenflight forced himself up and pushed through to the outside. 
He drew up the chill air through his nose, hoping it’d calm down the blistering heat sparking through his pelt. Maybe, he could ask to trade places with a guard for the night. Sit vigil or pray. Something. As he walked towards the opening of camp, he heard a tiny gasp and tiny stumbling paws. He breathed in, trying to ease his voice. “Leafkit? Sweetheart, what are you doing out so late?” Ravenflight purred, lowering himself to the ground to spot his daughter hiding among the feathers and twigs that decorated the back of the den. 
“P-Please don’t tell Mom!” Leafkit squeaked out, sprinting towards her father to bury herself in his dark pelt.
“Don’t worry, honey. I won’t get you in trouble. But I do need to know why your out.” Ravenflight hummed, his claws tapping the earth in a jittery fashion.
“...I keep hearing something out there. Mom says its nothing but. Nothing don’t make noise!” Leafkit protested. 
Noise? Ravenflight craned his neck out to listen. His ears turning each directly carefully until he heard it. A low but clear call from the dark forest trees. A simple hoot from an owl. Ravenflight couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath. He remembered curling up to his parents at night, fearing the same hooting from the predatory birds.  “Leafkit, that’s an owl.” Ravenflight replied, looking down at Leafkit hiding under his fur. “It’s going to break into the nursery and eat everyone! I know it will!” Leafkit insisted, pushing deep into her father. “That’s why you don’t go out alone at night. That’s why Mom tells you to stay with her.” Ravenflight explained. 
“I know but...she says it’s nothing. She’ll protect me but...she can’t always be there...and there are things even big cats can’t expect! Scary things...” Leafkit wailed out. 
Through her fear, Ravenflight could understand. She was right after all. He wished she didn’t have to know that fear. That fear of the Bloodclan attack when she was still so small. Leafkit hadn’t known much rest, even after Bloodclan was chased out. 
“I’m sorry, Leafkit. It must be scary to feel like your relying on things you can’t fully trust.” Ravenflight agreed. “But me, your mom, your dad, and your papa, and your pa are going to protect you. Okay? And if you feel scared there are things we can do to help that fear. But I don’t want you fighting owls in the dark alone.” Ravenflight licked Leafkit’s back as see peeked out, spotting streaming tears against her face. Ravenflight wrapped his tail around her, hoping to soothe her. 
“Wasn’t going to fight it...wanted to trick it...” explained the tiny tearful kit. 
“Okay. But still, I think going to bed with Mom is much safer. How about tomorrow me and you can go through things that’ll make you feel better when your scared. You know how I breathe in? We can do that together.”  “But how does breathing help?” “It settles your head. When your thoughts are all loud and tangled. Making choices can be hard. But when you focus on breathing in. It makes your head cool down. Like sitting under the shade on a hot day.” Ravenflight explained as he stood back up and nudged Leafkit to her paws. 
“Okay...promise you won’t tell Mom?” Leafkit waddled beside him, her ears low and sad.
“I promise. With every claw on my right paw.” Ravenflight chimed back, in a quiet sing-song voice. 
“Thank you, Dada...” Leafkit mewed before breaking out into a big yawn.
Ravenflight snuck his kit back into the Nursery, where Squirrelkit was still sleeping beside Sandstorm. He waited outside until he could hear Leafkit breathing softly, asleep beside her family. 
He needed to talk to Sandstorm in the morning. His kits were getting bigger. Big enough to have thoughts on the world and unfortunately, fears. Those fears couldn’t be kicked under dust anymore. If Leafkit was ever going to feel confident in herself, she needed to know what to do to help herself. Ravenflight paused a moment, staring at the dirt before the warrior’s den were he too had fled to try and clear his own fears. Maybe, Ravenflight needed to accept his fears as well. He shouldn’t run. Tigerclaw was gone. Those dreams as frightening as they were, didn’t have power over him. He knew he had help beside him at any time. He crept back into the warrior’s den and nested himself beside Graystripe and Nightpuddle. He wasn’t alone. He had is friends, his mates, and his family to support him. He didn’t have to wander alone anymore. He settled himself down and closed his eyes. Tomorrow was another day and Leafkit needed him.
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Acorn Fur The Lover and The Healer
Acorn Fur, Healer of Skyclan and a messenger of love. Acorn Fur lost her parents long ago and found comfort in eir mate, Red Claw. Acorn Fur was a loving cat from birth, born to xir parents Hawk Swoop and Jackdaw’s Cry alongside xir sibling Lightning Tail.  Acorn Fur was endlessly fascinated in plants and after her parents untimely death, Acorn Fur buried her grief in learning healing. Xe wanted to heal others, wanted to help, wanted to save lives.  Despite xir gentle nature, Acorn Fur learned not to be pushed around. Xir small size made xem a target for crueler cats. Eventually when Red Claw abandoned Slash’s group and sought redemption, Acorn Fur found comfort in their dark red fur, their smile, and their devotion. 
Acorn Fur became known for eir heart after rejecting Moth Flight’s request for banishment of mates and kits. Acorn Fur gave the other moor cat sympathy, but refused to allow her heart to be controlled. Acorn Fur officially mated with Red Claw and adopted Honey Pelt as eir own. Acorn fur also trained Flower Foot in the ways of healing, refusing to look down on eir apprentice for xir family.  When Acorn Fur passed, it is said ey mistook a burning red star for eir dead mate, Red Claw. The star was caught in the warmth of eir chest and now when the red star burns brightly, cats look to Acorn Fur to help them clear their head and follow their hearts. Thus, this gives Acorn Fur the named of The Star of Heart.
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Dawnpelt and her relationships
Here’s a small dive into what I’m working on with Dawnpelt (She/her and Xe/xem)
Dawnpelt’s family was composed mostly of her parents and siblings for a good portion of the time. Tawnystar (She/Vae/It) and Lavenderbud (They/It/Ai) were two very different cats but are very much in love and wanted their kits to grow without the burden of their grandfather looming over them. Dawnpelt is closer to Tawnystar. Admiring her mother as a hero figure. She always wanted to impress Tawnystar. Tawnystar sometimes has a hard time showing her pride and overworks vaerself but has always been proud of Dawnpelt since the beginning. They both have that firelike spark in their blood, pushing them forward. Though due to Dawnpelt’s idolization of Tawnystar, xe takes any insult against Shadowclan as an insult to Tawnystar and will fiercely protect xir parent’s name. 
Lavenderbud is the more nurturing of the two and when Dawnpelt feels vulnerable she will collapse into Lavenderbud, who always knows what to say. Lavenderbud is more worried about Dawnpelt’s personal growth due to seeing the softer side of xem but Tawnystar usually sees the best in them, causing some confusion between the two. Despite this, Dawnpelt loves and respects her other parent greatly, but doesn’t quite envy the life Lavenderbud chose for themself.
Being born in a litter of three with no siblings meant a lot of personal play when Dawnpelt was younger, but as she got older she found herself extremely isolated from others her age. After Flametail’s (He/him) accident and him becoming a more dedicated medicine cat after, Dawnpelt and him grew farther apart until she hardly felt like she knew him as more than a doctor. She’s closer to Tigerheart (He/Bun) who was always more rough and tumble than Flametail was, but Tigerheart was always a more emotional cat like Lavenderbud and had very different dreams from Dawnpelt. 
Despite her extended family visiting, she rarely talked with her grandmother, half uncle, uncle, or cousins. This causes her to feel more isolated and out of place, feeling like the only one chasing after xir parent’s star. 
Her mentor was kindly and patient and wanted her to chase that fire inside her, but Dawnpelt knew Ivytail (Ae/aer) didn’t have the same goals in mind either. Ae wanted Dawnpelt to be the best warrior xe could be, but didn’t see how Dawnpelt could become like Tawnystar. Whenever the topic came up, Ivytail would shy away from it.
It wasn’t until Sneezecloud (They/Cloud) that she broke out of her self inflicted loneliness and destructive patterns. Sneezecloud was always bubbly, silly, and saw the world through the eyes of a kit. They never ran for a big goal or worried about loneliness. Sneezecloud saw friends wherever cloud went! Dawnpelt’s fire slowly tempered under Sneezecloud’s honeysuckle personality and the two had kits together.
Dawnpelt was always distant as a parent finding herself unable to perform like her parents had. She feared finding her own way to parent and held a type of guilt that overwhelmed her when Sleekwhisker joined The Kin and Juniperclaw showed signs of self hate. She is now awkwardly overbearing and awkwardly trying to form a relationship with her last kit, Strikestone. 
Lastly, she’s a distant but protective aunt of Wasptail (He/She/Per) her Niece/Nephew. 
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Breezeheart stuff
I find certain groups of characters very interesting in warriors. 
Breezekit and Nightkit are born to parents with an older litter and some hella trauma due to darktail.
She also grew up in a time where thunderclan and riverclan were trying to work together. and i do mean trying.
For this au Breezeheart (Ey/she/he/it) has a really complicated outlook on life. Ey ends up seeing a lot of really fucked up shit and feels frustrated ey can’t do much to change it. This leads em to finding a mate and friend in Smokehaze who feels similarly about life. Breezeheart wants to make something of only tragedy and turn it into fuel for eir fire. 
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Some Birdflight posts because. yeah. 
Birdflight joins Thunderclan only because her kits aren’t safe enough for travel. But she always intended to return to Skyclan when they were older. Thunderclan accepts her only because of her kits.  Redstar takes great pleasure in mocking and treating her poorly. However Redstar has worse ideas for her clan. Sending his brother Amberclaw out to kill Skyclan one by one. When her children become adults Birdflight and Kestrelwing work to stop him. and she makes some interesting friends along the way.
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Thornclaw, builder of Thunderclan. 
Thornclaw is a rather humble and sweet cat. Despite his large size, he is easily flustered and is gentle towards others. He prefers being alone and keeping his paws busy. Thornclaw uses he/him and is a trans tom who came out during early apprenticeship. He is also aroace with no real interest in having a family for himself, but he enjoys his role as an uncle to many other cats. He prefers working with maple and elm, finding them to be the most suitable for most of his building projects. He enjoys working with Dustpelt and despite his messy job, he likes keeping the camp nice and clear. He is peaceful by nature, but will not hesitate to defend an innocent cat from danger, even if they are someone he’s never met before.
Thornclaw is massive, thick furred sandy mackerel tabby with yellow eyes. He has very large paws and a huge frame. He has a large, looping white mark on his chest that looks almost like a huge winged maple seed. He is often seen with his fur swept back and a few leaves setting behind his ear. Maples and elms typically. He has a pack made out of twisted vines he uses to carry large amounts of sticks on his back.
Thornclaw’s parents are Hellian and Frostfur. His siblings are Brightheart, Cinderpelt, and Brackenfur. His siblings in law are Swiftwing, Cloudtail, and Daisy. His nieces/nephews/ect are Whitewing, Berrynose, Hazeltail, Mousewhisker, Rosepetal, Toadstep, Snowbush, Ambermoon, and Dewnose. 
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Spottedleaf, She/her, Grayaromantic and Graysexual. Thunderclan’s medicine cat. Former apprentice of Featherwhisker and mentor of Fireheart.
A pretty, calico with medium, dark red fur, white on her tail tip with a black base. White back paws with a right white paw and a black left paw. Black tipped ears and a mostly white muzzle and around her eyes with a few black freckles. She has green eyes. She also has two holes in her left ear that she tends to carry small hazel twigs in. After being attacked she has four lines going down and across her throat. 
Spottedleaf is a funny, sisterly cat who enjoys helping out. She’s notably kind, level headed, and is good humored. Spottedleaf is autistic and her special interests are plants, poisonous berries, and bees. She chews on sticks often, which actually helps her teeth. Spottedleaf isn’t fond of kits and finds herself unsure of how to act around them, so she leaves most of their care to nursery tenders. Spottedleaf likes to joke around and keep things relaxed, but becomes quiet and withdrawn when heavily focusing on something. She tends to linger with decisions. Her parents where elderly and passed away when she was an apprentice, she lingers with what she wanted to do for awhile before deciding to be a medicine cat. If she hadn’t, she would have chosen to be a farmer. Spottedleaf is close to most of her clanmates, but was accused of favortism when choosing Mousefur to replace Bluestar after the leader’s death. However, the two became closest only after Mousestar became leader.
Brother is Redtail. Parents are Mapleleap and Parsleyclaw. Brother in law is Runningwind. Niece is Sandstorm. Grand-nieces and nephews are Squirrelflight, Leafpool, Falling Blossom, Bumblestripe, Briarlight, Shimmering Feather, and Stormfur.
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I think about Graypool a lot bc I feel like she rarely gets any credit for being a really neat character
I always like to think she’s always been friends with Oakheart. They were never romantic but they are close. Oakheart absolutely confides in his romantic plans with her to which she usually smiles and gives him advice with Bluefur. 
When her sister Willowbreeze falls in love with Stormstar and Oakheart falls in love with Bluefur, she starts wandering at night to try and settle herself into her warriorhood. This is where she finds Swan, a therapy kittypet who she loves deeply. 
Even though their kits don’t make it, Swan goes out of his way to find an abandoned kitten. Which Graypool names Houndcloud. 
So Mossheart, Houndcloud, Mistyfoot, and Stonefur all get two dads and two moms. Along with one baby cousin from Willowbreeze and Stormstar.
Honestly? Silverstream is spoiled bc she has four cousins who would put you through a wall for making her cry.
But also Mistyfoot has some little shit energy and probably likes to mess with Silverpaw quite a bit.
That’s besides the point but, I also think of Graypool being very chubby and round like her mother Fallowtail. Her two uncles Marshcloud and Cedarpelt are similar in body type.
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Cypresspaw falling in love with Leafpaw the second she saw her: so what are we? Leafpaw: in big trouble if our leaders find out I’m skipping Morning patrol to play in the water with you
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Loudbelly uses he/they, he is a trans tom and is grayromantic pansexual. 
Loudbelly was always a good builder and liked to dig. As a kit he was extremely loud, contrasting his calmer personality now, he can sometimes be loud when excited. He was mentored by Oakheart and trains Riverfox and later on Riverfox’s kit, Fluffstep. 
Loudbelly is a dark brown tabby with brown eyes. He is thick and stocky. His parents are Ottersplash and Timberfur. His siblings are Reedtail and Sedgecreek. His nieces/nephews are Fernfeather, Spiderdawn, and Brownleaf. Loudbelly never takes a mate or has kits himself, despite loving mentoring.
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I can’t wait to right about Swimming Brook (Brook where little fish swim in this au). Because she’s gonna take one look at Feathertail and have her lesbian awakening. 
Oh She’s also gonna maybe commit a murder as well but it’s well deserved. 
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some misc Foxleap stuff. 
Foxleap given his name is a very energetic cat who loves to sort of stick his paws into everything. His mind is racing constantly. Despite being awkward with kits he usually hangs out with the elders and enjoys talking to them. He will usually be the one to volunteer to help someone go through long trips. he is an avid whistler, but not much of a singer. He also mimics bird calls. His mate is named Nettlepath, and the two of them meet frequently by the end of Riverclan and Thunderclan territory. The two have had multiple misadventures, including exploring some twoleg areas together. Foxleap is considered a bit jumpy and protective. Though a lot of cats think it’s due to his mother getting sick early into childhood, his sister falling into a tunnel, and later on being the cat that ends up being the reason for the injury (maybe death?) of Swooping Hawk (Swoop of Chestnut Hawk). i might rename him Foxcatcher just for fun bc honestly he was right that’s a badass name and I do love it. but I also love Foxleap. 
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Dew Nose felt the wind pass through her fur. She was longing for something, something she couldn’t get in Windclan. It had been nice, but thoughts ravaged her mind daily.
What happened to Birch and Alder? Where did they go when Skystar was killed? Where did the last of Slash’s cats disappear to? What lingered past the twoleg place and what was in their territory? Moth Flight had discovered and wonderful magical stone that allowed them to speak with the dead. Dew Nose saw her Uncle again. It had been good to see him. To promise his kits were doing well. To promise him Slate was doing well. 
Dew Nose flickered her tail, eyeing the path away from Windclan. A sudden tap snapped her from her thoughts and she twisted around to face her sibling.
“See a bird?” Storm Pelt laughed, brushing against her. 
“No, sorry. Are you hungry?” Dew Nose asked idly. 
“Not really. You just seem awful focused.” Storm Pelt retorted, leaning forward to catch Dew Nose’s eyes.
“I’ve been thinking, since Moth Flight found the Moonstone. I think I want to explore on my own.” Dew Nose confessed, looking away from her brother’s startled face.
“It’s dangerous alone though. Couldn’t you go with someone?” Storm Pelt gasped.
“Maybe someone will. I want to know what’s out there.” Dew Nose stated.
“Okay...Okay. But. Please tell the clan. Don’t just run off on your own.” Storm Pelt sighed, “You need to tell mom and dad. And Eagle Feather. And Aunt Slate. And-” “I get it, Storm Pelt. People would miss me. I understand.” Dew Nose managed a meager smile and licked at her sibling’s ear.
Windstar didn’t take it well. There was questions. Lots of questions. Moth Flight very kindly stood up for her, even if there was some sadness in her mew.
“All cats need to explore to find themselves. Even if it’s outside the clan. Dew Nose will return a wiser cat. She’ll return as truly herself.” Moth Flight had said.
That’s what tipped the clan’s thoughts. Dew Nose was said to rub goodbyes with her aunt and cousins. She was sad to watch her parents wrap around her like they’d never see her again. She thwacked her siblings with her tail one more time before heading off. Sad faces. Sad faces everywhere. But a little bit of rain wasn’t stopping Dew Nose. She needed to rain like she needed the sun. 
Time stood still as she hovered over the border and took a pawstep over. This was real. She was finally becoming her own cat. Dew Nose leaped over the border and raced through the high grasses, not stopping until she found the Moonstone. She’d use it as her waymark. She’d use to eventually come back home.
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