#trials and tribulations of workin at a humane society
yall i need to rant cause a ho is mad
its a doozy so pls bare with me (cute cat at the end tho)
okay so i work at a humane society right? and 4 months ago we busted a hoarder case of this lady owning hundreds upon hundreds of cats in her home where most if not all of them were sick and livin in literal shit (oh and i cant forget about all the dead cats she had in labeled boxes with how they died along her house and in a freezer) and my coworker and i have been working almost exclusively with them ever since me 3 months and her 4 months and we've got about 32 cats left because we had to euthanize a lot of them because they were just beyond saving they were that sick and some have just died in our care from being so sick.
we've literally brought the 5 kittens we have yes 2 to 3 month old kittens back to life and they are now lively and playful, oh are they so playful now. we've been medicating them around the clock since theyve been brought to us. constantly keeping track of whos on what meds whos been on what meds and what exactly to look and listen for. we've kept these 32 cats that we have healthy fed and clean. we make sure they have the food that they'll eat (meow mix only lol as we've learned through testing) made sure they have plenty of it (one is so overfed we thought she was potentially prego, turns out my coworker just gives her too much food) we make sure they have the right kind of wet food (oh boi do they hate paté wet food). we spend 5 or 6 hours in there alone cleanin up after them making sure they have spotless and thoroughly cleaned kennels because they have to live in them and are not adoptable. we spend countless hours administering meds to them to keep them healthy and countless hours checkin each and every one for ringworm, earmites, upper respiratory infections, eye problems and any other potential health problems they may have (we had one cat who meowed when he went to the bathroom and was in pain during it). we spend our own money on toys for them because they are stressed out from livin in not big enough kennels (no kennel will ever be big enough but again theyre not for permanent resident or for stays of this long). we spend hours of the day playing with them. petting them. and bonding with them. out of our 32 cats about 5 of them were not friendly towards us. out of those 5 weve gotten 3 of them to allow us to pet them. one becoming completely loving towards with a little wet food bribery. and one being one that we thought there was no hope for but i finally got him to let me pet him and he even leans into my hands now for pets. we've spent the past 4 months nursing them back to life and watching them blossom and flourish under our care and recently we just got the headtbreak of a lifetime and learned that the lady who hoards them gets to choose 3 (potentially more but nothings been confirmed so far). now this probably doesnt seem like much of a heartbreak it's only 3 but the fact of the matter is is that the lady already has 90+ cats again in her shit and illness filled home so basically we've busted our asses to keep these cats healthy and alive and this lady who doesnt actually care about them still gets to come into our shelter and pick 3 or potentially more that she wants to keep. and the reason she gets to keep any of them is because of idahos backwards and fucked up laws about cats. so to break it down for you basically in idaho cats are considered rodents so its not animal cruelty to keep hundreds of them in your care or even kill them. yup you heard that right someone can go out and say theyre gonna kill a cat and the police and animal control cant do anything about it. the only reason we were able to raid her house and take her cats was because they were sick no other reason than that.
so basically all in all idaho has fucked up laws. im upset about any of my cats going back to this lady. and i think this lady should go to jail and have her home condemned for what shes doing to these cats.
end rant
also consolation prize for if you read the whole thing (or just scrolled to the bottom and want to see a cute cat). me petting the cat we held out no hope for and now look at him kneading away as i give him full body pets
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