onlinemarktplatz-de · 2 months
Trotz Qualitätsschwankungen von Versanddienstleistern Kundenzufriedenheit steigern
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Aufgrund jüngster Berichte über Qualitätsmängel bei einigen Versand- und Logistikdienstleistern, sehen viele Online-Händler nun die Notwendigkeit, Versandprozesse zu überdenken. In diesem Zusammenhang bietet Packlink, ein führender Anbieter von Logistiklösungen, wertvolle Einblicke und Tipps, wie kleine und mittlere Online-Händler ihre Versandkosten optimieren und die Kundenzufriedenheit steigern können und dabei auf verschiedene Versanddienstleister zurückgreifen können. Kosten auf dem Prüfstand: Vier Tipps zur Kostenreduzierung und Effizienzsteigerung im Versand - Kostenvergleich und Auswahl der Dienstleister: Eine Studie von Packlink zeigt, dass 53% der deutschen Konsumenten die Versandkosten als entscheidendes Kriterium beim Online-Einkauf ansehen. Dies unterstreicht die Bedeutung eines gründlichen Vergleichs der Dienstleistungen und Preise verschiedener Logistikunternehmen. - Wahlmöglichkeiten für Kunden bieten: Eine effektive Strategie zur Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit ist es, den Kunden die Möglichkeit zu bieten, ihren bevorzugten Logistikpartner selbst auszuwählen. Dies kann besonders wichtig sein, wenn Kunden Bedenken bezüglich der Lieferqualität bestimmter Dienstleister haben. Indem Kunden die Wahlmöglichkeit gegeben wird, können Online-Händler das Vertrauen in ihren Service stärken und eine positive Einkaufserfahrung schaffen. Dies führt zu einer stärkeren Kundenbindung und kann das Markenimage positiv beeinflussen. - Kostenlose Lieferung und einfache Rückgabe: Nach Packlink-Umfragen meiden 30% der deutschen Verbraucher Shops mit komplizierten Rückgaberichtlinien. Eine effiziente und kundenfreundliche Rückgabepolitik, ermöglicht durch die richtige Auswahl eines Logistikpartners, kann daher wesentlich zur Kundenbindung beitragen. - Anpassung an Kundenbedürfnisse: Verstehen und Eingehen auf die Wünsche der Kunden, kann die Kundenzufriedenheit erhöhen und die Markenloyalität stärken. Verkäufer schätzen die Prioritäten ihrer Kunden manchmal falsch ein. So hat eine Packlink-Umfrage ergeben, dass die Verbraucher den Preis (57 Prozent) des Produkts in den Vordergrund stellen, während die Einzelhändler der Meinung sind, dass die Qualität im Vordergrund steht (82 Prozent). Um Kunden anzuziehen und zu binden, aber auch um den Absatz zu optimieren, ist es daher wichtig, individuelle Bedürfnisse zu berücksichtigen. "Die aktuelle Marktsituation unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit für Onlinehändler, ihre Logistikstrategien zu überdenken. Es geht nicht nur darum, Kosten zu senken, ohne dass Restrukturierungen oder Entlassungen erforderlich sind, sondern auch darum, einen zuverlässigen Service zu bieten, der die Kundenzufriedenheit steigert. Wir helfen Händlern dabei, hier das richtige Rezept zu finden", sagt Matthew Trattles, VP of SMB Revenue bei Auctane. In der heutigen Zeit, in der Kunden höchste Ansprüche an Liefergeschwindigkeit und -zuverlässigkeit stellen, können sich kleinere Händler keinen Ausfall in ihrer Lieferkette leisten. Dienstleistungen zur Planung und Abwicklung von Versandlösungen bieten eine effiziente, kostengünstige und benutzerfreundliche Lösung, die sich ideal für den modernen E-Commerce-Markt eignet. Durch den Vergleich einer Vielzahl von Versandoptionen können Online-Händler jeder Größe die besten und kostengünstigsten Lösungen für ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse finden. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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usaccidents · 7 months
GUTHRIE, TX (October 11, 2023) — Three people, identified as Christian Trattles, Ashley Peppers, and a 3-year-old child, died in a car accident on Saturday, September 30
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salus-in-arduis · 1 year
Token Farthing of Anthony & Elizabeth Maynard, Apothecary of Newport, Isle of Wight. Anthony Maynard 1637 - 1695
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Fig. 1. Obv: The Apothecaries' Arms ANTHONY MAYNARD Rev: A E M IN NEWPORT
Details of other tradespeople at the time can be found in The National Archives, which holds a Release by Anthony Maynard of Newport, apothecary, to Nicholas Woodnutt of Newport, fellmonger, John Mew, glazier, Henry Trattle, butcher, Timothy Clench and Richard Wheeler, victuallers, Frances Hunt and Edward Hearne, yeoman, all of Newport. Date: 4 November 1668. Also the fascinating article below is an extract from Pharmaceutical Historian magazine March 1988:
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apenitentialprayer · 4 years
Abortion and Birth Control Among African American Slaves
If it is hard to differentiate real sickness from passive resistance it is almost impossible to determine whether slave women practiced birth control or abortion. These matters were virtually exclusive to female quarters, and when they arose they were attended to in secret and were intended to remain secret. Some Southern whites were certain that slave women knew how to avoid pregnancy as well as how to deliberately abort a pregnancy. When Daph, a woman on the Ferry Hill plantation in Virginia, miscarried twins in 1838 the overseer reported that Daph took some sort of abortifact to bring about miscarriage. Suspicions about slave abortions ran high enough to spur public comment. In an essay titled “On the susceptibility of Caucasian and African races to the different classes of disease,” Dr. E. M. Pendleton claimed that planters regularly complained of whole families of women who fail to have any children. A Tennessee physician, Dr. John H. Morgan, said of slave women that “often they will attempt to bring all the aids into requisition that they can ascertain that will increase the parturient effort, either by medicine, violent excise, or by external and internal manipulations.” Morgan was relatively certain that black females declined the use of mechanical implements to effect miscarriage but he was convinced they used abortifacts. Among those he listed were the herbs of tansy and rue, the roots and seed of the cotton plant, pennyroyal, cedar berries, and camphor, either in gum or spirits. The suspicions of planters on this account were not without foundation. For example, an 1869 South Carolina court case revealed that a slave woman sold as “unsound” and barren in 1857 had three children after emancipation. In another instance, a bondwoman refused to have children because her master forced her to marry someone she did not like. After she was sold and found someone of her own choosing, she had ten children. Sarah Shaw of Missouri remembered that when her father was sold away, her master compelled her mother to  take a new husband. Her mother complied but she was determined not to have any more children. “Mama said she would never marry a man and have children so she married my step-father Trattle Barber, because she knew he had a disease and could not be a father.” The record on self-imposed sterility and self-induced miscarriages is ambiguous. Strenuous work might have been the culprit in many cases involving barrenness or abortion. For example, on the Ball rice plantations in South Carolina, from 1760 to 1865, the months of greatest hoeing and weeding activity -May, June, and July- produced the smallest number of conceptions resulting in birth. Several physicians, including Doctors Morgan and Pendleton, made the connection between the bonded woman’s work regimen and sterility and miscarriages. Dr. Morgan thought that slave fertility would be higher if, among other things, female field hands were not so “exposed” during menstruation and pregnancy: “When by proper care and attention during these periods, in way of moderate labor, good clothing, etc., they are much more thrifty and fruitful.” A Dr. Baskette believed, with Morgan, that the want of attention and care was “more generally the cause of barrenness than any other thing.” Black women, he noted, “were seldom consulted in regard to their catamenia, and if there was any disturbance in that function it was treated with indifference.” While Dr. Pendleton remained convinced that “blacks are possessed of a secret by which they destroy the foetus at an early stage of gestation,” he too regarded slave labor as “inimical to the procreation of the species from exposure, violent exercise, etc.” The jury will have to remain out on whether slave women were guilty of practicing birth control and abortion, but some reasons why they might have been guilty as accused should be considered. Certainly, they had reason not to want to bear and nurture children who could be sold from them at a slave masters’ whim. They had ample cause to want to deny whites the satisfaction of realizing a profit on the birth of their children. But they also had as much reason as any antebellum woman, white or free black, to shun pregnancy and childbirth. As long as obstetrics had not yet evolved into a science, childbirth was dangerous. We would also be remiss if we did not at least suppose that a few abortions were motivated by attempts to hide teenage pregnancy or marital infidelity. Black women were slaves but they were also human. 
Deborah Gray White (Ar’n’t I A Woman? Female Slaves in the Plantation South, pages 84-86)
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tatter-demalion · 5 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @awesomelyanon
Nickname: Emmy
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: ~5′4″
Last Movie I Saw: Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
Last Thing I Googled: Moustache wax
Favourite Musician: Favorites are hard, so I’m just gonna say I’ve been really into Autoheart recently.
Song Stuck in My Head: Life We Chose, by Jared & the Mill
Other Blogs? @sadknightaesthetic is where I reblog a ton of stuff so I can find it later. Got a couple old, dead blogs too that are hanging around here.
Do I Get Asks? Not often! *hint, hint*
Following: 151
Followers: 166
Amount of Sleep: Usually around 7 hours a night. I can get by on 6, but I do best with 8-9.
Lucky Number: 8′s a nice number. I dunno that it’s lucky but I like it.
Dream Job: Comic artist, but I get to make my own comics!
What I’m Wearing: Gray jeans, white shirt, and two (2) maroon jackets ‘cause I’m cold.
Favourite Food: Lasagna. I hate to give the garfield answer, but there it is.
Can I Play an Instrument: I can play ukulele a bit! I can’t sing and do any fancy strumming patterns at the same time though, I’m not coordinated enough yet.
Languages: English, some German
Favourite Songs: Got a lot for this one, hold on
Soldier, Poet, King by the Oh Hellos
Animal by AURORA
Still Feel by half alive
Pelicans We by Cosmo Sheldrake
It’s Alright by Mother Mother
Dirty Imbecile by the Happy Fits
Lent by Autoheart
I Love You by Woodkid
In My Soul by Flannel Graph
Sleep Walking by Cinders
Foolishly Wrong by Autoheart
Come and Be by James Spaite, Maddy Trattles
River from the Sky by the Weepies
Yin Yang by USS
Saturn by Sleeping At Last
Random Fact: I like Dark Souls 2 a lot and I think all the Souls games are good, if in different ways. Controversial, I know, haha
Describe Yourself as Aesthetic Things: A steaming mug of tea, big scarves, when your breath mists because it’s cold outside, freckles, clouds hiding the mountains from view, a Gm-Eb-Bb-F chord progression, someone humming in the other room
tagging @julesdrawing, @kintheartist, @deseretgear, @rainbow-ray-bubbles and anyone else that would like to take a shot at it!
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institchyou · 5 years
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Kolkata is an amazing city, one where I have spent the most of my time in India - around 5 months. But I had never been to the flower market before! I picked up my push bike from the family I had given it too and hit the road for a cycle around the city with the most talented Canadian photographer David Trattles, he took me the flower market where I did a quick sketch of the Bengal men. 🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺 #flowermarket #kolkata #bengali #sketch #cycle #travel #art #kolkataart #flower #flowerpower (at Kolkata) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu0WaFhnW2s/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dob9tg8puumc
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nebuladarlings · 3 years
workin’ on a starter for my new bby, lucas trattle. it’ll be up either tomorrow or thursday! i’m so excited, he’s a cutie patootie. other than that-- i’ve got some drafts to work on tomorrow & i’m definitely gonna be heading to bed soon.
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(Christopher Trattles) 
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lazygirl229-blog · 6 years
Ho imparato a dire:
"Trattl com t trattn ca nun è pccat!."
Perché tanto ormai la gente di te non se ne frega più niente.👍
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Kabanata 000: Prologue
Bago magsimula ang lahat, nais ko munang ipakilala ang aking sarili.
Magandang araw sa inyong lahat! Ako si Ednaaaaa E. Yaaaaywilolwayslabyu. Chararat man ang pangalan ko, hindi naman chararat ang pag-uugali ko ;)
Anyway, hindi ako masyadong makapagsalita ng Filipino. I don’t communicate well in English, too. However, I am very conyo, so ‘wag kayong ma-confuse, ha? Like, hello, mas havey kaya jokes ko kapag taglish!
Ay, charot! Hindi nga pala joke ang blog na ‘to; seryoso ‘to, beshies! Hindi nga lang kasing seryoso ng breakup niyo ng ex mo. Ay, araaaay.
Pero hindi naman ako love expert, eh. Bakit? Starring ba ako sa Frozen? HINDI AKO TROLL! Oooooh, story of my life. Akala niyo internet troll lang ako? EXCUSE ME! Hindi lang ako troll; ako rin ay isang tshake at trattle. Hindi mo gets? Pwes, Patrick, umalis ka diyan sa ilalim ng bato kung saan ka nakatira.
Anyway, kung gusto pa ninyong makalaman ng mga bagay-bagay tungkol sa akin, here’s all you need to know:
- Hindi nakaka-offend ang mga jokes ko. Promise ‘yan. Sadyang nakaka-onbeginning lang. :)
- Kaarawan ko? Wala eh. Kasi, sa gabi lang naman ako gising.
- Ang aking edad ay forever young. Hindi valid? Eh ‘di never growing old.
- Ang mga hugot dito ay tungkol sa love, friendship, family, at iba pang mga bagay-bagay sa buhay. Pero, all in all, galing silang lahat sa baka. ‘Di ba? HuGOAT? Ay, sensya na, GOATom lang ‘to hehehe.
- Naniniwala ako sa kasabihang, “Caution: Hot.” Ako ‘yun eh.
- Hindi ako endorser at hindi rin ako robot! Tao lang ako! Nagkakamali, nakakaramdam, at, higit sa lahat, nag-eexercise ng freedom of expression. Maaari akong gumamit ng mga larawan na hindi sa akin, gaya ng crush mo; hindi naman sa’yo, pero kung maka-claim ka, wagas.
- Hindi rin naman ako judgmental. 1000% sassy nga lang. ‘Wag niyong isapuso ang mga pinagsasabi ko rito. Ma-haheartbreak ka lang.
- Popcorn paborito ko kung hindi obvious. Corny ako eh.
‘Yun lang naman lahat so far. You’ll get to know me better as you read and cry along and laugh at my blogs. 
Presenting: EDNA, ang lakwatserang hugotera!
Matakot ka na, Dora.
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Globetrotting Artist Uses Bike-Powered Sewing Machine To Stitch Live Portraits Anywhere
Traveling to exotic locations to capture the sights in plein air compositions is nothing new, but an intrepid British artist is blazing a new trail of in-situ artworks with her sewing machine. Textile performance artist Harriet Riddell specializes in observational portraits rendered in embroidery. Using self-sustaining sources of electricity, she has traveled to places like Kenya, India, and public streets throughout the UK to create live portraits with an electric sewing machine.
Riddell tells Creators that there are advantages to the unusual circumstances in which she works. "I love to work from life. I never draw before I stitch, I like the immediacy of my work and having to work quickly and intuitively to respond to my surroundings."
Riddell first picked up needle and thread when she was just five years old, but it wasn't until she began taking life drawing classes that she started stitching portraits of live subjects at the suggestion of her instructor. "Much to my classmates' dismay, I did bring my sewing machine to class and stitched the models in the silent classroom. Immediately, I found a love for this style of drawing." In addition to supplying her with the visual inspiration for her stitching, Riddell likes to work from life in order to capture an element of spontaneity. "This directly feeds energy into my stitched lines. I am always looking for new places to explore my work in, different subjects and real life scenarios and new audiences to share the art with."
Images courtesy the artist.
Once Riddell started taking her electric sewing machine out in public to capture live subjects, she realized that she was limited to situations with an available power source. She discovered that she could connect a motorcycle battery to a power inverter to give her sewing machine portable electricity, but then she was limited to the length of time that the battery could run her machine before dying, and even solar panels are weather dependent. But with the help of the folks at Electric Pedals, Riddell is now able to produce her own power with a generator that hooks up to a bicycle, allowing her to recharge her battery and work indefinitely wherever she wants.
With her pedal-powered sewing machine, Riddell brings her work to remote areas, as well as urban streets where power can be difficult to access. "My sewing machine led me on adventures. I would set up in public places and draw what I could see and hear in cafes, pubs, and on mountain tops." Of course, early sewing machines were also pedal powered, but antique machines aren't nearly as portable as newer electric sewing machines, and the bicycle doubles as a mode of transportation to the places Riddell works.
Riddell's interactions with her subjects are often intensified by the necessity for them to ride her bike to generate electricity to power her machine while she stitches their portrait. "I love the interaction I have with people when I work. By using the bicycle as power, it enhances this interaction and encourages the public to become a part of the art."
While Riddell's work may be produced quickly and spontaneously, the social impact she has on the places she goes and the people whose portraits she stitches seems to be lasting. "By traveling with my sewing machine and working on the streets, this allows me to become a part of a new place and have a part within the community. I can use my art as a form of communication, creating a bond with the onlookers and my subjects. By becoming involved with the local people and responding to my surroundings, I getter a deeper understanding of its culture and politics. This feeds into my work and I then share my stories with a wider audience through exhibitions and talks."
Photo by David Trattles.
Harriet Riddell is currently working on an exhibition of scenes, architecture, and people in London at the GX Gallery in Camberwell, which will open later this year. Find out more about Riddell's work on her website, and look out for her on the streets of London.
from creators http://ift.tt/2nyGPAX via IFTTT
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usaccidents · 7 months
GUTHRIE, TX (October 11, 2023) — Three people, identified as Christian Trattles, Ashley Peppers, and a 3-year-old child, died in a car accident on Saturday, September 30
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martinjohnfowler · 7 years
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Thank you Trattles and Geall Gallery" sorry to hear you are closing after years of trading thank you for all my past sales it helped pay the bills Recording in sketches and paintings by Artist Martin John fowler #societyofscottishartists #thesteelrooms #Whitby #salcombe #salcombeart #falmouth #scarborough #falmouthart #forloveyorkshire #walesart #Staithes #bridlington #northyorkshire #bridlingtonart #staithesart #whitbyart #scarboroughart #inspiredbygallery #stivesart #Scarboroughart #martinjohnfowler #stives #staithesart #bilsandrye #penzance #penzanceart #cornwallart #Knaresboroughart #fishingheritagecentre #artforsale #staithesart #cornwallart #devonart
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(Christopher Trattles)
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trattle-blog-blog · 11 years
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Justin Bieber VS. The Grammy's. Feb. 10, 2013 - The Grammy's
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usaccidents · 7 months
GUTHRIE, TX (October 11, 2023) — Three people, identified as Christian Trattles, Ashley Peppers, and a 3-year-old child, died in a car accident on Saturday, September 30
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