prosegalaxy · 4 months
"Mythos and Monsters: Elara's Quest for Hope"
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow over the ancient forest. In this mystical world, the trees whispered secrets of long-forgotten legends and myths from different realms. The air was thick with magic, as creatures from all corners of existence roamed freely, bound together by a mysterious force that held the balance of power. A young woman named Elara wandered through these enchanted woods, her heart heavy with the burden of a life-changing decision. She had been chosen, or so she believed, to carry out an important task that could change the course of history. The weight of this destiny weighed heavily on her shoulders, and the voices in her head only grew louder as she ventured deeper into the woods. As she stood at the base of a massive tree, its bark adorned with symbols from various mythologies, a figure emerged from the shadows. "Elara," the stranger called, his voice like the rustling of leaves in autumn. "I have been waiting for you." "Who are you?" Elara asked, her voice trembling with fear and anticipation. The stranger smiled, revealing sharp teeth that seemed to belong to a creature from the deepest depths of the ocean. "I am Kael, a shape-shifter born in the land of mermaids and krakens. I have been following you since the day you were marked as the one destined to fulfill an ancient prophecy." Elara's eyes widened, her heart pounding with newfound hope. "And what is this prophecy?" Kael took a deep breath and began to recite the words of an age-old tale: "When darkness threatens to consume all light, one shall rise from the ashes of despair. With the strength of a thousand suns, she will unite worlds and vanquish the enemy that seeks to rule them all." Elara's eyes filled with determination as she realized her purpose. She would be the hero in this story, the one to bring hope to those who had lost it. As Kael vanished into the shadows once more, Elara knew that her journey had only just begun, and with every step, she would grow stronger and more capable of fulfilling her destiny.
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fadingzipperdragongoop · 11 months
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givemegifs · 2 years
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deus-and-the-machina · 4 months
hythlodaeus be like "teehee I hope I can be of some use" *clean headshot* 😊
bitch they wanted you for the aether-centric governmental position I know you think your curmudgeony cunt husband is amazing but stop selling yourself short its a slippery slope to sacrificing yourself to make god smh
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All the Good Luck in the World
Commissioned by: @valagon37
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I don’t know how. I do not understand why. I have a lot of questions that remain unanswered. As they stay that way, I attribute them to luck. I must have used all the good luck in the world so I could achieve what I am experiencing right now. And that is becoming one hell of a good-looking Asian hunk. Not just any Asian hunk, but the one and only Lee-Seok Jun. I still have a lot of questions, but at least I can answer the questions of where did it start?
In this day and age, many stories start on the Internet, just like this one. It was a usual evening in my room, surfing across Discord for a nice place to find a conversation that would entertain me. On one such server, I found this guy who referred to himself as ‘June’. He says he’s from Korea, and he would like to practice his English writing skills with an American. The server is pretty much dead so nobody paid any attention to his message. Seeing that as good entertainment, and a way to quench my curiosity about how different Koreans live when compared to me, I dove right in and said ‘hello’.
We hit it off from there. June’s English was horrendous at first, but he improved with each passing day. He loved it when I told him stories about my life over here. He’s even gushing over the mundane things I usually take for granted. For instance, I can eat whatever I want due to my well-paying job. I can take myself outside for steak by dinner and have a tub of ice cream for a late-night snack. He said his job restricts him from such freedom. When I asked him what his job was, he did not say. 
As the days went on, I began noticing strange things about myself. I’m changing gradually. First, the problems started with my speech. While I’m proud that June is improving his English, I began to notice the worsening of mine. I was slurring, and I found it hard to pronounce several words that I didn’t have problems with before. I now spend longer amounts of time before I can reply to a proper message to June. But that’s not the only strange thing. I was eating in a Korean diner the other day, and I swear, I understood what the cook was saying to his idiotic son. He was scolding him for the wrong preparation of the kimchi. 
After the changes to my speech, the change soon took a turn for my appearance. My hair turned black, and my skin is becoming paler than usual. My muscles feel sore. Not the kind of sore that I usually feel after a long day of using the computer. It’s the kind of sore I feel whenever I lift heavy objects or that time I tried to exercise. And from the sores in my stomach, I was initially distraught when I saw these six dense bumps. Slowly, it dawned on me that those were abs. Real fucking abs! It’s impossible. The closest thing I did to exercise was walk to my work. From there, thick and brimming trained musculature popped everywhere in my body. I visited a doctor to see if anything was wrong with me. They did some tests, and it all came out as normal. What struck me though, is that the nurse marked me as Asian for my race, rather than a Caucasian. It’s strange because nobody in my life mistook me for another race.
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Then one day, I popped into the mirror and saw a reflection that wasn’t me. I- It’s someone else! Instead of panicking now that my original identity is gone, there is joy inside me. It was a sly smirk at first, that soon formed into a full grin. Why the hell should I be complaining when I have this magnificent body? I should call myself lucky for having this set of muscles and a handsome mug. However, one question hangs in my mind. Why the hell did this happen? If there’s anyone that knows, it’s June. The change started when I first talked to him, so he must know something about this. And besides, he’s the only Korean that I know of.
I contacted him in Discord. Instead of the usual text reply, he invited me to a video call. It’s the first time he did that. When I entered the video chat, instead of a Korean on the other end, it was a Caucasian guy. And not just any Caucasian. It’s me! The original me! He has a smile on his face, the very same smile I had earlier. He’s sweating and naked and has probably explored my body already. 
“Ju- June? That you?” 
“Of course, it’s me. I know you’re angry. But please, understand. This is the only way to escape my life here in Korea.”
“Angry? Dude, I am happy!” I wanted to say something more expressive than happy, but the English was lost to me. It took me a few more seconds when I remembered the word ‘elated’. “Also, what is your meaning when you say you want to escape?”
“You see, I’m a famous model slash actor here in Korea. I doubt you’ve heard the stories about how agencies handle people like me. They control our schedule, our diet, everything! I am sick and tired of it. The only reason why I got to talk to you is that I bought a burner phone. I can video call you now since I’ve escaped temporarily now that I’m you.”
“I mean. All is okay now, right?”
“I wish I could say that,” June frowned. “Sorry.”
June ended the video call, and he does not answer any further calls I send to him. If he does not want to be bothered, that leaves me with more time to explore his body which he threw easily away. I stepped back to the mirror and admired my statuesque body worthy of salivation. 
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Good fucking heavens! My biceps are gigantic. They’re hard when I flex them, and firm whenever I stretch my arm out. I could lift several objects that I was struggling with before. And my pectorals. Good lord. They’re like women’s breasts given how large they are. I can practically grab them with my entire hand and squeeze them. Then there comes my face. I’m so cute and fair, which serves as a nice contrast to my ripped body. I can’t fathom why I didn’t realize how much my body had changed in a couple of days. I guess it was so gradual that I didn’t notice.
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As I walked about, I noticed something shifting in my groin. Unlike the rest, it hasn’t changed since this morning. But to my surprise when I pulled down my underwear, a raging beast of massive proportions popped out. I guess the stereotypes were wrong, after all. I plopped on my bed where I began ruminating on my angle of attack regarding the monster that is my groin. I grabbed the shaft and felt thunderous echoes ebb on my body. Not only was my dick large, but it was also sensitive. I guess June hasn’t used this package much with such stingy managers in his agency. I pulled my shaft, and my cute pink head slipped out. I could see the precum foaming at the tip, which washed down when I pulled the skin upward. 
Slowly and firmly, I jerked my dick. Moans bubbled from my lips as my mind was lost to the pleasure. How could June just throw this body like it was nothing!? He’s lucky to have this, and now I’m lucky to have it. The stars of the Universe must have aligned so that I could become Lee-Seok Jun. Wait… How did I know June’s real name? 
I sped up the movements of my hand. One hand now searches clumsily for my asshole. I found it seconds later, and I prodded inside for the prostate. Gah! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I know this body is sensitive, but I didn’t realize that it could get a lot more than that. I screamed when I found that sweet spot inside my ass and my hips jerked toward the ceiling. My balls squirmed and tightened. It’s like an explosion. There’s that momentary silence in the implosion, before the destructive aftermath of flying debris and supersonic waves. That explosion happened in both my mind and my dick. Thick hot cum spurred from the shaft and into the world beyond. Many lobules splattered on my chest, but some had found their way to the floor. 
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” I half-moaned and half-screamed. My heart is in a stampede, and my head was wrecked with a flood of unimaginable pleasures. My body is alive and breathing. Sweat patterned all over my skin, and they moved with every heave of my humongous chest. I blink one moment to see that I am in the bed in my room. I blink in another and I find myself in a familiar yet strange location. I’m in my room, back in Korea. 
Wait, I don’t have a room in Korea? Wha- I- I don’t understand. When the pleasures subsided, the answers to my prior questions finally returned to my head. After seeing his life wasted in Korean show business, Lee-Seok Jun turned to mysticism for a solution. He found a body swap spell, and he found me as the prime fool who fell for his trap. At least, that’s what he saw. This is not a trap in my eyes. It’s a lucky blessing! Cumming when our bodies are swapped sealed the deal permanently. I don’t mind the strict schedule and diet if I was to stay in this body.
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The door to my new bedroom opened. It’s my friend and manager, Ji-woo.
“Where the hell have you been these past few hours!?” Ji-woo said in perfect Korean. I tried to hide my still-dripping dick with my sheets. Ji-woo just stared at me and laughed. “Finally, you’re enjoying that body of yours. People would kill themselves just to be like you. So, dress up. You have an underwear photoshoot in an hour.”
“예 (Yes),” I said back.
----------------------------------------- Once again, thank you to @Valagon37 for this commission. I've exceeded the 500-word limit for the commission because of how sexy the prompt is.
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merklins · 1 year
🃏 with whoever you want?
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Well, since the two of you seem to agree...
Sleepless as a Tarot card (:
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(Sketches and my epic reasoning for why I chose the Ten of Swords below the read more) (It's long)
DISCLAIMER: I didn't know much about Tarot cards before these asks, so everything I mention here came from approximately four hours worth of research. Enjoy!
There are seventy-eight tarot cards in a deck, so how do you pick just ONE? There were sooo many good options that I was considering for Sleepless, it was really tough! The Cups had a LOT of cards if I wanted to focus on his relationship with Doc, and Wands was a big contender too, but it would have been tricky to pick just one to sum up all of the internal stuff Sleepless had going on. I excluded the Pentacles because those were mostly focused on work life, and the Major Arcana was out of the question too because. I. I forget now but I think I wanted a challenge and none of the Major Arcana explanations were sparking anything for me. SO SWORDS IT WAS!
The Suit of Swords are kind of like the Suit of Wands, but it seemed to focus a lot more on how everything builds up because of external matters and what you do with it! For example there's some cards in this deck that deal with heartbreak, contending with your feelings, fixing mistakes, and even more! "BUT MERKLINS aren't those all things that Sleepless had to deal with?" Well, yes! From what I read, Tarot cards are used to reflect upon and even predict events that happen in your life. Heartbreak, rest, and distancing oneself are all individual matters that Sleepless, and anyone else, have gone through or overcome! But I wanted something that tied in really closely to zer role in In Your Dreams. If you think of some things Sleepless did during the blog, I IMAGINE that zer grand double-crossing redemption would be pretty high on that list!
So the Ten of Swords, and In Your Dreams. Ready for this? The Ten of Swords in its upright position carries a lot of heavy meanings about being betrayed, abandoned, befallen by a horrible fate, losing something or someone important to you, all of that and even more. It's the card that sends you crashing to the lowest that you've ever felt, and drives you to either give up or take ACTION. I believe ALL of these different meanings could be applied to Sleepless! I can't remember if we were given a precise explanation for what Sleepless did to earn the ire of the Mad Science Team, but Coomer did mention at some point that they never should have banished a mad scientist for being a Mad Scientist. So I imagine that means that whatever it was Sleepless did, it was hardly out of place for them! They were simply a Mad Scientist doing mad science, and suddenly EVERYONE was against them! Their closest allies, their friends, and even their partner. What do we call that? BETRAYAL! Sleepless probably felt BETRAYED. Everyone they cared about had seemingly abandoned them and. that was it! That was IT. He fucked up one time (he didn't even understand what he did was wrong) AND EVERYONE LEFT HIM FOR IT. Hence the five swords in his back: Benrey, Coomer, Bubby, Tommy, and Doc, who pierced RIGHT THROUGH HIS HEART.
But the Ten of Swords is also about moving on. About recovery and acceptance.
You see, Tarot cards have another interesting feature, in which reversing the card so it's upside-down changes the meaning. For the Ten of Swords, these altered meanings are about what comes from that anguish. What you do as a result of the grief and turmoil you were faced with. In some cases this is a solemn acceptance as you grow a new circle and start anew, and in others this is dealing with the emotional scars you were left with, and fighting to get back what you lost. The reversed Ten of Swords is meant to resolve whatever conflict it inflicted upon you from the upright position. How did Sleepless resolve that? What did ze do to recover from the pain zer friends caused zem? Well, after a little off-screen trial and tribulation... Ze found the man who hurt them. AND REPAID HIM THE FAVOR! Sleepless rode out the act they had been carrying to get in G-man's good graces, even confronting their friends and presenting those scars in a way that scraped at their hearts like little daggers, before finally driving their own sword (scissors) into the perpetrator and ending it ONCE AND FOR ALL. Sleepless followed through the entire meaning of the Ten of Swords. He was abandoned by his friends, left alone and betrayed. He braved out those feelings in solitude, coming to terms with what he did wrong and how his friends had hurt him. How they hadn't meant it. And finally, HE DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Sleepless made that effort to mend that bond he had lost, AND FOR THAT HE WAS REWARDED HANDSOMELY! Sleepless got his friends back. His team. His partner. They ALL learned from it. Everyone grew.
In the reversed position of the Ten of Swords, some people say that the image is meant to portray the healing process. The swords would have fallen out, and all that would remain would be the wounds, which would eventually heal and scar over with time. IT'S SIMPLY PERFECT FOR SLEEPLESS' CHARACTER ARC!
Ah ah ah, I'm missing something here, aren't I? "That's only six swords! This is Ten of Swords, where are the rest?" Well, the remaining "swords" are shown off by the chat bubbles in the background, which are meant to represent the messages on the blog! It's a metaphorical thing (: Every time the messages accused Sleepless, doubted his intentions, or said horrible things to him throughout his journey of healing and redemption. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but WORDS ARE SHARP AS SWORDS!
If you've made it to the end of this post, and survived reading my lengthy analysis, then I reward you now... WITH THE SKETCHES!!
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fortunaestalta · 5 months
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notyuta · 2 years
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this thumbnail is killing me
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The BIG ”IF”
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-hsm6p-149726e IF.   I’ve been thinking about the word IF.  It a very small word.  Two letters.    But, such an important life-changing word as well.   Let me explain my thoughts behind this.   And no pun intended but IF you apply the condition of the word IF in your life, that is when action comes, rubber meets the road, results happen, growth happens, or…
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Digital transformation in manufacturing necessary for future growth because digitisation boosts productivity instantly, allowing projects to proceed more quickly and manufacturers to meet more aggressive deadlines. Today, we'll look at how digitisation revolutionises manufacturing and what it means for the industry.
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prosegalaxy · 4 months
"Journey Through Enchanted Realms: A Magical Transformation"
In the mystical realm, the protagonist stood before the ancient tree that guarded the entrance to the enchanted forest. "I am prepared for the journey," they declared confidently. The tree nodded, revealing a hidden path that would lead them through uncharted territory, full of adventure and wonder. This scene captures the character's determination and the magical world's responsiveness to their actions.
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pacificskypower · 2 years
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Rogue: renewable energy camp on the river. Harness energy from the wind and sun plus orbital spin generation anytime anywhere! #followus #followforfollowback #following #kickstarter #prelaunch #comingsoon #gamechanging #transformatioal #breakthrough #cleanenergy #windturbine #windgenerator #solar #solarenergy #greenenergy #renewableenergy #climatesolutions #adventure #survivalgear #peace #outdoors #nature #environmentalfriendly #ecofriendly #traveladventure #generator #camping #hiking #fishing #offgrid (at Washington State) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj1pcanLWL0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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smellcast · 2 years
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sc 577 Sassy Walks Among Us!
Sassy returns bigger than ever in this exciting episode of the Smellcast!  Plus!!  Scat Bird and Cocoa Ebo!
Write to Toppie at [email protected]. Leave a comment on Toppie’s blog!  Follow him on Twitter. Friend Toppie on Facebook by emailing him YOUR FB name and link, then Toppie will find YOU and friend you!
Rss feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheSmellcast
(via sc 577 Sassy Walks Among Us!)
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credibleauomotive · 2 years
Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting Market has Huge Demand Top Key Players Profiling - Mercer, McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group, B2E Con??sulting, Deloitte
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The recent report on “Global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting Market Report 2022 by Key Players, Types, Applications, Countries, Market Size, Forecast to 2030” offered by Credible Markets, comprises of a comprehensive investigation into the geographical landscape, industry size along with the revenue estimation of the business. Additionally, the report also highlights the challenges impeding market growth and expansion strategies employed by leading companies in the “Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting Market”.
An exhaustive competition analysis that covers insightful data on industry leaders is intended to help potential market entrants and existing players in competition with the right direction to arrive at their decisions. Market structure analysis discusses in detail Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting companies with their profiles, revenue shares in market, comprehensive portfolio of their offerings, networking and distribution strategies, regional market footprints, and much more.
Key players in the global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting market: Mercer McKinsey & Company Boston Consulting Group B2E Con??sulting Deloitte Ernst & Young KPMG ITConnectUS FTI Consulting A.T. Kearney Accenture PLC Bain & Company PwC Mazars On the basis of types, the Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting market from 2018 to 2030 is primarily split into: Strategic Financial Model Consulting Shared Financial Model Consulting Lean Business Management Financial Consulting On the basis of applications, the Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting market from 2018 to 2030 covers: BFSI Healthcare IT & Telecom Manufacturing Retail Chemical Energy and Utilities Food and Beverage Others
Click the link to get a free Sample Copy of the Report @ https://crediblemarkets.com/sample-request/corporate-finance-transformation-consulting-market-541558?utm_source=Kaustubh&utm_medium=SatPR
Regional Analysis of Global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting Market
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
What does the Report Include?
The market report includes a detailed assessment of various drivers and restraints, opportunities, and challenges that the market will face during the projected horizon. Additionally, the report provides comprehensive insights into the regional developments of the market, affecting its growth during the forecast period. It includes information sourced from the advice of expert professionals from the industry by our research analysts using several research methodologies. The competitive landscape offers further detailed insights into strategies such as product launches, partnership, merger and acquisition, and collaborations adopted by the companies to maintain market stronghold between 2022 and 2030.
Direct Purchase this Market Research Report Now @ https://crediblemarkets.com/reports/purchase/corporate-finance-transformation-consulting-market-541558?license_type=single_user;utm_source=Kaustubh&utm_medium=SatPR
The report can answer the following questions:
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, Latin America market size (sales, revenue and growth rate) of Global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting industry.
Global major manufacturers’ operating situation (sales, revenue, growth rate and gross margin) of Global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting industry.
Global major countries (United States, Canada, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Spain, China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, Mexico, Brazil, C. America, Chile, Peru, Colombia) market size (sales, revenue and growth rate) of Global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting industry.
Different types and applications of Global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting industry, market share of each type and application by revenue.
Global market size (sales, revenue) forecast by regions and countries from 2022 to 2030 of Global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting industry.
Upstream raw materials and manufacturing equipment, industry chain analysis of Global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting industry.
SWOT analysis of Global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting industry.
New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis of Global Corporate Finance Transformation Consulting industry.
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suddenlymicah · 8 months
hey have i ever told you guys about torisai height difference
saiki- 5'6(changes if he uses transformatio)
tori- 5'10(unsure if thats with or without his shoes)
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Judd Legum at Popular Information:
According to some prominent billionaires, political pundits, and media figures, American universities have undergone a radical transformation. Institutions of higher learning in the United States, they say, are no longer focused on free academic inquiry. Rather, they are devoted to indoctrinating students on "woke" topics like critical race theory, systemic racism, and transgender rights.
"If I was gonna try to destroy the country, that’s how I would do it. I’d radicalize the kids. I’d give them the stupidest ideas and run them in their head. Boys can be girls, girls can be boys," Joe Rogan said earlier this month on his podcast, which attracts millions of listeners. "I think we’re sending our kids to cult camps. I think [students] get indoctrinated." "The amount of indoctrination that’s happening in schools and universities is, I think, far beyond what parents realize," billionaire Elon Musk told Bill Maher last year. (Maher endorsed Musk's theory enthusiastically.) On X, Musk added that the "woke mind virus has infested [academic] institutions" to "a shocking degree." 
Venture capitalist David Sacks claims that "the far left" has taken over universities. According to Sacks, the "quid pro quo of our civilization is if you want the economic and social advancement that a college degree grants you, you have to go to one of these schools and submit to voluntary reeducation for four years."  Billionaire investor Peter Thiel says that "[o]ver the last three to four years" colleges and universities have become "more woke" and "even less meritocratic." He is offering students $100,000 to skip college because "I don’t think schools like Stanford or Harvard will go away or really reform."  Charlie Kirk, a right-wing operative with 2.9 million followers on X, wrote a book called "The College Scam," which claims that colleges are "brainwashing away the future of America's youth." In a March 2023 appearance on Fox News, Kirk claimed that "colleges need to fail" because they have been "going so far in the woke direction."
In the New York Times, columnist David Brooks asserts that "ideological activism is replacing intellectual inquiry as the primary mission of universities."  These claims are never backed by data. They are based on anecdotes or a general impression. But, despite a lack of factual evidence, the idea that universities have gone "woke" and are indoctrinating students with far-left ideologies has gained widespread acceptance. The best available data, however, does not support these theories. Open Syllabus, a non-profit group, collects syllabi from colleges and universities. The group has collected over 5.5 million syllabi at more than 4,000 American institutions of higher learning. The data is not comprehensive because Open Syllabus relies mostly on publicly available data. But it is the most robust database of what is actually taught on campus in the U.S. 
Popular Information's Judd Legum debunks the right-wing myth about colleges and universities being bastions of "woke indoctrination." The bad-faith attacks about "woke" colleges is part of the right-wing war on higher education.
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