#trans inclusivity at my workplace is something I've been fighting for since i started
halyorke-vampiredisaster ยท 10 months
My workplace is switching data bases and now we are at risk of losing trans inclusivity. The old data base wasn't exactly inclusive from the get-go but I made it inclusive and it worked well enough. The new one is less customizable and my coworker (that KNOWS I am trans) is like ... well if we can't make it work we'll just have to tell them (the trans people in our data base) that we tried and really mean to respect them ... and I mean, yes, that is better than nothing. But when they started working with us our processes were trans inclusive, we respected their pronouns and names with every e-mail and never gave out their deadnames to the other people working with them. This was and is OBVIOUSLY important to them. We can't brush OUTING THEM to the people they work with off with 'but we really tried' WTF
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