#tpoh melody
bugbeingautistic · 7 months
So this is something I found in the middle of Melody's cherade here . I found one of the songs , the blue sheet music on this panel is Swan Lake by tchaikovsky. THE OTHER THOUGH ??? It is MUCH prettier, and I must find this song. But ! not even Sarah Jolley knows the title of the piece she used for this panel.
This is the panel in question:
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I booted up musescore to hear the songs she was playing - and this other mystery song that i have been unable to find FOR A *YEAR* , is so. SO goregous. i need help finding this. please it has been a year (january 2023) since i've started looking for this song, and still i have NOTHING.
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hanahaki-ghost · 21 days
Day 22:claustrophobic
Never drawn melody before but here Melody and Julienne being squished in a cage
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alanide-art · 10 months
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Part 1 of the compilation of stills (minus the 3D) from the lyric video I made earlier this year!
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speckled-biscut · 1 month
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eyebex · 10 months
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Some tpoh doodles. Just re-read it and I am unwell
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live-on-air · 1 year
Some lil' doodles
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asiadoesstuff · 1 year
My Grandma’s Birthday Card!!! 🥳
(Made by me!!✨)
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spikedlynx · 2 months
You know… I wonder whose eyes were looking through in TPoH. Putting in a Keep Reading for spoilers stuff in both concept and moments.
So like it's established from the get-go that stuff that's not really tangible is so in the World of Imagination through the introduction of fears, lies, and doubts. Later on we see Hate literally cut panels in half to take away Julienne and Melody. I could go on to name other characters but you get the point.
So POV/point of view/perspective is how the audience sees things. The default for most visual media is third person either limited or omniscient. And that's how we're seeing the events of the comic. But we are seeing through someone's eyes. They are mostly silent but they do talk to us in a few pages (thinking of when we see a bit of Human!RGB's past in the train and when Hero tells RGB about Negative.) It can't be hate because she can't see in the train or when Negative's out but we do. And Mod implied in an ask that we're only seeing highlights of the journey when someone asked/commented about how fast they were moving through the world. (Please link if you know/find it.)
While the mystery person seems to be mostly interested in Hero and RGB, just by the fact that they show us different people like the events of the Black Market collapse and Dial in the Sands of Regret means that they aren't limited in where they can see. And the fact that we saw events that Hate couldn't see and the convo between Dial and Hate implies that the owner of our eyes is fairly powerful.
I might just be overthinking it and this is not an aspect of the comic. But given what we know of the world it is fun to think about. If this is a character I wonder what their motivations are and why they are interested in RGB's quest to save the world.
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riodoesstuff · 10 months
im feeling really bad for some reason but my brain has gifted me with a really good idea: TPOH and fnaf sb crossover
Hero hanging out with sun in the daycare! Her finally taking some quality sleep time there; Hero telling the DCA her adventures and them just being absolutely baffled
I kinda see RGB and the DCA not really vibing with eachother, but relating with one another sometimes
RGB and Freddy!! Father Figures Moment!!! They would start talking abt past relationships ( Magnus & Glam Bonnie) and Hero 'nd Gregory would look at them like " 🏳️‍🌈❓️"
Mini music men and Assok <//3
DJ Music Man and Julienne + Melody !!!!
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spinebot · 1 year
i love over analyzing tpoh [page spoilers and theory!!]
so in the newest page we finally saw the red thing that was forshadowed on page 381 (cut to) and i was looking at the page and noticed the picket fence is somewhat close to dial which means the red thing is over elastic valley and it seems to be picking something out of there thats pretty big and it looks like it changes shapes some.
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what if the red thing was sent by hate to take T.G because it makes so much sense cuz timeline wise it seems like hate is taking out or asking people to join her cuz she sunk the ferryman, asked Julianne and melody, asked TOby, probably asked or hurt time idk, so why wouldnt she go for T.G
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overmorrowpine · 1 year
tpoh characters that live in my head rent free
- rgb. self-proclaimed "worst monster" who defanged and declawed himself because even though he's feeding heroes to hate, he can at least try not to hurt anyone else
- dial. you can't read this fic and not become enamored with this poor disaster
- melody and julienne. package deal do not separate. surely they weren't heroes together, were they?
- is assok having been an elephant a fanon thing?? several fics mention it but the wiki has nothing so??? this question has been bugging me please help
- TOby. cynical jaded bastard at the edge of nothing who tells it like it is. i love him
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modmad · 1 year
hey mod. unsure if anyone else has brought this up, but looking at some of the stickers i got for backing tpoh vol.3 it seems like there was a printing error? specifically with melody and tinkers stickers- theres large spots of yellow overlayed on top of the drawings (tinkers face is almost entirely covered) that look like they were meant to be highlights but ended up on the wrong layer. just wondering if anyone else got this mistake?
you must have somehow missed the 100 posts about it before but I will again apologise because yes, alas, all the batches have that error! however I am working on a new set of stickers so that we can include the two sticker designs that got blotched in there. My hand is on the fritz atm though so it will be a while before they appear... many apologies again, it was an error in production that just slipped through somehow!
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hanahaki-ghost · 5 months
Hi! Could you give us a little bit of lore regarding your tpoh security breach au? I love the glamrock RGB and Negative designs, and I was wondering how tpoh would work in the fnaf universe
Hello hello! Yep I can give some information
Be aware at his au is still in the works so some facts are subject to change.
But this au doesn’t fully follow SB and uses Security breach as an outline more so as not everything that happens is exactly like the game
Well start with the pizza plex
The pizza plex in this is a mega mall type thing(like the pizza plex) known as make believe it’s a place to bring you’re children that’s themed off make believe and whimsy for kids to indulge in their imagination.
There are a few performers plus some other robots in this establishment
Cell, who typically is found in a quiet area where kids who are overstimulated by the hustle and bustle or just want to do some arts and crafts go, she has two assistants Tailor and Tinker. Tinker was formerly a repair bot but got repurposed for this area and Tailor is both a security bot and a helper
Next is a place known as the tree house which is where a small robot known as Assok is found, this robot will run around and play with the children and is soft and fluffy being able to be picked up and held though a staff member is always nearby to avoid and damages to Assok, Assok also can help find lost kids and help them to security station where they can wait for their parents
Magnus is a magician animatronic who typically performs for special events but from time to time is brought out for just regular shows and can typically be found in the main area where the Stage is
Madras is typically found in one of the shops around the mall. She will barter with people which wasn’t original programmed but no one can seem to get her to stop but overall she’s generally friendly to kids at least.
Julienne and Melody run the music area where kids can go to dance or create their own music, julienne teaches them how to dance while Melody helps other kids find themselves in music.
TOby is a robot that does move to often and typically can be found sitting around in different places and typically is just surveillance.
Dial, he typically just wonders around and interacts with the kids, he’s able to record conversations and also uses his abilities like that to entertain the kids typically telling stories or updating people on news
Finally RGB the main performer of the complex. He sings, dances and performers he’s the most popular of the boys that the kids love to watch
Hate is a former bot of make believe that was tossed out she slowly webs her way through and manages to infect a few of the bots there.
Click is a guard bot that was corrupted by Hate and was discarded before being repaired by Hate and is now on a killing mission.
Hero is the child who gets stuck in the complex she comes across RGB after a malfunction on Stage and he begins to help her get out like in the original security breach, after a run in with a bot hate has control over RGB gets infected with what ever virus Hate was spreading except it doesn’t affect him the way it affects the others leading to Negative becoming an issue, when RGB sustains a sufficient amount of damage Negative can take control to neutralize the threat.
If hero gets lost Assok will help lead her to a safe place; cell, tailor, and tinker all protect her at some point from any threats; Madras will sell things to Hero to help her; Magnus has helped from time to time specifically with click encounters; TOby can be asked about the where about of different bots until Dial dumps him somewhere else; julienne and Melody help Get hero out of tight situations. Dial starts friendly and eventually starts showing he was one affected by the virus, the butterfly works as Hates surveillance and can alert any of those affected by to hero’s whereabouts. Cells crafts area is the safest area to be.
Again this aus is still being worked on something may change and all information may not be here but just some things about it
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speckled-biscut · 10 months
This came to me in a dream after my friend who's a lesbian started reading the comic and said that he hated Rgb
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pestiwit · 4 years
Okay wow no one is okay!
Julienne. Has. BONES?
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(this is hysterical and Alien-esque lol)
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Okay okay
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But her expression here? Absolutely priceless flgjhsfgljhgfs I am laughing so hard
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RGB done got clogged.
Hero’s face here is also a delight.
But yeah she’s definitely turning into a rubber hose cartoon, if I had to guess! Gonna need to learn how to retract those limbs.
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runawayxrabbits · 4 years
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More Tellyswap AU edits!~ ^^
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