#totino i hate you why are you so hard to write i hate you i love you i hate you shut UP
so....... the pizzahead x reader thing I wanted to write is. Something. Take this out of context bit
Pizzahead ignores your question, only slouching farther onto the counter in a fake, overly dramatic pout. You figured it wouldn't be so easy.
"Really though, it can't be good for you to bottle up whatever's going on in there, you know," you gesture vaguely at his head. "Half the time you come in here you're so tense I swear I could snap you in half like a stale baguette."
A small twitch of his eyebrow at your observation is all the confirmation you need to prod a bit further. "I know you like to act like everything is a big joke, right, but it's not exactly hard to see when there's something bothering you through that goofy façade you wear all the time. There! That! That exact look you're giving me right now tells me I'm right and you don't wanna talk about it. That is THE most strained smile I have ever seen. That's exactly what I'm talking about."
No comical or whitty retort follows. Nothing at all, actually- Pizzahead just maintains the same smile-grimace, head tilted off to the side and away from your scrutinizing gaze. The silence is painfully unusual and for a moment you think you might have pressed a little too hard. Maybe a different approach is called for.
You soften, exhaling deeply. A gentle hand reaches out to rest on his forearm, and the moment you make contact his eyes shoot open wide with shock. Pupils tiny pin pricks and that signature grin dropped in the blink of an eye, clearly caught off guard.
"Totino... Can you please tell me what's bothering you? It's ok to take yourself seriously sometimes. Really."
His gaze darts comically back and forth between your face and where your hand firmly grips his forearm, still looking stunned as a deer caught in headlights. You maintain steadfast eye contact and squeeze harder, damned if you let his cute, cartoonish theatrics distract you from getting through to him this time.
"Or, can you take me seriously if not?"
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