totallyfrandom · 1 year
Protect and support Gérald Blanc 2k23
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meindraws · 5 years
totallyfrandom replied to your photo “And so for me, it’s destiny ‘to be the maestro of villainy! Yes I’m...”
Almost ten years?? Oh god. x_x
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snailshit · 5 years
WTF that's so fucked up! That's definitely NOT how it's supposed to go! If you applied for a lab job, they should give you the place instead of randomly throwing you to secretary job just because they couldn't find anyone else! Isn't there someplace else you can complain to in order to start an investigation? Definitely don't go back working at that place again. Not with that stupid douchebag for a boss.
Yeah it was such a shock for me aswell. There’s plenty of work as a labworker there and the boss did plan on putting me at some labrelated workstation months ago. The situation changed so suddenly when I recently started yesterday and nothing was really set to stone but everyone ACTUALLY expected me to  actually work as a biomedical scientist and definitely NOT department secretary work. I felt a bit degraded or something because I’ve been studying 3 years to work as a medical scientist and then the boss suddenly offers me to work as a secretary 2/3 months without warning so the things I’ve learned/trained at school doesn’t get the chance to practice until summer and that really indeed goes to waste. WHy put me in a secretarys work when I’m not even studying to become one? If there’s too little secretarys then that’s their problem. I was nice enough to say that I could try but I’m sure gonna get some backlash from some customers for not knowing how to talk/explain properly in finnish. ugh this whole situation is such a mess and I wish to just disappear for the whole summer.
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julien-schu · 6 years
totallyfrandom replied to your post:now then
The what? Why haven’t I heard of that?
an-archangel-in-powerarmor replied to your post: now then
There’s a countdown on the DDON official website for Season 3.3′s launch here (https://members.dd-on.jp/info/special/despair/top.html) and for some reason some people have gotten it into their heads that it’s for a Western launch. Which is utterly daft since if it were a countdown for a Western launch (AHAHAHAHA), they certainly won’t be doing it on the Japanese site now would they?
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night-stalking · 6 years
totallyfrandom replied to your post: so the little mei comic was cute and all (and good...
Disappointment. I forgot to mention it was a disappointment. But you already know that by now.
Yeaaah. Like, it’s so underwhelming when you compare it to Reflections last year, which gave us meaningful glimpses of a LOT of the overwatch cast and had the major reveal of Tracer and Emily. Like, this is cute and the art is nice, but it’s not even canon.
Halloween’s little comic didn’t really add to the lore either, it’s been like since Zarya’s comic that there’s been any major progress (aside from Reinhardt deciding to rejoin Winston and Tracer in the Honor and Glory animated short) in the story and that’s frustrating :(
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carrot-cosplay · 7 years
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 - I N T E N S E   3 D  S P O O K Y  E X O R C I S M !
(Nah just playin around with an archery 3D game that looks like some wild ghostbuster moves)
Reigen: @carrot-cosplay /
Mob: @snailshit
photo: @totallyfrandom
Mob psycho 100.
London MCM Comic con 2017.
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opheii-a · 7 years
“moomin meat”? explain yourself. xD
dude lets not even go there i cringe every time i think about that word
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meltingpenguins · 7 years
totallyfrandom said: Also: this is a really good text and makes sense. I like it. (So I guess the book didn’t describe the skin color of the two characters? Or is this a new idea for the mini-series?)
It’s never stated in the book. the only colour that gets a description is that of crowley’s hair and eyes (and with the latter it’s not even said if it is the entire eye or just the iris)
But the race of their human forms has been the cause of some serious shitstorms and witchhunts (no pun intended) in the fandom.
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helsaguy · 4 years
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Among the several things I chat about with my friend @totallyfrandom recently I got to talk about my headcanon of what Hans hid under his left glove in Frozen.
These are relatively recent fan arts I’ve made. I think my followers, or those who at least follow my Helsa fan art, will identify these. And I try not to show the scars often but they are there.
This headcanon emerged in my mind when years ago I read A Frozen Heart, the book with some insight on Hans’ childhood and life in the Southern Isles. One of Hans’ self-defence mechanism growing up against his brothers’ bullying was self-harm. I shall quote:
“Like sharks smelling blood in the water, a few of Hans’s brothers began to join in the teasing. After each well-placed jab, they would look to their father, eager to gain his approval even at the expense of their youngest brother.
Hans sat silently, his eyes in the table. He noticed the way the wood was worn away in places, smooth to the touch, while in others it was jagged, as though the tree had just been pulled from the ground. He ran his finger over the splinters, grimacing as they caught on his skin but finding the pain oddly pleasant. Physical pain he could handle.”
In my version of Frozen 2 I created a scene in between “Some Things Never Change” and charades night where Elsa and Hans share a moment and Elsa notices marks in Hans’ left hand. She asks and for a second he doesn’t want to talk about it. But he has promised to be better and honest. And on top of that Hans can see Elsa is genuinely curious, maybe a little bit concerned, and most of all she isn’t judging him for wanting to “hide something”.
I’ve been thinking on drawing something like a concept art to showcase all of Hans’ scars that I headcanon he has in Frozen and those I got him in my version of Frozen 2. But I already have so much to draw; I don’t know if or when I would draw something like that that…
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totallyfrandom · 3 months
Is it just me, or did Tumblr get uglier since I last was here?
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qhazomb · 4 years
What music do u listen to?
Interesting. What subgenres of rock/metal do you like, or does this include all of them?
i am REALLY REALLY BAD at recognizing subgenres (and sometimes even regular genres) but uhhhhhhh i can say ones i DISlike is death metal. not that big on death metal BLACK metal on the other hand is very Noice. also power metal, and doom metal
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paper-giraffe · 7 years
well it was based from a photo, therefore it was a speedpaint ^^’ But hey thanks gurl :DD
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smolfrenchtoast · 7 years
@totallyfrandom  the drawings are very cool btw  :D   XD
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sommer-rain · 6 years
I had a really bad dream last night, but not scary but i dreamt that i had done something awful that i tried to make up for.
I dreamt something about me and my long-time friend was working in a rather big building but having completely different jobs, both of us in different parts in the building. I don’t remember what our jobs were but mine seemed to either about or with musical people or music, with i find odd since that reeaaally isn’t something i would have be qualified and interested in in-real-life. Maybe i was only there occasionally. I remember that the other people, maybe five or eight people in the room with musical stuff like when you are rehearsing in songs and jam. Anyway, i was already there or entering the room when it seemed to be a break for the moment and they were chatting and chuckling. I didn’t really hear what it all was about, hearing it more in the background but they were joking about something and someone pulled a really big joke that made EVERYONE just BURST into laughter like it was the biggest joke of the year. -I asked what it was about and they told me (tho i can’t remember what it all was by know). It was something about my friend and it was really not nice at all. It was SO humiliating and rude and unrespecting of them about her! I told her about it, feeling really bad since i knew, or was sure she would hate it - with all the right, of course but what was kind of unprepaired was that she seemed put the blame ON ME, tho i wasn’t part of it at all and i tried to reason and talk to her but she was superhurt over it. She was SO humiliated and upset! Of course i told her it didn’t happned because of me and all that but she still looked at me like “if eyes could kill”. I felt superguilty tho it wasn’t my fault and i tried to make it up to her and even resperatly asked her what i ever could do to mend this. She replied that NEVER wanted to see me again, never wanted to meet be again and that we were no longer friends by any means. It maybe went about a week are too during all this and this was making me tick.  -At last, when i returned again to the jamming room again, i had been there working with those people all this time before and after that joke, and i just dropped everything i was carrying and totally scolded eveyone - especially my boss about all this telling them how utterly bad and unremorseful and all, that they all were and i didn’t care if i got fired because i hated what they did & should apologize to her. I don’t think things went really better towards my friend altho i scolded them big time because i think she was just too deeply hurt for our friendship to be mended. Maybe she just got reminded of it all every time she saw me? That or i may have woken up before it got solved.
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night-stalking · 7 years
totallyfrandom replied to your post: Nothing feels better than capturing an objective...
So you also managed to do this trick. I dream of doing it one day… well not in AI because the AIs are not a bunch of stupid people ignoring/forgetting about the objective.
It was a game that was already in progress, like I got dropped in after the team I joined had captured objective A on Temple of Anubis. But the enemy had really killed their momentum and they’d pushed up all the way to our spawn (they were even using ults lol they got really cocky), so I switched to Sombra and ran all the way to objective B, which I capped before the enemy got back :P 
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@totallyfrandom said: Always. It’s my biggest paranoia *if* I ever find a date…
1) Good to know I’m not the only one.
2) To paraphrase Lin-Manuel Miranda, I may not live to see our glory, but I’ve seen wonders great and small, ‘cause if Charles Manson could get engaged, there’s hope for your ass after all. (Seriously. It’ll happen.)
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