#toshihiro tag
ordinary-vanity · 2 months
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thinking abt young toshi (again)
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necra-loid · 3 months
did an original creative writing piece for one of my ocs, and I have nowhere to put it so! into the void it goes (below the cut)
tw for deadnaming (done by a character about herself)
The bus was running late, and there was someone on the bench at the bus stop.
It was the first thing the student noticed as she approached the bus station, school bag slung over her shoulder. The fact of another person was largely unusual for a number of reasons. One, the student often ended up riding alone, as she had never seen anyone else at this specific hour, when there was a nicer bus stop a few minutes away that led straight into the heart of Yokohama's Sakuragi-cho . This bus stop was worn down, dejected—quiet. It was why the student went to it, instead of the other one, even though technically it was closer to her school. She felt the eyes of everyone around her, chittering in their schoolgirl way—for her being the tomboy, for being the rough girl, for being as skilled as she was at kendo—for merely existing. She had a reputation, whispers following her wherever she went, and it grated on her. It gave her reason to watch her back, lest someone decide her mettle needed tested. It amplified the ever present sensation of feeling uncomfortable in her own skin. So, she chose the quiet station, to avoid the hassle of classmates boring their assuming gazes into the back of her head.
The second reason the rider was unusual was her garb. She was dressed traditionally, but she didn't appear to be elderly—rather, she couldn't have been older than 30 at the absolute latest. Her hair was cut into impeccable princess bangs, and long in the back, styled into perfection. She wore perfectly straight tabi under her geta, and her feet were together, posed into order. Her snow white yukata was immaculate—she was poised, back straight, gaze staring off down the street, as if she were royalty instead of someone sitting on a bench. The student would have assumed her just another patron, if an odd one, if not for one minor detail. It coincided with the third reason, as it happened.
The rider was, without a doubt, deceased.
As she stared, stopping in her tracks, the student noticed the little details about the waiting woman. Her gown, upon closer inspection, was folded backwards, like funeral attire. Her eyes were blank—there was no pupil in them at all, just pure milky white. Her porcelain skin, which the student had originally taken to just be on the pale side, she could now see was tinged blue around the edges, and pulled at the corners of her vision. Chief among them, however, was her headband—a folded, upright triangle sitting daintily over her bangs, nary a hair out of place. She was the picture perfect definition of a yurei, except for the fact that she was surrounded by a shabby bus station in the late afternoon. The student shook her head, feeling for the key hidden inside her shirt, hanging low off of her neck. She looked down, glancing at it, and felt her brow furrow minutely when she noticed it glowing, her suspicions confirmed.
When the student looked back up, the rider was staring at her. Instead of feeling surprised, however, or cold as she had expected, the student felt nothing at all, except perhaps a bit safe, though she had no idea why. The rider waved, and then gestured the student over, smiling warmly. And despite herself, the student complied. Something about the rider felt...comfortable, like how one feels in the presence of a parent—or, the student assumed, how one would feel next to a sibling. Carefully, gingerly, the student sat down next to the rider, setting her bag down beside her, not making eye contact. Curiously, no gooseflesh erupted down her arm as it did with most spirits, despite the chill that accompanied the rider.
"Do you know why you're here?" the student asked, down to business, quashing the confusion sensation. The rider opted for silence, continuing to stare into the distance. "Do you know that you're dead?" She was blunt, yes—she had always been, even around the living, knew no other way to be. A small smile graced the rider's lips.
"Where are you headed?" the rider asked, ignoring the student's questions. She glanced at the student, before turning back to look up the road, wistful in her gaze. The student blinked, starting. The rider's voice had been different than she was expecting—full and rich, though with an unmistakable delicate, feminine quality to it. The student glanced at her companion, surreptitiously as she could, the questions she had asked nearly forgotten.
The rider's face, now she was close enough to make out details, boasted strong cheekbones, and an equally strong nose—not that the student could judge, given the way her grandmother's strong Greek nose had been passed down so effectively from her mother to her. The student could also see ruby red lipstick, as well as white makeup covering most of her cheeks and forehead—though, not enough to look caked on. Instead, she looked youthful—and beautiful, the student couldn't help but notice. As she studied the riders face, the rider glanced back at her, catching her eye and winking. The student felt her face heat up at having been caught staring.
"Little boys should know better than to stare, you know," the rider said again, her rich voice musical and amused. The student blinked at the comment, feeling something warm and fuzzy stirring in her chest, despite the words. Maybe in spite of them? What the rider had said...it felt good, somehow, but not in a way the student could wrap her head around. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, packaging the feeling away for now.
"I'm not a boy," the student said, and not for the first time, she felt regret lace her tone, despite not intending it to. The rider turned to her, her perfect, placid face twisting into surprise, one carefully trimmed eyebrow raised.
"Oh, really? I beg for your forgiveness then, I could have sworn you were a kindred spirit," the rider replied, disappointed, but still with an air of knowing more than she let on. The student felt disappointed too—both for not living up to the rider's expectations, as well as for not being born a boy in the first place. She made to turn her head back, to see to maybe sending her to the gate, before the rider's words rang a bell in her head. Despite herself, the student felt herself turn to face the rider again.
"What do you mean, kindred?" The student was curious, in spite of the job she knew needed to be performed. She knew she something about the rider felt safe, felt right. A million questions had formed in her mind, and she needed clues, she needed answers.
The rider covered her mouth with a long sleeve and giggled at the question, her beautiful voice like the ringing of bells to the student's ears. "I thought you might ask that, young one. I am, as you might say, a self made woman, yes?" The student raised an eyebrow, before the words clarified, and she felt a sudden wash of understanding, threatening to drown her. The student's eyes widened, swept up in a sudden rush of memory.
The student had heard, dimly, of people like the rider. People strong enough to challenge the circumstances of their birth, to remake themselves in their own image. The student thought those people were brave, far braver than they ever could be. The student was locked into their clan—it was their whole future, it was their life—and the clan was only women. It was something they hadn't thought about in a long, long time, and the realization made their chest ache. They had wished they were like the rider many times before, when they were younger. Had wished things were different. Had wanted to be born a boy. It took all of these memories resurfacing to realise that they still did.
The student hadn't realized they were crying until they felt a tear slip down their cheek. The rider didn't look surprised, though—she looked kind, understanding. The look for someone who had been where the student was before. "It's a lot to realise, all at once," the rider said gently. Her voice was soothing, a balm on the open wound in their heart. The student's breaths came quickly. They weren't sure why they were so upset—nothing truly had changed, and yet they felt like their whole world was upside down. It was enough to make them forget entirely about their tough persona, about the way they carried themselves in their day to day.
"What's your name?" The rider asked. The wind blew across the pair, at the secluded bus station—the sounds of the city faded in the distance, the light of the setting sun piercing vaguely through her features. Distantly, the student knew they had a job to perform, had to help her. Instead, it seemed like the wayward spirit was helping them.
"Sato. Kanae," the student said, though for the first time, the name fit strangely in their mouth. The rider looked surprised for a moment, as if this was the one thing she hadn't predicted.
"Is that so? What a coincidence." She smiled as if everything made sense to her. "Kanae is my name, little one." The student scrubbed at their eyes, feeling somewhat like a child, waiting for her to continue. "It was not always my name, though." She looked back down the road, staring at everything and nothing, a small smile still sitting gracefully on her features.
The student felt frozen in time, waiting for her to continue. Kanae looked serene, waiting herself, and the student realized they would have to ask if they wanted answers. To be brave. "What was your name, before?" they asked, unsure, halting. Enraptured.
"Toshihiro. It didn't suit me, so I chose something else," Kanae said simply. The student thought they had never heard so nice a name in their life. It felt like the last puzzle piece missing from a masterpiece, the missing thread in the tapestry of their life. "It can be that simple, you know. To choose something else. Something better for yourself, than an existence as a caged animal." The student said nothing. What was there to say? What do you say to someone who reformatted your entire worldview with words as simple as breathing?
"You could have it, if you want. My old name." Kanae looked at the student, a gentle grin lazily snaking across her perfect features. "It would only be fair, since I have stolen yours," she added with a wink.
To say the student was a tempest would have been an understatement. Could it truly be so easy as Kanae had said? What, after all, did a dead woman know of their life, of their situation? They had no future without the Clan. Their life had no meaning without it. They had to be a woman. Didn't they?
Even the thought of it stung. The student felt trapped, felt the thought of conforming fill their lungs and drag them under. They longed to do as Kanae had said, to accept the name she had given them, but the shackles of their situation held them back. "I can't," the student whispered, voice shaking. "I can't take it," they repeated, feeling their heart clench painfully in their chest. Oh, but they wanted to, more than anything they had ever wanted before.
Kanae turned to the student, placing one slightly translucent hand atop of their own. "It's going to tear you up inside, though. It already is, already has been, and you've only just realized how much it's eaten away at you, haven't you?" She smiled again, though this time the student could see sadness in it. "I made that mistake too. Lied to myself for too many years. I'm dead now, yes, but I promise you that I died with a smile on my face, because I had been true to myself at the last." Kanae lifted her hand up to cup the student's cheek, wiping a tear away with her thumb, like what the student imagined an older sister would do.
The student abandoned all efforts to remain emotionless, throwing that mask away for a brief, freeing moment, and allowing himself to be swept away in the current. "I'm scared," he admitted, hand unconsciously coming up under his shirt to take his glowing key in hand.
"It's a very scary change. I will not lie to you, there will be tribulations. But, you're very brave, Toshihiro-kun. I have every faith in you, no matter what the future holds," Kanae replied. Toshihiro felt a crushing weight lift from his chest, his shoulders, one he had been carrying so long he hadn't realized it was there. Felt the cracks across his soul mending at her words. Nothing had ever felt as perfectly right in his entire life as that name had in that moment.
"I think this is why I have been waiting here, Toshihiro-kun. My reason for remaining." She smiled at him, warm and bright, the picture of the sun. "To give you my name. And having received it, you helped me, Gatekeeper—as I knew you would." She looked into the distance, at the last fading dregs of afternoon light.
"But, I didn't do anything," Toshihiro protested. Kanae tsk-ed her tongue at him, an echoing quality to her voice, despite the smile her perfect lips still wore.
"Toshihiro-kun, you did everything. I only pointed you in the right direction," Kanae replied. She stood, suddenly, prim and poised as ever, though it was apparent now just how tall she was, the force of her personality, her kindness, sending her to superhuman heights. "Now, Gatekeeper, if you would, I believe my time here has come to an end." She adjusted her sleeves, her hands joining in front of her. Toshihiro stood, scrambling to get the key out of his shirt. His brain was frazzled—understandably so, he imagined—but Kanae was only patient. Finally, he'd murmured the correct series of phrases, (Greek had never been his strongest foreign language) and the Gateway, a red shrine arch, had materialized in front of him.
"Thank you, Kanae-san," Toshihiro said, feeling foolish the second he said it, and bowing deeply to hide his embarassment. "For everything," he added, cheeks burning self-consciously. Kanae smiled at him again, her eyes closed, and face serene.
"Be strong, Toshihiro-kun. It will all be alright in the end," Kanae said to him, walking over to him—it was rare someone was able to loom over Toshihiro—and gently, slowly, taking his face in her hands, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Toshihiro stood still, feeling tears well up again, and helpless to stop them spilling over—though, this time it was tears of relief, of joy. Kanae leaned back, wiping his tears away for the last time, before waving and proceeding through the Gateway, her figure fading into mist. As if on autopilot, Toshihiro twisted his key in the lock, sealing the Gateway, before sitting heavily on the bus stop bench, thinking about all that he had just heard, felt, and thought about.
Somewhere nearby, he could hear the approach of a bus.
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boatswainscall · 10 months
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endless summer
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crescentblossom66 · 1 year
Hello. As you know, I love your work and I love your ocs just as much! I can't tell you how happy I was when you mentioned Hokusai's work within your work. So let me thank you first for that!
Now, if it doesn't bother you, may I ask you a question about Toshihiro? As I recall, his way of speaking is influenced by haiku, right?
(1)If the little cuckoo doesn't sing, I will kill it.
(2)If the little cuckoo doesn't sing, I will make it sing.
(3)If the little cuckoo doesn't sing, I will wait for it to sing.
(4)If the little cuckoo doesn't sing, I will let it go.
These are the most famous haiku in Japan. There are four very famous warlords in Japan, they lived in the same era, and all four have different personalities. A poet wrote haiku about the case when they kept a little cuckoo as a pet and its little cuckoo did not sing as they expected.
(1)represents a short-tempered and brutal personality that is quick to kill those who do not get its way.
(2)represents the ability to think out of the box and accomplish what others think is impossible.
(3)represents the ability to persevere and wait for an opportunity to present itself.
(4)represents a character that is very considerate of one's friends, but is cruel to one's enemies.
Which of the above describes Toshihiro? If he does not fit any of them, how does he treat his little cuckoo?
Sorry for the long message. I look forward to your work. Have a good day!
First off, thank you for your support and your kindness. I always like to receive asks and the like, so don't feel bad about sending one, short or long. I always enjoy reading your comments in the tags too, they make me happy. This is a long answer.
1. Creation and design
Now to the topic, after @R3d1ke gave me the ideas for the names, that I never would have thought of by the way. I would have likely given them more western names which would have clashed with what the Nyakuza are supposed to represent in the first place, a Japanese cat mafia. I decided that one of the characters should be more Japanese themed, if that makes sense. I kind of created Toshihiro based off of the good stereotypes we Germans have for the Japanese, politeness, kindness, honor and a serious demeanor are associated with them here, so I decided that he should show those traits...at least on the outside.
He is supposed to show a front of a kind and polite, but a bit eccentric cat that loves art, which isn't entirely inaccurate, more on that later. His design, in my mind at least, you know that I can't draw well, was based on the same concept of a polite Japanese man. He wears a kimono, the pattern on it is inspire by the waves of The Great wave of Kanagawa'. To make him more interesting, I made him speak in haiku like the firefly NPCs in the level 'Spooky Swamp' in one of my favorite games of all time 'Spyro: Year of the dragon” which is the third installment in that series. The characters there have their text boxes show three sentences; the first one has five, the second seven, and the last five syllables again. It made his sentences hard, but fun for me to write and gave the character more personality, it was especially hard to not make the sentences to...simple, for the lack of a better word. Toshihiro was still supposed to sound like a sophisticated man, and not like a toddler that just learned to speak.
I'm really happy that you as a Japanese enjoyed that character, as I was trying to make my characters more diverse and interesting. Nozomi being a mix out of the crazy scientist and cold and calculated secretary archetypes, and Maemi being a non-binary character for example. I just hope that I didn't put anything that could be offensive in there, I know that my little fanfics don't reach a lot of people, but I do care about the few that read them and want them to be comfortable. I do have a tendency to write heavier subjects into my longer stories though, there is no good story without conflict after all.
That covers his creation and design.
2. His personality and backstory
As mentioned earlier, Toshihiro's outward appearance and demeanor reflect how we perceive the Japanese in my country, he is dignified, polite and kind, but that is mostly a front for his more...violent behavior. In reality, he is a calculated and very dangerous cat that annihilates every obstacle in his path. This can be seen in how he easily saw through Bow's diguise and knew that they were coming for him, so he sent his underlings out to deal with other adversaries while he wanted to take care of Bow personally. His underlings, by the way, are based off of ninjas as you see them in modern fiction, stealthy and deadly, I gave them weapons to reflect that too in form of the shurikens and kunais they use. The former being more of a ranged weapon while the latter is more of a melee weapon if I remember that right.
The Toshihiro in the story is a cold-hearted individual, who was once a kind and innocent soul, but his father and his peers tainted his character.
Bow in the story quickly realizes that something sinister and dark hides behind his eyes, something traumatic, and she isn't wrong. When he was a child, Toshihiro witnessed his father kill his own mother brutally, he was too young to properly remember that now, but that trauma is subconsciously still with him. Toshihiro was fond of art his whole life and really enjoyed drawing and painting, yet his father wanted him to take on the family business, like many parents of large companies want their first-born kids to do. He, however, wanted to become and artist, a dream that his father quickly destroyed by making sure to burn all his art supplies, so he could only ever draw at school. He didn't have it easy there either as the other kids made fun of him for speaking formally and more like a person much older than him would, that and the fact that to them he was the spoiled rich kid. His classmates bullied him and at home he was terrorized by his father...so when one day Empress found him on the streets and talked to him back when they both were roughly teenagers and told him to just do whatever he wanted to do, he took that to heart. He worked on improving his art, cutting the ties to his father as soon as he could. He later joined Emrpess's gang of cats, being deeply loyal to her for helping him. Toshihiro is known to be a bit of a freespirit, but he always completes his missions with perfect results...He just underestimated Conductor's accuracy and perseverance in the end.
While he was with the Nyakuza, he was polite to his allies, but emotions and feelings other than anger and coldness were simply...lost due to the trauma and the poor treatment he endured, he simply couldn't be compassionate anymore, that part of him was destroyed by both his father, and the cruel children that ridiculed him.
3. How he would treat that little cuckoo
Being that his compassion has been practically beaten out of him, he would likely kill it for not serving its purpose. His former self would have patiently waited until the cuckoo would sing its song.
In summery, he does care for his allies to some degree, but can no longer feel empathy. His sense of loyalty binds him to Empress, as he feels he has to repay the dept he owes her.
He kills his enemies with no remorse, he has some twisted sense of honor though, as he prefers to use his wit and more conventional means to beat his enemies. Kind of like a samurai refusing to wield a gun even if it was the more effective weapon, as his honor and pride wouldn't allow him to even if he died.
Well, that certainly was a long ask to answer, but I had fun going into depth and fleshing out my characters more. I kinda wished that I had thought of those three (Nozomi, Toshihiro and Maemi) earlier, but I'm never too confident in writing any Ocs into my works, because I don't know if people can engage with the character and find them fun to read about.
If you have some time, could you tell me how you felt when you read my attempt and including a Japanese-themed character? Was I offensive or did I do an okay job and made him fun to read about, even if he was just there for 2 chapters? I might try to include more Ocs in my stories if people like them.
Thank you for your ask and your nice words again, it meant a lot to me. I always love your art, even if I only reblog sometimes and not write anything in the tags, I will try to write more in the tags next time. Have a good day or night!
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danganronpafan777 · 1 year
The ship names since I wanted to shorten them
Mikado x Kiko - Mikiko
Teruya x Emi - Teruemi
Nikei x Katsie - Katskei (ofc)
Syobai x Hana - Syona
Tsurugi x Ririka - Tsurika
Kinji x Natsu - Kinsu
Yamato x Wilana - Kisanuto
Yuri x Akita - Akiuri
Toshihiro x Rei - Toshirei
Yukio x Iroha - Yuroha
Yukio x Hibiki - Hibukio
Ryo x Yoruko - Yoryo
I put both Yukio ships since I can’t decide which one I like more
Multishipper moment- (I don’t think I can decide either-)
But thanks! I’ll definitely keep these in mind for tags! Why is Yoryo so fun to say-
I’m working on the shipping chart, I swear-
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'For once, I'd liked a good feeling...'
Ship Writing no. 2 Geoffrey x Julian (@fumikomiyasaki)
TW: Serious Writing Alerted! (Bit Steamy, Slight Spice, and the Various Choices of the Language)
"Alright, that's it for today! Let's call it a wrap, you dorks!"
Yelled a grunt but a loud voice, coming a very upset current manager, who stuck in record of headaches for the past few weeks. The dancers who were in the next line of the next show for the incoming performance was heading underway but the current manager of the Performance Division, Geoffrey was having another pack headache during the preparations.
"We'll be continuing the next routine at later date for the planned finale. You and your asses better be prepared or the next one line for getting late will a get another warning from me. That's it." Geoffrey stated then rubbed his forehead in hopes of soothing his mind that had been in slight pain for the past few days, after that he then left the practice room, with the other remaining demonic dancers getting their things and head on.
Although there was one certain dancer who caught the sight of the Manager's headaches, a smirk that was quite visible was enough for him to get some ideas to sooth and get quality some time with grumpy yet hollow demon.
But oh, so of course, he wouldn't miss this one of kind chance yet, though some planning had to come in mind.l first before the action commence.
"Alrighty then Mr. Juju, what's brewing in that puny little mind of yours? Something good happened today?" Snickered a perked up yet interested hollow demon Hiromi, who happened to see Julian with his younger sister April at one of the drink stander tables nearby at the two poker tables in the Casino Division of the dormitory with Toshihiro tending the two siblings as she saw in the opposite side of the table.
"Brewing what on Hiromi?" Julian remarked, showing the smirk to keep the conversation rather at peak.
"I saw that little smirk of yours after that practice ended, another new way to convince Geo for your tiny bidding again? That sounds rather of a cheat for the show~!" The female demon joked with somewhat of a pitiful smile, which Julian eye-rolled at her while April was cleaning up her deck of cards for the next game while watching the conversation with Toshihiro.
"It's not about 'cheating' on the show Hiro. How about that 'something' for the boss?" Julian stated, his grin about his idea didn't seem to fade one bit.
"Yeah we get that already, you damn of a cocky-ass, you're planning something on Grumpo G, aren't ya?" Toshihiro spoke, sounding rather sarcastic for anyone to hear within the dormitory of the gambling and deceitful shows of the underground knowing that it was hell, obviously.
"Well at least someone gets me."
"Now you're just being rude at me? Quite a meanie of you then."
"So then, what's on your mind involving Mister G then?" April wondered as she looked at her older brother, then was getting quite interesting with the flow of the talks between her fellow two seniors and her older brother and decided to tag along in it as well.
It was quite the interesting fact the residents of this dorm came from the dimensional rift border itself before the arrival of the half-myths and more of the other races who came from the rift amongst it's seven countries, normal at sight but was never sane to begin at it's start of the creations. The only seeable demonic residents within the country of Dungeon Inkhell was an absolute underground gravestoned city where they came from. Quite the dark modern itself if you ever see it, but anyone such as the four types of the demons are there are the brutality and sinnerly personaliry in the veins of any demon as well.
Well apparently, many at random can be a victim or the star of the main bloodshed they caused at whatever reason they held, depending it was personal or another thing to be kept in the dark... Though many can show some concern at least or they can just ignore it completely. But that's how many of the demons are within the neverending bloody city itself in the rift.
"Anyways~ Boss is having another of his painful headaches, right? Well perfect timing, cause I planned a little something for the grumpy old hottie." Julian smirked, that looked rather heated onto his idea for his target that he isn't letting it go.
Hiromi had somewhat giggled but rather sinisterly at the hot yet bothered attracted sinner demon Julian towards their boss Geoffrey, Toshihiro eye-rolled at him then April elbowed with a demonic smirk at her older brother left rib but he wasn't bothered by it. Though the three demons didn't bother it to continue towards Julian himself... Though, he seems rather excited for it by the time his boss is soon free from his workload.
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It was rather wonderful, not much for Geoffrey himself though to say the very least.
The pain within his own head isn't leaving at anytime soon, though Geoffrey had been dealing with it for a while but the pills with it's description were definitely not cooperating with him. The preparation for the next show is underway right now, but with this headache that lasted nearly longer than he thought it might be, it will eventually slow him down faster.
The hollow demon was laying on his bed after the day had slowly ended after the practice, and right now he is resting for tomorrow's stage preparation and the next choreography for the dancers to teach and practice for the show. Yet again, the headache he's having might be his current problem to with much to his dismay of annoyance as he rubbed his forehead as the clock of his room chimed.
"Hah... To her fellow deathness to her sins, why is the duck is this happening to me?" He grumbled, while he was trapped in his thoughts about his headache. A rather visible knock came on his door, a voice had also came through it.
"Oh Boss~ You still up yet, handsome?"
"What the fuck is it now, Julian?"
It was obvious for Geoffrey alone to know who was at his front door of his room, with enough to stand up from his bed, he went to open his front door at his bedroom, only finding Julian who was leaning at his door frame, smirking at his front expression. Though Geoffrey was in his pajamas and so was Julian, however he didn't hesitate to get a good look from his boss and his clothes with his own eyes.
"That's quite a stress work you got there, does it?" Julian flirted with the same cockiness in him, which Geoffrey didn't react much to his flirtings as he should and gave him an visible annoyed look.
"None of my own shit will ever be involves with yours moron, what the seven-layers in hell are you doing here?" Geoffrey asked rather bluntly looking at Julian before him at his door, though he seems rather perplexed but still remained annoyed at Julian's smirking face.
"Boss, I have been aware of your little headache problem by now. Kinda slowing you down to bottom rocks. Doncha't think? I wouldn't mind massaging that pain of yours away~" Julian teased as he walked himself into the room with Geoffrey closing and locking his door.
"What the fuck are you mentioning?" The hollow demon muttered audible enough for the sinner demon to hear him, looking at Julian who pressed him onto the bed as he laid on top of him to get a closer look of his annoyed face.
"A good relaxing massage for your head, boss. Surely you wouldn't mind me relieving your pain in the head, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try with me. What do you say?" Julian smirked as he let himself pressed onto Geoffrey's chest as the two fell onto the bed behind his back, with Julian looking at Geoffrey as he licked his lips looking at him from the top of his view. As if he got a free yet yummy snack for himself go have within a VIP dining hall, having it alone with no one else bothering them.
"Tch... You and your ways of having it.." Geoffrey mumbled as he stand up for an angle position for Julian to work, as he then pressed his fingers onto his forehead- messaging it slowly so that Geoffrey wouldn't wince at the pain that lasted for a few days, with only using his two thumbs and just pressing it with the normal pressure, which it would make it work for someone with a typical headache.
The massage that the sinner demon had made for his boss didn't last much long but apparently it had somewhat worked as the hollow demon can feel that the pain had somewhat left his mind thanks to it. After a short while of doing it- in somewhat of a position that the two were in, especially in a bedroom alone. The hollow demon rubbed his main certain of his forehead, sensing that some of the pain had completely left his brain.
"Well? How was it, boss? Relaxing~?" Julian teased, smirking at Geoffrey who then made eye-contact at him, stayed silent till he responded.
"Not bad I guess, but I don't remember asking a rent free treatment. Especially from you." Geoffrey replied, giving him the same blunt reaction as usual.
Soon then, Julian then re-position himself from as he laid onto his boss's bed under the covers, he then quickly pulled Geoffrey down with him so that he can feel the incoming heated tension between them tonight. Julian then showed a wider smirk that any demon can make when it comes to this rising feeling.
"Well~ I'd like to get things going rather further~"
"Heh... For once, I'd liked a good feeling..."
There wasn't a even a slightest hesitation for the two demons to jump into it for the night is that is still young but always young for two demons, having fun...
Only with no one else around, it's just them alone to have it all.
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bearpillowmonster · 1 year
Metroid: Other M Review (Spoilers)
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I'm going to keep the last bit here with a spoiler tag, this is where I won't just talk about spoilers in the game's story itself but a certain thing that I found could be both helpful and harmful to how you approach the game. Read at your own risk.
This game was developed by Team Ninja. The same people who made Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive, in fact at that point, that was all they've done, just different iterations of the same two series'. So this was not only their first outing with the Metroid franchise but their first outing to approach a new IP. While all developers start somewhere, some succeed with the property by either reinventing it to the fans liking or making a faithful adaptation as if it were their own. This happens to bit some of the former, the reinventing part. And because of their prior experience, it would make sense to compare this game to Ninja Gaiden in its play-style, the way the map is, the way the action shots are, the way you walk around, even some of the sounds. I haven't even played Ninja Gaiden, just seen footage so for me to feel this, someone who's played the games must really feel it.
Now, is this a question of experience, of choice, or a lack in Metroid's department?
Well, Nintendo reached out to them because of their work on Ninja Gaiden and were impressed with their latest engine for it. They took three designers, veterans of Metroid, as well as Sakamoto as producer (who directed a majority). Hayashi, who was director from Ninja, claimed he was a big fan and wanted to include as many creatures as possible so the thought of "lack of Metroid knowledge" is cancelled. Sakamoto proposed a simplistic control design, similar to the NES, hence the sideways thing (though the classic controller isn't compatible). But what's funny is that someone even asked if the game would be too similar to Ninja Gaiden before released to which Sakamoto responded "-while the new game will feature heavy action-based sequences, there will still be the exploration-based sequences characteristic of other Metroid games." which doesn't say a whole lot as an answer but I guess it's true.
His goal was to introduce this game to new players as well as give old fans something new. I suppose a lot of people already know Super's ending but honestly I don't see as many people picking this game up as a "new fan". I think what it boils down to is that Sakamoto wanted something new yet classic as well as really trying to dive in on Samus as a person. Just read this line (I'm pulling from Wikipedia, don't judge) "Kitaura tried to include more scenes with Samus outside her powered armor, to illustrate "the human, weak side of Samus, her expressions and gesture", but Sakamoto convinced him otherwise with a declaration that the Power Suit acts as a shield for both enemy attacks and the reveal of her emotions"
What emotion? You made Samus kind of dull.
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This kind of reminds me of Toshihiro Nagoshi who created the Super Monkey Ball series. He really wanted to dive into Ai-Ai's as a character he created Super Monkey Ball 2…nah, I'm just kidding but for real, he left Monkey Ball because he wanted to tell a more in depth story and really experiment thus Yakuza was born. At this point, Sakamoto hadn't worked on any story-driven games and probably wanted to express himself so I imagine he just tried to take one of his tried and true franchises and combine it. And in the process, the gameplay idea was to make something similar but also different so when people submitted Ninja Gaiden mechanics, he probably accepted. I mean Samus does move a little like a ninja, I would assume that's part of where the hiatus came from. "What do we salvage? What do we get rid of?" mixed with Sakamoto's ambitions. Though Zelda had Wind Waker then did a 180 and released Twilight Princess due to what the fans had to say and that was only the span of a few years.
Conclusion: Probably choice.
Now was it the wrong choice? Personally, I think Metroid should have a 3D environment 3rd person shooter but maybe not as corridor ridden in the sense that you're looking at the side, rather than behind. That's more like a mainline game, I think even best kept to that while spinoffs can go and do what they want (Fed Force) Mostly. There are sections of this game where you do indeed do that but it's more for slow detective work than combat. I also think that the narrative should've been expanded upon, but you saw my thoughts on that in the actual review.
Sakamoto wasn't really involved with the Prime trilogy and it could be easily written out in this story so I imagine this was almost a soft-reboot in his eyes.
I think the Federation being the bad guys is fine and trying to reuse Mother Brain for their own purposes isn't new, we saw it in Prime 3 and this does it a bit differently but taking Metroids and Ridley too? Just what exactly is the point here? How many missions is she commissioned BY the Federation to wipe out the Metroids before hand? And then they threaten to reprimand her for originally trying to bring back a specimen? (She probably wasn't going to go back to the Feds I assume) Even though they wanted to use it to their advantage anyway. And Adam being head of the project only to say he was given that title and only "researched it". What was that? He warned them not to actually do it? Could he create this thing? Yes, he proved that. But should he? No. But he knew that and researched it anyway then submitted that research for review. How dumb can you be? What did you think they were going to do with that research?
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It's very specific that a bad batch in the Federation is supposedly bad but we only really get to see a part of it, we have no idea where that leads or how far it goes, it's said almost in passing despite being very important.
Ridley controlling the Metroids is a new take I believe but doesn't Mother Brain do the same? Am I just confused on that?
As far as I know, the Deleter wasn't settled upon and is just theorized to be Pierce which is fine but it just takes away from the ending, especially know thing it doesn't get expanded upon. It would've been cooler if you questioned your teammates and even Ridley only for it to be MB but I guess that wasn't thought up. I think MB has a lot more potential as she has a human form. I think she should return and be the one that's reviving all these projects, an overarching villain.
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ordinary-vanity · 2 months
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what if I posted sketch pages. what then
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necra-loid · 2 years
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? 👀
hmm hmm!! i think either toshihiro or kalen, as both of them are somewhat horror oriented being that they can see and communicate with ghosts. (toshihiro is kalen’s dad, incidentally, which is why they share the ability)
toshihiro would be for more of a mature game, kind of like a silent hill esque, and i think would be far less phased by situations [untoward spirits and the like] - far more jaded, i think. kalen, on the other hand, being that she’s very young, would be for more of a witch’s house, rpgmaker horror game, as i feel like she’d be very easily frightened in Situations. but i think both of them would easily fit into the horror genre for this reason!!
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boatswainscall · 11 months
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pilot-critical · 3 years
Personally I like Taizo's design? It's alright. It's a lot I feel like, but his design does make him seen important or like "the man character" ig which he certainly was. However they are overdone traits, especially his eyes. I have my own oc with those exact type of eyes, i think they look cool, but literally *all* of his kids have those eyes. I know Clara and Taizo are both supernatural creatures but Kazuhiro is literally human and Clara had some weird shit going on where she looks half human and half fish despite having no human dna. Again there could have been so much diversity but there isnt!!! The ONLY excuse I can think of is that all vampires have yellow and red eyes but it's CLEAR that's not true from Taizo's kids UNLESS his kids get different eyes because their parents aren't both vampires. Also are *all* the kids vampires???
If they are I know it makes sense because Taizo's genes were stronger, but why even make that a thing???? Because he's basically stronger than any god and that somehow makes his genes more dominant?? Does that follow the logic of supernatural creatures are stronger than humans so that makes their genes more dominant too?? It just sounds like more fantasy racism bullshit.
At this point I feel like drawing and redesigning this family tree, however I don't know if that's like. Bad? To do? I'm really into character designs so I would love to learn all these characters stories and redesign them. - Anon who also complained about Toshihiro, I'm gonna tag my ask as 🧬 now since im complaining about genes so much lol
i see where you’re coming from on his design, but in my personal opinion, his design is just. not good. especially later on down the line where they made him look even More gross. i do agree abt the eyes, and i’m not a fan of the way they mixed and matched them (looking STRAIGHT at toshi). also clara is a cecaelia, and her grandfather is cthulhu, which i thought would have more influence on their kids’ designs seeing how cthulhu is a whole ass eldritch god. but don’t get me started. but yeah all of his kids are vampires, but some of them can turn into an octopus w bat wings, a kraken, etc. but they all look very similar to taizo still.
and it’s probably because he’s imbued with a bunch of blessings and curses that contradict each other, and this somehow made him OP instead of fuckin him up and putting him in the dirt. but it still doesn’t explain why or how this makes him or his genes stronger than those of a literal eldritch god. but yeah it does sound like fantasy racism a bit, but i’d say it’s more just bones not understanding jack nor shit about genetics. cause taizo himself was born to a human father and vampire mother, but he just came out human. a japanese human with blue eyes. because that happens.
and for the redesigns, shit i’d say go for it if you want, i’m lowkey curious to see what you’d do with it.
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Corpse Party: Returning Nightmare is now discontinued. Thank you for the support!
Hello everyone, @moca-pz here, creator of Corpse Party: Returning Nightmare.
I am announcing that the game has been discontinued and will no longer be in development.
I started this project back in 2014, 5 years ago! I had no experience whatsoever in writing but my love for the series Corpse Party compelled me to write seriously for the first time in my life. When I started this game, I had set out to create the best Corpse Party fangame ever. Something that was incredibly ambitious, but I was confident in myself. I had even hoped that when it was completed, there would be a Japanese translation of the game, and my ultimate goal was to have Makoto Kedouin, creator of Corpse Party, play the game. Ridiculous, I know, but I was really hopeful!
Over the years however, the inactivity of the series drained my motivation, and it didn't help that I didn't receive much reception for the game. Not that I was developing the game for attention, obviously, but it didn't help that after releasing the second chapter of the game on the discord server, only 2-3 people had expressed excitement for it.
Nowadays, I find more enjoyment on creating original games. I had created MOMOKA for IGMC 2018, I'm in the middle of developing another rpg maker horror game named Katharsis, and I'm in involved in other projects with friends that have been yet to be announced.
For those who were excited about the completion of the game, I am truly sorry. I thank each and every one of you for showing your support.
I want to give a special shout out to 32d, the artist and character designer of the game. They are so, so talented and the game would've never reached Chapter 1 if it weren't for them. Thank you.
I also want to shout out Enigmaopoeia from the @memoriesoffear team. Hands down, they are the number 1 fan of this fangame and were responsible for editing the writing, playtesting, name tag names, and so much more. The game wouldn't be as polished as it is if it weren't for their contributions. Thank you.
Just some things that I wanted to mention about the game now that it's cancelled:
There was going to be 5 main chapters and 11 Extra Chapters (with the final extra chapter being a hidden extra chapter and only unlocked if you collected every name tag and seen all 45 endings). I only advertised there would be 4 Chapters, but Chapter 4 would end on a plot twist and Chapter 5 would be immediately available to play as a complete surprise.
There was going to be 45 endings, trumping the highest amount of endings that has ever been in a Corpse Party game. 5 true ends, 1 extra end, and a whopping 39 unique Wrong Ends, all of which were already planned. There was multiple timelines within the wrong ends that connected together, similar to Book of Shadows but on a much larger scale.
The meat man is an embodiment of the Nirvana. This fangame was meant to be a bridge to Blood Drive, hence a lot of the Blood Drive influences.
The final survivors were going to be Takeshi and Toshihiro.
That's it for this announcement. If you liked what I did, please check out my original stuff. If you have questions about the game's story details or such, feel free to submit an ask or ask in the discord server.
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satoshi-mochida · 6 years
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Sega’s Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has announced “legal suspense action” game Project Judge (western working title) / Judge Eyes: Shinigami no Yuigon for PlayStation 4. It will launch on December 13 in Japan, Asia, and Korea for 8,290 yen, and in the west in 2019. A demo will be available today in Japan. (Update 11:30 a.m.: The demo is available now.)
Here is the official western press release:
■ About
Sega is proud to announce that the new courtroom thriller from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios, Project Judge (working title), will release in 2019 on the PlayStation 4. Project Judge will feature the voice acting talents of Japanese actor / artist Takuya Kimura as the game’s main protagonist, Takayuki Yagami.
Project Judge takes place in modern day Tokyo, following a serial murder case. The main protagonist, private detective Takayuki Yagami (played by Takuya Kimura), is a man of conviction who fights for his beliefs, despite the overwhelming despair surrounding him. Kimura has met extensively with the game’s development team to craft this protagonist, dedicating more than 1,000 minutes of voice recording time for his lines. By putting forth so much effort in developing this role, Project Judge aims to redefine what it means to truly bring a character to life.
Other talented actors, including Akira Nakao, Kenichi Takito, Shosuke Tanihara, and Pierre Taki were brought in to play the game’s supporting roles. Additionally, the rock band Alexandros enhances the drama to its peak with the original theme song Arpeggio and feature song, Your Song. This game is developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios headed by Sega Chief Product Officer Toshihiro Nagoshi. The studio is known primarily for their work on the Yakuza series, which has sold over 11 million copies worldwide. To create an experience in line with the studio’s core belief to “Create enjoyable games that address mature themes” the team spent more than 3 years developing Project Judge‘s story and characters.
Enhancing the game’s position as a courtroom thriller and embodying the feeling of playing a detective, players will need to utilize key investigative skills in conjunction with unique gameplay features to unveil the truths hidden at the core of Project Judge‘s plot.
What lies beyond the suffering and failures of the man trapped within his past; is it a divine revelation, or something more sinister? Stay tuned for more information on Project Judge, the courtroom thriller action game brought to you by the prolific tag team of Takuya Kimura and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios.
■ Characters
Takayuki Yagami (cast: Takuya Kimura)
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The main protagonist of Project Judge.
A fiercely idealistic ex-defense lawyer turned private detective. After facing a devastating betrayal by one of his former clients, he became known as a fraud who lets murderers run free, effectively destroying his reputation.
Now he’s caught up in an enigmatic serial murder case and will need to push his investigative skills to their limit to solve it.
Takashi Genda (cast: Akira Nakao)
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A gritty lawyer who has taken on the role of overseeing Yagami’s growth since the start of his career as a lawyer.
Even after Yagami’s incident that forced him out of the legal world, Genda still looks after him and helps him find work from time to time.
Kazuya Ayabe (cast: Kenichi Takito)
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A detective with Tokyo PD’s Organized Crime Division.
Ayabe is a crooked cop who withholds information on investigations for his own benefit, but often helps Yagami with his cases – for a price.
Mitsuru Kuroiwa(cast: Shosuke Tanihara)
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A detective with the Tokyo PD’s Organized Crime Division, famous for his leadership skills and high successful arrest rate in Kamurocho.
A talented officer who plays by the rules, Kuroiwa sees unknown elements like Yagami as a dangerous nuisance.
Kyohei Hamura (cast: Pierre Taki)
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Captain of the Matsugane family, a subsidiary of the Tojo Clan based in Kamurocho.
Hamura is self-centered, but he’s also a mastermind skilled in taking others down for his own benefit. He’s heavily involved with Yagami throughout the serial murder case.
■ Comment from Alexandros
“We are very honored to be part of such a wonderful production.
The demo video that Director Nagoshi showed us was so cool, we were able to envision a song very quickly.
From there, we had multiple meetings and the lyrics kept flowing until it was a complete piece that we feel very strongly about.
We are very excited to play the game ASAP (laughs).”
Watch a set of trailers below. View the first screenshots at the gallery. Visit the Japanese official website here.
Story Trailer
Gameplay Trailer
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debaiser · 6 years
Chapters: 6/80 Fandom: Pokémon, Roadside Picnic Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Meilin Tacheni, Toshihiro Itoh, Keiji Itoh, Jarrell Rhesh, Sian Minori, Original Pokemon Trainer(s), Sakaki | Giovanni Additional Tags: Anthropomorphic, Posthuman, It Looks Like a Journey Fic but It's Not Actually a Journey Fic, Vintage Fanfic, Aliens, POV Multiple Series: Part 1 of RoseIII
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Cowboy Bebop Designer Toshihiro Kawamoto Talks Art Styles and Live-Action Adaptations
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A few weeks back I had the pleasure of working with character designer Toshihiro Kawamoto at FanimeCon 2019 in San Jose, CA. The con had brought me in to moderate two of his events (including a live drawing session that has been uploaded to YouTube), and before getting on stage I had a chance to sit down for a one-on-one interview with Mr. Kawamoto.
Toshihiro Kawamoto is most well-known as a character designer thanks to his sleek, angular designs on series like Cowboy Bebop, Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team, and Wolf’s Rain. But like many designers, he began his career as an animator. He worked his way up the ranks at Sunrise and eventually got a chance to design the characters for Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. After the critically acclaimed Cowboy Bebop, Kawamoto joined forces with a number of key Sunrise staff, including producer Masahiko Minami (who I interviewed nearly 10 years ago!) and animator Hiroshi Osaka, to split off and create their own studio: BONES.
20 years later, Kawamoto serves as an executive at BONES, though it seems that much of his time is still spent working away at his drawings, whether they’re character designs for Blood Blockade Battlefront or key animation and animation directing for Fullmetal Alchemist and Eureka Seven.
My conversation with Mr. Kawamoto covers a range of topics: his design process, his early years as an animator at Sunrise, his consultation on an ill-advised live-action Gundam movie, and yes, his thoughts on the upcoming Cowboy Bebop Netflix adaptation. A huge thank you goes out to Fanime guest staff Jinni and Isabel, interpreter Momo, and of course, Mr. Kawamoto for taking the time to speak with me. Enjoy!
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Early in your career you were mentored by animator Sachiko Kamimura. How did you first start working with her?
I first met Ms. Kamimura when I was a key animator for ZZ Gundam. While I was on the project with her, I got to know her. I learned a lot and got some inspiration from Ms. Kamimura.
What kinds of things do you think you learned from her?
I talked to her recently and got the sense that she believes if you allow people to properly learn and train and grow they will be able to blossom into whatever talent they want to get into, and become a full professional in their field. Ms. Kamimura expressed that when I was the only young animator on the ZZ Gundam team. Working together while I was still pretty young and fresh, I think that was a big influence.
Back then and even now I'm not really sure why she was so taken with me and thought I had such great potential. In those days, we had no time to really focus on certain kinds of things. All we could do was sit down and draw as fast as possible. So I really don't understand what Ms. Kamimura saw in me. Even today I think about it.
Ms. Kamimura had this idea that as long as you properly train and teach these young professionals, they would blossom into their full potential. For the past 30 years I’ve really taken that to heart.
Could you walk me through your process when designing a character?
There are two different kinds of processes, depending on whether the anime is original or an adaptation.
For adaptations, I personally feel like I don't want to change the art. I don't want to change the original style of the manga it's adapting from. So I often work with the director, going back and forth and doing a kind of tag team thing to make sure that we accurately portray the original work.
When it comes to original animation, I often meet with the director and talk over what their vision is for the characters. I'll take their descriptions and interpret them into art. Generally I’ll create three to five variations of those characters in order to pinpoint what the director is aiming for.
When trying to understand the director’s taste and what they’re aiming for, we often play “catch.” We go back and forth in order to find out how the characters should be portrayed. That was the process for Cowboy Bebop.
I know some directors contribute their own designs to that process. Is that common for you?
Yes, it does happen for directors that have artistic skills. But in terms of my own work, I often pair up with directors with no art skills. So the director might do a really rough sketch of what they're imagining, but I generally draw it myself and provide that imagery so the director can decide what they want to do with it.
In terms of anime storyboards, generally directors will draw those out, and just by seeing the storyboards it's easy to tell if the director has any artistic skill. For Cowboy Bebop, the director was Shinichiro Watanabe, who later worked on Space Dandy. When I compared the storyboards from the Cowboy Bebop days and the Space Dandy days, I noticed “oh, he’s improved his art skills a little bit.” And before Cowboy Bebop, Mr. Watanabe was an episode director and drew storyboards on Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. If you look at the storyboards from then, well... I don’t want to say too much because it'll sound like I’m complaining or bad-mouthing, but ... yeah. He’s come a long way.
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Storyboards for Cowboy Bebop and Space Dandy, respectively.
Something that I admire about your work is that you have a distinctive character design style that’s very much your own, but your adapted works are a little more subtle and complement the original designer’s work. How do you decide where to add the Kawamoto touch and where to hold back a little bit?
Even though other people may think I have a distinct Kawamoto style, when I’m working on adaptations I really want to erase my own unique style. As a character designer, I aim to ensure that the character design techniques and the technical aspects are similar. But in terms of what I want to accomplish, I want to express the original work.
After working on Gundam 0083, I worked on character designs for different kinds of media like Leiji Matsumoto, Tatsuya Egawa, and Masamune Shirow’s works. For those I really tried to deemphasize my own style. But now that I’m thinking about it, I wonder if I didn’t do a good enough job. If I do have a distinct style, maybe I’m not erasing my own uniqueness enough.
While I was working on Golden Boy, I also worked on a Sega Saturn game for Gundam. Even though I worked on both Golden Boy and the Gundam project together, I was trying to make sure that they don’t cross over.
Actually, on the subject of Gundam, I have a question about a very weird Gundam project. You’re credited for conceptual design on G-Saviour.
I’m curious what you actually did on that project.
If I look back on my memories, the G-Saviour project was made in collaboration with Studio Sunrise. I had never worked on a Hollywood adaptation ever in my life, so even though I had no experience and was very unsure of myself, through working on G-Saviour I tried to learn a lot and make sure the project went smoothly. In terms of what I did for G-Saviour, if something wasn’t going well or there were some hiccups during the production, then I would submit art for the character’s costumes or certain ideas for what the characters would do. I would express that in a storyboard and then submit the storyboards to help them move things along.
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And that would get sent directly to the production team in Canada?
Oh right, it was probably too expensive to do it in Hollywood so they did it in Canada. So I would submit the artwork to Canada.
In fact, the reaction to the storyboards that I submitted to them was so positive, they were like, “Wow, I’ve never seen such beautiful and clean storyboards!” They were really happy to work with me and get those kinds of visuals. Even though they were really happy about it, it made me think, “If they’re so happy with this, where are their skill levels at? What are they used to?” It made me really uneasy to think, “What have they been doing so far?”
Speaking of live-action, I’m sure you’re aware of the live-action Cowboy Bebop series. Have you been consulted on it at all?
I haven’t touched the project at all. I’ve had zero participation in it.
I think it's actually good that I haven’t had any part in making the adaptation. I think that if they asked for my opinion I would influence it too much in a certain direction, so I really want to see what they will make of it on their own.
But there are some things that I am a little bit surprised about. Like Spike Spiegel being played by an Asian actor. (EDITOR’S NOTE: He’s talking about Star Trek and Harold & Kumar’s John Cho.) “Spike Spiegel” is a German name, so I would have expected someone with German ancestry. I find these choices interesting but I don’t want to influence too much or say too much.
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Are there any other projects of yours that you’d love to see adapted into a live-action Hollywood version?
I have a lot of challenges in drawing animals in animation. They’re really hard to draw for me. So I’m really interested in seeing a live-action adaptation of Wolf’s Rain. I think that with today’s CG technology it would be very possible.
Cowboy Bebop Designer Toshihiro Kawamoto Talks Art Styles and Live-Action Adaptations originally appeared on Ani-Gamers on May 30, 2019 at 9:55 PM.
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By: Evan Minto
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ordinary-vanity · 14 days
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gearing up for artfight this year, i always revenge! https://artfight.net/~ordinaryvanities
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