balor-antioch · 1 year
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That dog better not disturb my nap in the sun...
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meowtime · 2 years
Charlotte isn’t all that impressed with me taking photos of her.
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shreksstepfather · 2 years
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June drawings day 27: Moon lesbian demigirl Tempest, suggested by @runninghare1289 !
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felinefractious · 23 days
What's the proper term for a tabby calico? I own one and I've always called her a torbie, but I've heard "tabbico" and just plain "tabby calico" before. Secondarily, are tabby calicos any more rare than other colorations of just plain domestic short/longhairs? I personally feel like I don't see them as frequently, but I could be wrong. Thanks!
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Most registries refer to it as “Tortoiseshell Tabby with White,” or whichever their applicable white spotting descriptor is (ex. Tortoiseshell Tabby Bicolor) if relevant to the breed.
CFA continues to be weird and refers to tortoiseshell tabbies as “patched,” and then “and white.”
For the most part (although not exclusively, since there’s so many registeries out there with their own language choices) terms like “calico” “torbie” “caliby” “torbico” etc are just colloquial terms.
In theory tortoiseshell tabby calico’s should be equally or more common because the agouti (tabby) gene is dominant and is like… the original flavor cat, not a mutation. The wildcats they descended from still sport a tabby coat.
But I haven’t paid much attention… so I’ll definitely be making a mental note if which I see more often, now!
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Trick or treat, it's my torbico cat being festive
She's so festive!!! Happy halloween!
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quiverpaw · 6 months
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stupid to point out but i think it's fun that mistpaw is a official torbico (caliby)
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marbling77 · 1 month
Sandstorm x Graystripe hypokits?
Sandstorm - shorthair cream classic tabby + green eyes (headcanon - white spotting)
Greystripe - longhair blue agouti tabby + yellow eyes (headcanon - folded ears)
Result: longhair blue classic torbico + green eyes
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(Before posting anywhere, read the above link's rules section. Feel free to claim this character as an oc though ^^)
Base by @lycansprites
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amber-tortoiseshell · 11 months
hi! wanted to ask is there an official term for calico tabby? like torbie is tortie tabby? because thus far I've heard several different ones (caliby, torbico, tabbico etc).
Uh. I think neither of these are "official", as far as i'm concerned, including calico and torbie. The breed standards (also me in the tournament) are calling these patterns "tortoiseshell with white" (or tortoiseshell bicolor/harlequin/van), "tortoiseshell tabby", "tortoiseshell tabby with white". I think one organisation calls tortie tabbies "patched tabbies", which i personally strongly dislike.
I know these terms are a lot longer, but at least they are clear and straightforward, and nobody is confused by them (i hope). Of course, you can still use the "unofficial" expressions in your submissions and propaganda.
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Amab bigender brackenfur x adult!swiftpaw hypokits
(warrior name in this au is swifthawk and cloudtail(and thornpaw) tag along with fighting the dogs but cloudpaw was blinded and thornpaw is killed)
Warriors Ship Hypokits: Bigender!Brackenfur x Adult!Swiftpaw Edition
In this AU, Brackenkit and Thornkit are not Frostfur and Lionheart's biological kits (although the two are still littermates): rather, they were kits stolen from WindClan by ShadowClan when they drove them out but were accidentally given to ThunderClan along with Cinderkit and Brightkit, who are the actual FrostLion kits who were stolen. ThunderClan still accepts them and by the time anyone notices the mistake it's far too late to return the two. The more battle-minded Thornpaw becomes close friends with Swiftpaw. When Swiftpaw and Brightpaw go to fight the dogs, Thornpaw tags along, as does Cloudpaw, wanting to prove himself to his new Clan. It goes very poorly: half of Brightpaw's face is torn off, Cloudpaw is blinded, Swiftpaw loses his tail and half of a hind leg, and Thornpaw is killed. The Clan mourns the tragedy and Bluestar gives them awful names. While Brackenpaw is incredibly upset by the death of his brother, he doesn't blame Swiftpaw for it, knowing that Thornpaw would've fought the dogs anyway. Over time, Brackenpaw and Swiftpaw grow closer, and she delays getting her own Warrior Name until he, Cloudpaw, and Brightpaw get better ones. Firestar gives them the names Swifthawk (after Swiftpaw saved Snowkit from the hawk), Cloudbloom, Brightheart, and Brackenthorn (specifically requested by Bracken himself). Swifthawk and Brackenthorn become mates and have four kits with their friend Sorreltail as their surrogate.
The litter is born in Twilight, sired by both Brackenthorn and Swifthawk:
Cinderheart- dark gray tortoiseshell molly with blue eyes. Cis molly, bisexual. Named for Cinderpelt, who sacrificed her life saving her and her siblings from a badger. Cinderheart's personality is mostly the same as canon. However, she becomes a (willing!) Medicine Cat after her leg injury, training alongside Hollypaw under Leafpool. She and her fellow ThunderClan MedCat Hollyleaf have a sort of unofficial mateship that rides the line between breaking the Code and not- they are obviously very close to one another, but they are both Medicine Cats and never have any kits. This doesn't directly violate the rules, so they are allowed to stay together. She is a Seer.
Honeyflower- pretty black-and-golden tabby molly with blue eyes. Cis molly, straight. She is sort of a mixture of Honeyfern and Poppyfrost character, plot, and personality-wise. She gets her suffix from her grandma Goldenflower. She gets bitten by an adder while saving Briarkit but manages to survive. She is paralyzed from it and ends up becoming a Den-Mother and mates with Berrynose. She dies in the storm following the battle against the Dark Forest, to the grief and devastation of her family, mate, and children. She is a Scout, then a Den-Mother.
Campiontail- very pale ginger tom with white paws and amber eyes. Trans tom, gray-asexual. Campiontail is a perpetual workaholic, and the fact he hasn't keeled over and died from overwork is considered to be a minor miracle from StarClan. He’s one of those people/cats who doesn't have any hobbies outside his job. His constant working and prioritization of his duties isn't entirely an intentional thing, though. He enjoys hunting so much that he doesn't really want to do anything else with his time. Campiontail loves his family a lot but expresses it in his own, odd, way. They love him back just the way he is, but wish that he would just take a break already PLEASE. He is a Hunter.
Saffronstone- pale torbico molly with striking yellow eyes. Cis molly, pansexual. Bold and a major show-off, Saffronstone refuses to fade into the background of Clan life. She loves getting attention and has trouble sharing the spotlight, although she is getting better at that. She grew up envying her sisters due to how pretty they both were, but grew out of it as she aged and now has a good relationship with both of them. In her downtime, she likes helping her sister Cinderheart collect herbs or hunt with her brother Campiontail. Quality time is her love language. Saffronstone always had a crush on Lionblaze but thought it was unrequited for the longest time, while all the while he thought that his crush on her was unrequited. When they finally got together there was a ton of rejoicing. She is a Scout.
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tea-and-secrets · 3 months
I don't really like the way tortoiseshell tabby cats look and I feel really bad about it ..... they're so lovely how could I harbour such cruel feelings for little kitties. They're cute sometimes when it's not super noticable but I feel a lot of the time the ginger and brown blends in a sort of unpleasant way. I'm sorry kitties :( I still love you. Dilute torbies and torbicos are really cute its just low white dense torbies that bother me.... I'd still give them all kisses. You honestly do Not understand how guilty I feel about this. They're gonna send me to cat he'll......
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brimurlizx · 6 months
Kako skrbeti za frizerske skarje
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skarje za frizerje so nepogresljivo orodje za frizerja. Da bi ohranili njihovo ostrino in funkcionalnost, je ključnega pomena, da redno vzdržujemo. V tem članku bomo podrobno raziskali, kako pravilno skrbeti za frizerske skarje, da bodo vedno pripravljene za profesionalno uporabo in ostre.
Zakaj je vzdrževanje frizerskih skarij pomembno?
Vzdrževanje frizerskih skarij je ključnega pomena, saj vpliva na kakovost rezanja in udobje strank. Ostrina skarij je ključna za natančno striženje, kar prispeva k zadovoljstvu strank ter njihovi zvestobi. Poleg tega dobro vzdrževane skarje zmanjsujejo tveganje za poskodbe las in nepotreben stres za frizerja. Da bi ohranili svoje skarje v optimalnem stanju, sledite naslednjim korakom.
Navodila za vzdrževanje frizerskih skarij Redno čisčenje
Prvi korak k ohranjanju ostrine frizerskih skarij je redno čisčenje. Po vsaki uporabi obrisite ostanke las in izdelkov s skarij ter jih očistite s krpo ali papirnato brisačo. S tem boste preprečili, da bi se umazanija in ostanki nabirali, kar bi lahko vplivalo na ostrino rezil.
Kakovosten ovitek ali torbica za shranjevanje
Investirajte v visokokakovosten ovitek ali torbico za shranjevanje frizerskih skarij. Ko niso v uporabi, jih https://www.trimuzijat.com/c282/frizerske-skarje vedno shranjujte v ovitku, da se izognete morebitnim poskodbam ali praskam na rezilih. Pravilno shranjevanje je ključno za ohranjanje njihove ostrine.
Periodično brusenje
Da bi frizerske skarje ostale ostre, jih je treba periodično brusiti. Priporočljivo je, da to prepustite strokovnjaku za brusenje skarij, saj imajo potrebno opremo in strokovno znanje za to nalogo. Pravilno brusenje bo ohranilo rezila v najboljsem možnem stanju.
Mazanje mehanizma
Mazanje mehanizma frizerskih skarij je ključno za očuvanje gladkega delovanja. Uporabite posebno olje za skarje in ga nanesite na gibljive dele, kot so vijaki in vzmeti. S tem boste preprečili zatikanje in podaljsali življenjsko dobo skarij.
Preverjanje napetosti vijakov
Redno preverjajte napetost vijakov na frizerskih skarijah. Če so preveč ohlapni ali preveč zategnjeni, lahko vplivajo na kakovost rezanja. Prilagajanje napetosti vijakov je preprost postopek, vendar ga je treba izvajati previdno, da ne poskodujete skarij.
Pravilna izbira skarij za različne vrste las
Vsake frizerske skarje so namenjene določenemu tipu las. Za različne vrste las uporabljajte pravilno specializirane skarje, kot so tiste za tanke lase, debele lase, mokre lase ali suhe lase. To bo zagotovilo izboljsane rezultate in ohranilo ostrino skarij.
Periodično čisčenje ročajev
Poleg čisčenja rezil je pomembno tudi periodično čisčenje ročajev skarij. Ročaji se lahko umažejo in postanejo lepljivi zaradi izdelkov za oblikovanje las. Uporabite čistilo za odstranjevanje madežev in jih obrisite, da očuvate higienske standarde.
Vzdrževanje frizerskih skarij je izjemno pomembno za vsakega frizerja. Pravilno vzdrževane skarje bodo zagotovile boljse rezultate, zadovoljstvo strank in daljso življenjsko dobo orodja. Sledite navodilom za vzdrževanje in vase frizerske skarje bodo vedno pripravljene na profesionalno uporabo.
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balor-antioch · 1 year
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You've got yourself a deal!
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He’s based on a male common kestrel because “dark brown tabby tom” is boring :)
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onemelonthing · 5 years
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glencashmere · 5 years
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Sophie finally made it onto the top step but was ultimately unimpressed by everything the outdoors has to offer
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cypressbranch · 2 years
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Local man hates his wife, as he should
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