#topic: salvation army
cor-ardens-archive · 8 months
Hi! I have recently taken an interest in media depicting incestuos relationships between brothers and since it’s very hard to find any media with that theme (being a major one) compared to sister/brother incest for example, I wonder if you may know of any suggestions?
I used to keep and have since lost an ever-growing list of everything I read and watched that had incest as an important and/or overt theme. Which I would need because my memory is bad, but I'll try do my best here.
I can't think of many books -- the ones you probably already know: Querelle by Jean Genet, The Carnivorous Lamb by Augustín Gómez-Arcos, Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson (not a huge part of the plot but very important to the main character), Tell Me How Long The Train's Been Gone by James Baldwin (also not a huge part of the plot, but it's overt), Twins by Bari Wood, L'armee du Salut by Abdellah Taïa (kind of really touched me how open he talks about it). And it's been a while, but I distinctly remember some implications in A Song of Ice and Fire that Euron had sexually abused Aeron.
As you see, there really aren't many books that I know of. I think I had a few others in my original list that I hadn't gotten around to reading yet or that I might have forgotten. But there really isn't that much out there, as it's a much more taboo topic than brother/sister incest. I do think there's a number of published erotica, but nothing that's ever appealed to me (I do accept recs, however, if you think something is good).
Films (some only have strong subtext): Querelle, Dead Ringers, A Zed and Two Noughts (kinda?), A Intrusa dir. Carlos Hugo Christensen, From Beginning to End (bad), Saint-Narcisse, Salvation Army 2013, Brotherly 2008 (bad but sad). Have not seen: Brothers of the Head, Jay 2019, Godless 2015.
Also, anyone remember that one terrible short movie about the two brothers who fell in love and society just couldn't accept it and they cried so much about it? It was very bad, and starred an actor that's actually in a lot of TV I think. Also that one film about 2 brothers who are like pop stars? And they fall in love too. I don't know, it was also bad. I think one of them was named Max.
Edit: forgot to include The Winter Prince by Elizabeth Wein
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aihoshiino · 6 months
I dunno if its just me but it stands out to me that even though ai describes herself as someone whose never loved or been loved she seems to put a lot more emphasis in trying find someone to love rather than finding someone that loves her for being her
ai, please you deserve love too :((
(message from future claire from the end of this ask: to no one's surprised, this turned into an Ai essay... I ended up straying onto the topic of Ai's ideal lover, who that could even be and what 'salvation' and a long term positive arc would look like for Ai)
Nope, you're entirely correct!! It sticks out so bad to me that what Ai is actively looking for is not a person who will love her, but a person she can sincerely give her love to. It makes me want to eat wet cement!!!!
It's interesting to think that as Ai of B-Komachi, she probably hears people say they love her all the time. Viewpoint B even specifically identifies B-Komachi as a gachikoi group in the original Japanese text, meaning they are built from the ground up to exploit the types of fans who develop serious romantic fixations for their oshi, and with Ai being as popular as she is, it's almost a guarantee she has a whole army of these types of fans - and uh, we know for a very unfortunate fact just how sincerely and deeply obsessed with her a lot of these men are.
But ultimately, none of those people actually love the real Ai. As she herself puts it in Viewpoint B again, 'Ai of B-Komachi' is her idealized self - an ideal for both the fans and for Ai herself. She's a perfect, pure, invincible girl who loves everybody with no limits and no restraint. From Ai's perspective, performing 'Ai of B-Komachi' is an act of love outwards to the fans but because she's not the real Ai, none of that reciprocal love is actually for her.
The sad part, though, is that... Ai of B-Komachi isn't really that different from Ai herself! She's polished and airbrushed and lack any of Ai's human flaws but her strength, her warmth, her charisma, her playful sense of humor and her deep, deep kindness and her efforts to love everyone no matter what... those all come from the 'real' Ai and we see them authentically expressed through her again and again and again. But of course, Ai can't see that.
The reason Ai doesn't look for someone to love her, imo, is because she simply doesn't believe it's possible. She hates herself too much to imagine that anybody could ever love her as she is, so she compromises by slicing herself up into as many pieces as possible and letting everybody else reassemble her into an Ai they might be capable of loving. Even when she's directly asked who her ideal lover would be in 45510, her initial response is just sooooooo depressing.
"I guess I'd like to be with someone who doesn't lose their cool with me when I mess things up, ‘cause that happens a lot! Someone who gets all worked up over every little thing would probably get tired of me pretty quick. It’d be unfair for them, so I'd rather be with someone who's not like that."
Like... really think about what she's saying here. The narrator even specifically notes that Ai is as unfiltered as she gets during this stream and the best she can come up with is "Idk, someone who won't get annoyed with me even though I'm annoying as fuck". She herself even says a few lines later that even if someone told her to their face that they loved her, she simply wouldn't be able to believe it. To quote the 45510 narrator...
People evaluate others based on their own understanding of the world. Someone who lacks an understanding of love might struggle to believe it when others express their affection, just as a habitual cheater is more inclined to suspect their partner of being unfaithful. It’s one of those things you grow into understanding as an adult.
Babygirl I'm going to turn into a California fucking raisin!!!! Please!!!!!
45510 does conclude this train of thought with something interesting, though - with Ai's truest feelings that even the 45510 narrator can't dismiss or write off as a lie.
"I don't want anyone to hate me. But it's not like I don't want to talk about myself, even though it might sound a bit contradictory. I want people to know. I want them to know about the dirty parts, my rough edges, and all the rest, and I want them to say that it’s okay. That they accept me."
This is, ultimately, why Ai doesn't bother finding someone to love her as she is. Someone loving the real Ai would need to see the things she talks about here and not reject her. They would need to see the parts of Ai that she calls dirty, irresponsible, underhanded and impure and tell her that they accept her as she is, warts and all.
And she can't believe anyone would. Why would she, when she's faced rejection and abuse all her life, been failed again and again and again by every single person who had the responsibility to care for and protect her? The ultimate cruelty of Ai's life is, ironically, also its greatest joy: that the two people in the world who should have absolutely, unconditionally loved and accepted her as she was - her children - turned out to be people who, even years after her death, continue to only see Ai of B-Komachi.
I've talked about this elsewhere off Tumblr just in terms of writing Ai long term in fanfic and RP and what have you, but all this stuff is why I think the ideal long-term positive arc for Ai could never be one about Ai enacting change in herself - becoming self sufficient, learning to love herself on her own, etc. It would ultimately be a betrayal of what Ai's arc is trying to convey.
Ai is the way that she is because from the moment she was born, she was continually let down and failed by everyone else in her life who was in a position to love her. Nobody saved her from her mother's abuse, nobody helped her heal from it and nobody protected her from exploitation. This failure of care was so consistent that Ai ultimately concluded that she was the problem - that she had to make up for whatever about her was so reprehensible and lacking by being harmless and agreeable and useful and slicing herself to pieces so she could serve herself up in the most consumable way.
This is why I'm actually really glad that OnK has never gone the route of challenging Ai's assertion that she's dirty and impure - because the core of that idea is that Ai lacks worth because of that. Disproving her conclusion that she is 'dirty, impure, hopeless, etc' does not actually challenge this central idea that Ai only has worth so long as she is perfect and pure. Her salvation could only ever come from someone seeing her most wretched, dirty, ugly and miserable self - having someone strip her to bone and marrow, put their hand in her guts and cradle her heart and accepting her as she is, wholeheartedly, unconditionally and without compromise.
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jacksintention · 4 months
Concerning the conversation about love and hatred, I've compiled a few of the lines I've saved through these last two years that at times make me think of Jack when it comes to this topic
Estas manos, que son tuyas,
pero que al verte quisieran
quebrar las ramas azules
y el murmullo de tus venas.
¡Te quiero! ¡Te quiero! ¡Aparta!
Que si matarte pudiera,
te pondría una mortaja
con los filos de violetas.
¡Ay, qué lamento, qué fuego
me sube por la cabeza!
¡Ay qué sinrazón! No quiero
contigo cama ni cena,
y no hay minuto del día
que estar contigo no quiera,
porque me arrastras y voy,
y me dices que me vuelva
y te sigo por el aire
como una brizna de hierba.
Love has no middle term; either it destroys, or it saves. All human destiny is this dilemma. This dilemma, destruction or salvation, no fate proposes more inexorably than love. Love is life, if it is not death. Cradle; coffin, too. The same sentiment says yes and no in the human heart. Of all the things God has made, the human heart is the one that sheds most light, and alas! most night.
It is sometimes said that the sword wears out the scabbard. That is my history. My passions have made me live, and my passions have killed me.
Stronger than lover’s love is lover’s hate. Incurable, in each, the wounds they make.
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I adore you, but I hate you too. You’re a prison smothered in flowers. I can’t stand this enchantment anymore, I can’t stand being bewitched like this–when I look at you, my gaze turns to nothing but a mirror of light, I’ll stare at you hypnotized for ages, and when I stop seeing you I’ll feel you, and when I stop feeling you I’ll die.
Someone tells me: this kind of love is not viable. But how can you evaluate viability? Why is the viable a Good Thing? Why is it better to last than to burn?
Life is a series of obsessions one must do away with. Aren’t love, death, God, or saintliness interchangeable and circumstantial obsessions?
she is the only thing of importance, because I have a God-relationship to her.
it is not she who binds me, but I who have made use of her to bind myself.
The thought that you exist is so divinely blissful in itself that it is ridiculous to talk about the everyday sadness of separation—a week’s, ten days’—what does it matter? Since my whole life belongs to you.
What have you done with me? he asks. I have repeated you.
But I do feel strange-almost unearthly. I’ll never get used to being alive. It’s a mystery. Always startled to find I’ve survived
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Walking home, for a moment / you almost believe you could start again. / And an intense love rushes to your heart, / and hope. It's unendurable, unendurable
I clung to him as though only the one who had inflicted the pain could comfort me for suffering it.
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I could be free … If I could pluck out the memory of him from my heart as easily as his heart was plucked from the fire, I could be free.
I am imprisoned by devotion. I shy away from people. I am alone. I fall into depression.
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She was the world That he was losing; and the world he sought Was all a tale for those who had been living, And had not lived. Once even he turned his horse, And would have brought his army back with him To make her free. They should be free together. But the Voice within him said: “You are not free. You have come to the world’s end, and it is best You are not free. Where the Light falls, death falls; And in the darkness comes the Light.
I miss you like a knife in my throat.
Only love can save me and love has destroyed me.
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Should I be grateful or should I curse the fact that despite all misfortune I can still feel love, an unearthly love but still for earthly objects?
My songs are filled with poison - Why shouldn’t that be true? My heart bears a nest of serpents And also, darling, you.
their love is like hatred
She did not yet love him enough to be cruel to him.
our hatred is almost indistinguishable from our love
under the sincere guise of hatred I simply loved […], only in this type of love (repulsion) I loved him with greater strength than had I loved him in the simplest form — attraction.
Perhaps he was handsome, perhaps I found him attractive, perhaps he repelled me too.
Struck by the abstract nature of absence; yet it’s so painful, lacerating. Which allows me to understand abstraction somewhat better: it is absence and pain, the pain of absence—perhaps therefore love?
Eroticism is the brink of the abyss. I’m leaning out over deranged horror (at this point my eyes roll back in my head). The abyss is the foundation of the possible. We’re brought to the edge of the same abyss by uncontrolled laughter or ecstasy. From this comes a “questioning” of everything possible. This is the stage of rupture, of letting go of things, of looking forward to death.
Love is madness. Doesn’t everyone agree that you’d do anything, endure anything, to be with the ones you love? So either you’re willing to let them use you with any sort of cruelty, so long as they keep you—which makes you a fool—or you’re willing to commit any cruelty, so long as you get to keep them—which makes you a monster. Either way, it’s madness.
This madness is so deep-rooted and so useful that it is impossible to realize what would become of each of us if it were someday to disappear.
If I must die of fire, why not let me die of yours: knowing that you are the author of my doom will make it more endurable to me
His desire for loyalty was naive, he hadn’t understood that being loyal wasn’t so tidy, being loyal means being disloyal to everything else.
I have always loved you / Always dreaded you
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You will betray me, as I have betrayed, / And I shall kiss the hand that does me wrong
Listen: the way I loved you / was like my palm over a flame.
If I have the destruction of something that I once loved to carry with me at all times, isn’t it like I still have a companion?
One can fall in love and still hate.
and I will kill thee, And love thee after.
Yet, other characters, namely Heathcliff, Catherine, and Lockwood, remain more actively at war with love in their adult lives. Some force, as inexorable as the wind sweeping over the moors, seems to have bent their lives into a pattern of frustration that their own struggle for relief only aggravates. Their need for love is expressed, not through loving, but through the anguish of loneliness. Paradoxically, though they do not know it, this loneliness is the one condition necessary for the fulfillment of their most profound fantasy concerning perfect love: a love, that is, perfectly protected against the threat of abandonment that in childhood these sufferers learned that love entails.
I feel you there, in every pore. Your silence clamors in my ears. You can nail up your mouth, cut your tongue out — but you can’t prevent your being there. Can you stop your thoughts? I hear them ticking away like a clock, tick-tock, tick-tock, and I’m certain you hear mine.
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Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris? nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
I hate and I love. Why do I do this, perhaps you ask? I do not know, but I feel it happen and it is excruciating.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 1 year
I think I’ve been analyzing the whole Zero deliberately turning Big Boss into a martyr figure head face of world salvation slightly wrong.
I don’t think he picked him for exceptional leadership skills or unbeatable, near-flawless abilities but because he knew he drew people in and really really hoped he could exploit that with his own level of control MEANING there was an assumption on Zero’s part that he was actually more skilled and talented (or at the very least, more capable of mental mind games) than Big Boss and while he’s not entirely wrong in this regard (if we speak SOLELY on intellectual prowess) he absolutely was wrong in that Big Boss was functional enough as a person to break away and make his own decisions.
BUT when Big Boss left the Patriots original incarnation, I wonder if Zero just eventually expected him to come back, misunderstanding how much personal free will Big Boss actually did have, and in a way underestimating a level of intelligence Big Boss does possess because he ISN’T stupid-he’s just not playing 3D chess. He’s a fast physical learner, was relatively capable enough to keep up with Sokolov’s descriptions of the Shagohod (even coming to the first stages of a rocket conclusion relatively on his own, I’d add) and a tactical marvel in warfare.
Ego, I think, played a part in Zero not realizing that. Nor how deeply Big Boss views betrayal-people who betray Big Boss are never forgiven. This is a mistake the US Army and CIA made, a mistake Zero, Para-medic and Eva made, and a mistake Kaz made.
(This is getting off topic) but the long and short of it is that I think I’m going to be going down more meta rabbit holes again..
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eustochium · 4 months
okay i do love that the topic of clothing sustainability is having a moment right now, i 100% think that the widespread public reckoning of over consumption and criticism of fast fashion is long overdue, but also, i wish there was more of an examination of potential and actionable resolutions to this issue. like there will be suggestions of just “buy sustainable options,” which usually means just buying into the greenwashed branding of clothing stores that use buzzwords about “sustainability” or “natural fibers” or whatever to justify their insane price inflation. or the alternative is just to rely on thrift stores, which like, yeah, lots of people already do that, and if you live in a city where you’re surrounded by (and can afford) stores that offer high-quality and high-variety vintage or secondhand items, or if you just happen to be very, very lucky in your finds, then that’s awesome, but if that’s not the case for you then you’re probably well aware of the fact that especially as of the last few years, thrift store clothes just. really suck lol. and i don’t say that to mean like “they do not fit my personal aesthetic preferences” i say it to mean your options typically are like “flimsy Shein castoffs from the last TikTok microtrend” or “someone’s old Walmart brand muumuu that Salvation Army is now reselling for $21.99” neither of which are like. even remotely wearable if you’re a grown adult with a very small budget trying to find acceptable and affordable clothing to wear to your job. at the same time i also disagree with the fast fashion defenders bc i think that ppl taking up the “no ethical consumption under capitalism” mantle in defense of Shein or AliExpress or whatever just have terminal consumerism brain and aren’t interested in the plight of the poor so much as their right to satisfy their desire for material gratification without guilt. and i think this is generally just a weird and thorny question because, barring very specific boycotts, it’s always somewhat difficult to navigate the role of individual consumption in unethical systems. idk whatever
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Thinking about the "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". I obviously strongly believe this is a good way to divide up work and tasks and chores and property and services etc. I've been thinking about how to apply it on a personal level. When struggling to do things myself I've cooperated with others also struggling, and called it this. But I'm thinking I could apply it more to ownership.
I think one way to apply "to each according to his needs" is to think you should only own what you need. Sorta Marie Kondo style, although "need" may include fewer things than "sparks joy" does.
Now with yule/christmas it's best to wish for and buy things that are necessary anyway. Not luxuries like jewelry and a fourth video game console, but things like shampoo, clothes/shoes that need replacing or sewing tools (for mending). And for me I have most of what I need, so I tried wishing for just money to a charity in my name cause like, "to each according to his need". Unfortunately the people around me weren't all that excited about that. I have tried wishing for wool clothes, cause they're gonna be pretty ethically made (although possibly undersold in terms of value) plus long lasting (meaning less pointless consumption and better for the environment and by extension literally everything and everyone).
There's also just, the rest of the year/years/time. I have some stuff to donate cause for example I have books I own that I won't reread. That I'll probably donate or sell depending on things like whether any place will accept them. I think donating books to the salvation army is probably better than letting them rot in my ownership, serving no purpose at all (I won't reread every book). But I just need to figure out where they accept what. Also: what I even can/will give away. and yeah some can be sold, cause like, they're best off serving as many people as possible, even if that just means 2 people (me and the next owner). I also have nonbook stuff but yeah. That's pretty much the same deal. With clothes there are usually more options to give it away.
I do wonder if there are any things that I don't consider like "obviously donateable" that I should get rid off somehow. I was doing a Norstat survey the other day and it reminded me I own and have access to much I don't use at all. So I could probably get rid of plenty of things that I "think are nice", but ultimately don't use. Because how can it be a "need" if I don't use it?
Now I'll say I don't use the harshest way to apply this, which is saying you only need literally the bare essentials like food, clothes and hygiene. I do believe you can need to have fun and hobbies and such. Hence me specifying the "fourth console", being something obviously excessive. If you have three consoles and really want a fourth one you should probably at least sell one or three old ones ykwim? Fun isn't bad, but excess is way too normalized and encouraged. This topic could be expanded upon for ages, so I'll cut this short here. You know consumerism, classism etc.
Also yeah "from each according to his abilities" is a thing to apply. I mean this one is kinda simple to me. But like, yeah contributing both with like occupation (education/work) and generally in communities and socially. Volunteering, doing favors etc when able. And recognizing that sometimes you aren't able to do more, and some obstacles to contribution are immovable and that doesn't make you bad. You aren't "supposed to" do more than you are able to.
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s0fthunny · 2 years
Where do you buy clothes that fit the aesthetic, besides depop?
i’m sooooo happy u asked me this bc there’s soooo many places to shop and buy cute clothes, shoes, accessories, etc!!!!
clothes: THRIFT THRIFT THRIFT at goodwill salvation army and local consignment shops, dollskill, poshmark, fine girl, instagram boutiques, even some “mainstream” stores have cute pieces!! It’s all about knowing what you want and having full outfit inspiration in your head!
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shoes: The same answer as clothes!!!! but for more heels i would suggest adult boutiques for cute platforms!
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Accessories: I loveeee cute and fun jewelry and pretty body jewelry like dangly belly rings! I get a lot of my costume and body jewelry from hot topic, spencer’s gifts, and sugar and vapor! you should also look at thrifts, poshmark, and ebay for vintage pieces, and etsy for crystal bracelets or something you want custom made!!! i wear jewelry from those places along with my jewelry i never take off almost everyday!! Also i get my purses from dollskill and my vintage ones from thrifting or poshmark! i recently scored some super cute juicy bags at urban outfitters!!!
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Bath and body products: This isn’t clothes but i feel like allll cutesy girls smell super good and have shimmery skin!! I get alllll my body glitter from bath and body works and i get my sprays there too! victoria’s secret is also really good (for beauty mostly now lol)
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I saw the post you reblogged about the salvation army donating to anti-lgbt organizations and it reminded me of the alt-right ideology videos that Youtube advertises... meanwhile Youtube demonetizes or takes down videos with pro-LGBT topics. And its not like we can ignore these corporations because society is dependent on their services...
Yeah so many social media platforms have become fucking awful when it comes to LGBTQ+ and just progressive stuff in general recently. Rightists are definitely infiltrating them :/
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bittersweet--chaos · 11 months
shop for what? i’d love to help
So I recently gave away a lot of my old clothes that I didn’t fit or wear anymore to the Salvation Army for people in need because were house hunting soon and want a fresh start
That being said I need new clothes because I only have 1 container of clothes. And I absolutely hate shopping so it’s really hard for me
So far I found cute stuff from Hot Topic
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mariacallous · 2 years
Congress and President Joe Biden largely prevented hunger from getting worse during the pandemic with a series of stopgap measures that expanded benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Snap), fed children when closed schools suspended free lunches for the most vulnerable and helped food banks obtain groceries.
But several of those programs have ended this year and dramatic inflation has made it even more difficult to afford groceries, leaving many food banks with empty shelves and hungry Americans wondering how to make ends meet.
The Ohio collective’s warehouse was alarmingly empty before the charity dipped into its own funds to buy increasingly expensive items that previously would have been donated or provided by federal programs, said Mike Hochron, senior vice-president of communications for the group. Supply chain problems have made the problem worse: at least 80 truckloads of cereal and pasta have been canceled in the past year, he said.
“The biggest shift is we have to buy a whole lot more,” Hochron said, standing in a cavernous warehouse with shelves of crackers, soap, ground meat, papayas and other grocery items. “In some cases, our buying power is half what it was a couple of years ago.”
Despite similar stories from food banks around the country, direct discussions about food security have been seemingly missing from many political races in battleground states, though Republicans nationally have been campaigning more broadly on inflation and the cost of living, while protecting abortion after the fall of Roe v Wade has been a key issue for Democrats.
In Ohio, for instance, hunger is not mentioned among the key issues on the campaign websites for Senate candidates JD Vance and Tim Ryan, even as they debate issues such as crime that are often caused by hunger. Neither candidate responded to interview requests.
In the Ohio governor’s race, Democratic challenger Nan Whaley has proposed a $350 (£313) “inflation rebate” for most residents, in part to pay for food. Her opponent, Republican incumbent Mike DeWine, does not mention food or hunger on his campaign site.
US politicians have a long history of ignoring hunger as a campaign issue, said Ann Crigler, a political science professor at the University of Southern California. That’s partly because it’s embarrassing and partly because they don’t know how to fix it, she said.
“People don’t want to admit there’s this big problem happening here,” Crigler said. “They act like it’s something that only happens overseas.”
The same absence is true of the campaign platforms of the Pennsylvania candidates John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz, who are locked in a tight Senate race.
Some say it’s hard to imagine hunger not being a key issue in the midterm elections, whether or not candidates are discussing it.
“I think people are more aware today than they were a few years ago about what’s at stake,” said the Massachusetts congressman James McGovern, who helped organize the recent White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, the first such gathering since 1969. “Food prices have gone up, fuel costs have gone up. I really do think people get it. We’ll see.”
And yet several food bank clients interviewed across the country said they either don’t plan to vote or wouldn’t take food policies into account if they did.
Kimberly Burkins, who lives in a motel in York, Pennsylvania, supplements her federal food stamps with food from the local Salvation Army, said she nevertheless doesn’t support expanding federal hunger programs.
“I appreciate the assistance, but I don’t think people should be getting free things,” said Burkins, who spent two years on disability benefits and makes just $800 (£716) a month.
The idea that hungry people would vote against their own interests is rooted in society’s broken philosophy of the “undeserving poor”, said Marion Nestle, a retired New York University professor of nutrition, food studies and public health.
“These ingrained attitudes that the poor are undeserving, that they brought it on themselves, that poverty is somehow self-inflicted, are so deeply ingrained in the human psyche that it has to be taught out of you,” Nestle said. “You have to really understand how societies work to understand why some people are poor and some people aren’t.”
Some food bank clients said they understand the distinction. Josh and Misty Murray, parents of three who were waiting in a Ford pickup at the Ohio food bank, said hunger policies would be on their minds at the polls. Both state employees, they started coming to the food bank six months ago after their rent jumped by 15%.
“It’s a hit on your ego, but you do what you gotta do to feed your family,” Josh Murray said. “It was coming down to keeping the lights on or having meals.”
In Larimer county, Colorado, north of Denver, the local food bank has seen a 33% increase in visits to its brick-and-mortar pantries since January and a 67% increase at its mobile pantries, said Amy Pezzani, CEO of the Larimer county food bank. And while clients used to rely on the pantries for about a quarter of their food, many now receive nearly all their food from the charity, Pezzani said.
And while clients previously visited those pantries about once a month, they now average nearly three visits per month, she said.
“In our area, the cost of housing has increased exponentially and has increased much faster than wages,” Pezzani said. Congress should make some of the pandemic measures permanent to prevent even more hunger, she added. “We’re going to need to do more, especially if we keep seeing these increases.”
As in other battleground states, neither Colorado Senate candidate – Michael Bennet or Joe O’Dea – lists hunger prevention as a priority.
Food bank leaders and experts said they hope voters – whether hungry or not – understand the importance of their decisions in November. With a possible recession looming and Congress failing to codify some of the most effective pandemic aid programs, the upcoming elections could dramatically affect hunger in the next year.
About one-third of people without consistent access to food are ineligible for Snap benefits, said Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, a Northwestern University economics professor. The country needs better policies to keep hungry people from falling through the cracks, she said.
“A lot of these pandemic relief ideas have come and gone,” said Whitmore Schanzenbach, who attended the White House hunger conference. “I wish we would have kept some of them. The child tax credit reduced poverty 50%. Why didn’t we keep it?”
Lisa Ortega, 64, was forced to turn to the Larimer county food bank about three years ago when a series of health problems put her out of work. She lives in a Habitat for Humanity-built house in Loveland, Colorado, and said she hopes voters show a little empathy when they head to the polls.
“People need to look at this and change their ideas,” Ortega said. “Someday they may be in this situation where they have to go to the food bank. It happened to me.”
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nijjhar · 2 months
Punjabi - Maninder Sandhu, Please make more such Videos with the Jatt Un... Punjabi - Maninder Sandhu, Please make more such Videos with the Jatt Unity Banner in the background. https://youtu.be/vqjRn2OVdHw Milkh's Tragedy; Partition caused by the "Saltless" British and Indian shopkeepers to the brave village soldiers. https://youtu.be/gb_Qjwneoxg http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JattBanner.jpeg http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JattIslam.htm HOW THE DIRTY-HEARTED BRITISH IGNITED THE SECTARIAN CIVIL WAR IN INDIA? The British left India in 1947 but with a very dirty conscience. We Indians of the farming marshal tribes Jatt, Gujjar, Pathan, Arian, Saini, etc., the once-born simpletons served the British faithfully and made them win the two world wars but they colluded with the twice-born shrewd people of business tribes and hypocritically divided our Jatt tribal homeland, Punjab plunging us into the sectarian civil war that could have been avoided. This is how they ignited this civil war:- 1.      They knew that the people kill each other frantically in the name of religion as Catholics and Protestants did in Britain so, they supported the heads of religious parties financially and paid them money secretly under the table. 2.      There used to be elections held for the Parliament but no such election was held to hand over the Government into the hands of responsible political leaders in 1947. 3.      They just colluded with the heads of religious Parties; all clever shopkeepers - Lala M.K. Gandhi, a Baniya, Lala Tara Singh Malhotra, a Khatri and Lala Mohd. Ali Jinnah, a Babla Bhatia. These Lalas least served in the British Army. 4.      We Jatts of the Punjab served the British Army the best but we were divided into India and Pakistan like the deserted Christmas Puppy. 5. Our governments were told that when you fight with each other, we will sell you weapons of mass destruction to kill each other. What a business idea out of misery? Politics is a dirty game of the psychic hypocrites whom Jesus condemned the most and he was killed by them. Look what the USA, the U.K. and other European collaborators are doing in the world today? End times are not far away – Matt. 13v24-30 and the TRIBULATIONS have already started from 14/05/2018 when the child-like USA President Donald Trump pressed the TRIBULATIONS BUTTON by declaring Jerusalem to be the Capital of Israel. These worldwide TRIBULATIONS will last for FIVE YEARS to ATOMIC WAR EXPECTED SOON AFTER 14/11/2023. So, let us join hands together to expose these hypocrites with the Gospel Truth of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. In Jesus, we are Labourers working in the Royal Vineyard of our Father that has a Narrow Gate for the Solitary of discerning intellect called “holy spirit”, common sense or Surtti. Earn your Salvation by Preaching the Gospel. Holy spirit, “common sense”, shatters the fetters of the dead Letters, the Holy Books and their Laws that have been corrupted. Remember that Law and Prophets were till John, the Baptist – Luke 16v16. In “Agape”, our Father God blesses everyone alike and please do not miss your great opportunity to earn salvation by preaching the Gospel from the Rooftops. https://youtu.be/yTSYd_FujE4 CHURCH OF ENGLAND IS AKIN TO SATAN WHILST SALVATION ARMY TO GOD Final Burning soon after 14 Nov 2023. On 14 May 2018, the USA President Donald Trump pressed the Button for the start of TRIBULATIONS that would last for FIVE years (the Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman at well John 4) to ATOMIC WAR SOON AFTER 14 NOV, 2023. Video on this topic:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoCX5E8m-rQ CHURCH OF ENGLAND IS AKIN TO SATAN WHILST SALVATION ARMY TO GOD. In Jesus, we have One Fold called the Church of God headed by One Shepherd Christ Jesus. Jesus came to deliver us the Gospel, the language of communication and praise our Father Elohim, ParBrahm, Allah, etc., Who lives in His Temple, our physical body, made not by human hands but by the demiurge god of nature called Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. And we worship our Father in truth and in spirit. That is why St. Peter killed two liars Ananias and Sapphira who were not built on the solid rock of truth but over sand that fell down ones. The  Temple of God is always built on the solid rock of truth for the person stands in public to proclaim the Gospel in the holy spirit, “common sense” whilst the Temple of Satan is built on the sand of lies that proclaim the hypocrisies of Mammon. That is why ................. For the unlisted videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Unlisted.htm My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Private Bitter Gospel Truth videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JAntisem.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JOHN 8V44.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"A YOUTH TO PRISON. TERM OF FOUR YEARS," Toronto Star. April 11, 1913. Page 17. ---- Chester Archer Is Only 18, But He Stole Thousands in Five Houses. ---- JEWELRY AND MONEY ---- Need of Another Reformatory Between Present Institutions. ---- On five charges of house-breaking and burglary, Chester Archer was sent to Kingston Penitentiary for four years by Magistrate Denison to-day.
The burglaries amount to thousand dollars. Archer pleaded guilty to all of the five charges.
"I did it all for the experience," the boy would say by way of excuse.
Chester Archer is a red-headed boy, 18 years of age, and was brought up in the East End of the city. His burglaries were of the cleverest sort, mystifying the police until after the fifth one, when the boy stole a raincoat and wore it, and by the description Detective Older arrested him on the street. At one place the boy enter- ed the house in broad daylight and got away with over $1,000 in cash and jewelry.
"He has no record," said Magistrate Denison, "but it is a case that cannot be treated leniently."
"Four years in prison," said Ensign Wardall, of the Salvation Army, to The Star. "There is a boy, not yet a man, now destined to be bad for life. Why have we no institution, halfway between the Industrial School and the jails, where we can send boys over sixteen years, who are not yet old enough and hard-shelled enough, to be sent to the Penitentiary, where crime, and the glory and adventure of crime, is the only topic of interest?"
"Young Archer is still soft and impressionable, and will be so steeped and soaked in smut and crime after his four years at Kingston, that he will be morally crippled for life."
[Archer was indeed 18, a machinist's helper from Toronto. He was convict #F-685 at Kingston Penitentiary and worked mostly in the machine shop. He was reported once in May 1913 and lost 7 days remission. He was paroled in late 1914, but robbed another store, and in February 1915 returned to finish his term. He was released in late 1916. He doesn't appear to have returned to the penitentiary, however.]
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zevranunderstander · 3 months
also on the topic of USA culture being the default online. it's so jarring in discussions mentioning religion (I don't even mean, like, theological discussions but I do have some cans of worms to open with American denominations of christianity) because the experiences people have with religion and the church and also religion in combination with culture are so so regional. like saying something like 'that thought is so culturally christian of you' is a well-meaning observation, but like, a lot of people online might not live in countries that are actually concerned with christianity at all?
or even how conservatism mixes with religion is very different from country to country. In eastern germany being religious was seen as 'anti-patriotic' for most of the 20th century, first the nazis didn't really support it and then with the wall up it made you immediately suspicious to the state, so christianity does exist in the forms of traditionalism like in the US but the relationship people here have with the church is actually very different from other regions. just one country next to us, Poland mixes catholicism and conservatism a lot, which northern Germany isn't concerned with at all, because we kinda invented protestantism here.
back to speaking about former eastern germany, the church just isn't a powerful institution here at all, and that makes christian charity networks a lot more helpful and charitable (in my opinion) than they are tend to be viewed from an American lens. and stuff that is usually associated with christianity, like AA meetings, or other public charities, like our alternatives to the salvation army and whatnot, aren't at all christian institutions in the first place.
like it's hard to explain what I want to say but actually I don't think that a lot of people in the USA are aware of the fact that when they talk about certain topics they are ONLY seeing the American lens and don't really notice that that isn't the universal experience
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ahopkins1965 · 4 months
1st Corinthians 6:18-20 says: Run from sexual sin!  No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does.  For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.  When I examine this topic, it has a whole lot to do with the way that we handle our own body.  Sexual immorality is anything that defiled the body.  However, sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. Some sins are clearly evident. Such as fornication, masterbation, and people who have an intense sexual desire for the opposite sex.  In Addition to what has been mentioned so far this is a sin that goes against one's own body.  For a total of 18 consecutive years, I was dealing with female prostitutes and masterbation myself.  I have spent over a total of $100,000 dollars in 18 years of walking the streets of Dayton, Ohio Toledo, Ohio Detroit Michigan, and Charlotte, NC.  Frankly, I started buying sex at the age of 21 year's old.  I remember when my birthday was on a Tuesday in 1986.  I was working at the YMCA in Downtown Dayton, Ohio.  I literally worked 2 jobs and I still was buying sex from females.  I started masterbation at the age of 14 because I was scared of women.  I remember when my parents used to take me to the bootleg joints in town.  I started drinking beer and coffee at the age of 7 years old.  My stepfather used to buy sex for me.  This was during the time when my mother was separated from her husband.  I guess my stepfather had plans for me.  From age 21 to 45 years old, I was in the streets buying sex from female prostitutes.  I have not had sex in 
12 years now.  I do recall dealing with multiple women at one time.  I asked God to help me with all of my personal problems.  God has helped me when it came to alcohol and smoking marijuana and Crack Cocaine.  I have been clean and sober for 32 years now.  My clean date is Wednesday May 2, 1990.  I stopped drinking beer and smoking marijuana Crack altogether.  I went to treatment at the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center in Downtown Dayton, Ohio.  I started treatment on June 1, 1990-Friday September 1st 1990.  I was working at the King Cole Restaurant on Main Street and Second Street in Downtown Dayton Ohio . I also worked part time at Arby's Restaurant on Ludlow Street and Second Street in Dayton Ohio.  I worked at Arby's Restaurant for only three months.  I worked at the King Cole Restaurant for Two years and three months.  I went to Toledo, Ohio on Friday evening and 7:30pm catching the Greyhound Bus going to Toledo, Ohio.  I lived in Toledo, Ohio for almost 6 years.  I graduated from College two times at the University of Toledo.  I had a lot of work to do at the Library.  The University really challenge me and they changed me within five years.  All of my instructors were praying for me throughout my College Career.  I graduated from the University of Toledo with earning 235 College Education Credits.  I then relocated to Charlotte NC for 12 years.  My very first place that I lived at the Men's Uptown Shelter for 8 months.  I had to walk everywhere I went to for 5 months.  Afterwards, I have moved inside of my first apartment in Charlotte NC.  It was called Charlottetown Terrace Apartments.  I got a job working at the US Census Bureau.  I worked that job for 8 months until the Census was completed.  After that I got a job working at UPS located on North Graham Street in Charlotte NC.  I worked there until I got a job working at UNC-CHARLOTTE.  I worked at the J Murray Atkins Library on the Campus at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.  I worked Two jobs in 8 years.  I worked at Circle K stores located on Plaza Road and W.T. Harris Boulevard.  I had to give up the high cost of low living.  As soon as I got home, I stayed in the hospital for a while because of seizures and I collapsed at Wright Plaza during the 4:10 pm line up.  It was on a Sunday when I had a seizure.  I stayed in the hospital for a few days.  I had to go back to the hospital for an attempted suicide.  It was because I got scammed by people that I really didn't know.  I ended up getting fired from my job for looking at pornography on the computer at work.  I had crashed two computers at home and at work.  Therefore, my life has completely changed for the better.  I got baptized at Shiloh Baptist Church on February 21, 2010.  I also got baptized at Fort McKinley United Methodist Church on Sunday February 15, 2015.  It was very cold that day.  I continue to live in my apartment at Wentworth HiRise Apartments in the Northwest side of Dayton, Ohio.  I have not had sex since Saturday July 3, 2010.  I do not have any desire to have sex because I suffer from low testosterone. And low libido.
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christophe76460 · 7 months
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Thursday, 19 October 2023
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR : Jeremiah 37, Jeremiah 38, Acts 24, Acts 25.
FIRE SCRIPTURE : Matthew 2:13-23
Genesis 37:9 - "And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me."
A divine good dream will give birth to divine vision.
Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit.
The power blocking your good dreams shall perish today, in the Name of Jesus.
God wants His children to live for a cause that blesses humanity, builds His Kingdom, outlasts them and counts greatly in eternity. Such a course must come from God and is usually selfless and self-sacrificing. In history, those who understood this salient truth lived and died fulfilled.
Are you living for a purpose that counts for life and eternity? Do you have the right dream or vision for your life? What is the right dream? (1) It is your God-given dream or vision that reveals your destiny or divine assignment (2) It is the dream that helps to make your journey in life count, fulfilling and rewarding (3) It is the dream that guides you on how to die fulfilled and leave a great legacy that heaven is glad about (4) It is the dream that you execute with the help of God, positively touch lives so much that you are called blessed by generations long after you are gone.
It is disheartening that many men and women today are not living for anything significant. They are comfortable with living ordinary lives and have lost the impetus or personal drive and motivation to aim for great things that make them count in life and eternity. Mediocrity and complacency are the order of the day. You must come out of this unprofitable group. God has far greater plan for you and is ever ready to help you.
William Booth lived and died championing the cause of a Christian movement and ministry called Salvation Army. The impacts of his works are known in countries and continents of the world till today. He won souls and changed lives for Christ. Paul lived and died for a cause. The Lord called and sent him as an apostle to the gentiles. Paul fulfilled his mandate. Similarly, Jesus Christ, our Royal Master, was irrevocably committed to the assignment the Father gave Him: to save mankind from sin and redeem them back to His Father. It was a cause that blessed life and eternity and gladdened heaven.
What are you living for? How big and far-reaching is it? Does it count positively for life and eternity? Beloved, what will you be remembered for and what will heaven graciously reward you for?
1. O God, have mercy on me, in the name of Jesus.
2. My destiny, receive the help of God, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every conspiracy in the waters assigned to programme a wrong vision for my life, receive confusion, in the name of Jesus.
4. Power to receive the right dream from God, enter into my life now, in the name of Jesus.
5. Bewitchment of my divine purpose must die, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every evil ancestral pattern hunting my divine purpose, I use the blood of Jesus against you, in the name of Jesus.
7. My divine destiny shall not be diverted, in the name of Jesus.
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bills-bible-basics · 8 months
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SWORD OF THE SPIRIT -- KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List KJV Bible verse list compiled by #BillKochman for #BillsBibleBasics. Topic: "Sword of the Spirit". Visit https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/ to see all my lists. "And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." Luke 2:34-35, KJV "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." Matthew 10:34-37, KJV "Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying, said, Of a truth this is the Prophet. Others said, This is the Christ. But some said, Shall Christ come out of Galilee? Hath not the scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was? So there was a division among the people because of him." John 7:40-43, KJV "If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin." John 15:22, KJV "But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, nd the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men nd brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the ope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question. nd when he had so said, there arose a dissension between he Pharisees and the Sadducees: and the multitude was ivided. For the Sadducees say that there is no esurrection, neither angel, nor spirit: but the Pharisees onfess both." Acts 23:6-8, KJV "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12, KJV "‭‭Now when they heard ‭this‭, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men ‭and‭ brethren, what shall we do?‭" Acts 2:37, KJV "And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:" Ephesians 6:17, KJV "And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me;‭" Isaiah 49:2, KJV "And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength." Revelation 1:13-16, KJV "And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges . . . Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth." Revelation 2:12, 16, KJV "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that
with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS . . . "And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh." Revelation 19:11-16, 20-21, KJV If you would like more info regarding the origin of these KJV Bible verse lists, go to https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/. Thank-you! https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/sword-of-the-spirit-kjv-king-james-version-bible-verse-list/?feed_id=76576&_unique_id=650e8ae3aa0f3&SWORD%20OF%20THE%20SPIRIT%20--%20KJV%20%28King%20James%20Version%29%20Bible%20Verse%20List
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