#top gun maveric: fanfic
First Sight Pt 2
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Pairing: Fem reader x Bradley Bradshaw (Rooster)
Summary: As y/n and Rooster’s relationship becomes more serious in many ways, they’re forced to face the outside forces of their relationship aka an overprotective uncle Maverick
Warnings: cussing, a VERY short mild snip of smut (unprotected sex)(18+ plz), I don’t think there is any spoilers of the actual movie in this but I’ll add just in case.
Word count: 4.6k (I got carried away lol)
A/N: I’ve honestly had this done for a really long time and put off posting it because I was unsure how I felt about the small bit of smut in it. Overall it’s very mild and I’ve never wrote smut before & haven’t decided 100% how I feel about it, but I decided I like it in this story how it is. I really love this story and the plot of it so much, and I have ideas for a 3rd and final part!
You had never thought that this summer would be the best summer of your life. You had been more anxious to get the summer over with and finish your training so you could start your career in the navy, and most importantly fly. While that was still important to you, you have to admit you hadn’t much given it any thought over the last month. Your father had noticed this. What rare time you hadn’t been spending with Rooster, you were hanging with Phoenix, who had become your best friend. You also enjoyed group gatherings with the top gun students. You sometimes felt like you were one of them.
You had also spent a lot of time convincing Maverick you weren’t with Rooster, as he still was protective as ever over you. Your father stayed oblivious to the subject. Mav had told you several times before “I’m only trying to protect you from getting your heart broken because I know how guys like Rooster are, because I was just like him.”
Another beautiful evening at the Hard Deck, which had become just the meeting place for everyone to hang out this summer, you were sitting in front of the bar talking to Penny. Phoenix was beside you.
“You know what I was thinking?” Penny asked you as she sat a drink in front of you.
“What’s that?” You asked her.
“It’s been a long time since we have had one of our famous girls nights in. A movie, popcorn, we can order takeout.” She suggested. “Just like old times”
When you were younger and your dad would be away, and your mom needed someone to watch you, Penny always kept you. She would bring you over to her house and you guys would watch movies, dance, eat. There was nothing you looked more forward to than to know Penny was watching you. When your dad had to be away, you were scared. Penny always comforted you, she had faced the same thing with her father. This was one thing that ever made you scared to progress with Rooster. Knowing you would be facing the same thing. You always told yourself you wouldn’t fall in love with a man in the navy after your childhood of constant fear wondering if your father was coming home. Life has a funny way of proving you wrong. Rooster just sort of happened.
“What do you think? Me you Amelia, and Phoenix, you should come too! A whole girls night. No boys allowed.” Penny snapped you out of your thoughts.
“I’m so in.” You smiled.
“That means Rooster can’t just magically pop up like he always does.” Phoenix teased.
“Well I’m pretty sure that means no Maverick or Hangman either.” You replied.
“I am NOT seeing hangman!” Phoenix was blushing.
“Whatever I see the way you look at each other. And I totally seen his name come up on your phone the other day.” You teased.
Penny laughed just glad you weren’t teasing her about Mav.
“Okay well deal. My place. Tomorrow. You guys pick the movie, and I’ll order Chinese takeout. No Rooster, Mav, or Hangman.” Penny made the plan. “I’ll have this place covered for the night.” She gestured to the bar.
“Can you guys stop bringing up Hangman?!” Phoenix exclaimed.
Right about that time you heard the bell ring and Rooster was coming through the door. You were sitting in the same exact spot you were the first time you laid eyes on him. You couldn’t help but smile and he was too.
“I am convinced this man has trap doors he just pops out of to find y/n. He always shows up where she is.” Phoenix and Penny were laughing.
“He ladies. What’s so funny?” Rooster walked over to you three.
“Nothing.” Phoenix and Penny responded together.
“Want to go for a walk down the beach?” Rooster offered running his hands through your long hair. About that time you saw a motorcycle pulling in.
“Damn it.” You cursed.
“You’re going to have to tell him sometime you guys, this can’t go on like this forever. I don’t know if I can keep this secret from him forever.” Penny said, the tone becoming more serious. “I have lied to him so many times, and our relationship is supposed to be a fresh start, all trust and no lies.”
“I’ve got your back.” Phoenix came in for the save. “Meet her around back Bradshaw. But NO boys allowed tomorrow night.” Phoenix motioned him to the back of the bar where he could go out the back door.
Mav walked into the bar smiling at the love his life behind the bar, and one of the next loves of his life standing in front of the bar. His god daughter, you.
“There is my favorite girls.” He winked at Penny. Leaning over the bar to give her a kiss.
Ever since your dad had been facing some health issues, Maverick had been even more protective over you. His promise to watch over you should something ever happen to the Ice Man holding stronger than ever. There was no way your dad could be stressing out about you and Rooster. Or anyone for that matter. That’s why Mav had taken this whole situation into his own hands. You did have to admit he was taking it a little over the top though.
“Let’s blow this popsicle stand Baby Ice.” Phoenix said pulling you to the door.
“We are gonna catch a movie at the theatre.” You told Mav. Him smiling and waving. “You girls have fun.”
“You’re going to have to tell him eventually. Like Penny said this cannot go on forever, y/n.” Phoenix told you.
“Love you forever.” You waved at her and jumped into your white Jeep Wrangler your father had bought you as a gift after you announced your career choice.
She rolled her eyes at you as she drove away and you pulled behind the bar. You hopped out and ran to your lover jumping into his arms and flinging your legs around him.
“What was Phoenix talking about no boys allowed tomorrow?” Rooster asked.
“Penny planned a big girls night in for us and Amelia. We are doing movies, popcorn, takeout Chinese. No boys allowed.” You told Rooster your plans.
“Oh well. That’s cool. That means I can hang with the boys.” Rooster was trying to be cool.
“Okay, you do that.” You laughed.
“Im gonna text up Hangman now.” He said.
You shrugged and then you both headed off the beach. You thought it was so cute that Rooster was absolutely killed by the fact that he had to stay away from you for one whole night. He kept trying to play it off telling you his big plans with Hangman and you just couldn’t stop laughing.
“Stop laughing y/n I’m gonna have a good time with Hangman.” He defended.
“Shut up and kiss me.” You teasingly shoved him over in the sand, then you both fell over, and began wrestling in the sand, which led to you on top of him, making out, his bulge under you. This is how it always happened. You felt bad because it still hadn’t happened yet. Rooster was very adamant on making sure you were ready. You still remained nervous, knowing how long it had been and how few times you’d had sex with men. You were afraid you would disappoint him in this aspect. Which always led to you guys not doing it. This time would be no different.
After getting back to the Hard Deck, Rooster stopped you after you kissed him and started to get back in your jeep.
“I don’t want to leave you.” He said. You could feel your heart beating like a hammer in your chest.
“Rooster you’ll see me again. I know I have the bo boys allowed party tomorrow but I’ll see you the next day.” You laughed.
“You don’t understand. It’s getting harder and harder for me to spend any second away from you. Especially knowing we have this mission coming up. Meeting you has turned my world upside down. You’ve got me rethinking everything. My career choice, my life, everything. You’ve got me thinking about not even flying anymore so I can be home with you. You’ve got me thinking about, picket fences and goldendoodles, and a little blue bundle coming home from the hospital, me driving with you in the passenger seat. I’m in that can’t sleep, can’t eat, can’t think straight kind of love. I can barely focus on flying kind of love.” He confessed.
You were about to throw up right then and there not out of disgust but out of nervousness. Your face had to be pale, or green. Love? He did say love right?
“Y/N, I love you. You’re the one made for me.” He, as usual seemed to read your mind.
You couldn’t help but smile. As nervous as you were your brain formed a response and you answered him.
“I feel the same way Bradley. I love you. But you’re not going to be giving up your other true love for me. You will fly, you will be in the navy. You will do what you’ve always dreamed of. I won’t hold you back from that. We will make it work. And for all you know, it may be a pink bundle, Bradshaw.” You winked. Just as you finished the back door to the bar came open.
“Oh you’re back.” Penny said. She must’ve been closing down.
“I was just heading out. Rooster was too.” You told her. You kissed Rooster, and got in your jeep and headed out. You had a lot to think about, as you drive off watching Rooster getting into his Bronco.
The next day you woke up, still with a heavy mind. You were thinking about how things were getting serious with Rooster, and how it may be time to break the news to your father soon, as well as getting Maverick off your back. Timing was just terrible, considering your father had a lot going on with his health. You didn’t think your father would disapprove of Rooster completely, but you also didn’t know for sure how he would feel about you dating one of his boys. You didn’t want him to lash out at Rooster, or get Rooster in trouble. Things had been going so well you hated to rock the boat.
You’d spent most the morning cleaning around the house, texting Rooster of course, with your daily morning FaceTime call. Then as the evening came you looked outside and saw Penny in her car with Amelia and Phoenix.
“Get in loser.” They we’re all laughing. You knew in your heart you wished you could’ve spent time with Rooster this evening but you also remembered that having a boyfriend didn’t mean you couldn’t still spend time with your friends.
Penny drove off to her house, when you walked inside you noticed she had put party decorations all over the kitchen, and already had boxes on boxes of takeout Chinese. And even better, buttercream frosting cupcakes. Netflix was already pulled up.
“You really have outdone yourself.” You we’re looking around. “This is gonna be the best girls night ever.” You went on excitedly. That’s when Mav came around the corner.
“UH NO BOYS ALLOWED.” You yelled as you started to push him to the front door.
“Chill I just had to hang the banners!” He exclaimed holding up his box of command hooks. “I’m off to the Hard Deck, these boys have invited me to throw darts and drink beer” he said as he went out the door.
You laughed as you opened your snap chat from Rooster and Hangman. They were so opposite you just wondered how that was going. Then adding Mav to the mix. You and the girls were all laughing and eating Chinese, as well as dancing around to music the Alexa was playing. You had changed into roosters shirt and a pair of your shorts.
“Alexa, play great balls of fire.” You commanded. You saw Phoenix getting out her phone. You sang every single word to the song while dancing around in Roosters shirt.
“Okay I know this is a no boys night but I’m so sending that to Rooster.” Phoenix laughed.
“Okay okay so I have one question I gotta ask you.” Phoenix looked to make sure Amelia was still in the bathroom.
“Shoot.” You said.
“Is the whole ‘That’s why they call him Rooster thing true’”?
Penny almost spit her water out. You were totally blushing.
“Okay I’m sorry I can’t help but laugh. I’d be lying if I said that was the first time I’d heard that. You hear a lot behind that bar.” Penny said.
“I actually don’t know. I mean I have my suspicions that it’s true but we have actually never done anything.” You admitted. They both turned their heads to you.
“Say what?” Phoenix said.
“I’ve just been really nervous. Waiting for the right time. That’s all.” You knew you were red.
“There is not a thing in the world wrong with that.” Penny assured you.
Next you guys had all decided to turn your phones off and start a horror movie. You decided on a classic: Amityville horror. The four of you sat on the couch holding onto each other. You had to admit this movie always scared you. All the lights were off, then suddenly you heard something outside. You all jumped throwing popcorn everywhere.
“You go look.” Phoenix pointed at you.
“I’m not going, you go” you pointed at Penny. “It’s your house.” You reasoned.
“Someone’s got to go and it won’t be me.” Amelia said.
“Fine I’ll go.” You got up with your cupcake and started to walk to the door. On the way out you grabbed the closest weapon you could find, a wooden spoon. You could still hear a ruffling sound in the yard. You walked closer to see a body, no two bodies, standing close to the window where the living room was.
“Gotcha!” You said as you held out the wooden spoon.
“Should I be worried about you, if the way you normally defend yourself is with a wooden spoon and a cupcake?” Rooster walked over. You let out a sigh of relief. You then realized the second figure was hangman.
“This one right here just couldn’t hold his shit together after he saw a damn video of you dancing in his shirt.” Hangman nudged Rooster.
“You guys scared me to death!!!” You were out of breath.
“Come on you all may as well come in and have a cupcake.” You led them to the door.
As soon as you came in you saw Phoenix become red when she saw Hangman. It was honestly so cute.
“Where is Pete?” Penny asked the boys, you weirded out by her not referring to him with his call sign.
“You know I’m not real sure where he went. He left the bar early.” Hangman replied as he went to the living room with a cupcake in hand, sitting next to Phoenix. They resumed the movie. No one really seemed to be paying attention to you and Rooster, they were all into the movie.
“Go on. We will be here when you get back.” Penny winked at you. You loved her in this moment.
“Where are we going to?” You asked Rooster as you got into his Bronco.
“You’ll see. I want my first love, to meet my true love for the first time.” He answered. You had to admit you were really confused and was not sure where this might be going. You guys pulled into base.
“Ummm im not really sure but I don’t think we are supposed to be here.” You said nervously.
“We are fine. I know all the camera placement.” He parked in a specific spot and you guys slipped into the area where the jets were. You realized you hadn’t ever really seen it close up.
“This is amazing.” You looked at how big it really was.
“One thing I realized about you yesterday, that also made me realize you are the one for me, is that you pushed me to keep doing what I love.” He said. “Flying is all I have left of my dad. Sometimes when I miss him, I sit out here, and I pretend he is here. I would’ve given anything for you to meet him.” He went on as your heart ached for him.
You and rooster went on to talk about anything and everything right there in that very spot. You could see the beautiful stars. You were both leaned up against the jet laughing about a story you had told him about your dad and Mav drinking too much beer at the lake one time. A slight breeze came in through.
You looked at him. His big brown eyes, the starlight beaming on his face. Your eyes were locked. This was it. You knew this was it. But here? Right now? Maybe you should wait until you get somewhere more private. Like what, your house, with ice man two rooms over? This was it. You leaned into a kiss, which he wasn’t slow to deepen. You were holding hands on both sides, until you released to motion him to lay down. You were now on top of him, kissing him. As usual you could feel under you how ready he was. He probably thought you were going to stop here like always, but he was wrong. You slid his shirt over his head and then threw your own off.
“Are you sure?” He asked. “I mean are you sure you’re ready?”
“I’ve never been more ready rooster, I love you.” You looked down at him. “I’m thinking the smart thing to do would be to not do it here though.” You looked around.
Both of you dashed to the bronco. You thought at some point you’d dropped something but you weren’t sure. The short drive to Roosters place seemed like a lifetime. He legit had sweat rolling off of him from trying so hard to hold it toughen her, his hand on your leg.
“We should’ve just did it there. I don’t know how much longer I can make it, y/n.” You knew this time there was no backing out.
You pulled into the drive, and he got out fumbling around for his keys. He was so fired up he couldn’t hardly get the door unlocked. When the door opened he pushed you in toward his room, kissing you the whole way. You were so nervous but you knew it was right.
“Are you okay? Y-You’re completely ready?” He asked you once more stuttering a little, trying to hold back.
You didn’t answer you just pulled his shirt back over his head and he tore yours off again along with your pants. Thank goodness you’d work your favorite lace matching set under.
“I’ve never been more ready.” You looked into his eyes as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. You had to admit you weren’t expecting this tonight on the “no boys allowed night” but here you were, allowing boys.
He popped the back of your bra and took your panties off. Next was what shocked you. You’d heard the “How he got the call sign Rooster” stories. But you know he noticed your eyes widening when he pulled his last piece of clothing off. All the rumors were true. You’d never seen anything like it in your life. You could tell Rooster was pleased with your reaction as he started kissing your neck. It had been so long you didn’t even know how to react. You just let Rooster take control and laid back on the bed with him kissing you from your lips all the way down. When he got close enough he pushed your thighs apart. You knew your phone had been receiving several text messages but you just reached beside you and shut it off.
When Roosters tongue made contact with your clit you uncontrollably arched screaming his first name, Bradley. He liked that, you could feel his smile as he teased your entrance with a finger slowly pushing in and adding a second shortly after. You were feeling really bad about the fact that you were already about to hit a climax as he curled his fingers and slid them out as you clenched around them.
“Oh my gosh I’m so-“ you were breathing heavy.
“We haven’t even started yet love.” He rolled over beside you and guided your hand to his own self now, making you nervous. You wanted to impress him. You started to palm his rock hard dick and then you wrapped you hand around it, pumping up and down. He let out a moan that made you feel electricity throughout your body. You had never felt this way before.
Rooster rolled over and found his way on top of you again, as you released him, feeling warm thin precum on your hands. Rooster was holding himself over top of you teasing your entrance. He was very close to your face, one of his hands running through your hair, looking straight into your eyes.
“I want to be easy with you.” He breathed hard.
“Don’t.” You smiled under him.
With that he thrusted into you, causing you to let out a scream and you were moaning his name, his real name, which you think was turning him in even more as he went harder. You let him keep complete control, you didn’t even try to push yourself on top or take over any. You were enjoying it too much. He had his hands holding onto the head board, still going into you you as hard as he could. You could tell you would be walking funny tomorrow. You didn’t care it felt so good.
Right as you felt your high building, the tingling starting to fill your body, you felt a moment where you were like watching from the outside or something. You were having a realization that this was no hookup or casual sex with someone random or some boyfriend you weren’t even that into. This was the real thing. This was what it felt like to truly be connected with someone you loved.
It was then that you snapped back into it when Rooster said “I’m about to-“
“Me too.” You warned.
You felt your orgasm reach as you fell into euphoria, Rooster also reaching his high as you realized you were completely full.
“I love you.” He said looking straight into your eyes.
“I love you.” You couldn’t help but smile. This didn’t even feel real. That is until rooster opened his phone to like 100 texts and 50 missed calls.
“Oh hell.” He mumbled under his breath dialing a number. He put the phone on speaker, to which you heard pennys voice.
“Maverick has absolutely lost it this time. He came to check on y/n after he left the Hard Deck, said he had a bad feeling. He realized y/n was missing and he left on his motorcycle going on about how he was supposed to be looking after her and protecting her.” Penny explained. You loved Maverick but this protector stuff was getting out of hand.
“You all may wanna get back here umm I don’t know, now!” You heard hangman in the background.
You sighed and put your hands on your face. Then realizing that something didn’t feel right.
“My ring!” You exclaimed. “My ring my father got me for my 16th birthday before he left overseas it’s gone.” You already had tears in your eyes.
You and Rooster tore his entire house apart basically looking for it, and his car.
“It has to be on base.” He said getting the keys to the car.
As the two of you were driving you almost had a heart attack as you realized there was a motorcycle rider behind you guys, riding your tail hot.
“He found us.” You we’re so aggravated.
“It’s fine we are going to get your ring back then we will deal with him.” Rooster said calmly.
You guys pulled into base, Mav following closely. You ran to Roosters jet seeing it there laying right in front of it. You sighed in relief.
“It’s here!” You yelled then realizing what was actually going on. “Oh shit.” You said as Maverick and Rooster rounded the corner.
“Have you both lost your minds?” He yelled. “Rooster I can kick you out of here right now for this if I wanted to.” He pointed at him. “Breaking on to base without permission?”
“It’s my fault.” You chimed in.
“Look at you both. I tried to save you from this y/n, I did. I don’t want to see you hurt. I went to Roosters place and I saw what you all have been up to. Lamps in the floor sheets off the bed and everything.” He went on.
“That’s not what-“ you started only to get interrupted by Rooster.
“I love y/n. This is different than anything I’ve ever been apart of. And if I have to stand in front of the ice man and tell him that myself I will. I’m done hiding. This is real Mav.” He said l, you felt your cheeks getting red.
“Maybe I just keep letting the fact you are both my god children fog my judgement.” Mav admitted.
“You think—“ you started before you were cut off as maverick was giving you a stern look.
“You’re both my babies. Basically my children. And I’ve been struggling to face the facts that you are both grown ups. I guess this is just weird for me. I’ve changed both your diapers. I guess when I had introduced you I had hoped it was going to be a brother sister type of love.” Maverick confessed.
You and Rooster looked at each other trying not to laugh. You had found your person. Your people. Right here at home. This moment has made you think of being in a really serious moment in grade school when you were trying to hold back laughing at your friend.
“The way that you look at each other. It just reminds me of two other people I know. Right at this age. When you find something real like that, you can’t let it go. I won’t stand in your way. My only rule is you have to tell the ice man. No more keeping it from him.” Maverick said.
You instantly became nervous. The thought of telling your father. It was all too much right now. Your and Maverick’s eyes were locked. There you sat on the ground in front of a jet, hair everywhere, Roosters cum leaking out of you as you didn’t have time to clean up after the abrupt need to leave Rooster’s house. Faced to tell your father that you’re in love and having a relationship with Rooster. With everything else going on.
“With your fathers health declining, I can’t lie to him for you. You need to be honest, y/n.” Maverick told you.
“Wait what? What are you talking about?” Rooster asked confused.
“You didn’t tell-“ Mav started.
“No.” You cut Mav off.
“Oh hell. I’ll see you all back at Penny’s” Maverick was now running off the premises.
“I thought I was someone you could tell anything. Or at least I had hoped I was.” Rooster looked at you with a new look you’d never seen; disappointment.
127 notes · View notes
call-sign-shark · 1 year
Can I request a Maverick fic inspired by the song “The Devil Doesn’t Bargain” where protective Mav makes reader see her boyfriend is awful and she is stronger than that and deserves better
✨ The Devil Doesn’t Bargain ✨
Oh my God I loved it so much, thank you for your request. I almost cried writing it. Platonic or not, the choice is yours. Depends if you need an older lover or a father figure soooo ~
Tags: Angst, mention of domestic abuse, Mav being your emotional support
Words: 1.5k
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It all started at the Hard Deck.
Penny had thrown a party to celebrate the success of the Uranium Mission. To please everyone, she allowed guests to bring their civilian significant other, which was what you did. Mav had barely laid his eyes on your boyfriend when he saw the red flags. Protective by nature -especially with you-, Captain Mitchell spent the rest of the evening observing you. To all appearances, you formed a casual couple but Mav knew the Devil always was in the details. He noticed you were quieter when your boyfriend was here. You, who were usually bubbly and joyful, would withdraw into silence each time your man spoke. There were also the looks he gave you when you did something he did not like. The kind of dark and harsh look that would kill you right on the spot if it could.
Mav tried wanted to warn you, but the man spent the party glued to you. Despite all of this, Captain Mitchell greeted you. When you saw him, a cheerful smile enlightened your lovely face. You started talking, your eyes sparkling with admiration and affection when looking at Maverick. It pissed your boyfriend so hard that he cut you in the middle of the sentence with condescending words: “No one cares about your opinion!” He had said, growing impatient. Maverick felt a burning anger blooming in his stomach. His traits, usually so soft when talking to you, turned into ice. Mav had stood fiercely, his blazing green eyes staring at your boyfriend. Mav’s presence was so impressive, that your boyfriend shut the hell up for the first time since he arrived at Penny’s party. It took all Captain Mitchell’s willpower not to punch him in the face in front, but God knew how he wished to destroy him.
After the party, Mav started being more aware: he would notice the slightest detail. Just like that one time when you picked up your phone and your smile faded away when you saw your boyfriend’s name on the screen. You picked up and when you came back in the hangar, your eyes were still clouded with tears.
Or that other time you almost had a panic attack in front of him because you noticed you would come home late. He had offered you a ride on his motorcycle but you refused - your boyfriend would kill you if he saw you with Mav.
Today he saw them.
The bruises.
Purple bruises, like paint stains on the delicate canvas of your skin. Mav had spotted them at the end of the training when you had rolled up one of your sleeves to massage your sore wrist. The sight felt like someone had punched him right in the guts. The Captain clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles whitened. His heart pounded in his chest, fueled by corrosive anger. It was too much for him to handle. He had to do something.
Today’s training is over and you are about to leave the hangar when Mav’s voice calls you. Anxious, you take a quick look at the watch on your wrist and raise your gaze to your instructor. He walks to you and stops only a few centimeters. Mav might not be the tallest guy on the base, but you feel like he is towering you anyway.
“Listen, I know it’s none of my business but it’s not worth it, darling.” He finally says, unable to hold it anymore. You look at him with furrowed brows.
“Excuse me, Sir?” You answer, slightly confused. Mav remains silent for a few seconds, his emerald eyes glimmering with worry.
“Your boyfriend… He hurts you. I don’t say that in a condescending tone, it’s just that- “ he pauses. Takes a deep breath and goes on, “I want what’s best for you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Everything is fine.” Words escape from your mouth, knocked out of your lips by surprise. You start to chew your nails nervously, avoiding Maverick’s eyes.
“Don’t lie to me Y/N. Please don’t. I know he’s abusive. Now I don’t mean to meddle but it has to stop. You are a sweet and clever girl, you don’t deserve to be treated like that.”
You stay silent, tears blurring your vision, and still not daring to look at him. Your lower lip starts to quiver, for it struggles to hold your sobs. It has been years and no one suspected anything. No one noticed what happened when the door was closed. Pete Maverick Mitchell, your instructor, is the first one.
“He’s not like that. He’s a good guy, he’s just having a rough time.”
“Hey, hey…” His voice is so soft, so full of tenderness that you gently dare look at him. Maverick’s heart breaks when he sees the pain in your eyes. Tears stream down your face.
He wants you to feel his skin against yours. To gently cup your beautiful face in his warm hands. To pull you in a soft, protective hug and never let you go - but he is too afraid to touch you. Afraid to hurt you. As if you would shatter at one simple brush from his fingertips.
“He’s gonna change. I can change him. ” Your voice breaks. If you keep talking you know you’ll burst into tears. You bring one trembling hand to your mouth and look down. Mav exhales slowly, trying to find the correct words not to hurt you more than you already are. He does not want to lecture you - he wants to help you free your wings from their chains.
“You can’t change him, darling. You think “this time will be the last; he’s truly sorry” but he is not. And deep down, you know it’s just a matter of time before he hurt you again. And blow by blow you lose your colorful feathers.”
Your legs are shaking, threatening you to collapse.
“Sir -“ You try to defend him but you cannot anymore.
“The Devil does not bargain, darling.” He says with a soft, soothing smile. Five words. It is all it takes to break years for abuses free. This time you burst into tears. Mav clenches his jaws, his heart sinking.
He gently open his arms to make you understand that you could hug him if you needed to. Even though he knows you might not want to feel a man’s touch. Yet, you take a step and, to his surprise, hug him tight, burying your face against his strong chest. You feel his muscular arms wrapping you and pressing your body against his. One of his large hands runs through your hair to pet you.
Melting into his embrace, you shake like a leaf and, when he notices it, Mav hugs you tighter to glue the shards of your shattered soul back together.
“ I tried to leave him, Mav. But I can’t! It’s just… so hard.” You stutter between two sobs. You did try, but you got used to the pain. Your whole being had been numbed for too many years, and now you were here, feeling constantly outside of your own skin. Outside your own body. All the blows, all the abuses, you watched yourself bearing them because that’s all life had taught you. That’s all you knew.
“ I know you don’t want to let go, but you deserve better.” He lays a gentle kiss on your forehead. You feel instantly better, “you deserve so much better. You deserve a man who will take care of you. I swear Y/N, you deserve to be loved. You deserve someone to help you clean your wounds and help you fly.” He backs off his head slightly, just to look at your adorable face. A shy and tiny smile stretches the corner of your quivering lips when your eyes met his - you feel like nothing can hurt you in Maverick’s arms. You feel …
“But what if I'm not strong enough?"
He lets out a faint chuckle and tilts his head to the side, the green of his eyes lost in the Y/EC of yours, "Darling, look at you. You are one hell of a strong woman. And it is not due to your job as a pilot. You are strong because that's what your soul is. Trust me, there's a fierce flame burning within."
You take a deep breath: you had stopped shaking. Maverick's hand leaves your hair only to gently press it against one of your cheeks. You close your lids, tears forming crystal beads on your eyelashes. His touch makes you immediately stronger.
"You're right." You whisper. Maverick nods, proud of you, and takes a few steps back to release you from his protective arms.
"You're right." This time your tone is louder, fiercer.
The Devil does not bargain, but the Angel does not kneel.
Not anymore.
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Tagging: @malavera and @helloitstsyu because its Tom cruise content
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amysteryspot · 2 years
Borrowed Time | Four
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Summary: Crystal goes throught the worst days of her life.
Warnings: major characther death, funeral, grief.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: I cried like a baby while writing this and that's saying something for someone that doesn't cry easy. I'm so sorry in advance.
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The news about the new deadline of the mission was like pouring cold water on the pilots. Crystal was glad that Warlock was the one responsible for letting them know what happened, with the supervision of Cyclone that was sitting at the back of the class, Hondo close to him.
“Sir, no one here has successfully flown a low-level course.” Coyote spoke up what all of them must be thinking.
“Nevertheless,” Warlock began, “you’ve been ordered to move on.” He then looked at Maverick. “Captain.”
“We have one week left to focus on phase two.” Maverick started explaining. “It’s the most difficult stage of the mission. It’s a pop-up strike with a steep dive, requiring nothing less than two consecutive miracles. Two pairs of F-18s will fly in a welded wing formation.” He continued. “Teamwork.” He stressed. “Precise coordination of these aircraft is essential to both the mission’s success and your survival.”
Crystal observed, by her place at the corner of the front side of the room, the whispers between the pilots. They were worried. Rightfully so.
Maverick continued. “Egress is a steep high-G climb out to avoid hitting this mountain.”
“A steep climb at that speed, you’re pulling at least eight G’s.” Hangman said with a hint of disbelief in his voice.
“Nine.” Crystal cuts in getting the attention of the class. “Minimum.”
It was Rooster’s time to speak. “The stress limit of the F-18’s airframe is 7.5.”
“That’s the accepted limit.” Maverick explained. “To survive this mission, you’ll pull beyond that, even if it means bending your airframe.”
Crystal can see Cyclone’s worried expression and the weight of the knowledge hovering in the room as Maverick continues speaking.
“Sir.” Phoenix called.  “Is this even achievable?”
“If we didn’t believe you could do it we wouldn’t be here.” Crystal spoke up.
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For days Crystal watches as the pilots fail time and again to reach the results expected of them. She can see Maverick’s worries increasing tenfold each day, her own fears eating her from the inside. Until the dreadful call.
It was Warlock himself that came to the control room to get her. She could sense that something was wrong just by the look on his face.
“It’s your father.” He confirmed her fears, guiding her to Cyclone’s room.
“Icebreaker.” Cyclone called her as she entered the room. He was standing behind his desk. “Mrs Kazansky called.”
Crystal stops breathing.
He continues. “An officer will escort you to your home. Your father needs you more than us now.”
“Thank you, sir.” She said, a knot forming in her throat.
“If you need anything…” Cyclone started.
“I know who to call, sir.”
He nodded at her.
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The ride home seemed like it took ages. Crystal looked through the window the whole time, not able to focus on anything, her mind running a mile a minute.
“Lieutenant Commander?”
She heard the officer call, slowly turning her head to look at him.
“Ma’am, we are here.”
Crystal looked up to see the front of the family house, still disoriented.
“Thank you.” She said, getting out of the car.
Her brother was waiting for her at the front door.
“He’s asking for you.” William says with a sigh.
Crystal doesn’t ask anything because she was afraid of the answer. She climbed the stairs two steps at a time. Her mother was waiting for her outside of the room.
“What happened?”
“He got worse quickly.” Her mother says with tears in her eyes. “The doctors medicated him for the pain but they don’t know how much time he’s going to hold on.”
She saw the moment her mother brokedown. The tears fell freely as Crystal took a step forward to hold her.
“He’s been asking about you all day.” Sarah said.
“Why didn’t you call me earlier?” Crystal asks as the both of them pull away.
“He wouldn’t let me.” Her mother gave her a sad smile. “Said he didn’t want to disturb your work.”
Crystal shook her head.
“You’re one to talk.” Sarah joked as the both of them stared at each other for a minute. “Go. Go talk to him.”
Crystal nodded, taking a deep breath to prepare herself as she reached for the doorknob. The sight waiting for her wasn’t a strange one. Ice had been bedridden a couple of times, what got to her was the coughing. It was way worse than it had been the past few days. When he saw her he smiled, signing for her to get closer.
“Hey you.” She repeated the same thing he used to say to her when Crystal was little and sneaked into his office. He smiled and turned his head to type.
Hey you. He mimicked.
“How are you feeling?” Crystal asked, straightening back a strand of hair that was falling to his eyes and caressing the side of his face.
He leaned into the touch.
Better now. Ice gave her a half smile.
She knew what he meant and the knowledge was bittersweet. The both of them loved their work. Damn, he was still working a couple of days ago, never asked her to leave until now. Still, she felt guilty of not being by his side more.
Crystal heard him typing again.
“What?” She asked.
I know that look. Ice gave her a pointed look. You’re feeling guilty about me. Don’t. You couldn’t have done anything more than what you’ve been doing. Loving me.
“You’ve always made loving you easy.”
He dismissed her words with a wave of his hand but the little smile on his face warmed her heart.
“He’s doing the best he can.” It wasn’t a lie. She didn’t want to worry her father and Mav was, indeed, doing the best he could.
You know, you’ve never been a good liar.
Crystal sighs. “You’ve always known me too well.”
You’re too much like me. Ice laughed and then it turned into a fit of cough.
Crystal rubs his back when he half sits to catch his breath. It breaks her heart seeing how clearly it was that he had gotten worse.
He tipped again. What are you not telling me?
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Crystal sighed.
Ice nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he observed her.
“What?” She asks softly.
Crystal watched as he struggled to talk.
“Dad, no.” She pleaded.
“I…” He started. “Love…”
“I know.” Crystal said, unable to fight the tears from falling from her eyes, voice breaking. “I love you too dad.”
He caressed the side of her face with the back of one hand. Crystal took it in both of hers, placing a kiss at his knuckles. Then her father patted the spot near him on the bed. It was like muscle memory, she had done that so many times during her life. As a child because she was jealous of her brother and wanted as much time with her father as she could get. Then as a teenager after receiving a bad grade or heartbroken by one too many of her crushes. Everytime she was on leave from the academy because she missed him too much. And then as an adult as much as it was possible considering their erratic life and mismatched schedules.
Crystal lays down beside him, her head resting partially on his chest, their intertwined fingers above his heart.
“I love you so much, dad.” She said,  swallowing down a sob.
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One day. That’s all they got. By the next dawn Iceman was gone.
It was difficult for Crystal to believe that the man who raised her and she loved so much was gone. It felt like a bullet piercing her flesh, like there was a whole in her heart. At the same time she felt numb. She was the one to call Cyclone to pass on the news, and then she called Maverick.
“Mav…” She started unable to contain the sob stuck in her throat. “He’s gone.”
There was silence from the other side of the line as she cried.
“I’m on my way.”
Her mother was crying profusely, wrapped up in the arms of her brother. The kids were sleeping and Crystal’s sister-in-law was the one that came to check in on her as she sat down on the steps of the front door to wait for her godfather.
“I know is dumb to ask you if you’re okay.” She said, looking down at Crystal. “But I just wanted to let you know that I’m here if you need some company.”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Crystal says “Yes.” Then she paused for a moment trying to find the words. “Company would be good.”
Melanie sat down beside her, pulling Crystal into a sideway hug, one of her hands rubbing up and down Crystal’s arm. It was funny if you think about it. William was a couple of years younger than her, so was Melanie, but the both of them were already married with two children. And here her sister-in-law was, comforting her as if Crystal was one of her children.
A few moments later Maverick’s bike pulled up at the front of the house. Melanie excused herself when Crystal got up. When Maverick reached her, pulling her into a tight embrace, Crystal broke down.
“What am I going to do now, Mav?” She asks, voice cracking from crying too much.
“You’ll keep on living.” He said, shedding a couple of tears himself. “For him.”
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The funeral is a blur. Crystal feels like she is drowning, watching it from underwater. She sees the squad there, and so many people in uniform, as it should be. Her mother receives the flag, Mav craves the wings on her father’s casket, the gun salute. Everything passes by her as if it’s nothing. She doesn’t cry until she’s the only one left at the cemetery, on her knees by his gravestone. It is then that she hears an unexpected voice.
“Mav is going back to the house with your mother.”
She turns her head to look at Rooster.
“Thought I should check up on you, ma’am.”
“Crystal.” She says, before really giving it a thought. Bradley frowns. “Crystal is fine.”
He spins the cap in his hands a couple of times. “It seems too personal.”
She nods and answers “It is.”
“My condolences.” He offers.
“Thank you.” Crystal says. “I think you know that feeling well.”
“Too well,” he answers. “Well enough to know that whatever people say right now won’t mean much.”
She recognizes her brother’s voice.
“Maverick took mom home, are you coming with us?” He asks, acknowledging Rooster with a nod.
Crystal looks at the gravestone, then at the pilot observing her.
“I think Rooster can give me a ride?” She half affirms, half asks, looking at the pilot.
“Of course.” He answers, nodding and looking at William silently reassuring him. “I’ll take her home.”
William sighs, then nods, taking a step forward to place a kiss on Crystal’s hairline, turning around and murmuring a “thank you” to Bradley before leaving.
She stays there, kneeling on the ground for a few more minutes. Then she sighs, resigned. When Crystal makes a move to stand Bradley offers her a hand, supporting her as she stands up.
“Thank you,” she says.
He only nods, walking beside her to the parking lot. Bradley opens the door of the truck for her and then drives to her house silently. There’s no need to give him directions, Crystal knew Bradley had come to the house a couple of times since Mav had pulled his papers. Her father had stepped in as some kind of mentor to him since he joined the Navy. 
When he pulls up in the front of the house neither of them make a move to get out. It should feel strange, Crystal knows that. She had met Bradley only a couple of times before she was assigned for this mission, where she is his superior officer. Her family and friends are inside the house and yet, for some reason, Crystal believes that he, more than any other person, could understand her better, given both his past and military background.
Crystal reached for the door handle and then stopped, turning her head to look at Bradley, who was already looking at her.
“Do you wanna come in?” She asks.
“It’s better not, don’t want to cause any trouble, especially now.”
She sees his eyes fix on Mav’s bike before they’re back on her. Crystal nods.
“Thanks,” she says. “For checking up on me and for the ride.”
“You’re welcome.”
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“Kazansky, I can only imagine the pain you’re in right now.” Cyclone says as Crystal sniffs. “Just wanted you to know that, whatever you need, you can ask me. I’ve already granted your leave, from now on you have two weeks at home. After that if you need more time you can come talk to me.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“On your way out, call Maverick in.”
Crystal nodded before leaving. Maverick was already in the corridor when she left the Admiral’s office.
“Cyclone is calling you.” She says.
“You’re okay to go home?” He asked, holding her by the arms, taking in her tired appearance.
“William is outside.”
“Good,” he said, “good.”
He released his grip on her to enter Cyclone’s office when she caught his hand.
“Be careful”
He nodded, kissing her forehead.
Crystal sighs, walking out of the building. She is reaching the doors when someone calls her.
“Lieutenant Commander, ma’am.”
It’s Rooster. He salutes her before talking again.
“I just wanted to check how you are, ma’am.”
She looks him in the eyes for a moment, surprised by the demonstration of concern from his side.
“Walk with me.” She says, opening the door so they could go outside.
The sun is scorching hot and for a moment Crystal is happy for not being in her flight suit.
They are halfway to the parking lot when she stops.
“It would be a lie if I say I’m alright.”
“Wouldn’t expect you to be.”
There was nothing but sincerity in his tone. Crystal looked back at him, finding him already staring at her.
“Why do you care so much?” She asked, confused.
Bradley took a deep breath. “Your father was important to me and he talked about you a lot.” He paused. “Mav too. It just feels like I know you for much longer than I do and I kinda feel like we started on the wrong foot.”
“Forget about it.” She reassured him. “I already did.”
He nodded at her. In the background, they hear Phoenix calling for him.
“Go,” Crystal said. “I’m on my way out.”
“If you need an ear to listen.” He offered.
You gave him a half smile. “I won’t refuse that.”
He nodded and then left.
Crystal watched him go away and then walked to the parking lot with a sigh. Everything felt wrong and she just wanted this feeling to go away.
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Not long after she arrives home, Hondo calls her to let her know that Maverick was cut down from the mission. Crystal expected that the consequences of years and years of Maverick’s actions would catch up on him now that her father was gone, she just didn’t expect it so soon.
The next call she gets it’s unexpected, though.
“I’m so sorry for calling you at such a hard time.” Penny says from the other side of the line.
“No, it’s… Just the circumstances we are in.” Crystal sighs. “I just hoped we would get more time.” She wasn’t sure if she was talking about her father or Maverick anymore.
She had heard about Penny more than once. The admiral’s daughter that got Maverick in trouble. Well, he got himself in trouble with her, truth be told. Now older, Crystal learned that Mav had a thing for pissing off any admiral’s that weren’t Tom Kazansky.
“We knew this wouldn’t last for long.”
“Yeah.” Crystal agrees. “You’re right.”
“Look, it pains me to ask you that but…” Crystal practically hears the cogs turning in the other woman’s head.
“Do you want to meet?”
“Would it be too much to ask? I believe he will be coming by.” Penny says.
“Send me your address.”
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Penny’s house is just by the sea. The gentle breeze is almost comforting as Crystal walks to the front door, knocking. A blonde girl opens the door for her.
“Can I help you?” The girl asks.
“Hum, I’m here for Penny.” Crystal says, feeling a little out of place.
“Mom, there’s someone here for you.” She calls out for Penny, looking back at Crystal with a smile. “It’ll be just a minute.” She looked at Crystal, narrowing her eyes a little. “You’re a friend of Mav?”
"Goddaughter." Another voice answers and a beautiful woman appears behind the girl. “You little gossiper.”
The woman, that Crystal assumes is Penny, ruffles the girl’s hair that, in turn, squeals in protest.
“Crystal,” the girl exclaims.
“That’s me.”
“Amelia.” She offered her hand for Crystal to shake.
“Nice to meet you Amelia.” Crystal smiled.
“I’m gonna leave you two alone.” Amelia said, taking a step back from them. “Bye.”
Crystal waved at her, looking as she disappeared up the stairs. An uncomfortable silence falls between her and Penny.
“Common in.” Penny invited, giving her space to enter the house.
“Thank you.”
“I’m so sorry for calling you today, I just didn’t know anyone else that would really understand him right now.” Penny frowned.
“There’s really no problem. These are…” Crystal thought back on the past few months with her father ill and her return to Fightertown, and then the past few days and the missions, seeing Maverick again. Everything just felt like bad timing. “Strange times. It’s been hard on both of us.”
“Can I offer you anything?” Penny asks.
“Water would be nice,” Crystal says. The older woman guides her to the kitchen.
“Did you know?” Penny asks, as she pours two glasses of water.
“That they were going to ground him?” Crystal asks and Penny nods. “Yes, I was expecting that.” She says. “That they were going to do it now? I’ve never imagined.”
Penny hands her the glass and Crystal thanks her.
“Mav is not a teacher, but I can’t think about anyone else as qualified as him to plan this mission.”
It’s the truth. Considering all the information Crystal had on the topic, Maverick was one of the only people that could find a way to make this mission work. If not the only one.
Penny sighs. “I know.” She says, worry painting her features. “Tea?”
Crystal nods, resting her glass on the kitchen island, hands finding her jeans back pockets as she looks around. There was a door at the back of the house heading straight to the backyard with the sea in the background. Penny must have caught her staring because the next thing she does is usher Crystal through the back door.
Shivering, Crystal pulls the jacket tighter around her. The backyard is small but beautiful. Greens and flowers all around, a small table with a couple of chairs and the bench she was currently sitting on.
Penny joins her shortly, handing Crystal one of the cups she was holding and then sitting down at the doorsteps. Crystal brings the cup to her nose, breathing in the soothing scent, feeling its warmth on her fingertips. She takes a sip and before either of them could exchange a word, Maverick walks in, head down in defeat.
He observes the two of them for a minute until Penny breaks the silence
“I heard,” She says. “What are you gonna do?”
Maverick looks at Crystal. “Ice is gone. What choice do I have?”
“You’ll have to find a way back on your own,” Penny says.
“No, Penny. I’m out. This is over.” He says, resigned.
“It doesn’t need to be over.” Crystal says, bringing Mavericks attention to her. “You can find a way on your own.”
“Crystal…” He starts, but gets interrupted by Penny.
“Pete. If you lost your wingman up there, you’d keep fighting. You wouldn’t just give up.” Maverick sighs before Penny adds. “Those are your pilots. If anything happens to them, you’ll never forgive yourself.”
Maverick looks at Crystal, as if asking for some clarity. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Show them that this mission can be flown.” Crystal says, sitting up straight. “Give them hope, because that’s all they need right now.”
He opens his mouth to speak but Crystal cuts him off
“And don’t tell me that you can’t do it. You don’t need dad for that. He had faith in you, Mav.” She looks him straight in the eyes. “And so do I.”
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peacefulwriting · 1 year
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CEILINGS - Part 1.
Jake Seresin x Reader
Based off the song, "ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine"
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Love. What an intense emotion, yet what a lovely feeling it is. How amazing it is to be in love with Jake Seresin. How amazing it was be too loved by Jake Seresin.
3 AM is what the clock read. You body physically couldn't fall asleep when Jake wasn't home, when he wasn't beside you. Jake was your comfort. Because of that missing, ceilings became your friend.
And they would become your enemy in one year.
You would stare at them, replaying your day, minute by minute, waiting to tell Jake all about it. How your garden was growing, how the ocean breeze was calming and how you enjoyed watching the sunset over the ocean from your balcony.
Jake loved it.
He loved hearing about your day, how happy you were living this life, living it with him. Jake knew, he knew that he made you so incredibly happy and that made him the happy. I mean, he bought you the biggest house, ocean side of course, made sure to put a big garden in and how you beginning your life with him here.
Jake wanted nothing more in this life than to be your light.
And he accomplished that.
The bed dipped and you felt a warm arms embrace you. You finally felt the weight lift off your body knowing that he was home safe. Safe with you.
"What are you thinking about, darlin'?" His voice was soft, lips brushed your ear, placing a kiss just below.
Jake knew that you couldn't sleep when he wasn't there and he tried to fight with you about it at first, suggesting that you go see a doctor and get on some medication so that you wouldn't be as tired, but he came to learn that no matter how much medication or sounds or even scents, there was no sleeping if he wasn't there. So when he would come home, he was just talk to you until you fell asleep.
"My daisies are growing."
Your eyes stayed glue to the ceiling, running your hands up and down on his arms.
"Is that so?"
"Yeah," you smiled. "They're beautiful, Jake."
He quietly laughed, pulling you into him more. "Just like you."
Finally, you pulled your gaze from the ceiling and turned your body into him. He tightened his grip on you. You nuzzled your head into his chest and took in his scent, engulfing you in a sense of peace.
Oh, how lovely it is to be in the arms of your lover.
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ofmiramar · 5 months
— fic recommendations ✈︎  ֺ .ᐟ
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• coming soon.
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0 notes
amysteryspot · 1 year
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“I will always love you” made it to my Top 10 fics of all time in less than a week and I don’t know what to do with myself. Thanks for showing love to it even tho there’s a ton more of likes than reblogs, but that’s a discussion for another day.
Here, have a forehead kiss:
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amysteryspot · 1 year
Okay, who would be a good face claim for Jake Seresin’s younger sister?
0 notes
First sight
Pairing: fem!reader/Bradley Bradshaw “Rooster”
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Fluff, Spoilers of Top Gun: Maverick, suggestive, mention of alcohol.
Summary: Y/N Kazansky is back in town; and despite her uncle Mavericks best efforts, can’t keep herself away from one specific person.
A/N: this is the first fic I’ve written since the 1D era, also my first ever in tumblr. Miles teller as Bradley Bradshaw has opened me back up into writing. I would love to write a spicy part two to this.
Also I would be open to requests!
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You could feel the excitement as your father drove you back into your hometown. Miramar in San Diego, California. Fightertown, USA. You had grown up in a military family and Miramar would always be home to you. Your training and schooling to fly was was wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but you were more than ready to be home for the summer.
“Well are you glad it’s summer?” Your dad Tom Kazansky otherwise known as “Ice man” in these parts asked you. “You know we have a wonderful class in the program right now.” He informed you, referring to the top gun class. Your father was an admiral and of course was the best in his class back in the day, along with who you considered your uncle Maverick or just Mav to you. Your dream was to be in top gun someday.
“Of course. I’m ready for a summer with you and mom and I’m ready to see Mav. I’m ready to be in the air.” You went on.
After a reunion with your mother you looked out the window to see your next favorite person rolling up on their motorcycle.
“See ya dad!” As you started to run and jump on the bike with your uncle Mav, who was even more excited to see you.
“You’ll never guess where I’m taking you.” He stated.
“Where’s that?” You asked. With no answer he took off on the bike. Your dad was standing in the yard waving his arms. He always said you and Mav were going to be the reason he lost his hair someday.
You pulled up to a bar you knew of but you didn’t recall spending much time in there, but you’d always remembered it being there.
“And we’re here why?” You asked
“You’ll see.” He said. The place seemed much more happening than it was before.
You and Mav walked into the crowded bar and you saw the faces of one of your favorite people behind the bar.
“Penny!!” You ran to one of your long time role models and favorite people growing up. You felt very awkward tension knowing her history with Mav but all you could see was them smiling at each other. As you engaged in conversation with Penny about her new bar you saw a group of what you assumed to be top gun students.
That’s when you saw him. He was wearing a white shirt, with a Hawaiian shirt over it. And he pulled his sunglasses down. Your eyes met.
“I’ll be damned if that don’t look like…” you started.
“It’s his son.” Penny answered. Both of you talking about Goose, Mavs wingman who passed in a tragic accident.
Your eyes never moved from your locked gaze with him. His classmates were trying to get his attention. Mav started waving him over.
“Have you met little ice ice baby?” He asked him. You were embarrassed.
“I can’t say I have met little ice ice baby.” He chuckled.
“A proper introduction here. Bradley aka Rooster Bradshaw this is Y/N Kazansky, aka little ice ice baby.” Maverick introduced you two.
“So you fly?” He was smiling.
“I’m brand new”. You started telling him about how you’d just finished your training to fly.
You knew you were blushing. This man was beautiful, down to every detail. His brown eyes never lost you. You thought his mustache was so cute, and man, his build.
“Come on.” He grabbed your arm and pulled you for the piano. Confused you noticed all his friends gathering an cheering.
Rooster busted out singing the song Great Balls of Fire. Laughing and dancing along you couldn’t feel more home.
After all the fun and rounds and dancing and singing, rooster staying right by you, you snuck away walked outside and just stared at the ocean. You suddenly realized you weren’t alone anymore.
“I don’t wanna come on too strong and scare you but I just couldn’t let you get away without telling you that I have to see you again.” He was pushing your hair behind your ear.
You didn’t know what to say at this point. Little experience with relationships or boys, you were nervous.
You’d been focusing all your time on flying and just never made time for men. You knew you wanted Rooster. You could feel the attraction so much it felt like your chest was tugging.
“I- uh” he stopped you with the most innocent and thoughtful reserved kiss, leaving his lips lingering on yours for a minute. You could sense the vibe that he’d had a lot of experience. Well, you knew he did, you’d talked briefly with a pilot Phoenix you clicked with immediately who gave you the 411 on Rooster. You wanted to know him. His past, his future, what he likes, don’t like, his favorite food. Right now all you had was this moment though. You could feel a tugging on your arm.
“This right here was not my intention. Go to the bike.” Maverick was red and pointing to the parking lot. Though you were grown you didn’t mess with Mav and your dad so you ran off noticing Mav in Roosters face.
“I have to protect you from things. Especially boys.” Mav was pacing.
“Mav you know I’m grown-“ you started.
“Stop right there. Don’t make me tell ice.” He started.
You stopped right there in your tracks knowing that wouldn’t be good for Rooster as well considering you were an admirals daughter. Very ironic for Mav to be getting onto you all about, considering his history.
The next day you saw your dad wearing Jean shorts and white sketchers and had his grilling tools out. You were wearing your 2 piece donut pjs and had your hair all over the place. You started down the stairs and down the hall to the living room.
“Dad what are you doing?” You yelled. You walked to the living room. The entire top gun class is sitting there looking at you in your pjs.
“Well hell.” You said, meeting eyes with Rooster. Everyone busted out in laughter. You ran upstairs as fast as you could. Rooster started to follow you until Mav walked in and he tried to play it cool turning around and walking back. You ran to your room changing into some shorts and a cropped tank (and fixing your hair of course). You stopped your mother in the hall.
“Didn’t anyone think it was important to tell me all the top fighter pilots in the country were going to be in my living room?!” I asked her.
“Your dad decided on the fly he wanted to have a get together. They’re going to be having a big mission soon.” She responded.
You walked back out to the backyard where everyone was now. Rooster always being the first one you caught eyes with, you couldn’t help but smile at him. You looked around, seeing your dad grilling, rooster sitting out in the sun in a chair, everyone socializing around the pool. You only hoped it could be like this forever.
“Wait a minute so it’s in a minute ima need a sentimental man or woman to pump me up?” You literally busted into tears laughing at Mav, Phoenix, and payback trying to do the tiktok dance you taught them. Something was telling you he was also trying to impress Penny, who was sitting on a chair by the pool. They were failing horribly at there dance. You felt eyes on you. They were Roosters. You slowly left the group walking towards the house. You hoped rooster would get your signal.
You went into your home. All white and picket fenced, with American flags hanging out front. It was an all American home, very pretty. Your dads career in the navy had done good for your family. You walked up to your room. A few moments behind you, just as you hoped rooster came in. He was looking around at your childhood photos in frames around your room.
“It’s hard for me to believe that all this time I never knew you. I feel like I’ve always known you.” He said.
He was cut off by the sound of your father, the ice man himself coming through the hall.
“Y/N? Where are you? Everyone’s ready to hit the pool.” He was asking. You quickly pushed rooster into the open closet. Your father getting nearer. You jumped in with him and shut the door. You heard the door open then close. With all the adrenaline and being afraid you’d get caught you didn’t realize you were sitting on Roosters lap, that is until you felt that you were.
“I’m really sorry I can’t-“ Rooster started. You cut him off with a kiss. A deeper kiss than before.
You were surprised at yourself for showing this kind of confidence as you mentioned before, you hadn’t spent much time in the relationship department. It wasn’t that you didn’t have the chance, you’d just made the choice to focus on other things. This was the one who made you break that habit. You’d never just fallen for a man like this, day 2 making out in the closet. You were straddling him, getting nervous. You began looking at your ugg boot from 2008 trying to calm down. All you could feel was the giant bulging under you, your hand on it.
“It doesn’t have to be like this, Y/N. We can take this slow. You don’t have to worry. I’m not going anywhere. I’m completely caught up in you. All I’ve thought about for 24 hours, is your eyes, the way your hair flows, the way you smell. I’m sick over it. I don’t even want to eat or anything.” He confessed.
You knew this feeling as you had been feeling the same way.
“But If we are going to slow down, you’re doing to have to let me have a minute to get calmed down here.” He laughed.
“I just want to know you. I want to spend time with you. I really want to get to know you. I feel the same way. All I’ve thought about is you.” You replied, getting off of him.
Both of you walked out of the closet and you showed him the way to the bathroom off of your room. You weren’t sure exactly what was going on in there but about 10 minutes later he came back. Your insecurities came over you, wondering about how quickly things were going. You knew from hearsay that he’d been a good lover, that his call sign Rooster meant a few different things. You shook it off and remembered we all have a past. But why you? Why was this perfect human feeling this way about you? And what happens when he has to leave?
“Y/N?” He broke you from your thoughts. You looked at him.
“I’ve never been more sure about a feeling in my life. This is different than anything else has ever been to me.” It’s like he read your mind. “And if I have to I’ll tell Maverick and your father that’s how I feel.” He finished.
“Whoa now lets not take it that far, yet.” You laughed and hugged him.
“Now let’s go back out here and see if Mav ever learned his tiktok dance.” You laughed.
“Yeah I’m gonna need you to teach me that one too.” Rooster said.
“Only if you teach me great balls of fire on the piano.” You bargained.
“Deal.” He put his hand on your shoulder.
And you both took turns going back out to the get together, where you joined in on all the fun, tanning, dancing, and slight talk about the next big mission that Maverick would be helping with.
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