#too unskilled to art rp
escaping-this-life · 10 months
Bring back the cosplay gif ask blogs
I wanna be a little freak dressing up and roleplaying with some other freaks
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unluckyplanet · 2 years
Roleplay Search!
Looking for more 1x1 rps! A bit about me, I’m a minor, I’ve been rping for 5 or so years, my preferred platform is discord, I’m semi-lit and..... a tad awkward. As in pretty unskilled in the art of casual communication. Rp ideas under cut
Pokemon! I’m keep going back to my pokemon obsession and I have a couple of ideas - Literally just a pmd style thing. Maybe not the humans-turning into pokemon, but a pair of young pokemon becoming explorers and eventually taking down an ancient evil.  - Evil Team grunt x Undercover agent. Or just, platonic. It doesn’t have to be romance, I just really like enemies to friends stuff. One of the characters is a teen/young adult who joined an evil team, and gets paired up with another new recruit who is trying to take down the group from the inside. Could either be casual shennigans, or following the story (from the evil team’s perspective.)  - Ultra beast fusion rp! Lusamine finds out about Nihilego’s ability to fuse with humans, and thinks “gee, what if we could do this with other UBs or pokemon.” So she takes a bunch of kids, children of aether employees, interns or volunteers eager to help, and fuses them with ultra beasts. Those kids would be our characters and.... well, I don’t have any real plot ideas. If it’s interesting I’d love to brainstorm ideas tho
MHA rp idea. Our OCs are some aspiring heroes who’ve been hurt time and time again by hero society. So they become vigilantes, fighting villains while also trying to expose the corruption among the heroes
Magical Girl rp! Our characters are a pair or group of magical girls(or just magical people in general) connected to these flowers called Eternablooms. Slowly they find out that these flowers aren’t as nice as they thought and are actually parasitic and ultimately detrimental to their health
MLP, I love my little pony, and the worldbuilding and general themes of friendship. Also it gives me an excuse to draw ponies - A pair of unicorns are chosen to succeed the princesses (or at least train to do so) and a few days later the Princesses are suddenly snatched up by some evil force. And so begins their journey to find the elements of harmony and defeat (or redeem) whoever threw equestria into chaos.  - While traditional ‘magic’ is restricted to unicorns and a few other animals, it doesn’t stop normal ponies from trying. Like our characters! Two magic enthusiasts who are hornless, but willing to search for ways to master magic regardless.  - Newbie changeling ruler and newly ascended alicorn are forced to work together to face a bigger threat. Preferably, my oc would be the changeling since I already have one, but hey! I’m always looking for an excuse to make more mlp ocs
PJO, a group of demigods arrive at CHB and immediately get smacked in the face by a prophecy.... Do I have an actual idea for this propehcy? Unfortunately, no. I just want to use my demigod ocs
Homestuck, I read this stupid webcomic years ago, and it will never let me go.  - Flarping trolls? I don’t more to add onto this... just... flarping trolls.  - Cherub session! We each play a cherub who are entering a 2/4 player session together.  - Two player session, a pair of wannabe players with no friends willing to entertain them, end up playing an incredibly glitched session alone. The difficultly has been raised drastically, their prototyping has gone horribly wrong and ontop of that their medium just wasn’t built correctly. Humans or trolls work! Or both!
The Owl House, a couple of teen witches begin their slow descent into wild witchery. Probably more casual and school oriented?
And uh, I think that’s enough. Too much maybe. If any of these ideas are interesting send me a pm here or a friend request to Jupiter#7701 on discord!!
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avwalya · 6 years
Class Knowledge: Avwalya Windsong
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(cannonical rp skill)
D I S C I P L E S   O F   W A R
Avwalya having grown up in the Twelveswood knows how to fend off deadly creatures and other assailants with her martial ability. Her  main weapon she wields is a lance as her signature weapon. She also picked up the ability to wield a katana while she was on a treasure hunting quest in Othard post-Calamity. She is no stranger to other martial abilities and is more an aggresive and offensive fighter then anything.
PALADIN: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master WARRIOR: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master DARK KNIGHT: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master PUGILIST: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master LANCER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master ROGUE: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master SAMURAI: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master ARCHER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master MACHINIST: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
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D I S C I P L E S   O F   M A G I C
Although magic is a highly sought after skill set, Av hadn’t really given it much thought while growing up or journeying outside of the Twelveswood, that is until she met the man that showed her how to be a Red Mage, being that half of the skill involved martial prowess with a blade and fancy foot work Av didn’t have to much trouble learning the job. Though she hadn’t excelled in the magic side of the job she could use the skills as her teacher had instructed.
CONJURER: Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master ARCANIST: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master ASTROLOGIAN: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master THAUMATURGE: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master RED MAGE:  Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
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D I S C I P L E S   O F   T H E   H A N D
Not to proficient in honest trade Av is at least decent cook. She learned the ways of the culinary arts from her mother, other family members, and cooks she had met while in Gridania.
CARPENTER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master BLACKSMITH: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master ARMORER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master GOLDSMITH: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master LEATHERWORKER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master WEAVER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master ALCHEMIST: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master CULINARIAN: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
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D I S C I P L E S   O F   T H E   L A N D
Although not much of a Miner or Gatherer Av learned how to fish while growing up in the Twelveswood to help feed her family.
MINER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master BOTANIST: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master FISHER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
Tagged By: @swordandpen
Tagging: @yuki-yukichan @sakaeleveilleur @zephypearl @louderthanthedj @lumei-xiv @rina-astraea @spotofmummery @primus-medicus and anyone else that wants too!
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alexkestavin · 6 years
Lord Alexander Thomas Kestavin
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Name: Alexander Thomas Kestavin Name meaning: Apparently it means “Defender of men.” Nicknames: Alex Age: 32 How old s/he appears: Probably mid thirties. Birthdate: January 17th Element: Shadow Nationality/Race: Human Eyes: Crystal Blue Hair: Raven black Skin: Darker, kinda tan. Body type: Cut, not overly beefy. Height/weight: 6′2″ 185 Facial details: His skin is pretty soft where he doesn’t have scars. Features/marks: The biggest scar is from left temple to right side of his jaw, next is cheek to cheek across his nose bridge, and then the last is left eyebrow down to left cheek bone. Health: Very healthy Sexuality: I haven’t figured it out fully yet. And he’s a four year old character. But he’ll uhh flirt with both sides. Gender: Male Physical limitations: He’s not like warrior strong so he has to be careful not to try to over do things. Physical advantages: He’s very fast and light on his feet. He’s a rogue. So yeah.
Mother: Lady Elizabeth Kestavin Father: Lord Roland Kestavin
Siblings: Tristan Kestavin, Thaylynn Kestavin, Lailana Kestavin Birth order: Tristan, Thaylynn, Alex, and then Laila. Pets: Ace the Bear. Although I haven’t been bringing him out as much because I don’t RP on my hunter much anymore. Friends: Henny @blackenedhelm Lady Rian Kestavin, @rian-kestavin Acquaintances: Vladimir @vladimirbaustent, Venreena @venreenaholt, Nemeses: N/A Significant other: Lady Cadence Kestavin @penumbral-whisper Other relevant people: N/A Liked or disliked?: People seem to be hot or cold on Alex. Guess it depends. Schooling: He did a blacksmithing Apprenticeship. And has worked under loads of different combat specialists who have trained him. Athletics: Training is like his thing. He does it practically all the time. Hobbies: Blacksmithing, Riding his motorcycle, spying, Skilled at: Blacksmithing, spying, a few forms of martial arts and brawling. Unskilled at: Unskilled at navigating noble politics. Trait s/he wishes s/he had: Wishing he understood noble politics more. Temperament: Laid-back, flirty, go with the flow. Attitude: Curious Quirks: He quirks his brow a lot. Placing his hands behind his back. Priorities: His priority right now is watching his son come into the world. Philosophy:  ”I don’t really have one.” Good habits: Trains constantly, keeps things healthy and happy with his wife Bad habits: Drinks like a fish, smokes like he wanted to destroy his lungs, gets stressed easily by noble pressures. Positive traits: Adaptable, Athletic, Charming Negative traits: Anger, Abrasive, Mannerless Weaknesses: His wife, his continued use of shadow magic. Strengths: Agile, silver-tongued, determined. Proud of: Alex is proud of his family. The people he keeps around him. Embarrassed by: Apparently he’s embarrassed by his wife going into detail about their sex life around new people. Fears/phobias: Being forgotten, dying alone, heights surprisingly enough. But that’s one he hides well. Secrets: His time as a pirate. Regrets: He regrets a lot in his life. Angered by: People harming children. Those not following orders. And people stalking his family. Calmed by: His wife. His home. His children. Most at ease when: He’s with his wife. Ill at ease when: When it gets too quiet. The hairs stand up on the back of his neck. Soft spot: His family. His children.
In a crisis: Will be quick to direct people if someone hadn’t already stepped up. Under pressure: He bends but he doesn’t break. He tries his best to finish it as fast as possible. In awkward social situations: He’ll endure it for a time but if it continues he’ll leave. Can s/he keep a secret?: Very much so. Independent or needy?: Independent People are inherently…: Morons. Day or night?: Night Pessimist or optimist?: Realist Big picture or small details?: Tries to be small details for bigger picture. Important events in life: Finding out he wasn’t Alexander Maknus but Thomas Kestavin. Getting married with Lady Cadence Kestavin. Short-term goals/hopes: Short-term goal is to see his son be born. Long-term goals/hopes: Learn more forms of combat. Raise his son to be the best man he can be. How s/he feels about self: Alex sees that he’s changed. He’s worried about it. But he feels like it’s inevitable with how much has changed. Likes/Dislikes:
Likes – Drinking, socializing, blacksmithing, being with his wife. Dislikes – Annoying people, nosy people, loud as fuck people Food: Anything that’s meat. Drink: Whiskey, Bourbon, Vodka, water, Color: Red or Blue Animals: Dogs, Cats, and a bear Chores: Alex doesn’t have much in the way of chores other than cleaning his shop. Season: Spring and Fall Expletives: “Gods dammit!”
( I took this from @vitka-wra because it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while and I just hadn’t found the right format. But here it is!)
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