#but i can do gifs and dialogue goddamnit
harlowhockeystick · 1 year
Dumbass - Adam Warlock
Adam is a tough guy, but he's also a hard headed dumbass who doesn't know when to stop, and who also doesn't know how to ask you to help him.
Adam Warlock x guardian!fem!reader
contains: inury, cussing, fighting, tension, stitching someone up. reader is human like quill, a lot of dialogue.
requested by the lovely @carliim mwah! <3
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Adam was a dumbass. Grade A, classic, book defined dumbass. All he knew, all he was good at, was fighting. Defending, throwing punches, using his powers to tear others down. He didn't think, he didn't process, he just fought.
And that is how he ended up here, lying on the dirt with a gash on his shoulder and his uniform torn halfway off. Groaning in pain, unable to lift himself up off the ground. This is it, he thought to himself, this is my end.
"Goddamnit, Warlock."
Standing above him, a cloud of dusty haze surrounding the fighting grounds as the enemies laid dead on the ground, you shrugged looking down at the pitiful god beneath you. He groaned again once he made eye contact with you.
"How come I always have to clean up your messes?" You leaned down to help him stand up off of the ground. Draping his arm over your shoulder you helped him walk back to the ship. Both of you rolled your eyes at the team's comments, rocket's whistling and laughing.
You took him back to the medical bay where you began to patch and clean his wounds, taking care of him like you've done time and time again. Frankly, you were getting sick of it. You were tired of always having to pick him up off the ground, stitch him up, to only do the same thing again two weeks later.
"Why do you look like that?" he asked you, laying on the cool table while you cleaned out the gash would as best you can.
"Like what?"
"Like you're mad, like you want to punch me." Adam responded, his voice raspy but quiet as he laid at the mercy of your healing hands.
"Because I do. Each time I stitch you up, I hope it's the last. I'm tired of this shit," Adam winced as you began to thread stitches to his shoulder after the wound had been cleaned.
He scoffed at your words and rolled his eyes, "humans, you're so entitled." Adam winced again in pain when you pressed hard on his shoulder after his comment toward you.
"Gods, you're so fucking dumb."
You spent the rest of the time fixing his wounds ignoring his comments, groans, fits of rage he had against you. He always did this any time you cleaned him up. It was so unfortunate that you were the only one available to do it, wasn't it?
You sent him off to sleep while you cleaned the med bay, and to cool off. It always took everything in you to not rip his head off. You always thought to yourself that one of these days, he is going to cry for your help again, and you won't give it. One of these days...that's gonna happen.
"Mind if I sit?" Adam asked, standing behind you with a blanket wrapped over his shoulders.
"Kind of." He sat beside you anyway, not too close but not far enough where it was awkward. Adam rested his head on his hand which was propped up by his knee, staring out into space as he sat next to you in the cool night air.
Minutes of silence went by before he spoke, his low and raspy tone making goosebumps appear on your skin against your will.
"I don't intend to be so rude to you, I don't know why it's my first reaction." Adam admitted, looking down at the dirty ground beneath him. He heard you sigh and saw you shake your head, biting back a smile.
"I forget you're only...a few years old." You started in response, "it's because boys are mean to the girls they like. It's just...how it is."
Adam frowned, looking out into the stars. He felt bad. He didn't intend on hurting her feelings, he didn't like making her feel bad. He didn't like seeing that sad and depressed look on her face.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. You don't deserve to be treated like that, you are deserving of the stars and everything beyond them." Adam turned toward her, gracefully putting his hand on her knee.
She sighed, taking a deep breath looking over at him with heavy hooded eyes. "I know. Maybe one day you'll man up enough to give them to me."
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morallyinept · 4 months
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A full transcribe of JOEL MILLER'S dialogue/lines from the TV show THE LAST OF US.
Includes full dialogue, and dialogue from any deleted/additional scenes available.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to read the dialogue. 🖤
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☝🏻Dialogue has been fully transcribed by myself using reference to original scripts (if available), audio subtitles and using my own two ears. Therefore, mistakes can be made, however I have tried to be as fully accurate as I can. If you spot an obvious mistake, please kindly let me know. Where audio is not clear, I have marked with *inaudible* Scenes are separated for ease of reference.
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Oh, was I… Oh yeah, I was. Sorry. 
You know, I don’t really like pancakes. 
You get your, uh, homework done? Fractions?
Who says I don’t already?
Lovely. Is there enough for Uncle Tommy?
He’s dependent on me. Not the same. 
We’ll pick you something up on the road. Concrete guy's gonna be there? 
Maybe? We can’t frame until we pour. We’re not paid until we frame. 
No, no. I’m not splittin’ this job. I barely wanna split it with you. We could work a double. 
I know. I’d be done by nine. By nine right? 
I’ll bring back a cake. Promise. 
Jakarta. Where is that? Middle East? 
Alright. Finish up quick, we’ll drop you off. 
You got seven minutes. 
It’ll make ‘em happy. 
I do. But I’m on Atkins.
It’s uh… You know what? We gotta run, but Sarah’ll be by later. She’ll stay as long as you want. Tell ya all about Atkins. 
Put that out. 
You locked the door for once. Good job. 
I know. They… gave us the wrong size for the headers. That doesn’t mean anything to ya, I'm sorry.  
I’ll get us one tomorrow. 
You got me a present? 
On my life. 
Did you? I don’t hear anything. 
Yeah, I know. Where’d you get the money for this? 
It’s better than what I do. 
Thank you.
Oh, this is the one with the deleted scenes.
Don’t fall asleep. 
Hello? Yeah? Goddamnit. Now? Well, which jail? Travis County? Goddamnit, Tommy. Okay.
Fuckin’ idiot. 
Get in the truck! Right now! Move!
Baby, I'm sorry! 
Sarah, listen to me. It’s not just the Adlers. We’re gonna be brave and we’re gonna get out of this. 
Denise, you get back inside the house! You lock your doors, now! 
Get your seatbelt on! 
Take the seventy. 
We don’t know. 
We don’t… know.
No, of course not. 
That’s right, they would. It’s probably why. 
No, what are you doing?
So do we. Keep driving. 
Somebody else’ll come along. 
Alright, alright, let’s think it through. Let’s think it through. 
Alright, take the field. Cut across and we’ll pick it up over on the west side. 
Alright, keep moving, head north. 
Well, we can’t go south, we can’t go east, we can’t go west! Hell else are we supposed to go? Tommy, come on! 
Yeah, I know that place. This could work. 
I don’t know, Mexico. Just far. As far as we can. How much gas? 
We’ll go through town. Golf course by the river straight across, we pick up the highway on the other side of the blockade, then we’re out. 
Alright, keep going, keep going - shit, Tommy! 
Tommy, we can’t stop here.
Are you serious? Just keep going!  
No, back, back, back, back, back, back, back!
Tommy, go faster! 
*inaudible* Don’t pull it the fuck over, we gotta get off this street, now! 
Go, go, go, just keep driving!
Move! Move!
Sarah… Sarah, stay right there. Don’t move. Tommy? Are you okay? 
Sarah! Don’t look! You look at me, okay? Sorry, baby, I know. I know. Come here, put your arms around me. Come here. Come here! I got you. I got you. I got you. Are you okay? Are you okay? 
Alright, okay.
Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! 
He’ll be fine. Can you run?
You keep your eyes on me, okay? You don’t look anywhere else. Alright.
It’s okay, baby. You’re safe. 
My daughter’s hurt, her ankle.
Okay, easy now. We’re not sick! 
Let me get you somewhere safe first, then I’ll go back for him, okay? Okay. 
We’re not sick. Sir. We are not sick! 
Please, don’t... 
Oh, no. No. No, no. Ssh, ssh, ssh. okay. You’re okay. You're okay, move your hand, baby. Move your hand.
I know, baby, I know, I know, I know, I know! I know it hurts. Let go, let go, let go... Come on baby, you're okay. You're okay. I know, I know. I know, baby, I know! I know! I know this hurts. You’re gonna be okay. Alright. Baby. Baby, baby listen to me. I gotta get you up, okay? I gotta get you up. Alright, you come on. You come on. I know, baby. I know, I know, I know, I know, I know! I know! I know! Tommy, help me!
Come on, baby girl. Come on baby girl, I gotta get you up. Come on. Come on. Get up. Come on, baby girl… *Sobs* Come on… Come on… *Fading out* Please… Oh God… Oh God…
You got anything else?
Which pays more? 
Yeah, but then what would you do? You’re short five. 
Three months.
I don’t know where he gets ‘em from. I just know they’re real. 
The more you shoot people the harder it is to sleep, I guess. 
You want ‘em or not?
I need the bag back. How we doin’ with the vehicle? 
Okay, how much?
And they don’t have any batteries. I know. I can see about 200 for the other guys. 200 for you. 
Yeah, you too. 
Nothing? Is there any chance it’s coming in at night? You’re asleep and you miss it? 
And you’re talkin’ to the tower? 
It’s been three weeks. It’s never taken him more than a day to respond. 
Show me where the tower is. 
But you’re “sure” Tommy’s okay?
What guys?
It’s a miracle you’re alive. 
These aren’t new. 
I need the battery, Tess. Truck’s no good without one and if I don’t get to Tommy soon, he’s gonna die out there! 
Who’d he sell it to? 
Well, where is he?
You tell me to “look for the light” and I’ll break your jaw. 
The one Miguel used to use. 
Pay this fucker back. 
This one’s done. 
Take it he wasn’t down here last time? 
Well, maybe "down here" is where he was infected. 
It’s like they reframed the whole structure. Probably in the 80’s. Everyone was cutting down on apartment sizes to sell more condos. 
How far up we goin’?
You smell that?
What do you need a car battery for?
“To know things”. You’re the cause of it. You turned my own brother against me. 
The hell we are!
Tess, we don’t have time for this. 
We don’t smuggle people. Sorry.
Firefly vehicle usually means repurposed FEDRA stuff. So better-than-decent chance of makin’ it to Tommy in one of those. The second we hand that kid over-
So, what’s the plan? 
*Behind the door* That leaves the long way. Things look bad, we come up with something. Make the drop, head to Bill and Frank’s. Stock up on anything we may need. 
*Behind the door* Tess. Tess!
Killing time. 
I’m sure you’ll figure that out. 
I guess. 
Maybe a year. What’s it matter?
Yeah. So, what’s the deal with you anyway? You some kinda bigwig’s daughter or somethin’?
What? What was the song?
Okay, let’s talk this out. 
Now, hold on-
Hold on!
Fine. Everythin’ off of this run, and half off on all pills. 
Whoa! Whoa! We can fix this.
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morallyinept · 2 months
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A full transcribe of JAVIER PEÑA'S dialogue/lines from the TV show NARCOS.
Includes full dialogue, and dialogue from any deleted/additional scenes available.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to read the dialogue. 🖤
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☝🏻Dialogue has been fully transcribed by myself using reference to original scripts (if available), audio subtitles and using my own two ears. Therefore, mistakes can be made, however I have tried to be as fully accurate as I can. If you spot an obvious mistake, please kindly let me know. Where audio is not clear, I have marked with *inaudible* Scenes are separated for ease of reference.
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Murphy! Not a good neighbourhood to get yourself lost in, eh? 
Murphy! Gavera 37! You need to get up here! 
Murphy, get in the car. 
The fuck were you thinking?
(In Spanish) What’s up?
(In Spanish) Now? I can’t right now. I’m working. 
(In Spanish) All right. Give me… 20 minutes, all right?
Out. Off base. 
(In Spanish) Hello. 
(In Spanish) I’ve got half an hour. 
(In Spanish) Come here, what's wrong?
(In Spanish) Hello. 
(In Spanish) And…why are you introducing me to a friend of a friend?
(In Spanish) Goddamnit Gabby. You could have told me over the phone, no? 
(In Spanish) Well, I’m leaving. Bye!
(In Spanish) What’s your name? Maritza? What kind of trouble are you in? Who are you in trouble with?
(In Spanish) La Quica. You know La Quica? 
(In Spanish) Well… La Quica wants to kill a lot of people. Why does he want to kill you?
(In Spanish) And how are you going to do that?
Her name is Maritza Rincón. She works at the market across from the brothel where the girls were killed. Where we almost had La Quica and the other guy… Jhon Burgos. Goes by “Limón.” He used to drive the girls around until La Quica made him Escobar’s chauffeur. This girl Maritza was actually in the back seat serving as a cover while Escobar was in the fucking trunk. 
They grew up together here. 
She knows she doesn’t get shit if it doesn’t pan out.
Yeah. Yeah, I do. 
All right. This is good.  
(In Spanish) Okay. Got it. 
I need to know if there’s activity around this address. You get a match on a voice, you find me immediately. 
You can barely fucking hear it. 
That’s Pablo. 
No, you gotta be fucking kidding me. 
(In Spanish) Carrillo! Trujillo! Do you copy? 
They call his wife?
We all do. Right?
I got played.
You know, you coming here, you say all the right things. Doesn’t make a damn bit of difference. 
I don’t do funerals. 
(In Spanish) What now? What the fuck do you want?
(In Spanish) Oh, yeah?
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