#tony's uru suit is so <3
eaglefangz · 1 year
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tony’s swag uru armor
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animeman08 · 3 years
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Iron Man
Iron Man is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was co-created by writer and editor Stan Lee, developed by scripter Larry Lieber, and designed by artists Don Heck and Jack Kirby. The character made his first appearance in Tales of Suspense #39 (cover dated March 1963), and received his own title in Iron Man #1 (May 1968). Also in 1963, the character founded the Avengers alongside Thor, Ant-Man, Wasp and the Hulk.
A wealthy American business magnate, playboy, philanthropist, inventor and ingenious scientist, Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark suffers a severe chest injury during a kidnapping. When his captors attempt to force him to build a weapon of mass destruction, he instead creates a mechanized suit of armor to save his life and escape captivity. Later, Stark develops his suit, adding weapons and other technological devices he designed through his company, Stark Industries. He uses the suit and successive versions to protect the world as Iron Man. Although at first concealing his true identity, Stark eventually publicly reveals himself to be Iron Man.
Initially, Iron Man was a vehicle for Stan Lee to explore Cold War themes, particularly the role of American technology and industry in the fight against communism. Subsequent re-imaginings of Iron Man have transitioned from Cold War motifs to contemporary matters of the time.
Throughout most of the character's publication history, Iron Man has been a founding member of the superhero team the Avengers and has been featured in several incarnations of his own various comic book series. Iron Man has been adapted for several animated TV shows and films. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the character was portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., appearing in the films Iron Man (2008), The Incredible Hulk (2008) in a cameo, Iron Man 2 (2010), The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Avengers: Endgame (2019). The character also appeared in Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) and in the upcoming Black Widow (2021) through archive footage.
Iron Man was ranked 12th on IGN's "Top 100 Comic Book Heroes" in 2011 and third in their list of "The Top 50 Avengers" in 2012.
> Powers, abilities, and equipment
Iron Man possesses powered armor that gives him superhuman strength and durability, flight, and an array of weapons. The armor is invented and worn by Stark (with occasional short-term exceptions). Other people who have assumed the Iron Man identity include Stark's long-time partner and best friend James Rhodes; close associates Harold "Happy" Hogan; Eddie March; (briefly) Michael O'Brien and Riri Williams.
The weapons systems of the suit have changed over the years, but Iron Man's standard offensive weapons have always been the repulsor rays that are fired from the palms of his gauntlets. Other weapons built into various incarnations of the armor include: the uni-beam projector in its chest; pulse bolts (that pick up kinetic energy along the way; so the farther they travel, the harder they hit); an electromagnetic pulse generator; and a defensive energy shield that can be extended up to 360 degrees. Other capabilities include: generating ultra-freon (i.e., a freeze-beam); creating and manipulating magnetic fields; emitting sonic blasts; and projecting 3-dimensional holograms (to create decoys).
In addition to the general-purpose model he wears, Stark has developed several specialized suits for space travel, deep-sea diving, stealth, and other special purposes. Stark has modified suits, like the Hulkbuster heavy armor. The Hulkbuster armor is composed of add-ons to his so-called modular armor, designed to enhance its strength and durability enough to engage the Hulk in a fight. A later model, created with the help of Odin and the Asgardian metal Uru, is similar to the Destroyer. Stark develops an electronics pack during the Armor Wars that, when attached to armors that use Stark technologies, will burn out those components, rendering the suit useless. This pack is ineffective on later models. While it is typically associated with James Rhodes, the War Machine armor began as one of Stark's specialty armors.
The most recent models of Stark's armor, beginning with the Extremis armor, are now stored in the hollow portions of Stark's bones, and the personal area networking implement used to control it is implanted into his forearm, and connected directly to his central nervous system.
The Extremis has since been removed, and he now uses more conventional armors. Some armors still take a liquid form, but are not stored within his body. His Endo-Sym Armor incorporates a combination of the liquid smart-metal with the alien Venom symbiote, psionically controlled by Stark.
Post-Secret Wars, Stark uses a more streamlined suit of armor that uses nanotechnology to shape shift into other armors or weapons.
After being critically injured during a battle with the Extremis-enhanced Mallen, Stark injects his nervous system with modified techno-organic virus-like body restructuring machines (the Extremis process). By rewriting his own biology, Stark is able to save his life, gain an enhanced healing factor, and partially merge with the Iron Man armor, superseding the need for bulky, AI-controlled armors in favor of lighter designs, technopathically controlled by his own brain. His enhanced technopathy extends to every piece of technology, limitless and effortlessly due to his ability to interface with communication satellites and wireless connections to increase his "range". Some components of the armor-sheath are now stored in Tony's body, able to be recalled, and extruded from his own skin, at will.
During the "Secret Invasion" storyline the Extremis package is catastrophically shut down by a virus, forcing him again to rely on the previous iteration of his armor, and restoring his previous limitations. Furthermore, Osborn's takeover of most of the few remaining Starktech factories, with Ezekiel Stane systematically crippling the others, limits Tony to the use of lesser, older and weaker armors.
After being forced to "wipe out" his brain to prevent Norman Osborn from gaining his information, Tony Stark is forced to have a new arc reactor, of Rand design installed in his chest. The process greatly improves his strength, stamina and intellect. The procedure left him with virtually no autonomic functions: as his brain was stripped of every biological function, Tony is forced to rely on a digital backup of his memories (leaving him with severe gaps and lapses in his long-term memory) and on software routine in the arc reactor for basic stimuli reaction, such as blinking and breathing. The Bleeding Edge package of armor and physical enhancement is now equal in power, if not a more advanced, version of the old Extremis tech.
Tony Stark is an inventive genius whose expertise in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science rivals that of Reed Richards, Hank Pym, and Bruce Banner, and his expertise in electrical engineering and mechanical engineering surpasses even theirs. He is regarded as one of the most intelligent characters in the Marvel Universe. He graduated with advanced degrees in physics and engineering at the age of 17 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and further developed his knowledge ranging from artificial intelligence to quantum mechanics as time progressed. His expertise extends to his ingenuity in dealing with difficult situations, such as difficult foes and deathtraps, in which he is capable of using available tools, including his suit, in unorthodox but effective ways. For instance, in Stark's final confrontation with Obadiah Stane, the villain managed to have Stark's companions in an unconscious state in a room with motion sensors; when Stark entered the room, Stane warned him that the slightest move would trigger a fatal electrical current to his hostages, thus forcing Stark to stay still and slowly die of dehydration lest he wants his friends to die. However, while Stane was confident that such a trap was inescapable, Stark is able to outwit and defeat its mechanism in seconds, thus freeing the hostages and allowing him to continue the battle against Stane.
He is well respected in the business world, able to command people's attention when he speaks on economic matters, having over the years built up several multimillion-dollar companies from virtually nothing. He is noted for the loyalty he commands from and returns to those who work for him, as well as for his business ethics. Thus he immediately fired an employee who made profitable, but illegal, sales to Doctor Doom. He strives to be environmentally responsible in his businesses.
At a time when Stark was unable to use his armor for a period, he received some combat training from Captain America and has become physically formidable on his own when the situation demands it. In addition, Stark possesses great business and political acumen. On multiple occasions he reacquired control of his companies after losing them amid corporate takeovers.
Due to his membership in the Illuminati, Iron Man was given the Space Infinity Gem to safeguard. It allows the user to exist in any location (or all locations), move any object anywhere throughout the universe and warp or rearrange space.
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robertdowneyjjr · 5 years
I've been crying for 3 days now so as a distraction can we talk about that gauntlet? Because how incredible tony is that he just made it in his spare time with his human tech when others needed ancient forges and dying neutron stars?? And I'm not sure how exactly the stones transferred from thanos' hand to his but I'm guessing it was thanks to the nanotech that both the gauntlet and his suit were made of? We stan a genius.
tony stark really managed to create a piece of tech that could harness the power of all six infinity stones. while thanos needed to travel to nidavellir and get a gauntlet made of uru, tony used his own genius and his own tech to create an even better version of that gauntlet. and because it’s nanotech he could easily absorb those stones into his suit since it uses the same material. he stole the stones from thanos so. damn. seamlessly. i love a slick, tricky brainiac.
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milkshake-sprinkels · 6 years
I'm making a marvel oc does anyone wanna read about her????
So, her name is Sedna
Her powers have a similar feel to an asgardian God but it's based off the Native American God of the same name
Her nicknames are Sed and Nini, and Panini beany, and Indie
She's 5'4
And she's Native American
-but she also low-key looks like Blake lively
If you can't tell where I'm go in with the previous point...I SHIP HER WITH DEADPOOL
She has 3 sisters, Aries, Eshu and Chang-Yin(all also based of gods)
She's been alive since before the dinosaurs
Was raised by a Baryonyx(specific dino subject to change due to location of where their fossils were found)
Often takes firms of dinosaurs or a Wolf
Was frozen/in a statue(still deciding) for 75 years before Deadpool freed her
When she regained consciousness she realized she was missing her voicebox, all the bones in her right arm, and 90% of her digestive system.
Wade and Nini quickly become friends(they both think the other is cute as all hell without even seeing what they look like in a human form sans costume and mask)
Also she about melts when he tells her that he knows ASL so they can actually talk to eachother
Wade tells Peter(Spiderman) about her and then Pete tells Reed Richards who makes an arm for her on a whim.
Sedna is reluctant to let Reed even touch her with a medical device(she has SEVERE white coat syndrome)
But wade wasn't allowed to comfort Nini while she was getting the arm attached
And after it was done, Reed ran a shit ton of crazy tests on her and Wade, Hope(Wasp), Scott(Antman), and Piotr(Colossus) had to break her out if the Baxter Building
Wade helps her gets used to the metal arm(which had to be screwed into her body like automail from fma[for a reason I'm still figuring out])
Tony helps fic her arm so it doesn't hurt her by controlling her movements and shocking her constantly.
She can also use telepathy and your basic psychic skills but they put her in severe pain
OH AND the only sister she has alive is Aries, the sister who has ripped the spin out of Sed's back for giggles.
She was friends with Steve and Bucky when they were kids
Steve got chewed out when he told her he wanted to join the army
She flew to Germany where she met a mutant-jewish family and lived with them for a bit
But Aries found out that her sis was happy and called Gestapo on them
At like two in the morning Kili woke up to gunshots and ran with the kid of the family, Annabelle
She kept her in hiding for 3 years
But the Nazis gas their hideout and put them in the custody of Hydra
That's where she meet the Red Skull
He made her watch as Hydra tortured the closet person she had to daughter until the girl dies
Hydra then conducts thousands of awful experiments on her, blinding her left eye and making her sense of smell moot
When she escapes she gets napped by her sister's generals, the Zodiac
Aries then beats her the fuck up then freezes/turns her into a statue, getting her out every now and then to run experiments 100x worse the Hydra's
Then she wakes up and falls into what was the gentlest touch she'd ever felt and a pretty voice saying, "Hey dino lady, you okay?"
And before she knows it she's swept up off the ground and carried to what looks like a giant metal bird(a quinjet)
That's when she tries to speak to him, but the no sound will come out of her mouth
Then she starts to have a panic attack cause the only thing she liked about herself that she was born with was her voice, and now that's gone
Wade somehow calms done a dinosaur having a panic attack in a jet.
She falls asleep in his arms and wakes up on a couch with him watching her intently
She and cable are bffs(low key over a shared love for Wade)
Nate convinces her to ask wade out after about six months of silent flirting
On what they decided was gonna be Nini's b-day(Dec. 15) Wade gives her a vibranium-uru voicebox
And then she sees a note underneath it in the box it was in asking her out
Also she's bffs with gambit(she's literally his only friend) and Kurt(Nightcrawler)
Nightcrawler is the angel on her shoulder while gambit is low-key the devil in her shoulder
One time her and a squad of heroes were in the savage land getting attacked by pterasaurs and she just starts hoping up and down snatching the pterasaurs out of the air
When she's done she says, "That used to be may favorite pastime as a kid"
After a lot of shit went down ivolving the F4 Nini and Ben(the thing) become friends
She also becomes like a mother figure to Ava(ghost)
Wade brings them bags of morphine for the 3 of their's chronic pain
She dosent have a reproductive system and of course she finds this out after her and Wade get married(cause I must make her life awful to get all the fluff)
She's a genetic experiment, made up of alot if different creatures, which us why she looks nothing like her sisters
People call her Indie sometimes, because she looks like Indiana Jones and the Indominous Rex.
Her skin pattern looks like how the T-REX in the Jurassic park novel is described
She's the leader of Team Red
She has alot of scars
She has a scar on her lower back that if us hit there she'll collapsing and blood will pretty much fall out her mouth and nose.
When Nini and Wade got married they both wore suits.
They also both walked down the aisle.
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