#tired of taking these buzzfeed quiz sorting house tests
coldmori · 12 days
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*coldmori is off hiatus due to dommars deactivation from tumblr*
the freak,
heres some passing thoughts ive had of him:
(huge rant) (tw, cutting, hoarding, unreality, and very unhealthy and deranged behavior)
the knife sunny carries around is omori
but in a very odd way
sunny thinks he is omori but can also communicate with omori like another entity, the best way to discribe it is like sunny belives omori is his consious/soul telling him what to do, and is also therefore himself
and that his consious/soul has possessed the knife
this line of thought makes no sense because sunny fucking insane and this is all in his head
sunny cuts
when he is unable to sleep he takes it out on himself,
he also does this as an endurence test,
thinking if he can show no emotion during the cutting then that somehow validates him
also in phycosis he cuts to try and make life,
being that any part of omori can create beings, sunny makes very sloppy paper versions of his friends and tires to use his blood to get them to animate
this doesnt work
sunny also shaves with his knife
he uses his standard kitchen knife to cut off chunks of head hair when they get too long
and uses a very dulled (slightly rusty) razor along with water-diluted shaving cream (like how people mix water with soap to perserve it) to keep himself hairless
he sometimes gets so anyoyed he'll spend hours nonstop plucking every hair he can find off of his body
he hates the feeling of hair, he hates looking at hair, he hates hair
doesnt seem to mind rw kels hair tho
sunny hates taking baths of any sort so he will just soak a rag in water, sit in an empty tub, and wash with the rag, he uses diluted hand soap as shampoo, conditioner, and body wash
sometimes he'll fall asleep in the tub , and upon waking and realizing hes in the tub will start screaming and kicking and flailing in unimaginable distress, thinking hes submerged in water and actively drowning
sunny hoards, he hoards anything he can find
he keeps cat food containers and empty bottles, he keeps all the hair he cuts off and all the dandruff that falls from his skull
sunny has always been sort of a hoarder but it was only taken to the extreme within the timespan of his isolation
sunny hoarded beanie babies, and rocks, and cool pens before this, and occasionally would hold onto wrappers
taking any of this from him then would result in crying
taking anything from him now would result in stabbing, unless you take his knife, then he'll just colapse on the floor
sunnys phone died a long long time ago, the eletric bill hasnt been payed in a while so chargers dont work
his phone is also sevearly outdated , being he got it at around 10 and was suppoed to get a new one at 13
kel still sends messages to sunnys phone, sunny has looked through all of the ones he could before his phone died, and claws his hair out dying to know what the rest of the messages say
the last thing sunny did on his phone was take an "am i gay" buzzfeed quiz, he didnt get to finish it before the phone died, but he was picking VERY gay options
he only has his house phones which kel does sometimes leave voicemails on
sometimes in an act of rebelion against omori, sunny manages to break free from omoris manipulation and call kel on his home phone
these calls dont last long, and sunny has never spoken throught he phone, just sits and listens
sunny has ocasionally even attempted to call aubrey or hero and even tried mari, theyve never picked up, esspecially mari
sunny tries to mimic normal behavior, such as attending school,
he has no idea what highschool would teach him though, so he prestends to have a class in omorology , with a major in stabbing things
sunny hates the feeling of clothes, he used to be fine with it but hes grown to absolutely hate pants and shoes, even some shirts
sunny bites his nails eccesively, and his toenails, and bites the skin around them
sunny celebrates his birthdays mainly in headspace but if he so happens to be awake on them he'll make himself a cat-food cake and put pencils and pens in the top as candles
he's also rewarded with being alowed to *very risky* unlock the sliding glass door (not open it) and look outside
do not tell kel this information , he'll be clammering to that door faster than the speed of light
sometimes sunny has dreams that do not follow the headspace naritive, some about the real world
in one dream he was kel inside sunnys house, trying to look for sunny, who was outside
in another, sunnys house had a small coraline-esque door that lead all the way to kels home, but in the middle of the hallway connecting the two homes, was a room that had yellow cigarette stained walls, a bowl of fruit, and a small wall-mount tv on the ceiling playing blues clues,
to which then sunny promplty forgot he was going to kels, and just sat eating the fruit and watching blues clues
one had aubrey being the one knocking, and kel being stuck in some baseball court that was also like a food court at a mall, slowly drowning in ketchup, hero was also there but he was inside sunnys house and telling him not to worry about kel because "he has the newest iphone, which has teleportation"
and in another, the entire earth became sentient and was going to kill them all, and the only way to save everyone was to wake up, but when sunny realized this he became lucid,
and when he became lucid it just so happened that kel was suddenly there and cuddling him while they both died, also for some reason sunny was the president of the US
hes had multiple dreams about eating cactuses with the spikes where still on them, oddly, he really really wants to do this but has no idea why
sunny also had a dream that he was just a conecpt inside the mind of some 15 year old on a mystical app called "tumblr",
this dream was so weird he woke up screaming and then vomited and passed out again
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Genuinely starting to hate MemoryTravel, man.
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