#tim tam slam
chambers003 · 7 months
does anyone know if the tim tam slam concept works with pocky or am i going to have to experiment myself
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owltypical · 27 days
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my terrible sons are six years old today, i can't believe it
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pickleandthequeen · 9 months
Don’t judge my carpets my cats are gross and I unfortunately don’t possess the mental aptitude to organize how often I steam clean but here’s a Timon going buckwild over the live catnip plant I bought for Razz who tragically doesn’t give a shit about it
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parameddic · 1 year
oh i complained about it being cold outside so now it is WET and cold outside
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kuldren · 1 year
Watch Hozier announce a tour, have Australia dates and then SKIP ADELAIDE LIKE EVERY ARTIST EVER DOES I will lose my mind if I don’t get to see that man live I will tear out my hair and gouge out my eyes I will go feral
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John's chocolate coated honey ball idea sounds like a Tim Tam Slam
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worfsrozhenko · 7 months
honestly kind of glad i dont live in a place where tim tams are regularly available bc i just randomly happened across a pack at the store and bought them immediately and. i just slammed them all in under 3 minutes 💀
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chaotic-toasters · 1 month
AUSWNT x Teen!Reader
"Hi, Macca!" You grinned, rushing into the Keeper's waiting arms. "I missed you!"
"I've missed you too, kid," she smiled, squeezing you tightly. "How's Spain treatin' you?"
"What about me?" Alanna questioned. "I haven't seen you in a while too, y'know."
"Oh, hi Lani," you patted the defender on the shoulder. "Didn't see you there."
"You're so mean," the cityzen feigned hurt, all too familiar with your playful antics. "Kyra said to go and meet her and Charli in her room. They need you for something. Probably a prank."
"Alright," you gave her and Mac fist-bumps as you walked past. "If I turn up dead tomorrow, you know what happened."
"Hey, Ky, hey Char," you greeted, eyebrows raised as you followed Kyra into the room. "What was it you needed?"
"Y/N, perfect," Charli was suspiciously gleeful. "We've got some Tim Tams that we need eaten, but Ky and I have already had too many. You mind finishing them for us?"
"Sure," you agreed instantly, never one to deny a Tim Tam (even if it was way too early in the morning. "I'm down."
In short, you consumed three whole packets of Tim Tams. Kyra and Charli had shared a look, the former getting up and grabbing a coffee from otherwise empty desk. "You look kinda tired. Have some coffee, it'll help you get through the jetlag for now."
You hadn't thought much of it, so you'd graciously accepted it and finished it within the hour.
"Y/N! Kyra! Charli!" Lydia's voice called through the door, followed by a couple of knocks. "We've gotta head to training! Get ready to go!"
You rolled your eyes, much to Kyra and Charli's amusement. "Yes, mum!"
"MINIMINIMINIMINIMINIMINI!" you practically yelled, barreling towards the surprised Midfielder excitedly. "LOOKLOOKLOOKLOOK!"
"Woah, kiddo," she sidestepped, glancing over at Alanna. "You're a lot stronger than I am. Careful."
Alanna was quick to pull you into a hug in a fruitless attempt to calm you down. "What's goin' on, Y/N? You okay?"
You were shaking, bouncing up and down rapidly in the defender's arms. "What d'you mean? I'm great!"
You bolted away, somersaulting across the pitch before slamming your foot into a ball that had been laying on the ground. "WHEEEE!"
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," Tony ran over with Steph in tow. "What's happened, kiddo? You just excited?"
"Yeah yeah yeah!" you did a random backflip for no reason other than you feeling like it. "I'm excited! Yup yup yup!"
Ellie looked severely ashamed for what she was about to whisper to Hayley. "Is she... is she high?"
"No, there's no way," the Madrid player shook her head instantly. "She cares about her career way too much to jeopardize it with something like drugs."
"Yeah, you're right. But if she's not high, then what?"
Across the pitch, Lydia and Mackenzie's eyes swept over each and every player like hawks.
Instead of being worried that a new, younger keeper would take their places when you joined the national team, they immediately took you under their wings and declared themselves as your team moms. It wasn't a secret that they'd kill anybody who messed with you.
"Mac," Lydia elbowed the West Ham captain. "Over there."
Mac's eyes zeroed in on two best friends, seemingly worried as they whispered in each other's ears. "Oi! Cooney! Grant! You got somethin' to share with the team?"
Both of their heads snapped up, fear written clearly all over their faces.
Two tall, angry Australian goalkeepers was a terrifying sight for anybody, but up until now, none of the Tillies had been on the receiving end of your team moms' wrath. Safe to say, no one was prepared.
"You give my kid something?" Macca demanded, rolling up her sleeves. "Why's she actin' weird?"
Charli gulped. "We— we, uh..."
"Spit it out," Mackenzie growled, ignoring the fact that you were currently clinging onto her leg like a koala. "What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Kid?"
"We gave her a bunch of Tim Tams," Kyra blurted out, caving as soon as Lydia dragged her thumb across her throat menacingly. "And... and... Charli gave her a coffee with, like, eight packets of sugar in it!"
"Me?!" Charli cried. "You literally handed it to her! And it was your idea! I only agreed!"
"Oh, you two are so dead," Mac glared, lumbering forward with much difficulty considering there was a 140-pound human attached to her right leg. "I swear to God, I'm gonna murder you both."
Lydia did it for her, seizing both troublemakers by the fronts of their shirts. "You think this is funny? Y/N can be fuckin' dangerous when she's hyper! She coulda run over Mini!"
Kyra looked past Lydia's shoulder to where you were snuggling into Macca's knee and babbling about racecars. "Uh—"
A smack to the back of the head shut her up real fast.
"Not now, Ky!" Charli hissed through gritted teeth.
"Tony!" Kyra pleaded as Lydia's grip on her training bib became tighter. "Tony, please!"
The manager held up his hands, walking backwards and almost tripping on the drinks cooler. "Nope. Not getting involved."
The skipper looked around wildly. "I... I have to go plan your funeral! In the bathroom! Bye!"
"Ras, please—"
The Madrid player was gone before the gunner could even finish her sentence.
Lydia's eye twitched.
"Y/N, babes, you good?" Ellie asked, nudging you slightly.
You blinked slowly. "Huh?"
"I'm gonna go get Mac, I'll be right back."
True to her word, the Lyon defender returned a minute later with the ever-protective older keeper at her side.
"Y/N's kind of out of it," Ellie explained as your head bobbed slightly. "I think she's crashing from the sugar."
"Aww, kiddo," Mackenzie sat beside you on the bench, using a hand to place your head on her shoulder. "It's only three, you tired?"
"Mhmm," you murmured, only half-paying attention. "Sleepy."
She sent a cowering Kyra and Charli a death glare. "Go to sleep, kid. I'm sure Tony wouldn't mind. Right, Tony?"
The manager instantly agreed, giving you both an awkward and slightly terrified thumbs-up. "I— yup. Whatever you want, girls. It's- it's totally up to you."
Lydia walked over, brushing a flyaway out of your face. "I'll bring you up to your room when we're done here. Get some rest, kid."
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I just put homemade caramel spread on a marie biscuit and topped it off with dessicated coconut. I put honey on another biscuit and squished the two together. I then dipped them in melted chocolate. I'm waiting for it to harden right now.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home: Chapter 2 Part 2
It's Wednesday! Time for another WIP Wednesday. No Ghost!Robin today. I've been focusing more on this fic. I think I'm going to try and start alternating weeks, but there's no set schedule or plan and it's liable to change at a moment's notice.
Fic Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
1.3k words
Cassie hissed, “What the fuck, Tim!”
“I know!” whispered Tim back. “Danny mentioned home security, but I had no idea it was like that!”
Bart shook his head. “Want help with that kidnapping scheme? I’ll join you on your road to villainy.”
“That’s the problem with Tim,” agreed Conner. “He makes the road to evil look like it’s really the best option. Count me in, too.”
Cassie groaned. “Damn it, you guys are right. I’m in.”
Before Tim could do more than flip them off, Danny was back. “The pop express has returned!”
Cassie was closest to the door and Danny passed over her drink first. Only to freeze as their fingers brushed.
“Oh,” said Danny who looked at their hands then up at Cassie and back to their hands. “Huh.”
“What’s wrong?” asked Cassie and Tim started to get a bad feeling.
Which was only worsened by Danny looking at him with a grin forming on his face. “Sooooo, Tim—”
“No!” Tim shook a finger at him. “You’d better not tell me what I think you’re about to tell me! You’re OP enough! No more!”
Danny raised an eyebrow. “You done?”
Tim sighed and decided to just collapse backwards onto Danny’s bed. He stared at the ceiling and waved a hand in the air. “Yeah. Go ahead.”
Danny, apparently, loved making him suffer and continued passing out the drinks without telling him what he discovered. Then the mattress dipped next to him and Danny was above him with a grin that wouldn’t melt butter.
“So, Tii-iim,” Danny sing-songed.
“Daaan-ny,” replied Tim in the same tone.
“Apparently I can sense metas. And aliens. Which is so cool. They feel so different to humans! I knew about my ghost sense, but didn’t realize that applied to other species.”
Tim just sighed and closed his eyes. “Of course you can.”
“Conner!” The mattress shifted again as Danny moved. “You feel like warm sunshine and it’s so cool. Bart, you feel like static. Which… little awkward for me, but it’ll be good. I should try and get over my fear of electricity. Cassie, you also feel like static, but in a totally different way. Can’t explain it any better than that.”
“Why is static a problem?” asked Bart.
At the same time, Tim said, “I’ll add it to the list. And the descriptions.” He cracked one eye open to look at Danny. “Will you promise to stop developing more powers for me?”
Danny laughed and nudged his knee. “No promises.”
Cassie looked between them. “Does this mean you know?” she asked Danny.
“Wonder Girl, right? And Superboy and Impulse?”
Cassie nodded. “And Tim told us about you.”
“My lips are sealed,” Danny promised.
Tim rolled his eyes and pushed himself up. “Just gimme my water and fix my phone.”
“Wow, Tim,” said Cassie. “Rude much?”
“No. Look, you’ve no idea how ridiculously OP Danny is. Almost every week he calls me saying he discovered something else he can do.”
“If you think that was rude,” added Danny with a laugh, “you should’ve seen the things he said to me when I got him killed in Elf Night.”
“Ugh,” Tim feigned annoyance. “Don’t remind me. Honestly, what were you thinking? You were a rogue! Why did you attack the boss head on like a barbarian? We lost weeks of game progress! Weeks, Danny!”
Danny just laughed and threw the water bottle at his face. Tim caught it easily.
“Just give me your phone, Slim-Slam.”
“Slim-Slam?” asked Conner.
“He tried to object to Tim-Tam. I made him regret it.”
Tim shook his head. “This was a mistake. Why the hell did I ever think it’d be a good idea to let you guys meet.” To hopefully get them to change the subject, he shoved his phone in Danny’s direction. “What do you need to do to this anyway?”
“We just need to make it compatible with ectoplasm. There’s enough ambient ecto in Amity that waiting a few weeks allows it to happen naturally, but that’s not an option for you guys. Tuck and I went through, like, fifty devices figuring out the exact quantities and locations to add ectoplasm to force the process without destroying the device. It took us ages, but we figured it out. Now Tuck and I get extra money from the tech geeks in town who don’t want to wait the month or so it usually takes for new devices to start working.”
“Speaking of Tucker, will I be able to meet him? And Sam? You’re meeting my friends, I want to meet yours.”
Danny shrugged. “Sure. I’ll text them to meet us at Nasty Burger in forty minutes.” He sat at his desk and set down Tim’s phone to do so. Then, he opened a drawer and pulled out a set of micropipettes and disposable tips in a variety of sizes along with an empty glass beaker. Then came out an electronics tool kit. Tim had a similar one, though Danny’s looked like it had been obtained piecemeal as nothing matched. Finally, he opened a different drawer and pulled out a vial of a glowing green liquid.
Tim pushed himself off the bed and moved to stand over Danny’s shoulder. His friends joined him.
Bart asked, “So what will you be doing? What’s that green stuff?”
“It’s ectoplasm. The stuff ghosts and their dimension are made of. Ectoplasm is… complicated. This is unshaped ectoplasm, also called pure ectoplasm. A ghost or sentient creature can impose their will on it and make it function in a specific way. Since I’ve died, I have an easier time shaping it than most humans. I’ll send ‘tech’ vibes at it to get it to fuse to the phone more easily and apply carefully determined quantities to the different parts of the phone.”
“‘Tech vibes.’” Tim couldn’t hold back the groan. “It’s like magic. I hate it.”
Cassie bumped her shoulder against his. “You get that from Bruce.”
“Damn right, I do.”
Tim watched as Danny popped out the sim card. “First thing I’ll do is add a hundred microliters to the sim card. Then I’ll take the screen off and get to work on the innards. Do you guys want new batteries, by the way? Tuck’s got a bunch of ecto-batteries. Could have him bring them along when we meet up. You’d never have to charge your phone again.”
“Hell yeah!” said Conner. “Sign me right up.”
Tim shook his head, but couldn’t hold back the smile. “What do you mean by never have to charge it again?”
“I mean an ecto-battery will power the phone longer than the computer in the phone will last. I’ve switched over all my electronics. Nothing in this house is hooked up to the electricity grid anymore. I haven’t used a wall plug in four months. Not since Tucker and I fixed the batteries my parents designed.”
Tim didn’t like the sound of that. “Two questions. First, if the battery outlasts the phone, how should we dispose of it. And two, more importantly, ‘fixed’? What the hell does that mean?”
Danny had finished with the sim card and discarded the pipette tip in the beaker. Then he set about removing the screen from the phone. “Just bring the phones back to me when you’re done with them. I’ll upgrade your new ones, too. And their designs were liable to explode, overload the device, or bring it to life so it attacked. But Tuck and I took care of all that. Now devices only attack if Technus manages to get through the portal.”
Tim could sense Conner trying to look at him, but he resolutely refused to look away from Danny’s hands. He was removing the cameras and adding more ectoplasm to them, though much less than the sim card needed.
Unable to get Tim’s attention, Conner asked, “Who’s Technus?”
Danny shrugged. “One of my rogues. Tuck thinks he’s the ghost of Nikolai Tesla. He’s interested in controlling all technology and will make himself a giant mechasuit cannibalized from any electronic he can find in, like, a half mile radius. Super annoying.”
So I've decided which episode of the show this will take place during! It's mid season 1, so Jazz knows about Danny but Danny doesn't know she knows. I don't think that contradicts anything I've written (need to reread it), but if it does, no it doesn't. I dunno if most of you know what micropipettes look like, but if there's any interest I can take pics at work tomorrow and post them so you can see what I mean when I talk about the tips and stuff. I meant to do that today and then I didn't.
Tag List
@gremlin-bot, @bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @we-ezer, @markus209, @sjrose1216, @onyxlightdragon, @dragonsrequiem, @jesus-camp-the-sequel, @spidey29phangirl, @kyrianclawraith, @evilminji, @introvert-even-on-the-internet, @emergentpanda-blog, @lexdamo, @v-inari, @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit, @longlivethefallen, @undead-essence, @xye-chan, @liandrin, @seraphinedemort, @kisatamao, @schalensitzbucket, @caelestisdreamer, @runfromthemedic, @nutcase8691, @channajen, @tonicmii, @ambiguouslyominous, @vythika96, @addie-lover-of-stories, @ironicvixen, @violetfox2, @pickleking8, @mysticalcomputerdetective, @ark12, @mygood-bitch99, @squirrel-wolf
Getting close to the point where I'll have to split the tag list in two! (I'll still add anyone who is interested.)
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mp0625 · 8 months
Aussie! Teammate with Oscar Piastri
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A/N: For one of my friends for a pick me up and to make her feel better
You growing up with him and being best friends from the first karting race you attend
Him always being one year ahead of you going up the leagues
When you make it to F1 and replace Lando when he moves to Ferrari
The two of you and Lando on the podium on your second race
Doing Tim Tam slams every McLaren Unboxed even on the podium
And being super cuddly before every race in your driver’s room
Oscar being on the podium when you win your first World Drivers’ Championship
Love ya Erin!!! So glad you’re getting released today!!!!!!!!!
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owltypical · 1 year
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my terrible sons
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notahorseindisguise · 4 months
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Hazbin Hotel Rewrite Idea.
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What if for Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench, what if the two were always at each other's throats, constantly making salty comments and spitting remarks to each other to peeve the other off and ready to get a punch in(LITERALLY), not just Katie. Like a running gag could be them finding ways to attack each other on live TV, while going through the news stories! And the crew and in studio watchers, rather than try to stop the fights, place bets on who will win the latest fight this time.
Imagine for when Katie poured hot coffee on Tom’s pants for his comment about Cherri, at the end when she said “after the break”, Tom slams his cup right on her, making a breaking noise which leads to the two having a full out brawl in front of Charlie who came for the announcement.
Charlie-Uh shouldn't we stop them!?
Camera Man-Oh don't worry, they're always like this, my bets usually on Katie. HEY GUYS THE PRINCESS IS HERE FOR THAT ANNOUNCEMENT!
It could be a mix of Tom and Diane from family guy, Tim and Tam from Tuca and Bertie and Ron and Veronica from Anchorman when they were rivals.
What do u think? I’d love to know💖
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
|| ꜰᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ || ʀɪꜱᴇ! ʟᴇᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
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a/n: surprise! lololol enjoy <3 ((this was definitely not super self indulgent)))
Inspired by:
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“My favourite things about us is when we talk till the A.M.”
— — — — 
“Shut up.” 
“Make me,” Leo cackles over the phone, and you scowl playfully at your screen. 
“I’m never calling you ever again.”
“What!” He gasps, offended by your snide remark. You chuckle, watching him roll his eyes on your screen with a grin. 
“Look, it’s not my fault I happen to be irresistible.”
“Irresist-this,” You hold up your middle finger to your camera with a blank expression. Your lips quiver, threatening to curve into an entertained smirk at his slack jaw and parted lips as he looks at the screen incredulously. 
“You have a special place in hell. I hope you know that.”
“But you’d follow me to the ends of the Earth, won’t you, babe?” You sit upright, frowning at your screen when he doesn’t respond, averting his gaze to look at his bedroom wall. 
This fucking bitch-
“Of course, mi amor! I’d never leave you there to rot by yourself….” Leo chuckles nervously. You flop back down into your bed with a sigh, deciding to mess with him as payback.
“I can’t believe you don’t love me anymore,” You groan, letting your hand fall to your side, the phone screen now facing your ceiling. 
“Of course I love you! Just not to hell and back.”
You start to sniffle quietly, hiccuping slightly. You silently count down in your head. 
“I didn’t mean it, Corazón,” Leo sighs in defeat, rolling his eyes when you lift your phone back up to show your pleased grin and devious eyes.
“Gottem.” You state.
“You’re lucky I love you.” 
“I know, I’m lucky to have the best boyfriend ever. He’s sweet, he’s kind, he’s a pain in the ass….” You list off, only to be interrupted by his scoff. You pause, narrowing your eyes as you look at him. 
“What ass?”
“...Well, this was nice while it lasted.” You retort instantly, moving to lay on your side and stare at your boyfriend. Your eyes study every pixel of his face on your screen, Leo remaining passive. He’s used to this habit of yours now, even enjoying it and showing off sometimes while you stare.
— — — — 
“When we’re looking up dream apartments, in cities we’ve never heard of.”
— — — — 
“Are there any places you wanna visit when we’re older?” You ask absentmindedly. He hums in thought, fingers tapping his chin while his free hand props his phone up against a stack of comics on his bed so he can continue to see your face.
“Paris and Sydney.” 
“Oh?” You raise a brow, curious about the reason behind his second chosen destination. 
“Babe, they have this thing called a Tim-Tam Slam. A TIm. Tam. Slam. And they call flipflops, thongs. They are my people.” He explains enthusiastically, and your heart melts at his bright smile. 
“Really? Even with all the bugs?” 
“Relax, I got these babies. I’ll protect you, my damsel in distress.” He moves his phone to show you his katanas resting against the wall, plopping himself back down on his bed again.
“What about you?” 
You answer easily. “South Korea and Santiago.” 
“Why’s that?” He pipes up, looking at you with intrigue. This is the first he’s heard of your dream destination. 
“Well, I wanna go to the amusement park in South Korea and eat my way through Santiago.” You reply with a chuckle at his awed expression. 
“I can’t wait to move in with you,” Leo murmurs with a soft smile, adjusting his pillow so that it’d prop him up at a better angle for you to see him, “What did you think about the apartments I sent over that we can rent? I really like the third option.” 
“You mean in…” You take a moment to double-check your messages, “Oslo?” It’s a place you’ve never heard of, much less known before he spammed you with various links for apartments. 
“There’re Viking Ships. Not one, not two, but three.” He points out with unadulterated glee. “I can finally do what I’ve always dreamed of: Becoming a pirate.”  
You bite your lip to stop the amused smile from forming. “Mmhm,” You nod, trying your best to be serious.
“Babe. I could be a ninja pirate.”
“What about pirate ninja? Oh, never mind. I see why you decided to go with ninja pirate.”
“Rolls off the tongue better.” He agrees with a solemn nod.
— — — — 
“My favourite things about us is when we argue and make up.”
— — — — 
“Remember our first date?” You’re surprised by his sudden question, nodding in response. 
“How could I forget? You called me the McNugget to your Cheeseburger.” Laughter bubbles past your lips at the memory of Leo having dressed up in a suit and telling you to wear something formal. You chose to wear a sky-blue gown that reached your calves, along with white heels.
You ended up having your first date at a McDonald’s.
You found the entire ordeal amusing, especially when he had cooly said he’d take care of dessert, only to return with two Oreo McFlurries. That’s when you knew that you had fallen hard for him.
“It was the best date I’d ever been on.” You admit, your cheeks aching from the sweet smile on your lips. 
“Was all part of the strategy and natural charm. I bet no other guy’s ever done that before, either.” Leo states smugly with a charming grin, having turned to lay on his back, though his head is still turned to look at you.
“I will admit, it worked.” 
You hear him hum in agreement, glancing at the clock and realizing it’s now four A.M. 
How long had you even been talking for?
You can see him struggling to keep his eyes open, choosing to stay quiet until he falls asleep. His small snores bring you comfort through your phone’s speaker. You continue staring at him until your eyelids grow heavy, gradually dozing off as well.
— — — — 
“When I wake up right next to you, I don’t feel like I’m lost anymore.”
— — — — 
You groan softly, scrunching your nose and burrowing deeper under your covers as the late morning sun chooses to ruin your peaceful sleep. You blink sleepily, making an effort to move your hand out from under the warm blankets to draw the curtains shut just a smidge. 
You glance down at your phone, which had fallen during your sleep, the screen facing up and showing Leo, whose eyes are still closed, sleeping peacefully. You prop it back up, snuggling into the turtle plush he bought you and staring at the screen.
Your heart warms at the sight, watching his plastron rise and fall with each breath. You make a mental note to thank the inventor of the smartphone on Instagram. You’re oddly awake, content with staying in bed with your boyfriend (even if he isn’t physically beside you).
You reach out, brushing your thumb against the screen with a soft smile. The words are caught in your throat, but you have to say them. You lower your voice into a whisper so you don’t disturb his rest. 
“I love you.”
— — — — 
“I never thought we would make it till this far.”
— — — — 
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i just know remus lupin would go absolutely fucking feral for a tim tam slam
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