#tid header
hiloedits · 2 years
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— herongraystairs headers
like or reblog if you use/save.
© hiloedits on twitter.
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evacrstairs · 4 days
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the infernal devices (heronstairs) headers. like/reblog if you save or use. 🦆🎻
art by @marik_draw
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maddiesflame · 2 years
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jessa headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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warriorowan · 2 years
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herongraystairs headers
please like/reblog if you save
© declsniris on twitter
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rinadragomir · 1 year
Celebration time 🌿✨☘️or the story of how Rina tried to escape preparing for final uni tests
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So~ I decided that uni tests are for losers, cool girls don't deal with something like this 🙄💅it also means that cool girls should be ready to be kicked out of the uni but~ let's hope~ that I'm too adorable and they won't do it to meee~ meow☺️💖💞
Thank you so much for supporting me and my content ✨🌿 you're my best emotional support and being surrounded by you makes me feel so warm🥺 so let's have fun together
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Maximum 2 requests for 1 person
Be nice, send me green or yellow emojis if you want I love them✨
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(let me know your hobbies, fav colors, outfits or anything else you'd like me to add)
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(can be fandom related or anything else just pleeease send more details, I'm afraid of your "anything you like")
Send 🌱 to receive a personal playlist
(either you trust my taste or send me a few songs u like and I'll make a playlist based on them)
Send ⭐ to receive an asian drama recommendation, name your fav genre
(listen, I'm so experienced at this point u can trust me + asian shows are just on a different level, american series cry in embarrassment, just remember about squid game)
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(once again you clarify all the details: color, gif of pic and stuff)
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@livvyheronstairs  @axoloteca  @radisv @theresaherondalecarstairss @lescahiersdesable @my-archerboy  @fantasticcolorcloudflap  @megs-readstoomuch  @thewolfnephilim @icycoolslushie @lucie-blackthorns  @lucian-evander  @starlight-in-my-eyes @thelastfunctioningbraincell   @larkace @lenina-huntress @vashs-posts  @ninetthorn @jaxlightstairs @goldenjellyfish12  @incorrectlasthours @hahahax30 @instantthingmiracle @thomastair @sjfwrites @spacehero-23 @tea-and-a-clandestine-agenda @myfriendscallmeraba @fantasy-rep @what-ho-christopher-put-in @roseofthomas @car-on-the-stairs @carelessflower @drpepperisthedarlingofmysoul @midnight-herondale  @one-fond-mortal  @neverendinglove-tlh-tid @kitherondaleinspace @boredfangirl16 @bookworm-jedi @daisymayys @herongraystairs03 @persesphne @mrwillherondale @belikov @all-was-not-well @ily-beyond-measure-carstairs @shadowhuntertrash​
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Grace's Desk
Grace's desk is in the bull pen of the BAU and once belonged to Doctor Reid. Her extension line is number 67, which also used to be Doctor Reid's, occasionally she will get calls intended for him. She doesn't keep many personal item's on the surface like photo frames or figurines. Grace doesn't feel like she has worked there long enough to personalise her space too much, but as she becomes more comfortable she might eventually bring some things in. She also doesn't have any photos she would display like her colleagues do, but she hopes to change that.
On top of her desk is always these three things; the files she is working on, one of her various note books and a blank A4 piece of Paper she can scribble things down quickly on. Some of her colleagues also use this to write her messages.
The desk has three draws. The top draw is filled with stationary that doesn't fit in the pen pot on top and a stash of spearmint gum. The second draw has spare paper and folders to make case files. She also put a coin purse right at the back of the draw intending to use it for the vending machine, but she has forgotten about this. The third Draw is a large draw intended to hold files. But Grace keeps a folded blanket in there that she discreetly pulls out when no one is watching and covers her legs with it under the desk because the aircon is too cold and she doesn't want to bother anyone asking if she can turn it up. This draw is also where she keeps a small lock box with her standard issue gun and it's ammunition. It is under the blanket most the time. Grace also keeps a teddy bear and pretend doctors kit in there.
This is for whenever children end up at the BAU while their parents are being interviewed. She brought it in because she thought the toys in the family room were abysmal, but secretly she also uses the pretend doctors kit and bear as a tool to assess a child's wellbeing. She will observe how children will play pretend with the items given to them. She can tell a lot about what behaviour the child has witnessed from the adults around them from how they treat the teddy bear as a 'patient.'
-Details from The Protege
The next chapter will be a little while away but I thought I would post individual pieces from the new masterlist cover and new header with some tid bits to keep you guys going. I'm also thinking of doing a small illustration and a quote for the start of each case and end of each case like the show, what do you guys think of that?
Thematically this would make it a bit more like the show with the quotes, but also show the kind of things Grace goes home and adds to her art journal which will become an important part of the story later.
Tag list @bridgeoverstrawberryfields @pleasantwitchgarden @cultish-corner
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zipstidbits · 2 months
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hello and welcome to my studyblr + its intro post :)))
don't forget to do your daily clicks for Palestine!!!
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a bit about me:
name: zip
pronouns: they/them
age: early 20s
languages: english (native), spanish (beginner)
academics: i'll be starting my astrophysics PhD in the fall :)
other: autism + adhd, depression + anxiety, silly + goofy
a bit about this blog:
my intention/goal is to document my life (like a journal) while holding myself accountable
i also want to connect with other folks in the studyblr community :))))
please always feel free to dm, drop in my ask box, and interact with me! i am so happy to chat and make friends!!!!
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productivity vs. wellness
while my goal is to be productive, i hope to never sacrifice my well-being to achieve that
i would advise taking everything on this blog with a grain of salt (what's realistic for me might not be for someone else, while i try to be open my posts will likely never show the full story of my day, ect.)
i am trying to reblog positive posts/advice/self-care stuff to balance all the hustle culture out o7
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tag directory:
#kds - kiki's delivery service
#mnt - my neighbor totoro
#purple aesthetic
#reminder - positivity etc.
#studio ghibli
#zip's tid bits - my original studyblr posts
#zip quips - original posts that aren't related to studyblr
sometimes the posts i reblog/make include gifs or flashing dividers. if they do i tag them as:
if there's another tag i should use or if you want me to tag for something else, please don't hesitate to let me know!!!
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other blogs:
zipquips - main blog
kick-a-droid - star wars
huevo-rojo - spanish langblr
i have a bunch more but they're mostly inactive, whoopsies
other places to find me:
habitica - username: zipquips
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header/image in this post
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thanks so much for making it to the end!!! have a wonderful day <3
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rose-osullivan · 1 year
Brief 5 | internett arkeologi: THE DAY THE WORLD CRASHES
Kreativt Internett - Uke 2 
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Denne uka samarbeidet jeg med @julicvijanovicstudio . Prosjektet gikk ut på å designe en interagerbar nettside som uttrykker en historie, en tidsepoke, en hendelse, et uttrykk, en meme, et mysterie o.l., som har en sterk relasjon til internettet og dets historie. 
Vi utforsket mange ulike temaer, men vi var mest interessert i kulturhistoriske hendelser som oppstod som resultat av den lynraske informasjonsspredningen som internettet tillater, blant annet "Storm Area 51 – they can't stop us all", en 2019 Facebook event som umiddelbart ble en meme, og som fikk virkelige konsekvenser. 
Vi landet til slutt på "Y2K-problemet (også kjent som millennium-feilen)". Y2K var en defekt i dataprogrammer, som ville få en del programmer som var avhengig av å prosessere på dato og tid til å gi galt resultat ved starten av nyttåret 1999/2000. Det som fascinerte oss over denne hendelsen var den kulturomspennende bekymringen (som etter hvert ble til panikk) over det teoretiske problemet, som hovedsakelig spredde seg på ulike chatsider og forumer på internettet. 
Her er konseptbeskrivelsen jeg skrev ved starten av prosjektet:  
Twenty three years ago, the world panicked over an invisible, media-hyped enemy. That enemy was Y2K, a problem whose shadow was much larger than its substance. The Y2K bug became a worldwide media craze.  
Our website is designed for doomscrolling, and highlights some of the alarmist talking points that were circling various web forums in the years before we crossed the millennial finish line. 
Vi ville skape en urolig stemning som rampet opp jo lengre ned på siden man scrollet, og fikk dette til ved å plassere en stor digital klokke øverst til venstre i en alarm-rød header, som tikket fra 23:00 opp til 00:00 ved sidens slutt. Om man scrollet tilbake, tikket den bakover, men man var uansett fanget i "1900-tallets siste time".  
Siden ser kaotisk ut, med et rottereir av gamle kabler som bakgrunn, og gamle, skjelvende  datamaskiner som daler nedover i forgrunnen (med parallax-effekt). Skjermene går fra hvitt til rødt nedover siden. 
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Julija tok seg av kodingen av klokken, mens jeg produserte sidens visuelle elementer, blant annet ved å samle på bilder fra nyhetssendinger, artikler og dokumentarer fra perioden, photoshoppe bilder av gamle datamaskiner, lage transparente gifs, designe headeren og lage et favicon.  
Og deretter satt vi begge og forsøkte å få alt til å kjøre som det skulle i VSCode. Jeg fokuserte blant annet på å finne en måte å få til en parallax effekt uten bruk av Java-script, og deretter på å fikse en bug med bakgrunnen.  
Det siste hinderet var en veldig sta knapp som ikke ville fungere som en knapp, men vi klarte å komme frem til en bra helhetlig resultat i god tid før innleveringsfristen.  
Samarbeidet var såpass på plass at vi kom i tilfeldigvis matchende antrekk på fredag.  
Her er en scroll-through video av nettsiden:  
#breif5 #internettarkeologi
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chevvyluvr · 2 years
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My Baby.
Hoping to get her back on the road this summer, with a new makeover, exhaust and a long list of extras.
Har ikke blitt skiltet ennå, men Polly jobber med saken.
Målet er å få den i tipp topp stand med skilter, og med modifisert motor.
Spesialbestilt headers, rustfritt eksos, coilovers, pluss mye anna.
Men det tar tid, import fra statene er forsinket med måneder.
Litt reklame :)
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bellefleurx · 4 years
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Tessa Gray — Headers.
• like or reblog if you save/use.
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hiloedits · 2 years
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— tid headers (tessa, jem, will) headers
like or reblog if you use/save.
© hiloedits on twitter.
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evacrstairs · 3 months
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the infernal devices (tessa gray) headers. like/reblog if you save or use. ☕️
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literaredits · 4 years
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━ james carstairs headers
using this amazing template made by @exquisitedit.  ♡
like/reblog if you save it. ©️ rosecalioway on twitter.
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carstairstuff · 4 years
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— herongraystairs layout.
like or credits on twitter ©sethcvpella.
art by: @nairafeather
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someiconsx · 4 years
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james carstairs — headers.      ✧ like or reblog if you use/save.      ✧ @dearcardan on twitter.
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dodedits · 5 years
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the infernal devices headers.
like/reblog if you save/use them.
credit to campgangsey on twitter.
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