#thth marisa
Couldn’t sleep and ended up making some doodles of my current favorite girl 🥹
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pus-things · 1 year
Fucking hater and I used to like liam 🙄🙄 bye bitch 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽
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mercedesdecorazon · 1 year
THTH: Who Would Date Black Women (1/2)
Yeah, I'm doing this. I was originally going to do LITG S5 but I hate everything and everyone so that was scrapped but I found this game and I love it! ❤️
I've watched all 4 seasons of THTH and I have to say; the Black women on that show have a better chance of finding someone who's attracted to them than on Love Island. Just being honest here. I like better because I won't have to sit through people constantly rejecting and ignoring black women for weeks.
So let's begin:
Alex: Yes. They would be interested in anyone really. So, we're good with them.
Dakota: Also yes. Dakota gives me Sapphic vibes for sure so sure.
Henri: Yeah, Henri likes everyone. He's a sweetheart 💕
Jada: Jada is straight so not really but she would be besties with you.
Justin: Yes but he's not a good person so leave him alone, for your own sake.
Liam: I'm not sure about Liam though. He doesn't give me colourist vibes but I'm not sure. We'll see. -> Edit because there were some annoyance with this analysis of Liam: Throughout the game, Liam has little interaction with Sarah and Jada, the two black women and has more (flirty) interactions with Dakota and Marisa, the two white women. So I went off that. The game is STILL updating so I'm not writing Liam off yet. The door is STILL open. I think THTH is the only show I've seen where we see black men go for both black and non-black women consistently.
Marisa: Yes. That's it. That's the tweet.
Sarah: Of course. Not questions asked, she would.
Theo: Like Gary from LITG S2, Theo gives me the vibe that he cares about his attraction to the person than looks. He would definitely go after any beautiful black woman he sees. And also, he does flirt with and is attracted to Sarah so yes!
That's it! Part 2 will come out when the three new bombshells enter.
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kylovely8 · 1 year
Anyone else playing Too Hot To Handle?? This is my MC… I’m currently on a Theo route 💕
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Poor Theo, no one told him yet 😝
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kuesaa · 1 year
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pixelberryqueer · 26 days
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god we’re hot. 🥵😩
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
thth thoughts...
now where does brushing sand out of ones hair look like kissing bffr!! idk why they didnt keep with the storyline that Candace WAS trying to kiss our LI and our LI rejected her outright, that to me wouldve been better then this lame ass "sand in the hair" story. ALSO I found it SUPER annoying that no matter what choices you made this week you were forced into a triangle with Diego and your LI. I said multiple times I wouldve picked Theo and it was still like "oh your feelings are growing" BITCH NO THEY ARE NOT! I literally said they aren't. Im not in any way giving up on THTH and I still think for their first season they have done certain things alot better than LITG, but I will say this episode specifically I wasnt happy with. And I feel like we're lowkey losing sight of the other characters completely. Sarah and Alex are two of my favorites and other than the last beach hut scenes we barely got to see them this week. I feel like unless you're romancing them you don't get to see them, which is unfortunate. We literally didnt get to see Priya at all this week, unless you were romancing / went on the date with her.
One plus is the Jada / Carter / Candace drama. I do love that they are centering drama around someone else and you can be involved or not. I love this but I also wish they picked a new couple. so we can get more of the cast involved and not just the same people we see every week. Like I love Jada that's my bestie, but I would love more interactions with the rest of the cast. The little moment between Theo and Marisa, when they pretended to be sad about losing their Grammy / Yoga Studio was so cute! we need more moments like that with the cast.
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hopeshoodie · 1 year
Does anyone else feel like the lady characters in THTH don’t have as much interiority as the men so far? 
Jada is the most fleshed (post to follow about that because I have thoughts), but to me the romanceable women feel flat when compared to how the romanceable men are written. 
Marisa is probably the girl we have the most details about- her yoga stuff, that she spends most of her time doing outdoor stuff like biking/hiking/camping- but as for personality we just get that she's overly romantic, hot headed, and jealous. But not a lot of her thoughts on the events of the game, she doesn’t really form friendships with the other cast members outside of her and Theo being united in the no-rule break committee. Even Theo gets some exploration into his mixed feelings about rule-breaking with the player, whereas Marisa kinda just says ‘oh well I really like you’. 
Dakota is the most quirky of all the girls, but literally has no personality outside of 'lol I'm confident! I like food! Touch my butt and feed me pizza!!' We only get personal details about her incidentally (grew up by the ocean) or when other people are revealing things (she’s a workaholic per the conversation with Liam). We get that she revels in having gossip to share, but only when it moves the plot forward. 
I won’t count this against Priya because she’s only been here for a day, but I know nothing about her other than Girlboss (™). 
And Sarah just… I did a loyal route with her and I feel like I know nothing about her. She knows she’s hot, she’s competitive, she likes to have a good time, she hates being told what to do. But she doesn’t have any of the breadcrumbs about her life outside the show, or a backstory on why she’s here/why she’s like this/who she is. Even the intimate suite scene that has the chance to ask other LIs questions is like… Just her flirting with you. Which like, I know some people irl aren’t comfortable sharing about themselves, but she just seems so shallow without the little bits that make her more rounded. 
And like, it’s fine. It’s the same characterization that you’d get in like Episode or Lovelink, but it feels off to me because the men are written in a similar way to characters in LITG- fleshed out, multifaceted, distinct characters.
We see Theo reckoning with insecurities about his music and wanting to be the most wanted person in the room (but very much not being). He struggles with obviously wanting money and also being a massive whore. 
We see Henri trying to self modulate between these intense emotions but wanting to not appear too forward, and being out of his element. We see how open and earnest he is as he talks about his life and values. 
Liam is just Liam 🥰. (FR Liam’s my favorite boy because his character is v nuanced TO ME) He’s here for a good time and is unattached but also gets jealous quickly and makes rash decisions because of it. He’s goofy with the other guys but also stands his ground to get what he wants. He's direct about what he wants but doesn't take it too far or make it anyone else's problem. He's genuinely friends with the other cast members. He’s clearly very smart and successful but doesn’t talk about it/have a lot of bravado.
But none of the girls outside of Jada have similar storyline. I just. I want more from the women. Sarah and Alex’s one-sided rivalry is fun and Henri/Dakota’s one-off gaff about stealing food was amusing, but they’re the few times the girls interact with other cast members who aren’t MC. 
I want to see Sarah and Theo’s ‘OMG we’re NOT interested in each other NO WAY’ partners in crime schtick grow into a friends to lovers arc. I want to see Dakota either finally getting into the core group of friends (Jada, MC, Alex) or getting upset that she’s usually excluded. I want to see Marisa floundering because if MC isn’t with her she literally has nothing going on. 
I just want to see character setups and arcs similar to what it seems like all the guys have gotten. 
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unfortunatetrash · 2 years
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Looks like THTH got me. Here’s my girl Annalise.
We’re torn between Marisa, Alex, and Henri.
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Is it too soon to call myself a Marisa simp?
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pus-things · 1 year
He looks so fucking hot with this hairstyle 😩
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pus-things · 1 year
I'm about to beat both their ases cus wtf 🙄🙄
I'm actually so pissed that's not like him?
Bae what's going on 🤨🥹
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pus-things · 1 year
This candle bitch did not just kiss my man I will fuck the both of them up I swear to God bruh I'm about to explode 🙄😭
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pus-things · 1 year
She looks like ariellll 😩😭😭
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It better be a good drama 🤞
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