#those deaths are prob just numbers to u huh ..
saetoshis · 6 months
hot ppl don’t support genocide 😻
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evakaname · 7 years
tagged by @uchihanochidori
♦ AGE: 26 (I know, I’m old TOO :P)
♦ BIGGEST FEAR: Losing my parents/getting sicker/death... pick one
♦ CURRENT TIME: 11:50 pm
♦ DRINK YOU LAST HAD: herbal tea
♦ EVERY MORNING STARTS WITH: whining, of course, and/or desperately clutching to the latest dream which for sure gets interrupted at the best part like last time when i finally got the hot girl all to myself after a long ass adventure.... meh looks like im still pissed XD
♦ FAVORITE SONG: I for sure cannot decide that... or think of any atm, but my taste is VERY eclectic.
♦ GHOSTS ARE THEY REAL: Fuck u just kicked that jar of worms open. Fine. Here. i reeaaalllyyy wish i could say no with confidence, for only that agrees with my scientific beliefs, but damn i had 2!!! GHOST ENCOUNTERS in my life, one seen by others too, one refused to go away, and please feel free to come to my chat and explain them to me, so i can more easily seal and push it under a rug again and pretend it never happened so i can live in happy ignorance, cuz i to this day cant explain those “events”. I never even believed in them... mocking me then? XD OR its not ghost nor hallucination but then what i dont have such crafty people around in this small old village ...not that it wasnt the most frighteningly BEAUTIFUL thing ever, one with the most BEAUTIFUL voice i cant even compare to anything ive heard EVER, repeating one word over and over, (so yeah i guess i AM nuts after all XD) but it still all doesnt fucking agree with my world-view. So come and prove im just crazy and how collective hallucinations happen. I want an explanation. Wow i got carried away. But lets just forget and live in peace now, again. One either gets obsessed over a mystery or moves on.
♦ IN LOVE WITH: "dreams”
♦ KILLED SOMEONE: hah BIG confession times i see, who even... was this post started by some sneaky agents to trick idiots? :P lol. No. Im innocent on this matter, of course. :P (But really. No.)
♦ LAST TIME YOU CRIED: .... end of YOI s1?... maybe.. idk... rarely.
♦ ONE WISH: to get HEALTHY!!!! hah, i wish. Perfect wording.
♦ PERSON YOU LAST CALLED/TEXTED: Last called my current main doctor / Last texted my best friend
♦ QUESTIONS YOU ARE ALWAYS ASKED: huh... “how are u feeling” probably
♦ REASONS TO SMILE: OTPs, FANFICTION, FanART, YOI, happy GAAAAYYYS, gloriously gay stuff in general :D, ‘SNS, music, good movies, love’, friends, flowers, good games, good books, scientific progress and new revelations, from-tiny-to-big acts of kindness, CATS, pets, pretty people, pretty stuff, water, comments, beloved nice strangers-but-friends ‘on the internet’ texting u/ commenting something making your shitty day much better like a magic spell somehow, others smiles, excitement, loving family, kind words, cool cars, our ability to “dream”, naps, good food, those slow moments of peace, those strong moments of adrenaline high (of good excitement like extreme sports), LIFE. etc... people should do these lists daily. Hope u found something here too summoning back a smile it caused :)
♦ TIME YOU WOKE UP: 8:00 AM but FUCK summer time just hit that would have been 7 yesterday whyyy
♦ UNDERWEAR COLOR: ... why someone even... ok.. oh, white today.
♦ VACATION DESTINATION: hmm.. for the year? Or, one big plan.. idk but im laying bored so:  well next month Netherlands for the tulip blooming, driving around Transylvania for a few days with my best friend at summer, maybe La Spezia (Italy) for a week also summer, ... damn and also squeezing in the the seaside trip week with dad at Black Sea, a Mondocon weekend at Budapest -autumn, and some trips to our mountain house across the year... guess thats all for this year.. for now. (lol and people call me a hermit cuz im not going out like normal people ever and socializing)....O.O ...damn i just realized im gonna need a plan... will my new boss even be this laid back...
♦ WORST HABIT: oh boy... how to pick... staying up at night despite knowing better is probably the worst.
♦ X-RAYS YOU HAVE HAD: ..but why... i guess almost everything from hips to neck. (lol i probs should get my head checked out XDDD)
♦ YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: i wish so bad id never have to eat it just hurts me so NONE really
♦ ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio
♦ TAGGING: @frosty-haddock @katsudonski @no-signs-no-lights @beanpots @fangirlandiknowit101 @gweatherwax @niteangel496
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cloudmonstachopper · 7 years
@farseersfool tagged me in a thing!
A - AGE: bout 24 I think? I always mix up my own age tbh
B - BIGGEST FEAR: failure, the dark, spiders, ants... Those I guess are the big ones?
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: uhh... water? I drink a lot of water?
E - EVERY DAY STARTS WITH: pretending I slept inbetween days
F - FAVORITE SONG: changes all the time but I recently was introduced to Mort Garson’s stuff which is pretty cool?
G - GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL: idk, probs? but it’s not something I’m overly worried about, either. I don’t think they are or are capable of like being out to get me, at least. My brain does enough of that on its damn own self.
H - HOMETOWN: A medium sized place out in Southern California. I’m a child born of the heat and death that is socal.
I - IN LOVE WITH: people getting excited and happy about stuff
J - JEALOUS OF: I dunno. Maybe the ability to actually control your own brain? I haven’t been able to focus for approximately 18 hours now. It’s very frustrating.
L - LAST TIME YOU CRIED: basic tears? The other day. Full-blown cry? Been a little while. I don’t like the tears headache.
O - ONE WISH: Huh. I dunno.
P - PERSON YOU LAST CALLED/TEXTED: Dmitri. I was complaining about how today my brain’s being an asshole. But before that it was Ro because I was showing them some Kestral sketches!
Q- QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED: Sometimes I get asked what my buttons on my backpack are from, or if my shoelaces are different colors on purpose. I also get asked advice about my school’s program a lot? But idk if that counts
R - REASON TO SMILE: the quarter’s almost over and then I can breathe again
S - SONG LAST SANG: I was singing along to a lot of phemiec’s homestuck songs earlier, specifically inherit nothing bc it’s one of my favs for some reason
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: this implies I went to sleep tho
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: oooh navy today nice
W - WORST HABIT: inability to pay attention to anything for more than 5 minutes (alternately, hyperfocusing)... I’m just gonna leave Ro’s answer here, bc it’s LITERALLY me rn and it’s awful man I feel u
X - X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: Bunches done of my teeth. And my head. And my back. Like, all of my back. Multiple times. I’ve also had a lot of MRIs and a catscan or two... sigh
Y - YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: food is horrible rn everything tastes wrong??? but yogurt’s pretty great
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: gemini
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