cumberworld44 · 5 months
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We had an INSANE Wild Beyond the Witchlight session a couple back. Long story but it cumulated into the Haregon, Bluebell racing around Skabatha Nightshade's frontlawn wearing a unicorn horn on his head to distract her from all the children the other members were saving. Getting chased around by Skabatha like a hawk, talons and all. He almost got her to fall off her ride but not quite. He got away with it too. Even after being polymorphed into a kitten, he managed to hide away in some underbrush.
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babythegod · 1 year
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soohz · 1 year
On this land we live thither,
A long time ago, we trekked through its barren land, beneath the hot breeze of the sun. We acquaint wherein the cliffs stand and wherein the craggy wrinkles are.
On this land we live thither,
Ye might see those twinkling grains of sand and those footsteps on the land but ye can not find a way to return from infinite fate.
On this land we live thither,
We muse at night to trace our stars. Shall thee tell me thy star's name so that I remember when we shall meet or when we shall separate?
On this land we live thither;
# written by me
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everydayesterday · 2 years
"In strange mindlessness she walked hither and thither."
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mybuddyjimmy · 2 years
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mothwingedmyths · 2 years
I think I just created the ultimate OC quartet
Their names are Hither, Thither, Yon, and Yggdrasil
Hither and Thither are chaotic nature spirit twins
Yon is the possessed armor trope but with a different outfit; Hither and Thither adopted them as a third sibling upon finding them
And Yggdrasil is their tired forest dragon mother figure
And yes Hither, Thither, and Yon's names were inspired by Hither, Thither, and Yon from The Wild Beyond The Witchlight, but don't worry, I know what the actual words mean lol
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amethysttribble · 6 months
A part of me wants to update the Thorn post, because I have a better understanding of how it worked in the English linguistic shift, but it’ll probably never bear the fruit I want it to and I’m tired, so alas
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vamprisms · 3 months
i like withers he used to be an all powerful being and now he's my sexy secretary
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partial-boner · 2 years
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botticelli-angels · 2 months
Trying to write a devil’s minion fic but it’s 90% personal headcanons and 10% actual content 🫠
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ineffableigh · 7 months
Scary Metatron Thought of the Day
What if... the Metatron really did orchestrate everything that happened in Edinburgh, to create a reason to separate Aziraphale and Crowley while the Metatron set things up for the Ball scenario.
What if he did so via something analogous to the Book of Life, but he doesn't know or understand humanity well enough to do a good and subtle job about it.
What if that's why the barkeep at the Resurrectionist pub wears Aziraphale's blue and purple on his overclothes, but his necktie is the teal that ostensibly represents Outside Forces? The walls of the pub our favorite Va Va Voom Yellow to lull him into a sense of security?
What if that's the real reason the hills are tartan and freaking Loch Ness is right on Aziraphale's path as he drives to Edinburgh?
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captainbrookeworm · 1 year
Hey guys idk if any of you were refraining from watching the dnd movie because Hollywood cringe, but I can confirm it actually slaps hard!
It’s funny but still good on drama; all of the characters were excellent, the action scenes were fantastic, creative, and fun to watch every time; and the structure played like a real dnd campaign that was just streamlined a little to fit the runtime. Bonus points for me: the main M/F friendship stayed platonic the whole way through even though they basically raised a kid together.
I watched it with another person who plays DND and two people who don’t. We all enjoyed it, but the DND players got a little extra out of it by noticing the character classes, creatures, races, other subtle DND stuff. Nothing else REQUIRES DND knowledge, and any part of the plot that does is explained.
10/10 very much recommend it’s on Paramount+
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seventeeneightyfine · 10 days
i did it
i paid my parking ticket
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ostentenacity · 2 years
“hither” and “thither” are not just fancy ways of saying “here” and “there”, respectively; they are only used when referring to physical space. you can come hither or go thither! but to name one example, the set phrase “there is” is talking about existence, not space; it doesn’t make sense to say “thither is” a thing or concept unless you’re specifying that it’s far away or something.
also, -st and -(e)th are VERB endings. You use -st when talking to someone, and -th when talking about someone/thing. but only on verbs! “thoust”? for comedic effect, sure, but it reads as a contraction, “thou’st”, of “thou hadst” (“you had”). also, for any given action, you only need to use 1 -st or -th. “thou art speaking”, yes; “thoust art speaketh,” not so much.
this has been a PSA from your friendly neighborhood urianger enjoyer
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utsuboh · 1 year
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something to note: this is plotted quite heavily with and around @rebirthee's lore and OC. this verse mostly focuses on jade's junior and senior years. and carries into the rest of his life.
jade met charlotte towards the very end of his sophomore year at nrc. during a hike he came across a door in the woods. just a door- which opened to reveal not only her but a vast library as well. it's impossibly long corridors housing some of the strangest and uncanny things he's ever seen. naturally, jade's interest is piqued. and at the very center of this chaos, is charlotte.
charlotte is impossible to predict, and keeps him guessing. thus his continued, and growing interest in her company. her presence is..a bit vague? difficult to grasp when she doesn't want to be noticed. but it's a known fact to those that pay attention: jade has a friend that visits nrc often. char even comes to the lounge, buys a drink, and reads her books while jade is working.
the most important aspect of this au-- is jade's key. the skeleton key is a part of charlotte, and her library. he can use it to get to the grimoire from anywhere, and even to other places- beyond the world of twisted/wonderland. so on occasion jade can be seen slipping through doors to rooms that he's not seen in after. or showing in one place, then the next in mere seconds. the key itself is usually kept around his neck. but the spot he tucks it away does change on occasion. he also doesn't talk about it, or mention it to others. except maybe he brother, if the key is every brought up in a conversation.
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possumkingluca · 10 months
my propaganda spreading has been successful : )
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