ashleybenlove · 5 years
@thisonetimeinmeridian replied to your post “Ruffcup for the shipping headcanons! :D 5-7 and 9-11 and 14-15 for the...”
Aren't the twins also canon multilingual?
Yes, you’re right. Tuffnut speaks Spanish regularly and has said words in French and German, iirc. And given that he does it in front of Ruff (esp the Spanish), she probably knows some languages. So yeah, the twins are probably multilingual as well. 
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tysonrunningfox · 6 years
thisonetimeinmeridian replied to your post: is it just me, snot is looking like going...
Ruffnut is the hot wife
I recognize the validity in your statement but also, I need 5 business days to go through the stages of grief that Ruffnut is not, in fact, my hot wife so I’ll answer this officially at this juncture.  
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generalhofferson360 · 5 years
Hey guys! First of all, thank you so much for all the requests you’ve sent in, I’m really excited to work on them. They should all be up before the end of the month, but with Christmas and final projects and all, it may take another few weeks.
I’m going to work on them in the order I received them, which is @taco-not-bell , @thisonetimeinmeridian , @autumnwoodsdreamer , @inefablev , and last but not least the anonymous request with Zephyr and Nuffink.
Requests are still going to be open for a while longer if anyone else wants to!!
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ruffnut-jorgenson · 5 years
Love after Loss (HTTYD3-Rufflout)
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here you goooo, it is very short but I got stuck :( I hope you enjoy regardless of its length. @thisonetimeinmeridian
Ruffnut swirled the coin between her fingertips as she made her way through the Great Hall. She knew she shouldn’t feel this way but she truly couldn’t help it. Letting out a sigh, she made her way towards her friends, sitting next to her boyfriend, Fishlegs. He gave her a weak smile. He knew what she was feeling and he couldn’t deny his feelings either. The baker girl with the curly hair always caught his eye and made his heart flutter. Ruffnut dropped the coin on the table before continuing to play with it, ignoring her brothers nonsense talk. It had been six months since Hiccup and Astrid's wedding yet it felt like a lifetime to Ruffnut. Her thoughts consumed her as she looked across the table out the small man. She watched his muscles flex as he threw his arms up. The mustache above his lips moved as he protested during the conversation, his booming laughter that made her smile even when she didn’t want to. She knew she was falling for Snotlout, she just couldn’t tell Fishlegs.
Pulling her gaze away from Snotlout she looked at Fishlegs who was occupied with something else. Well, someone else. She followed his gaze to the girl across the hall. Ruffnut swung her legs back over the seat before standing up. “Hey, where are you going?” Fishlegs asked, grabbing her hand. She simply shook her head before pulling her arm away from him. She made her way out of the Great Hall before walking down the steps. A cool, winter breeze blew over her forcing her to pull the fur vest tighter around herself. She continued down the steps before hearing steps behind her. “Ruffnut.” The girl stopped in her tracks. Fishlegs made his way in front of her before rubbing the back of his neck.
“Ruffnut, I-“ “Fishlegs,” She interrupted before looking down at her feet, taking a deep breath she looked up again. “What are we doing? Why are we ignoring how we really feel? I know you don’t love me.” Her voice broke as she kept talking. “And you know I don’t love you. Fish, I know you like Rosethorn and she is…amazing, I guess. I know you’d be happier with her and I’d be happier with someone else.” Fishlegs let his head fall. “Ruffnut, I do love you…just not in a romantic way. I’m really, really sorry.” Ruffnut laughed as a tear slipped from her eye. “I love you too, as a friend. And don’t be sorry. We both knew this was coming.” Fishlegs nodded in agreement before pulling her in for a hug. “You are an incredible woman, Ruffnut. Don’t forget it.” Ruffnut smirked as she pulled away. “I know I am…now go!” Fishlegs nodded before rushing up the stairs, turning around halfway up. “Thank you.” She simply nodded before he continued his journey back up the stairs leaving Ruffnut alone in the cold winter air.
Weeks went by since Ruffnut broke up with Fishlegs, A sense of freedom and relief was lifted from her shoulders. Yes, she cared for Fishlegs but she knew she was too much of a free spirit to be tied down with him, she needed to have fun in her relationship while feeling loved. Making her way into the Great Hall she sighed. Watching Hiccup and Astrid, Her brother and his girl, Fishlegs and his new girlfriend, Ruffnut couldn’t help but feel alone. She noticed Snotlout sitting with the couples, providing her with a sense of relief. Over the weeks her feelings for the boy had gotten stronger which scared her slightly. She could never tell him in fear of being rejected. Ruffnut liked to reject people, not be rejected.
Taking a seat next to her brother she found herself looking at the Jorgenson man in front of her. Taking little sips of her soup, the young woman kept her head down before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Snotlout looking down at her. “Wanna go for a walk? Get away from these couples.” He chuckled motioning towards them. Ruffnut looked back at the group as they paid no notice to the two single Vikings. She nodded her head before standing up. “Sure, Snotface.” The pair walked out of the hall before making their way into the forest. Silence filled the space between the two friends as Ruffnut hit trees with a stick every so often.
“I’m sorry about you and Fishlegs.” Snotlout spoke up as he played with his fingers. Ruffnut shrugged before stopping to sit on the edge of the cliff. “Whatever. I didn’t love him and he didn’t love me. We both like different people.” Snotlout nodded sitting down next to her before shuffling. “You like someone?” Ruffnut scoffed. “I like a lot of people, Snotface. Just none of them can satisfy me.” She spoke confidently despite her heart beating in her chest. Snotlout leaned back on his arms before shaking his head. “You are a difficult girl to please. That’s why I like you so much, you’re a challenge but it’s getting a bit difficult now.” Ruffnut whipped her head around. “What?” “Ruffnut. I am in love with you but it gets hard trying to chase you. I guess I’m kinda giving up. I mean, I want to get married and have kids…soon. I know you will never like me back so-“ He was cut off as a pair of lips found their way onto his. An electric shock ran through him as the girl pulled away, still keeping her face close to his.
“I like you. I have since Fishlegs and I were together. It’s kinda why we broke up.” Snotlout blinked twice as fast to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. “Really?” Ruffnut nodded her head before leaning in again. He wrapped his strong arms around her placing kisses along her face as she giggled, something that made Snotlouts heart flutter. “I have wanted this for so long. So, so, so, long. I have wanted YOU for so long.” “Well, you have me.” Snotlout smirked before crashing his lips onto hers, enjoying the moment and her.
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ferreandhiscat · 5 years
Tag People You’d Like to Know Better
Rules: tag nine people you’d like to get to know better  I changed the rules bc nine is too many for me. 
Tagged by @thisonetimeinmeridian
Favorite Color(s): You know that blue/grey of mountains when you see them from a ways away? Yeah that color. I want to inject it in to my veins it’s the best color in the world. 
Top 3 Favorite ships.  TormundxJon RobbxByrant (an OC of mine, y’all should ask about him and Robb) NedxRobbert 
Lipstick or Chapstick: neither, i don’t like things on my lips. 
Last Song: “Ohio” Crosby Stills Nash and Young
Last Movie: The Godfather, I don’t watch movies often I detest them (except the Godfather which is the best movie of all time) 
Currently Reading: The Way of Kings Brandon Sanderson
Im tagging @robb-greyjoy @puke-silver @tormvnd @asklepianlesbian don’t feel obligated to do this if you don’t wanna 
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angryatitall · 7 years
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Going crazy…
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to draw something decent on the pc…
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hpimaginethat · 7 years
I was tagged by @dirtydrarry! You are such a babe. Thanks for tagging us (or me rather because I can only answer for me!)!!
What is your name? Erika
How old are you? 20
What houses are you in? Hufflepuff; Pukwudgie
What kind of blog do you run? Harry Potter. Duh. But I mean I reblog Charmed stuff because I love it. And Witch stuff, because I wanna. And about my life because I am more self-centered than I’d care to admit. 
Your patronus? Manx Cat
Your Pottermore house results? Hufflepuff <3
Which book is your favourite? Half Blood Prince has always been my fave. But the rest are so close it’s stupid.
Which book is your least favourite? How dare anyone ask this? 
Which movie is your favourite? Prisoner of Azkaban
What is your least favourite movie? You forget yourself. 
What is your favourite quote? “Size is no guarantee of power.” and “The thing about growing up with Fred and George is you sort of start thinking anything is possible if you’ve got enough nerve.”
Favourite Potter? Harry
Favourite Weasley? Fred
Favourite Malfoy? Draco 
Favourite Black? Sirius
Favourite Marauder? Sirius
Favourite Golden Trio? Hermione
Favourite Silver Trio? Ginny
Favourite female character? Ginny
Favourite male character? Fred
Favourite professor? McGonagall
Favourite House? Hufflepuff
Which character do you dislike the most? Fucking HATE Snevillus
What ships are your favourite? Drarry, Romione, Jily, Linny, Wolfstar, Hinny
Is there a movie you liked more than its book? Is that something that happens with good books?
If you could make up your own house what would be the traits? Creativity, Kindness, Loyalty, Passion, Ambition, and Querkiness 
What would your Amortentia smell like? Old items, chocolate, an empty theater, tea tree oil, and hairspray
Which do you prefer, owls, cats or a frog? Owl
Which is your favourite harry potter era? Golden trio, then Marauders, and then Next Gen
I tag @thisonetimeinmeridian, @thewantedwitchwithoutthescare27, @derpingsince1997, @hello-totoro, @the-mistress-of-hell, and @gretelachat
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owlswing · 7 years
Playlist Ask
@fanaticfangirl2602 tagged me, and thank you so much! These are always fun!
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist! Set your entire music library to shuffle and report the first ten tracks that pop up! Then chose ten additional friends.
1. Clarity by Zedd feat. Foxes
2. Get Off My Back by Bryan Adams
3. Treacherous by Taylor Swift
4. The Other Side of the Door by Taylor Swift
5. Bad Boy by Cascada
6. Walk of Shame by P!nk
7. Alright For Now by Tom Petty
8. What Hurts The Most by Rascal Flatts
9. Long Live by Taylor Swift
10. Ugly Truth by Lauren Aquilina
And I’ll tag... @chiefrosepetal and @thisonetimeinmeridian
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ashleybenlove · 5 years
@thisonetimeinmeridian replied to your photo “Mala playing the violin.”
Is it just me or is that vanity a very Ruffnut thing to have? But its Mala's right? Black always was her color.
No, you’re right and you should say it.
I don’t have a vanity table for Ruffnut but I have one for Snotlout. And, I mean, he’s... well, Snotlout, and he probably thinks the 1972 Carly Simon song “You’re So Vain” is about him. Though, I could easily give Ruffnut one. It is a very Ruffnut thing to have. 
Also, yeah, it’s meant to be Mala’s, but that’s also Dagur’s room, and maybe he might use it. 
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generalhofferson360 · 5 years
This was requested by @thisonetimeinmeridian​ ... I think. I have so many requests oh my gosh. The prompt was a Rufflout fic where Ruffnut is a broadway star, and Snotlout is completely enamoured by her.
Snotlout kept his gaze transfixed on the stage, completely mesmerized by the gorgeous blonde actress currently on stage. He had never read… whatever nerdy novel this musical was based off of, but he was completely in love with this play. Not that he could tell you what it was about if you asked him in the morning, his attention was entirely fixated on the girl standing at centre stage.
Her long blonde braids swung behind her as she danced with one of the other actors, the light reflecting off her hair, almost creating a halo around her. She wore a long black dress and sneakers, though even without heels she rivalled everyone else’s height. The way she moved was hypnotizing, keeping Snotlout completely enamoured with her. She wasn’t like anyone he had seen before.
Suddenly, the music stopped, and her character pulled out a gun, the metal reflecting in the fluorescent lights as she held it to her counterpart’s throat. Her blue eyes narrowed as she glared at the man, and Snotlout held his breath, though it wasn’t because of the enticing climax.
“So, what do you think?” Hiccup asked, whispering as not disrupt the other audience members. Snotlout shoved him away, his gaze never leaving the actress. She was amazing, truly capturing every emotion perfectly, and Snotlout couldn’t help but wonder which of her many faces was her own.
She circled the male actor, a threatening grin dancing on her face. She finally stopped, gazing out into the audience. The stage lights flickered out, one by one until a single one rested on her thin frame. She looked over the man’s shoulder, and Snotlout could’ve sworn her stone cold gaze landed on him as she delivered her final line; “This is only the beginning.”
The curtains slowly began to close, stealing the actors and their story away. She kept her gaze locked on him, and if a hint of a smirk was playing on her lips, she was talented enough to hide it.
Snotlout remained in his seat, utterly astonished by the girl whose name he didn’t know, as the rest of the crowd cheered, standing up and applauding. Their cheers echoed throughout the large building, reverberating off the walls and ringing like thunder throughout the room.
Snotlout was deaf to them, however, as the girl’s voice rang through his mind like a mantra. He had never believed in fate, but he couldn’t help but feel like those words were intended for him.
He quickly turned towards his cousin, practically yelling over the fading screams of the crowd, “What did you say that actor’s name was?” he asked. The drive to the theatre had drolled on for what seemed like hours, thanks to rush hour Manhattan traffic, so Hiccup had began geeking out about all the evidently famous actors preforming that night. Snotlout hadn’t payed much, or any attention, really, keeping his focus on screaming at every driver that dared to pass him.
He had never cared about the theatre, but this girl could change that entirely. Assuming he even got to see her again, and with the hundreds of people scrambling towards the door leading to the backstage, he doubted it.
Hiccup rolled his eyes, flopping back into his seat, “You’re gonna have to be a little more specific, considering that there were over fifty cast members.” he said sarcastically, earning another punch from Snotlout.
“You know who I mean.” he grumbled, having been called out by his cousin several times that evening for paying more attention to the girl than the plot. “The secret agent one.” he added, not giving Hiccup a chance to make another joke.
“I believe his name was Finn Ingerman.” Hiccup said with a chuckle. Snotlout glared at the auburn haired boy sitting next to him, “Not what I meant.” He bit, annoyed with Hiccup’s sarcastic wit.
“Oh, so now you care about my knowledge of this play.” Hiccup retorted, rolling his eyes slightly, honestly, could Snotlout go anywhere without looking for a date? “Raquel Thorston, and no, you don’t have a chance. She’s an amazing actor and you’re…” he trailed off, biting back a chuckle, “You.”
“Funny.” Snotlout seethed, ripping his leather jacket off the seat as he stood, preparing to leave. Hiccup rolled his eyes once more, exasperated by his cousin’s obsession with… well, pretty much any girl he laid eyes on. But there was something different this time, though Snotlout wasn’t sure what it was. 
Snotlout shook those thoughts from his mind, shrugging on his jacket, and resigning himself to the fact that he would probably never see her again. After all, she was internationally renowned, and he was a beat cop from Brooklyn, even he knew he stood no chance there.
Snotlout tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Hiccup to grab his stuff, gazing around the room, still filled with hundreds of fans clamouring to catch another glimpse of the stars. One fan caught his eye, his dreadlocks whipping wildly behind him as he shoved his way through the crowd. “What a muttonhead.” he commented, having been to enough concerts to know that the blond boy would be kicked out in a matter of minutes.
Hiccup moved his gaze to where Snotlout’s was, his face breaking out into a smile as he saw the boy, “Tuff!” he called, waving his arms to catch the boy’s attention. “Tuff? What kinda name is that?” Snotlout said. Their neighbourhood in downtown Brooklyn was known for their horrendous nicknames, though Snotlout couldn’t help but feel the name Tuff was strange even for them.
“Right, because Snotlout and Hiccup are so much better.” Hiccup said, gesturing for Tuff to join them.
Tuffnut stopped, shoving a tall man out of his way as he turned to look in Hiccup’s direction. His face broke out into a large grin as he excitedly waved towards Hiccup, “Hiccy, my man!” he called, weaving his way towards his childhood friend. He stumbled towards them, after being roughly shoved past a group of teenagers desperate to get an autograph from someone Snotlout had never heard of.
Snotlout let out a laugh at the nickname, “Wow cuz, didn’t think it could get worse than Hiccup but…” he said. Hiccup rolled his eyes in response, turning to face Tuff. “Hey Tuck, haven’t seen you since high school.” Hiccup said, glad to see his childhood friend again.
“Yep. You’re not quite the runt ya used to be.” Tuff, or Tuck as he was called now, commented, laughing slightly as he turned to Snotlout, “Wait a second, are you that cop that broke up my sick party last week?” he asked, his eyes narrowing in recognition.
Snotlout rolled his eyes, “Depends, were you the muttonhead who set that beachball on fire and tossed it onto a garage roof?” he chucked slightly at that, the party really was legendary, and if he hadn’t been on duty, he probably would’ve stayed for a few hours. “I’m Scott by the way, or Snot, as most of my friends call me.” he said. While most looked for a chance to ditch their nicknames, Snotlout wore his like a badge of honour.
Tuffnut laughed, before glancing down at his phone, the screen illuminating through the still dark auditorium as a text appeared on the screen. “Ah, my dumb sister is waiting for me. Said something about an after party, I’d love to ditch, but there’s gonna be pizza so…” Tuff trailed off, glancing back towards the crowd, only slightly smaller than before. His face seemed to light up with an idea as he whipped his head back towards his friends, “Hey, do you guys wanna come with me?” he asked.
Snotlout shrugged towards Hiccup, silently agreeing. Not that he had ever been known to pass up a party. Plus he figured it might be good, give him a chance to find another girl before this one permanently claimed a spot in his heart. He was never going to see her again, and the sooner he moved on, the less pain he would endure.
Why was he so captivated by her anyway? He had had more girlfriends than probably any other guy in New York, and could move on rather quickly, what made her so special? There was something about her, whether it was her skill or the carefree yet fearless heir surrounding her, he didn’t know. But she was unlike any other girl he had seen before, as anyone could tell without so much at uttering a word to her.
Part 2 should be posted soon, just wanted to get this posted though!
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ruffnut-jorgenson · 5 years
Could you do a modern Rufflout story? Maybe a wedding or even a pregnancy one? I haven't seen many modern! Rufflout pregnancy stories and I don't think I've seen any wedding ones at all! But it really can be about anything! I just want to read a Rufflout story! Thanks!!!
Expecting the Unexpected(Part 1/???)
here you go @thisonetimeinmeridian !! I hope this is good enough, it’s late here in Australia but i felt like i just needed to get something out. i was thinking of doing another part of when Tuffnut finds out/their parents. if you want another part just let me know what you would wanna see in it! enjoy !!!!
The tall blonde sat on her bed, watching her friend pace around the room frantically.
“I mean, this is a huge deal! You’ll need to get a better job and eventually a house and what if your parents kick you out and-“
“Astrid, shut up!” Ruffnut sighed, letting herself fall back onto her bed. She sighed, picking up her phone seeing 5 missed calls from Snotlout. She rolled her eyes, throwing her phone down, rubbing her face.
The bed squeaked slightly as her friend lied down next to her.
“What are we gonna do?” Ruffnut looked over at Astrid’s face.
“We?” Astrid looked back at her friend offering a small smile.
“Ruff, you annoy the living daylights out of me. But you’re still my best friend and no matter what, we’re in this together.” Ruffnut nodded before the timer broke the air. Both girls turned to look at the bathroom. “You ready?”
Ruffnut slowly got off the bed, pulling her crop top down, suddenly feeling very exposed. She walked through the door to her bathroom, seeing the test on the sink. It was flipped over, she was unable to see the result. A small hand was placed on her shoulder, reassuring her. She took in a deep breath before lifting up the test. Positive. Her breath hitched in her throat, warm tears forming in her eyes.
She couldn’t be pregnant. She was 18 years old. And her relationship. Her and Snotlout had been dating the last 6 months in secret, Astrid and Hiccup being the only people who knew after they caught them together. They hooked up many times before becoming official, she didn’t want to lose him now. Especially not because of a pregnancy.
“It’s okay, Ruff.” Astrid spoke, her voice shaking. Ruffnut let the tears fall down her face before dropping the pregnancy test on the floor. She sat on the toilet letting herself cry.
“Hey Babe! You weren’t answering my calls I just wanted to know if you were oka-“ Snotlout stopped in his tracks upon entering the bathroom. Ruffnut and Astrid’s heads whipped around to look at the door. “Ruffles, what’s wrong?” He took a step forward, his foot hitting the pregnancy test. He looked down, leaning down to pick it up. His face twisted in confusion before his eyes widened, realising what he was holding.
“Astrid, are you….” He gulped looking up at his girlfriend and friend.
“I’m pregnant.” Ruffnuts voice cracked as more tears fell down, she quickly wiped them away before sighing. Astrid slid past the couple as Snotlout bent down to her level, grabbing her face in his hands.
“Ruff. I don’t know what to say.” The girl rolled her eyes, refusing to look at him. “Everything will be, okay. I mean, I love you. We will make it work.” He smiled at her as she grabbed his hands off her face.
“Snot. I love you too. I just need to, ugh, I don’t know! I need to just relax, I guess.” She looked down before getting off the toilet, walking to her bed. Astrid smiled at her picking up all her bags.
“I’m gonna head off. Call me if you need anything, okay?” Ruffnut nodded as Snotlout walked out, giving Astrid a simple nod as she shut the door behind her.
Ruffnut threw herself onto her bed, shimming off her shorts & shirt, leaving her in her undergarments. She groaned as she crawled under her covers, Snotlout pulling down his pants and striping his shirt off. He joined her under the covers taking her in his arms. His fingers ran softly crosses her back making small circling motions. Her breathing soon slowed down, her eyes closed as she fell into a deep sleep, Snotlout placing kisses on her forehead.
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ashleybenlove · 5 years
For the trope mashup: Rufflout 12). Bodyguard AU and 23). Performer AU
So, basically that Whitney Houston/Kevin Costner movie? 
I feel like the easiest route with this would be Snotlout is the bodyguard, Ruffnut is the performer. But like, a cool inversion of this conceit/premise would be Ruffnut is the bodyguard and Snotlout is the performer.
In the Ruffnut performer version, Ruffnut would probably be either a pop singer or sings in a genre less mainstream (like punk, she gives those vibes, she’s very much not a preppy-type lady). Maybe pop-punk? Snotlout would definitely be willing to thrown down with people if they tried to start something against Ruffnut.
In the Snotlout performer version, Snotlout definitely gives off a pop singer vibe. So he’d probably be that. Or an actor. He’s probably a little bit less willing to throw down, so he doesn’t hurt his face or his hands, so he wants someone who might be willing to do that. Ruffnut fits. 
And I guess, in both versions, through all the time spent together, they’d fall in love. 
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
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ashleybenlove · 5 years
@thisonetimeinmeridian replied to your photoset:
Mala meditating and then I had them go to the gym...
I love how you made Ruffnut such a fashionista in your sims game bc she 100% is in any au and setting
Plus, it’s fun to put them in clothes that I literally can’t see them wear in the source material. 
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ashleybenlove · 5 years
@thisonetimeinmeridian replied to your photo: THEY’RE FLYING IN FORMATION.  HICCUP TAUGHT THEM...
They get to lead the group into battle! 
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generalhofferson360 · 5 years
For the fic ask thing, number seventeen?
17) Post a line from a WIP.
Thanks for the ask! This line is from a piece I was working on for… oh gosh I have so many requests I think @thisonetimeinmeridian ? (Sorry if I’m wrong and just tagged you in a random post :) ) where Ruff is a broadway star and Snotlout sees her preform and is completely mesmerized.
She looked over the man’s shoulder, and Snotlout could’ve sworn her stone cold gaze landed on him as she delivered her final line; “This is only the beginning.”
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ruffnut-jorgenson · 5 years
Expecting the Unexpected (Part 2/???)
I made another part to this story upon @thisonetimeinmeridian s request! I hope you guys like it :)  also ignore mistakes, i’m on vacation so I'm just trying to get stuff out. Tell me if you want more!! :)
Ruffnut watched as the sun was starting to go down behind the clouds, waves rolling over her feet. It had been three months since she found out she was pregnant. Astrid and Snotlout still being the only people who knew about it. It was getting harder everyday to cover the small bump that was forming. She sighed as she turned around asking back up the sand toward the beach house she was staying in with her brother and parents. Every year the Haddocks, Hoffersons, Ingermans, Jorgensons and Thorstons would make sure to go to their beach houses. They were all on the same street, backing onto a private beach. It was tradition, you could say.
She rinsed off her feet before making her way inside, seeing Tuffnut and Snotlout playing video games on the couch, her mother and father sat at the dining room table chatting away. Her mother turned to face the boys on the couch. “Why don’t you guys go get some ice-cream and eat it on the beach instead of staying inside all day?” Tuffnut paused the game turning to Snotlout. “That sounds good. Wanna invite the others?” Snotlout nodded before standing up, glancing at Ruffnut as she leant against the railing of the stairwell. He caught himself staring before grabbing his phone, texting the rest of their friends, informing them on the plans.
“Go get ready, Ruff. You don’t wanna miss the sunset.” Her father smiled at her, taking a sip of his coffee. Ruffnuts mother smirked as she stood up making her way over to her daughter. “Actually, I think she could lay off the bad food for awhile. Don’t you reckon?” Her mother grabbed her hips, giving them a small squeeze before sitting down on the couch. Ruffnuts face went red with embarrassment as she attempted to cover herself more. “Now, why would you say that, Hun?” Her mother turned to look at her husband before looking at the two teenage boys standing there, watching the scene unfold.
“Look at her, Love. Whatever happened to our skinny little Ruffnut? Now she has big hips, her butt has got huge and she even has boobs! And she is getting a bit of a belly. That happens when you eat junk or when you’re pregnant.” Ruffnut froze at the word looking over to Snotlout who was frozen as well. “And there is no way our little girl is pregnant.” “You guys go. I have stuff I need to do anyways.” Ruffnut ran up the stairs to her room, closing the door behind her. Tuffnut gave the stairs one last look before grabbing his wallet, keys and phone. “Come on, Snotman. Let’s go.” The two boys walked out of the door, Ruffnut watching all her friends pile into Tuffnuts van before driving out of the driveway.
“So, why didn’t Ruffnut come?” Fishlegs questioned as he ate his ice-cream. Tuffnut shrugged as he mixed his ice-cream together. “Mum told her she was getting fat pretty much.” Fishlegs eyes widened. “Ruffnut? Fat?” Tuffnut nodded looking up at his friends. “I am, Ruff isn’t fat but she gained weight. She doesn’t have a flat stomach anymore and her butt is getting huge.” Tuffnut yelped as Astrid hit his arm. “I mean, maybe she’s just, filling out?” Hiccup suggested, knowing it made no sense. “At 18? Girls fill out when they first get their, periods and start puberty.” Fishlegs coughed, clearly uncomfortable with the subject. “Just leave it alone. Gods.” Astrid rolled her eyes, putting her ice-cream down. All the boys gave her a confused look, all but Snotlout who had his arms crossed the whole time.
Tuffnut looked strangely at Snotlout. “What?” Tuffnut shook his head. “Nothing, just looking at your tats.” Snotlouts arms were covered in tattoos, much to his fathers disapproval. Dragons wrapped around his biceps along with other designs down the rest of his arms. Memories of Ruffnut sitting on top of him tracing them flooded his mind before he was snapped out of it. “What about them?” He questioned as the male twin who pointed at his left hand. “This is new.” Snotlout looked down, putting his hand on the table for everyone to see. A small simple R was on his ring finger with a love heart below it. Along the side of his finger was what looked like the sound waves of a heartbeat. “What does it mean?” He questioned looking at Snotlout. He looked up to see Astrid smiling at him. She knew exactly what it was. Snotlout shrugged, pulling his hand away.
“Come on. It has to have a meaning.” Hiccup laughed grabbing his cousins arm, pulling his hand out. “Hiccup, you’re holding my hand.” Snotlout glared at Hiccup as he examined the tattoo. Snotlout watched as Hiccups face changed, it had clicked on what it meant. “Is this a heartbeat?” Hiccup questioned dropping Snotlouts hand. Snotlout nodded, pulling his hand away from his cousin. “Who’s heartbeat?” Fishlegs questioned as Snotlout rubbed his temples, clearly annoyed. “None of your business.” “Oh, come on! I’m your best friend, at least tell me.” Tuffnut laughed before Snotlouts fist slammed the table. “Just drop it.” He yelled as they all went silent. Shock was plastered on their faces as Snotlout stood up. “Let’s go. The ice-creams melted.”
The drive home was silent, Tuffnut drove with Fishlegs in the front seat. Hiccup and Astrid in the back with Snotlout. Hiccup placed a hand on Snotlouts shoulder, offering him a smile to which he shrugged off. Suddenly, a ringing went off in the car. Snotlout looked down at his phone seeing Ruffnut was calling him. He sighed before answering, knowing everyone was listening to what he was saying.
“Hey.” He paused as the other person on the line spoke for a bit. “Yeah, I’m just in the car at the moment. We’re on our way back.” The other person kept talking before Snotlout nodded. “Okay. Sure.” He smiled slightly letting out a small laugh, bringing everyones attention to him. “Yeah…Okay, I love you too. See you soon.” He brought the phone away from his ear placing it down on his leg, face up before looking at Tuffnuts face in the rear view mirror. “What?” He grumbled as Tuffnut smirked. “Who was that?” He giggled before turning into the driveway. “My mum, dipshit.” He opened the door, letting himself out walking to his front door.
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