#this was even longer before but i deleted the bits on Beforus and the reversed-caste planets LOL
kabutoden · 14 days
In your bugstuck au, you said that lime-bloods have resurfaced on another planet in the Empire. Does this mean that there are other Nursery Worlds in the Empire other than Alternia itself, or does each planet have their own 'Kid Sector' where children are raised before assimilating into adult society?
THANKS for the great question!! Sorry for the long answer but i might have mispoken or changed my headcannons; limebloods have re-emerged in colonies outside The Empire. Propaganda denies the existence of the multiple settlements outside of their domains, but this is untrue. As a result of one of these cultures deconstructing casteism and allowing their Jadebloods freedom to live outside the convents and reproduce, a few young limebloods have hatched!
CAESER and CALIGULA are a pair of planets locked in BINARY ROTATION with each other. These planets were colonized by gold-blooded helmsman revolutionaries. The helmsman and their allies planned and collected all they needed from ALTERNIA and elsewhere settle the planets, then one goldblood sacrificed his life to create a powerful psychic barrier around the planets. He was posthumously declared the GOLDEN EMPEROR. No seadwellers were trusted by the revolutionaries, and as a result no violet or fuschia bloods live there. The smaller of the two planets, CAESER, has a massive megastructure city created by combining several grounded ships. This structure has three tiers: below the earth are huge caverns with trolls aged 1-6 sweeps and their lusus, acting as a nursery layer that keeps them safe from older trolls. In the center of the structure is a giant institution for trolls aged 6-9 sweeps, including dorms for them to live, divided by bloodcolor. They're moved up more quickly than on Alternia due to lusus underpopulation, and are allowed to visit their lusus and their sibling once a month (a lusus's next charge is considered a trolls sibling.) At the top is a palace where psychic-gifted goldbloods live separate from all other hemotypes and raise their heirs. Adult trolls migrate to the larger planet CALIGULA unless invited to stay at the school as instructors. The planet is otherwise dominated by fields and two seas, with the birthing caverns and mothergrub hidden somewhere beneath the fields.
The GOLD RULE binary system, following the teachings of the sufferer as whispered among helmsmen, abolished the hemocaste system; but many beliefs about bioessentialism of blood colors remain. Trolls are referred to as warmbloods and coolbloods, as opposed to being ranked, and are somewhat permitted to seek their own callings in life. The dorms house trolls by blood color, which is intended to keep warmbloods that are prey-imitating safe from predator-imitating coldbloods. Class schedules are also determined by blood color, with trolls needing to apply for classes outside of their schedule if they’re interested. For example, Floria, a petal mantis mimic and purpleblood, really keeps his head down to stay in his painting classes he adores. His scythes are wrapped with linen to keep them from intimidating warmbloods. Otherwise, most his assigned classes are physical and combat-based. Some of his fellow purplebloods disrespect his interests and most warmbloods he shares classes with ignore him. While the hierarchical system has been abolished, struggles remain.
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