#this was all i could think of when cal said that juliette was in her head lol
hello--goodbye · 2 years
Cal: Juliette, you're in my head.
Juliette: And you in mine, my sweet!What are we doing? You're a hunter, I'm a vampire- it can never work. Can it? Maybe it can. Like Romeo and Juliet!
Cal: *slowly backs away*
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youranemicvampire · 2 years
Thoughts on First Kill (2022) with spoilers
I’m having a First kill brain rot so i’m just gonna let this all out. Just my personal opinions :)
Well, the theme song is cute, but tbh i really don’t like the intro itself. I know it is supposed to be campy, but they could do better. I don’t know if it’s possible to change it next season, but i hope they do. And i don’t think the budget was the problem on that aspect. 
Speaking of budget, it’s not their fault and as a non-scifi gal, it’s not a big deal to me. But again, i hope the cgi will get better next season especially the fighting choreography. 
The poor quality flashbacks was maybe my another complaint coz you don’t have to have a big budget to give it a decent editing. 
WOMEN. all of them. 
I like how the men on here were either their brothers, dads and a gay best friend so there’s no room for shipping any man with Calliette. They’re lesbians, but we know these straight stans. 
Variety was soooo wrong for calling this a tired take because it actually broke a lot stereotypes. An openly gay jock? Awkward vampire? Dark-skinned black woman lead who is being pinned on? Matriarchal family? Not to mention a lesbian show without those bury your gays trope and whatnots?
I usually like slow-burns, but they have soooo much chemistry that this worked. I smile like crazy even in those awkward interaction and eye contacts.
Tired of interracial sapphic couples that always include a white woman, but Jules is special. Sarah Catherine gave her justice and i can’t see anyone being casted for that role. As someone with anxiety, she nailed everything especially the posture and mannerisms. And it wasn’t over the top. +Jules is soooo cute and charming. 
Cal reminds me of those intimidating girls in high school that is impossible not to have a crush on. I understand SC’s reaction on the chemistry read coz Imani has this intimidating stare that is sooo hot, strong and mysterious. If you can’t see Cal being down bad, look at her eyes. It’s very expressive. 
I hate those takes that said we’re only hyping it for representation coz i genuinely enjoyed it. I’m a lesbian, but i think i’ve only consumed like 10-15 sapphic media and liked maybe 5-8 of them. That’s how picky i am. 
The kissing and make-out scenes? Oh god. I’m serious when i say this is the best or one of the bests i’ve seen (straights included). It is so passionate and authentic. Idk where that “male gaze” came from. The person who said that was dumb i’m sorry. 
The dialogue is another thing that needs improvement. The intent is there, just write it more natural
They really casted a rando for Noah Harrington lmao
If u hate Cal, i’ll just assume you’re a racist because she literally did nothing wrong. She’s down bad for Juliette. Her character is just different and her reaction to what went down is valid and natural, come on. 
I want to point that the S*x dream at the start was so important? Because being a lesbian teenager who is sexually attracted to another woman is NORMAL! and it doesn’t make them a dirty predator. 
The evil vampire twins are so exciting!
I hope the Burns will learn that not all vampires are monsters because of Theo. 
Not exclusive to First kill, but excess blood from the Hospital should just be given to vampires idk. Or u know, period blood if they’re not picky. In that way, Humans and vampires can live together in harmony. 
I love that Juliette’s parents were also forbidden lovers. idk it’s refreshing. 
Idk if i want a musical episode, but i want Juliette to serenade cal. Then Imani on the soundtrack. 
Yes to Elinor being bisexual. Make them all queer tbh!
That’s it for now. Just want to say to those who are hating, that no one is forcing you to watch, but to be an edgy hag that had to shit on the show in public (not on constructive way)? Sapphics are working so hard for this to be renewed and the diverse cast and crew put their hearts on it because it meant a lot to us, then you’re just gonna ruin it because you want to show how different you are? Come on. 
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quecksilvereyes · 2 years
I cannot love softly.
I am nothing if not a wildfire. a sharpened knife.
said I to my first love, when she drew her first breath, and then her last: I’m sorry for consuming you.
said she, with venom in her blood:
come. take my beating heart. it’s yours.
Juliette drapes her hands over Cal’s waist, and her mouth over Cal’s lips. She tastes like peaches, somehow, ripened in the summer sun. When she pulls back, she smiles. Her eyes crinkle. Her teeth are sharp, and her eyes reflect the soft light of the sun. “Calliope”, she says, in a voice not meant for whispers, around teeth not meant for softness.
And Calliope burns.
Her hands on Juliette’s jaw, her chest pressed against hers, her heart somewhere racing in her veins, she pulls at Juliette. Her skin is cool to the touch, and her nails are dull. Somehow, with her teeth in Cal’s throat and a stake in her chest, she’d tipped over a can of gasoline. And Cal, frantic and breathing in the scent of it, hadn’t realised how soaked she was until it ignited.
Sometimes, she thinks about names.
Her father had named his children after gods. Theseus, he who slayed the minotaur, with steady hands and heaving chest. Apollo, radiant as the sun he pulls across the skies. And Calliope, muse of epics. Muse of poetry. Muse of muses.
When she was a child, she’d look into the mirror, with her jaw set and her bones aching. She’d imagine, then, squaring her shoulders, being called Charybdis, instead. What is a muse, after all, to a force of nature strong enough to bring Poseidon to his knees?
She stopped using her full name soon.
 * Tragedies told often enough start to ring true. Every semester, Juliet dies in an English class. Every semester, she holds what could have been her first love, so tightly that her nails leave marks on his skin.
Every semester, she drinks the poison.
“Calliope”, says Juliette softly, her head against the cold wall, her throat bared, and Cal kisses her, like that. Her lips fitted to Juliette’s neck, her hands on her, she presses her against the wall. She doesn’t swallow her full name from Juliette’s mouth.
Perhaps her parents didn’t call her Juliette for the tragedy. Perhaps they thought not of a girl so sick with desperation that it poisoned her. Perhaps they named her for the roman god Jove as Cal had been named for a Greek goddess with the Iliad on her lips.
But Juliette, with her sharp teeth and her dull nails, with her soft smiles and the blood in her mouth, is made for tragedies. Perhaps there is no Romeo, longing so for new things that he can barely think from it all, but there is Calliope.
Calliope, with her stake in Juliette’s chest. Calliope, with Juliette’s teeth in her neck. Calliope, with her silver bracelet and a mother made of starlight. A father made of rock. Brothers made of myth.
Calliope, who burns, by now, more gasoline than blood.
When she reaches for Juliette’s legs and wraps them around her waist, something crashes to the floor. Neither of them look. Juliette’s hands are in Cal’s hair, and it is Cal’s teeth in her throat, this time.
Her silver bracelet lies folded on the table. The burn mark on Juliette’s collar bone is already fading. And Calliope, muse of epics, holds half of a tragedy in her hands.
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veilchenjaeger · 2 years
I finished First Kill! I really enjoyed it, but boi, this show sure gets talked about like it's a wholesome lesbian love story when there's so much going on literally all the time. I'm not kidding. So much happens in this show. My head is reeling a little. The teen lesbians are cute too, though.
I'll write up some first impressions under the cut, but I legit don't even know where to start with this. There's so much going on.
I guess that's the first point - I do feel like the show would benefit from having like... one more episode. A ton of plot points are legitimately really interesting and the dynamics both between characters and between organisations/sides in this conflict fuck, actually. I have no idea why so many people are saying the plot is bad; the plot is fucking awesome.
What's a little off imo is the pacing. I'll definitely watch this again, if only bc I need that to understand all the characters' motivations and what sparks some actions they take. That might just be me being really fucking tired atm, but I think it would have been good for the show to let developments and new dynamics settle for a short while before introducing new changes. Cal getting the fantastic idea that Juliette would be safe at her family's house (???) is just one of a few things that didn't quite make sense, and some developments feel rather rushed - Ben accepting Juliette, for example; I get why he changes his mind, but he does go from "Playing with humans doesn't make you a human" to #1 Vampire Ally very quickly.
Speaking of rushed things - I hate that I have to say that, but the relationship between Cal and Juliette is somehow the one I'm the least invested in out of all the relationships in this show. I don't think it's bad! But the criticism that it's weak writing to have characters be so in love they'd give up everything for each other after approximately two days of knowing each other does still apply if the characters are lesbians. The way their relationship is written relies very much on "They're in love because they're In Love", with love being this grand thing that is mostly divorced from what these characters know and like about each other and how they interact in contexts that aren't explicitly romantic.
Now, they are 16 and stupid, and I like their fight in the end because it shows that they don't actually understand that much about each other, which is why I'm not too mad about all this, but they barely hang out. We don't know what they'd enjoy doing together. Juliette has somewhat serious feelings for Cal before or shortly after having talked to her for the first time, apparently? Don't get me wrong, I did like their interactions, but every other relationship in this show is so fleshed out and theirs just... isn't, it's "They're In Love" as a statement rather than a story, and I find that disappointing, especially because I think it could have been easily solved by making them catch the big feelings a bit later in the story, or just showing them interact more.
That being said, I'd be so on board with a "We had a probably ill-advised fling that ended up unbalancing systems that have been in place for millennia, and now we're broken up but shit is still hitting the fan and we actually still have feelings for each other, so that's awkward" storyline for them. Please. It could be so good.
Okay. Negative points... done, actually? The CGI is bad, but that's literally whatever. Suspend some fucking disbelief and shut up about the CGI. The writing in the first episode is awkward to the point that it's bad, but it gets better. There are a few silly and overdramatic lines, and some narrative or writing choices that don't work (How the fuck does turning someone into a vampire work in this universe?), but I don't really mind those. So!! I liked a fuckton of things about this show and I'm gonna have a hard time putting all of that that into words!
First of all, I appreciate what this show is. It's a camp vampire story that plays with and leans into tropes and aesthetics of the genre, and it seems like that's exactly what it wants to be. (I think the most productive way of criticising art is to ask, "What does this want to be and does it succeed at being that?") It is, and this must not be underestimated, a genre story about a lesbian couple that is neither focused on queer issues nor cutesy fluff. I literally needed that so badly. These stories have been popping up lately, but they're still rare afaik, and First Kill delivers on the not being cutesy front. GODS I need to see fictional lesbians kill people more often. It heals my soul.
I also think the central conflicts are so fucking interesting. It's a way more complex web of ties, alliances, and enmities than it appears to be in the first few episodes. Politics are my favourite thing in stories ever, and to have 1) the Fairmonts and their fraught relationship to the Legacy vampires as a whole, 2) the Burns family and their relationship to the Guild, which turns out to be less than ideal, 3) the mostly uninvolved humans around them who end up causing possibly the most damage (the fucking anti-monster mums. PLEASE. This is somehow so realistic) as players on this chessboard where everyone can turn against their nominal allies at any moment - that's catnip to me.
It's a story where so far, no one is truly in the right, and most people aren't truly in the wrong either, everyone has their motivations that are fully understandable, and these motivations are all explored. There's no one truly evil, so far, and that's always something I appreciate deeply.
Next point: Character dynamics. Good shit. The sibling dynamics! The at times tense but still ride-or-die dynamic between Cal and her brothers is really fun, and Juliette and Elinor!!! THAT'S a fucking great dynamic if I've ever seen one! The family constellations in general! Margot and Sebastian, good lord - I did not expect to get this invested in them, but here I am. Sure, kiss your husband right after he ate your mother. You deserve it. The friendship between Ben and Juliette is also lovely; the spooning scene they had was so sweet. Love me some platonic relationships that are portrayed as intimate and extremely important.
I also just love the characters in general. Talia and Margot especially. I can't believe we get two whole flavours of protective mother in this show and they're both hot.
Also :) Elinor :) Elinor gives me brain rot and I really hope they don't fuck up what they created with her in case they get a second season. I could write meta on her - maybe will at some point - but the bottom line is: I LOVE "evil" characters who do absolutely horrible things but care deeply about others. Elinor loves her sister and her parents so much (r.i.p. Oliver tho), and fucking hell, she didn't even kill Theo. "One Burns down, four to go" - honey, you could have killed Apollo as well right the fuck there, but you Did Not. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they let her stay a complex character in season 2 (which I'm speaking into existence) and don't make her a Purely Evil Big Bad. She didn't agree to a political marriage for this.
Also, the sheer amount of IDs she has! What has she been doing? How isn't Savannah empty?
There's a lot more to say bc there is a LOT going on, but that's what my brain latched onto for now. Anyways, the best scene remains the one where Sebastian just straight up eats his mother-in-law. Go off, king. Treat yourself.
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theskyexists · 2 years
First kill (ep3 and ep 4)
the teeth. the fangs. they’re SO well done. look really really good. like theyre natural, actually fit their mouths.
i said to myself - i am not gonna liveblog this show anymore! just watch it and enjoy the parts i enjoy
they’re mentally linked now? what is going ONNN
so last episode ends with Cal being like - eh i would have stabbed u to death, an jules being like, you lying! he he he he
and cal being like ugh
and them covering for each other.
but now Cal’s like - I feel things for you! and you’re not like the monsters!!
who what where
ok so jules is definitely not jules- right. its just a dream about temptations and evil
last ep - the fam was ready to go kill some vamps, now Cal’s in bed
‘you’re telegraphing theo’ - how was that at all relevant to getting fancily kicked in the face by a hugely telegraphing apollo lol
i really don’t give a FUCK about this guild lore shit which is just endless crappy fight scenes.
literally the soundtrack drowns out the dialogue. WHO WAS THE EDITOR
dont give a fuck about Talia and Jack drama about whether they should be exposing their kids to this shit. the answer is no anyway. if it’s true that no hunter has survived a legacy in ages then yeah Jack is simply an idiot. it’s so weird that he’s hung up on getting a promotion lol
the Burns have the weirdest modernist home
what the fuck. talia just argued she didn’t want Cal to do this shit and then one sexytime later Jack’s got his way WHAT
where’s THIS coming from? ‘maybe we’re the monsters in their story’- Cal truly is whatever the plot needs her to be. not like eve and lilith scene had us thinking - oh no poor juliette she’s besieged by a monsterous cal. could have done that. didn’t do that.
this is the WORST tack this could have taken. maybe WE are the monsters - CAL THEY REQUIRE EACH YOUNG VAMPIRE TO KILL TO LIVE ITS RITUAL AND EVERYTHING
hate this. Calliope should have been a cloud-haired confident teenager - hilariously trying to stake Juliette at school without getting caught - fighting her and being excited by it. speaking in the only language they know (hunt) and were taught (lethal violence) until they transcend it!. this aint enemies to lovers like it should be!!
YET. they don’t kill to live. the most important question has already been answered. they CAN drink without killing. so why require this one First Kill? why does Elinor have IDs in her drawer when she can drink without killing - and DOES. why the one first kill.
Elinor gets Juliette a snack. WHY. a young innocent woman? why not go to a hospital and pitch it to Juliette like a way to stop someone from suffering? Elinor is played like a manipulator but she’s dumb.
Juliette is already convinced she’s not a killer. How is that interesting? it’s rock solid. she’s not a killer. She’ll get shunned. Homophobia. 
She was supposed to have gotten a TASTE, and remember: never let them get away, and try to drain Cal at school any chance she gets. but then not follow through - so they just drift around each other, tensions ridiculously high, be the one running, remember she’s the one hunting, back and forth, back and forth, get caught in hilarious and crazy situations by people around them, have to think up lies together to get out. They learn they enjoy the same things. Everybody thinks they’ve started dating. Fake double date with Ben and Alex. They enjoy it. And they dont tell their families. Because then they might get....hurt. Juliette gets the chance to bite (calliope is knocked unconscious/is sleeping) - doesn’t. Calliope realises this.
Calliope catches Juliette in very serious blood-cry migraine-thirst episode one time and could easily stake her but - she’s just like...what is wrong with you.
Juliette says, i guess im just a bad monster. Calliope says, i guess im also a bad hunter.
They learn that they share over-achieving older siblings that they can never measure up to.
Calliope is like - do you need to kill to feed?
Juliette is like - i need to kill to live. (The pills work less and less.)
and then you get to the interesting part. Calliope is watching her waste away. Jules’ family is pressuring her to drain a human already! Ben is deeply CONCERNED - like you need to go to the doctor! Jules is like - I’ve found the one, and it can only be her. it’s Calliope. which is her way of not biting Ben, not hulking out in class, not killing somebody. She’s scared of herself, but she can’t stay home either where her family will pick up on how sick she is. By now, she knows when she goes bloodthirsty, Calliope can fight her. she knows if it’s Calliope, she’d rather live with her than kill her. But the first is not possible without the latter.
I think this is the moment Calliope’s family learns she’s found Legacies, because she’s looking for a way to save Jules, asking questions, reading Guild books.
Well done Calliope! Oh wonderful! Now’s your chance!
I think the thing Julliette and Calliope will find out is that vampires’ bites, if not fatal, are healed. How? How do they find out when Juliette goes into total deadly bloodthirst at the drop of a hat by now? (and that’s how vampires simply ARE, not just the first time, but everytime, once they bite, its hard to stop, and why would they and their instinct compells them to finish the hunt of anyone theyve bit (and this does explain Jules’ crush multiplying in intensity) - but Juliette did it once, can she do it again? can she feed without killing? this is the PRIME appeal of a vampire my dudes. the power of love overrules the overwhelming need to kill).
 anyway maybe Cal is hurt and Juliette gets very close and drools over the open wound (but a sexy one, like....idk...like....on the arm?) (and maybe Cal is paralysed and can’t stop her) (but Jules restrains herself) (she says: I’m getting better at resisting you. she thinks, Cal’s associated with comfort now) (Calliopes trust goes up) and the wound’s fine a half hour later. that would be pretty funny. this inspires Calliope’s her serious hypothesis that she could feed and live without killing.
Maybe all along vampires had assumed that they needed to kill when actually it’s not true.it’s just really really really hard not to.
‘if you don’t want to be a blade for the rest of your life’  WHO THE FUCK CARES LOL. what’s with this obsession with getting a better job or whatever
UNCLE tells Cal this way that she can NOT trust her friend/ex because she’ll tell teh nearest authority figure who will publicy shame Cal!!! OH MY GOD. what a safe space!
‘yes or no’. ?????? if a 17-year-old hunter has doubts, she may not express them or work through them in a healthy way ever. Guild Rule number 1.
THE VENOM CAN ALTER THE MIND. WHAT THE FUCK. so Cal’s questioning everything. and now she’s forever mind controlled oh my god.
this would be great to introduce the moment Cal had decided to risk everything for Juliette - then it would be delicious. She uses Guild resources, risks her family’s exposure, all to save Juliette. And then it turns out that that one bite could have influenced her feelings??? (special guild person tells her this, the hunt on legacies, sometimes legacies have been known to bite and be able to control themselves, the victims are different forever....do what the monsters want, betray the cause - everything Cal’s been doing). DRAMA BOMB. Juliette like - I....didn’t know that. I didn’t mean to! I never wanted....! HUGE BREAKUP MOMENT
Then Juliette is put in danger, Calliope saves her anyway, Juliette thanks her, says sorry. You can leave me. But Juliette is actually dying. She’s dying anyway. They kiss. Juliette is like - leave me. Seriously just leave me in the forest. I haven’t got the guts to kill you. I haven’t even got the strength anymore. Im just not cut out for this like my sister. I dont want to hurt Ben. I dont want to hurt anyone like Ben. I dont want to hurt you. And this way, you can show your family you’re a hunter, you can bring them here and one of us can do what they’re meant to do, be what they’re meant to be. Puts the stake in Calliope’s hand that she’d left at the scene of passion the first time.
And Calliope finds herself like, crying, in deep pain, trying to keep Juliette awake as she slips in and out of consciousness. And she realises, it doesnt MATTER whether it was Juliettes bite or not, she feels this now, she loves her NOW. and for good reason.
So Calliope uses that silver knife she didn’t manage to kill the ghoul with to slice open her arm and drips blood past Juliette’s still painted lips. and Juliette comes awake with monstrous strength, bites fast and it seems like the roles have reversed, Calliiope is dying.
And when Juliette wakes up she thinks she’s killed her.
But she hasn’t.
girlie drops the deets that a bite can mindcontrol you and cal understandably is like: i would never go against my family! and her brothers are like yeah! and nobody follows up on that piece of information as like: hey lets try and pin this down, make sure Cal’s ok.
Uncle Ben dropped this shit on everybody without even warning Cals parents his buds!!!
oh i forgot. THEY’VE SOMEHOW FIGURED OUT THAT ALL THE LEGACIES WILL BE THERE?????? AND!!!!! no backup from the guild. just 6 hunters or so going in.
How is Elinor not super freaked out right now. She should have offered up a fucking terminally ill grandma to Juliette. what the fuck!
somehow their mansion looks grubby in this low light
how is she resistant to drinking a glass of blood. but yeah - where does it come from. blood bank?
‘maybe it’ll be a stranger. maybe it’ll be Ben.’ yeaaaaaaaaa!!!!
that dress is horrific
HOW is Oliver related to these two lol
they leave Cal behind without even saying possibly goodbye forever!!!!
COOK - who has never even met Cal is the one who instantly identifies Jules as Cal’s vamp girlfriend. fascinating. oh and he tries to psych her out. wHY? is Cook a piece of shit suddenly?
How what how does her mother suddenly know she hasnt made her first kill?? so now she gets it. should have had a little talk beforehand so this wouldn’t have escalated
it’s like mom hasn’t had a hug in years, or hugged her in years
are vampires immortal???
why the fuck would juliette not be present for the spectacle her grandmother’s putting on
WHAT. WHAT THE FUCK LOL. Elinor first seems like a good older sister, helps Juliette calm down, tells her she’s got a plan, even taking into account her bullshit. THEN SHE KIDNAPS CAL FOR WHAT??? LIKE JULIETTE IS GONNA KILL HER???? you think you can tempt her???
was the thirst really a symptom of Elinor’s speaking. the moment Elinor is not focusing on Jules she goes back to trying to wake Cal up like no problem. I thought the taste of blood would have slightly more effect.
ah they’re gonna kill some random legacy family then
So Oliver is the nice brother. They split Elinor up to simplify the character. Oliver is literally her twin....
Ok so i guesss Oliver isn’t the nice brother. This was comign right? like - there’s no way these hunters didn’t think they might all die to this ??? my heart is fuckin bleeding for this girl losing her parents.
NICE on Apollo rekilling Oliver. honestly just keep rekilling him a couple of times
THAT BLOOD ON HER LIPS!!!!! tiny Juliette, revealed!!!! to the humans she loves most
cal is a terrible hunter. she did NOTHING to protect that guy lol
ok im starting to get into mother and father’s romance. im lovin it. she loves this guy to pieces, enough to defy her family and all of vamp high society. and now....she might be losing him. AND SHE LETS HIM DRINK HER BLOOD TO STRENGTHEN HIM DUDE THAT IS THE MOST DELICIOUS SHIT!!!!
finally we are getting to some actual ACTUAL vampire prime vampire emotions
ok that says they ARE immortal. good thing hunters are around or those vampires would quickly overpopulate and overpredate
why the fuck did the Guild think it would be a good idea to kidnap Cal. it seemed like a one-man action but it seems like the Guild was behind it.
Juliette seems totally chill having done the thing she was never gonna do
Cal’s just standing there. oh well i guess she knew what was up.
OK i’ve figured it out in my imaginary version of events. Juliette doesn’t kill Cal but recovers. They start sharing blood to keep Jules alive. This weakens Cal, she cant keep up with training, and Juliette is alive, but just as weak. Cal’s family notices. more importantly, Elinor notices. She figures it out, maybe she stumbles across a Juliette supporting a very drained Calliope, and shes like oh my god what the fuck. She tells them: this will last a couple of years only, itll delay things, but it wont fix things. Jules needs that KILL. She needs that FIRST KILL or she’ll never unlock being a full vampire and she’ll die slowly.
things escalate, Cal’s family realises that something is up, they put her under house arrest. the guild gets involved, evil guild guy uses Cal as a lure for Juliette, he doesnt care one bit about Cal and fam, ruthless competing guild families out there. Juliette saves Cal, Ben does indeed get involved, Ben is attacked and JULIETTE GOES MAD, JUST SUCKS THE DUDE DRY. MAKES THE KILL. as she did in the show. Ben and Cal are RIGHT! THERE! Jules looks exactly like the adorable monster she is. Everybody is freaking out, not just Ben. Ben because hes like WTF YOU WHAT, Cal because Juliette did that ‘on her watch’ and wow she really is A MONSTER she knew that but WOW SHE KILLED HIM, A HUMAN, and she didn’t stop it!!! and Jules because she’d just made the romantic pact with Cal that they’d take the years theyd have together until Juliette died from blood-weakness and then she’d tragically die and Cal would move on. She’d sworn she’d never drink from anyone but Cal. and now she did it - she killed somebody, drained him all the way, and oh god. and it felt so good. she’s wrecked but she’s not felt so good in what feels like YEARS. YEARS!!!! she can feel it burning in her, that blood, and this time, she knows, its strength will never leave her.
Cal looks so good with her hair up and in black
this arranged marriage stuff for Elinor vs. Grandmother is the first time im interested in the vampire lore. i like it. like it very much
the fic should definitely have that (i say the fic like im gonna write it). like juliette has first killed, she has first killed and grandmother is coming, and yes, cals family tries to kill everyone, and yes, dad gets hurt, and Elinor offers the deal.
wtf Talia is having a heart to heart with Oliver. that’s so contrived just to get Oliver to say his bit. ok thats bettter. screwdriverrrr
they really wander off
wtf. Cal invites Jules to talk about how it felt to rip a man’s throat out.okkkk?
‘how do you feel, seeing me do that’ ‘weird’ what. this writing is so damn cowardly for this relationship
‘but like i know you better now. i know what you’ll do for the people you care about’
THAT’s your takeaway??? you see your vamp gf kill somebody by draining them DRY and you’re like yah that was necessary absolutely
Cal is like: i dont know if what i feel for you is real bc you bit me
Juliette BRILLIANTLY counters this with: I KNOW MY FEELINGS FOR YOU ARE REAL!!!!
the writers for this show were like - we need makeouts in this guys. just most of all the makeouts should be in there.
oh they are having SEX - like actual SEX. ok. alright. that escalated quickly. honestly i forgot that that was a thing they could do that should go into the fanfic too. not this scenario. because this was the most tepid start to first-time impromptu forest sex ever. they should be having sex after the traumatic experience of breaking their promises. there’s a whole scene in which Juliette is upset and tries to reach for Cal but Cal backs away and Ben backs away and Juliette looks at her hands and they’re covered in blood. and Cal scrambles for a weapon and then...
anyway then in the storm of realising it’s not enough to part them they have sex
the dialogue between Juliette and Cal is the worst in this.sad they declawed the whole hostage situation
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bibiamor · 3 years
A college or university with lots of art and kids from cal kept dying. David the Italian stat the same time as his gf together he was actually a really sweet guy. The Russian girl who’s name was I era Petra, armaghun, . The Russian was a painter and her mom was Juliette Binoche and when they were unloading all her paintings which were mostly in huge frames I saw a replica I loved of a white tower in moonlight in the middle. It looked like a mystical building it was wide with many windows and a big frame maybe grey. She had it easily accessible because her parents were lpainters of in the art world and a woman called Juliette Binoche her mom on my behalf to ask if I could keep the painting and she had the wrong one in mind but she said of course crying that she would’ve wanted that and initially she showed me one of my paintings in big of fhs moon to one side it was like the one I did for me foley all on black in aloha
I was fiddling through so many picture frames. And a guy in french spoke to me saying he could get rid of it all with one hand he was like a simple guy
Earlier in the night just as I fell asleep for 30 mins not more I had set the intention to meet Jeremy and innediwfekt dreamt I was waiting so where’s and John came up and hugged and surprised me from behind. It was so lovely and warm to see him but I mediate I told him oh actually I’m expecting Jeremy to be here I already text him. I think it was John my guardian angel.
The night before obnoxious annoying lesbians again. One selling bread in public on a square.
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