#this took forever to cut out since the background was entirely red much like Caine
r0semultiverse · 1 month
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simpleb00x · 5 years
Chuck’s Angels (3)
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Warnings: fluff, angst, small bit of smut
Pairings: dean x reader (finally!)
A/N: here it is! Part 3! The next few chapters get juicy as well. Can’t wait to publish them! Enjoy.
Masterlist for Chuck’s Angels
Dean’s P.O.V.
I almost hit myself when she went off to have a shower. I must have said something. I must have. She makes deals with demons, hussles with angels and something he said made her upset? Something must have triggered her or maybe she has some messed up past...
“Sammy?” I asked into the phone. After some thinking I decided it wouldn’t hurt to do a background check. We didn’t actually know much about Bernedette Hill. Except for the fact that she ran a mafia like gang of girls. Crowley rang us, told us he was going to meet with her. Sam and I were eager of course, rumours go around and she apparently knows a little too much about the whole situation we were in. Crowley gave her fake information on Cain and The First Blade, and planted a tracker on her. The tracker had a microphone, so we heard the entire meeting.
“Yeah Dean?” Sam replied. “Can you run a background check on Bernedette?” I said. Sam chuckled. “Why? She acting weird or something?” He asked. I bit my lip, hearing the muffled sobs from the bathroom. “A little. I said something and she didn’t react well. Can you just see if she’s had any past with - I dunno - abusive parents? Toxic relationships? Shit like that.” I said to Sam. “Okay. I’ll call you back.” He replied before hanging up. I fiddled with my thumbs for a bit before turning back on the TV.
After about thirty minutes, I got a call back from Sam. “Yeah?” I said, picking the phone up. “You won’t believe what I found Dean. It’s insane.” Sam told me. My stomach dropped a little. I don’t know why I even cared about this girl. “So. Records of a woman named Bernedette Hill only go back around three years. Around the same time their gang thing started getting attention. But get this -,” Sam said. I was intruiged. “Around a month before Bernedette Hill began existing, a man was murdered in his apartment. They never found out who did it because anyone that took up the case, mysteriously died. Police have been terrified to deal with it since. Around two weeks before he died, his girlfriend went missing. His girlfriends name was y/n y/l/n, and according to y/n’s friends, he didn’t treat her very well.” Sam continued.
“Yeah?” I said. “Hell yeah. Dean she was in hospital. Multiple times. One time, a beer bottle was shattered over her head. Almost killed her. She said it was at a party that got out of control but there was no alcohol found in her system and no parties going on in the area. Another time, she had to get stitches from where a kitchen knife cut her. Dean this guy hurt her so bad.” Sam said. “So what are you saying? This girl y/n y/l/n, gets sick of her boyfriend treating her like shit, so she takes off, makes a new identity, and kills him. Where does the monsters and girl gang come into play?” I grumbled. Sam was making stupid connections again. “Wait. Here’s a picture of y/n y/l/n. Sending it to you now.” Sam said.
My heart stopped when I saw the picture. It was Bernedette. But younger. She was smiling and her hair was shorter. She was wearing less makeup as well. Her cheeks were rosy and she seemed so much happier. A man had his arm around her. He seemed older than her. But not too old to be considered weird. “Is that the guy?” I asked. “You bet.” Sam replied. “So Bernedette and y/n are the same person.” I muttered. “Excatly.” Sam confirmed. “Well at least she had one hell of a motive. I still don’t know where are the spooky stuff and mafia shit came in - but at least we know who she is now.” I said. Just then I heard the shower turn off. “Okay Sammy. I gotta go now. Thanks.” I said hanging up.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I stepped out of the bathroom, wearing only a white towel I found in the bathroom. “Hi.” Dean said, his apple green eyes tracing over every bit of exposed skin. I glared at him. “Hey. Do you have anything I can wear? All I have is that dress...” I said. “Sure.” He muttered. Why was he being so nice? Did he hear me crying? God I hope not.. After going through his duffel back for a while, he handed me a black t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. They both looked massive. “The sweatpants are ajustable.” He said, noticing my looks. I shrugged and took them. Walking back to the bathroom to get changed. The clothes were comfortable. They smelt like whiskey and leather. And motel shampoo.
I used the hairdryer in the bathroom to dry my hair so it wasn’t dripping. I had no products so my hair was kinda frizzy, but it’s fine. I left my dress on the cabinet and went back out to Dean, who was lying on the bed now. “Woah.” He said as I walked out. “What?” I snapped back. “Your hair looks nice when you don’t put so much effort into it. You’re really pretty too. Without all the makeup I mean.” He said casually. I stopped in my tracks and my face flushed a bright red. “I -,” I started. Dean chuckled. “Now you’re blushing. Cute.” He cut me off.
Where was this new attitude coming from? I wasn’t complaining or anything, but it was surprising to say the least. “Listen, I’m sorry for getting a bit mad back there. I just haven’t had sex in at least two months.” He said. I snorted. “Wow. Must be painful.” I said. “Why? How long has it been for you?” He asked, sitting up on the bed, crossing his legs like a child. I sat on the edge and faced him. Mimicking the crossed legs. “Why should I tell you?” I said with a smirk. “Come on. Please?” He said. I laughed. “Okay. Seven months.” I told him. “Seven months!? You’re kidding right?” Dean said. He looked surprised. I shrugged.
“Wanna change that?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” I replied. “You and me. Here. Now. What do you say?” He said smiling. I scoffed. “Are you insane? Last time I checked you just kidnapped me.” I replied. “Oh come on. Just one night. No one has to know.” He shuffled closer on the bed and his voice lowered. “Dean..” I whispered. He was about an inch away from my face now. His big green eyes staring into mine. “No one has to know..” he trailed off, his lips slowly meeting mine.
I found myself kissing back. Surprisingly. My arms went around the back of his neck and he grabbed my hips, pulling me on top of him. I groaned, it’s been forever since I’ve been kissed like this. He slowly pushed me down onto the bed, us still kissing. He hovered over me, his eyes tracing every inch of my body. “Do you want this?” He whispered. I nodded. He grinned. That’s all he needed to know.
Under the covers, I found myself wrapped in Dean’s arms. His head buried in my hair. He fell alseep soon after. Must have been tired. I slowly untangled myself from him and got out of bed. Slipping on the clothes he gave me. Grabbing the keys on the side of the bed, I went to leave. But I turned around, saw Dean peacefully sleeping. His sandy hair and freckles was attractive for sure. I leaned forward and kissed him gently on the forehead. “Bye Dean. I’m sorry.” I whispered, as I walked out of the motel room and didn’t look back.
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