#this show was our mental illness manifested <33
the-phantom-peach · 5 months
I saw your Sypha post and didn’t know you liked castlvania?? Do you happen to have more art of it? (unless you don’t want to ofc)
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Yes i do! I had a load of doodles i made while rewatching Castlevania and Nocturne with a friend of mine and making dumb jokes. Please enjoy <3
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sparksinthenight · 3 years
Advice for Little Me
This is advice that I have for my twelve-year-old self. If I’d known all this at twelve my life would be a whole lot better.
1) Capitalists are horrible, manipulative, lying, selfish, apathetic, overwhelmingly dangerous, incredibly bad for society, wrong, and deeply disturbed.
2) Anyone who ever says or insinuates that they earned the wealth they have are the worst types of people.
3) Anyone who goes around measuring the value of a human being by how fancy their job is incredibly shallow, materialistic, lacking in understanding, and not worth your time.
4) No. No people did not "earn" anything through hard work. They got it through privilege, privilege, privilege, and privilege. The fact that they could afford a decent quality highschool education is already a huge privilege. And no, being poor when they were in college absolutely does not count as not having privilege. They got to go to college. That’s a privilege so many don’t get.
5) You know who's actually working hard? The people in the sweatshops, the mines, the agricultural plantations, the warehouses, etc. The people getting paid poverty wages as they work themselves to death. Have some fucking respect for them you’re not above them just because you were born in a rich family.
6) All humans have equal value.
7) And the value of a human being is inherent.
8) If you have a house and fancy furniture and a flatscreen TV and a car and a closet full of clothes and enough money to go to restaurants and golfing and shit and then you turn around and say you're oppressed I fucking hate you so goddamn much.
9) The voices of the poor people are fucking ALWAYS silenced in this world, all over the world.
10) There's men in suits somewhere defending capitalism and our centrist dads are defending them while most of the world are wage slaves.
11) The poor are always ignored, pushed to the side, and silenced.
12) Hi. Hello person reading this. Check out the Red Deal. It's fucking awesome. Please read it. It will save your soul and change your life.
13) Also my Wattpad account is here please check it out https://www.wattpad.com/user/Balladoad it won't save your soul and change your life but I write communist stories.
14) Your value is inherent. Child. Darling. Your value is inherent. You are alive. That is enough. You don't need a fancy job or a big income or a fancy degree or something. You're a human being trying to do the best you personally can with the resources and knowledge you have and in the situation you're in. Your value is inherent. Baby.
15) Check out the Red Deal.
16) Nobody is liberated. None of us are liberated. Especially under capitalism none of us are liberated. We are all equal. We are all capable of being free. Of having an equal amount of power. Of making decisions equally and democratically where everyone has a seat at the round table. Seperation is a myth. Wow that sounds like a fucking hippie thing to say but I mean it in the most practical, tangible way. We are all equal and we should be treated equally and under capitalism we are not. Not even close. We can all be together, all be comrades, all help and support each other, all protect and provide for each other, all listen to and understand each other, and all create a world where finally, finally people are free.
17) True freedom does not and should not feel forced. Corporate capitalists tell us that freedom is the ability to be successful in the capitalist framework. That is not what true freedom is. True freedom comes from within. It does not feel forced. It feels good and right and beautiful and true. It's not forced upon you it's something that sparks to life inside your own soul.
18) Sucess as a human being is about the kindness and compassion you show other people. Which is actually rather inversely proportional to how much money you make from what I've seen. At every step of your life seek out people who need help and help them.  
19) Children should all be treated with equal respect, reverance, affection, and love.
20) Your value is inherent. Human value is inherent. Valuing human life does mean valuing the continuation of human life but not just that. It means valuing the quality of human life too. It means valuing human happiness.
21) Take every opportunity you have to learn. Not learn trivial "knowledge" about string theory or CRISPR or valence orbitals. Real, important knowledge about how to be kind to other people. How to be respectful towards other people. How to uplift the downtrodden. How to be in solidarity with the oppressed. How to live in harmony with other people. How to tear down the walls that divide us. How to live in harmony with nature. How to have respect and reverence for nature. How to protect and defend the Land and Water. How to be brave to put the needs of others before your own. How to think for yourself and be your own person. How to live your life in accordance to the truth and intangible mystic forces behind everything that guide us all. Wow that sounded hippie.
22) People are exploited and oppressed. So many people are exploited and oppressed. They deserve better than this.
23) You shouldn’t go after power. Seeking power is the way to corruption. You should seek to destroy the unequal distribution of power itself so that all people can have equal power.
24) Absolutely power corrupts absolutely. Power corrupts whenever it’s not equally shared.
25) Money is power. It always has been, it always will be. It’s what determines if people are able to eat or not. It’s what makes us spend most of our time at our jobs working for our bosses and doing what they want us to do.
26) Learn history. Please.
27) Read books about the Holocaust. About slavery. About all the types of slavery that have happened in various societies not just the Transatlantic Slave Trade though definitely you should learn about that too. About the Irish Potato Famine, the Armenian Genocide. About colonialism. About settler-colonialism. About feudalism. About monarchy. About the Industrial Revolution. About segregation. About the genocide of Indigenous peoples. About workhouses. About the Witch Trials. About the French Revolution. About the Spanish resistance against fascism. About residential schools. About the 60s Scoop. About the Stolen Generations. About resistance against the Roman Empire. About so much more. Just read them. Make sure they’re not written through the lenses of oppressors and/or rich people though.
28) Recognize that while history affects the present day history IS NOT the present day and present struggles are unique and different though not altogether separated from history. The present day is the present day. It’s struggles are unique and the way that the struggle for universal equality and liberation manifests in the present day is unique.
30) Don’t trust Christian priests.
31) Actually be cautious of any rich, privileged person trying to teach you religion.
32) Just because someone’s older doesn’t mean that they’re right or they know more than you. Knowledge of the truth and wisdom comes from kindness, compassion, humility, and suffering. It does not come from age. A rich man born to a rich family who thinks he’s better than poor people and does not have humility and respect towards them is not someone who knows things, no matter how old he is.
33) Men are generally less trustable than women because they’ve been taught to believe they’re always right and as such do not question themselves and think deeply and critically about their opinions as much as women do.
34) This does not apply to men who are poor or mentally ill since society never teaches them that.
35) Despite this being an unpopular opinion, pain and struggle are actually really good teachers. If you’re suffering, you deserve better. You deserve to not be suffering. But still, use it as an opportunity to learn.
37) Gender roles are the biggest scam ever created.
38) But the even bigger scam is capitalism.
39) You do not need material wealth. It is inherently addictive and bad for yourself, everyone else, and the Land and Water.
40) It’s just stuff. It doesn’t matter.
41) If you’re in a situation where people are treating you like you’re better than other people just get the fuck out of that situation as fast as you can. And never fucking look back no matter what ANYONE says.
42) Have respect and reverence for nature. Learn from it as much as you can. But from like, nature directly. Not from people talking about nature. Unless they’re Indigenous. And pristine, untouched nature is better than nature that’s been tampered with.
43) The world runs on bonds of love more than bonds between atoms.
44) Work hard not for money or to increase the power you have but rather to humbly and reverently improve the lives of the oppressed.
45) But recognize that you can’t do everything and do what you can and don’t beat yourself up over the things you can’t do.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Dark Knight: Why Heath Ledger’s Joker is Still Scary Today
It’s one of the great villain introductions in cinema history. Standing with a slight hunch at the center of a massive 70mm image, Heath Ledger’s interpretation of the Joker not so much dominates the frame as he commandeers it. He seduces the IMAX camera, which is still capturing vast amounts of Chicago’s cityscape around him, and draws it closer to his sphere of influence, and by extension us. Before this moment in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight, the director’s Gotham City functioned with clocklike precision. Even its greatest villains were slaves to the need of rationalizing everything in cold, utilitarian logic.
Not the Joker.
Within our first breath next to Ledger’s clown, one senses a malevolent spirit has been summoned, and he’s chosen to manifest out of thin air at this exact moment, on this exact street corner. He’s come to claim Gotham’s collective soul, but he’ll settle for any individual with delusions of virtue who crosses his path—including you.
This is of course just a fleeting moment in The Dark Knight; a brisk tease before Ledger’s shown his makeup-encrusted face or uttered even a word. In fact, Nolan and the actor dole out the character with impressive restraint: first as a masked Mephistopheles who is primarily a sing-song-y voice until he unmasks at the end of a bravura bank robbery. Later he becomes an actual narrative presence when he shows up again more than 20 minutes into the film, demonstrating for Gotham’s criminal underworld how to perform a magic trick.
As an isolated performance, there’s an argument to be made that none has ever been finer in the realm of superhero movies. Sure, there’ve been showy turns before and since in comic book blockbusters; there have even been great interpretations of the Joker before and after Ledger. Yet what the actor was able to do in 2008 transfixed audiences because he, like the character, had the freedom to bend the film to his will—even as Nolan prevented the movie from simply becoming merely a showcase for the performance.
With the grungy strung out hair of an addict who hasn’t showered in three months, greasy self-applied pancake makeup, and a grisly Glasgow smile that’s as unnerving as it is uneven (suggesting perhaps half of it was self-inflicted to make a matching set of scars), Ledger’s anarchist supervillain was a long way from Jack Nicholson’s hammy version of the same character in 1989. For audiences, and even comic book fans baying for something darker than Nicholson, it was abrasive in its time—and electrifying, like a punk rocker leaping into the mosh pit. Indeed, Ledger reportedly based the character’s appearance in part on the Sex Pistols’ Johnny Rotten, and there is more than a hint of Tom Waits’ gravel in Ledger’s cadence whenever the clown growls.
But more than aesthetic culture shock, the enduring horror (and not-so-secret appeal) of Ledger’s Joker lies in the effect he has on the film, both in terms of its narrative storytelling and its enduring pop culture standing. Speaking strictly about this Joker as a character, the villain is off screen for far more of The Dark Knight’s running time than he’s on it. Appearing in only 33 minutes of The Dark Knight’s epic 152-minute running time, the average length of a Hollywood spectacle passes without the Joker on screen. Yet he’s omnipresent in the film, a shadow that hangs over each of Nolan’s three relatively equal protagonists: vigilante Batman (Christian Bale), police lieutenant James Gordon (Gary Oldman), and district attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart).
Nolan and his brother and co-screenwriter, Jonathan Nolan, have admitted the setup is somewhat inspired by another quintessential blockbuster, Steven Spielberg’s Jaws. In both films, three disparate, combative male authority figures band together for a mythic battle against a presence so malignant and evil, it transcends being simply a shark or a madman in makeup—or even a comic book supervillain. Like that beast, Joker has no arc, no psychological growth, he’s a force of primal evil unbounded. And as the heroes’ battle against him creeps on, it seems like the sanity of their entire community is being dragged into the abyss.
This framing allows Ledger’s Joker to functionally be a catch-all stand-in for many of the social anxieties that kept American audiences up at night during the Bush years. Some of them still do today. There are of course obvious implications to the Joker being the terrorist, the non-state actor who cannot be negotiated with, and who doesn’t play by preconceived rules or notions of fairness. There is also shading of the lone wolf, the usually male gunman who inexplicably pulls the trigger. Most of all though, the Joker represents the hole in which much of humanity’s irrational predilections toward violence is collectively stored and ignored by our cultural memory… until it can’t be.
As Michael Caine’s Alfred Pennyworth famously reasons, “Some men aren’t looking for anything logical like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” That summation of staring into irrational, needless cruelty is what gives The Dark Knight bite. And what a sharp bite it is in moments like when Ledger’s Joker laughs manically at the Batman, our ostensible hero who’s resorted to pummeling (or torturing) the villain in an interrogation room. The clown gloats, “You have nothing to threaten me with, nothing to do with all your strength.”
This is why the Joker is such an effective villain for The Dark Knight’s parable about how best to use moral power in immoral (i.e. irrational) times—and perhaps why the thrill of Ledger’s performance was so strong on first glance that it powered him all the way to a posthumous Oscar in the Best Supporting Actor category seven months after the film’s release.
Still, Ledger’s Joker, more than any other movie villain in recent memory, continues to haunt well after that Oscar night. The mental image of the character slipping his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, like a cobra, and licking his scars—a tic Ledger invented to keep his prosthetics in place while upping the creep factor—has stayed with us like a subconscious boogeyman. Thirteen years on from The Dark Knight’s release, Ledger’s depiction of the Clown Prince of Crime has gone down in the annals of cinema alongside Anthony Hopkins’ Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs or, well, that shark in Jaws again. He’s an enigmatic and mysterious persona who is barely seen in his film, yet unmistakably casts a pall of evil over the whole proceeding.
We don’t know why Ledger’s Joker actually became the way he is, or what made him so obsessed with the Batman—to the point where he was inspired to put on “war paint” and declare his love for the Caped Crusader by saying, “You complete me!” The Joker gives multiple versions of his origin story in The Dark Knight, telling one mobster played by Michael Jai White that he’s a victim of an abusive father while later recounting to Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal) that he scarred his own face to cheer up his similarly disfigured wife. Both tales are of course lies, transparent manipulations intended to prey upon perceived vulnerabilities in his victims. This touch was inspired by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland’s The Killing Joke where the comic book Joker provides the reader with a sob story flashback, and then confesses he probably made it up.
“If I’m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice,” he says on the page.
Read more
Joker: 6 Actors Who Have Played the Clown Prince of Crime
By David Crow
The Dark Knight, The Joker, and Game Theory
By Ryan Lambie
The Nolan brothers understand the horror of this, and they keep the Joker a manipulative and inscrutable evil. Beyond obvious sociopathic tendencies, we know nothing about his inner-psychology and barely can ferret out his real motives beyond an odd devotion to maintaining Batman’s attention. He claims to be an agent of chaos who wants to “just do things,” yet his meticulously planned attacks belie this claim. In the end, he sees himself in a battle for “Gotham’s soul.” Like Amity Island’s Great White Leviathan, or the original incomprehensible nature of Thomas Harris’ cannibal serial killer in the earliest books, we never know the truth about why he is, and how he’s able to do what he does.
That mystery makes him live on in our own heads for years after the story ends and the credits roll.
It’s interesting to consider that effect now, after years of pop culture storytelling going in the completely opposite direction, particularly in comic book movies and other fanboy-driven media. Rather than find satisfaction in the inexplicability of evil, or standalone visions, we like to rationalize it and sympathize with it, even while glorifying it. Most of all, however, we insatiably seem to simply want more.
The need for endless content being generated by intellectual property has led to prequels, sequels, and even spinoffs that explore and too often redeem villains. Even the Joker himself is not wholly immune to this.
Since 2008, there have been two big screen versions of the Joker. Jared Leto and Joaquin Phoenix both had the unenviable task of stepping into Ledger’s shadow, with at least one of them being dwarfed by it. Leto’s attempts at “method acting” stunts on the set of Suicide Squad shows what can go wrong when scenery-chewing is mistaken with Strasberg.
Phoenix obviously fared better in his own Joker movie two years ago, making the actor the second performer to win an Oscar for playing the comic book villain. However, his film’s interpretation is diametrically opposed to Ledger’s enigma. Instead Phoenix’s film attempts to rationalize everything about the character, depicting the Joker as a mentally ill sad sack whose motivations are borrowed from other iconic movie screen villains and anti-heroes like the mother-obsessed Norman Bates (Psycho) and ticking time bomb Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver).
It still makes for a fascinating (if unoriginal) portrait, but one divorced from the terror of the unknown. We understand who Phoenix’s Joker is and why he is. Society, man. Phoenix’s Joker even outright states it before murdering not-Johnny Carson (Robert De Niro). “What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? I’ll tell you what you get, you get what you fucking deserve!”
Technically, Phoenix’s Joker appears closer to our reality and our daily horrors. With clown makeup inspired by real-life serial killer John Wayne Gacy and preening self-pity parties resembling the manifestos of so many mass murderers, Phoenix’s Arthur Fleck is modeled as much off nightly news nightmares as comic book panels. Writer-director Todd Phillips is inelegantly blatant about it.
Nevertheless, whatever ugly truth there may be in that approach, it’s not as haunting, or exhilarating, to witness as what Ledger did in his own rock star interpretation of evil. Save for a blink-and-you-miss-it insert shot, we never see Ledger with the makeup off. And while he might indulge in mocking “society,” he is a character who says more by basking in the chaos of a city in terror, literally sticking his head out of a stolen police car like a dog with the wind in his hair and our horror on his face. It’s a more enduring image than a didactic conversation about insecurities with a father figure. Thirteen years later, Ledger’s version of the character continues to confound, horrify, and ultimately thrill. He still has the last laugh.
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occultspirits-blog · 5 years
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Chaldeans v.s. Pythagoreans: Ready, Set, Start Your Number Fight!
Hi all and welcome to Spirit's Throwback Thursday blog post. Today I wanted to discuss Numerology and it's origins. Numerology is a belief that the divine sends us messages through numbers, words (like your name) and synchronicities. In this time it is considered a divination tool, but this was not always the case. There are two main branches of numerology, Pythagorean and Chaldean. These branches differ slightly from one another while still maintaining the belief that numbers were equivalent to divine truths. For the sake of ease we will be discussing the two most popular, Chaldean and Pythagorean.
Pythagoras was born in Samos (a Greek island in the Aegean Sea) in the year 570 B.C. Pythagoras is most famous for the Pythagorean Theorem (A squared plus B squared equals C squared), so the squared sums of the two sides of a right triangle are equal to the squared value of the hypotenuse. But many seem to ignore the fact that Pythagoras was an astrologist, numerologist, musician and a spiritual Guru. Pythagoras had an ability to contact enlightened souls, who helped him discover all his previous lives, and make predictions. His teachings stated that every planet had a signature sound, and the sound was represented by numbers. He then taught that the numbers each had separate characteristics, and meaning to our lives.
The following is the references used in Pythagorean numerology.
Add all the numbers up in a person's name and then reduce to single digit. For example: Gloriann Cruz Albino would be: 7+3+6+9+1+5+5+3+9+3+8+1+3+2+9+5+6= 85, then reduce: 8+5=13, reduce again: 1+3=4. In this case 4 is the name number. The only numbers not reduced are 11 and 22 the master numbers.
Number 1: The light side: initiative, leadership, individuality, bravery, executive ability. On the dark side, selfishness, laziness, aggressiveness, narcissism.
Number 2: The light side: cooperation, harmony, love,partnership and finesse. On the dark side: over sensitivity, untactful, timid, indecision.
Number 3: The light side: artistic, creative, self expression, imagination, social, and cheerful. On the dark side: pessimistic, loose lipped, tends to exaggerate.
Number 4: The light side: constructive, systematic, practical, keeping order, builder,industrious. The dark side: lack of imagination, argumentative, very serious, ill health.
Number 5: The light: constructive, freedom, sexuality, versatility, knowledge, entertainment and amusement. The dark: changeability, carelessness, restlessness, nervousness, Jack/ Jill of all trades, master of none.
Number 6: The light: artistic, responsible, love of home and children, care about the welfare of others, unselfish. The dark: being too sensitive, coldness, nervousness, skepticism, lonely.
Number 7: The light: spirituality, the occult, analysis, researcher, wisdom. The dark: selfishness, laziness, aggressiveness and self centered.
Number 8: The light: executive ability, organization, authority, judgement, and administration. The dark: impatience, love of recognition, lack of humanitarianism, materialistic.
Number 9: The light: generous, humanitarian, sympathetic, selflessness, divine connection. The dark: moody, impulsive, must learn selfishness, careless with money, attracted to a life beyond their means.
Number 11: The light: intuition, illumination, inspiration, spirituality and prophetic abilities. The dark: too sensitive, nervousness, tension, impracticality and shyness.
Number 22: The light: materialism, spiritual master, practical and guiding light. The dark: conflict between inner feelings and practicality and attraction to magic.
While using this divination to figure things out about yourself if the number is from letters make sure you use your birth given name. For example 4 is my name number, which means the following. The light side: constructive, systematic, practical, keeping order, builder,industrious. The dark side: lack of imagination, argumentative, very serious, ill health.
Chaldean Numerology has been in use since the Babylonian era. There is a difference between Chaldean and Pythagorean Numerology, Chaldeans believed you could use the name that you are know by (nickname). Another major difference is that Chaldeans used the birth date number ( number of the day you were born on). This number reflects the personality and health of the native. The final major difference is that Chaldeans interpreted numbers 1 through 52, to symbolize the weeks in a year. Following is a letter to number analysis.
The numbers 1 through 9 are related to, how the native appears in the eyes of another, and the physical and material sides of things.
Number 1: male, yang, self consciousness, originality, independence, aggressive, unique, creative, dominant, the leader.
Number 2: pair, duo, feminine, yin, seeking unions, choice, adaptable, tactful, understanding, gentle, cautious, a follower.
Number 3: manifestation, expansion, creativity, the performer, expansive, sociable, dramatic, communicative and diversified.
Number 4: dependable, attuned to the four seasons, law, order, balance, harmony, secure, stable, stability, endurance and discipline.
Number 5: vital force, freedom, change, adventure, charisma, versatility, resourceful, adaptive, change, activity, travel, promotion and speculation.
Number 6: conscientious, desire to be in harmony, truth, justice, has a good sense of balance, loving , compassionate.
Number 7: answer seeker, asks the difficult questions, solitude is needed, looks to converse with others that are like minded, introspective, intuitive, analytic, inspirational, reclusive, philosophical and mystical.
Number 8: infinity, power, achieved control, responsible, recognition, expansion and growth.
Number 9: complete cycle of growth, selfless, compassionate, wants to help others at all cost, love, compassion, patience and service.
Double digits (compound numbers) show hidden influences, that play a role in life now and in the future.
Number 10: honor, faith, confidence, rise and fall.
Number 11: gives warning of hidden dangers, trials, or treachery. This person will have great hardships to grow through.
Number 12: suffering, anxiety, seen as the sacrifice or the victim at the hands of others.
Number 13: change of plans or place, non fortunate, upheaval , destruction, havoc wreaking power, warning of the unknown,
Number 14: movements, combinations, threats of natural forces, fortunate for dealings with money, small element of risk or danger.
Number 15: occult significance, magic, mystery, but this is only used in selfish ways.
Number 16: gives a warning of a strange fatality awaiting the querent, danger of accidents, and one being defeated,
Number 17: highly spiritual, the number of immortality, legacy,
Number 18: materialism striving to destroy spirituality of nature, bitter quarrels, social upheaval, revolutions, a warning of treachery , deception, danger from the elements,
Number 19: fortunate and favorable, happiness, success, esteem and honor
Number 20: a call to action, great purpose, is a very spiritual number, that is not conducive to the material world.
Number 21: advancement, honors, elevation of life , general success, victory, determination.
Number 22: warning of illusion of delusion, a good person living in a "fool's paradise" , a dreamer of fierce dreams and false judgement.
Number 23:a promise of success, help, and protection.
Number 24: fortune, promises, assistance, gain through love.
Number 25: strength gained through experience, observation.
Number 26: grave warnings for the future, foreshadows disaster, ruin and bad advice.
Number 27: promise of authority, power, command,reward comes for production.
Number 28: full of contradictions, loss through trust, opposition and competition in trade, danger of loss through law, likelihood of having to begin life over and over again.
Number 29: uncertainties, treachery, deception, trials, tribulations, unexpected danger, unreliable friends, and grief.
Number 30: thoughtful deduction, retrospection, and mental superiority.
Number 31: self contacted, lonely and isolated.
Number 32: magical power, it is fortuitous if judgements and opinions are held back.
Number 33: no meaning of its own, uses 24 or sometimes 6.
Number 34: Has the same meaning as 25 or 7
Number 35: Same meaning as 26 or 8
Number 36: Has the same meaning as 27 or 9
Number 37: good and fortunate friendships, love and connection.
Number 38: Has same meaning as 29.
Number 39: Has same meaning as 30
Number 40: Has the same meaning as 31.
Number 41: Has the same meaning as 32.
Number 42: Has the same meaning as 24.
Number 43: revolution, upheaval, strife, failure and failure.
Number 44: Has the same meaning as 26.
Number 45: Has the same meaning as 27
Number 46: Has the same meaning as 37.
Number 47: Has the same meaning as 29.
Number 48: Has the same meaning as 30.
Number 49: Has the same meaning as 31.
Number 50: Has the same meaning as 32.
Number 51: power, the nature of the warrior , promises sudden advancement, favorable for those in military life and leaders of any cause.
Number 52: Has the same meaning as 43.
In conclusion Pythagoreans use numbers 1-9, 11 and 22. While Chaldeans use numbers 1-52. All believe that numbers are a intricate part of life. So as a Numerologist myself, I use the Pythagoras system. But just as any other divination systems, numerology is 90% belief. Blessed be.
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Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Case Studies
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A Neurological Presentation of Intravascular Large B-cell Lymphoma: a Rare Cause of Multi-Territory Strokes
Authored by J Newman
Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma (ILBCL) affects one in a million people. Here it presented as dysphasia and leg weakness in a forty-five-year-old woman with a history of mental health issues. The initial investigations showed multi-territory infarcts for which we were unable to find a treatable cause. Her condition progressed and she unfortunately died. Although rare, ILBCL ought to be included in differential diagnoses of multi-territory strokes, however, the diagnosis is commonly made post-mortem. Here we discuss common presentations of ILBCL. We note the proximity of her worsening psychiatric symptoms to the time of her death.
Keywords: Lymphocyte cells; Psychiatric symptoms; Intracerebral haemorrhage; Neurological manifestations; Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma
Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma is a rare subset of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma that involves the pathological proliferation of lymphocyte cells within capillaries and other small blood vessels [1], causing their occlusion.
As the clonal proliferation is intra-vascular there is relative sparing of the surrounding tissue, making it more difficult to diagnose. The presenting symptoms vary according to the organ affected, although the skin and nervous system are common. When occlusion occurs intra-cerebrally the result is often a stroke.
The importance of identifying the aetiology of stroke in the afflicted patient is well recognised, as it can help direct management and treatment. This is particularly relevant to patients with multi-territory strokes, recurrent strokes, and those who are affected at a young age.
Our patient had worsening psychiatric symptoms leading up to her final admission and diagnosis. We note the proximity of these events, as psychiatric symptoms of ILBCL are poorly documented.
Case Report
A forty-five-year-old Caucasian woman was seen in the emergency department at a tertiary hospital in the UK. She presented with a two-day history of mumbling speech and acting withdrawn, left-sided leg and facial weakness, and right arm spasms. She had a background of depression and had presented acutely to community and hospital psychiatric services 5 months prior to this admission (we do not know the nature of that presentation). Her current medication included olanzapine 10mg daily and venlafaxine MR 300mg daily. Initial examination demonstrated an up-going right plantar response but no other focal neurology.
A CT head scan revealed low attenuation signal changes in the right cerebellar and right frontal lobes. Although her presentation appeared more psychiatric than organic, she was kept in to investigate her symptom complex and CT findings.
A subsequent MRI head demonstrated multiple areas of restricted diffusion in different vascular territories (Figure 1a). There were also foci of high T2 signal changes in the supra-tentorial white matter, with some demonstrating restricted diffusion. Considering the different territories, and different ages of these lesions, a cardio-embolic source was the most likely cause of these infarcts. Her trans-thoracic echocardiogram (TTE) was normal, as was her carotid Doppler. A lumbar puncture showed normal CSF. At this point she developed episodes of seizures corroborated by EEG.
We undertook investigations for lymphoma, and the blood tests showed little except a raised lactate dehydrogenase (LDH 400iU, plasma viscosity normal, blood film normal, haemoglobin 115g/L). We also discussed the possibility of vasculitis. However, her blood results and MR Angiogram did not show any positive findings.
A full-body CT scan was performed to look for other neoplastic lesions, but this was normal. We started high-dose corticosteroids as an empirical treatment for vasculitis.
Two weeks after this, she started to deteriorate. Her seizures became more frequent and her dysphasia more pronounced. A repeat MRI brain (Figure 1b) showed an increase in size of the lesions in the medial frontal and parietal lobes. New lesions in the corpus callosum and left thalamus showed restricted diffusion. The cerebellar, right medial frontal and parietal lesions enhanced with contrast. Long- and short-term MRI head spectroscopy did not show any evidence of a lactate peak to suggest mitochondrial disorder. This picture was consistent with a diagnosis of vasculitis.
Her condition continued to decline. Her GCS dropped to 7 and did not fluctuate, a repeat CT head revealed a right-sided intracerebral haemorrhage (Figure 2). Given the multitude of insults and progressive nature of her symptoms the difficult decision was taken to adopt a palliative approach for her symptoms. She died a day later.
Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma is a rare subset of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), affecting one in a million people [2]. First characterised in 1959 [3], it is known colloquially as “the great imitator” [2] due to its diverse range of presentations. It causes disease by a clonal expansion of lymphocytes within small blood vessels [1] resulting in end-organ damage. In retrospective analyses of case reports, around 90% of intravascular lymphomas are of B-cell origin. Unlike other NHL presentations, there is relative sparing of the lymph nodes [4].
There are two forms of ILBCL, Western and Asian. The former presents, as in this case, with neurological or dermatological symptoms [4]. The Asian variant typically presents with multi-organ failure, pancytopenia, fever and bone marrow involvement.
Common manifestations of the Western variant are dermatological (nodes, plaques, nodules, purpura etc.) and neurological (Table 1). Neurological manifestations are present in two thirds of patients and can include mental status changes, seizures, paralysis, aphasia, dementia, motor deficits, neuropathies, paraesthesias and cerebral haemorrhage as well as many others [5].
One meta-analysis [2] published a table of presenting features from seven major studies. Of the 154 patients, 54% presented with CNS involvement, 45% with cutaneous involvement, and 41% with fever. Two of the most common biochemical findings associated with ILBCL are a raised lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in up to 90% of cases, and anaemia in two thirds of cases [4]. There may also be a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate, weight loss or fever.
The diagnosis of ILBCL is made by biopsy [6] of affected tissue, which typically shows malignant lymphoid cells in the lumen of the small blood vessels. One of the difficulties in diagnosing this disease comes from the intravascular location of the pathological cells, and the sparing of surrounding tissue making it difficult to identify pathological cells on biopsy (Figure 2). Bone marrow involvement with positive biopsies have been shown in about one third of patients [4]. There is also evidence that for all presentations, a biopsy of macroscopically normal skin is over 80% sensitive as a test for ILBCL [6], providing an alternative to brain biopsy.
Contrasting theories exist as to why these B-cells have a predilection for capillaries. One theory posits the pathological expression of certain cluster differentiation factors (CD11a and CD49d), which enhances binding to capillary epithelium expressing ligands for these factors (CD54 and CD106) [7]. The other suggests that an absence of surface molecules (CD29 and CD54) disrupts lymphocyte homing and leads to an aggregation in small vessels [8]. It may be that as well as understanding the pathogenesis of this illness, elucidation of any aberrant surface molecule expression may also aid the development of target-specific treatments.
If it is identified early, ILBCL can be treated with anthracycline-based chemotherapy regimens. Typically, cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin, oncovin, and prednisolone (CHOP) therapy is used –with rituximab in patients with specific B-cell markers. This shows better response and higher rates of remission than alternative regimes [9]. However, only 33% of treated patients survive 3 years [9].
Cutaneous presentations of ILBCL have a better prognosis than other variants [4]. Factors indicating a poor prognosis include elevated LDH and advanced disease with presence in several sites [10].
When considering differential diagnoses it is important to consider ILBCL as a well-recognised cause of stroke (ischaemic or haemorrhagic) despite its low incidence.
This case is important as it demonstrates a specific neurological presentation of ILBCL and illustrates the difficulty of making a diagnosis, as well as the aggressiveness of the condition. We should also not dismiss worsening psychiatric conditions as being a manifestation of the illness – however unlikely – given the close temporal association.
Learning Points
a) Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma often presents with neurological symptoms (in North America and Europe) and is a rare cause of multi-territory infarcts.
b) The intravascular confinement of the clonal expansion of pathological B-cells causes end organ damage by ischaemia.
c) Diagnosis is made by tissue or bone marrow biopsy; but being intravascular it is usually made post-mortem.
d) Biopsy of macroscopically normal skin also has the potential to be diagnostic.
e) Raised LDH and anaemia are common findings.
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What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Peevish Bowel Syndrome (IBS) comprises of various manifestations. The most widely recognized indications of IBS are stomach torment and strange inside propensities. Numerous patients with IBS get crampy stomach uneasiness or torment, which goes back and forth, and vacillates with gut work (regularly facilitating after the gut activity). IBS is just about the most widely recognized confusion of the stomach related framework and dependent upon 33% of the populace experience indications every once in a while. It is perhaps the most widely recognized purposes behind a visit to the GP. Ladies are somewhat more influenced than men and the typical age for patients to look for counsel is somewhere in the range of 20 and 40 years. Upwards of one out of eight individuals have manifestations of IBS at any one time. How does bad tempered gut disorder (IBS) happen? During assimilation, the digestive system crushes its substance along our inner parts towards the rear-end. This cycle (peristalsis) is generally effortless and we don't  diet therapy for clients diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (ibs) includes that it is going on except if there is an unusual crush inside the entrail or, for reasons unknown, the digestive system turns out to be more delicate. These progressions can be very agonizing. Furthermore, patients with IBS appear to have more noteworthy affectability to how their digestive organs are moving, which means they feel torment all the more without any problem. IBS graph How (food bolus) moves along the gut. Reasons for bad tempered gut condition (IBS) We don't imagine that IBS has a solitary reason and there is a wide assortment of reasons why patients foster the condition. There doesn't appear to be a hereditary reason, and the absolute most regular trigger to the beginning of manifestations is following an episode of food contamination or gastroenteritis. Albeit the reason isn't clear, there are numerous components that can incite indications. A few group find that pressure aggravates their side effects. In certain individuals, eating unpredictably or eating a strange eating routine might be mindful. A few medications, especially when taken long haul for ongoing conditions, can cause IBS type manifestations like looseness of the bowels. Generally speaking, there is by all accounts some connection between the sensory system in the gut and cerebrum, passionate state and the invulnerable arrangement of the gut. What are the standard manifestations of bad tempered gut disorder (IBS)? Around 33% of IBS patients experience the ill effects of episodes of blockage, 33% experience the ill effects of episodes of looseness of the bowels and most different patients don't fall into a solitary example.
 The type of IBS that appears to follow gastroenteritis regularly prompts the looseness of the bowels type. Recognizing these various sorts of IBS is significant in light of the fact that medicines frequently work diversely relying on whether the runs or stoppage is the primary issue. Notwithstanding, we do realize that the example of solid discharges can adjust after some time and this implies that your treatment may have to change should your manifestations fluctuate. Caution indications These indications are not as a rule related with IBS yet might be related with different infections. On the off chance that you experience any of these you should consider your to be quickly: A constant difference in entrail propensity for about a month or more, particularly on the off chance that you are beyond 40 years old Passing blood from the back section Unexpected weight reduction of more than 2kg (4 pounds) throughout a brief timeframe. The runs waking you from rest Fever The need to see a specialist is particularly significant if there is a family background of gut sickness (like malignant growth, colitis or Crohn's illness). How is touchy inside disorder (IBS) analyzed? The GP will need to preclude different infections yet can likely make an analysis dependent on the portrayed side effects. Now and then IBS indications can be brought about by drugs you are taking for different conditions. It very well might merit examining this with your PCP to check whether a medication switch can be made. Further tests may incorporate blood tests, which will be utilized to evaluate the accompanying: Regardless of whether paleness is available That the thyroid organ is working appropriately Liver and kidney work Any indications of diet therapy for clients diagnosed in the inside Regardless of whether coeliac infection might be the issue Fecal Calprotectin: this is a stool test progressively utilized both to search for contamination and to help avoid other inside infections. What treatment is accessible for crabby entrail condition (IBS)? Dietary Management in the event that a dietary reason is suspected the GP can offer guidance on what to eat or may allude you to a dietitian. The dietitian will attempt to distinguish any food varieties that reason your IBS indications (trigger food). This may include leaving out specific kinds of food varieties from the eating routine, to see whether these indications improve. The dietitian may propose an 'prohibition diet', which will reject various normal 'trigger' food varieties from your eating routine. A specific type of this is the low FODMAP diet. Assuming manifestations improve, singular things can be added once more into the eating regimen until the particular trigger food or food sources are recognized. On the off chance that blockage is a manifestation, building specialists like regular grain, wheat containing cereals and ispaghula husk (a characteristic purgative) are useful. Yet, a few diuretics (like fiber or senna), while assisting with stoppage, may exacerbate torment. Medication treatment Medications to decrease gut fit have been utilized for a long time. They are for the most part protected and regularly worth difficult. Most are accessible without a remedy and the drug specialist can prompt. Tragically, they just advantage a generally modest number of patients. Diuretics can be recommended for clogging by your GP or from the drug specialist while a few patients profit by treatment with peppermint oil or other over-the-counter medications.
 A few patients discover probiotics exceptionally accommodating, yet there is no particular endorsed readiness. It is fairly an issue of experimentation. Here and there when torment is a significant issue, little portions of medications, which are utilized as antidepressants, like amitriptyline, can be useful. These can be helpful in patients who have no indications of sorrow. There are additionally new classes of medications that might be utilized if easier medicines don't succeed. New medications are being grown, some of which may help patients whose principle manifestation is loose bowels and other people who will in general be obstructed. A portion of these more up to date specialists are not yet accessible to specialists to recommend yet it appears to be likely that a more extensive scope of medicines will be accessible to patients with IBS sooner rather than later. What different medicines are accessible? Hypnotherapy and unwinding treatment: these have both been demonstrated to be viable for certain individuals however it is indistinct whether they improve inside manifestations. Hypnotherapy can be gotten through supported advisors who ought to be individuals from the British Medical Hypnotherapy Association. Your GP can prompt on advising, and a few experts accept that a mental treatment called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be helpful. Elective treatments: there are numerous elective treatments in the field of IBS, albeit none of them have any clinical proof to demonstrate that they tackle job. A few patients positively track down that natural cures can be useful however at present there isn't sufficient proof to make certain about this. Numerous specialists are careful about suggesting what they see as therapy for clients diagnosed with irritable bowel syndromes or doubtful medicines albeit few will protest on the off chance that you wish to attempt elective drugs. How might I self-deal with my peevish entrail condition (IBS)? Bad tempered Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition where great self-administration can have a tremendous effect to the manifestations experienced: Distinguishing trigger food varieties: this might be finished by a dietitian. Keeping a food journal along with a record of entrail indications may show which food sources cause the most issues or whether there is some other example. Food varieties which ordinarily cause stomach upset incorporate wheat items, dairy items, onions, nuts and caffeine-containing beverages like espresso, tea and cola. 
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claudinei-de-jesus · 3 years
Evil Spirits
1. Fallen angels.
Angels were created perfect and without sin, and, like man, endowed with free choice. Under Satan's direction, many sinned and were cast out of heaven. (John 8:44; 2 Pet. 2: 4; Jud. 6.) Sin, which they and their boss fell into, was pride. Some have thought that the occasion of the angels' rebellion was the revelation of the future incarnation of the Son of God and the obligation for them to worship him.
According to Scripture, evil angels spend part of their time in hell (2 Pet. 2: 4) and part of the world, especially in the air around us. (John 12:31; 14:30; 2 Cor. 4: 4; Rev. 12: 4, 7-9.) By deceiving men through sin, they exercise great power over them (2 Cor. 4: 3, 4 ; Ephesians 2: 2; 6: 11,12); this power, however, is wiped out for those who are faithful to Christ, through the redemption he has consumed. (Rev. 5: 9; 7: 13,14.) Angels are not contemplated in the plan of redemption (1 Pet. 1:12), but hell was prepared for the eternal punishment of evil angels (Matt. 25:41 ).
2. Demons.
Scripture does not describe the origin of demons; this question seems to be part of the mystery surrounding the origin of evil. However, the Scriptures bear clear testimony to its real existence and operation. (Matt. 12:26, ​​27.) In the Gospels they appear as evil spirits without bodies, who enter people, who are said to have a demon. In some cases, more than one demon makes his home with the same victim. (Mar. 16: 9. Luc. 8: 2.)
The effects of this possession are evidenced by madness, epilepsy and other illnesses, mainly associated with the mental and nervous system. (Matt. 9:33; 12:22; Matt. 5: 4, 5.) The individual under the influence of a demon is not his own master; the evil spirit speaks by his lips or mutes him at his will; he takes it where he wants and usually uses it as an instrument, sometimes putting it with a supernatural force.
Thus writes Dr. Nevius, a missionary in China, who made an in-depth study of the cases of demon possession: We note, in people possessed by demons in China, cases similar to those exposed in the Scriptures, sometimes manifesting themselves as a kind of double. consciousness or actions and impulses directly opposite and contrary. A woman in Fuchow, despite being under the influence of a demon, whose impulse was to flee from the presence of Christ, felt moved by an opposite influence, to leave her home and come to Fuchow to seek help from Jesus.
The same author comes to the following conclusion, based on a study of demon possession among the Chinese: The most surprising feature of these cases is that the evidence process of another personality, and the normal personality at that time is partially or totally dormant. The new personality has completely different character features from those that really belong to the victim in his normal state, and this change of character tends, with rare exceptions, to moral perversity and impurity.
Many people, when possessed of demons, give evidence of a knowledge that they cannot cope with in their normal state. They often seem to know the Lord Jesus Christ as a divine person, and show disgust and fear for him. Let us note in particular this good news: Many cases of demon possession have been healed through, or in the name of, worshiping Christ; some very promptly, others with difficulties. As far as we have been able to discover, this method of healing has not failed in any case to which it has been applied; it doesn't matter whether it was a difficult or chronic case.
And in no case, as far as we could see, the evil did not come back, once the person became a believer and continued to live a Christian life ... As a result of the comparison made, we see that the correspondence between the cases found in China and those recorded in the Scriptures is complete and circumstantial, covering almost every point presented in the biblical narration. What is the reason that influences demons in order to take possession of the bodies of men? Dr. Nevius replies: The Bible clearly teaches that all of Satan's relations with the human race are intended to deceive and ruin, turning our mind away from God and inducing us to break his laws, and bring upon us his displeasure.
These goals are achieved through demon possession. Superhuman effects are produced that seem ignorant and ignorant to the divine. He demands and achieves the worship and obedience implied by the imposition of physical suffering and by false promises and fearsome threats. In this way, idolatrous rites and superstitions, intertwined with social and political customs, have usurped in almost all the nations of history the place of the unique worship of God. (See 1 Cor. 10: 20,21; Rev. 9:20; Deut. 32:16; Isa. 65: 3.) As for the demons themselves, it seems that they have personal and personal reasons. The possession of human bodies seems to provide them with a much desired place of rest and physical pleasure.
Our Savior speaks of evil spirits walking through arid places looking especially for rest in the bodies of the victims. When deprived of a resting place in human bodies, they are represented as seeking it in the bodies of lower animals. (Matt. 12: 3-5.) Martin Luther said, "The devil is God's counterfeiter." In other words, the enemy is always countering the works of God. And the possession of demons is certainly a grotesque and diabolical contracting of the most sublime of experiences - the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in man. Note some parallels:
1) Demon possession means the introduction of a new personality into the victim's being, making him, in a sense, a new creature. Notice how the demon possessed gadarene (Matt. 8:29) spoke and behaved as if controlled by another personality. One who is controlled by God has a divine personality indwelling him. (John 14:23.)
2) The utterances inspired by the devil are satanic imitations of those inspired by the Holy Spirit.
3) Cases have already been observed in which the person who consciously surrenders to the power of the devil, often receives a strange gift, so that he can read the luck, be a medium, etc. Dr. Nevius writes: "In this state, the demoniac develops certain psychic abilities and is willing to be used. He is the willing, trained and accustomed slave to the devil." it is a satanic imitation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit!
4) Often the demoniacs manifest an extraordinary and superhuman strength - a satanic imitation of the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus came into the world to rescue the people from the power of evil spirits and put them under the control of the Spirit of God. ... Espíritos Maus
1. Anjos decaídos.
Os anjos foram criados perfeitos e sem pecado, e, como o homem, dotados de livre escolha. Sob a direção de Satanás, muitos pecaram e foram lançados fora do céu. (João 8:44; 2 Ped. 2: 4; Jud. 6.) O pecado, no qual eles e seu chefe caíram, foi o orgulho. Alguns têm pensado que a ocasião da rebelião dos anjos foi a revelação da futura encarnação do Filho de Deus e da obrigação de eles o adorarem.
Segundo as Escrituras, os anjos maus passam parte do tempo no inferno (2 Ped. 2: 4) e parte no mundo, especialmente nos ares que nos rodeiam. (João 12:31; 14:30; 2 Cor. 4: 4; Apoc. 12: 4, 7-9.) Enganando os homens por meio do pecado, exercem grande poder sobre eles (2 Cor. 4: 3, 4 ; Efés. 2: 2; 6: 11,12); este poder, não obstante, está aniquilado para aqueles que são fiéis a Cristo, pela redenção que ele consumou. (Apoc. 5: 9; 7: 13,14.) Os anjos não são contemplados no plano da redenção (1 Ped. 1:12), mas o inferno foi preparado para o eterno castigo dos anjos maus (Mat. 25:41 )
2. Demônios.
As Escrituras não descrevem a origem dos demônios; essa questão parece ser parte do mistério que rodeia a origem do mal. Porém as Escrituras dão claro testemunho da sua existência existência e de sua operação. (Mat. 12:26, ​​27.) Nos Evangelhos aparecem como os espíritos maus desprovidos de corpos, que entram nas pessoas, das quais se diz que têm demônio. Em alguns casos, mais de um demônio faz sua morada na mesma vitima. (16: 9 de março. Luc. 8: 2.)
Os efeitos desta possessão se evidenciam por loucura, epilepsia e outras enfermidades, associadas principalmente com o sistema mental e nervoso. (Mat. 9:33; 12:22; Mat. 5: 4, 5.) O indivíduo sob a influência de um demônio não é senhor de si mesmo; o espírito mau fala por seus lábios ou o emudece à sua vontade; leva-o aonde quer e geralmente o usa como instrumento, revestindo-o às vezes de uma força sobrenatural.
Assim disse o Dr. Nevius, missionário na China, que fez um estudo profundo sobre os casos de possessão de demônios: Notamos, em pessoas possuídas de demônios na China, casos semelhantes aos expostos nas Escrituras, manifestando-se algumas vezes uma espécie de dupla consciente ou ações e impulsos diretamente opostos e contrários. Uma senhora em Fuchow, apesar de estar sob a influência de um demônio, cujo impulso era fugir da presença de Cristo, impulso-se movida por uma influência oposta, a deixar seu lar e vir a Fuchow buscar ajuda de Jesus.
O mesmo autor chega à seguinte conclusão, baseado num estudo da possessão de demônios entre os chineses: A característica mais surpreendente, casos é que o processo de evidências de outra personalidade, e uma personalidade normal nessa hora está parcial ou totalmente dormente. A nova apresenta feições de caráter por diferentes inteiros, daquelas que realmente pertencem à vitima em seu estado normal, e esta troca de caráter tende, com raras exceções, para a perversidade moral e impureza.
Muitas pessoas, quando possuídas de demônios, dão evidências de um conhecimento do qual não podem dar conta em seu estado normal. Muitas vezes parece que conhece o Senhor Jesus Cristo como uma pessoa divina, e apresenta aversão e temor a ele. Notemos especialmente estas boas novas: Muitos casos de possessão de demônios têm sido curados por meio de adoração a Cristo, ou em seu nome; alguns mui prontamente, outras com dificuldades. Até onde temos podido descobrir, este método de cura não tem falhado em nenhum caso ao qual tenha sido fornecido; não importa ter sido o caso difícil ou crônico.
E, em caso algum, até onde se pôde observar, o mal não voltou, uma vez que a pessoa se tornou crente e continuou a viver uma vida cristã ... Como resultado da comparação feita, vemos que uma correspondência entre os casos encontrados na China e registrados nas Escrituras é completa e circunstancial, cobrindo quase todos os pontos registrados na narração bíblica. Qual o motivo que influi nos demônios a fim de apoderarem-se do corpo dos homens? O Dr. Nevius responde: A Bíblia ensina claramente que todas as relações de Satanás com a raça humana têm por objetivo enganar e arruinar, afastando a nossa mente de Deus e induzindo-nos a infringir suas leis, e trazer sobre nós o seu desagrado.
Esses objetivos são conseguidos por meio da possessão de demônios. Produzem-se sobre efeitos-humanos que ao ignorante e desconhecedor parecem divinos. Ele exige e obtém a adoração e a obediência implícitas pela imposição de sofrimentos físicos e por falsas promessas e temíveis corrigidos. Desse modo, os ritos e as superstições idólatras, entrelaçadas com os costumes sociais e políticos, têm usurpado em quase todas as nações da história o lugar da adoração única a Deus. (Vide 1 Cor. 10: 20,21; Apoc. 9:20; Deut. 32:16; Isa. 65: 3.) Quanto aos próprios demônios, parece que eles têm motivos pessoais e próprios. A possessão dos corpos humanos parece proporcionar-lhes um lugar muito desejado de descanso e prazer físico.
Nosso Salvador fala dos espíritos maus andando por lugares áridos buscando especialmente descanso nos corpos das vitimas. Quando privados de um lugar de descanso nos corpos humanos, são representados como buscando-o no corpo dos animais inferiores. (Mat. 12: 3-5.) Martinho Lutero disse: "O diabo é o contrafator de Deus." Em outras palavras, o inimigo sempre está contrafazendo as obras de Deus. E certamente a possessão de demônios é uma grotesca e diabólica contratação da mais sublime das experiências - a habitação do Espírito Santo no homem. Observe alguns paralelos:
1) A possessão de demônios significa a introdução de uma nova personalidade no ser da vitima, tomando-a, em certo sentido, uma nova criatura. Note como o gadareno endemoninhado (Mat. 8:29) falava e se portava como que controlado por outra personalidade. Aquele que é controlado por Deus tem uma personalidade divina habitando nele. (João 14:23.)
2) As elocuções inspiradas pelo demônio são imitações satânicas daquelas inspiradas pelo Espírito Santo.
3) Já se observaram casos em que uma pessoa que se rende conscientemente ao poder do demônio, muitas vezes recebe um estranho, de forma que pode ler a sorte, ser médio, etc. O Dr. Nevius chamou: "Nesse estado, o endemoninhado dotado de habilidades psíquicas e se dispõe a ser usado. Ele é o escravo voluntário, treinado e acostumado com o demônio. " é uma imitação satânica dos dons do Espírito Santo!
4) Freqüentemente os endemoninhados manifestam uma força extraordinária e sobre-humana - uma imitação satânica do poder do Espírito Santo. O Senhor Jesus veio ao mundo para resgatar o povo do poder dos espíritos maus e pô-lo sob o controle do Espírito de Deus.
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vitikaprakash · 3 years
Can your mental health really affect your physical health?
A reasonable differentiation is regularly made among 'psyche' and 'body'. However, while thinking about psychological well-being and physical health, the two ought not be considered as independent.
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Poor physical health can prompt a huge danger of creating emotional and mental health issues. Essentially, poor mental health can adversely effect on physical health, prompting an expanded danger of certain conditions.  If you are looking for a single place for all your medicinal supplies at best prices delivered at your doorstep then you should do it from the best online healthcare service provider india. This will reduce at least one of your stresses, i.e. buying medicinal supplies from verified place at best price.
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How mental health influences physical health
·        There are different manners by which poor psychological well-being or mental health has been demonstrated to be averse to physical health.
·        Individuals with the most significant levels of self-evaluated trouble (contrasted with least paces of pain) were 32% bound to have passed on from cancer.
·        1,2 Depression has been discovered to be related with an expanded danger of coronary heart disease3.
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 Schizophrenia is related with:
·        double the danger of death from coronary illness.
·        three times the danger of death from respiratory illness.
This is on the grounds that individuals with mental health conditions are more averse to get the actual medical services they're qualified for. Mental health administration clients are factually less inclined to get the normal checks (like circulatory strain, weight and cholesterol) that may recognize indications of these actual medical issue prior. They are additionally not as prone to be offered assistance to quit any pretence of smoking, lessen liquor utilization and make positive acclimations to their eating routine. You can buy medicinal supplies required to help you quit alcohol or/and smoking from the best online pharmacy india.
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Lifestyle Factors affecting mental health
These way of life components can impact the condition of both your physical and mental health.
Actual movement in any structure is an extraordinary method to keep you truly sound just as improving your psychological prosperity. Exploration shows that doing exercise impacts the delivery and take-up of feel-great synthetic substances called endorphins in the mind. Indeed, even a short explosion of 10 minutes energetic strolling builds our psychological readiness, energy and positive temperament.
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Great nourishment is a critical factor in impacting the manner in which we feel The food we eat can impact the turn of events, the board and counteraction of various mental health conditions including melancholy and Alzheimer's.
·        Smoking negatively affects both mental and physical health. Numerous individuals with psychological wellness issues accept that smoking soothes their manifestations, however these impacts are just present moment.
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Long haul ailments and mental health
The advancement of positive mental health can regularly be disregarded while treating a state of being. Psoriasis is one such condition in which the impacts go past the visual signs and side effects, affecting mental prosperity and personal satisfaction.
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Example case study of psoriasis
Psoriasis is a condition which is ordinarily portrayed by red flaky injuries on the outside of the skin, however its belongings go past the visual signs and side effects.
Approximately 33% experience nervousness and discouragement
·        1 in 10 confess to considering self-destruction
·        1 in 3 experience sentiments of embarrassment about their condition
·        1 in 5 report being dismissed (and disparaged) because of their condition
·        1 out of 3 experience issues with friends and family.
The physical and mental effects can be consistently connected: the condition can cause passionate misery which can trigger a psoriasis flare and, accordingly, bring on additional pain.
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·        As seen in the above example of psoriasis, we can clearly see the link between mental and physical health. It is believed that people with depression and anxiety may experience sudden loss or gain of weight, worsened digestive system, high/low blood pressure etc.
·        It is hence very important for us to take our mental health as seriously as physical health. Moreover, it is very important to stay healthy in both manners.
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bluecredit · 5 years
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More clients, more distress, more action needed
By Josie Warner, Senior Research and Insight OfficerOur latest mid-year statistics update may be dominated by the headline record number of 331,337 people contacting the charity in the first half of this year, but there are many other worrying statistics lurking under the surface. They throw into sharp relief where the problems lie that urgently need solving.The overall debt landscapeWe’ve seen worrying trends becoming entrenched, such as increases in certain client groups such as younger people and single parents. However, the reasons why people are falling into debt reflect longstanding concerns.Our latest statistics show that people most often require help with their debt situation due to experience of income or life shocks, such as unemployment or redundancy, injury or illness or a reduced income, which have long been among the top recorded reasons for debt for our clients. This is why we’re undertaking work concentrating on what could break the logjam to increase financial resilience in the wake of unforeseen events.Council taxAlmost one third (31%) of all new clients in the first half of 2019 with a responsibility for paying a council tax bill were behind on at least one council tax payment. The charity saw an increase in clients with this arrears type between 2013 and 2014 (25% to 28%), which coincides with the removal of the national scheme of Council Tax Benefit. Since 2014, council tax has continued to be the most common arrears type among StepChange clients.Use of aggressive and intimidating bailiff action is commonplace for council tax collection, which is why the high proportion of clients in council tax arrears is alarming.Earlier this year the Government announced, as an interim measure following its review of bailiff regulation, that enforcement agents will have to wear body cameras to reduce the risk of intimidating tactics. However, we’re still awaiting a full response from the Ministry of Justice on what other measures will be taken. In our view, anything short of the proper, independent regulation of bailiff firms (which is currently non-existent), and a clear and effective complaints and redress scheme will not be good enough.While it goes without saying that local authorities also need to up their game in terms of sensitive and appropriate debt collection practice, this needs to go alongside appropriate regulation of bailiff firms and cannot be a substitute for it.Clients in vulnerable situationsWe’re also worried by the proportion of new clients whose situations make them vulnerable, in addition to their financial difficulty. Our latest stats reveal that 43% of our new clients are in a vulnerable situation.These situations include mental health conditions, which affect half (50%) of all clients in vulnerable situations, as well as physical health difficulties, learning disabilities, hearing or sight impairment, inability to speak or read English and anything else which may make dealing with a debt problem additionally challenging for a client to handle.We do see some notable differences between our vulnerable clients and all clients. Vulnerable clients are more likely to have lower debts, be in arrears and be single and without children compared to the full client population. Compared to just 21% in 2017 and 36% in 2018, the proportion of clients we identify as vulnerable has increased dramatically. However, this rise is likely to reflect previous under-reporting, rather than a seismic shift in the vulnerability profile of clients seeking advice.We’re improving our ability to identify who is in a vulnerable situation during a debt advice session, in line with practice reflected across the debt, utilities and financial services sectors. Providing the appropriate support for consumers in vulnerable situations is becoming a higher priority for many organisations and regulators, which can only be a good thing, but our data suggests that vulnerability is still far too closely associated with problem debt.Single parentsOver the past five years, the proportion of our clients who are single parents has increased by 6%, a higher percentage increase than any other family compositional group. In the first half of 2019, one quarter (24%) of new clients were single parents, which is far higher than the UK average of just 6% (ONS) of all GB adults.Although single parent clients have on average lower debt amounts than the average for all clients, this group are far more likely to be renters (90%) than any other family group and are more likely to be in a deficit budget. It seems likely that these characteristics will be contributing to why this group is over-represented when compared to the wider population. Additionally, 85% of single parent clients are women, which is potentially driving the increasing proportion of women (61%) among our clients.We need a more comprehensive understanding of why we see such a large proportion of single parents contacting us for advice, and we’ll be working with single parent charity Gingerbread to explore this in more depth. This will help us understand why there has been a substantial increase in the proportion of single parent clients, and what the main debt issues surrounding this group are, so that we can better identify what changes might be needed to mitigate their problems.Credit cardsAlmost seven in ten clients (68%) have at least one credit card debt and the proportion of clients with this debt type has been increasing over the past few years. Credit cards are easily accessible forms of credit for many. The flexibility, availability and generally low repayments can make them seem an appealing option for those who are financially stretched, but as our recent research identified they can be a trap.The FCA’s rules on persistent credit card debt have now taken effect, and from early next year some people will find that they are no longer able to borrow on their cards — so we’re keeping a particularly close eye on this part of the market. It may well bring to light hidden debt problems that are currently being juggled by people unable to claw their way out of persistent credit card debt without help as a result of underlying financial difficulty.Energy arrearsWe’ve seen the proportion of clients with electricity arrears increase in the first half of this year (18%) compared to 2018 (16%). The proportion of clients with gas arrears has also increased from 12% in 2018 to 13% in the first half of 2019.This is in line with what others elsewhere have been seeing, with Ofgem also reporting increases in levels of arrears in gas and electricity bills across the sector. Ofgem has also reported that the proportion of customers across the sector setting up payment plans has been falling.It’s therefore vital that people who fall behind are supported to set up affordable cases, and it’s alarming that Ofgem aren’t seeing this in a number of cases. As a charity, we’re looking at how we can help streamline our clients getting more affordable energy repayment plans.Debts to family and friendsWe’ve seen an 11% increase in the proportion of new clients with debts to family or friends over the past five years. In the first half of 2019, one third of clients (33%) owe money to at least one family member or friend, compared to just 22% in 2014. As our recent report Life Happens reported, when a life shock occurs — such as becoming unemployed, bereavement, or experiencing an injury or illness — many people turn to financial support from family or friends.However, not only does the financial support from family and friends often fail to fully address the problem, it can also leave the person who has offered the financial support vulnerable themselves to financial difficulty. Recent data from the Financial Ombudsman Service about the prevalence of problems in the guarantor loans market is another manifestation of this problem.What are the solutions?Data can be hugely valuable in identifying the problems, and pointing the way towards possible solutions. All the trends we’re currently seeing through our data are reflected in policy work that we’re doing to help identify not only how we as a charity can extend or improve or services, but also what regulators, government and creditors can do to reduce the risk and harm of problem debt.Specifically, our data has helped to make the case for the new Breathing Space scheme that now needs regulations to be finalised so that it can begin to make a positive difference from 2021. Our data has also helped to inform the approach being taken by the FCA on high cost credit, credit cards and overdrafts. We now need the government to take notice of our data (and that of others) to improve government debt collection practice and, urgently, to put in place proper bailiff regulation.In the meantime, no one should forget that behind the data sit hundreds of thousands of real people, every year, each grappling with problem debt. Their stories, individually and collectively, help to frame our campaigning work as well as our own services.More clients, more distress, more action needed was originally published in StepChange Debt Charity on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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In Vedic Tradition, the Cow is worshipped as Gaumatha. Gau – Cow; Matha – Mother. In the ancient enlightenment ecosystem of “Kailaasa” that was established by Paramasiva, Gaumatha was the foremost form of worship. As per the Hindu scriptures, all the 33 crore Hindu Gods reside inside the cow and worshipping the cow is considered equivalent to worshipping all the Hindu Gods. The sacred bull called Nandi is the sacred vehicle of Paramasiva that carries him.
His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam spoke thus on 7 July 2017 during the everyday Nithya Satsang (everyday morning discourse) on the subject of Gomatha:
“I tell you, decorating deities physically and taking care of the cows physically, is one of the best vatavarana (ambience), for your muscle memory and bio-memory. Anybody feels stuck in your life, feeling confused, don’t know what to do, no inspiration, and you want to hold onto your outer identity, you want to continue to keep up your makeup and arrogance, you become cunning. Now you will have to make up for all your failures by lying. That is the worst way of building muscle memory. But I tell you, the best way of building muscle memory and bio-memory, when you take care of the cows. The very bio-memory, muscle memory, DNA of the cow awakens certain energy in you: joy, peace, completion, sacrifice. 
In our Sangha (community), we should not use the word, “Goshala” (cow shelter); you should use the word, “Gomandir” (Go-Cow; Mandir – Temple). It is a temple. Following is a sharing from Manikandan from Tiruvannamalai, who describes how His Divine Holiness as a child would relate with cows in the Arunachaleshwara in Tiruvannamalai:
Manikandan, aged 41 is a native of Tiruvannamalai, the birthplace of Swamiji, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam. Manikandan carries his Lord Annamalayar (presiding deity of Tiruvannamalai) not just in his heart but also on his shoulders. From age 18, he is one in the spirited team that carries Lord Annamalayar in procession on its very shoulders to the loud beating of the temple drums, inside the Arunachaleshwara temple and the streets, on festive occasions. Not even a specific friend of Bhagavan, and barely a year older to Him in age, Manikandan melts in distant memories of seeing Bhagavan and his alluring body language inside the temple, specifically in the Goshala, the cow shelter inside the temple. Through enchanting details never heard before, he conveys the feeling of divinity he experienced in merely watching him even at that young age:
“He would sit under the tree in the Goshala (cow shelter). He loved the goshala a lot, the cows. As he enters, he would stroke the cows and enter! The scene of him stroking the cow will be so nice to see. He would stroke the calf on its neck where it would be hanging. The calf would life its face ad show its neck for him to stroke. Even to see it, it would be so nice! 
(In response to a question: ‘How come you have observed so closely?’) It is the pull, right? We can say this is all the Lord’s leela. We can say it is the Lord’s grace. You can’t change Nature or the way Creation happens. (In response to a question, ‘What else have you seen like this?’)I don’t remember but there is a lot. There is a lot that has happened in the goshala like this. As Swami stroked, the calf would keep lifting its face upwards towards him wanting him to stroke more. At that time he would say, ‘The bull vehicle is what is appropriate for Shiva. I would ask, ‘How come you are going on stroking it?’ He would reply, ‘It is Shiva’s devotee pa!’ I would then think to myself, ‘So, Swami is like a Siddhar or mystic to the devotee of the Lord!’” His Divine Holiness nurtures Gomandirs in all the enlightenment ecosystems He establishes. It is an important part of “Kailaasa”, the enlightenment ecosystem that originally existed and which He is reviving. On 24 June 2019, HDH launched the Nandi Sarvajnapeetham (NSJP. Nandi – Name of the Bull of Paramasiva; Sarvajnapeetham – The spiritual All-Knowing Seat) with the following words, thus taking it worldwide:
*THIS NANDI SARVAJNAPEETHAM WILL BE HEAD QUARTERED IN ADHI KAILAASA (monastery in Bengaluru) ON NANDI’S JEEVA SAMADHI (where the body of the sacred Bull of Paramasiva that took birth in Adi Kailash in 2007 is rested after it passed on) AND MANY KAILAASAS WILL HAVE DEDICATED ITS OWN SPACE FOR NANDI SARVAJNA PEETHAM.
HE WAS STANDING AMIDST THE COWS, SILENT, JUST BEING THERE, WITH NO THOUGHT, WITH NO MIND. JUST LIKE A COW -- PURE, SIMPLE, INNOCENT, AND THE MASTER SAID, `YOU NEED NOT ENTER. NOW GO BACK TO YOUR FATHER'S HOUSE. YOU HAVE KNOWN; IT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU. WHY HAVE YOU COME AGAIN TO ME? IT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU.' His Divine Holiness has been the recipient of many awards for reviving all components of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. One such award is the Certificate of Recognition from The Federation of Indo-American Associations of Los Angeles, USA on 15 August 2015.
The pictures in this post depict 1) “Gau Matha”, the Cow as a Divine mother and embodiment of the 33 crore Hindu Gods, 2) the Goshala in the Arunachaleshwara temple in Tiruvannamalai, 3) Manikandan - the childhood witness of HDH, 4) the nurturing and worship of cows within the global community established by His Divine Holiness, and 5) the award that is mentioned herewith.
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hip-hop & mental health.
a music genre developed in the United States by inner-city African Americans in the 1970s, accompanied by rapping over a rhythmic beat. 
It is a relatively newer genre of music that is adored by masses (since it is currently the most listened to genre in U.S history... https://www.vibe.com/2017/07/hip-hop-popular-genre-nielsen-music/) 
BUT - it is also one that stirs up controversy, ill-feelings, and contempt for its lyrical content. 
I myself have been influenced by hip-hop from a pretty young age. Growing up with brothers, it is how I felt connected to them - and it is still how I feel connected to them. It’s a part of African-American culture that has caused division and unity, a sense of pride, awareness of important topics amongst the African-American community... as aforementioned, it is a newer but very influential genre of music. 
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       In my experience, (which I recognize is limited), I’ve noticed that first generation Ghanaian-Canadians who are male have a harder time connecting with the Ghanaian culture than females. This may not be true, but it’s an observation I have made. While I was pretty accepting of both Canadian and Ghanaian culture, it appeared that my brothers connected more to the African-American male subculture. They could relate to the aggression expressed in the hip-hop’s lyrics, they found appeal in the lavish lifestyles/rags to riches success that was commonly displayed, and the difficulties in expressing emotional vulnerabilities, masked by all of the aforementioned factors.
       As for myself, I have always just enjoyed the beat of the music. Again, because I am rather emotional and vulnerable, this is was really my only connecting point to my brothers. However, the older I get, the more I’ve become more cognizant of how much mental illness is expressed and almost disguised in hip-hop. Behind the upbeat tempo, the overly sexualized women in the videos… it’s very easy to miss their cries for help. Hip-hop is scrutinized for its misogynistic and violent lyrics (which I do not deny or condone). However, it should be known that the vast majority of these artists who rap such content:
*Had an incredibly difficult upbringing (struggling with poverty, institutional racism, neglect, poor housing and schooling)
*Surrounded by violence (gang crime, domestic violence, prostitution, pimps, drug abuse and trafficking).  
*Grew up without a father (which is very challenging.) Or their father figures were violent, inconsistent or emotionally detached.
Try looking up a few of the prevalent hip-hop artists that you are aware of. Chances are, that they might’ve grown up with such circumstances.
Essentially, what they rap about is what they know. It’s all that they’ve ever known.
Now - take the ones who grew up in a “normal” or even wonderful household. This does not take away from the fact that the way black men are (and continue to be) portrayed in the media is often thugs, gangsters, drug dealers, aggressive, nonemotional.
Below is an interview with an older rapper from back in the day (Styles P), with his wife. He discusses the suicide of his daughter, and how she struggled growing up without a biological father. Styles himself notes the difficulty of growing up without his father, too. 
From 25:33-27:52
In watching that, imagine the pain one would feel without ANY father figures.
A LOT of these rappers grew up this way. 
        As I had mentioned, the way black men are consistently portrayed in the media is emotionless and aggressive. In reality, they are expressing themselves the only way they know how and wish to.
Now I find myself listening to these lyrics, and I have become very concerned for the artists and their mental well-being. I wonder almost.. what is our role as consumers of this music? When we hear these artists saying they're “not afraid to die”, and that they are suicidal, and we are blasting it in our cars and at parties and almost ignoring their cries for help? I don’t know. It’s becoming unsettling for me. Below are a few lyrics of popular hip-hop songs at the moment:
I'm in pain, wanna put 10 shots in my brain I've been trippin' 'bout some things, can't change Suicidal, same time I'm tame  XXXTentacion - Jocelyn Flores 
Two cups, toast up with the gang <- <i>(reference to lean... the leisure consumption of cough syrup and codeine)  From food stamps to a whole 'nother domain Out the bottom, I'm the livin' proof   ... My guillotine drank promethazine <- <i>(cough syrup drank for leisure. Essentially, he admits it’ll be the death of him.) TEC and beams, go to those extremes  Future - Mask Off 
 I Feel Like That - Kanye West The. Entire. Song. 
The skreets raised me, I'm a whole bastard I bought a 'Rari just so I can go faster  21 Savage - Bank Account 
I might blow my brain out Xanny, help the pain, yeah < - (Xanax, anti-anxiety medication) Please, Xanny, make it go away I'm committed, not addicted, but it keep control of me All the pain, now I can't feel it I swear that it's slowin' me  Lil Uzi Vert - XO TOUR Llif3   
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Not only do I worry about these artists, but I also worry about the black men (and really, any individual) who are close to me who only listen to this music, and this music ALONE, as I know they're struggling with their mental health as well. I do believe that the content you put into yourself is essentially what you will put back out into this world - whether we recognize it or not, it ultimately manifests in our actions and how we perceive the world.
While people can be listening to this music without necessarily struggling with their mental health, there are people who do. I think it’s important to recognize those who are struggling. 
How? Well.......
As individuals who care for the well-being of other individuals, (particularly our impressionable young people who listen to these artists), I think it’d be a good idea to familiarize ourselves with upcoming artists with growing popularity amongst youth.
This shouldn’t be done for the purpose of being able to relate to them, and gear them away towards that music - that is ultimately their choice. But rather...…well.... for example; I started to pay attention to the music that a young person I know, who was gravitating towards. A lot of its content talked about abusing Xanax and drinking codeine. It was through that that I discovered he was experimenting with those drugs, too.  I know that he is someone who has trouble expressing himself emotionally, and how he did it was through the music he listens to. 
~ Honestly I feel like this post is all over the place... this has been a growing concern of mine and I just have so much I want to say about it .... but I guess essentially, what I’m trying to say is: ~ 
For consumers of this music - be careful! Trap beats are infectious and poppin’... trust me, I know. I am guilty of obsessing over them... buuuut what we put in is what we put out. This is fact. 
For the binge consumers of this music - I hope you are able to find someone to confide in, in regards to the negative feelings that you have. Even if it is just showing someone what your favourite songs/lyrics are. There is help. There is hope. I am here to listen. 
For those who may have nothing to do with the music, but care how it is affecting people - Again, don’t necessarily think every black boy (or individual of any sort) listening to this music is troubled... take time to invest into the lives of young people... even if it’s regularly greeting them, or treating them to a McDonald’s gift card or something - small gestures can sometimes have great magnitudes in one’s life. Show warmth, show care, dedicate random acts of kindness (consistently!!!!!!!!) to a young person. These are different times, and they are facing a l o t of pressure.  
For the loathers of hip-hop - I hope that this post has given a bit of insight into the lyrical content, and why it’s not the most flattering. Again, I’m not trying to make excuses for the misogyny and heavily violent content...but at the same time, recognize that this genre is NOT just that. These too, are hurting people, who are expressing themselves the only way that they can. 
- danielle. 
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The Inflammation-Reducing, Immune-Fortifying Secret of All Long-Living Cultures (This 3-Step Process Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Heal Your Gut in Less Than 24 Hours)
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There are 5 traits that ALL traditional cultures have in common:
1) Zero processed foods.
2) Moderate-to-High amounts of Natural Fat.
3) Adequate amounts of Natural Protein.
4) Locally Grown Carbohydrates, prepared in a specific manner.
5) Lacto-Fermented Foods
Points 4+5 are crucial to improving various markers of health, but mainstream wisdom conveniently forgets to mention them:
1. Time-tested food preparation techniques (specifically, carbohydrate-preparation techniques)
2. Consuming fruits, vegetables, and other foods preserved via lacto-fermentation
a. Think pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, etc.
You see, traditional cultures knew something about carbs that most of us DON'T.
And there's a good chance it's destroying our internal health, even for those of us who think we eat "healthy".
Let me start with a quick example.
What is one thing that all humans and other animals have in common?
---> Some sort of defense mechanism.
I don't know about you, but if someone tries to attack me, I WILL fight back. I'll punch, kick and head butt my way out if I have to.
What about an animal in the wild? Will it just stand there and let itself be killed? I think not.
It will also claw, run, bite, kick and more in an attempt to escape its predator.
What about plants and grains?
Yep, you guessed it. Just like humans and animals, plants and grains have a defense mechanism too.
We've previously discussed this, but it's true. Plants and grains have "built-in attacks" for anyone that tries to eat them!
Unfortunately, though, very few people realize this...and off they go recommending high quantities of grains, beans, and other plant foods.
Besides the insulin resistance caused by this, we then have to deal with the issue of being "attacked" by the grains.
The defense mechanisms, in this case, are *anti-nutrients* such as:
Various lectins
Phytic acid.
These anti-nutrients *latch on* to glucosamine (naturally occurring sugar) that is found around our cell membranes. Once the toxins *catch on*, they penetrate the cell membranes that are part of our connective tissue, intestinal linings, cartilage, and more.
This opens the door up for toxins to spread all over the body. In the process, this breaks down healthy tissue, ramps up inflammation, and causes a harmful autoimmune response.
Even worse, this can manifest itself with the appearance or worsening of severe health issues, such as:
Chronic Pain and Joint/Muscle Disorders
Systemic Inflammation
Inadequate Absorption of Vitamins and Minerals
Poor Intestinal Health
Heartburn and GI Tract Issues
Gas and Bloating
Crohn's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and a myriad of other illnesses
It's not a pretty sight.
Thankfully, there are ways we can prevent this outcome.
----> Now about those traditional cultures again:
They *knew* about the anti-nutrients in grains and plant foods.
Which is why over the centuries of testing and tweaking, they determined the BEST preparation techniques for these foods.
And this is what really amazes me...
Because these days, you sometimes hear "oh just eat some beans or wheat. They're low fat and so good for you...and people have been doing it for thousands of years and they live so long!".
EXCEPT, the people eating these foods always used "special" prep techniques. Even my own mother, a woman who grew up with traditional cuisine in India, always soaks and sprouts beans/lentils before cooking. I used to think she was crazy, since sprouts make it look like there's some foreign creature growing out of the beans, but now I know she was holding a bit of "secret wisdom" in all the cooking she does.
And as a result, it doesn't surprise me that people eating traditional Indian cuisine (not the modern, processed junk that has made Indians obese in recent years) continue to live happy, healthy, long lives without the aid of dangerous drugs and procedures.
But anyway, let's get back on track.
Did you know that, when done correctly, these prep techniques can virtually eliminate the antinutrients in the grains/plants, meaning we can actually enjoy them without harming our insides?
But what are these techniques? And why do they work so well?
For starters, carbohydrate preparation has to do with soaking, sprouting, and fermenting the foods before cooking
 Interested in losing weight? Then click below to see the exact steps I took to lose weight and keep it off for good...
Read the previous article about "The Truth About Whole Grains And Beans: What Traditional Cultures Know About These So-called "Healthy Foods" That Most Americans Don't"
Read the next article about "The Foolproof Immune-enhancing Plan That Cleanses And Purifies Your Body, While "patching Up" Holes, Gaps, And Inefficiencies In Your Digestive System (And How To Do It Without Wasting $10+ Per "meal" On Ridiculous Juice Cleanses)"
Moving forward, there are several other articles/topics I'll share so you can lose weight even faster, and feel great doing it.
Below is a list of these topics and you can use this Table of Contents to jump to the part that interests you the most.
Topic 1: How I Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days - And How You Can Too
Topic 2: How I Lost Weight By Not Following The Mainstream Media And Health Guru's Advice - Why The Health Industry Is Broken And How We Can Fix It
Topic 3: The #1 Ridiculous Diet Myth Pushed By 95% Of Doctors And "experts" That Is Keeping You From The Body Of Your Dreams
Topic 4: The Dangers of Low-Carb and Other "No Calorie Counting" Diets
Topic 5: Why Red Meat May Be Good For You And Eggs Won't Kill You
Topic 6: Two Critical Hormones That Are Quietly Making Americans Sicker and Heavier Than Ever Before
Topic 7: Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss
Topic 8: Why That New Miracle Diet Isn't So Much of a Miracle After All (And Why You're Guaranteed To Hate Yourself On It Sooner or Later)
Topic 9: A Nutrition Crash Course To Build A Healthy Body and Happy Mind
Topic 10: How Much You Really Need To Eat For Steady Fat Loss (The Truth About Calories and Macronutrients)
Topic 11: The Easy Way To Determining Your Calorie Intake
Topic 12: Calculating A Weight Loss Deficit
Topic 13: How To Determine Your Optimal "Macros" (And How The Skinny On The 3-Phase Extreme Fat Loss Formula)
Topic 14: Two Dangerous "Invisible Thorn" Foods Masquerading as "Heart Healthy Super Nutrients"
Topic 15: The Truth About Whole Grains And Beans: What Traditional Cultures Know About These So-called "Healthy Foods" That Most Americans Don't
Topic 16: The Inflammation-Reducing, Immune-Fortifying Secret of All Long-Living Cultures (This 3-Step Process Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Heal Your Gut in Less Than 24 Hours)
Topic 17: The Foolproof Immune-enhancing Plan That Cleanses And Purifies Your Body, While "patching Up" Holes, Gaps, And Inefficiencies In Your Digestive System (And How To Do It Without Wasting $10+ Per "meal" On Ridiculous Juice Cleanses)
Topic 18: The Great Soy Myth (and The Truth About Soy in Eastern Asia)
Topic 19: How Chemicals In Food Make Us Fat (Plus 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply)
Topic 20: 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply
Topic 21: How To Protect Yourself Against Chronic Inflammation (What Time Magazine Calls A "Secret Killer")
Topic 22: The Truth About Buying Organic: Secrets The Health Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know
Topic 23: Choosing High Quality Foods
Topic 24: A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute
Topic 25: 7 Steps To Reduce AGEs and Slow Aging
Topic 26: The 10-second Trick That Can Slash Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Mortality By 37% (Most Traditional Cultures Have Done This For Centuries, But The Pharmaceutical Industry Would Be Up In Arms If More Modern-day Americans Knew About It)
Topic 27: How To Clean Up Your Liver and Vital Organs
Topic 28: The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)
Topic 29: How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You
Topic 30: 7 Common Sense Ways to Have Uncommon Peace of Mind (or How To Stop Your "Stress Hormone" In Its Tracks)
Topic 31: How To Sleep Like A Baby (And Wake Up Feeling Like A Boss)
Topic 32: The 8-step Formula That Finally "fixes" Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested (If You Ever Find Yourself Hitting The Snooze Every Morning Or Dozing Off At Work, These Steps Will Change Your Life Forever)
Topic 33: For Even Better Leg Up And/or See Faster Results In Fixing Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested, Do The Following:
Topic 34: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 35: Part 1 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 36: Part 2 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 37: Part 3 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 38: Part 4 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 39: How To Beat Your Mental Roadblocks And Why It Can Be The Difference Between A Happy, Satisfying Life And A Sad, Fearful Existence (These Strategies Will Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity And Show You How To Fulfill All Your Dreams)
Topic 40: Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: The Body Type Solution To Quick, Lasting Results
Topic 41: If You Want Maximum Results In Minimum Time You're Going To Have To Work Out (And Workout Hard, At That)
Topic 42: Food Planning For Maximum Fat Loss In Minimum Time
Topic 43: How To Lose Weight Fast If You're in Chronic Pain
Topic 44: Nutrition Basics for Fast Pain Relief (and Weight Loss)
Topic 45: How To Track Results (And Not Fall Into the Trap That Ruins 95% of Well-Thought Out Diets)
Topic 46: Advanced Fat Loss - Calorie Cycling, Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting
Topic 47: Advanced Fat Loss - Part I: Calorie Cycling
Topic 48: Advanced Fat Loss - Part II: Carb Cycling
Topic 49: Advanced Fat Loss - Part III: Intermittent Fasting
Topic 50: Putting It All Together
Learn more by visiting our website here: invigoratenow.com
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claudinei-de-jesus · 3 years
Evil Spirits
1. Fallen angels.
Angels were created perfect and without sin, and, like man, endowed with free choice. Under Satan's direction, many sinned and were cast out of heaven. (John 8:44; 2 Pet. 2: 4; Jud. 6.) Sin, which they and their boss fell into, was pride. Some have thought that the occasion of the angels' rebellion was the revelation of the future incarnation of the Son of God and the obligation for them to worship him.
According to Scripture, evil angels spend part of their time in hell (2 Pet. 2: 4) and part of the world, especially in the air around us. (John 12:31; 14:30; 2 Cor. 4: 4; Rev. 12: 4, 7-9.) By deceiving men through sin, they exercise great power over them (2 Cor. 4: 3, 4 ; Ephesians 2: 2; 6: 11,12); this power, however, is wiped out for those who are faithful to Christ, through the redemption he has consumed. (Rev. 5: 9; 7: 13,14.) Angels are not contemplated in the plan of redemption (1 Pet. 1:12), but hell was prepared for the eternal punishment of evil angels (Matt. 25:41 ).
2. Demons.
Scripture does not describe the origin of demons; this question seems to be part of the mystery surrounding the origin of evil. However, the Scriptures bear clear testimony to its real existence and operation. (Matt. 12:26, ​​27.) In the Gospels they appear as evil spirits without bodies, who enter people, who are said to have a demon. In some cases, more than one demon makes his home with the same victim. (Mar. 16: 9. Luc. 8: 2.)
The effects of this possession are evidenced by madness, epilepsy and other illnesses, mainly associated with the mental and nervous system. (Matt. 9:33; 12:22; Matt. 5: 4, 5.) The individual under the influence of a demon is not his own master; the evil spirit speaks by his lips or mutes him at his will; he takes it where he wants and usually uses it as an instrument, sometimes putting it with a supernatural force.
Thus writes Dr. Nevius, a missionary in China, who made an in-depth study of the cases of demon possession: We note, in people possessed by demons in China, cases similar to those exposed in the Scriptures, sometimes manifesting themselves as a kind of double. consciousness or actions and impulses directly opposite and contrary. A woman in Fuchow, despite being under the influence of a demon, whose impulse was to flee from the presence of Christ, felt moved by an opposite influence, to leave her home and come to Fuchow to seek help from Jesus.
The same author comes to the following conclusion, based on a study of demon possession among the Chinese: The most surprising feature of these cases is that the evidence process of another personality, and the normal personality at that time is partially or totally dormant. The new personality has completely different character features from those that really belong to the victim in his normal state, and this change of character tends, with rare exceptions, to moral perversity and impurity.
Many people, when possessed of demons, give evidence of a knowledge that they cannot cope with in their normal state. They often seem to know the Lord Jesus Christ as a divine person, and show disgust and fear for him. Let us note in particular this good news: Many cases of demon possession have been healed through, or in the name of, worshiping Christ; some very promptly, others with difficulties. As far as we have been able to discover, this method of healing has not failed in any case to which it has been applied; it doesn't matter whether it was a difficult or chronic case.
And in no case, as far as we could see, the evil did not come back, once the person became a believer and continued to live a Christian life ... As a result of the comparison made, we see that the correspondence between the cases found in China and those recorded in the Scriptures is complete and circumstantial, covering almost every point presented in the biblical narration. What is the reason that influences demons in order to take possession of the bodies of men? Dr. Nevius replies: The Bible clearly teaches that all of Satan's relations with the human race are intended to deceive and ruin, turning our mind away from God and inducing us to break his laws, and bring upon us his displeasure.
These goals are achieved through demon possession. Superhuman effects are produced that seem ignorant and ignorant to the divine. He demands and achieves the worship and obedience implied by the imposition of physical suffering and by false promises and fearsome threats. In this way, idolatrous rites and superstitions, intertwined with social and political customs, have usurped in almost all the nations of history the place of the unique worship of God. (See 1 Cor. 10: 20,21; Rev. 9:20; Deut. 32:16; Isa. 65: 3.) As for the demons themselves, it seems that they have personal and personal reasons. The possession of human bodies seems to provide them with a much desired place of rest and physical pleasure.
Our Savior speaks of evil spirits walking through arid places looking especially for rest in the bodies of the victims. When deprived of a resting place in human bodies, they are represented as seeking it in the bodies of lower animals. (Matt. 12: 3-5.) Martin Luther said, "The devil is God's counterfeiter." In other words, the enemy is always countering the works of God. And the possession of demons is certainly a grotesque and diabolical contracting of the most sublime of experiences - the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in man. Note some parallels:
1) Demon possession means the introduction of a new personality into the victim's being, making him, in a sense, a new creature. Notice how the demon possessed gadarene (Matt. 8:29) spoke and behaved as if controlled by another personality. One who is controlled by God has a divine personality indwelling him. (John 14:23.)
2) The utterances inspired by the devil are satanic imitations of those inspired by the Holy Spirit.
3) Cases have already been observed in which the person who consciously surrenders to the power of the devil, often receives a strange gift, so that he can read the luck, be a medium, etc. Dr. Nevius writes: "In this state, the demoniac develops certain psychic abilities and is willing to be used. He is the willing, trained and accustomed slave to the devil." it is a satanic imitation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit!
4) Often the demoniacs manifest an extraordinary and superhuman strength - a satanic imitation of the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus came into the world to rescue the people from the power of evil spirits and put them under the control of the Spirit of God. ... Espíritos Maus
1. Anjos decaídos.
Os anjos foram criados perfeitos e sem pecado, e, como o homem, dotados de livre escolha. Sob a direção de Satanás, muitos pecaram e foram lançados fora do céu. (João 8:44; 2 Ped. 2: 4; Jud. 6.) O pecado, no qual eles e seu chefe caíram, foi o orgulho. Alguns têm pensado que a ocasião da rebelião dos anjos foi a revelação da futura encarnação do Filho de Deus e da obrigação de eles o adorarem.
Segundo as Escrituras, os anjos maus passam parte do tempo no inferno (2 Ped. 2: 4) e parte no mundo, especialmente nos ares que nos rodeiam. (João 12:31; 14:30; 2 Cor. 4: 4; Apoc. 12: 4, 7-9.) Enganando os homens por meio do pecado, exercem grande poder sobre eles (2 Cor. 4: 3, 4 ; Efés. 2: 2; 6: 11,12); este poder, não obstante, está aniquilado para aqueles que são fiéis a Cristo, pela redenção que ele consumou. (Apoc. 5: 9; 7: 13,14.) Os anjos não são contemplados no plano da redenção (1 Ped. 1:12), mas o inferno foi preparado para o eterno castigo dos anjos maus (Mat. 25:41 )
2. Demônios.
As Escrituras não descrevem a origem dos demônios; essa questão parece ser parte do mistério que rodeia a origem do mal. Porém as Escrituras dão claro testemunho da sua existência existência e de sua operação. (Mat. 12:26, ​​27.) Nos Evangelhos aparecem como os espíritos maus desprovidos de corpos, que entram nas pessoas, das quais se diz que têm demônio. Em alguns casos, mais de um demônio faz sua morada na mesma vitima. (16: 9 de março. Luc. 8: 2.)
Os efeitos desta possessão se evidenciam por loucura, epilepsia e outras enfermidades, associadas principalmente com o sistema mental e nervoso. (Mat. 9:33; 12:22; Mat. 5: 4, 5.) O indivíduo sob a influência de um demônio não é senhor de si mesmo; o espírito mau fala por seus lábios ou o emudece à sua vontade; leva-o aonde quer e geralmente o usa como instrumento, revestindo-o às vezes de uma força sobrenatural.
Assim disse o Dr. Nevius, missionário na China, que fez um estudo profundo sobre os casos de possessão de demônios: Notamos, em pessoas possuídas de demônios na China, casos semelhantes aos expostos nas Escrituras, manifestando-se algumas vezes uma espécie de dupla consciente ou ações e impulsos diretamente opostos e contrários. Uma senhora em Fuchow, apesar de estar sob a influência de um demônio, cujo impulso era fugir da presença de Cristo, impulso-se movida por uma influência oposta, a deixar seu lar e vir a Fuchow buscar ajuda de Jesus.
O mesmo autor chega à seguinte conclusão, baseado num estudo da possessão de demônios entre os chineses: A característica mais surpreendente, casos é que o processo de evidências de outra personalidade, e uma personalidade normal nessa hora está parcial ou totalmente dormente. A nova apresenta feições de caráter por diferentes inteiros, daquelas que realmente pertencem à vitima em seu estado normal, e esta troca de caráter tende, com raras exceções, para a perversidade moral e impureza.
Muitas pessoas, quando possuídas de demônios, dão evidências de um conhecimento do qual não podem dar conta em seu estado normal. Muitas vezes parece que conhece o Senhor Jesus Cristo como uma pessoa divina, e apresenta aversão e temor a ele. Notemos especialmente estas boas novas: Muitos casos de possessão de demônios têm sido curados por meio de adoração a Cristo, ou em seu nome; alguns mui prontamente, outras com dificuldades. Até onde temos podido descobrir, este método de cura não tem falhado em nenhum caso ao qual tenha sido fornecido; não importa ter sido o caso difícil ou crônico.
E, em caso algum, até onde se pôde observar, o mal não voltou, uma vez que a pessoa se tornou crente e continuou a viver uma vida cristã ... Como resultado da comparação feita, vemos que uma correspondência entre os casos encontrados na China e registrados nas Escrituras é completa e circunstancial, cobrindo quase todos os pontos registrados na narração bíblica. Qual o motivo que influi nos demônios a fim de apoderarem-se do corpo dos homens? O Dr. Nevius responde: A Bíblia ensina claramente que todas as relações de Satanás com a raça humana têm por objetivo enganar e arruinar, afastando a nossa mente de Deus e induzindo-nos a infringir suas leis, e trazer sobre nós o seu desagrado.
Esses objetivos são conseguidos por meio da possessão de demônios. Produzem-se sobre efeitos-humanos que ao ignorante e desconhecedor parecem divinos. Ele exige e obtém a adoração e a obediência implícitas pela imposição de sofrimentos físicos e por falsas promessas e temíveis corrigidos. Desse modo, os ritos e as superstições idólatras, entrelaçadas com os costumes sociais e políticos, têm usurpado em quase todas as nações da história o lugar da adoração única a Deus. (Vide 1 Cor. 10: 20,21; Apoc. 9:20; Deut. 32:16; Isa. 65: 3.) Quanto aos próprios demônios, parece que eles têm motivos pessoais e próprios. A possessão dos corpos humanos parece proporcionar-lhes um lugar muito desejado de descanso e prazer físico.
Nosso Salvador fala dos espíritos maus andando por lugares áridos buscando especialmente descanso nos corpos das vitimas. Quando privados de um lugar de descanso nos corpos humanos, são representados como buscando-o no corpo dos animais inferiores. (Mat. 12: 3-5.) Martinho Lutero disse: "O diabo é o contrafator de Deus." Em outras palavras, o inimigo sempre está contrafazendo as obras de Deus. E certamente a possessão de demônios é uma grotesca e diabólica contratação da mais sublime das experiências - a habitação do Espírito Santo no homem. Observe alguns paralelos:
1) A possessão de demônios significa a introdução de uma nova personalidade no ser da vitima, tomando-a, em certo sentido, uma nova criatura. Note como o gadareno endemoninhado (Mat. 8:29) falava e se portava como que controlado por outra personalidade. Aquele que é controlado por Deus tem uma personalidade divina habitando nele. (João 14:23.)
2) As elocuções inspiradas pelo demônio são imitações satânicas daquelas inspiradas pelo Espírito Santo.
3) Já se observaram casos em que uma pessoa que se rende conscientemente ao poder do demônio, muitas vezes recebe um estranho, de forma que pode ler a sorte, ser médio, etc. O Dr. Nevius chamou: "Nesse estado, o endemoninhado dotado de habilidades psíquicas e se dispõe a ser usado. Ele é o escravo voluntário, treinado e acostumado com o demônio. " é uma imitação satânica dos dons do Espírito Santo!
4) Freqüentemente os endemoninhados manifestam uma força extraordinária e sobre-humana - uma imitação satânica do poder do Espírito Santo. O Senhor Jesus veio ao mundo para resgatar o povo do poder dos espíritos maus e pô-lo sob o controle do Espírito de Deus.
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fevie168 · 5 years
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Sunday (February 24):  "Do good to those who hate you"
Scripture: Luke 6:27-38  
27 "But I say to you that hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. 29 To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from him who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. 30 Give to every one who begs from you; and of him who takes away your goods do not ask them again. 31 And as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them. 32 "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to receive as much again. 35 But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most  High; for he is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish. 36 Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. 37 "Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; 38 give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For the measure you give will be the measure you get back."
Meditation: What makes Christians different and what makes Christianity distinct from any other religion? It is grace - treating others, not as they deserve, but as God wishes them to be treated - with loving-kindness and mercy. God is good to the unjust as well as the just. His love embraces saint and sinner alike. God seeks our highest good and teaches us to seek the greatest good of others, even those who hate and abuse us. Our love for others, even those who are ungrateful and selfish towards us, must be marked by the same kindness and mercy which God has shown to us. It is easier to show kindness and mercy when we can expect to benefit from doing so. How much harder when we can expect nothing in return.
Give and forgive - the two wings of prayer Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) describes Jesus double precept to give and forgive as two essential wings of prayer:
"Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given you. These are the two wings of prayer on which it flies to God. Pardon the offender what has been committed, and give to the person in need" (Sermon 205.3). "Let us graciously and fervently perform these two types of almsgiving, that is, giving and forgiving, for we in turn pray the Lord to give us things and not to repay our evil deeds" (Sermon 206.2).
Bless and do not curse Our prayer for those who do us ill both breaks the power of revenge and releases the power of love to do good in the face of evil. How can we possibly love those who cause us harm or ill-will? With God all things are possible. He gives power and grace to those who believe in and accept the gift of the Holy Spirit. His love conquers all, even our hurts, fears, prejudices and griefs. Only the cross of Jesus Christ can free us from the tyranny of malice, hatred, revenge, and resentment and gives us the courage to return evil with good. Such love and grace has power to heal and to save from destruction. That is why Paul the Apostle tells those who know the love and mercy of Jesus Christ to "bless and not curse.. nor take revenge.. and to overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:14,17,21). Do you know the power of God's love, mercy, and righteousness (moral goodness) for overcoming evil with good?
"Lord Jesus, your love brings freedom and pardon. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and set my heart free with your merciful love that nothing may make me lose my temper, ruffle my peace, take away my joy, nor make me bitter towards anyone."
Psalm 103:1-4,8-9,11-12
1 Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name! 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, 3 who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, 4 who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with mercy and compassion, 8 The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy. 9 He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger for ever. 11 For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward those who fear him; 12 as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
Daily Quote from the early church fathers: The virtue of charity, by Ambrose of Milan, 339-397 A.D.
"Love is commanded when it is said, 'Love your enemies' so that the saying which was uttered already before the church may be fulfilled: 'Set in order love in me' (Song of Solomon 2:4). For love is set in order when the precepts of love are formed. See how it began from the heights and cast the law underneath the backs of the Gospel's blessing. The law commands the revenge of punishment (see Exodus 21:23-36). The gospel bestows love for hostility, benevolence for hatred, prayer for curses, help for the persecuted, patience for the hungry and grace of reward. How much more perfect the athlete who does not feel injury!"  (excerpt from EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL OF LUKE 5.73)
Saturday (February 23): "This is My Son, the Beloved - Listen to Him!"
Gospel Reading: Mark 9:2-13
2 Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain apart, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, 3 and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no one on earth could bleach them. 4 And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses, who were talking with Jesus. 5 Then Peter said to Jesus, "Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; let us make three dwellings, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." 6 He did not know what to say, for they were terrified. 7 Then a cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud there came a voice, "This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!" 8 Suddenly when they looked around, they saw no one with them any more, but only Jesus. 9 As they were coming down the mountain, he ordered them to tell no one about what they had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead. 10 So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what this rising from the dead could mean. 11 And they asked him, "Why do the scribes say that first Elijah must come?" 12 And he said to them, "Elijah does come first to restore all things; and how is it written of the Son of man, that he should suffer many things and be treated with contempt? 13 But I tell you that Elijah has come, and they did to him whatever they pleased, as it is written of him."
Are you prepared to see God's glory? God is eager to share his glory with us! We get a glimpse of this when the disciples see Jesus transfigured on the mountain. Jesus' face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white
(Mark 9:2,3)
When Moses met with God on Mount Sinai the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God (see Exodus 34:29). Paul says that the Israelites could not look at Moses' face because of its brightness (2 Corinthians 3:7). In the Gospel account Jesus appeared in glory with Moses, the great lawgiver of Israel, and with Elijah, the greatest of the prophets, in the presence of three of his beloved apostles - Peter, James, and John.
What is the significance of this mysterious appearance? Jesus went to the mountain knowing full well what awaited him in Jerusalem - his betrayal, rejection and crucifixion. Jesus very likely discussed this momentous decision to go to the cross with Moses and Elijah. God the Father also spoke with Jesus and gave his approval: This is my beloved Son; listen to him. The Father glorified his son because he obeyed. The cloud which overshadowed Jesus and his apostles fulfilled the dream of the Jews that when the Messiah came the cloud of God's presence would fill the temple again (see Exodus 16:10, 19:9, 33:9; 1 Kings 8:10; 2 Maccabees 2:8).
The Lord wants to share his glory with each of us The Lord Jesus not only wants us to see his glory - he wants to share this glory with us. And Jesus shows us the way to the Father's glory: follow me - obey my words - take the path I have chosen for you and you will receive the blessings of my Father's kingdom - your name will be written in heaven.
Jesus succeeded in his mission because he went to Calvary so that Paradise would be restored to us once again. He embraced the cross to obtain the crown of glory that awaits each one of us, if we will follow in his footsteps.
Origen of Alexandria (185-254 AD), an early church bible scholar and writer, shows us how the transfiguration can change our lives:
"When he is transfigured, his face also shines as the sun that he may be manifested to the children of light who have put off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light, and are no longer the children of darkness or night but have become the sons of day, and walk honestly as in the day. Being manifest, he will shine unto them not simply as the sun, but as demonstrated to be the sun of righteousness."
Stay awake spiritually - Don't miss God's glory and action Luke's Gospel account tells us that while Jesus was transfigured, Peter, James, and John were asleep (Luke 9:32)! Upon awakening they discovered Jesus in glory along with Moses and Elijah. How much do we miss of God's glory and action because we are asleep spiritually?  There are many things which can keep our minds asleep to the things of God: Mental lethargy and the "unexamined life" can keep us from thinking things through and facing our doubts and questions. The life of ease can also hinder us from considering the challenging or disturbing demands of Christ.  Prejudice can make us blind to something new the Lord may have for us. Even sorrow can be a block until we can see past it to the glory of God.
Are you spiritually awake? Peter, James, and John were privileged witnesses of the glory of Christ. We, too, as disciples of Christ are called to be witnesses of his glory. We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18). The Lord wants to reveal his glory to us, his beloved disciples. Do you seek his presence with faith and reverence?
"Lord Jesus, keep me always alert and awake to you, to your word, your action, and your daily presence in my life. Let me see your glory."
Psalm 145:1-5,10-12
1 I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name for ever and ever.
2 Every day I will bless you, and praise your name for ever and ever.
3 Great is the L
, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.
4 One generation shall laud your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.
5 On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.
10 All your works shall give thanks to you, O L
, and all your saints shall bless you!
11 They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom, and tell of your power,
12 to make known to the sons of men your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.
Daily Quote from the early church fathers: The transfiguration of Jesus, by Jerome (347-420 AD)
"Do you wish to see the transfiguration of Jesus? Behold with me the Jesus of the Gospels. Let him be simply apprehended. There he is beheld both 'according to the flesh' and at the same time in his true divinity. He is beheld in the form of God according to our capacity for knowledge. This is how he was beheld by those who went up upon the lofty mountain to be apart with him. Meanwhile those who do not go up the mountain can still behold his works and hear his words, which are uplifting. It is before those who go up that Jesus is transfigured, and not to those below. When he is transfigured, his face shines as the sun, that he may be manifested to the children of light, who have put off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light (Romans 13:12). They are no longer the children of darkness or night but have become the children of day. They walk honestly as in the day. Being manifested, he will shine to them not simply as the sun but as he is demonstrated to be, the sun of righteousness." (excerpt from COMMENTARY ON MATTHEW 12.37.10)
Friday (February 22): the keys of the kingdom of heaven
Scripture: Matthew 16:13-19  (alternate reading: Mark 8:34 - 9:1)
13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do men say that the Son of man is?" 14 And they said, "Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." 15 He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"16 Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." 17 And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth  shall be loosed in heaven."
Meditation: At an opportune time Jesus tests his disciples with a crucial question: Who do men say that I am and who do you say that I am? He was widely recognized in Israel as a mighty man of God, even being compared with the greatest of the prophets, John the Baptist, Elijah, and Jeremiah. Peter, always quick to respond, exclaimed that he was the Christ, the Son of the living God.  No mortal being could have revealed this to Peter, but only God.
Cyril of Alexandria (376-444 AD), an early church father comments on Peter's profession of faith in Jesus:
Peter did not say "you are a Christ" or "a son of God" but "the Christ, the Son of God." For there are many christs [meaning anointed ones] by grace, who have attained the rank of adoption [as sons], but [there is] only one who is by nature the Son of God. Thus, using the definite article, he said, the Christ, the Son of God. And in calling him Son of the living God, Peter indicates that Christ himself is life and that death has no authority over him. And even if the flesh, for a short while, was weak and died, nevertheless it rose again, since the Word, who indwelled it, could not be held under the bonds of death. (FRAGMENT 190)
Jesus plays on Peter's name which is the same word for "rock" in both Aramaic and Greek.  To call someone a "rock" is one of the greatest of compliments. The ancient rabbis had a saying that when God saw Abraham, he exclaimed: "I have discovered a rock to found the world upon". Through Abraham God established a nation for himself. Through faith Peter grasped who Jesus truly was. He was the first apostle to recognize Jesus as the
Anointed One
) and the
only begotten Son of God
. The New Testament describes the church as a spiritual house or temple with each member joined together as
living stones
(see 1 Peter 2:5). Faith in Jesus Christ makes us into
spiritual stones
Jesus then confers on Peter authority to govern the church that Jesus would build, a church that no powers would overcome because it is founded on the rock which is Christ himself. Epiphanius, a 6th century Scripture scholar who also translated many early church commentaries from Greek into Latin, explains the significance of Jesus handing down the "keys of the kingdom":
For Christ is a rock which is never disturbed or worn away. Therefore Peter gladly received his name from Christ to signify the established and unshaken faith of the church.… The devil is the gateway of death who always hastens to stir up against the holy church calamities and temptations and persecutions. But the faith of the apostle, which was founded upon the rock of Christ, abides always unconquered and unshaken. And the very keys of the kingdom of the heavens have been handed down so that one whom he has bound on earth has been bound in heaven, and one whom he has set free on earth he has also set free in heaven. (INTERPRETATION OF THE GOSPELS 28)
The Lord Jesus offers us the gift of unshakeable faith, enduring hope, and unquenchable love - and the joyful boldness to proclaim him as the one true Savior who brings us the kingdom of God both now and forever. Who do you say he is to yourself and to your neighbor?
"Lord Jesus, I profess and believe that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. You are my Lord and my Savior. Make my faith strong like Peter's and give me boldness to speak of you to others that they may come to know you personally as Lord and Savior and grow in the knowledge of your great love."
Psalm 23:1-6
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want; 2 he makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters; 3 he restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil;  for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;  you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;  and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
Daily Quote from the early church fathers: Who do people say that the Son of Man is? by John Chrysostom (347-407 AD)
   "Note that he is not asking them their own opinion. Rather, he asks the opinion of the people. Why? In order to contrast the opinion of the people with the disciples answer to the question 'But who do you say that I am?' In this way, by the manner of his inquiry, they might be drawn gradually to a more sublime notion and not fall into the same common view as that of the multitude.    "Note that Jesus does not raise this question at the beginning of his preaching but only after he had done many miracles, had talked through with them many lofty teachings, and had given them many clear proofs of his divinity and of his union with the Father. Only then does he put this question to them.    "He did not ask 'Who do the scribes and Pharisees say that I am?' even though they had often come to him and discoursed with him. Rather, he begins his questioning by asking 'Who do men say the Son of man is?' as if to inquire about common opinion. Even if common opinion was far less true than it might have been, it was at least relatively more free from malice than the opinions of the religious leaders, which was teeming with bad motives.    "He signifies how earnestly he desires this divine economy to be confessed when he says, 'Who do men say the Son of man is?'" for he thereby denotes his godhead, which he does also in many other places. (excerpt from THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW, HOMILY 54.1.6)
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