#this isnt an attack on the game im just kinda disappointed
merry-harlowe · 4 months
Nah okay I’ve been playing bg3 and it’s good, but I’ve kinda been like. :/ because a lot of the games feels unfinished to me, but seeing posts about wyll and Karlach (my two main characters I have in my party aside from Shadowheart, who i thought her story was just progressing really fast?) and realizing that oh, this isn’t a broader pacing speed in the game or a broader level of the game not being finished, it’s a wyll (and somewhat karlach) thing. Ah. Like Mercury kissed Wyll at the tiefling party, but Wyll hasn’t had any new dialogue options since, and I’m halfway through the underdark??? Also I completely missed his side quest with his father, companion quests should not be that easily missed!!
I was rlly surprised with how fast the dialogue trees are exhausted in this game in general tbh, it’s quite limited so far compared to its peers in the genre. Also this is a personal gripe but i hate that they don’t have clearly labeled when a dialogue has a “flirt” tag, i got to the tiefling party scene and literally everyone propositioned my character, despite the fact i was only flirting with astarion and wyll. Adding a little heart at the end of flirtatious dialogue options doesn’t break immersion it literally just clarifies the tone the line is written in 😭
Also the character creator got so much hype, but legit it was the most disappointing customization I’ve seen in a hot sec. Like dai (a game from a decade ago) and Elden ring (a game where you don’t even see ur characters face nearly ever) both had far more advanced customization, and like. Even that wasn’t enough when it comes to representation. Also like dhgjkg for a game that advertised its ~risqué~ content, a) it’s quite tame, and b) you can’t even pick your chest size? 🤨 (which again, is not even getting into the extreme limitations w different body sizes and shapes)
Like it’s a fun game and I’m enjoying myself, but like. For a game that swept at the award season and costed me eighty bucks, I kinda feel like the game should feel finished, let alone have some level of polish. (Also also im glad it’s getting the content updates it clearly needs, but it’s insane that it won GAME OF THE YEAR! and is still getting base game content updates???!??? I really hate the trend it’s emblematic of in the industry tbhhh)
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ranking random soulsborne (mostly elden ring) bosses based on how much i like them but my takes are kinda bad
uhh 30 least liked and number 1 is my favorite
30. godskin duo
nuff said tbh. terribly designed boss. from had no idea how to make it hard so they just chucked two enemies in the dumbass room
29. the monkeys from sekiro
boring copy and paste of guardian ape
28. elden beast
elden beast is probably one of my least favorite fights in elden ring. for some reason torrent isnt available in its arena so you have to go chasing after it every time it runs away 😭😭 average int build fight
you could literally give me melania spamming scarlet aeonia, maliketh with 3x his normal health, and the double crucible knights all in the same tiny cramped room and i would still probably like it more than elden beast
the execution leaves much to be desired; especially for a final boss. give me cool insane bloodborne esque attacks not penis dragon spamming elden stars
27. fire giant
i dont like the fire giant fight. yeah im probably gonna get a lot of 'git guds' for this one but he always gmfu. WHEN HE GETS STUCK ON THE FUCKING TERRAIN I START TWEAKING ITS SO ANNOYING
26. ornstein and smough
smoughs fatass ruins the fight for me i srsly cant take him srsly with that goofy ass giggle
25. death rite bird
design is cool but i really dont like the fight
24. night's calvary
:-( this boss couldve been really cool. its so glitchy in game tho
the altus plateau calvary glitch is really funny tho. if youve never seen it essentially it bugs out if you stray too far from its locked spawn point and gets stuck and stops attacking
23. renalla
ehhhh. i hate int builds. plus i think her fight is kind of boring. maybe im biased
22. magma wyrm makar
hes just annoying. i dont like his design. the lore is cool!!
21. orphan of kos
cool bossfight but i still need to git gud so he ranks low bc i keep dying
20. radagon
ugh. first, hes ginger. second, his attacks are insane. third, hes ginger
19. friede & ariandel (i think thats how you spell it)
fun boss in design but the three phases is insane
18. astel
ehhh. i like astel for the design but the fight reminds me of elden beast. lots of running away for like no reason
at least astel has a somewhat enjoyable fight
17. red wolf
i like the dog bc i think its funny it can do fucking magic and wield a sword but the fight is kind of annoying especially if ur strength build
16. mergos wet nurse
very fun lore wise but the fight is so eh
15. sif :(
such a tragic fight. i think it was well designed tbh but since all ds1 bosses are easy as shit he doesnt place as high on my list of liked bosses
14. godrick
godrick is probably one of my favorite fights due to how fucking dumb he is. he literally crawls toward you and throws wind at you. he has to attach a dragon to his arm to beat you and still fucking loses. all those limbs he grafted to give him power just weigh him down and i think thats really funny
13. margit
margit is a very fun first story boss. his moveset is pretty cool and i have his voice line engrained into my skull
12. moon presence
i love this boss mostly bc of the cutscene since the fight is kind of underwhelming
11. divine dragon
i love the music plus the fight is cool. i like the genre of souls bosses that are very sad and pathetic looking
10. mohg
mohg is one of my favorite fights. i love his voice. i love his music. he gets major points for being a lolicon tho #freemiquella #mohglordofbloodisoverparty
9. artorias
I LOVE THIS FIGHT. whole game you hear about this dude and the fight doesnt disappoint imo. i wish they kept his voicelines
8. maria of the astral clocktower
shes so cool. i love her sm
amazing fight
amazing music
amazing lore
what more could you want points off for being british
6. isshin
isshin is VERY cool. i havent played sekiro in a while but i remember enjoying the fight
5. maliketh
his first phase is eh but his second phase is insane
the attacks are so cool and the fact he bounces off his own fucking attack is insane. what the fuck hes so cool
4. midir
very fun fight. yes its hard but you can really feel how angry and sad he is
3. malenia
honestly one of my favorite fights in ER. yes its hard as shit but her design is so cool and her lore is tragic
points off for nuking radahn
2. fortissax
i love the ost and i love just how... sad and tragic the whole fight feels? hes clearly suffering from the deathblight and the fact hes been fighting it off is so cool. even an immortal dragon cant fight off the deathroot which is insane.
i love radahn so much
seriously it might be my favorite fight in the series
his attacks are cool. his design is cool. his lore is fucking cool. his fight is so cool-- leading an army into battle and charging radahn is my favorite moment. plus the fact he fucking holds back the STARS is fucking awesome what the fuck hes insane
the tragedy of that accidental patch will never not be funny to me. pre-patch radahn wasnt even that fucking hard 😭😭😭 git gud you fuckign loser. pushed fromsoft so hard they accidentally nerfed him
honorable mentions that include some normal enemies (dislikes):
crucible knight duo
god i fucking hate this fight. crucible knights are annoying on their own but this is a whole new level. dungeon isnt even worth it
hes... fine... but his pool of lava is annoying plus the magic spam
fia's champions
how the fuck is this an actual boss
valiant gargoyles
his lore is cool and i like that the dragonburnt ruins hollows like... worship him? its kind of cool. but his fight is either just cheesing or chasing him around. plus his moveset is shared by like every dragon in the game
erdtree avatar
literally just asylum demon
castle sol knight
iykyk. fuck this guy
rune bears
what the actual fuck. my first playthrough they absolutely clapped my cheeks
black blade kindred
nuff said
literally just a copy and paste of godrick
weirdly hard? his attacks are insane
pets from dark souls 2
ulcerated tree spirit
the fact that its attack is just flailing around in the tiny ass spaces theyre always put in is so annoying. the one in caelid is insane
honorable mentions that i actually liked
ekzykes, borealis and adula
i think theyre cool. yeah they essentially share the same model as agheel but like... magic dragons
plus i feel bad for ekzykes
very cool boss. love him
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narwhalandchill · 6 months
anyway uhh jokes and the mayhem aside i am. not looking forward to the eminent discourse and the hsr vs genshin situation flaring up again thanks to W + ratio incident.
(ensuing ramble dont mind me)
and like. for me im kinda like? idk not distraught enough to call myself torn or anything but it sure is a bit of a Huh moment to look at the way hsr operates w the community and all compared to genshin.
btw i have no like great morsels of wisdom here im just word vomiting some thoughts lmao
but like. logically (or should i say. rational- *GUNSHOT*) and purely from i guess the "hoyo" slash business pov. its 2 different games from different teams that belong to different genres and operate in vastly distinct environments in terms of like. competition and player retention. a turn based game like hsr isnt the kind of like. groundbreaking juggernaut that genshin was and is to this day (like. the famous "genshin killers" wya lmao). so to a certain extent at least its like. i can see how it affects this stuff i guess. genshin to this day hasnt felt the true pressure and need to care abt the community the way hsr is clearly angling more for.
but also imagine genuinely whiteknighting the genshin side of things to just settle for that excuse alone WDJWJKJWDKWD no fucking way 💀 like. that is Not the point im making at all. bc there comes a certain point where its just. yeah theres arguments to be made abt how the games differ and how hsr incentivizes pulling for and makes more new 5* charas and has no open world so needing to distribute f2p pulls thru other means is a must etc etc etc. but theres a point where that just falls flat.
and while i do agree the genshin community can strike up shitstorms that are more about outrage than anything substantial like. first anniversary with google classroom and all of that being a good example. but having Been there. while it was taken too far at points the reality of that saga always was about the cumulative community feeling hitting its breaking point. it was a lot of things accumulating and piling up in terms of frustration that led up to that 2.1 meltdown and honestly hoyo can only blame themselves. no need to relive that one too much my point just is that while for me (at least for now) im not feeling any of that like. deep hollow disappointment at realizing genshin will never truly beat (and arguably, i dont rly think its ever wanted to) the allegation of. the hsr team just being allowed much more freedom in terms of fostering goodwill w the community and stuff. i can still genuinely understand if this ratio thing for hsr ends up becoming another final straw for that feeling to rise up again for some genshin players. bc just like 2.1 this too is a cumulative thing. hsr is getting new gamemodes. constant massive QoL. freebies and limited-time events with permanent story and gameplay content. responding to and addressing tons of player complaints. genshin is... attempting some QoL? a tiny bit? like its just a whole situation.
and that feeling genuinely sucks. obviously dont attack random people like the cast or minor devs with no executive power or google classroom. or fuel this whole hsr vs genshin tribalism thats apparently athing. thats so stupid. fuck off. if i see another assassination attempt on dawei bc of hsr getting free fucking ratio i dont even know what to say 💀
but still its easy to be all "wow entitled terminally online gacha players" and yeah that can be true but i also dont like reducing all of that long term resentment from unaddressed complaints and issues and tiny disappointments accumulating over time for people who very much love genshin and want to be able to love it even more. to just like. haha greedy people want freebies. ofc hoyo doesnt owe us shit its a company and even with hsr this generosity shouldnt be turned into some parasocial "oh theyre on our side" thing. its just two games that want to make money. genshin and hsr both.
but it still sucks that theres such a discrepancy. and as long as ur not being toxic about how and when u express it i think that feeling is completely fair and valid. its not nice being passionate about a game and its potential while investing time and possibly money into it and still getting treated like shit year after year just bc genshin is still too successful to be forced into caring about us peasants lmao. venting and memeing and even sending appropriate complaints to hoyo are all fair game to me lmao. go wild
tho i will have to say that i do think the ultimate antidote to that feeling of disapppointment in particular imo still consists of touching grass like. its not good to be overtly attached to this stuff on an emotional level. i get why people would end up in that position esp given how genshin literally started during quarantine and was a massive source of comfort and joy in incredibly tough times for so many (myself included). but still. hoyo is simply not ur friend and ultimately its still just a couple of gacha games. finding other sources of happiness and comfort is v important. but being affected by this baseline isnt an individual failure or something wildly unreasonable at all.
for me im not too emotionally affected or anything but i cant deny this thing does have me thinking a good bit. as someone who naturally gravitates more towards genshins open world and its style of worldbuilding and aesthetic and its characters so even if i do enjoy hsr overall its just. a bit of a bitter taste u get in the mouth from all of this.
im not interested in discoursing on this or even like. protesting against hoyo particularly bc its clear that the genshin team has chosen its stance on the matter and i doubt another incident will really sway them much. the push will need to come from elsewhere if things are to ever change. im happy to get these freebies in hsr and i hope the game continues evolving and getting better bc it sure does have its flaws too. and the same for genshin. in a way a lot of the good in hsr is due to the hindsight 20/20 from genshins pitfalls and problems too (as well as arguably the literal sink or swim hsr faced from the poor reception to aspects of 1.0-1.3). unfortunately i doubt genshin would have the guts or be given the resources to retroactively address and fix those very same things in their own game. which is a shame.
anyway i dont have any particular point im going for with this i suppose i just wanted to get these silly thoughts off my chest. L + ratio to W + ratio was hilariously iconic and im still incredibly hype for all these things hsr has given us to look forward to even if the discrepancy with genshin does cast a shadow over this a bit. and i still love genshin and will keep playing it and keep hoping it can improve over time and get better. ultimately i care less about free ayaka at AR 42 becoming reality because "ratio hsr!!!1!1" than the devs genuinely investing the time and effort needed to make this game all the things it has the potential to be going forward. but im not holding my breath.
so yeah. if u stuck all the way with this whole situation u get a sticker. many thoughts in the head and you people following me are stuck with them im afraid JKJKDWJKWDJKDW
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loudmouthcd · 4 years
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hello hello !! im so excited to be here ! my name is g , and u can find me on my musings blog @ pocmuzings if u ever want to hmu ! i’m 23 and in the aest timezone , so ill be on at pretty random hours between working my 9-5 ! i’m a cis woman , and use she / her pronouns . i’m a proud brown beautiful woman ( im indian ) !  if u would like my discord , feel free to ask ! i’m a horror movie enthusiast , and would d*e for any poc in the entire world . . 
i’m currently trying to figure out where the heck my sidebar links have gone on this theme . . so pls Bear with me fkjnfnjkfj . ( help . . help . . they’re in the theme preview idk what i did ) 
here’s mali , she’s a muse i’ve always wanted to play but never been able to !
inspiration for her is mandy milkovich from shameless , rosa diaz from b99 , rebeca from elite , kiara from outer banks and viola from shes the man
mali was raised in a house filled with boys , and her father was quite strict and determined . her relationship with her father has never been very personal, but more so almost like a business deal , or like a coach and his student 
mali was quite active as a child , and quite energetic . she was always running around and bouncing off walls - it drove her father wild because he could never make her sit still , whilst also trying to raise her older brothers at the same time
because of this , mali kinda took to her own devices . she was introduced to soccer at school , and that was her first love . she found herself playing it at every lunch break , or rolling the ball under the desk during class time . it helped with her jitteriness 
it took a year or two before her father realised that she was quite keen on soccer , and she was good at it - and he was overjoyed at the talent she had when it came to playing . she was a strong striker and attacker , but she was also quite aggressive and competitive on the field . she didn’t really have much etiquette when it came to the game , and she would play dirty at times . this . . only made her father even happier . suddenly he went from barely noticing her , to being at every soccer practice and game she had . he bought her the best soccer cleats he could afford , and pushed for her to win every game and score as many goals as possible . he went from not being very invested in mali , as the only girl in the family ( he didn’t know what to do with a girl ) , to being her number one fan
at first it was great . . but then . . her father got a little overbearing and controlling. if she didn’t make a shot , she could feel his disappointment radiating from a mile away . if she allowed someone to trip or foul her , her father would berate her in the car for not having been more intuitive . her father pushed her to be more and more competitive and the best she could be . mali still thoroughly loved soccer , but she started to find it slightly draining . 
whenever she had a second of time outside of studying , her father would be making her run drills or shoot goals in the backyard . she never really got a lot of time to be by herself or do stuff she wanted ( like just normal teenage girl stuff . . getting crushes on people , going to house parties , having her first beer . . ) 
mali has spent majority of her time either with her brothers and her father ( the entire house is pure chaos . messy . loud burping . video games . yelling across rooms to each other . there’s constant noise at all hours of the day ) , or hanging out with her fellow soccer team players ( sometimes they got along with mali , sometimes they saw her as too much of a ball hog or taking the game ‘ too seriously ‘ ) . mali hasn’t really had a chance to develop many friendships outside of this , and it’s beginning to really effect her 
mali has decided to take somewhat of a step back from soccer ( and the competitiveness of it ) , but she’s also not telling her father about that . mali misses having FUN with playing , instead of seeing it as a sport and chore .
she also wants to have the full college experience . her entire first year was dedicated to soccer and getting used to college and living out of home for the first time . this new independency is fantastic , but mali has no idea what to do with it . she wants to live . really live . really get the full experience .
mali really wants to be more ‘ feminine ‘ . she wants to know how to do boss eyeliner , and wear pretty dresses with heels . at the moment , her wardrobe consists of baggy sweaters , ripped jeans , and a lot of sweatpants . she finds woman to be so so beautiful . . but looks at herself and sees a Gremlin . . oh to be a Woman . . wow . . 
mali can be described as . . . very very blunt and loudmouthed . a bi disaster . chaotic and messy . competitive and driven , but also very blasé and careless at times ( reckless may be a better word ) . she’s very spontaneous , and always up for literally anything ( if u wanna get a burrito at 2am , mali will come . if you want to roadtrip across the state , mali will ride shotgun . she never says no ) 
mali is very sick of being seen as ‘ one of the dudes ‘ or ‘ one of the guys ‘ , she especially wants to be making more female friends and have more females in her life , because . . she’s literally never had many that weren’t on the soccer team with her , or her own competition !
connections ( but also pls i will fill any connection u WANT )
trainwreck meet trainwreck : give me two disaster bastards ! together they are absolute chaos ! they are very similair in that they are both abrasive and intense and very high energy . they usually will encourage each others bad behaviours or be somewhat of a bad influence to each other 
‘ one of the boys ‘ : give me a male friend who literally sees mali as another one of the guys . it irks mali sometimes and she has to remind them , hey  . . im a girl too , and they’re always like ‘ yeah but ur not a GIRL girl ‘ , and that lowkey grinds her gears . SHE WANTS TO BE A GIRL GIRL
soft females : please . . my god . . give me the softest sweetest gal to mali’s absolute demonic energy
soccer players : 100000% believe mali has challenged ur character to an impromptu game of soccer at one point . it doesn’t matter if ur not in the same league or team as mali . if u play soccer for even one second , she will want to size u up and try Beat u at it . 
childhood friends : i ain’t never seen two pretty childhood friends . . no i’m kidding , but i do love childhood friends so SO much
siblings but not by blood : they bicker , they rant , they get frustrated . . but they always always come back to each other . they can call each other an asshole then text each other ten mins later and be like ‘ taco bell ? :) ‘ dskjnfdnjk
watch it , bitch : mali is . . a Lot . she’s very intense and loud , and she has no manners . she’s very competitive and aggressive at times and i completely understand why that isnt everyones cup of tea ! lets get some negative connections up in here !
bi bi bi : give me hookups . past . present .emerging . future . let mali be a hoe , she deserves it . she deserves the college experience
party in the usa : whos gonna introduce mali to alcohol n partying and having  a Wild As Heck night ?
outer banks : pls pls pls pls PLEASE give me an outer banks - esque squad . total idiots . absolute morons ..  there’s not a single brain cell between them  . . 
mali , you look like shit : please teach her how to not wear the same sweatshirt 10 days in a row . pls clean her up . pls show her how to be Pretty . make her over . . . i beg of u . . 
older sister : honestly kinda like the above plot but i’d love for a Wise Woman to just . . be a mentor and guide to mali and be an amazing friend to her 
GIRL SQUAD : i literally love female friendships so muhc . . its smth that can be so personal . . but really my god . give me and mali a bunch of females in her life , shes never really had that before and she Deserves it 
pain in my ass : they both irritate each other endlessly . they’re both too similair , maybe ,and that’s why they clash . a lot of it is ‘ harmless teasing ‘ and ‘ banter ‘ for the most part , but they literally fight like an old married couple around each other .
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blookmallow · 4 years
and now we return to outlast 2, where- 
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(i have... a LOT im trying to process about this whole section sorry for upcoming text walls. really nasty #blood / #gore in here as well though) (i didnt realize i was This far behind on liveblogs lmao i drafted this. a while ago and didnt get back to it until now) 
so i fell off the bridge (shock. horror. who could have predicted this) and right into the scalled village
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what.............happened to you 
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so it turns out “the scalled” are... some kind of leper colony banned from the town and left to fester and rot out here alone 
most of them are just lying around suffering and dying, i dont know what the fuck happened to them, there’s some mention of like. wildly untreated syphilis/potentially other stds they’re being told is their curse for the sins they’ve committed but does.... syphilis do that to you. it might actually be leprosy i dont know i dont want to research this. all i can think about is when i watched jesus christ superstar in high school and the leper colony song where they’re all crowding around jesus all trying to touch him REALLY freaked me out for a while
i mean its like. probably a combination of disease left horrifically untreated and massively infected given the absolutely appalling conditions these people are living in (everything’s run down and full of blood and shit and who knows what else), starvation, who knows what they’re even finding to eat out here so that’s probably causing even more disease but still jesus christ
at first it just made me really sad, sure these people came from temple gate too so they were. fucked up cultists to begin with but a lot of this is like... result of longterm emotional and mental abuse and manipulation, some of these people might not have started out as depraved evil murderers, and like. nobody deserves to live like this. except knoth lmao throw him down here, but
so i thought maybe it would turn out that you realize they’re human too, they’re just in a fucking LOT of pain and maybe you can’t do anything to help them (i dont think there’s any hope for anyone down here at this point) but maybe they’d turn out to be on my side and do something to help me fight back against the leader who abandoned them, “the most absolutely fucked up looking people are actually the most human” kind of thing but uh. that is not how things went. at all, 
ill get into How Fucking Bad this got in a second lmao but like
most of them dont really do anything to you other than bleed on you and beg you for help, some people lash out but thats like, understandable given the horrifying state they’re in, but
as it turns out, being the “scalled messiah” is a VERY bad thing, they went from occasionally lashing out at me to outright tracking me down to murder me to death which, like, honestly kind of disappointing
bc one of the things i liked the most about the first outlast was how many of the prisoners were clearly just victims too, some of them (lookin at you, naked twin guys,) were just evil and murderous but some of them were just very very mentally unwell (exacerbated by horrible living conditions and the fact that the people who were supposed to be protecting them and helping them recover were actively, intentionally working to make their symptoms worse) and couldn’t really be blamed for acting violently toward you, but
then sometimes there’s people who warn you about dangers ahead, people sitting in corners hiding and scared and wont hurt you unless you give them a reason to think you might be a threat, people just trying to stay alive, people who need help 
but that’s. not the case here, and there’s definitely a particular kind of horror in “absolutely no one in this hell town can be trusted, nobody will help me, everyone here wants to hurt me and every time i think ive made any kind of progress it gets so much worse” (except that ONe guy who tried to protect me. im still sad about him) but. i dont know i feel like there’s a missed opportunity here. im not sure if im supposed to feel like the scalled deserve to be like this because of the kind of people they were before, but i dont. i feel like the “what the fucking shit HAPPENED to these people” horror is heightened by the realization that they’re people, and just kinda using them as attack zombies is. missing something, somehow. i dont know, i cant figure out how to word what i want to say here 
i mean its absolutely fucking horrifying, i was scared out of my mind going through all this, and i still gotta give props to a video game experience that left me legitimately feeling like i needed to go take a shower and crawl under a blanket for a while 
i guess ultimately with outlast im coming here to be scared shitless more than anything else and boy did they ever fucking deliver
ok im gonna stop bc i will keep talking in circles about this forever if i dont, moving on
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im guessing theres some kind of... inbreeding birth defect situation going on here but i cant even process what im looking at 
that and its hard to look at them at all considering the only times i see them im getting murdered to death. my panicked screenshots hoping to get a better look later did not help 
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how the fuck has my dude not thrown up like 90 times already. im glad he hasnt bc im bad emetophobia but outlast 1 did it so im honestly surprised that hasnt happened unless ive just forgotten it in the blur of nightmares im going through here 
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i gotta say im impressed with how FAR they GO with this one, i have no idea how much game i have left but considering this isnt even the ending i am HORRIFIED to see what the fuck is gonna happen next 
i mean outlast 1 has you getting your fucking fingers sliced off and whistleblower has. That Scene (even though like. it stops before waylon actually gets cut its REALLY CLOSE)  
this whole time i kept thinking something would happen and they’d get interrupted, I’d escape somehow, they aren’t really going to have the player character get literally fucking crucified from your own perspective,
but then the nails go in 
and you’ve got one hand literally nailed to a cross
and then they start the other one 
but they lift it up 
and you’re hanging there 
and for a second i legitimately thought it was gonna end there for him, i thought he was actually just going to die there and the game would continue with lynn or something (which, to be fair, would be a pretty cool twist, but i dont WANT blake to just die here like this) 
but against all odds HE SOMEHOW DIDNT FUCKING DIE, and managed to find the strength to rIP HIS HANDS OUT OF THE NAILS AND FALL DOWN
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i cannot fucking IMAGINE what that would feel like. i dont want to imagine it but i sure the fuck am now 
i dont know if its possible to like. die from bleeding out in this scene if you dont find the bandages fast enough but it sure felt like i was going to 
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fucking hell i can practically feel it in my real hands i HATE THIS i HATe it
god. fuck. im gonna be thinking about this scene for the rest of my life i didnt think anything would ever be worse than the finger slicing scene in outlast 1 but this. i think this wins
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w OA h
i still have no IDEA whats going on with these flashbacks either, clearly his classmate hung herself and he feels subconsciously responsible for it because he didn’t do anything to stop her (though it doesn’t sound like he Could have done anything, and. they were kids), there’s definitely some buried trauma he never dealt with thats resurfacing now but
i still dont think its just a manifestation of trauma, because like. the recordings are still coming out as fucked up static, if he was just having really intense hallucinations there wouldn’t be any record on the camera, it would just be him filming nothing and talking to himself through a panic attack, it wouldn’t be getting consistently corrupted ONLY during the flashbacks so what the fuck is happening 
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i m losing it its the cola machines from the first game i diD NOT EXPECT THESE TO BE HERE 
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what the fuck is christian salad 
you didn’t think i would see this, outlast devs, you thought you could hide this on the menu board and i wouldnt notice. i did notice and i demand answers
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actualbird · 5 years
okay. okay, i know this is probably an unpopular/unorthodox take but. in a dghda good omens au i just think it would be really really interesting to entertain the possibility that dirk is crowley and todd is aziraphale
now hear me out
dirk, an angel who did not fall so much as flail vaguely downwards. he didnt do anything bad, per se. he just had way too much curiosity than what was acceptable for an angel. he was always asking questions, and ended up hanging with the wrong crowd, a bunch of demons who had promised him answers. he trusted the wrong people, didnt even get the answers he was promised, and next thing he knows he’s been cast out of heaven and his wings were scorched black. 
dirk, now a demon, who is kinda rubbish at being a demon. who mostly just lets humans do whatever and takes credit for it so that the downstairs doesnt get all up in his business. dirk who thinks that inventing selfies and traffic jams is proper demonic activity. dirk isnt evil so much as an incredible nuisance, and he is good at it. the best, really. and he’s come to learn that annoyed humans do all the evil making on their own.
todd, a principality who does not ask questions, who kinda just accepts things as they come. todd who has been stationed on earth since the beginning of time and slowly, upon seeing what humanity is capable of, has grown to be a little gruff and cynical. he’s still good! or at least he hopes he is, because it’s kinda in the job description of being an angel that he should be good, but he doesnt think he’s doing a stellar job at it. every time he does some miracles, humans always find a way to muck it up. wherever he spreads peace, in a few decades, conflict always breaks out. todd feels like an exhausted janitor of sorts, working so hard to influence people to the Good and getting disappointed whenever people just end up as, well....people.
todd isnt bad at being an angel, he just thinks it’s an absolute slog. not that he’d admit that to anybody. well, anybody other than dirk, when they both meet up and get spectacularly drunk and complain about their respective Sides.
also, theyve been in love with each other for 6000 years but you have GOT to know that already.
other fun things to imagine
todd collects records. he’s always been a huge fan of music ever since humans invented it, and records have had a soft spot in his heart ever since they were created. todd needs a place to put all these records, so he opens a record shop where he sells nothing and is an absolute and utter asshole to any customer to make sure nobody ever tries to buy any of his stuff. one notable time, somebody came in and said “is this a record store?” to which todd replied, surrounded by records, “no.” before shutting the door and locking it.
dirk drives a car, but “drives” and “car” are relative. when dirk says he “drives”, he means that he’s on a mission to break nearly every single traffic rule he can and also give todd a heart attack. when dirk says “car” he means he has a vehicle that changes form between whatever is the flashiest, prettiest car available at that given time period. he does this because he is absolutely vain and also because he knows that humans seeing somebody recklessly drive a very expensive car pisses them off
between the two of them, dirk is the one who mingles with humans a bit more. he’s got the personality for it, or maybe just the utter lack of care of what people think of him. todd prefers to stay out of the way of most humans, only really going in when he has a job to do or selfish earthly pleasures he wants to secretly indulge in (what? he likes concerts? and in his defense, he can make sure that whatever concert he’s at is like....super good, or whatever). but because of dirk’s mingling, this often gets him into trouble. lots of it. and todd, without fail, always comes to save him. dirk always, always tries to thank todd, but todd never accepts it on the grounds that getting thanked by a demon probably isnt proper. 
todd has this habit of reminding dirk hes a demon and dirk has long learned how to stop being offended by it. he figures that todd is just a repressed bastard that needs to justify every little thing to himself, so whenever todd does this, dirk just shrugs and says “whatever keeps you sane, angel.”
and just because im self indulgent, a snippet of how i imagine The Beginning:
“I don’t see what’s so bad about knowing the difference between good and evil anyway,” Dirk says at The Beginning. Todd, next to him, raises his eyebrows. Todd didn’t know demons were in the business of pouting. “Shouldn’t that help them, in the long run?”
“Isn’t wanting to know too much the whole reason why you got in trouble in the first place?” 
Dirk shifts from foot to foot, guilty. “Well...”
“I don’t think we’re supposed to know. Things. The Great Plan.” Todd says, frowning at how ridiculous it sounds and how, for some reason, he doesn’t want to sound ridiculous in front of Dirk. “It’s supposed to be, y’know. Completely impossible to understand. Nobody can put it into words. Nobody should.”
“That seems awfully convenient,” Dirk hums. He looks at Todd, squinting. “Didn’t you used to have a sword?”
“Uh.” Todd looks to the side, inspecting a patch of desert that has become very interesting to him suddenly. 
“You did! It was very impressive, flaming and everything. Where is it?
“Yeah, see---”
Dirk gasps, delighted, “Did you lose it already? This early in the game?”
“I didn’t lose it!” Todd snaps. He takes a breath. Reins himself in. “I just. Gave it away.”
“You gave it away---”
“They needed it more than I did!” Todd says, and he stops himself before he can say more. He doesn’t need to justify himself to a demon. Right?
“Hm,” Dirk looks thoughtful. “I suppose that was rather nice of you.”
“It’s not nice,” Todd says. “It’s...good. Hopefully.”
“Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t,” Dirk says. “One on hand, helping humans does seem to be the correct course of action for your kind. On the other, I’m unsure if them having a great flaming sword is part of The Great Plan, or whatever it is. Or if you had the right to give the thing away in the first place. Would this count as disobedience? Or is it not, because nobody’s come down and called you out for it, yet? Good and evil seem completely relative, if you think about it.”
“You’re not making me feel any better,” Todd grumbles.
“You know, it’s kind of funny, actually,” Dirk smiles. It catches Todd off guard, Dirk’s smile. It’s bright and kind, nothing like what he assumes demons must be. “What if you did the wrong thing and I did the right one? Funny if we got it both wrong, huh?”
"Not really,” Todd says.
Dirk looks towards the horizon. The grey storm clouds creeping in. Above them, the first drops of rain begin to fall.
“No,” Dirk says. “I suppose not.”
Todd looks at Dirk, the demon, the serpent that tempted the first humans into going out of God’s favor, and sighs. Todd raises one wing above Dirk’s head, and Dirk smiles gratefully, shuffling under its cover.
okay. okay im done. for now.
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radioactive-synth · 5 years
I’m curious, did Vaughn fall for Nick or Hancock first? or was he immediately taken with both of them? They have such a cute dynamic I love it
havent expected this kind of ask, im tryin to answer in best way, thank you @dovahqun !
per short, Vaughn didnt actually realised he fallen for them, but it was so obvious for others in Sanctuary, especially that they also started to live together in his house?
per long: (under read more, its an essay, forgive me)
first impressions werent the best with Nick, given that Vaughn was still angry and thirsty for revenge, but Nick still believed he is actually a good person, he just needs some guidance. after Nick saved his life in Glowing Sea, Vaughn realised that he must do a change, which what Nick all needed to hear, so he finally took his General role.
Nick stayed with Vaughn for like 3 weeks, watching him how he tries to earn the people’s trust and changed in a better person, but then he went back to his detective work, and not seeing Vaughn for weeks (which in that time Vaughn and Debbie joined the BOS and Danse joined them in Sanctuary)
but a few weeks later, Vaughn got hurt badly during a solo mission (was knocked out and tied and had his mouth cut by a raider) and felt so shocked by that, plus all the thoughts and feelings he had just crashed into his head, and had a bad relapse, being so depressed he basically needed help to do simple things. Debbie used Preston’s radio to contact Nick and get to Sanctuary, thinking that he was the one to deal with Vaughn in a bad time, maybe he could do it again.
Nick had a lot of patience with Vaughn, feeling so sorry how he felt, and even during a night when Vaughn had a nightmare, Nick relunctantly accepted his asking for sleeping with him. since then, they sleep together, as Vaughn really can get a better sleep for the first time since he is out of Vault, and Nick think it feels nice. do i need to mention that Vaughn got high once cause of painkillers and kissed Nick and none talked about it but thought about it a lot.
since then, Nick started to get more often in Sanctuary, their relationship got stronger in that time. they both have a lot of common and just enjoy each other’s company.
with Hancock, neither the first impression was so fine, and they didnt seen each other for a long time, only Hancock knew about the vault dweller from others. second time when they met, it was when Vaughn and the Minutemen took the Castle, and he offered to go in Goodneighbor to buy parts for the radio, so he took Dogmeat and went there, then heard that Bobbi No Nose can offer what he needs, so he agreed to help her out. Now, i changed the canon here too, as i know Vaughn wont accept to break into DC’s strongroom, as he knew that 1. Nick and Piper would hate to hear that and 2. how its like to hear that the General of Minutemen broke into the strongroom of DC? so i think Bobbi says she knew about a pre war bunker that has untouched supplies, so the event goes, then Vaughn basically gets scared seeing Fahrenheit, and even more hearing that its Hancock’s warehouse. he immediatly turned against Bobbi and told her to go. after that, Fahrenheit dragged Vaughn to Goodneighbor to go talk and explain to Hancock about this. Hancock wasnt even mad about this, he appreciated the sincerity, and made fun on how him and the dog stains his carpets with the mud and blood into his clothes and the dog’s fur. after talking, Hancock explains that he should not feel comfortable in his position and should go out, and Vaughn offered him the chance to help him in his Minutemen job.
they also bonded fast, having same bad humor, same sense of justice and Vaughn really loves Hancock’s spirit of adventure. he also gave Hancock a newly renovated home in Sanctuary, which later he shared with MacCready.
a while later, weeks?? one night, Hancock gets out the house cause he cant sleep, and sees Vaughn on the steps of his own house, and goes to talk with him. after a while, Vaughn stated that he cant sleep well cause Nick isnt with him, and Hancock said more in joke that he could be his cuddle buddy, but didnt expected to get a positive answer so....they just slept together. both had a better rest. when Nick was in Sanctuary, Vaughn just thought that they could just try to sleep together, which the other two thought its a bit crowded but didnt refused. a while later, Vaughn started to have sexual relationship with Hancock, and with Nick he occasionally make out.
over the months, between Minutemen work, and dealing with other duties for BOS and RR, and even Institute, Vaughn became overstressed about everything, and Nick and Hancock helped him out, by supporting him, taking decisions in his name for Minutemen or just being there for him. after the battle of Bunker Hill, when he helped the Institute (and didnt said anything to anyone, not even them two), he was banished from RR as an agent recognized him and Desdemona thought of him as a traitor, despite that Deacon and Debbie tried to explain his reasons. being so stressed, he even snapped at a scientist and nearly strangled them, earning him banishment from Institute and Shaun’s threat that he will kill him if he ever gets in the Institute’s way, and other hurtful things he said.
Vaughn fell in depression as he thought he failed everyone, even that Nick and Hancock tried to explain isnt his fault, he tried his best, but still not much result.
2 weeks later, the Sanctuary was attacked by the Institute, and even if a few ended up with just a few scratches, Vaughn was furious about, and he declared he must destroy the Institute, as other settlements are now in danger.
for getting in the Institute, there must be accessed in the sewers, which Nick and Hancock offered, as they said they dont need much air and wont be affected by the rads in the water. Vaughn was hesitating, but he had no other choice but to let them there. while he and some other companions and a few elite Minutemen waited, he couldnt stop thinkin of worst cases, but when they got in Institute, he was so relieved to see them ok and held them in his arms, forgetting for a few seconds for what they were there. they also needed to drag him from Shaun, as Vaughn tried to reason with him, but all he got back was just more insults and reasons how disappointed he was in his father, and wished he never had to release him from the Vault.
after the Institute, Vaughn basically needed days to sleep, as he was so exhausted, and only woke up to eat and go to bathroom, but he needed like 3 days of resting.
but then on 4th morning, he could hear laughter of the kid and the other two, so he got up and seen a image he never thought he will see: Nick and Hancock on the couch, with Oliver onto Nick’s lap, playing a board game with Codsworth, while Dogmeat and Hera watched them.while Vaughn was resting, they two took care of Oliver, already acting like dads to him.
and now, to get to your question (if you got reading this so far ily) and answer it: it felt in that moment that he really loves them so much, and its clear he cant choose between them, as both were so perfect for him. but when he confessed, you might ask?
Oliver asked his dad if he can call the other two ‘dads’, and also asked if he should call them differently, like Hancock is ‘papa’ and Nick ‘pops’ and Vaughn finally realised that he should talk with them about their relationship. he was too busy with everything, and forgot about his own self.
when he asked them if its ok to be lovers and to be together a family, they answered that they are already a family, and its kinda obvious their relationship is closer. also Nick and Hancock agreed that they both love Vaughn, he loves them equally, there is no reason to be jealous, and both can have a good life together as a family.
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tristis-333 · 5 years
So I just got done beating Kingdom Hearts 3 and I want to get my thoughts done. WARNING SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS, spoilers. Now that we have that out of the way.
First of the game is beautiful and combat very well might be the most fun it has ever been. That being said I feel like some better defensive abilities would have been nice as there were many times I got stuck in an enemy attack and couldn’t find a way to block and dodging just flat didn’t work half the time. I am also a little disappointed with the number of keyblades we got. I understand each keyblade on its own is more viable now with form changes now greatly changing how each keyblade is used but considering KHII has about 20 keyblades and KH3 has about half of that I feel like a couple more would have been nice. I am particularly disappointed that we don’t seem to be able to use Oathkeeper or Oblivion since those are two of the most popular keyblades in the series.
The worlds are beautiful but I think they would have benefited from KH2 format of going through them each once, followed by a mid-point climax, and then going through them all again with a new story. Each world has plenty of content but, unless you wanna grind or get collectibles, there is not much reason to return to a world once you’ve completed it. I feel like toy box and The Caribbean in particular could have benefited from this as the conflict in Toy Box isn’t so much resolved as the story just seems to stop,(probably sequel bait if I’m being Honest) and The Caribbean just seems to take the very beginning and very end of the movie it’s based on and cut out everything in between, meaning if you haven’t watch Pirates 2 & 3 you might have no clue what is going on.
The main story seems to just kinda drag until you finished the last Disney world and then seems to almost rush to the finish line. There really isn’t anything in it like the attack on Hollow Bastion and the battle of a thousand heartless to fill in the place of a mid point climax. Everything of significance happens after you’ve already done the final Disney World. Saving Aqua, waking up Ven, Kairi and Lea coming back from training, and everything else leading up to the final battle all happen in the span of maybe two hours. I mean I kinda like how the final act has one emotional punch after another but I feel like these major events could have been spread out more to make it feel like more was actually happening in the story. I mean the biggest twist up till that point was that Vexen was a double agent.
Also, WHERE ARE THE FINAL FANTASY CHARACTERS?! Where are Leon and the gang? What happened with cloud and Sephiroth? Auron? Zack? Anyone new like Lightning or the Chocobros? No? Nothing?!
The final battle is an awesome concept with it basically being a boss battle royal with the organization. I also appreciated that each boss once defeated had a special cutscene in which each said good-bye to Sora in their own way. However since you’re usually fighting more boss than one it seems like each has been nerfed since their encounters in previous games. Each organization boss is unique in KH2 and they don’t really get a chance to shine on their own here to be honest.
And now for what is probably my biggest gripe with the game. Nomura,WHAT DID YOU DO TO KAIRI?! Seriously what is with you and putting this princess in another castle every chance you get. All I wanted was for Kairi to be useful, just a little bit. I was excited at the end of DDD when it was shown that Kairi was going to be a guardian of light, and in the trailers we saw her actually swinging her keyblade. I remember going through the maze and seeing her fighting along side lea against Xion and got so excited to see her in action. and what do we get? She fires light orbs like mickey maybe twice through out the whole fight, then gets kidnapped and fridged like she has in every other game. Dammit Nomura you had one job with her! I couldn’t really enjoy the finale because the entire time I’m thinking how it sticks out like a sore thumb that Kairi is the only main character who isn’t there. Kairi gets nothing, she doesn’t get to be playable, she doesn’t really get to be a party member, and she gets no relevance to plot other than to be the same damsel in distress she’s been from game one, all the while the story keeps insisting she’s the heart of it all. That Kairi is just so special and important to Sora, despite how they spend about 99% of the entire series literally worlds apart.   
so Kingdom Hearts 3 guys, 8/10
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polteageistplush · 7 years
ok literally no one asked for this but im going to be putting my opinion about each of the splatoon 2 bosses under the readmore (to protect ppl from spoilers)
remember its jus my opinion so it wont match yours, i jus wanna post my thoughts on em!!
(also  tell me what your favorite and least favorite splat 2 boss is in the replies!! once again ppl who dont want spoilies, dont look at the notes on this and dont look under the readmore!!)
BOSS 1: the bread dude
pretty creative!! i thought its kinda silly but also its a kids game so its allowed to be silly. still its interesting!! its not very difficult, of course, its the first boss. pretty intimidating though, at first!! i think maybe it should kinda rush you to get to the top of it in its final phase though, 1st and 2nd i will excuse bc once again, its the first boss, and its in a kids game. so ppl need to get the hang of things this early on.
overall, i give it  ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 4 out of 5 stars!!
BOSS 2: samurai dude
a very interesting concept, very unique attacks, but very weak. he’s the 2nd boss still, so its not going to be super strong, but its by far the easiest boss in splatoon overall. i think they couldve made him so he didnt flinch (probably not the right term to use here but its 1 am and im tired) when you hit him a lot, and since he’s a samurai, give him actual armor? i think they could do something similar to boss 3, give him armor that you have to hit a certain spot to remove the armor and then attack him. a very interesting concept, but he doesnt really live up to the samurai part of his title, and is far too easy. 
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 3 out of 5 stars!!
BOSS 3: angry gamecube 2: electric boogaloo
its him!! it was nice to see a boss return and then have the difficulty added!! overall a really good and enjoyable boss. my only complaints would be that he doesnt use the gun much except for one time in the 2nd phase. a nice, healthy challenge, you can ink a little bit (depending on your weapon) of the buckle, but not all of it at once unless you have the timing and distance right. the other complaint would be that its easier to climb up his side, instead of the parts falling off like they did in 1. but i’ll let that slide bc maybe they got better technology to build him or smth. 
  ★ ★ ★ ★ * 4 and a half stars!! (i dont have a half star ok. im sorry. accept that instead.)
BOSS 4: no
-27 out of 5 stars. awful. horrible. i hate
BOSS 4 realsies this time: shower dude
well. ive had THE worst time with this guy. he’s difficult to reach with most weapons. after playing thru this stage with every weapon, i’ll admit i got the hang of it at the end a bit there. but still, difficult to reach. his attacks arent very strong, so its not that i have a problem surviving, its decent attacks!! i’ll give him that. the sting ray is also a nice touch. a proper 4th boss, attack-wise. but jus. trying to reach the octocopters. its really difficult, especially on the last part of his battle!! its very stressful, i really dont enjoy fighting him because the fight is too  tedious imo.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ i’ll give it 2, because attack wise and creativity n stuff, its very good and interesting, i just think its needlessly complicated because of how hard it is to reach the octocopters. 
BOSS 5: return of octodad (oh and callie is there, too)
Well... unpopular opinion... the music really wasnt that good? but im not going to let that effect my scoring on him. jus personally a bit disappointed with it. it wasnt as good as splat1, i really enjoyed octavios theme from that, and im sad that they didnt even reference it at all. he doesnt collab well with callie... dj, in splatoon 3, lets go solo again, buddy... i miss u
OVERALL, the fight is good, the punching machine and how theres spinning punches. if you dont have your hero shot upgraded, its very difficult. i died. but after i upgraded it, it was significantly easier!! easier than the 4th boss, honestly. i feel like it couldve been a LITTLE more challenging, maybe more bombs or something for the bomb rush? the takoyaki orbs were pretty cool, they dont do much tho. his ink shower attack thing is pretty good, predictable and easy to dodge, but good.
callie tho... she doesnt really like. serve a purpose other than singing? its kinda disappointing. i thought maybe we were going to fight her or smth, that wouldve been cool for the first or maybe 2nd phase. all they gotta do is add octoling AI to her, they have octolings with multiple weapons, so she couldve used mostly anything and it wouldve been neat. i think its a bit of a wasted opportunity tbh?
the rainmaker part is pretty good tho, it was REALLY difficult to get the hang of, but after you know what youre doing its really cool!! 
so, overall,  ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 3 out of 5 stars. couldve been better, couldve been worse, its interesting and has a bit of a challenge, i just wouldve liked for callie to have a bigger role other than singing.
so there u have it folks. my opinion that literally no one asked for. this isnt going to reflect what other people think, of course, and i wouldnt judge people for thinking differently about the bosses!! for best results u just gotta play thru them yourself and form your own thoughts on em!!
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steroidusr · 6 years
pokemon reborn part 1: go in with a bang
Please be advised that this game contains some light screen-flashing sequences, and mature content that may be unsettling to some individuals. Please stay safe when playing!
hoo boy, "stay safe everyone" is always a great sign
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there was some sort of warning at the start but it went by way too fast for me to read it
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oh. whoops. that looks kinda nice though...
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i'll live
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the most important part of any pokemon game: choosing a hideous frame. this game even lets you choose two!
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ok enough fucking around, let's do this shit
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then youre asked to choose from six character portraits (and you choose your gender separately, which is kinda neat)
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uh... this spriting is... uh... hm.
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there's even a nonbinary gender option. Good Shit
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i'm going with edgy cynthia for now (so i have something to do until my tablet pen charges)
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the station guy talks to you about how much reborn city fucking sucks for some reason
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hey, it's all the other player characters
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apparently this character is named after the game's creator, amethyst. ...baro 2.0?
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ah, yes... of course... the incident
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i think this train is haunted
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so i guess "choose your player character" here means "choose who lives and who dies in a fucking explosion". pokemon!
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then another character shows up and baro immediately accuses her of terrorism
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i think i hate her
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so baro 2.0 confirms it was a terrorist attack, then leaves because the perp might still be nearby then we have to talk to... SIGH...
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yeah, i noticed
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certain yes/no questions apparently have some actual bearing on the plot later on, and this is one of them so, uh... audience participation time...?
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oh... great...
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you can actually switch between emerald, r/s, fr/lg, and d/p/p fonts. ...i can barely read that blue text
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btw, maybe it's just my computer, but this is laggy as fuck. "quick walk" my ass
the cops nearby are loudly discussing the attack. anyway...
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watch your fucking language
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watch your-- yeah there's gonna be a lot of this
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oh, the music suddenly changed
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this is the douchiest roadblock ive ever seen
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i thought this was a path because it looks the same as the ground, but it's a wall
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but i-- wh--
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where the fuck am i supposed to go then???
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i walked all the way back and forth before realizing im supposed to go up here
i thought THIS was a wall...
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not yet, but im working on it
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the girl introduces herself as victoria and says she's a friend of ame's. she takes you inside, and suddenly the game isnt lagging anymore
so it was the rain effects my computer doesnt like, i guess
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edgy cynthia took so long to trudge over here that theyve already caught the terrorist
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and here we are at last
there are TWENTY-ONE starters to choose from in this game
theyre arranged on color-coded tables according to type, and from left to right in "the order they were discovered" (meaning g1 -> g7)
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victoria's a little disappointed because she wanted a litten too (good taste!), but fortunately ame has extras
she heads upstairs, and...
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oh sweet jesus it's j.akira 2.0 to match baro 2.0
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then he challenges you to a battle
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he sends out a nidoran. let's set it on fire
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at least he has the courtesy of showing us where the pokemon center is
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oh right, we were supposed to be waiting for her
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then ame tells Pretty Boy Cain to go with her to get registered, and--
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so now we're battling victoria, who uses the same battle theme. two rivals!
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she really did choose a litten too, but ours has intimidate >:3c
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it takes longer since we couldnt use ember spam, but we win again
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cain comes back, leaves, and we get a pokedex, pokegear, and running shoes
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oh right, of course, the bombing
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victoria gives us some pokeballs. i like victoria
she gives us some advice too, then takes off
so now that we can use the running shoes, i can say... the controls are kind of ass
you have to hold space to run, but if youre facing a person, hitting space talks to them instead
so you have to either MAKE SURE youre not facing anything interactable, THEN press space, or press the arrows first. it's kind of a nitpick but it's annoying
also: the running animation just looks like she's walking fast while leaning forward. ...i'll have to fix that
oh wait, you can press S to autorun (auto fast walk). i guess that works.
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