#this is where i can write my 2k character analyses
askabound · 3 years
so the plan is : 
i.  go through my following list and clear it out a bit - sb blogs who have been inactive for longer than a month or who are archived and generally blogs that i’ve been following for a very long time and still haven’t plotted/written anything with  ii.   go through my drafts and write little notes and ideas for the ones that i have muse for. if i can’t think of literally anything, then i will delete the draft because forcing myself to write is what kills my muse for extended periods of time iii.   get some more plotting going !! i’ve been super distracted and stressed out about my dissertation that i feel like i haven’t properly plotted with any of my new followers in a while now 
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Can you do a zemo x reader where the reader is scared to marry or be in a relationship with zemo because they feel like they are replacing zemo's dead wife?
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An Honest Proposal [Baron Helmut Zemo x Fem!Reader]
Word count: 2k
Warnings: mention of losing a loved one
Author’s note: This is a theme that I loved to analyse while writing, thank you so much for offering it to me to write!
You looked at him, you gulped down as he was proposing there, in that moment.
It wasn't like you weren't already on cloud nine when he brought you to Paris for a long weekend out, or when he told you that he booked the Palace of Versailles for the two of you to dine in the mirrored halls in your evening clothes.
Oh no.
He had to take your hand and give you a tour showing off his cultured self, how much he knew, all the trivia and the famous quotes and rules of the french court.
His charm was over pouring and you were feeling like a princess, like the world was made to unravel around you and develop from you.
Then he did it, he dropped onto his knee presenting you the finest piece of jewellery and craftsmanship that had ever been done on a ring.
“Would you give me the honour to become my wife?"
Those the words, and here you are now, staring at him, the lights of Versailles shining upon you, suddenly you couldn't hear any sound but the rhythmical beating of your heart.
"Yes, yes I do"
You said it or maybe you shouted it but then he took your hand and slipped that ring on your finger and you kissed him.
The world was perfect and you were the luckiest one in the world.
But then you couldn't sleep that night.
You kept rolling around in the sheets as your mind was a mess.
He promised you love forever, he swore to you time and time again you were his love, that he wanted to have a future with you, sometimes he even dropped a little hint of your future life together.
You usually smiled it off, you nodded and giggled or shut him up with a kiss.
But now the ring made it real, his honest smile making you feel guilty to the bone for the distrust you were giving in for him.
He did it all, he did it all perfectly, he was romantic, attentive, gentle, observant. He tried all his best to show you only the best side of himself and even when arguing he would be cold and try to detain the fiery nature of his character.
You sighed as you realised sleep was not coming to you, not even after the also amazing good night sex you had.
You slipped out of bed trying to be less noisy as possible, you had a luxurious suite to stay in Paris so you could let him rest. You wore your night gown and wrapped it safely around your body as you closed the door behind you going to the living room area turning on the tv to low volume as you sat on the comfortable couch.
Your eyes went down to your left hand, that ring so proportionate for your hand that it looked like made for it.
You inhaled deeply as you let out a soft sigh, tears started to surge from your eyes, a sense of loss taking over you.
A series of 'What if...?'s creeping into your mind like a snake into the little mouses's house.
You can't do it.
How could you?
It was not like he was divorced, he was a widower. He lost her, he lost his son.
Nothing you could ever do could replace her, nothing you could ever say. She was still alive for you, she was unbeatable like the art you saw tonight, she was perfect and idealised and you were human and flawed.
You almost didn't realise when tears were running down your cheeks freely, the sense of helplessness washing over you.
You didn't want to lose him, you loved him, but how could you ever leave a mark in his life when she was there?
"My love"
You jolted up as you felt Helmut's warm hands on your shoulders as he leaned above you standing from behind the couch.
"What happened?"
He asked as he moved around the couch to sit with you.
"No, it is nothing"
He stared at you titling his head on side "darling" he warned you, he hated lies.
"Helmut I.." you looked away to the screen like the people in there could tell you what to say "I don't know if I can marry you"
He opened his mouth, he looked like he didn't expect it, like he could face anything but that. He looked down at his own lap, for once speechless.
"Did I do anything that upset you?"
"No, of course not, the night was perfect"
"Is it because I want to get married in church? We can do the civil rite, we have time"
"No, no Helmut, it is not because of it"
"It is because of my past?"
You said but the sad twist into the corner of his mind meant that he captured the lie in that. You looked at him a bit upset, did he just pulled his military tricks on you?
"No" You interrupted him "It is not because of the terrorist attacks or the whole Avengers thing..."
He was really confused by now, his body wrapped into the night gown looked almost weak as you presented those doubts to him.
"It is you wife, Helmut"
You admitted it and as soon as you did you felt a new wave of tears rushing over you like a storm, you hiccupped as you tried to hide it and he frowned, lips pressing against each other tight.
“What about her?" You glared at him, you rarely did it but this time you had to.
You were mad he couldn’t understand your doubts and fears, he leaned his hand to touch yours and you slapped it away.
“Y/N” he begun taking a deep breath in “Heike is dead, she is not a threat toward you in any way. She lost her life cruelly and unrightfully, but that doesn’t make you different to my eyes”
You stared at him shaking your head
“She is perfect to your eyes Helmut” you said collecting the courage to speak up “She was the perfect mother to your perfect son, she was all kindness and being the exceptional baroness full of this and that…”
“You destroyed the Avengers for her!”
You didn’t realised you shouted it in his face until you just did.
He looked at you, he could see what was going on now, he wondered what of all he did brought you to that point, and also, how could he not see it?
“It is true” he said “I destroyed them for her, they took away my family and I took away theirs. It was fair to me in some very cruel sense”
You opened your mouth and now he was the one blocking your words 
“But” he looked at you taking a pause “she was not you and you are not her. She wasn’t perfect, she had her flaws like any human and my life was flawed in its own way. You’re not a second take, you’re not taking her place. I want you to be my wife. That’s it. Full stop. I want to be flawed with you, I want to make a life with you, maybe a family, if you’d like. But the truth is that I wouldn’t do it with anyone else but with you and in my eyes there’s nobody, and I repeat it, nobody that could compare with you”
His palm opened in front of you offering you to take his hand
“I just want the chance to make you happy, to call you mine officially in front of the world. I want you to have my name and my title, I want us to be a now but also a tomorrow, together”
He smiled at you, he looked so bare to your eyes, his heart almost visible to you through his words.
“I love you Y/N, I will love you no matter if you’d wear that ring”
You pushed his hand away and he looked at you afraid for a moment, his heart sinking down into his stomach, before you hugged him wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I love you too” you whispered.
He smiled wrapping his arms around you and he stayed like this, holding you, giving you a gentle squeeze as he buried his face against your neck.
Only the thought of losing you breaking his heart, if something ever happened to you the Avengers wouldn’t be able to detain him.
“My husband”you called his attention now “I am hungry”
He looked up at you as you said those words, the most genuine smile taking over his lips as he caressed your cheek pulling you closer into a kiss, sealing the end of your doubts with it.
Tagged @cazzyimagines​ @lieutenantn​ @handmaiden-of-mischief​ @thesunflowersutra​ @zemomybeloved​​ @fictionlandslanddreams​ @charistory​ @greeneyedblondie44​ @apparrio​ @hb8301​ @whatawildone​ @rhymerhymerhyme@thehuiabird @lilith-blackrose @unbeatablecurlgirl @obsidianlaszlo
Let me know if you want to get tagged to my publications too <3
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
A reading 📓
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for @laurfilijames (I love you, darling) ❤(っ^▿^)
Fandom: Hobbit
Words: 2k
Characters: OC x Ori, Fíli x @laurfilijames
What would it look like if THEY wrote smut about us?
(Short under the cut, because SMUT, NSFW)
This day could go stub its toe against Mahal’s stone boot!
There was still fun to be had, I told myself resolutely and turned to the library where – I was sure – I’d find darling Ori with whom I had been in love for…Mahal knew how long.
Only, being in love with Ori was like loving books and hoping they’d read you back while you hold them in your sweaty paws; in a word: hopeless.
Either way, I did find him pretty quickly, hunched over a table and flinching as if shot as I tapped my foot against the leg of a chair noisily.
“What are you reading?” I asked at the same time as he inquired about my day.
The blind, expressionless eyes of a book that would never read me in return didn’t faze me anymore and I told him about the fight with the master under whose tutelage I did my apprenticeship as a scribe.
“Yeah, you didn’t want me, so…” he muttered with a sad half-smile.
As if I was enough of a fool to want to spend all my waking hours staring at his beautiful hands…I was digressing and making myself miserable again.
“So, what are you up to?” I repeated my question as I let myself fall into the small nook in the window behind him, seeing his shoulders tense again.
“I was working on a speech for Fí – the heir to the throne after all – and I can read some to you, if you want,” he offered without turning around to look at me.
“The speech or your research? Come on, you were doing something naughty! I saw you flinch!” I cried – just a tad too loudly for the quiet library – and witnessed another tensing of his shoulders that made me want to sink my teeth into the warm flesh under all that wool.
“I am working through ‘The History of the line of Durin the Deathless’”, he started, “but I might have found some sort of diary between Fí’s notes, and I took it…as inspiration…for the speech.”
“Go on,” I encouraged.
“Yes, well, there is – unfortunately – not much in these erm…musings that would be of any help to me,” Ori supplied in a slightly flustered tone.
“Enlighten me, what kind of notes are they?” My curiosity was now definitely piqued, and I got up to peek over his shoulder onto the yellowed pages filled with tight writing.
He read me a long passage analysing the plaids and beads of a lady’s hairdo in painstaking detail, likening said locks to the fur of mystical animals and an enchanted river Fí had seen during his travels.
“Boring,” I cried, because I knew exactly what lady he was describing and my innate sense of loyalty as much as my boundless inquisitiveness pushed me to investigate the crown-prince’s writings and contemplations further, “I do not care a fig about someone’s hair. Are there any spicier parts?”
“Erm yes,” Ori muttered sheepishly, “but I do not think that it would be proper to read them.”
“Don’t be a spoilsport! You offered to read to me, now read to me,” I demanded; I would never get any closer than this to having a book interact with me.
Clearing his throat and blushing a bright red, Ori started:
“Today, (exact date, doesn’t matter) I have seen herin the square, walking with that girl who hangs around Ori all the time,” Ori interrupted himself and nodded at me as if I had not understood that Fíli – that rotten carcass of a prince – had meant me, “and she was beautiful.”
Apparently, my – not so secret – crush was decided to turn this into a rather emphatic reading; Ori the scribe who revealed his secret talent as Ori the storyteller, interesting!
“She was wearing a green dress that was – in my opinion – much too light for the slight chill in the air, but it complimented the vibrant colour of her eyes so beautifully that I can only surmise that she had chosen to indulge her vanity over her common sense.
At some point, as I followed her along the rows of stalls, I saw her bend down to fasten the laces on her exquisite boots. I think they were new boots, for I had never seen her delicate ankles encased in that soft, brown leather before.”
Ori grimaced: “I feel really bad about this!”
“GO ON!” I demanded obstinately and sat down opposite him, my face cradled in my palms while the blood surged into his cheeks inexorably.
“The curve of her ass was more than enticing and I had to pretend to be inspecting a collection of – apparently – magical gems to keep from doing something reckless.
How often have I imagined running my hands along the fluid lines of that firm body? How many times has the sight of her closing those thighs around the wildest of ponies forced me to retreat into my rooms in an impromptu session of obsessive ‘cleanliness’?”
Ori huffed, his voice had been tremulous at those last words, which amused me greatly.
“I cannot go on reading this; it’s…oh my…it’s indecent…” he whispered as he turned the page and closed the notebook almost violently.
He was high in colour now and his fingers were vibrating around the leather cover he held so tightly that his knuckles were stark, white ridges screaming his discomfort.
“Why? Do you think me a stranger to indecent fantasies?” I mocked; was there any chance that he was unaware of my own predilection for his pale face and everything attached to it?
“You wanted it,” he murmured, casting suspicious glances around and clearing his throat again as if pushing against a natural plug that his inherent decency had conjured up in his windpipe.
“Today, (it’s literally the day after, Mahal have mercy), I met her in the stables while she was brushing a pony. Truth be told, I had no reason to find myself there other than knowing that I’d – most probably – find her there based on Kí’s report (which had probably been ‘she’s in the stables’). Her beautiful hair was tied back with a leather string, and I could admire the curve of her elegant neck as she bent over the back of the blessed animal that got to feel her silken hands run all over its flanks and legs. What I would have given to swap places with that dumb beast!”
Ori’s eyes flew down the page and he gulped. “This is going to be rather graphic,” he informed me in a breathless voice, “brace yourself…or stop me?”
He sounded so helplessly hopeful, but I merely waved my hand in an encouraging motion to keep him reading; the mix of his divine voice and the explicitly illicit content was setting my bones on fire.
It was the shadow, the echo, the rip-off of real, genuine pleasure, but it was the best I could get at this moment. Ori, the implacably pure, was reading smut to me and that – in and of itself – was a victory.
“In my mind, I could see myself whisking her around and pinning her to the wall of the small enclosure, making the pony snort in indignation. I would have loved to kiss that slender curve of her throat as it vibrated in low-pitched moans while my hands skimmed along the swelling of her heaving chest. In my fantasy, her moss-green eyes would cloud over like the swirls of smoke frozen forevermore in the jade stones of the Far East.”
“Please,” Ori whimpered, “don’t make me go on.”
“Please,” I replied placidly, heat pooling in my cheeks and between my legs, “do!”
With a resigned sigh, he took up the small notebook again that now seemed to shake ever so slightly in his hands.
“Just seeing her like that and imagining her hands slipping under my tunic made my body tense and the pleasant hill in my trousers harden into an unyielding mountain. One day, I swear, I shall be unable to hold back my ardent desire and devotion for her.
Indeed, I shall stride up to her and seal her silken lips with a kiss as crushing and devastating as a rockslide, my hands tightening around those sweet buttocks of hers while her legs are slung around my waist like velveteen vines.
For her, I shall forsake the stonesense of my people and turn into a fish so I can breathe in the wet waves of her pleasure without drowning.”
“Mahal smite me,” Ori cursed, shuffling uncomfortably on the rigid chair he was sat upon.
“This is getting really good,” I praised, “who would have thought that our prince was such a poet? Go on, by all means!”
Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, he did:
“She was blissfully unaware of my presence, just as she cannot fathom the darkness of my thoughts every time I see her sweep aside that heavy mane of hers when she is particularly focused on a task.
I dream about that sweet mouth, that speaks such tender words to skittish ponies, curled around me; I want to look into those crystals holding the very image of a green and fertile paradise while she kneels before me…and I want to repay her in kind.
Mahal knows, I want to lay her down and cover her body with kisses, I long to map every curve and every hollow of it with my lips and brand the memory into my mind for decades to come!
More than anything though, I want to be inside of her. I imagine feeling her heart, her soul, her whole body clench around me in the most intimate and significant of embraces imaginable. I want to touch her like an artifact, I want to venerate her like Thorin holds and fondles that shiny stone of his, I want to bury myself in her in the way only a dwarrow can delve and burrow.”
Ori was positively panting at this point, his eyes pleading as he begged to be allowed to stop once again and was denied adamantly.
“Even now, while writing this – in the privacy of my chambers – my blood boils and my body tingles with a fire that would put a dragon to shame. This lady will be the death of me; I cannot even have polite conversation with her without wondering what her mouth tastes like or what sounds she would make if I touched her where those strong thighs meet in the delta of a luscious oasis.
Would her back arch when I confess my love against that warm, wet flesh? Would she scream my name as I play her like Thorin plays his harp? Would she beg for more if I hovered – motionless – over her, the ever-pulsating spear of my raging desire for her just a breath away from where she needed me most?
Questions over questions. I shall have an answer. Tomorrow maybe…”
“He shall indeed,” I said spontaneously, my voice trembling, “all he has to do is come to the small gathering we are having in celebration of my almost-finished apprenticeship tonight.”
“In your rooms?” Ori looked up as I stood, but he made no move to unseat himself.
“Yes, Ori, in my rooms,” I sighed, wondering if that was too indecent for him now.
“May I come?”
I grinned cheekily. “Hmmm, you’re very welcome! Our dear prince has given me a lot to think about.”
My spirits were definitely lifted after this – most interesting – lecture by my senior and better, and I felt reinvigorated for the small party that had been mentioned only a second prior.
“Do you? Think about…things like that?” Ori called after me as I made my way down the row to get to the exit. As I turned around, his face was burning red.
“We do…we think much the same things actually…Only, we are not that careful in our words, but then again we are not princes!” I called back and winked at him suggestively.
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carpedzem · 3 years
thinking about how people say that techno and dream aren't friends, and thinking of how techno was hesitant to call RANBOO (you know, the guy he lives with and has gone on adventures with and shows genuine care for) his friend, and in the latest prison stream he called dream his best friend with zero hesitation. hm. sounds like someone is in denial, perhaps?
I'm sorry I was avoiding answering this ask since yesterday because I don't know how to express my thoughts asdhashas
I think in general I would love the dsmp fandom to accept that having headcanons is okay and even encouraged because that's a fun part of being in the fandom space. I also would love for everyone to understand that your hot takes analysis are not hotter if you put headcanon into them. why is it so hard to put 'we don't know where this is going but this is what I think might happen/would be interesting to watch' instead of writing some things that are not only still link to a mystery but sometimes even absolutely against the canon... (*looks at that 2k notes post about techno not knowing who built the prison*). like I get it, it's so annoying, so many headcanons is treated as a canon, the most common that c!dream is manipulating c!ranboo even when both cc confirmed it is NOT c!dream's voice. sometimes I want to bite people looking at those takes and how many people agrees. please, just stop playing around analysing characters if you're not willing to put your headcanons away for a moment
but if people want to be in denial tho, who am I to stop them, you know? like, this is their fandom space and as long as they don't come after people who disagree with them I think they can do what they want and have fun with it
also c!rivals friendship I stan c:
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Hi guys, welcome to our new weekly segment: Feature Friday. Once a week, we’ll be hyping up one of your favourite authors and recommending five of their fics, some old and some new, so that you can re-read all of your old favourite stories, or maybe even discover a new favourite! If you have someone you’d love to see in this segment, send us an ask here on Tumblr, or message one of our helpful mods on discord. 
Our featured author of the week is  @Ithinkwehaveanemergency, who has been on the Thiam scene since September 2017. She’s written an incredible 93 fics for the Teen Wolf fandom, 62 of them featuring our favourite chimera and beta. This author has created beautiful AU stories, several post-canon, and has a depth to her stories that reaches deep down and touches your very soul. Poetic in the way that she writes, she’s created wonderful stories that have angst, a little crack, fluff, pining, and smut. If we had more time we’d tell you about every story (especially her Pillars of Colonial Homes series which is an absolute MUST read) but for now we will share our top five!
The Boy is Mine [ Teen // 2K // Complete ]
Thanks to Lacrosse Boosters coming up with the ridiculous idea to have a Bachelor Auction to raise money, Liam is up for sale. There's only one person he wants to bid on him, but he's just too stubborn to ask.
Or, listening to old school Brandy and Monica leads to adorable cliche one-shots.
This fic is HILARIOUS! Full of I-told-you-so moments from Mason (and other pack members) and biddings for a date with our favorite co-captain? You’ll laugh, you’ll gush over Theo, and you’ll roll your eyes at Liam. It’s a quick little oneshot that is worthy of lots of love, so go give it to the author!
I'd like it if you made it to mine by Christmas Eve, so you can hold me. [ Teen // 7K // Complete ]
Several years after Theo leaves Beacon Hills without saying goodbye, Liam's car breaks down on the way home for the holidays and he ends up sleeping on Theo's couch.
It’s always a great story when you explore the future, especially after years of pining between characters and how the time has changed them. This story is about growth, loss, and finding your other half in the arms of another person. You’re going to love this!
Lonely Vagabond [ Teen // 7K // Complete ] 
“Holy shit, dude.” Theo laughed, slowing down to stop at a red light. “You're that guy! From that boyband! Liam… Dunbar! That's it!”
“What gave it away?” Liam snapped, rolling his eyes in the mirror. “The screaming girls? Or are you a diehard fan too?”
“Hey.” Theo scolded, refusing to let the handsome, but seemingly bratty celebrity get to him. “Don't get snappy with me, Liam Dunbar. I just dropped everything to help you.”
“You're literally an uber driver.” Liam rolled his eyes again, his head lolling along with it this time as well.
“An off-duty uber driver.” Theo corrected. “Speaking of which, give me that $100. I don't feel bad taking all of it now that I know you're rich.” 
The one where Liam is a lost musician in the streets of Berkeley, and Theo is the San Francisco uber driver who really needs to explain to Liam how uber works.
Angst. Drama. Quirky one-liners. A famous musician AU? What doesn’t this fic have for its readers? This story makes you laugh and cry and curse Theo and Liam for being such damn fools. But it ends on a hopeful note and you learn that love isn’t a straight line, it’s full of bumps along the way but that’s what makes it so worthwhile.
Just a Day, Just an Ordinary Day [ General // 4K // Complete ]
A typical day in the life of Jenna Geyer, where nothing really happens. Just bonding with the newest member of her household and watching her son be an accidental trainwreck.
So, y'know... the usual.
Stories told from Jenna’s perspective are always a fascinating way to watch Liam and Theo’s relationship developing. In this fic, Liam absent-mindedly kisses Theo for the first time, in front of his mother, before immediately leaving the house. You’ll be charmed by the way Liam and Theo both freak out, while Jenna gossips with the pack and analyses their every move. If you enjoy funny and fluffy stories, then this should definitely be placed on your to-read pile immediately!
Wherever You Go Today [ Not Rated // 3K // Complete ]
The five times that a McCall Pack member hugs Theo and tells him they love him, and the one time Theo does it to one of them.
 Or, the all but mandatory 5 + 1 fic that nobody asked me to write for the Thiam fandom.
Inspired by listening to my Fleet Foxes Vinyl. I'm sure you can guess which song.
We at OTL definitely love a 5 + 1 story, and we know that all of our lovely followers are the same. What’s lovely about this fic is that it shows the pack and their journey towards accepting Theo as one of their own and showing him the affection that we all know our touched starved Theo craves. As you follow Theo on his path to redemption, you’ll beam at the sweet way he comes to realise his feelings for the beta. A must read for all fans of this pairing.
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helisol · 4 years
Wait so.. link to this quodo fic you mentioned in your tags?? I’m intrigued :DD
its only an idea but i will HAPPILY ramble about it in detail under this read more because i never finish writing fics but i do love sharing my notes.
they get Pretty Extensive considering this clocked in at 2k words. so strap in.
tl;dr: karaoke night gone wild leads to garashir and quodo setting each other up for holodeck shenanigans
so basically quark has acquired a karaoke program. everyone on ds9 is going mad about it and it's keeping the holosuites booked out for weeks
the main squad decides to try it out and they just jam to a mix of human, klingon and bajoran music. but lets be real it's mostly human music because i have a mighty need to see captain benjamin sisko tear up the dancefloor to Earth Wind & Fire’s September. so sue me.
anyway everyone has to sing, even odo, even garak and they all have a blast. the only person who is notably absent is Quark because Quark has a bar to run and Quark can't indulge in mindless fun activities when he has money to make.
Unless… Odo challenges him and he has to prove that Odo is wrong.
so yeah quark checks on the gang to see how they like this “Hooman Kara-oke” and if he can sell them some drinks and everyone is like “hey you should sing. just one song. we won't even laugh about your bad ferengi singing! we promise!"
and quark is about to say "ferengi voices arent that bad. im still not gonna sing tho."
but odo is ahead of the game and insults his grating voice and how it could only be worse in song. and because this is quark he’s like “actually fuck you. now I WILL sing.”
so he snatches the mic from whoever was about to go next and fucking Crushes It. 
while odo starts Looking Respectfully everyone else is just going "woooooo! go quark!" which makes quark just get even more into it
Takes His Jacket Off, Drops It On The Floor, Dances With The Microphone Stand. The Works. and he's also enjoying himself like "haha! suck it odo! i'm a good performer, it's how I make money!"
until he actually looks at Odo and Odo is Looking Back and then he’s like “wait what the fuck why is he looking at me” and Promptly Messes Up A Step And Falls Off The Stage-
so now quark has a twisted ankle and julian has to take him to the infirmary, which bums out quite literally Everyone and the gathering disperses, leaving only Garak and Odo.
garak as we know is but a simple tailor, but he’s Observant and his little lizard eyes did spy odo looking at quark and making the soup-version of heart eyes. we also know he is the gayest bicth on this station so of course he’s going to poke and prod at odo to see how he reacts.
garak waits until everyone is out of the room and asks odo if he can walk the dear constable home to the ol’ bucket. because odo looked a little melty during quark’s performance, y’know. it’d be bad if he turned into soup on the promenade.
odo denies this, of course, so garak is like “oh great then we can have a Chat :)”
and odo goes "wait no i hate talking” but then they’re in garaks shop and drinking kanar and garak is getting drunk off his lizard ass and talking about Julian because, again, he IS THAT BITCH!
meanwhile in the infirmary, Julian is trying to take care of quark’s ankle, but since he’s nosy and kinda Knows that quark wouldn’t just mess up his steps for no reason he asks about that.
which of course turns the nosyness up to 11 and has julian going 👀
"no i mean uh- i was distracted" "distracted? by what?" "nothing" "distracted by nothing?" "FIX. MY. ANKLE."
so julian sits him down on a biobed and gets whatever medical thingie fixes ankles in the 24th century. and while he does that he offers quark some wine to loosen the tongue about what made him slip.
anyway one thing leads to another and before you know it quark and julian are wine-drunk sitting on the infirmary floor and talking about garak. which suits quark just fine because it means he doesn’t have to admit he fell because odo was looking at him like he just revealed all the secrets of the universe along with his bare arms when he took off his jacket.
so we have two sets of gay idiots getting drunk in two locations and the next morning two sets of gay idiots have hangovers. yes odo gets a hangover. being soup does not exempt him from it.
julian and odo do the right, logical thing and take some meds to go to work and be productive and garak shows up in the bar to fight fire with fire and finds quark Already Doing That. 
so they just sit next to each other, beating their hangovers with more alcohol, and they get to talking.
garak goes on about how he took odo home and pretty much only talked about julian all night and quark is like “wow what a coincidence, the doctor and i only talked about you all night.” 
and it's all downhill from there because basically quark and garak just figured out that the garashir pining is Mutual.
"wait, julian was looking at me???" "yes." "AND I WAS LOOKING AT JULIAN-" "Yes."
and then they hash out this elaborate scheme to trap julian and garak in one of the Spy holosuite programs until they make out. this is garak and quark planning. how could they NOT make an elaborate scheme involving holosuites.
anyway i promised quodo so i will keep the ‘garashir makes out in the holosuite’ section a lil more brief
so within the next two days these two gay bitches whip up a new “The Adventures Of Agent Bashir” program, but quark has ‘adjusted’ the program a little so that it only ends when the main characters kiss. fun stuff.
garak and julian go through the program, havin a blast being spies, but at the end garak’s character gets “shot”, and they are so immersed in the story that julian is Actually Concerned and garak Actually Acts like he's in pain.
they kiss, the program ends, and garak- not actually shot- goes “haha gotcha, you wanted to kiss me before i died” 
so they walk out the holosuite one hour after their time is already up with a lot of hickeys and untied bowties. hooray.
But That’s Not What We’re Here For.
after garak and julian come down from the high of getting together julian asks Just How and Why quark would agree to help with this. quark Never helps Unless he’s helping himself.
and they realised Quark Has Played Them Like Cheap Kazoos. he just wanted to take attention away from himself and the unanswered question of why he suddenly fell off the stage.
so they go "wait, if odo and quark were both lying and obscuring facts and being weird about this, doesn't that mean- ohhh"
and it boils down to them deciding to help those poor fuckers because they are apparently off even worse than they were in terms of mutual pining.
they also hash out an elaborate scheme. this time it involves odo’s never ending hard on for finding reasons to throw quark into jail.
since quark technically violated the holosuite rules by locking garak and julian in there garak goes over to odo to report the “Crime”
after some back and forth about Why In The World Garak, Friend And Tailor, would report a crime to odo that doesn’t affect anyone’s safety Odo heads to the bar to investigate the holosuites and if there really was criminal activity.
he doesn’t ask quark for permission, mostly because he’d never ask permission to snoop around in quark’s property but also because quark is actually not there at the moment. for Some Reason he’s being held up in the infirmary. Weird.
so odo is looking through the holosuite recordings of the last few days, and he runs through what garak said was the illegal activity of locking them in there and just goes "Ah, alright, i can throw him in a holding cell for that.” but then he sees a message left by garak.
it was apparently left there today so garak must have prepared this which means something is afoot. and the message just reads "the karaoke session was recorded and you might wanna check what Actually™ made quark trip :)"
to which odo reacts with "hmph. why should i care. maybe hes just messing with me and quark tripped over a cable." but Odo looks at it anyway. respectfully.
and he watches the whole performance up until the point where quark falls. Multiple Times. until he remembers that this is a criminal investigation and he finally looks at the part where he falls from quark’s perspective, which is the important one.
and he just. looks right at himself. looking at quark.
and holy shit. he looked at him like he was going to shove him against a wall, not to beat him up, but to make out with him. he straight up looked like he was going to mess him up but not with his fists.
so he stands right in front of quark and replays that moment to see quark’s reaction and analyse how he fell. and sure enough quark Saw Him and his knees gave out.
after that he really just wants to walk out and spend the next 30 hours as a houseplant to cleanse his mind of any quark-related thoughts but uh oh. when he opens the holosuite door Quark Is Right There.
and odo panics and just pulls him inside, accidentally re-initiating the spy program.
“But how did Quark happen to be there at just the right time?” i hear you ask well it was OUR MAN BASHIR
while garak was at odos place telling him to investigate quark’s wrongdoings, quark himself got called to the infirmary for a check-up on his twisted ankle.
and julian kept him there, examining his ankle over and over, until garak came in to Insinuate that Someone is snooping around in the holosuites.
so quark, yelling "NO COPS IN MY BAR", hurries over to the holosuites on his totally fine ankle and bada bing bada boom, here we are.
with two idiots stuck in a locked holosuite.
odo is like "QUARK WTF" meanwhile quark is like "ODO WTF"
"YOU LOCKED US IN A HOLOSUITE" "NO YOU LOCKED US IN A HOLOSUITE" ”well it was you who pulled me in here" "but it was you who designed it like this"
anyway to get out they have to go through the program somehow. quark and garak programmed this very carefully. unless they follow the general story, there’s no way out.
and at first quark says "listen, its okay, we just have to kiss" to which odo replies with that kinda look you’d get from someone if you told them to swallow a cactus whole, for fun.
"you heard me" "quark if this is a joke-" "its not. i made rom pull an all nighter to put in the new sensors." "you paid him for this???" "no." "right of course."
and after a very quick cheek kiss doesn’t end up doing the trick the two actually go through the program properly. except quark knows the script, cheats a little, takes shortcuts and totally doesnt impress odo by shooting a few hologram guards on the way.
so they get to the end, where they believe odo is supposed to get “shot”, but turns out they mixed up the roles and quark is the one who gets shot.
And Odo Doesn’t Know. The Safeties. Are. On.
so he tearfully goes "WAIT NO- QUARK!" and quark is like "odo...odo come closer..."
"yes, quark?"
"kiss me"
"quark please dont die i'll kiss you and we'll beam you straight to the infirmary and-" "ODO JUST KISS ME"
and then they kiss. the holosuite controls unlock and quark thinks ‘oh great, now we can leave-’ but odo doesnt stop kissing him
and he doesn’t Stop kissing him until quark actually speaks up and has to go "HEY IF THIS WERE REAL I’D BE DYING BY NOW-"
"what?" "the safeties are on. I didn’t get shot. you just had to kiss me to unlock the controls-"
and odo is like "QUARK"
and quark is like "ODO"
and then odo gets up and is very convinced that he Must Turn Into A Houseplant For A Ferengi Lifespan To Atone For His Sins.
but quark says “no, wait. can you do it again?”
"yelling at you?" "kissing me."
anyway odo finally gets to fulfill his fantasy of pushing quark against a wall and quark finally gets kissed by odo like hes dreamed of for like 15 years or however long ago it was that they were first on terok nor together during the cardassian occupation.
the end.
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. Green deltas are for requested prompts.)
It's fine if I'm used to it.
Confession: I love Ichihoshi. I'm the first to point out flaws in Inazuma and, well, Orion is clearly not exempt from that. I know Ichihoshi's redemption arc isn't the best, that it has wasted potential (especially with Mitsuru being heckin' ded), I know. And even then? I'd protecc Hikaru. He falls into almost all of my favorite character credentials: hardworking, good-meaning, pretty intelligent, cool motif, (most likely has whump stuff attached to them in canon...). Oops. About this oneshot, it's abstract on purpose because, well, you've most likely read the tags. It's almost a cryptic character study because, man, I want to write more about this stardust boy. Most likely won't be this abstract next time. It's also much softer than the previous one because I felt softer and sweeter this time, enjoy the calm before the storm, before the storm before the calm. I've taken a lot of liberties with the actual nightmares Ichihoshi is shown to have in the anime, but hey, fanfiction is also for that, right?
Wishing Upon a Shooting Star in the Twilight Sky
Summary: Hikaru, the eyes who slither in the dark, and an ever-changing corridor. Nothing out of the ordinary. (or: yet another feverish nightmare in the mind of a boy who used not to have people to rely on)
Fandom: Inazuma Eleven: Orion no Kokuin (spoilers for up to episodes 13-16) Relationship: Ichihoshi & Inazuma Japan
Wordcount: 2K words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version available here.
A pair of eyes welcomes him as soon as his lids open, shining in the dark, viciously staring at him wit the intensity of a thousand stares. He remembers the story of the poisons of poisons and wonders if those aren’t the eyes of the eyes, those who can see through walls and peek behind the curtains of the mind, those who ignore the skull entirely.
He’s too used to them to be scared of them anymore, so he gets up and running for the day, dressing up as the red irises still dissect his anatomy from where they stand, shrouded in the darkness of the corners of the bedroom.
 It always feels cold, his skin shivering, hair dressed on his arms and legs before he puts on a jacket and decide to ignore the chills. The eyes don’t leave their prey, the shine of a fang piercing through the shadows like a claw tearing through a curtain, but that’s to be expected. There’s still a hinge of fear in the back of his mind, the non-null risk that he could get eaten alive, but he shouldn’t let that phase him. He’s not a prey worth the effort anyway.
He exits the unfamiliar room, ready for the day, leaving the creature in the shadows as the day finally shines upon this country again, sunlight bathing the corridors through the windows. It’s soothing, somewhat.
 The faces around him ignore his presence entirely. Far away, his brother, his beloved older brother, glaring at him, surrounded by people whose language he suddenly doesn’t understand anymore, whose alphabet reads like drawings on old stone walls. He’s lost and getting scared, the place changing constantly, and he’ll never get used to how the colours and noises keep transforming each time he tries to focus on one sound or object.
His forehead hurts from how many things his brain analyses at once, trying to give sense to the nonsensical maze of sensations swirling around him. He feels smothered, wrapped by a snake that doesn’t exist, head like a nebula who cannot settle for one star and instead decides to confuse him even further. He’s in the eye of a tornado, watching its curves surrounding him with nothing but confusion and a headache.
 He manages to peek through the wind curtains, handing his hand outside as to try and catch his brother’s attention, yelling but never hearing his own voice doing so. His brother’s name is missing from his boggled memories, those trying to claw at his wounded throat during this moment of vulnerability, so he calls out in vague manners, words running away from his mind. And yet, despite the dread, despite the panic and despite the horror, it feels like a déjà vu.
He’s been here before, he realizes, as he notices the patterns the walls’ changing forms adopt. They switch in cycles, colours succeeding each other in disharmony, unsynchronized among themselves to create a nauseating vertigo, whose dazzling lights blinded his eyes used to the darkness, rendering him dizzy. And, even then, he can still notice the cycles and how they function, using what’s left available of his brain to clear his way out of the mess.
 His brother glares at him from the outside, defying him with a smirk to get out of the tornado. Closing his eyes as not to enforce his migraine, he steps blindly forward, hands trembling and eager to find a wall to find some new failsafe support. His fingertips don’t quite touch anything of note, brushing against the temperature-shifting air he breathes. He continues on anyway, now aware this is a place he knows, a corridor that makes sense if he stops seeing it.
He needs to exit this place, this is all that comes to his mind. The creature will soon get used to the dizzying sparks of the outside. The storm will let down only once he’ll have found a room of calm and serenity. He’s used to it, he knows where he should be heading: the dark blue door, the one decorated with starry-like white dots that reminds him of the night sky. He remembers it so clearly.
 He trips on a misplaced carpet and scratches both knees and palms in his attempt at stopping his falls. It stings, but he’s used to such small pains, and he continues walking as the wooden floor under his feet starts catching on fire behind his back. It smells like ash and smoke, going into his nose and down his trachea, making him cough as he tries to still breathe. His sense of smell is neutralized, with his earing and touch all he has left to guide himself. It’s fine, he’ll manage: sensory deprivation isn’t an unfamiliar feeling.
Around him resonate double, echoing laughter. He doesn’t recognize the voices enough to tell who they belong to, yet they’re familiar: they sound like former friends who turned his back on him once upon a time, people he’s wanted to forget the faces and names of, who’ve only stared at him with vengeful eyes since then. Some sound more common than the rest, others are more recent and he can swear he hears accents in some of the whispers thrown his ways. It’s fine, he’ll manage: being told he’s useless and getting threatened for being ineffective isn’t an unfamiliar feeling.
 He falls again, but this time, his eyes open. Before him is the bloodied hand of his brother and blue irises staring right into his, daggers planting themselves in his flesh as wooden shards search for a way to pierce through his legs’ skin. It hurts, he thinks he may have sprained his wrists and ankles in his fall. The hand is unwelcoming, the smoke invades his vision, makes his eyes tear up and blurry, water running down his cheeks. He still takes the offer nonetheless and tries rising to his feet, only to fall back down as he gets thrown backwards.
His brother sneers, words unintelligible, but hurtful anyway; and, in a moment of solace, he witnesses his own past self get engulfed by the snake who slithers in the dark of his bedroom, until the fangs throw themselves at him and he stops feeling anything.
 It’s fine because he’s used to the acid inside this deadly jaw, it’s fine because he’ll wake up in a sweat, just like he does every time. It’s a loop he’s not found the hole to yet, but this time, he finds back the hope spot before he can—
 Not unlike every other night before, Hikaru wakes up in a bolt, drenched in sweat, light hurting his eyes from how suddenly they’ve snapped open. His vision is blurry at first, but then clarifies, and he notices something strange right from the get-go: he isn’t alone.
Hanging right over his is the face of Endou, looking right at him. By sweeping across the room with his glance, he recognizes other faces: Nosaka, Hiura, Mikado, Asuto, Nishikage in the distance. It’s not his bedroom either: it looks like they’re near the pitch instead, if he can trust his sole vision of the ceiling and vague patch of green on his left.
 “Ichihoshi, can you hear me?” Endou asks, looking somewhat concerned.  
He tries smiling as an answer (that’s kind of a weird reflex to have), but chooses to also add a weak “yes” to his reply.
“Thank goodness!” Asuto sounds relieved. “We were so scared when you just collapsed like that!”
Ah, he’s forgotten to wonder how he even ended in this situation. On the other hand, is there really a point in asking himself questions he can’t find a reply to? His head is a mess.
 He feels something cold and wet being put on his forehead. He tries to put a hand on it to identify that, but his wrist won’t move, and he wonders if he’s not sprained it. Of course, it’s not possible: that was in his dream. He’s wide awake now, as he can tell from the lack of eyes trying to peek into his mind’s stained secrets.
“Take some rest,” Endou continues speaking, this expression not leaving his face.
“W-wait… What happened…?” He manages to ask.
 Endou’s face gets pushed aside by Nosaka’s, whose eyebrows are frowning and usual smirk has made a hundred-eighty. He looks less than pleased.
“Like Asuto just said, you suddenly collapsed during our usual training regimen. Technically, you merely fell asleep, so we were relieved until you started thrashing in your sleep.”
“Ah, yeah,” Asuto chimes in, “that was scary! Are you sure you’re okay?”
Good question.
“I guess…?”
“I wouldn’t say so,” Nosaka comments, arms crossed.
“You have a fever,” Mikado ends the sentence.
That makes sense, he supposes… It’s just weird that he has no recollection of ever getting this fever in the first place, even if it doesn’t sound too out-of-place for a thing like this to cause his memory to
“I’ll fetch Sekiya,” she adds before leaving.
 Despite the tension and the concern, these stares are comfortable, and he surprises himself to catch his eyelids closing on their own again. While this isn’t foreign, it’s been years since he’s felt this way. Strange and yet soothing, his brain doesn’t know what to make of it.
“You’re sure you’re fine?” Asuto asks, insistent. “You really looked in pain when you were asleep!”
Hikaru sits up, now that his body finally responds, making sure the cloth doesn’t fall off from his forehead. He still feels hands in his back, most likely Endou’s.
“It’s fine… I’m used to it.”
“Used to it?!”
 Both Asuto and Endou look horrified. Well, he should have seen it coming that others wouldn’t find it that usual, but it’s not worth this sudden appal.
“That makes it even less okay!” The former yells, drilling a hole through his already thumbing skull.
“I agree with Asuto,” Endou adds. “You should have talked to us about these. These absolutely can’t be good!”
“I know, but really, I’ll be fine…” He doesn’t like all the fuss, especially when he considers what he’s once done to them. “They’ve gotten better with time too.”
“For how long have they lasted?” Nosaka then asks again, not letting himself display the same kind of horror as their other teammates.
“I don’t really remember… I think they started when I joined Orion, but I forgot when exactly. They come in and out…”
 Everyone still looks appalled.
“What are those about?” Endou eventually speaks out.
“I don’t really know… They’re about my times at Orion, I’m sure of that, but they’re usually so abstract that it’s hard to tell. I think that’s why there’s always eyes glaring at me whenever I have those nightmares…”
He giggles at himself, “today was just worse than usual. It’s calmed down considerably since joining the team and… that’s why I’m convinced they’ll go away, eventually.”
“You’re still overexerted,” Nosaka comments, not without reason. “Even if we’re fighting Orion, you shouldn’t do that again. Having you collapse during a match would be a disaster.”
“I’m with Nosaka,” Endou adds. “You need rest, or else you won’t be able to do anything on the field!”
“B-but… If I’m not playing, are you going to…” Abandon him? No, he can’t say that out loud, not after what he’s done… Instead, he goes silent. He just can’t say that.
“Don’t worry for us, we have your back!” Asuto sounds as confident and happy as ever, even if he can tell his teammate is worried.
He laughs again, softly, to himself. “Thank you…”
 To his numbed surprise, Hikaru falls back asleep almost immediately, energy dragged down the well of the thoughts and wrapped in warmth again. Passing out like this in full daylight is but a weird experience he isn’t used to, but that’s fine: change needs to happen and, for once, he isn’t scared about losing something if he goes unconscious for a couple hours.
May the nightmares stop, now that he feels safe and sound.
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leejeongz · 5 years
The Boyz Confession (Hyung line)
🥺Okay so in order to thank you all for 2k (still shook) I decided to write something for tbz. Lmk if you want me to continue🥺
😬they aren’t the best... don’t bully me ajsbsjsn😬
Of course your time together was limited but that’s how it had always been. You became friends after he debuted, meeting through a mutual friend at the company who knew you’d love each other. You exchanged numbers and both quickly developed feelings for the other, you made each other happy at a time when you thought no one could, that’s really important to you both. After about 3 months of incessant flirting Sangyeon decided he’d had enough, it was time to make you his. He was sat alone in the practice room, texting you to come and watch him practice to give pointers. You arrived wearing his favourite outfit on you, but anything you wore he loved. You sat on the floor expecting him to dance yet he came and joined you on the floor, resting his head on your shoulder as you stretched your legs out. He was sweating a little, but you didn’t mind. It was moments like this that you treasured the most but admittedly he’d never been this intimate with you before. You weren’t complaining though.
“You know” he looked up at you, pouting, while his hand found yours “I think it’s time we became an official couple” he awaited your answer which seemed to take years when in actuality it was seconds.
“I think so too” you confessed looking down at his handsome face and smiling before pecking his lips lightly.
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Jacob always loved when you stayed over at the dorms, especially this time since it was just you two alone. Since you were in Korea alone, with no family around, when you got sick the boys took extra special care of you, one boy in particular always ready for whatever you threw at him. You lay awake in Jacob’s bed, they had left you alone to nap while they went to practice, telling Jacob to stay with you to keep you company, but you couldn’t sleep. If it was this easy to get alone time with your crush, you would have faked being sick a long time ago, you thought, staring at the ceiling. Just as you started to daydream about your fantasy relationship, Jacob walked in and took a seat on the edge of the bed, resting his hand on your stomach and turning to face you.
“You even look pretty when your sick” he said with a sweet smile. You thanked him for the compliment yet he continued. “No I mean it! Like you always look pretty, whatever you do. And being alone with you, even if you are poorly, is basically a dream come true.”
You smiled in return. “I’d kiss you right now if I wasn’t sick” you joked as he leaned forward to kiss your forehead instead. He’d really risk it all for you.
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“And is there a special someone you’d like to dedicate this cover to?” The MC asked as Younghoon warmed up to sing thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran.
He clasped his hands together, like he usually does while he’s nervous. “Actually there is, I’d currently consider them my best friend but who knows what will happen” He explained with you in mind. You didn’t really know anyone else who Younghoon was as close to as you, expect his members but come on... like he’d give into fans ideology like that. You knew it was about you, you didn’t want to act oblivious (after analysing everyone it could have been) you felt exactly the same way. As the song finished your whole body sunk back into the sofa in content after being sat at the edge of it for so long while listening to his soft vocals.
“Their name is actually y/n” he confessed out of no where. “Their favourite artist is Ed Sheeran and I know to fans and whatnot this may seem out of character but I had to say it. I really like them and-” he rushed out before the mc quickly interrupted and changed the subject.
He called you after the show, asking if you’d watched and how you felt. He didn’t want to ask you to be his but he already knew you were when you offered to take him out that night. The date went well, well enough to confirm your new relationship status.
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Typically you, Hyunjae and a few mutual friends went bowling one Friday a month, and you all looked forward to it, but exam season was here and your friends all had to cancel due to studying. You, however, were “dragged” out by Hyunjae who said that you deserved a break. Any time you could spend with him you’d gladly take to be honest, you were madly in love with him, who wouldn’t be.
“Are you ready for our date?” Hyunjae asked that morning over the phone. You couldn’t really tell if he meant it so you just replied with a competitive “I’m totally gonna win!”
He laughed lightly “maybe, because it’s you, I’ll let you have the bumpers up” his flirty tone was evident.
“You want to lose that much, babes?” you joked back, knowing that pet names were his weakness.
After that Hyunjae changed the subject, ending the call when you told him you had to get to your exam. “Good luck! Don’t get distracted by the thought of our date too much!” He ended with before hanging up.
When you arrived that night outside the bowling place, he greeted you with a kiss on the cheek. You pulled back and gave him a puzzled look. “Aw cute you thought I was joking about this being a date” he wrapped his arm around your shoulder while you smiled to yourself, him doing exactly the same.
“How did you know I was into guys like you?” You asked hoping to irritate Hyunjae yet he just responded with “who wouldn’t be?” before planting another peck onto your temple.
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Winter was your favourite season, no doubt about it, however, as silly as it sounds, you hated the cold. Your fingers, you thought, were legitimately going to fall off by the time you reached your house and considering it was basically night time, it was even colder than you had originally anticipated. One thing you were grateful for was Juyeon. The handsome boy who always took care of you, during and after your “extra curricular activities” walking you home and keeping you safe. Even though it was only 5pm, it was pitch black outside and of course rush hour traffic was in full effect. The biggest and busiest roads in your town was approaching and it almost as if Juyeon could sense the anxiety building up inside you. He took hold of your hand, your mitten sliding off slightly.
“It’s okay y/n I’m here” he said while standing next to you at the edge of the road. “Come on” he pulled you to the middle section made for pedestrians in between the two directions of traffic.
“Juyeon” you paused. “You don’t have to told my hand you know” you said, secretly not wanting him to let go.
“What if I want to?” He questioned with a barely visible smirk in the low lighting. “What if this was my plan all along?” He chuckled this time.
“I know what you’re saying Juyeon...” excitement evident in your voice. You weren’t about playing those “oblivious dumb crush” games... not when what you wanted was serious.
“Hm you know I control the weather? No fun” he joked pulling your mitten off and securing his hand in yours. “My hand will be warmer anyway.”
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The clock was at 11:50pm and it was New Year’s Eve, you couldn’t believe you were entering yet another year single. You watched the man of your dreams, Kevin, walk in your direction, if only he was coming over to proclaim his love for you, you wished in your head.
“Hey y/n, you ready for the new year?” He asked casually, taking a seat on the couch next to you putting his arm over the back of it after setting his cup of coke on the floor alongside yours. He clearly hadn’t had anything alcohol wise to drink and neither had you, the only two sober ones in the room and the only two that could converse like normal human beings.
“There’s nothing new about being alone” you said grumpily, averting your eyes.
“Heyyy no don’t say that y/n, look at me” you turned back to him with a cloud of shame above you. He tucked your hair behind your ear and smiled, not moving his hand from the side of your face. “Who said you were gonna be alone anyway?” He questioned with a wink. “Oh by the way that’s me asking you to be my bae.” He clarified.
“Wait are you serious?” You still asked, just to be 100% clear. The clock just seconds away from 11:59 when the big countdown would begin.
“I mean I can prove it to you with a kiss in just 1 minute if you’re prepared to wait” he grabbed your drink and picked his own up off the floor before helping you off the couch and wrapping his arm around your waist. Maybe this year wasn’t going to be as awful as you expected.
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Your previous position: next to Chanhee on the boys’ shared couch, where you felt the most at home. Your current position: not next to Chanhee. You were actually in the kitchen after being called for by Kevin who was trying to work the pop corn machine you’d brought to the dorm. When you tried to get up, New whined, when you eventually got up, New whined, now you weren’t even in his eye line, New whined even more. “Where’s y/n gone? I miss them” he moaned loudly, the point being that you’d hear him. You finished up trying to sort out kevin as quick as you could before going back to the living room in which Chanhee sat like a toddler, knees up to his chin.
“What’s up buttercup?” You asked and you sat besides him again. Chanhee returned to his usual sitting position, a little closer to you than normal but you didn’t mind.
“Ugh will you two get a room for goodness sake” Hyunjae spoke up. “Chanhee, this is y/n, they are madly in love with you. Y/n, this is Chanhee, he’s madly in love with you. Now leave us to watch our movie in peace.” He pointed between you two as the other members nodded.
“Someone’s a little grumpy” you laughed, facing down to see Chanhee “he’s not wrong though” you both said quickly at the same time. You soon found yourself in your now boyfriend’s room. “So you really like me huh?” He asked continuously for an hour.
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Gifs aren’t mine
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yeastofeden · 6 years
Hello! Your Traitor Uraraka theory was an amazing read! I want to dive into the world of character/story/literary analysis too, but I dont know where or how to start... Any advice/tips you could share?
Thanks so much! I’m honestly flattered you would ask… I’m ahobby writer so a lot of what I know about analysis is what I learnedin grade school, on my own, or adapted from what I know about artcriticism & analysis….. Since you’re not sure on the start,I’ll just talk about all the core things I feel helped me getinterested in this.
Read If I had torecommend anything specificfor reading, I’d say lookinto classic literature – not because its “critically acclaimed,”but because a lot of the time classic literature has been analyzed byprofessionals in their fields, so it can be a nice way to see howother people handle character interpretation, storytelling, worldbuilding, and so on. I liked Shakespeare a lot, and you probablywouldn’t be surprised to hear that people analyze the shit out ofShakespeare. I probably picked up the most of my understanding ofcharacter analysis from indulging in Shakespeare alone.
Don’t like Shakespeare? I’d say look into stories that are just over 50 years old; Lord ofthe Rings, Catcher in the Rye, Pride & Prejudice, Lord of theFlies…. So long as you can find actual scholars analyzing it,you’re golden. Read things you enjoy; if you like anime and only care about that…maybe check out textbooks on classic anime.
Alongwith looking up how others analyze, start being critical with all themedia you consume. Movies are a great way to do this because it’sshort format and easyconcumption. You can stayfocused on critical thinking for a couple of hours while enjoyingsomething–I also think movie reviews are a good way to experiencecritical analysis. And don’t just watch good movies… watch badones too, and figure out why they’re bad.
WriteActuallywrite. Take all the interesting things you learned and apply it tosomething. Don’t just think about it; the tragedy about onlythinking is that nothing really solidifies like it does once youfinally put it out there. Talkto friends about it if you can drag them into aconversation;a lot of my analysis started out because I was talking with otherpeople. If you don’t have anyone to talk to about a series or don’twant to bother people with your miscellaneous thoughts, get a sidetumblr or a dreamwidth and just write things there to get themdown–ifyou’reshy, just don’t tag things.Tbh, sometimes I just write things out and then delete them when I’mfinished just so I can get the thought out of me. Writing is just apowerful tool tohelp organize thoughts into cohesive opinions.
Butdon’t just write thoughts only… build on them. Write your owncharacters and stories just for fun. Write fanfiction. WriteAlternate Universes. Really just explore your own taste in fictionand the kind of things you yourself want to see. If there’s onevery easy thing I could suggest… take your favourite characters orship and slap them into story that already exists. I wrote one of myOTPs a few years ago into HasChristian Andersen’s theLittle Mermaid,andit was interesting andfuntrying to suit different characters into the roles of the story.
Writingand reading as a combination are just good things for you; they helpbuild competency with literature and language, andby just indulging in the two of these while remaining critical canjust naturally better your ability to read deeper into things.
ResearchAlongwith the earlier mentioned analyses that you should look into, it’sworth it to look into like extra resources. Check out interviews withyour favourite authors; look at like Ted Talks about creativity andwriting; read into tropes and motifs; find creative people you likeand follow their work and look for trends; lookinto writing concepts and themes.Storiesare just made up of patterns and once you start finding the patterns,you can start exploiting them. A Hero’s Journey is one of the mostfundamental patterns we can follow in storytelling, and with someabstract thinking we can start to predict the events that will occurin a story. A lot of my theory is built up on observing patterns.
IfI could point you toward one single video, it’s Kirby Ferguson’sTED talk “Embrace the Remix.” It talks about the idea thatnothing is original and all things are just remixed versions of eachother. This is part of why tropes exist;  you could go look attvtropes.org and hit random and start learning about these patternsright now. Granted, I don’t recommend using tropes as a foundationof an argument, but knowing tropes can help you connect the dotsbetween series.
IfI had to suggest any non-literary research that’s worth lookinginto….Check out psychology, art, and/or culture. Psychology is just morepatterns, I use Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs when I write andobserve survival horror. Art is another way to tell a story and isespecially useful when observing visual media. Culture can help youunderstand why people write the way they do, becausethere is a difference between Eastern and Western media andstorytelling trends.
“Personality sections”Alittle back story on me: pretty much all of thereading/writing/researching I do thesedaysis because I do a lot of text-based roleplay on Dreamwidth. I’vebeen doing this for about8 years.Overthe years, I’ve written out easilyover 30 “personality sections,” which are basically 500-2kcharacter summaries–for characters like Sakura from Naruto, Makotofrom Free, Jake English from Homestuck, and so many others–as apart of a way to “prove” that I understand the character I’mroleplaying whenjoining organized groups.I’ve also read literallyhundredsof these personality sections because I joined vetting teams forsaid organized groups, and have written many rejectionresponses to help people understand where they can improve.A lot of people I know hate writingthese personality sections… but I love them.
Youcould join RP and get a feel for it thesame wayI did, but that might not be your thing. But the process of writingthese “personality sections” wasbroken down to a science byroleplayers,and can be seen as a base form of character analysis. Wetalkedabout a character’s personality, what shaped them to be that way,and sometimes how that affected them in the future of their story.When I led a vetting team, these were the requirements I set:
Mustbe at least three paragraphs long for minor characters, fiveparagraphs long for main characters. Players should be able to conveya good understanding of their characters, but just describing apersonality isn’t enough. Make sure that when you explain aparticular attitude that you back yourself up with some canon proof,otherwise mods have to wonder where you are getting this informationregardless of our knowledge of canon. Be sure to explain clearly andconcisely, organizing your paragraphs so related subjects aretogether. Avoid explaining the personality in such a way that itreads like a history section - generally this is determined byunnecessary use of chronological order.
Andthese are the same guidelines I hold myself to when I work on my ownpersonality sections. Some people have broken down personalitysections in such a way that they are formatted “three positivetraits, three negative traits” withsome variance.Some like to talk about important relationships aswell.I always defend that personality should be backed up with actualcanon evidence. “Uraraka is kind,” I could say, but I should backit up with an instance where she showed kindness, such as when shesaved Midoriya from tripping when they first meet.
TheorizingIfI’m honest, I don’t much like theorizing. I like to read theoriesand I like to think about things, but I’m not actually partial totrying to predict the future of a series because I feel likeserialized stories are too choppy to be worth my time, and there’snot much sense trying to predict the future of a story that’sfinished. I’m more inclined toward theorizing about the past, orwhat’s already happened but wasn’t explained.
Mydisinterest in theorizing kind of shows….I’ve only written twotheories for Tumblr–Urarakais the Traitor (My Hero Academia), and Both Shiros are the Clone(Voltron). I think I ended up being right about the second one butI’m not sure where the interview isthatproves it, justthat it was SDCC stuff.Thereason I’ve written any theories at all is because I personally wasmotivated by frustration–I didn’t know why people weren’ttalking about these things. SoI made a post to try to get people to talk. BeforeI posted my theory, no one would have looked twice at Uraraka andthat drove me nuts.Now I’ve made a following strong enough that Uraraka seems to beone of the highest contenders in terms of just… gossip. Which,thanks guys. I’m floored.
So…. Myadvice would be to pick a subject you think should be talked aboutand go for it. Do the research. Canon-review. Takenotes. Search for patterns outside what you’re trying to analyze.Writeand rewrite and rewrite again, becauseanalyzing is basically high school but fun.
And…lastly…. Prepare to be wrong. You have a different sense ofstorytelling than anyone else. I have been bitten right in the assbecause I viewed and loved many-a character because I saw them theway I wanted to, and the author clearly did not share my views.And people might not like your theory; people might super hate iteven, and that’s not such a big deal. In the end it’s just fiction and we’re all just here to enjoy a story we love.
I…know that’s a lot, but Ihope it was at least helpful information! Ithink in the end the most important part is just to be critical andremain open-minded. Never stop learning. Choose your battles. Write about what you love.And don’t worry so much about being wrong. 
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1.) what’s a song you depict with your childhood? - Free Bird, Lynrd Skynrd. My dad showed it to me when he found out I was learning electric guitar

2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet? - lovely lab/Doberman called Bella and a cat called Charlie

3.) have you ever been drunk? - many many times, amigos

4.) have you ever tried drugs? - I smoke weed pretty regularly (helps me sleep) and I tried Nos once at a friends house

5.) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said? - so many times

6.) have you ever made someone cry? On occasion

7.) has someone ever made you cry? - only once, ever, since my dad left

8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it. - I’ve been in love so many times and each time has been different and varied and wonderful. I was thinking today that those first few months of being in love with someone are some of the best experiences life can offer

9.) which came first the chicken or the egg? - seriously? The fucking chicken

10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them? - I’m bisexual, but I don’t consider myself part of the community because apparently I’m ‘straight passing’ or ‘doing it for the attention’ and I’ve never been really accepted into that sphere (me being a Christian probably has something to do with that too) But I’ll always support them because nobody else fucking does in this world.
11.) how many siblings do you have? - two siblings, and a half sister who I never see

12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love? - I’ve been in love with a lot of people. A few people that never got to show love to, and a few who I couldn’t love the way they needed me to

13.) are you a good cook? - I have a select few meals I can cook really well. The rest? Nah

14.) what is your favorite tv show? - at the moment, Brooklyn nine nine, but I also love sense8. I’m more of an anime man tho

15.) what is the last movie you cried during? - spirit stallion of the cimmoran, when I was four

16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any) - nah, but the closest I’ve come was the first time I ever heard Crash Land by Twin Atlantic

17.) do you have a middle name? - two middle names, but I’m not about to share them here

18.) have you been out of your country? - yeah a few times. I LOVE ITALY

19.) are you a chocolate fan or not? - I can take or leave it?

20.) how many people have you kissed? - I have kissed a large number of people and I regret nothing. Kissing is great

21.) what is your favorite album? - that’s a very difficult question. Probably Wilder Mind by Mumford

22.) what is your dream car? - @luxury-pie a yellow 2010 Ferrari California

23.) what is your lucky/favorite number? - 8. Never known why, but 8 is my number

24.) what is your favorite flower? - I don’t really like specific flowers. Daisies are pretty tho

25.) books or movies, why? - books, because I don’t have the attention span for movies

26.) have you ever been on a blind date? - no, should I have?

27.) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you? - no, nothing serious or hurtful, but…

28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends? - I have. Brutally and awfully and I regret it so much

29.) what thing do you symbolize love with? - love is doing shit you couldn’t care less for gladly because you know it’ll make somebody else happy.

30.) do you have neat handwriting? - I have the fucking worst handwriting of anyone I know

31.) do you have a friend with benefits? - nah, although I have in the past and really enjoyed it. She’s great and we’re still really good friends and chat shit all the time

32.) do you want a friend with benefits? - not right now, I’m more than happy with my girlfriend

33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be? - happy and financially stable

34.) have you ever been blackout drunk? - I’ve lost memory while drunk, but never blacked out. This particular occasion I had a race down a line of Jaeger shots and woke up in bed with a friends hot sister. No memory of the night after the jaeger race tho

35.) have you ever met someone famous? - not mad famous no.

36.) how many concerts have you been to? - too many to count

37.) which concerts have you been to? - awesome ones

38.) do you have a hidden talent? - I have a great many talents but most people who know me know about them. For tumblrs benefit, I play nine instruments, write fiction relatively well, sing fairly well, and give really good head

39.) what do you do when you’re stressed? - panic. And smoke. And sometimes if I’m lucky, I smoke some weed

40.) do you think money can buy love? - money can’t buy shit that matters

41.) how old would you date? - maybe 25 rn? But I prefer a year either way

42.) have you ever done something illegal? - a fair chunk of illegal shit yeah. Particularly as a teenager

43.) what is your biggest fear? - becoming like my dad

44.) what is an unusual fear you have? - long ass tunnels

45.) can you drive? - not legally, no

46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures? - angels and shit. No fucking ghosts though

47.) do you believe in karma? - good comes around, but bad shit sometimes happens to good people

48.) what is one quality you need in your partner? - they should preferably like me

49.) do looks matter? - as an added bonus, certainly, but they’re nowhere near the most important thing

50.) does size matter? - no it fucking does not

51.) who is the last person you forgave? - truly forgave? Probably my dad. He’s the only person who’s ever wronged me enough to mean that it’s a conscious effort to forgive them.

52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor? - cookie dough.

53.) what languages can you speak besides english? - none

54.) ever been on a plane? - yeah, I’ve flown a few planes too

55.) ever been on a boat? - yeah, but I prefer planes

56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t? - I’ve moved house so many times, so I’ve left a lot of people behind

57.) are there any friendships you regret? - no, no matter how they ended. Friendship, no matter how lasting or fleeting, is always a precious gift

58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make? - few of you guys in tumblr

59.) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours? I haven’t slept in the last 50 hours and I seriously need to

60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am? - oh yeah, loads. I love night time

61.) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through? - yeah my girlfriend and I cycled two hours to the beach at three in the morning so we could watch the sunrise together at five

62.) are you scared of rollercoasters? - nah I enjoy them

63.) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually? - a solid 6.75

64.) do you have any plans this weekend? - working tbh. On the bar

65.) do you miss anyone right now? - I miss so many people. Right this second I miss @merryanustrench and @luxury-pie

66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now? - those guys. Or my dealer, tbh

67.) if you could have any superpower, what would it be? - insane jumping ability

68.) who is your favorite superhero? - someone from the incredibles

69.) are you dirty minded? - half of what I think is about sex

70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s? Close to Me by the Cure, Lithium by Nirvana, Mr Brightside by the Killers, and I Really Like You by Carly Rae (those are just ones I like off the top of my head)

71.) how many kids, if any, do you want? - I’d want a few, but always figured I’d adopt as well as having my own

72.) who is your biggest OTP? - Tom Natsworthy and Hester Shaw from Mortal Engines

73.) what is your favorite food? - chicken marengo

74.) do you want to be married one day? - always have, always will

75.) dogs or cats? - both are amazing, but cats

76.) do you drink enough water daily? - fuck no

77.) have you ever seen a shooting star? - my first one was last year

78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you? - nah can’t say I would, tbh

79.) how many best friends do you have? 2. One is my girlfriend, the other is called J and I love him to pieces

80.) when was the last time you cried? - only once since my dad left. Once in about six years

81.) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself? - nah never

82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed? - yeah I have, a family member

83.) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go? Canada, a log cabin in the wolves surrounded by wolves

84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself? - not too great

85.) do you consider yourself a loyal person? - I used to. But I think I treasure the idea of loyalty, more than I do actual loyalty in practice.

86.) what is your favorite season and why? - spring. Spring brings the life back and helps me to light up my life when I’ve been depressed

87.) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it? - yeah. Not proud of it, but I have

88.) do you know how to play any instruments? - like I said earlier, 9 instruments

89.) do like like falling asleep to music or not? - nah my brain analyses music too much. I like having anime playing so I can’t analyse what they’re saying, or I’ll play some mindless sports video game (NBA 2K) and that puts me to sleep

90.) what are you allergic to? - speaking in front of people

91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what there life is like? - yeah all the time

92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be? - I feel like Jake Peralta is already my spirit animal

93.) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why? - probably Keane Reaves, because we’d mess with people and be super nice

94.) are you outgoing? - mentally I’m quite outgoing, but a lifetime of having a speech impediment means I get anxiety when I have to speak to people

95.) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to? - oh yeah, certainly when I was younger

96.) are you a good flirt? - nah I’m a fucking terrible flirt, it either turns into low level bullying or overly sexual shit with the subtlety of a freight train

97.) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down? - yeah I’ve been turned down. I’ve only ever turned one person down but she was an honest to God stalker so I don’t count that

98.) which planet is your favorite? - fucking Neptune, man! So pretty 
99.) are you superstitious? - nah, nothing beyond what’s normal culture (saying bless you after a sneeze and that)
100.) are you a good listener? - yeah I’ve been told that
101.) are you a good kisser - my dude, I am a FANTASTIC kisser and I dare you to test that
102.) would you kiss any of your friends - I would kiss SO MANY of my friends. In fact I’d kiss most of them. Almost all. If you’re friends with me, there’s a good chance I’d kiss you. In fact, if you’re friends with me irl, there’s a good chance you already have
Thanks for putting up with this overshare! I love doing these. I tag @luxury-pie @bemyrobin and @merryanustrench to do however many of these they feel like doing
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