#this is what it would have been if klaroline were the main stars of the show
stars-and-darkness · 1 year
Why do you ship it? Klaroline ofc.
ah, my bestie!!! hi!!!
1) What made you ship it?
you know, on my first watch of s2 i remember adoring forwood, and while they are still somewhat dear to my heart, then s3 came and i COULDN'T BELIEVE that they were actually giving the big bad klaus they built up as just The Worst a romance. i don't think there's a single thing. i first started watching tvd bc i was intrigued by delena--the ONE enemies to lovers ship that actually ended up together (let's take a moment of silence to appreciate that i ended up with klaroline as my otp and preferring stelena). it sort of snuck up on me, ngl.
2) What are your favourite things about the ship?
i've recently been rewatching s1&2, and it really hammers in the contrast between matt and tyler as her love interests, and klaus. it's absolutely incredible how he, the most powerful, most paranoid, most terrifying etc. person on the planet looks at her like she personally hung all the stars and the moon to boot on the sky whenever she so much as opens her mouth. after so long of caroline being mistreated by her boyfriends and her friends, considered shallow and empty-headed to the point that she starts believing it--klaus appreciates her as she deserves to be appreciated.
and it goes both ways! caroline, in ways even she isn't fully aware of, sees the humanity in klaus. by humanity, i don't mean goodness or anything like that, and the idea that goodness would be the defining trait of humanity is frankly hilarious but that's a rant for another time. but she sees his love for his family, and for art, and for the world and culture, and she recognizes that he is so much more than the monster everyone else sees him as.
and you can see that the main conflict between them is never internal--it's other people and outside circumstances that keep them apart. when they manage to put that aside--like, say, on their date in 4x7‐-you can see them genuinely talking. they are both so absorbed in what the other has to say, they're bantering and teasing, and actually opening up. it's incredible.
3) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
maybe? is not wanting caroline to "fix" klaus an unpopular thing?
having magical babies together does not make the magical baby plotline any good.
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roonilwazlibweasley · 3 years
the vampire diaries ships: rating by me !!
note: so I'm only rating the main ships + fanon ships which are popular !! keep in mind that these are my opinions and if you have different ones that's totally fine <3
stelena 10/10 ughhh they were so adorable literally so cute together i loved them so so much. and when the universe was trying to draw them together by sending visions omfg domestic stelena?? with a family?? literally would die for them
mattlena 5/10 - kind neutral on this one, probably could've been cute but because of the way things happened, they weren't meant to last
maroline 9/10 - this relationship oml !! when it started I didn't like it too much but the development >>> and then caroline singing on stage to win matt back !! that was so cute
forwood 10/10 - when I first started watching the show I would've never thought they'd end up together, but when they did it was such a pleasant surprise? and such a refresher from the rest of the ships. It felt new and exciting !!
Jalaric 15/10 they were adorable. why did jenna die :/
beremy 4/10 I thought that they were endgame when they first started dating but then jeremy cheated on her with a literal ghost so yknow, that relationship wasn't going to last
delena 6/10 I didn't like them that much tbh, I think they had wayyy too many issues to work through :( they even addressed the toxicity of the relationship but still decided to do nothing about it? ( i'm sure that they worked through these issues before they got married tho) bad boy and good girl trope overused tbh, but I gave them points bc like, THE CHEMISTRY N SHIT????
klaroline 3/10 mehh they had some chemistry but their "relationship" was so random? and it wasn't really a relationship because they had a few random moments thrown together. I do think caroline saw the good in him, but overall I didn't like them too much. plus the shippers piss me off, with the whole bullying leah pipes of the originals because they couldn't see Klaus with anyone other than caroline smh. also I hate how the show tried to paint them as star crossed lovers like?? idk what that was about haha also their relationship would've been a shitshow bc klaus screwed over almost every single one of caroline's friends :/// also didn't he almost sexually assault her when he was in tyler's body? like he was taking advantage of the fact that caroline would have sex with tyler. anyway i hate this ship with a burning passion <3
parkwoof (see what I did there??) 8/10 I actually quite liked them, the whole enemies to lovers thing? amazing <3 but then liv died?? and it was so depressing??
bamon 15/10 damon told bonnie he respected and loved her multiple times and they were damn close and they probably fucked in the prison world once or twice :D
bonkai 6/10 ehhh not the biggest fan - when they first met, I liked them, and then they kinda lost the chemistry they had :/
calaric 0/10 absolutely gross and weird
jolaric 9/10 aww omg this was so adorable and we all thought that alaric finally had a chance at love haha well that didn't work lmao *wipes away tear*
stalerie 7/10 agghh they had that whole puppy love thing going but I don't think they would've ever lasted as a couple, even without caroline in the picture
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leianaberrie · 3 years
I think in season 7 caroline should have just left the vampire diaries there wasn't a purpose in her being around other then she's the elena replacement ironic considering the book version of elena was blonde blue eyed character
If they was going to do this klaroline bait why not just have caroline on the originals then
And bonnie would have been the main character as she should have been
Before Elena left, Caroline probably should have gone to The Originals, because she was redundant then. And Candice crossing over both shows would have boosted both ratings. But afterwards, I feel there was room for both Bonnie and Caroline in TVD. Bonnie was more important, not just because she's my favourite or any petty reason but because she simply was - as a Bennett witch, she and her family were connected to every pivotal supernatural event in the show's lore. They were literally the architects of that 'verse. However, there was space for Caroline, especially after Elena left, as the female vampire, as Bonnie's best friend, as a Founding Family's descendant...
Which the show actually did very little with outside her winning Miss Mystic Falls! It's really only in the last season, that they begin to explore what that could mean.
Which is really the problem with Caroline. She's structured to be a supporting character and there's nothing wrong with that. Hermione Granger, and Han Solo are technically supporting characters. But are can you imagine Harry Potter or Star Wars without these characters? But JK didn't write Hermione to be a Chosen One, and George Lucas didn't make Han Solo another Jedi. He gave them their niches and they complemented the heroes. That's Caroline's problem. The show was too busy trying to find ways to steal other people's stories and give her, that they never really explored what her story should have been.
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
Chicago knew her name just as they knew who her benefactor was. Her eyes flashed to him and suddenly the music on her lips tasted bitter. He devoured her gaze, sending her a dimpled smirk that infuriated her.
Especially with her by her side. Such a beautiful bride.
Written for June 2020 Bingo- Prompt "1920s" @klaroline-events
Caroline surveyed the room; the glitz and glamour still taking her by surprise. She was still not used to such luxury or even the flaunting of wealth in such a manner. She took in the guests and decor. Small lights littered the trees on the grounds and white balloons had been blown up for the occasion. The chandelier that hung in the main entrance of the large home cost more than anything Caroline had ever purchased in her life with its diamonds and crystals that sparkled when the light hit it in just the right manner.
Despite prohibition, alcohol flowed freely. Towers of glasses were stacked high while the champagne flowed down them like a fountain into a giant punch bowel. It was lavish and an insult to the rules the government put in place. However, he laughed at the rules, stating that they are guidelines that are meant to be broken, and did as he pleased. He owned speakeasies along with the rest of Chicago being in his pocket.
The marble flooring echoed as every woman’s heel tapped against it; rushing from one party goer to another. Their laughter drowned out by the sound of jazz coming from the grounds in the back of the manner. She could hear her own voice with the backup of the band she had grown to know and love over the last few years. Chicago knew her name just as they knew who her benefactor was. Her eyes flashed to him and suddenly the music on her lips tasted bitter. He devoured her gaze, sending her a dimpled smirk that infuriated her.
Especially with her by her side. Such a beautiful bride.
Caroline had always loved to sing and had dreamed of having a Jazz band of her own to back her voice; if it hadn’t been for him, she never would have had the chance; and most likely would be dead. She came from a poor family. She would spend her days in a tiny apartment in the middle of the city with her parents, singing to the neighbor’s child as her parents fought again. She never had more than those few walls to call home and it was enough for her. Even as the world fell into war and then the influenza took so many lives; her father’s life included. It baffled her mind that she ever would have made it so far to be standing on a stage, preforming for one of Chicago’s most lavish weddings.
His wedding.
She shouldn’t be so surprised. He had always made his interest known; from the moment they became acquainted. Yet, after having her in his bed for years, he still had not married her. Perhaps it was because she was not exactly a respectable woman. When they met, Caroline thought he was going to kill her, and if she had been anyone else; he probably would have.
Seeing him there with a woman who was one of the Chicago’s rich little debutantes, part of her wished that he had.
Caroline walked along the docks, her heels hitting against the wooden boardwalk; letting anyone in the general facility know that she was there. She didn’t want to hide or run; Caroline was tired. She didn’t want to play this game anymore and besides; it wasn’t like she had nowhere to sleep anyway. She was tired and hungry. She had been sleeping under the stars for days and had little to eat. She hadn’t been able to find a man to take her in over a week and the money she had previously earned had since been spent.
Caroline was done. She knew what she was doing as the breeze from the docks grazed over her cold skin. She had left her coat behind somewhere and if she did not find what she was looking for, then the winter could take her. She heard that it would be like falling asleep. She looked down at her brown dress. It had since lost its luster and there were holes in it. Her stockings were torn, and her feet hurt from her heels; but she did not own another pair of shoes.
She had hoped that she would be in something prettier when she died but there was no changing that now.
Caroline’s thoughts turned from her inevitable death towards the Model T that just came to a halt. She could hear a terrified voice screaming from inside it. Two men exited the Ford and walked around to the back; neither man seemed to have noticed her presence. They pulled a third man from the back and tossed him onto the boardwalk before he quickly scurried to his knees. One man pulled a pistol from his belt while the other leaned up against the car.
“Please, please please! I didn’t mean it. I’ll pay everything back.” The man on his knees begged while the other man just aimed the pistol at him. The man kept begged while the other looked towards the man who was leaning against the car. That man raised his hand as though giving permission and the one holding the pistol fired. Caroline heard the loud pop of the gun and watched as the man who was keeling brains splattered against the docks. Caroline could not help the scream that passed her lips.
“Shit!” The man holding the pistol hissed and quickly went after Caroline; who started running. Reality of what was about to happen to her set in and her thoughts of death fled her mind. All she could think of was survival. She ran but the man caught her quickly and dragged her back towards the other, throwing her on the ground; right beside the dead body of the man they just murdered.
“Now, Rippah. Is that how we treat a lady?”
“Boss, she saw-“ The boss cut the man, Rippah, with a sharp look and the man fell silent. The boss knelt down before her and Caroline got a good look at him. He had curly blond hair and the most piercing blue eyes that she had ever seen. He was well dressed, and Caroline could tell by the state of his clothing that he was wealthy; and given how she was meeting him, most likely in the mob. Caroline was not a fool; she knew who came to these parts at this time of night. She had been looking for them in hopes of them doing the job for her.
“I apologize for my friend. He lacks manners sometimes.”
“It’s okay.” Caroline replied in a small voice
“What is a pretty little thing like you doing out here at this time of night?” His eyes traveled over her body and Caroline felt a blush fall over her skin. The man held out his hand and pulled her to her feet. “And so poorly dressed at that. You must be freezing.” He unbuttoned his coat and draped it over her shoulders and on instinct, Caroline pulled it tightly around her freezing body.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome but you didn’t answer my question. What are you doing here?” He didn’t seem angry, but Caroline got the impression that she should not have him repeat the question. Her eyes traveled to the body on the ground and the blood glistened in the moonlight; chucks of what she assumed was his brain lingered beside his head.
“For the same reason you are.” Caroline whispered, her eyes locked with his and she saw a moment of surprise in them. “I was hoping that something like this would happen. Having you do it for me would be easier than killing myself.”
“Then why did you run? Stefan here would have been happy to shoot you on the spot, but you ran.” Caroline looked over her shoulder at the man who she now knew was named Stefan. He holstered his pistol in his jacket and came to drag the body towards the edge of the docks; dumping him into the river. “You changed your mind. You realized that you don’t want to die.” Caroline gave her head a sharp nod. “Why did you want to in the first place?”
“I’m cold. Tired. Hungry.” Caroline’s voice was soft, and she saw the pity in both Stefan’s and his employers’ eyes. The latter reached out and tucked one of Caroline’s blonde curls behind her ear.
“I know how that feels all too well.”
“I don’t think I could stand another night sleeping in the cold and then I realized that it wasn’t going to be just one more night, but several. I thought ending it would be a mercy, but I don’t want to die. I just don’t want to live like this anymore.” Gathering her bravery, Caroline took a step forward and pressed her hands against his chest; dragging them downward towards his belt buckle. “But, if you’re willing, I’m sure we could come to an arrangement.”
“Is what you do?” He asked, stopping her hand by grabbing her wrist. His hold was gentle, and she was surprised by the lack of a painful grip. “You find a man willing to bed you in order to have a warm place to sleep? Then you go on your merry way when he pays you?” Caroline nodded and she could see a shift in his gaze. Gone was the sympathy and replaced by anger. “How old are you?”
“So young.” He muttered and Caroline had to hold back a snort. She could tell that he was not much older than she was, despite the fact that the way he carried himself made him seem so much older. “Well, that ends tonight. Tell me, Sweetheart, what skills do you have? Other than the obvious, of course. I’m sure you’re excellent but I’m thinking of something that does not involve you lying on your back.”
“Uh…” Caroline was dumbfounded. She thought deeply at what she could possibly be good at. She could read but not well. Her father was never able to really devote the time to teaching her fully. She could cook when she had food and clean when she had materials to do so. Yet, there was only one thing she could think of that she excelled at. “I can sing.”
“You can sing?” He repeated, interest taking over him. Caroline nodded and he smiled widely, transforming his face into something far more handsome than should be legal. “Well, then. Sing for me.”
Caroline thought of all the songs she knew, and they all seemed to leave her. She was only left with one, the lullaby her mother had sung to her when she was a small little girl, scared of the shadows on the wall. Before he could ask her again, Caroline’s soft and warm voice caressed his ears. His smile softened and she could tell that he enjoyed what he heard. He didn’t stop her but instead let just listened to her sing. When the melody came to an end, Caroline could feel her heart pounding in her chest.
“You really are a songbird, aren’t you?” He moved his hand from her wrist and brought her knuckles up to his lips. He kissed her hand, his eyes still pouring into her soul. “And what is your name, Sweetheart?”
“It is very nice to meet you Caroline. I’m Klaus Mikaelson.”
Caroline made her way into the makeshift dressing room she was using for her performance that night. It was one of the many demands she made when she was summoned to perform this insult to her person. It was large and lavish. There was a deep red couch pushed against the wall and a vanity set up at the far end of the room. She walked towards it and sat down on the bench; gazing at her reflection in the mirror. She did not need this much space, but she knew it was his way of trying to apologize; but she honestly did not know what she could ever forgive him for this.
The red roses in the middle of the room only made her want to scream. She knew who Klaus was. She knew what he was capable of from the moment she met him on the docks five years previously and yet she never imagined he would break her heart this way. She wished had had killed her instead. It would have been a kindness.
Caroline heard the door behind her open and fury swept through her. Klaus stood in the doorway and slowly closed it behind him. She turned on the bench and glided towards the table in the middle of the room. She picked up the vase full of roses and threw it at him. Caroline got a sense of satisfaction watching him dive out of the way. The vase shattered against the wall; water, glass and roses littered the floor.
Klaus, who she had to admit was dressed in such a dapper manner that it made her heart hurt, slowly approached her with his hands up in surrender. Hot tears pooled in her eyes and she knew that her black mascara was leaving a large trail down her cheeks. The mere fact that he had the audacity to look ashamed only made her angrier.
“Sweetheart-“ A large crack sounded across the room as Caroline’s open hand slapped his face. She hoped it left a mark. Klaus went still and Caroline raised her hand again to strike but before she could hit him, Klaus grabbed her wrist; making her hand immobile. “Do not hit me again Caroline.”
“Bastard.” Caroline hissed back at him as she pulled her hand from his grip. She turned her back on him and wrapped her arms around herself. She took a moment to collect herself before turning to face him again. “Well? Where is it? Where is this apology you have carefully constructed? Hmm? That is what the roses were for? Weren’t they?”
“They were.”
“Fuck you.” Caroline bit out and at least he looked ashamed. “How could you? For months I’ve had to watch you parade around with her. She wore that smile, gazing up at you as though you really loved her. Does she know what you are? Of course, she does. Everyone does. Tell me, how does your new wife feel about the fact that you had your whore sing for her on her wedding day?”
“Her name is Cami-“
“I don’t give a fuck what her name is.”
“and you’re not a whore. You have not been a whore in a very long time.” Caroline huffed. She felt in that moment that she never stopped being one. She remembered the first time Klaus took her to his bed. It was merely weeks after they first met, and he was the only man who had her body since; but Caroline realized that she still was a whore but only had one client. She thought he loved her, but she clearly was deluding herself.
“When we met, I had nothing to my name. Just a ratty dress and a pair shoes that hurt my feet.” Tears were falling fast now, and Klaus took a step towards her; this time Caroline did not stop him from touching her face. “But I had myself. I may have been desperate, but I gave myself to you. You gave me a life, but I gave you my body, my soul and my heart. I gave you a son.”
“A son that you have not let me see in months.”
“Really? You want to fight over that?” Caroline pulled out of his grasps; sending him a hateful glare. “What was I supposed to do? You broke my heart. You didn’t have the decency to tell me you were going to propose to that half-witted tramp until I read the announcement in the papers.” Klaus moved to interrupt her, but she held up her hand, silencing him. “So, what, I was just supposed to watch as you picked him up and take him home, to be raised by Cami.”
“Is that what you think?” Klaus whispered to her, his tone disbelieving. “Is that why you’ve kept Will from me? You thought I would take him from you? Give him to Cami and that the three of us would play the happy family?” Caroline turned and sat down on the bench that belong to the vanity. She crossed both her legs and her arms; refusing to look at him. Klaus made his way towards her and kneeled on the ground before her. He unfolded her arms and took her hands into his. “I would never take Will from you. You are his mother. Not Cami. You. I had hoped that you would extend that courtesy to me, but I suppose I cannot fault you for that.”
“I lost you. I couldn’t lose him too.” Caroline whispered to him and peeked at him. Part of her thought that she was coming here tonight; to this wedding and he would kill her. She knew that he would never harm their son, but she believed he had grown tired of her; her use to him having come to an end. Not even her singing voice could save her. “He was the last thing I had left of you.”
“I’ve been trying to explain for months Caroline, but you refused me at every turn.”
“You’re Chicago’s largest mob boss. If you wanted to see me bad enough, you could have managed it.”
“I respect you enough to not just barge into your home, Sweetheart.”
“Tell that to your wife downstairs.”
“I have handled this badly.” Klaus at least had the decency to look ashamed. Caroline thought back to all the gifts and flowers he had sent over the last few months and how she sent them back. She thought on how she refused him access to her penthouse in the heart of Chicago that he had built for her shortly after she started singing at his speakeasy. “How can I acquit myself?”
“Get an annulment.”
“Will a funeral do?” Caroline’s eyes snapped to his, her heart pounding. “If you would have let me explain instead of turning me away at every turn, we might have been able to avoid all this heartache.” Klaus picked up her hand and kissed the back of it again. “I needed the O’Connell assets and the only way to do that was through marriage to Camille. Unfortunately, the only way her brother would allow me to marry her was if she believed that I actually loved her. However, Cami is not going to survive her wedding night. Neither is her brother in fact. As her next of kin, I will inherit the entire O’Connell fortune and their business connections.”
“That was why you’ve been parading her around town for months? To woo her? Just so you could marry her and then kill her on your wedding night?” Caroline asked, knowing how charming Klaus could be. For months she had been imagining them together, doing all the things she had had done with him. Never before had she felt so discarded as she had when she saw them together at his club; him looking at her as though she hung the moon. “You bastard.”
Caroline, consumed with anger, pushed Klaus to the ground. He clamored to his feet quickly just as Caroline was getting to hers. She balled her hands and hit his chest; but they both could feel the lack of effort behind her assault. She hit his chest over and over again, hot tears streaming down her face. Soon enough the fight left her, and Klaus pulled her into a tight embrace; rocking her back and forth as she cried into his chest, staining his white button-down shirt black.
“I’m sorry Caroline.”
“You broke my heart.” Caroline muttered into his chest. “I thought you stopped wanting me and that you were going to take Will from me. I thought I was going to end up having to sell myself again to make ends meet.” Klaus froze under her touch, not believing that she would have thought such a thing. “Then you brought me here to sing to her. I thought you were going to kill me, making room for her.”
“It was the only way I could get you to speak to me.” Klaus told her, pulling her from his chest. Caroline looked up into Klaus’s eyes and she could see the pain being away from her caused; and it gave her hope. He placed his hands on her cheeks, smearing the mascara across them. “I want you to hear me Caroline. You will never lay on your back again to survive. I refuse to allow that to happen. I love you and I could never kill you. I have almost since that first time I heard you sing. My little songbird.”
“You’re still a bastard.”
“But I’m your bastard.” Klaus soothed her and Caroline gave an insufferable huff. He kissed the top of her head. He could tell that she was still mad at him and he knew that she should be. When he explained why Caroline was refusing to see him to his brothers, even Kol explained that he messed up. Hearing that he made a bad decision by his younger brother whose entire life was nothing more than a string of bad decisions hit home. “How can I make up for it? Shall I worship you? Shall I get on my knees and show you how much you mean to me?”
“Seriously?” Caroline stated with an amusement in her tone. “You’re newly married and instead of dancing with your bride, you’re up here trying to seduce the nightclub singer who probably looks awful at the moment?”
“You look beautiful. The long white silk dress was a nice touch by the way.” Klaus teased her, knowing that she chose to wear white for the soul purpose of making the bride even more angry. “And, yes. I want you. It’s been months since I’ve had you in my bed. I miss you. I miss waking up to you in the morning and hearing you sing to Will.” Caroline opened her mouth to retort but Klaus placed his finger on her lips. “I know it was my fault. You do not need to remind me of that.”
“Well, if you were so desperate for attention, I’m sure Cami would have been more than happy to meet your needs.” Caroline bit out, her hatred for Klaus’s new wife bubbling at the surface. Klaus had always made it known to Caroline that he did not want her in another man’s bed; and it was a sentiment that Caroline shared when it came to him. She knew that he was a powerful man who would do what he pleased but she did not want to share him. “I’m sure she has been very useful.”
“I’ve never touched Cami. Not like that.” Klaus told her and the firmness in his voice made her believe him. “I have not had another woman in my bed for years and I do not plan on starting now. I’ve done many horrible things but being unfaithful is not one of them.”
“Says the groom seducing the nightclub singer on his wedding night.”
“I’ve never been unfaithful to you.” Klaus clarified and Caroline gave a small genuine smile. Klaus wasn’t out of the woods completely, but he was making progress. She would still make him work for forgiveness and earn her trust back completely. Pretty words and murder do not make up for the months of heartbreak that Caroline had to suffer for his agenda.
“Good.” Caroline leaned up and kissed his lips gently. At first, Klaus did not believe exactly what was happening. Soon enough, Klaus deepened the kiss and pressed Caroline’s body to him; having her wrap her arms around his shoulders. Their kiss quickly turned into a battle of tongues that was going to have no winner; for they both where stubborn. Klaus backed Caroline up until her legs hit the stool of her vanity. Klaus reached over and tossed all the contents of the vanity onto the ground with a clash and sat Caroline on the hard-wooden top; her back pressed against the mirror. Caroline weaved her hand through his hair and pulled his head back. “I want you on your knees.”
With a devilish smirk, Klaus pulled the stool from the vanity and sat down upon it. He placed his hands on her legs and spread them; trailing the long silk dress up her legs until it was at her waist. His hands traced over the stockings, garter and the belt that held it around her waist. Caroline knew he liked to see her in lingerie; especially when it was hidden under her clothing, a secret only he knew about. She had hoped that he would see her in such clothing before slamming the door in his face, but this was far better. Klaus’s eyes turned upward when he noticed that she was not wearing anything that covered her center and smirked at her.
Knowing that it was a game she had wanted to play, Klaus remained silent and reached out to touch her clit; feeling how wet she already was. He traced the bundle of nerves and Caroline arched her back; crying out his name. He slipped two fingers inside her and began to pump them in and out; curing his fingers in order to hit that one spot inside her that he knew pushed her towards the edge. Klaus leaned forwards and replaced the thumb with his tongue; licking and sucking at her center.
“Yes. God yes. Klaus! Yes!” Caroline cried out as she gripped at his hair, guiding him in the direction that she wanted him to suck at her. She spread her legs wider as though to give him more room. She wanted to move her hips in order to fall into a rhythm, but Klaus gripped them; holding her still. She continued to scream out his name, knowing that the party was in full swing and they would not be able to hear her over the music she could hear; although, part of her wished that Cami could hear exactly what her husband was doing in that moment.
The thought of what would have been Cami’s heartbroken face is what sent Caroline over the edge. The wave of release washed over her and she did not care that how she looked in that moment; all she could focus on was how Klaus’s tongue licked up her juices from her release.
Once Caroline came down from her high, she pulled on Klaus’s hair and pulled him up to her, pulling him into a bruising kiss; tasting herself on his lips. Her hands went down to undo his belt and push his pants down his legs. Realizing what her intent was, Klaus pushed his pants down far enough that he was able to free his acing member. He lined himself up with her, his eyes pouring into hers, and he eased his way inside.
“Klaus.” Caroline hissed as she felt him stretch her. It had been months since she had been with him and her body was readjusting to having him inside her. Slowly, Klaus pulled out before easing back inside her. After a few gentle thrusts his pace began to pick up speed and turn into a harsher rhythm. He tilted his head so his lips were close to her ear and Caroline could feel his hot breath on her skin.
“Do you like that Caroline? Do you like how it feels when I’m inside you? Stretching you?” Klaus whispered in a low tone, that made Caroline whimper. The vanity creaked underneath their rocking movements. “I’ve missed you. I’ve missed feeling you and hearing you as you cry out my name. You are mine Caroline and I did not like it when you defied me.”
“You’re the one who got us into this mess. Oh! Just like that!” Caroline hissed as he hit a sharp angle inside of her, causing her to cry out. She dug her nails into his shoulder, knowing that his suit jacket would prevent her from leaving the claw marks she desperately wanted to leave. She wanted to mark him; to show the world that the most powerful man in Chicago belonged to her. “And don’t you dare assume that you do not belong to me. I do not care how powerful you are or who you are trying to screw over. Pull a stunt like this again and you’ll never feel this again.”
“Christ Caroline, I love it when you’re angry.” He thrusted hard into her; the vanity slammed into the wall behind them. “She could never compare to you. She lacks your smile and dark humor. She does not understand what it takes to be in this world. She wants to fix me and thinks that I am capable of redemption. She does not know me like you do. She has not stood beside me or given me her loyalty like you have. It will always be you Caroline. From this day forward, I will only give myself to you.”
It was his vow that made Caroline come again, screaming out his name as loud as she could. Klaus froze as he released himself inside her, wondering if she would be able to give him a second child. They lingered with one another for a few moments before Klaus pulled himself from her body; Caroline whimpering at the sensitivity her body now felt.
Klaus stood back and pulled up his pants while Caroline slid off the vanity; taking a seat on the bench in front of it; feeling Klaus’s release on her thighs. She picked up a few odds and ends and placed them on the vanity before looking at herself in the mirror. It was a frightful sight. Her hair was falling from the pins she had holding into a wavy bob; her make-up was completely smeared across her face. She had a few more sets to sing before the party ended and she could head home.
Caroline started to right her appearance when Klaus came up behind her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned down to kiss the top of her head. Out of habit, Caroline reached up and took his hand into hers. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. A looked passed between them and they both knew everything hinged on what happened tonight once the party was over.
Caroline would go home after the last few rounds on stage. She would check on her son who should be fast asleep in his bed. She would kiss head and head to her own bed, knowing that she would be tired the next morning; wondering if Klaus was going to stay true to his word or betray her again.
Their relationship hinged on what he chose to do.
“Klaus.” Caroline called to him as he made his way to the door in order to return to the party below. He paused and looked over his shoulder at her. “If Cami is not dead by morning, I meant every word. You’ll never have access to me again.”
Klaus gave a curt nod and left the door; closing the door gently behind him.
Rumor had it that Cami’s screams could still be heard echoing in the mansion walls long after her husband murdered her on their wedding night.
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supremeuppityone · 4 years
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Chapter 119: Part 2 — What Makes Up a Monster
Author’s note: This is a sequel to Chapter 47 - What Makes Up a Monster in my series, A Beautiful Symmetry. This was written for Klaroline Bingo @klaroline-events. P.S. See if you can spot my shameless plug for another of my stories. :)
Part 3 can be found here.
Prompt: “What do you mean you’re a vampire?” Klaus may have played the lead in a wildly successful monster movie franchise, but it never occurred to him that there was any truth to the stories.
Warning: Angst. Also, some sexy times! Plus, I lost count of all the TO shade. :)
“Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild.” ― Stephen King, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption: A Story from Different Seasons
           Maybe the plastic vines wrapped around that twit’s neck would strangle her. Caroline watched in irritation as the twit actress Camille pretended to struggle with the vines, whose pointy thorns were somehow supposed to mean the demise of Klaus’ character, Hell’s Hybrid. They were a couple of weeks into filming the movie in the immensely popular franchise, Hell’s Hybrid 5: Terrible Tears in New Orleans, and Camille’s hilariously awful overacting coupled with her exaggerated facial expressions only had gotten worse.
           But what had gotten better was the view. The familiar clip-clop noise of Klaus’ cloven hooves drew her attention, and she eyed his muscular chest appreciatively. It had been decades since a human had captured her interest like this; every covert wink and sly smirk of his had her blushing like a schoolgirl and she couldn’t wait to drag him back to his trailer for some in-depth makeup removal.
           Their initial meeting had been memorable — he’d assumed she was either a stripper or a hooker his brother had hired, and she’d been so charmed by his appreciation for ‘60s horror movie makeup that she’d thrown caution to the wind and revealed that she’d been the mastermind who’d created those designs. Because she was a vampire.
           “What do you mean you’re a vampire?” Klaus’ reaction hadn’t been unexpected once he’d seen her black veins and sharp fangs, but once he’d calmed down, he’d bombarded her with questions about her experience in the movie industry over the past century. His enthusiasm was endearing. Klaus had been reduced to a wide-eyed fanboy when he heard about his favorite actors from his childhood.  
           “You mean the Pageant Screams reaper’s stunt double also was in Chupacabra Cheerleaders? AND he ad-libbed that harvest scene in Cutthroat Coven?”
           “Yes, and then the writers forgot to tie his speech back into the main plot, so there were all kinds of embarrassing loopholes with the harvest witches’ ancestral magic. So, I just added more blood spurts to the makeup special effects to distract the audience,” she cheekily explained, heart fluttering a bit at Klaus’ delighted laughter.
           “Doesn’t someone’s nose need to be powdered,” Camille snidely asked, jarring Caroline from her thoughts.
           Caroline blinked back her monster who’d been a bit on edge after she missed her snack because the extras required prosthetic touchups. Twit actress did not want to light this particular fuse. “Yours certainly does, but I sent one of the PAs for the really big sponges first. It must be awful to be cursed with an oil slick for skin.”
           She’d always been a petty bitch, and there was nothing more satisfying than putting someone in their place right after they’d failed to put her in hers. Caroline’s blue eyes twinkled with malice as Camille valiantly searched for a comeback.
           They both were distracted when the scene broke and Klaus began to towel off, sending Caroline a flirtatious wink that made her cheeks turn rosy. Camille hissed venomously in her ear, “Just remember, you’ll never be more than Klaus Mikaelson’s side piece.”
           “Easy, love,” Klaus murmured as he reached her side, “I assume you’ve no interest in showing your lovely second visage to the rest of the crew?”
           Caroline rolled her eyes as they walked back to his trailer. “Your groupies are getting ridiculous. This morning, I caught the one with the perpetual pout adding laxatives to my spiced chai.”
           “Bloody hell — we should report that to Enzo. As director, he could kick her off the movie.”
           She was touched by the concern she heard in his voice, but she waited until they were safely inside his trailer before she kissed him. “You’re sweet, but it’s not necessary. Most human drugs have little effect on my kind. Besides, I really enjoyed making her think she’d drank my tea by mistake.”
           Klaus chuckled as he sat beside her on the couch. “I suppose you’ve acquired...groupies over the years as well,” he asked, determinedly trying to keep his tone light.
           “I’ve never been one for blood bunnies,” Caroline sarcastically replied, hating the twinge she felt when their conversations brushed up against anything too real. “Besides, human relationship are hard — they pretty much have to give up their world for yours in order to keep your secret. It’s not an easy life.”
           The small circles he traced on her back were soothing. His voice was hesitant as he commented, “It sounds lonely. I can’t imagine what it would be like to not have...” he quieted, an awkward silence between them as Caroline realized he was going to say family.
           It was one of the first things he’d asked about once he’d gotten over his shock at her revelation of the supernatural world. He was very close with his siblings, and it seemed to pain him to learn that she didn’t have a family. Smiling brightly, she laced their fingers together and teased, “It’s not so bad. I’ve gotten to meet giants in the industry — Lugosi, Garbo, Hepburn, Crawford...you...” she trailed off with a knowing smile.
           He snorted softly, “I’m not an industry giant.”
           “Not yet,” she replied, playfully poking one of his dimples. “But I predict Klaus Mikaelson will go on to do great things.”
           Klaus’ gray eyes suddenly lit up, his handsome face breaking out into a silly grin as he told her excitedly, “Actually, I do have some news that I’m really excited to share. I received word today that I’ve been cast as the co-lead in A Simple Kind of Man!”
           Caroline let out an excited squeal at his news. Industry insiders were vying for a piece of Spielberg’s bold, sweeping Norse saga. Even a year out from pre-production, it already had garnered more than its fair share of Oscar buzz. “That’s amazing news,” she replied, pulling him in for a fierce hug, “I told you you’d be a giant in this industry! With your talent, it was just a matter of time!”
           He laughed, a slight flush staining his cheeks as he enthusiastically continued, “My agent and publicist are planning a big media blitz, so you can’t say anything yet, but this adds a whole new layer to my career. I can parley this opportunity into even bigger and better roles and create a legacy; I’ll be more than just a mere footnote in the industry.”
           Her smile dimmed at his words, but she did her best to keep it in place. She’d watched Klaus on and off the set over the past couple of weeks and he breathed so much life into the silly Hell’s Hybrid franchise. He was meant to be a star. He craved it. He wanted to settle into a career that lasted decades; to become the next McKellen or Hopkins. It would be an amazing life for him. And one she couldn’t be a part of.
           “Sweetheart, what is it?”
           She shook her head, blue eyes shining with unshed tears that she furiously blinked away. It was stupid to mourn something before it had the chance to become something. “It’s nothing. I’m really happy for you, Klaus. It’s everything that you deserve and I know you’ll be amazing.” She lowered her gaze, unsure of how to explain. “You desire the spotlight, and I want you to have it. But being what I am, it’s a place I can’t follow.”
           His crestfallen expression hurt her heart, and she gave a half-shrug, chuckling darkly, “Us monsters have to stick to the shadows.”
           “You’re not a monster,” Klaus quickly disagreed, “and the time we’ve spent getting to know each other has been amazing. We’re building toward something that could be incredible — don’t you want that?”
           Damn it. His pleading, earnest tone made Caroline want to weep. “Of course I do.” She held his face in her hands, desperate for him to understand. “But your world is about to get a lot bigger and way more complicated. That spotlight you crave is blinding and everyone will want a piece of you. And they’ll definitely want to know everything there is to know about the mysterious makeup artist who’s caught your eye.”
           Her voice became a harsh whisper. “My survival depends on anonymity. It’s not how I want it, but that’s the way it has to be.” She surged forward, capturing his lips with hers. They’d carried on a flirty relationship since they began working together, trading a few sweet kisses here and there, but it was nothing compared to this. This was fire and carnal need and her skin vibrated under his roaming touch as they sank together on the couch.
           Klaus pulled back slightly, his lips still hovering over hers and his tone rueful as he asked, “How are we supposed to walk away from this?”
           A tear escaped as she replied with a soft sigh, “We just have to.” Caressing his cheek, she tentatively questioned, “But maybe we could have this first. Can one night be enough?”
           Gray eyes blazed as he swore, “One night with you would never be enough. But it will have to do.” He brought his mouth down on hers in a punishing kiss, his hands roaming over her body as though trying to memorize every line.
           She purred in delight when he yanked her fuchsia tank top over her head, nibbling at his collarbone as he groaned above her. All those hours he’d spent in her makeup chair had been sweet torture as she’d done her best to avert her eyes from the tight-fitting shorts he always wore. But now, she let her hands roam with wild abandon, eagerly palming him as his flesh twitched in pleasure.
           “I want you,” she panted, hooking her thumbs under his waistband to slide down the material underneath his rock-hard cock. She let out a giggle as he accidentally kicked over the side table, scattering his werewolf claws and cloven hooves.
           With a sexy growl, he ducked his curly head to lightly bite at her exposed hip, dragging down her ruffled skirt until she was bare before him. His lusty gaze made her feel desired. Like she wasn’t a monster. Caroline let fingers wander down her belly, teasing him as she barely grazed her clit.
           “Fuck yes,” Klaus breathed, staring hungrily at her.
           He liked to watch. She licked her lips when he joined her, their fingers gently sliding into her warmth, slow, steady pumps that built up that golden sensation to make her weak. She was so close to the edge, but he pulled away at the last moment, plunging their fingers into his mouth with a satisfied grin.
           She parted her thighs, a low moan escaping her lips as he positioned his slick tip, slowly rubbing against her. That first thrust wrecked her, their bodies crashing against each other as she cried out in pleasure. It was a thing of beauty to watch his muscles flex and strain to please her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist to bring him closer. She needed to touch every part of him.
           Klaus bucked into her, keeping up the punishing pace as she started to ride out the waves of ecstasy. One final, deliciously dirty grind had them both seeing stars, their moans threading together in a steady hum of bliss.
           “You’re a bloody revelation,” he panted, pulling her into his arms as they settled back on the couch.
           Caroline breathed in Klaus’ citrus and cedar scent, idly wondering if she’d carry him on her skin once they were done. She wanted to remember everything from this moment. “And you’re wonderful,” she sighed regretfully.
           His embrace immediately tightened, and she did her best to relax her body against his. Klaus’ tone was gruff as he asked, “So, this is it — we somehow manage to walk away?”
           This is it. Caroline knew all of her reasons by heart — even if Klaus had no intention of pursuing fame, he’d never be able to keep her secret — he and his siblings were close and at some point, he’d feel that burden of not being honest with them. Plus, he loved being a star. And as his star shined brighter, paparazzi would swarm them, picking apart every detail of their lives. And then they might find out about her.
           Heart thudding in her chest, she leaned over to give him a lingering kiss, traitorous tears clinging to her lashes by the time it ended. Once he opened his eyes, she took a breath, hating what would happen next. “Klaus, I want you to listen.” It was difficult to keep her tone even and melodic, but she pressed on knowing it was important that she did this right. She summoned her monster, letting her eyes widen as she captured his gaze.  
           He looked at her with so much trust. There was a sadness that settled over him, almost as though he instinctively knew what was she was going to do. “I wish I could trust you, but I can’t take the risk. This is how I survive. It was impulsive and stupid for me to show you what I am, but we had this connection and I couldn’t help myself. I’m selfish.”
           Caroline hated his blank stare. The one that she put there. “You won’t remember the time we’ve spent together. You won’t remember what I am. I’m merely a makeup artist for your movie and while we’ve exchanged a few words, you barely know me.”
           “I barely know you,” Klaus mumbled flatly, still dazed from her compulsion.
           She choked back a sob, quickly pulling on her clothes and leaving his trailer. She didn’t look back.
           She’d mercifully managed to avoid Klaus the next day, compelling Enzo to insist Davina handle Klaus’ monster makeup while she focused on the group of extras that were filming the Abattoir scene. The unnecessarily darkscene because Enzo stupidly had thought that he was establishing a gothic atmosphere, but instead would just give the moviegoers eyestrain when they tried to see the actors. She threaded her way through the giggling extras, in desperate need of a caffeine fix if she was going to make it through the day’s grueling shooting schedule.
           “Come on, you’re telling me you’ve never hit that?”
           Caroline stopped short, realizing that was Tyler’s voice. Tyler was part of Klaus’ growing entourage, and his main function seemed to be partying on Klaus’ dime. One more exclusive Arcadius diamond timepiece and she was compelling Tyler to give sponge baths at the retirement home in the Valley.  
           She cautiously peeked around the edge of the fireplace set, noting with a pang that Klaus somehow looked even better today. Of course he would — he hadn’t been up tossing and turning all night. Because he didn’t remember.
           He ran a hand through his curls, tossing an irritated look at Tyler. “Caroline’s a makeup artist for this movie and while we’ve exchanged a few words, I barely know her.” Fuck. Caroline felt that all the way down to her toes. You did this. Those are the words you compelled Klaus to say. You aren’t allowed to be upset.
           “Whatever. She’d probably be a clingy one-night stand anyway.”
           Klaus glared at Tyler, a hint of a growl in his tone as he said, “Don’t be daft. I suspect one night would never be enough.”
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
The Originals 30 Day Challenge, Done in 1 day.
I love all of these 30 day challenge pics/posts/quests but I never have the patience to do it over 30 whole days, so instead I do them in one sitting, one go. 
Feel free to comment your own opinions about The Vampire Diaries spin-off The Originals, whether it’s your favorite show within the TVDverse like myself or whether you just love it as much as I also love the other two shows TVD and Legacies, Legacies will have its own 30 day challenge soon enough too...
Feel free to answer these too, copy, paste it, like I have and do it for yourself...
1 - If you follow this post, or read any of my TO fanfiction it will come as no surprise to anyone that I’m in love with and very obssesed with Klaus Mikaelson, he will always be my king.
2 - Rebekah Mikaelson, she’s so badass yet has this softness that makes her so compelling at the same time, I worship this queen and often wonder what this show would have looked like if she remained a main star for all of its five season run.
3 - Making me choose between the love of my life Klaus, and the icon that is Rebekah is hard...so hard but I have to go with Rebekah on the grounds that when he hurts Rebekah in any way I’m always mad like no, not my Rebekah, whereas when its the other way around I’m normally like yeah he deserved that from her...Rebekah is the fictional bestfriend of my life and Klaus is the husband, and friends always come before men - side not this very answer will later be used on record when I find myself in an asylum one day lol
4 - I’d have to go with either Marcellus or Inadu, although Marcel is beyond irritating to me throughout most of his run I can’t argue his reasons for being annoying are somewhat justifiable especially after Davina’s death in season 3 :( so I’d say I hated Inadu the most, purely because the character in itself was so wasted, so stale, and a dud to be honest...I was hoping for more with the hollow arc but I’ll get to that later on no doubt.
5 - Season 1 Episode 16, Farewell to Storyville, Season 1 in general was one of the strongest debut seasons for any shows I’ve ever watched, if not the strongest! I loved Rebekah and Klaus’ bond most out of the siblings and although Klaus spends most of the episode trying to kill her and it involves Rebekah leaving as a main character...this has got to be the juiciest exploration of their relationship - also side note young Elijah should have left young Rebekah kill Mikael, just saying...
6 - I could put the entirety of Season 5 in here, minus all the epicness of all the Klaroline scenes and Hayley’s badass death...but to pick one episode out it would have to be the finale “When the saints go marching in” because it just felt like they had spent that season killing off characters who were least likely to appear in Legacies (which pissed me off), also I wanted Klaroline to be endgame and Julie Plec’s response to not doing that because of Steroline, a ship that always felt like Caroline was second place and that queen should be always be 1st. 
I did not like that Klaus and Elijah died, which reminded me visually of that Avengers scene, which made no sense as we have seen originals die before and not once did it go down like that!
And even if I could forgive them for that I was rather pissed we saw no after life, even a Elijah and Hayley dance in the afterlife would have been appreciated...
I’m also always a little bittersweet when folk from the pilot don’t show up in the last episode, would have loved to seen more of Davina in general over seasons 4 and 5.  (Rant over)
7 - Try not to pick a Klaroline scene...never mind, when Caroline first appears, pinning Klaus up against the wall and saying something along the lines of try picking on someone your own size, or the swoony moment in Mystic Falls where she tells him he was never the villain in his story, or again the swoony moment when their road tripping and trying to find Hope... but non Klaroline scenes which were epic, Davina going up against Klaus with the harvest power inside of her, Lucien going upgraded original and taking them all on, Dahlia’s entire arc, the finales of 1,2, 3, and 4 and last but definitely not least kid Hope’s entire arc, what a magnificent actress Summer Fontana is, a star in the making *
8 - “ We are the strongest creatures in the world, and yet we're damaged beyond repair. We lived without hope, but we will never die. We are the definition of cursed, always and forever.” said by Rebekah Mikaelson, all of the Mikaelson’s had epic quotes, this show, and it’s predecessor TVD have so many amazing quotes <3
9 - Klaus handing baby Hope over to Rebekah, trusting her above all others, and any scenes where Klaus, Hayley, Rebekah, Elijah and Kol have with baby Hope as well as kid hope - broody moments lol
10 - Josh’s death, I had feared his death every goddamn season especially knowing Julie Plec wanted him killed in the very first season :( however after being made a regular in the finale season I had hopes for him making it out alive and perhaps showing up in Legacies in a more prominent role as a teacher for the vamp kids or something...but no that woman just had to finish off her hit...nothing breaks me more than his death! Although, reuniting with Aiden in the afterlife gives me small comfort, Aiden’s was another’s death that was so sad!
11 - Kid Hope putting people in their place like Marcel, and even Davina (who I worship), I just loved this little badass kid going about like a little queen from the get go...Danielle Rose Russell had and still has very big shoes to fill IMO
12 - Freya and Elijah condemning Davina to the ancestors, or Elijah who was supposed to love Marcel like a son ripping out Marcel’s heart. A lot of season 4 Elijah annoyed me tbh, 50% of Hayley scenes ticked me off too and Marcel was a solid 90% throughout the entire run.
13 - Hmmm....Klaus meeting his real father then killing him in order to protect Hope as he just could not risk trusting his father :( that broke me, other shocking moments when Gia died, Hayley’s first and second death...
14 - Friendship as in friends but not family? friendship within family would be Rebekah and Klaus always, friendship outside of family bonds I would definitely say either Davina and Josh or Rebekah and Hayley.
15 - Klaroline, although I put myself out here considering they only kissed once in this show...I never shipped Haylijah but never hated it, I despised Camille and the Klamille ship and always will, I enjoyed Elijah and Gia but doubt it run its course well I think, I always thought Rebekah deserved more than Marcel and still do...so I’m going with Kolvina, even though Kol killed Davina, thanks to those damn ancestors, their romance was super sweet, I loved how Kol loved her and their marriage, though briefly seen, was everything! We should have got a flashback of their wedding god damn it! But I’ll settle for them being two of the few who got happy endings...and could appear in Legacies ;) fingers crossed!
16 - I loved Marcel singing How You Like Me Now, I wish Charles Michael Davis had a few more musical numbers within this show, he’s a really talented actor, singer, director...
17 - Joseph Morgan hands down, loved him from his first scene in TVD and loved his other work in Hex and Brave New World, to name a few...
18 - Claire Holt, she’s just wonderful as Rebekah and the actress herself, she seems like such a genuine sweetheart in real life and you can really see her love for the character of Rebekah too, I also liked her other work in A Violent Separation, 47 Meters Down and no I’ve never seen H20...yet
19 - The Originals hands down, although so far TVD is in second place, with Legacies in third place but with Legacies still going I have high hopes for that climbing...all are fabulous shows in their own rights <3
20 - Okay I wouldn’t be me if I did not answer this future episode question without a link to a fanfic season 6 of mines... Origins of Magic and my alternative season 5 Bad Blood
21 - Off the top of my head? Davina and Kol teaching at Salvatore Boarding School, giving Hope some family connections that she severely lacks in Legacies and how awesome would they be as teachers? I’d also like to see a cousin whether it be Freya and Keelin’s son Nik or Rebekah and Marcel adopt a child (creature) that also ends up in Legacies. Side note - may put this in my possible fanfic ideas board...
22 - I don’t think I could claim to be most like any one individual, I’d say I was definitely a little dorky like Josh but nowhere near as adorable, I have a lot of hurt inside of me like Davina and protect my friends as much as I can, I’ve definitely got a bit of paranoia like Klaus from being screwed over many times like him and also like them it was mostly by family members, I’m definitely as curious and of a quiz like nature as Camille, love a little too easy like Rebekah and get my hear broken too often like her too, can be a little bit twistedly playful like Kol although I’ve not killed half as many people ; I’d love to one day be as elegant as Elijah, or as brave as Hayley and who would not want to be a Tribrid like Hope?
23 - How is this any different to 4? Although I’ll just answer Inadu purely because of the waste of potential and how not one single time did I give a damn about her, although I despised that vampire bitch who killed Hayley!!!
24 - I definitely relate to Klaus, Rebekah, Josh and Davina the most which is why they are my favorites no doubt.
25 - Klaus Mikaelson, any day, any time, anywhere, unless of course him and Caroline make it work I love their love more than I love my love for Klaus so I’d be happy just watching them being happy as a stalker lurking in the bushes within the back garden of their marital home - side not another statement that could be put on record for my eventful visit to the asylum..
26 - The family bonds, I love how it’s not all about romances like it is in TVD and so far Legacies, but still has romances at the same time. I love the complicated bonds between Klaus and his siblings Rebekah, Elijah, and Kol (in that order) and I love the little homemade family of Marcel with Davina and Josh (also in that order) and Marcel’s complicated father/son relationship with Klaus.
I also love how we watch Hope from being in Hayley’s womb, to a baby, toddler, child and then teenager and the powers she shows even from as young as being a baby and stopping the car she was in with Cami (even if that did save Cami’s life for a little longer) sorry not sorry we all got to hate on somebody and I did compliment her in 22 sort of lol
27 - The fact that its finale season served more like a prequel to Legacies than a fitting ending to a show I had been invested in since before it even began airing, as most fans were, we have loved these characters since their inception in TVD and it did kind of feel like Julie kind of started the finale season with a hit list in mind killing off anyone she’d think would not cameo in Legacies at some stage which I guess is why there is so much ill will from TO fans for Legacies, which I did feel for a while.
I mean I still blame Hope for Klaus and Hayley’s deaths, also Elijah for Hayley’s death and Marcel for Josh’s but I do not blame the characters have as much as I blame Plec.
28 - Season 5 lol, Season 4 although at the time I did not want it to be its end, would have served as a better ending for TO and they could have still made Legacies work without any ill will of making TO’s finale season pitch Legacies.
29 - The Hollow turning out to be Henrik, or the original witch, or anything other than what is was, also the werewolf origins should’ve have been a bit more epic like the vampires origins were.
30 - I do love Joseph Morgan and Daniel Gillies in interviews, Daniel Gillies is one of the funniest actors behind the scenes and has great bromances with Joseph, Paul Wesley and many others within the TVD verse. I also love Claire Holt’s and Phoebe Tonkin’s friendship and how that’s been a thing since they starred in H20 together (which I want to watch purely because of those two)
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That One Time Caroline Forbes Lied to the Truth Circle
//klaroline au week// - day 7 - trope x trope best friend’s little sister x first time sex This is a long one, folks. NSFW. Enjoy!
There were many moments in Caroline Forbes’ life that led her to this excruciating moment.
God, dammmmit, how she wished to be literally anywhere else but here.
But she wasn’t anywhere else. She was here, and this was happening.
“Tyler after the football finals, in Junior year,” Elena stated.
“No, wasn’t it Matt? At that New Year’s party?” Bonnie chimed in. “Sorry, Bekah.”
“I’m well aware of Matt’s romance before me with not one, but two in this circle.”
“You know, Caroline,” Katherine said. “I don’t think I actually know this story?”
“Wait, I don’t think even I know this story, either,” said Elena.
“I don’t know if I want to know this story,” Stefan mumbled.
Bloody hell, bloody hell.
She could feel the honest truth forcing its way from her, she could not defy the sanctity of Truth or Dare! The mixture of honour and tequila in her blood wouldn’t allow it!
“What was the question again?” Caroline asked, feigning ignorance to buy a tiny bit more time.
“Who did you lose your virginity to?” the group chorused. 
It was a story Caroline had kept as close to her chest as her heart itself, for more reasons than she could count, the main of which were sitting in that circle right now.
In a somewhat out of body experience – maybe brought on by the quart of tequila in her system, or maybe just from the sheer mortification of it all – Caroline could see very clearly every moment in her life that progressed her on this path. Whence she was but a wee four-year-old, all the way to the 22-year-old she was now.
It all started when her father left her mother, admitting he love for another man. It rocked the little conservative town of Mystic Falls, and left the little Forbes family a little littler. But at the end of the day, Caroline loved her father, loved her step father, and loved that they were happy.
Then there was her mother. Elizabeth Forbes, while rightly distraught about the divorce, was self-aware enough to know that her relationship with Bill was not true love. So when her high school sweet heart happened to move back to Mystic Falls, two motherless kids in toe, Liz took it as a sign from the universe. Only two years later, Liz Forbes became Liz Salvatore, and Caroline gained another step-father and two brothers, Damon and Stefan.
Caroline supposed Damon deserved an honourable mention in this memory-lane-trip. Because, at seven years her senior, Damon was a built-in babysitter for the youngest in their blended family. And Liz and Giuseppe grew quite comfortable with that fact, thank you very much. But as soon as Damon got his first set of car keys, there was no way in Mystic Falls – or even in hell, for that matter – he was sticking around to babysit his 9-year-old sister?
Of course, once Damon would no longer babysit Caroline, the Forbes/Salvatore parents just had to find someone. After all, Damon wouldn’t do it – because “DUH I have a life? Why are you trying to ruin to it?” – and Stefan, well Stefan was old enough at thirteen to get himself to and from school and extra-curricular activities. But he was certainly not old enough to mind Caroline. So who better to ask than Elijah Mikaelson. He was polite, whip smart, gracious, kind and the most charming teen in town. Elijah’s role in this entire saga, however, was to come into play years later.
And of course, of course, Stefan played a huge part. Stefan was her other big brother, and he was her yard stick for something that was cool. And, more pertinently, Stefan chose to become best friends with another of the Mikaelsons, Elijah’s younger brother, Klaus. But she would get to Klaus later.
Caroline supposed, there wouldn’t be this story without the rest of the Mikaelson family, would there? Finn, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik. Finn didn’t really play his part, as innocuous as he was. But the three younger Mikaelsons certainly did, and their mother, Esther. If it hadn’t been for them, the events of that weekend, that Caroline was so reticent to share, happened as a direct result of their existence.
Caroline knew she had to take some responsibility. She had organised tonight’s event. She suggested playing their old high school favourite game. She was there that night. And it took two to tango, after all. But god, couldn’t they just drop it?  
Which just brought her back to Klaus. None of this would be possible without Klaus.
Klaus was Stefan’s best friend, since nearly before Stefan was Caroline’s brother. The two had been inseparable their entire middle school lives, with not much changing well into their high school and college life. Klaus was smart, funny, and gorgeous, just like Stefan, and so of course they were quite the dominant pair strutting around Mystic Falls high.
Bloody Klaus. He always starred in the bits of her life she was most closed off about. He was the only one who saw her her bikini strap break when she was 13, leaving her chest completely bare. He’d quickly given her the giant pink flamingo he had been floating on, instructing her to use it to cover herself, while he grabbed a towel she could use. It was a moment that had completely mortified Caroline, but they had never mentioned it again.
He was also there when, at the age of 15, she had gotten tangled in the strappy sandals she was wearing to a party and fallen flat on the bitumen. He’d doubled over laughing, until she sat up dazed, blood running from a nasty, dirty cut on her face. His mirth had vanished and he rushed her to his house, which was much nearer than hers. She was his best friend’s little sister, of course he would look after her. That’s just what good people did. Caroline would never forget his 17-year-old fingers tenderly cleaning her wound, while she fidgeted distractedly. It was another moment they’d never spoken of again.
And of course, he played the starring role in the story they were trying to needle out of her right that very moment. It was a moment he had once again never mentioned again.
“So uhh... the question again…” Beetroot-red-Caroline squeaked.
“Come on, Caroline! Stop trying to weasel your way out of this!”
“A lady never kisses and tells,” Caroline said, positively willing the swelling in her face to go down. “Why are we playing this dumb game anyway?
“Caroline Elizabeth Forbes,” Elena said, sternly. “You will not sully the purity of the truth or dare circle!”
“You’ve been making all of us confess to our deepest darkest secrets for years, because of your insistence upon the integrity of this dumb game,” Bonnie chided. 
“Yeah, Caroline,” Marcel drawled. “You made me admit all the stuff I did with Charlotte, while my new girlfriend was in the circle. You can cough up one lousy virginity story.”
Caroline helplessly looked from her friends to her brother, who just shrugged sympathetically. Stefan loved his sister, but she did have quite the way of squeezing people’s deepest secrets out of them.
“You’ve made your bed, Care,” Stefan said, ruffling her hair. “What do you think, Klaus, think she’s gotta suck it up and give us a bit of a story?”
Caroline turned her imploring eyes to Klaus.
“Please, I really don’t want to share this story,” Caroline said pointedly, almost as if she was talking directly to Klaus. “It’s private, you know.”
The protests from the group were instant. Caroline was usually the first person to tell you that you had to be honest and truthful, especially in truth or dare. It was the rules and what a better way to have hilarious fun that making people spill their secrets.
Klaus didn’t know why she was so reticent to sharing her first time story. Tyler had been her boyfriend, nothing saucy to ruffle her beautiful feathers. Just high school sweethearts trying things.
“Guys please,” Caroline beseeched.
“Nope, no way Caroline, those puppy dog eyes will not get you out of this!” Elena said, stubbornly.
“Come on, Care, it can’t be that bad!”
“Tyler wasn’t a bad guy even if he did peak in high school!”
“You gotta tell us!”
“Car-o-line! Car-o-line! Car-o-line!”
Suddenly someone in the group started chanting her name, the same way they chanted U-S-A on game days.
“Car-o-line! Car-o-line! Car-o-line!”
More and more people joined in, until the whole group was shouting, “Car-o-line! Car-o-line! Car-o-line!”, and crowding in on her.
“Fine!” she shouted, a little more aggressively that she would have liked, but it had the desired effect of shutting everyone up.
“I will not tell you who it was with, because that is my business,” she said, pompously. “But it was at that Founders’ Christmas party senior year.”
Before anyone else could protest her caginess, or even respond, Caroline was up and gone.
“The Founders’ Christmas party senior year?” Elena said, confused.
“I wasn’t there when you guys were seniors,” Stefan said.
“Neither was I,” Katherine added, and a number of the Mystic Fall alum nodded their absentia. “Esther hosted it, I think? I remember Elijah complaining about how tense Mama Mikaelson was about it.”
“Yes, that’s right,” Rebekah said, her eyes flicking to Klaus, shrewdly.
“Wait, Klaus, that was the year were there, right?” Stefan said, his brow furrowing, trying to pull details from his mind. “My parents and your mom roped you into going home to stay with Caroline, and help your mom. Do you remember Caroline hanging around anyone?”
“Not to my knowledge, no,” Klaus said, with every ounce of cool, calm, collectedness in the world.
“Caroline was so mad our parents made her have a babysitter,” Stefan chuckled at the memory. “It was probably because she wanted to shag this mystery person without anyone being any the wiser.”
“And none of us were!” Elena said. “I can’t believe she never told us! Why is it such a secret?”
“Who knows,” Kat said. “But also who cares, she’s not here anymore. Truth or dare, Stefan!”
As his best friend chose dare, Klaus sighed in a bit of relief, but also in revelation.
Opting to take a moment to collect his thoughts, Klaus left the circle to get something stronger to drink than beer; a goodly amount of the bottom shelf whiskey to be precise.
He gulped it all in one go because he lied. He lied to the whole truth circle.
Klaus did remember someone hanging around Caroline that weekend.
It was him.
Four years earlier.
It was four years prior to that fateful night when Elijah’s role in the humiliation had starred.
Elijah was Caroline’s faithful – or fateful as this case may be – babysitter all the way up until she turned 12, and Elijah regretfully moved away from college. Caroline would miss him, as he had been minding her twice to three times a week for the past three years. But when he left, Liz and Giuseppe, fell into the trap many parents do with their youngest, and decided Caroline was definitely mature enough at the ripe old age of twelve to take care of herself after school.
Sometimes she would hang out with Bonnie and Elena. Sometimes she would have an after school activity. Sometimes Stefan would let her tag along to whatever he was doing. But most days though, Caroline took herself home, and hung out by herself until her brother, or parents came home.
It was a good, independent life, even if a tad lonely. Perfect for someone as old as her.
So, imagine when, in her final year of high school, after six whole years of being her own babysitter, Giuseppe and Liz were going to be away for a week on a business trip, turned mini-vacation, and they insisted on finding someone to stay with Caroline. As she was too young to stay by herself, for a whole week after all.
This offended Caroline on many levels.
She was eighteen, for heaven’s sake. She would have school during the day, she’d been a lone ranger in the after school hours for years. She wasn’t suddenly going to be terrified at night by herself?
And what was she supposed to get up to at night anyway? Sure, she was a party animal, and the best party planner her age, but there was absolutely no way any of the year would go to an illicit party at the Salvatore house. Caroline was the daughter of the town sheriff; that wrath was a fate no teenager would willingly bring on.
Caroline made these arguments loudly, infuriatedly, and petulantly. But nope her parents would not have it.
“You can look after yourself sweetie, we know,” they implored her. “But we just don’t want to be worrying about you all alone while we’re trying to relax.”
Caroline’s protests didn’t change, but neither did theirs.
They, of course, asked Stefan first.
“Please Stefan,” they said over the phone. “She’s your sister, and you love her.”
And Stefan did love her. Caroline was his favourite girl in the whole world, and he couldn’t wait until she lived in the same college town as he did so they could party their lives away together. But there was no way in hell he was giving up a weekend just to go home and mind his baby sister. Not this close to finals. Not when he almost convinced Valerie Tulle to finally go out with him.
And especially not because Caroline had text him before their parents even called him, and threatened the life of his Bon Jovi vinyl collection if he agreed.
So Stefan had politely declined his parents, citing a very imminent, very important, but also quite vague exam in his reasoning.
So, the Forbes-Salvatore parents half-heartedly ran the request past Damon.
“Please Damon,” they begged him. “She’s your sister and you love her.”
And Damon did love her, at least begrudgingly – it was hard not to love the bouncy ball of blonde. But there was not a chance that he would leave the office for an entire week, only to drive from New York to Mystic Falls to mind his younger sister.
And especially not when Caroline text him, begging to turn down their parents. She just wanted some alone time.
So he declined his parents – “Wall Street doesn’t just take vacations.”
Maybe if Elijah had never been he babysitter, Caroline’s mother and step-father would have left their search at Stefan and Damon. And given up the whole search as a bad job.
But no.
This was when Liz and Giuseppe even went as far as calling Elijah.
Luckily, for Caroline though, her former babysitter, as touched as he was that they still thought so highly of him, was busy in the first few months of a new job, so was unavailable.  
And after that, Caroline honestly thought she had won. Who on earth would they ask? She was 18! She didn’t need a baby sitter. No one in their right mind would agree to baby sitting an 18-year-old.
At least, that’s what she thought, until approximately three days before her parents were due to leave and Liz came in to where Caroline was studying to talk to her.
“So, Klaus is going to be here at about 5pm on Saturday, does that sound okay? You’ll be okay for the rest of the day?”
“Wait, what?” Caroline exclaimed, slightly thrown.
“Klaus is staying here while we’re away this week, remember? I thought I’d run it by him, given that Elijah was always so reliable, and he is, after all, Stefan’s best friend,” Liz said, seemingly baffled that her daughter didn’t know this information. “I told you all this last week?”
“Oh my god, what? No you didn’t?!”
“I did wonder why you didn’t put up more of a fight,” Liz mused. “Well, this isn’t up for discussion, Caroline. He’s basically just here anyway so we don’t have to worry about you here alone at night. Klaus is here for the week, and that’s final.”
And with that, Liz turned on her heel and went back to packing, leaving a tongue tied Caroline in her wake.
And so sat a truly grumpy Caroline that Saturday, waiting exasperatedly for her ‘babysitter’ to arrive.
When the knock at the door came, just after 5pm, as Liz had promised, Caroline pulled open the door a fiery look in her eyes.
“What on earth were you thinking?” she griped, without so much as a ‘hello’. “Did it not occur to you that I’m actually an adult? I don’t need a sitter.”
“Well hello to you too, love,” he drawled, giving her that wicked grin he always gave when he was stirring the pot. “I wasn’t aware that I was so unwanted in this household.”
“Don’t be cute with me, Klaus,” Caroline snipped, not having any of it. “Like, didn’t you even ask Stefan? Did it not cross you little mind to go ‘hey, best friend, your parents want me to babysit your adult sister for a week, why can’t you do it?’”
The final sentence Caroline put on her best mockery of his English accent, and flopped melodramatically onto the nearest couch.
“If you had asked that,” Caroline continued, now addressing the ceiling in the living room. “You would know that they did ask Stefan and he refused because I asked him to. I don’t want baby sitting! I just want to be able to use my house the way I want to for a change!”
Caroline felt her own frown so deep, so petulant, on her face, that she wryly admitted to herself, maybe she wasn’t as mature as she liked to think she was. But that wasn’t the point.
“I could have eaten whatever I wanted. Danced to loud, cringe music. I could have studied with no pants on! And now I don’t have that!”
Klaus just grinned his little grin, and picked up his bag.
“I’m sorry for ruining your no-pants plans, Caroline.”
Which was all he said before trying to dart upstairs to put his bag in the spare room.
“That’s your take away?” Caroline cried, dragging herself from the couch. “That I just wanted to wear no pants for the week? Nothing about the fact I can, as a matter of fact, look after myself!”
Klaus laughed at her, she really looked so completely stubborn and done with him already.
“Love, eat whatever, dance to whatever, wear pants, wear no pants, it’s all the same to me,” Klaus replied. “You can pretend I’m not here as much as you like. In fact, that might be the best outcome for us both.”
With that, and a wink, Klaus shut the spare room door in Caroline’s face, which only served to infuriate the Forbes woman even more.
With another giant huff, Caroline stomped back down the stairs, and flopped again on the living room couch again.
It was a few hours later when Klaus resurfaced.
In those hours, Caroline hadn’t done much more than sulk about her situation, but she also baked a cake, and started cooking dinner, feeling ever so slightly bad about her nastiness and petulance.
He was, after all, just being a good family friend, even if it did irritate Caroline’s personal preferences. And she liked Klaus. Of course she did, she’d know him forever. And it would be a little bit not awful to not have to be alone the entire week.
As he strode down the stairs, the garlic-y smells of a pasta sauce filled his nose.
If he were honest, Klaus had been wary of agreeing to this week. Rightly so, apparently. She was his best friend’s little sister, not exactly the top of the list of activities for a college student.
But soon after he got the call from Liz, and before he had a chance to talk to Stefan, Klaus received a call from his mother, Esther. And Esther told him, in no uncertain terms, he would accept Liz’s offer. Much like Caroline’s, Klaus’ protestations had fallen on unsympathetic ears. Esther’s insistence that Klaus came to stay with Caroline was just as much about her own personal gain. As a self-employed event planner and mother of six, Esther found herself with more to do than sense most of the time.
She was putting on the biggest event of the year for Mystic Falls, and with still three kids at home she thought she may forget to feed them amidst all the kerfuffle which was the week leading up to the Founders’ Christmas party. So, when Liz mentioned asking Klaus to stay with Caroline, Esther knew she would feel much better with an extra pair of hands on deck.
“During the school hours, Niklaus,” Esther said, sternly down the phone. “You will cook food for the fridge, and the freezer, so the kids can help themselves. You will run any errands I need of you. And you will do the school pick up and drop off.”
Klaus had, obviously, groaned, but was secretly glad for the excuse to say yes. He enjoyed going to Mystic Falls, because college sometimes became a little too much. It would be good to unwind a little. And even if his mother was going to be in her high-strung planning mood Klaus could vanish in the evening, because after all, he had an obligation to Caroline.
It would be a nice week.
“So,” Klaus said, leaning on the kitchen bench, feeling a little awkward. Sure he and Caroline had spent a small amount of time alone over their lives, but definitely nothing like this, and definitely not in a number of years.
“So,” Caroline mimicked.
“I suppose, I hardly even know much about you these days, sweetheart,” he said, flashing his signature dimples at her. “Your hopes, dreams, everything you want in life.”
Caroline just scoffed while stirring the pasta, though unexpectedly, even to himself, Klaus was delighted to see a slight blush, and just a feather of a smile settle on her face.
“Come on, Caroline,” he said. “I’m serious! You have to talk to me at some point. I am here all week, remember?”
“Uh! Don’t remind me!” she groaned. “Why did you agree to stay here anyway?”
“My mother is planning the Founders’ Christmas thing next weekend,” Klaus said, picking at some of the carrots Caroline cut for the pasta. “She demanded I agree to stay with you, so I can help her while you’re at school.”
“Why couldn’t she just ask you to stay with her and help her?” Caroline asked.
“I assume because she thought it would be a much more attractive offer for me,” Klaus shrugged. “Here with you is likely to be a lot calmer fro me than if I stay there.”
Caroline nodded, but was distracted from answering, as Klaus tried to nab a couple more bits of vegetable to snack on.
“Hey!” she chided. “That’s to go with dinner, keep your grubby paws off!”
Klaus laughed, and waited until she turned back to the saucepan on the stove, before grabbing a piece anyway and popping them into his mouth.
“I heard that,” Caroline snapped. “See, I’m already regretting you being here.”
From there, the rest of the evening was fine. Caroline was still mildly annoyed she had a babysitter, but, she reasoned, Klaus wasn’t so bad.
If the task had fallen to Elijah, Caroline would definitely have felt obliged to be a host the whole week. If it was Damon, he would have made her be his minion the entire time. If it was Stefan, the week would have been them having a semi-party every night, and Caroline would have gotten absolutely no work done.
So, if there was any outcome that required a babysitter, this was the best one.
Klaus gave her company at meal times, but gave her space when she wanted it.
Though, when school finished on Tuesday, a couple of days later, Caroline felt herself not wanting as much space as usual. It had been a long, boring day at school, and even though cheer practice after school had been fun, Caroline was still looking for a bit of interaction.
“Klaus,” Caroline called as she came in from practice. “Klaus, are you here?”
There was no answer.
Curiously, she nosed her way around the house, looking for her current housemate. There was definite evidence that he was around, his car in the drive for one, but there was not a sound nor a movement to alert her to his whereabouts.
“Ka-lau-ssss,” she said, exasperatedly. “Jeez, I finally start wanting you around the damn house, and now you’re suddenly Harry Houdini!”
“Oh, you want me now do you?”
Caroline jumped about a foot in the air, as Klaus spoke into her ear.
“What on earth is your game?” Caroline shrieked, punching him in the chest. “You’re supposed to be babysitting me! Not trying to kill me!”
Klaus just laughed at her – a habit that was becoming far too common, if you asked Caroline.
“Not trying to kill you, love,” he said, mirth still laced in his voice. “Just trying to entertain myself.”
“Can’t you entertain yourself by getting yourself off, like a normal college student,” Caroline huffed, still trying to slow her heart rate.
Though, her statement didn’t do a great job of slowing her heart rate, as she considered the substance of what she said.
“Been thinking about me getting myself off, sweetheart?” Klaus said, slipping a little flirt into his voice, before he could stop himself.
“No! I just… I was just saying… shut up!” Caroline spluttered, going an excellent shade of pink.
“Come on, love,” he goaded, still with that inexplicable flirt in his voice. “It’s not that disgusting a thought is it?”
His eyes were locked with hers, and she could feel herself crumbling a little under his gaze. He had kissed boys before, and done other things with them, but she’d never really explored much. And it was wildly inappropriate to wonder about her older brother’s best friend as a sexual being, but she definitely found herself doing it in that moment.
She had to shake herself a little after a moment, and unable to find the right way to answer to Klaus’ question, she ignored it.
“I thought we could have pizza for dinner,” Caroline said. “Maybe go for a walk or watch a movie? I’m still full of energy after cheer practice, I don’t want to just sit in my room and ignore you like I did last night.”
Klaus opted to allow for the change of subject.
“Have extra energy, love? I’m sure I can think of something we can entertain ourselves somehow.”
Well, almost.
Caroline rolled her eyes, hard, and stalked away from him.
“Fine!” she growled. “I thought it could be nice, but since you can’t keep your mind from the gutter, Klaus, I’ll just…. Entertain myself!”
Caroline by this point, was at her bedroom door, and managed to slam it in his face. And she felt quite proud of her timing, until she heard a hearty laugh from the other side of the door, and Caroline realised exactly what she said.
She groaned loudly to herself. Though was inconveniently still thrumming with energy from the day, just now with a second lot of energy joining the rest.
Later that night, it was Klaus’ turn to cook Caroline a silent apology meal. The same way she cooked for him the night he arrived.
He wasn’t sure what had got into him. Winding up Caroline was just such a delicious exercise. The shades of pink she turned, the entendres she inadvertently made, the adorably over the top facial expressions he elicited. It was just quite fun.
But after an hour of feeling a little pleased with himself about it all, he started feeling a little guilty.
She was an adult, and she was an exceptionally beautiful adult – although he’d never let himself admit that to himself before and never would again (she was Stefan’s sister after all) – but she was still young. It wasn’t like he was 1000-years-old and she just 18 – he was only two years older than her – but he didn’t know where she was on her sexual journey. Flirting her into knots when he was quite confident in his sexuality, and she not so much, just felt a bit ick.
Klaus decided as much fun as flirting with Caroline had been, he was going to leave that ball in her court, so to speak. If she wanted to flirt with him overtly, then he would pick up what she put down, but wouldn’t initiate it.
“Hey Klaus,” Caroline said softly, when she finally surfaced for dinner. “This isn’t pizza.”
She still had a bit of pent up energy, but was wary because of before. Although it felt surprisingly good to flirt with Klaus, she felt it was a bit of a dangerous line to toe.
“Well spotted,” he intoned, sardonically. “I thought we could partake in a well loved, alliterative tradition; Taco Tuesday.”
Caroline smiled a little brighter. If he wasn’t going to mention earlier, then neither would she.
“That sounds nice!” she replied. “I have some tequila upstairs if you want margaritas to go with it?”
“Caroline Elizabeth Forbes!” Klaus exclaimed, in mock indignance. “It’s a school night!”
She rolled her eyes in response, and flounced upstairs to get the bottles she needed.
When she came back down, she set to work on the cocktails for the two of them.
“You know Caroline,” Klaus said. “I still don’t know much about you anymore. Tell me about yourself.”
“What don’t you know about me? You’ve known me since you were like eight?” Caroline said, squeezing a lime.
“Be that as it may, I hardly paid you any mind while in high school, and now I don’t live here,” Klaus reasoned. “Have you made any decisions about what or where you’ll study?”
“Not really,” she began, before thinking a couple moments longer. “I’d obviously love to do event planning or management. It would really be in keeping with skills I already have, but on the other hand, why waste money on a degree in something I’m already basically professional at. Another thing that was interesting to me was broadcast journalism, but as mom so rudely, but very fairly, pointed out, I barely watch the news as it is. I could do nursing, though blood makes me a bit squeamish.”
As Caroline continued to chatter about what she might want to do with her life, Klaus watched her, and noted the fondness he felt toward her. It was nice listening to her.
“I’m just rambling though, sorry,” Caroline said, a little embarrassed of herself. “I’m always doing that.”
“Not a problem in the slightest, Caroline,” Klaus said, throwing her a genuine smile. “It is nice.”
Caroline smiled shyly back at him, and blushed a little. He sounded so sincere, and it was so at odds with her usual interactions with Klaus.
“Any other thoughts on your future?” Klaus asked.
“Not really,” Caroline said. “I know people think I’m so planned and structured. But I think I want to go with the flow for a while, work out who I am before I settle for anything.”
“That’s very wise, love,” he said. “And I believe our food is ready.”
“Perfect timing!” Caroline grinned. “Margaritas are too!”
“Shall we take our dinner in the lounge?”
“No way, you animal!” Caroline laughed, grabbing the margarita jug in one hand and the glasses in the other. “We are having party food, which means we dine in the party room!”
“The den, I take it?”
With that, Caroline was off, leaving Klaus to bring all the dishes for dinner into the den, where Caroline was setting up some elaborate game for them already.
“Steady on, sweetheart!” Klaus laughed at her. “How are we supposed to eat and play beer pong at the same time?”
“Oh, Klaus, honey, this isn’t beer pong!” Caroline laughed. “It’s the greatest board game you’ll ever play. I’m prototyping a drinking game for when I go to college.”
“Silly me,” Klaus drawled. “Explain the rules while we eat. But tuck in love, before it gets cold.”
The two friends whiled away the next few hours playing Caroline’s game. Klaus had to hand it to her, the girl knew what made a good drinking game.
It was just after 11pm when they decided to stop playing. Even by that time, there was not a clear winner.
“This is why I am prototyping, Klaus!” Caroline said, swatting playfully at him. “So I can discover where there are holes in the game play. I obviously have to work on the point system more!”
Both of them were definitely well past tipsy, but not quite properly drunk yet. They were in that happy, buzzing period where everything was that little bit heightened. Jokes were funnier, jibes were more meaningful, and flirts were more sensual.
“I probably should go to bed,” Caroline said through her buzz. “Or I’ll regret this in the morning.”
“How could you regret such quality time with me, my love?” Klaus teased.
“Oh so I’m your love now, am I?” Caroline giggled. “Not just a plain old love.”
“You get special consideration for making me laugh,” Klaus stated, matter-of-factly.
“I get it,” Caroline said, as she sprung up from the couch. “There’s levels, am I right?”
“And what on earth do you mean by that, Caroline,” he replied, getting up to follow after her.
“Oh you know,” she said, as she began climbing the stairs. “Everyone gets ‘love’, right? The ones you like a little more get ‘sweetheart’. And then the best people get ‘my love’?”
Caroline stopped midway up the stairs to turn around and raise her eyebrows triumphantly at him. Klaus, stopped his ascent when he was just a step below her, and he was awfully close to her. But in this tipsy state, he didn’t much mind.
“That’s right, my love,” Klaus said, cockily.
She leaned in, her face so close to his, he could count the freckles on her cheeks. Even though she was a full step above him, she was just at his eye level. Her heavy eyes bored into his and Klaus could have sworn her eyes flicked to his lips. And he certainly would by lying to himself if he said his eyes didn’t flick to hers.
“That’s what I thought,” Caroline said, her voice as low as he ever heard it.
With her eyes still locked with his, a tiny, mischievous smile lit her face, and she began chewing on her bottom lip.
It was Caroline unlike he’d ever seen her before. Enticing, intriguing, exciting. And that was enough to make him want her. But add just a hint of the forbidden in the mix, and boy, did it make her that much more alluring.
She leaned in a fraction closer, and Klaus was sure he was about to feel the glory of her lips on his, when his phone started buzzing loudly in his pocket.
Caroline visibly shook herself, apparently regaining her composure much faster than he was able to.
“You should get that.”
The voice was still Caroline’s, it was still kind and melodic, but he couldn’t help but feel he lost something secret.
“Klaus, the phone,” Caroline urged.
Finally pulled from his trance, Klaus reached into his pocket to grab his still ringing phone.
“Hello,” he answered.
Caroline only heard a loud voice excitedly say Klaus’ name, and she already heard enough.
With nothing more than a gesture upstairs to her bedroom, Caroline was off to sleep.
She didn’t escape fast enough, before she heard the tail end of Klaus’ conversation.
“I’m busy,” he said. “Hanging out with the best people. Goodbye.” 
Hearing that made a warm glow spread through her.
It was still alight within her the next night when she and Klaus were sitting in the lounge watching a movie after dinner. 
“So, am I invited to the event this weekend?” Caroline asked, about 45 minutes into the movie.
“It’s the founders’ Christmas party. You are part of two founding families, Caroline,” Klaus replied, sardonically. “I think you have a weightier invitation than I do.”
Caroline just laughed.
“But in all seriousness,” Klaus said. “Mother made a point of saying just today to make sure you come along. You’ll be the only representative of the Forbes and Salvatore family in attendance this year apparently.
“I guess that’s right,” Caroline said, pondering. “I will be all alone!”
“You will hardly be alone, love,” Klaus said, chuckling at her dramatics. “Elena and Bonnie will be there.”
“No actually,” Caroline said. “Elena and Jeremy are going to some family reunion thing out of town, and Bonnie is will be visiting her cousin.”
“What about my siblings?”
“Come on, Klaus,” Caroline chided. “All of them will have their friends there. Plus, your sister is dating Matt, my ex. Not super keen to hang out with those two just yet, as much as I like them both.”
“Well, there’s nothing else for it,” Klaus stated, with a tiny wink. “You’ll have to be my date for the evening.”
“I’ll have to be your date, will I?” Caroline asked, a little coolly.
“Yes you will, my love,” Klaus teased.
Caroline laughed, her faux-cool exterior cracking.
“Fine, I’ll be your date, Klaus,” Caroline said, that flirtatious smile back on her face. “But only if you wear a suit, and court me somehow. And get me a gift, obviously. I don’t put out otherwise.”
“I wouldn’t dream of you putting out for me, sweetheart,” he replied, trying desperately to play it as cool as she seemed to be. “But I can definitely find a suit.”
“I’m going to hold you to that,” she replied.
At that moment, she hauled herself up from the couch, and began to pick up the plates in front of them, left over from dinner.
“Don’t worry about that yet, love,” Klaus said, covering her hand with his, and gently indicating to leave the chores for later.
Caroline flicked her eyes from their joined hands to his eyes.
“Stay,” he urged.
Caroline let herself be pulled back onto the couch, although this time she was far closer to Klaus than she had been, and he did not let go of her hand. And she wasn’t quite sure why, but she felt very comfortable to stay tangled up in him.
For the remainder of the film, neither of them spoke much, other than a bit of banter dragging the movie, but their bodies stayed close, and their hands locked. Every now and then Caroline would stroke her foot delicately along Klaus’ leg, or Klaus would draw circles with his thumb on her skin.
After it finished, they stayed in a similar state of sweet, both ignoring the complete insanity of what they were doing; just chatting, laughing, teasing.
And that’s how it was for the next couple of days. They spent every possible moment together; furtive glances, lingering touches, and enough entendre to keep both of them dizzy for each other. Though they still hadn’t taken it any further. While it was just implied attraction, it seemed much easier to deny.
When Saturday morning dawned, Caroline could hardly contain her excitement.
Now, she had been giving herself stern talking tos all week, because she knew once her parents were home, and Klaus left, things would go right back to the way they were. It would be like he was never there.
She knew that. She knew it would be that way, she knew it would have to be that way, she knew, no matter what this dalliance was, Klaus wouldn’t let it be any other way. And frankly, she wouldn’t let it be any other way.
But gosh, for the moment, it felt damn good to be so wrapped up in someone.
“Morning, my love,” Klaus yawned, as he came down the stairs the morning of the party. “Sleep well?”
“Yeah! Really well,” Caroline replied. “I was thinking of making pancakes for breakfast. Sound good?”
Klaus nodded his affirmative, before turning to put a pot of coffee on.
“What plans do you have for the day?” Klaus asked, just as the coffee machine began to whirr.
“Not really much, just breakfast, relax a bit, then I’ll start getting ready for the party at some point,” Caroline replied, smiling at him. “I have a very handsome date tonight?”
“Do you just?”
And boy, did she just.
Because later that day, as she descended the stairs, she nearly choked. For, standing at the bottom of the steps, with that god-damn perfect smirk quirking his lips, was Klaus, looking positively devastating in a crisp dark, navy suit.
“You scrub up well, Mikaelson,” Caroline praised, managing to keep her cool, and keep from actually choking.
“As do you, Forbes,” Klaus replied. “You are stunning.”
And she was. Her off-the-shoulder dress was the perfect package, for such a beautiful woman. Klaus honestly wasn’t sure how he was going to go back to Caroline being just his best friend’s little sister. Maybe he could never go back.
“I got you something,” Klaus said, handing her a long, thin box.
Caroline’s brow furrowed slightly, even though her eyes were wide, as she took the gift. She popped the lid of the box, and was met with a sparkling bracelet twinkling back at her.
“Klaus, it’s beautiful,” she said, in awe. “But I can’t accept this.”
“Come now, Caroline. This is that gift you demanded,” Klaus chuckled, taking the bracelet from her hand and beginning to attach it to her wrist. “Although, I still don’t expect you to put out, even though I met your demands.”
Caroline laughed out loud, remembering their conversation from days before.
“You really know how to make a girl feel special, don’t you?” Caroline asked.
“Only the very best,” he replied, winking. “But we best be off. Mother will have my bow tie, and the head above it, if we are too late.”
“Yeah, you know the bow tie? Weird choice.”
Before too long, the two of them were stepping through the doors of the Mikaelson Mansion – the scene for the party that particular evening.
Caroline really was in awe of Mrs Mikaelson and her unrivalled ability to put on a show. Everything was twinkling, or sparkling, the soft music playing in the background was classy but not the usual boring string music that normally played at this sort of thing.
“Niklaus! Caroline!”
The hostess herself swanned over to the almost couple the moment they were through the door.
“It is so lovely to have you both here.”
“Thank you for having me, Mrs Mikaelson,” Caroline said, sweetly. “This place looks amazing.”
“Yes, mother,” Klaus interjected. “You’ve truly outdone yourself.”
“Oh, stop it,” the older woman beamed. “I’m glad you two are here, now the grand total of young people is at about 15. I did so hope more of your classmates would come along, Caroline.”
“Me too,” Caroline sympathised. “But you know this time of year, just so busy!”
“Yes, yes, well, I suppose,” Esther said, as another few guests arrived. “I must be off, do enjoy yourselves, and say goodbye before you leave.”
With that, the Mikaelson matriarch was off, leaving Caroline and Klaus to the party.
The two of them walked deeper into the house, a little awkwardly. They had been cooped up all week, just the two of them, and now they were out in the open, not particularly sure how to interact.
“Maybe we get some drinks?” Klaus said.
“Yeah, as if they’ll serve us alcohol. We’re both underage. Your mom’s the host, my mom’s the sheriff!”
“We can have orange juice or coke, sweetheart,” Klaus chuckled.
“Hi you two!” a voice said, from behind them.
It was Rebekah, who was holding a bit too tightly to her boyfriend’s hand.
“Hi,” Caroline said back, tensing a little. She was over Matt, she had to remind herself. “You guys having a good time.”
“Yes!” Rebekah exclaimed. “Most of my friend group is here. Not many seniors though, just you and Matt as far as I can tell.”
“Yeah,” Caroline said. “Honestly, though, without Bonnie and Elena, I’m pretty fresh out of my best buddies.”
Rebekah laughed in response, and then launched into her thoughts on Caroline’s current routines about the cheer squad.
The two girls spoke for a while, Matt and Klaus making gruff males-who-don’t-have-much-in-common small talk, until the lights lowered further, and the stately classical music, gave way to more popular tunes played by a DJ.
“Oh my gosh, Matt! It’s our song!” Rebekah shrieked, as a fairly non-descript pop song began to play.
With that, they were off into the middle of the crowd, dancing joyfully. 
Caroline felt a little pang in her chest. Partly out of the loss of such an easy boyfriend, as Matt was. But more for the fact that she and Klaus didn’t have a song, and never would. Tomorrow, her parents would be home, Klaus would be gone, and their moment would be over.
She and Klaus stood watching the crowd for a few minutes, when the song changed, and a Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas began to play.
“Care to dance, my love?” Klaus asked, almost tenderly.
She smiled, and let him lead her into the fray.
He pulled her close, close enough to drive them both crazy, but still far enough away to maintain that increasingly elusive plausible deniability.
“Does that make this our song?” Klaus murmured to her as they held each other.
“Do we need a song?” Caroline asked, doubtfully.
He didn’t answer, but he did pull her fractionally closer, even as he cast his eyes downward for a moment.
They remained silent for the rest of the song, though as the next started, Caroline’s face cracked into a smile.
“You know what, yes,” she said. “That is our song. I’ve had a really great time this week Klaus, no matter what.”
“Me too, my love,” he said, softly.
“Why don’t we get going?” Caroline asked, as though making an internal decision. “We can play loud music back at the Salvatore mansion, and maybe make our fun.”
Klaus nodded briskly, and she strode away from him. Following after her at a slower pace, his heart sped up slightly at the thought of what Caroline maybe had in mind. His best friend’s sister she may have been, but Klaus couldn’t deny the way his body had been consistently reacting to her the past few days.
“You two leaving so soon?”
Esther caught them as they were right at the exit. Klaus hoped Caroline would have an excuse because he certainly didn’t know how to explain to his mother that he was leaving her party early, with a girl, to go back to the girl’s empty house.
“Yes, Mrs Mikaelson,” Caroline said, with sincere sadness in her voice. “I have been trying to be really strict with my curfew lately, being a senior and all. I’ve got to keep my nose down if I want to get into my first choice college.”
“If it’s for college, I suppose I can’t fault your commitment to your studies.”
“I can send Klaus back after he’s dropped me off, if you’d like?”
“Only if he wants to, Caroline,” Esther replied. “I have a feeling he only came today because you were interested. Niklaus will do what Nikaus wants, and nothing more.”
“Okay then, we better get going then,” Caroline said with a bright, charming smile. “Thank you so much for having us. You wait until I tell the girls at school what they missed because they had plans!”
Klaus bid his mother goodbye, and the two were off.
“You should win an academy award for that performance, Ms Forbes,” Klaus quipped.
“That’s because it’s not untrue!” Caroline said to him, as they both clambered into the car. “You’ve been a horrible influence on me! Since the start of semester, every week night, I’ve been in bed before ten, and every weekend I’ve been in by eleven. Admittedly, it’s only nine now, but still.”
“I didn’t realise I was in such proper company,” Klaus joked.
“Oh shush, I can party after I get into college, and I have no idea what I want to do, so I’m keeping my options open.”
“So, if I call on you for a party the moment you finish finals, I can be sure of party animal Caroline in full force.”
“You sure can, Klaus, and that’s a promise.”
Klaus smirked, as he started the drive back to the Salvatore house. He fully intended to collect on that promise.
“So, what do you want to drink?” Caroline asked, when they arrived back.
“Whatever you’re having love,” Klaus said.
“I don’t think I’ll have any,” she said, before winking. “I don’t need alcohol to have fun.”
“I’m sure you don’t, sweetheart,” Klaus said. “But it sure can help get the fun started.”
“Yeah, I know,” Caroline said. “But, I meant what I said to you earlier. I’ve been really bad this week. It’s been so fun with you, but I want to at least be able to look my parents in the face tomorrow and not have to lie about boozing all night tonight.”
“Right you are, love,” Klaus smiled. “Not an enviable task I’m sure; lying to the sheriff.”
“Do you want something to eat?” Caroline asked, striding into the kitchen. “The food at the party was lovely, but it sure was small.”
Klaus chuckled, he knew what she meant. Finger food was always the choice of snack for that sort of party.
“We came back to have our own party,” Klaus replied. “So party food is always a good start.”
Klaus was leaning against the kitchen bench when Caroline pulled out some ingredients to make grilled cheese sandwiches for them both.
When they polished off the sandwiches, Klaus looked at Caroline, his head tilted to the side.
“What now?” he asked her.
“Are you sure you don’t want a drink?” she checked.
“My eyes will be as open as yours, Caroline.”
“Do you want to watch a movie?”
“That could be nice,” he replied, though he noticed an unfamiliar, but exciting glint in her eyes.
“Or we could do something else,” Caroline said, as she pushed herself off the counter to looped her fingers though his belt loops and pulled him closer to her.
Klaus settled his hands on her waist, his mouth a little dry, and his heart pounded a somewhat faster. She was looking at him with such determination, and any resolve he pretending to have wavered.
And then she pressed her soft lips to his, and it completely crumbled.
When Klaus would replay that night in his head, as he secretly would many times in the years to come, he would always edit in a pause, where he showed some semblance of restraint, where he didn’t kiss back straight away.
But in reality, so lost was he in instant euphoria, he fell headlong into the moment.
He brought his hands up to cup her face, pulling it even closer than it already was. He tilted his head to the other side to open his mouth, and deepen the kiss.
For the intensity of the moment, it was still quite innocent.
After a few more seconds, Caroline pulled away, her nose and cheeks delightfully rose coloured, her pupils dilated.
She sucked her lips a little nervously, and looked at him through her long lashes. She ran her hands down his arms to interlock her fingers with his. Without saying a word, unable to get enough, he placed a few chaste kisses to her lips.
“Klaus,” she said, her voice laden. “Do you want to go upstairs?”
He softly, playfully, ran his nose up the side of her face, until his eyes met hers, he smiled faintly, and nodded.
Caroline used their linked hands to lead Klaus from the kitchen, up the stairs, stopping at her bedroom door.
“Are you sure, Caroline?” Klaus asked.
“Are you?” she replied.
The word hung between them, signing away any plausibly deniability. But they were both too wrapped in each other to quite mind.
Caroline opened the door, and let him in.
For the first time since Caroline kissed him, Klaus was curious to the world beyond her. He had never been into her room before, in all the years he’d been in and out of that house.
It was tastefully decorated, of course it was, and had such an eclectic mix of trinkets and doo-dads from Caroline’s life. A photo of her, Elena, and Bonnie as young girls, a souvenir model of the Eiffel Tower, a figurine of Harry Potter, her Miss Mystic Falls trophy. It was such a study in Caroline, and he felt his heart clench at the thought that beyond tomorrow, he would no longer be able to study her.
As Klaus appraised her room, Caroline appraised herself in her mirror. She noted her extra flushed complexion, and her mildly smudged make up. She noticed her slender shoulders, and how striking she actually looked. She wondered how Klaus saw her.
As she gazed upon herself, she wondered if this was the right thing to do. She had always imagined having sex for the first time with someone she loved, or at least someone she was in a relationship with. Klaus was neither of those things.
Sure, she fancied him a bit. And had for a long time, but in the way girls tended to do about their older siblings’ friends. She’d fancied Damon’s friend Ric for a while as well, didn’t mean she wanted to sleep with him.
She wasn’t sure what it was about Klaus, but she wanted him.
Plus, she was sick of pretending. Half the people at school thought she’d slept with Matt, and the other half thought it was Tyler. Even Bonnie and Elena just assumed she had. They never really asked her, more wrapped up in their own drama. And it was always something she was too awkward about to correct.
With both Matt and Tyler, they’d done some stuff, but Caroline had never felt comfortable enough with them or with herself, to want to take that next step.
But with Klaus, boy, she wanted it. She had been aching for him all week. In a way she hadn’t before. And she may not have had sex, but she knew how to help herself out thank you very much – and she had.
The long and short of it all was, she was ready. She wanted it to be this way. It may not have matched the picture in her head, but it felt better. And that, more than anything, steeled her resolve that this was what she wanted.
She turned away from the mirror, and faced him.
“So,” she said.
“So,” he repeated.
He moved toward her, and placed his hands on her bare shoulders, gently rubbing his palm back and forward over the exposed skin.
She leaned up to catch his lips once more, this time a little more passionately than the last.
Klaus responded instantly, sliding his hands from her shoulders to begin exploring the curves of her waist, and butt.
Caroline began walking them backward, until they hit the bed, and she pulled him on top of her. Being horizontal with him, on her bed, amped up the ever rising excitement in her, and she couldn’t help the pushing herself up to alleviate some of the pressure.
“That felt nice,” she murmured to him, between kisses.
They remained in that position for a while, Caroline not particularly sure how to progress things along, but also not wanting to admit this to her lover.
Though, before too long, the increasingly impatient Klaus, sat up to rid himself of his button down shirt, before settling himself on propped elbows above her.
Caroline was in total awe of his body. In high school, Klaus had never had a dad-bod or anything, but has also never been particularly jacked. But the man above her now was toned and defined in an incredibly alluring way.
Before she could stop herself, Caroline was running her hands softly over his skin, trying to commit to memory every dip and crevice in his body.
“Sorry,” she said shyly, when she shook herself out of the stupor.
“I am yours tonight, Caroline,” he replied, his eyes hungry for her. “Explore all you want.”
Caroline smiled appreciatively at him, and briefly wondered if he knew what he was doing. But she brushed that off almost immediately. That was for future Caroline to fret about.
After a little longer exploring his body, Klaus began slowly running his hands down from her shoulders again, though this time, he caught her dress on the way down. It pulled down easily, and soon revealed Caroline’s perfect body to his eyes.
“You are a picture, Caroline,” he said, with a strangled note to his voice, as he took in the matching red lace strapless bra and panties.
Caroline smiled, a little abashed by the look in his eyes. Though buoyed by it also, Caroline reached for the zip of his pants, and undid it. Rather than awkwardly wriggle under him to make her attempt with her hands, Caroline laid back down and brought her flexible legs upward, locking her dainty toes into the waistband of the pants. She deftly manoeuvred the pants down his legs enough that he could simply shake them off himself.
She internally congratulated herself on that move. She’d seen it once in an adult movie she watched, and she was stoked that she managed to do it without it being completely awkward.
Now both almost completely naked, they resumed their kissing, though this time everything became a little more frenzied. Both of them were losing the little self-control they had, their skin rubbing together intoxicatingly. They only paused when Caroline rid herself of her bra, leaving her breasts to bounce freely.
Klaus immediately cupped with mounds with his coarse hands, further tightening the spring in Caroline’s abdomen. He honestly didn’t think he’d ever touched such perfect breasts before, and it was driving him wild.
Klaus changed positions and suddenly he was kissing himself down her body, before he went to place an open mouthed kiss on the apex of her thighs through her underwear.
“What are you doing?” she asked, a little alarmed by this turn of events.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Klaus replied, instantly looking guilty. All the girls he’d tried this on with had been like putty in his hands. “I thought you might like…”
“Umm, I guess,” she said, self-consciously, turning bright red. “No one has ever…”
She left the sentence hanging, and looked just about anywhere than at his face between her legs.
“I don’t have to, Caroline,” he said, trying to calm her unease. “But if you want me to, I’m more than happy to oblige.”
“Do I have… to um… I guess…” she said, stumbling for the way she could say what she wanted. “Will you want the same?”
“I don’t know who you’ve been sleeping with, Caroline,” Klaus chuckled, completely missing the guilty look Caroline’s face. “But I will not make you do anything you don’t want to do. And I won’t even hold your own pleasure to ransom for it. There’s no fun in that for me.”
“Oh, okay, I guess I…” she started, still not quite sure what she wanted. “Can you… umm… do your thing… for a bit, then we see?”
Klaus nodded. Though, before he went back to his task, he crawled back up her body, and kissed her lightly on the mouth, looking deeply into her eyes.
“You’re beautiful, Caroline,” he whispered. “Just relax, and make sure you tell me what you want. I’m not some high school jock solely interested in my own pleasure.”
He winked, and kissed her again, before adding in the most diabolical voice Caroline ever heard, “I’m very interested in your pleasure too.”
That was enough to halt her embarrassment, and have her spring coiling again. There was something particularly sexy about someone wanting her pleasure, as well as their own.
She caught herself briefly pondering whether Klaus would spoil her for boys her own age, but before she could explore that thought any more, the thought was whipped from her mind, as Klaus hooked his fingers into her strappy panties, left her bare in front of him, and placed his mouth on the heat between her legs.
It felt quite unlike anything she had experienced before
He kissed at her a few times, before he started flicking his tongue back and forward over her clitoris. It was fire. He slowly added one of his fingers into her, then two, pulling them in and out at an increasing pace. She couldn’t help the small whimper that escaped her mouth.
“Klaus,” Caroline asked, after a few minutes, her voice a lot more strangled with want than last she spoke. “I want you now, I think.”
Klaus had never heard anything sexier in his life, and he was all too willing to abide. He gave only a few more thrusts of his fingers, before he pulled them out, and finally pulled his own underwear off.
With both bodies now completely nude, the tension in the room buzzed up a notch.
Klaus settled himself back over her, and kissed her, hard.
Caroline could now reach his cock. And reach it she did. She took it into her hand and began to stroke up and down, imagining with each stroke that he was pumping into her.
“Condom?” Klaus asked, trying his absolute utmost to be responsible, when all he wanted to do was thrust into her, consequences be damned.
She scrambled from the bed, and went into her en suite, to pull out a couple of the little foil packets.
As she crossed back to him, he grabbed at her waist to pull her down onto him as quickly as possible, and he began attacking her lips again. They lost themselves in that for a moment before Caroline pressed the condom into Klaus’ hand.
He moved off her and onto his back, to tear the packet open, and remove the item. He reached down to roll the latex over himself, then rolled back so he was bearing over her once more.
Caroline’s breathing hitched with every breath, anticipation sizzling every part of her body. Klaus reached between them to grab his cock, and guided it toward her opening. He teased her a little with it, running the tip of his penis along her folds, until she mewled for more.
Delicately, Klaus began to push into her. He pushed slowly, centimetre by centimetre, until she fully gloved him.
“You feel…” she said, barely able to get the words out. “Amazing.”
“God, Caroline,” he said, nearly embarrassed at how desperate he was to move in her. “This is incredible.”
“Move, Klaus, please.”
Only too happy to obliged, Klaus pulled himself from her and slid back in, with more speed that the last time. Then he went again, quicker still.
Soon, Klaus was set in a steady rhythm, and Caroline couldn’t believe what she was feeling. She clung to him, and was astounded to feel herself wanting more and more. Her hands made their way to his muscular ass and gripped it. She found if she used her grip on his butt to push him further into her, they both let out moans of pleasure
She found her breathing grow a bit ragged, as she studied Klaus face, his brow furrowed, his mouth slightly open from the pleasure.
“Caroline,” Klaus said, his voice strained. “I’m going to come.”
She couldn’t help but gasp at the pure need in his voice, then again when she felt the twitch from his cock as he came into her.
They both lay there panting for a few moments, and Caroline couldn’t believe what had just happened.
He kissed her tenderly, before easing himself out of her. He got up and padded into her bathroom, to dispose of the condom, but was back as soon as he could. He felt the loss of her body instantly.
Caroline smiled shyly at him again, like she had earlier in the night.
“Sorry I didn’t…,” she said, once again not finding the right words. “You know… come for you.”
Klaus’ face twisted, a little bit in embarrassment, little bit in sympathy, but mostly in amusement for her innocent remark.
“Caroline, I would have been more offended if you had faked it,” he said, kissing her on the forehead. “I should be apologising for not helping you get there.”
“I don’t really know how to get there,” she admitted in a whisper. She never admitted it out loud before, and she was mortified with herself that she had then.
But Klaus smiled understandingly at her.
“I don’t think that’s uncommon,” he said. “And practice makes perfect, right?”
She laughed, and swatted at him. She was also a little bit in awe that he had made her feel comfortable about something that had brought her such anxiety.
“Also, again, you’re sleeping with the wrong people if they don’t help you practice.”
Caroline blushed, and covered it by kissing him. She didn’t know why she was too embarrassed to tell Klaus this was her first time, when she so obviously gave him pleasure. But she just decided it was too much to share, she didn’t know if she would be able to if she tried.
“How about I get us a snack, and then we kiss some more?” he said, playfully, as he sprung out of bed to find something to cover himself. 
When he left the room a minute later in nothing but a towel, Caroline relaxed back to stare at the ceiling.
Unsure of how to feel.
Her body was still buzzing in the after glow, and she thought, even though she hadn’t had one of those really loud, body shaking orgasms she had seen the few times she watched porn, she’d also read enough articles about first times to know that this one had been a pretty special one.
By the time Klaus was back, chocolate bars and cups of tea in hand, Caroline had regained her most of her faculties, and she grinned at him.
“Well that was fun,” she said, as he handed her one of the mugs.
“That it was,” Klaus replied, chinking his mugs to hers. “Repeat?”
“When?” Caroline laughed.
The mood shifted slightly, both of them immediately a little uncomfortable with the question that had been chasing them all week.
What happens next?
“I’m not sure,” Klaus said, looking down at the drink in his hand.
“Me neither,” Caroline replied.
They were an absurd picture, Caroline was sure; a young couple, sitting completely naked, in silent awkwardness, drinking tea from dainty china cups.
“I don’t want to pretend this never happened,” Caroline confessed. How could she pretend? “But I understand if you do. Because of… you know… Stefan, and I’m in high school, or whatever.”
Caroline lips were tight, and her jaw was set, Klaus knew it was hard for her to say, and he appreciated it. But honestly, he didn’t know what he wanted to do.
“We did complicate things a little, didn’t we?”
“Yep,” she replied, popping the p audibly.
“It doesn’t have to be complicated,” Klaus posited, an underlying question in his voice.
“It doesn’t?” Caroline asked, raising her eyebrow.
“The age thing isn’t weird, especially since your brother dated your best friend and you had to be okay with it?” Klaus said, remembering the awful time throughout their final year of high school and first year of college when Stefan and Elena dated.
“Oh yeah, because I could ever have made Elena realise it was totally weird for me,” Caroline scoffed. “I love her, but she has got no self-awareness, and frankly no concept of a world not revolving around her.”
“Yes, I can imagine if you told her about this… about us, she would go all hysterical at you, all distraught about how I’m the reason she and Stefan broke up,” Klaus laughed.
“You’re so right, she hates you, I forgot!”
“Yes, and Bonnie doesn’t like me much either,” Klaus noted.
“Oh my god, I wish she would get over that! You and Stefan played one prank on her, and she will never let it me, or anyone else, forget it!”
“I’m still not sure how Stefan has been cleared of all charges, and yet I am still in the dog house after three years!” Klaus exclaimed. “Speaking of Stefan…”
“Honestly, he’s a wild card,” Caroline said. “He’s usually pretty understanding, but sometimes is a totally over protective ass, you know.”
“I can imagine he would avenge your innocence in subtle ways,” Klaus said. “Like would drop into random conversations with ethical questions about dating their friend’s siblings.”
“Yeah, probably,” Caroline giggled. “Imagine Elijah! ‘Niklaus! I used to babysit that girl!’”
“Yes! And ‘you are far too brutish for a sweet girl like, Caroline,’!” Klaus added. “Oh and think of Rebekah.”
“How could you sleep with my brother!” Caroline cried, in a high pitched, mock-English accent, imitating Rebekah. “How could you sleep with my ex, Bekah, if we want to get into the weeds on the girl code.”
“Bekah and Matt have slept together?” Klaus asked, sharply.
“Oh come on Klaus,” Caroline chided. “Given the conversation we’re having, maybe we not judge your sister for anything she wants.”
“There’s the rub though, sweetheart,” Klaus said, sadly. “That’s how the judgement will happen.”
“Does it matter?” Caroline asked, trying not to sound hurt.
“I don’t know,” Klaus said, honestly. “But rest assured you won’t be my dirty little secret. I refuse to let something I enjoyed so much be something I feel guilty about.”
There was such conviction in his voice that Caroline could have cried. And she did have to take a few deep breaths to stop the tears from visibly springing to her eyes. 
“Okay,” she said, decisively. “We won’t tell people, but we won’t lie if asked. That seems okay right?”
“Seems fair,” he replied, as he put his arm around her shoulders and drew her closer to her, and placed a gentle kiss to her mouth.
“And leaves it open for something else in the future,” she winked.
“Now that,” Klaus said, genuinely smiling. “Would be my pleasure.”
Caroline smiled back at him, and kissed him again, feeling content with their conversation.
It wasn’t until the next afternoon, when Liz and Giuseppe returned home, and thanked Klaus for being company for Caroline while they were away, did Caroline fully comprehend the feeling of sadness that was mixed in with the contentment.
“I’ll see you out,” Caroline said to Klaus, as he grabbed his bag and headed for the door.
“Chin up, my love,” Klaus said, nudging her with his elbow. “We don’t need your parents thinking I’m a bad babysitter. They’ll never ask me here again.”
“I had a really great time this week,” Caroline said, earnestly, as he packed his bag into the boot of his car.
“As did I, Caroline,” he replied. “I am looking forward to when you’re in college, maybe you’ll join me and Stefan. It would be nice to have you around.”
Caroline glowed a little from the compliment.
“And in any case, perhaps, when you’re done with senior year, and that party animal you promised me comes out to play,” Klaus said, cheekily. “Maybe you will invite me for one of your events.”
Caroline grinned at him, before wrapping her arms around him for a hug.
“I’ll see you,” she murmured.
“Thank you, Caroline.”
And with that, he was slipping into the front of his car and was driving off, leaving Caroline to just wave at his tail lights as he went.
Let me know what you think!!!
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misssophiachase · 4 years
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For Klaroline AU Week: Day 1 - All Human. This is a continuation of my story, you can read chapter one (Meet the Mikaelsons) and chapter two (Creative Control) HERE
Synopsis: Caroline is the long-suffering producer on America’s number one reality television program “Meet the Mikaelsons.” The wealthy, English family are difficult but Caroline has to stick it out so she can get the promotion she’s been eyeing. Enter arrogant, second-eldest sibling Klaus Mikaelson who has every intention of messing with her plans. Inspired by Keeping Up With the Kardashians.
Reality Bites - Chapter 3: Doctor Feelgood
Flight AA372 - LAX to Los Cabos International
“You should probably put your tray table back in its upright position for take-off,” Caroline’s eyes were closed but the instant she heard the familiar English accent, they flew open. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I assume you’re not going to bother with the tray table then?” He gestured to it curiously. She rolled her eyes and snapped it back into place, almost breaking it in the process. 
“You didn’t answer my question, Mikaelson?” 

“You’re making a scene, love,” he whispered, looking around the airplane. 
Caroline realised he had a point. She was so used to being able to yell at him on set without prying eyes, she forgot about unwanted, public attention to one of the newest reality stars on television. 
“What are you doing here?” She whispered. 
“I’m in the window seat,” he motioned next to her. 
“You are not.”
“Would you like to see my boarding pass?”
Caroline really couldn’t believe her luck. It was as if Klaus Mikaelson’s job in life was to gradually tip her over the edge.
She stood up, moving slightly so he could pass. As he did, his body grazed hers and Caroline was trying to ignore just how good and right it felt. It didn’t help that his spicy aftershave was infiltrating her nostrils and messing with her composure either. 
“Since when do you travel coach?” She hissed as soon as he’d sat down. 
“Since always.”
“Liar,” she shot back. 
“Fine,” he conceded. “I didn’t want to be stuck on a private jet with my siblings, I’d probably be tempted to throw one, if not all of them, out of the plane without a parachute.”
“Kol, would be the first to go, right?” she couldn’t help herself. 
“There would never be a question about that,” he grinned. 
As much as she wanted to hate him, they’d have these fleeting moments where she wasn’t a producer and he wasn’t rich, reality television royalty. They were just two people enjoying each other’s company. Unfortunately, it never lasted past about five minutes. 
“So, how is it that you are on the exact same flight as me?”
“You don’t own this flight you realise, Forbes?’

“Fine, how did you come to be sitting right next to me then?”
“As co-producers I thought it would be useful, you know in case we needed to discuss anything before arrival,” he murmured. 
“You’re going to crash your ex-girlfriend’s wedding,” she replied. “I think we’re all on the same page about that. You know unless you’re getting cold feet?”
“Why? Are you?”
Caroline was taken aback by his comment and the way he was gazing intensely into her eyes at the same time. There was no denying he was extremely attractive, and those dimples had a mind of their own, but Caroline had to keep reminding herself that he was an egotistical, arrogant celebrity that she wouldn’t be in her life much longer.
For some reason she didn’t like thinking that. Caroline decided to blame it on temporary insanity and his ability to insert himself into every part of her life.
“Why would I be getting cold feet? We’ve only been planning this for the past week.” 
Caroline thought planning this plot line would be just like everything else but for some reason it had irked her more than anything.
Hayley Marshall was a doe-eyed brunette who was the face of an International Cosmetics Company. They had dated on and off during college. Klaus acted like she didn’t mean much to him but the fact he wanted to crash her wedding and instigated the trip to Mexico didn’t sit well with Caroline, although she wasn’t exactly sure why. Maybe there were more unresolved feelings between them than he’d let on. 
“Of course,” he murmured. “I just meant we need to discuss our accommodation arrangements.”
“Our accommodation arrangements?”
“You have this thing about repeating yourself, has anyone ever told you that?”
“And has anyone ever told you that you have this annoying habit of not answering questions, mine in particular?”
“Touché,” he smirked. “I thought it best that we stay together the next few days.”
“Excuse me?”
“Well, I think you heard me.”
Given the amount of crew, not to mention privacy required they had booked out multiple private villas on a secluded beach. Caroline had her assistant book her at a resort which was only ten minutes away by foot. 
“I’m not enamoured about staying in the family villa, there’s only so much I can take from Rebekah preening in front of the mirror and Kol singing off- key in the shower.”
“You have your own villa, princess,” she muttered. 
“And it boasts two very spacious bedrooms,” he murmured. “It seems fitting that we stay there together, you know for work.”
“I cannot believe you,” she growled. “First you take half my job and now you’re making accommodation arrangements? I have a perfectly good room booked at the nearby hotel.”
“Well, you did,” he offered. “I had your assistant cancel it.”
“You did what?”
“And given it’s peak season I think you’ll find it difficult to book anywhere else at this short notice.”
“You are unbelievable!”
“As you keep telling me,” he murmured.
“What is going on here?”
“I don’t know what you mean?”
“Yes, you do,” she shot back. “Why are you suddenly so clingy?”
“Okay, just so you know, Klaus Mikaelson doesn’t do clingy.” 
Now that Caroline was thinking about it. Klaus had been acting even stranger than usual the past few days. He’d become less adversarial and more inquisitive. Less arrogant and a little more insecure. Which was completely out of character. 
Then it came to her. 
4 days earlier
“What do you mean you fired the medic?” Caroline hissed, trying to keep her voice down and not alert the rest of the crew. 
“I didn’t fire the medic,” he shot back. “She quit yesterday. Apparently, she didn’t appreciate Kol’s attempts to woo her.”
“Woo her? Who are you?” She muttered. “And you only felt the need to tell me this today?”
“Well, I’m sorry but I’ve been busy wrangling my siblings from almost killing each other. Whoever thought tennis racquets weren’t a lethal weapon never met my family.”
“Welcome to my world,” she growled under her breath. If Klaus wanted to be co-producer, then he could deal with his sibling’s antics too. 
The Mikaelsons were holding their annual mother-son tennis competition. It had begun when Finn was younger and had become one of the main events on their social calendar.
This year, it was Henrik’s turn to be initiated into the tradition. Given Esther’s competitive nature, Caroline felt immediately bad for him. It didn’t help that her sworn enemy, Macy Roberts, one of the famed Housewives of Beverly Hills, was competing with her son too.
Turns out giving two society queens tennis racquets wasn’t the brightest idea, even if it did make for good television. They’d yelled cut as soon as the obligatory cursing had died down but turns out there was no medic to check their injuries.
Macy seemed to have only sustained some bruising, but Esther hadn’t fared as well.
“It’s bloody broken, I know it!” Esther wailed. “I need some Oxy-Contin, straight vodka on the rocks and my lipstick touched up, not necessarily in that order.”
“See, she doesn’t even need a medic,” Klaus shrugged his shoulders. 
“You are unbelievable.”
“You really need to stop complimenting me, love,” he smirked. Caroline was far too stressed then to call him out on that stray endearment. 
“I can help,” Kol offered. 
“Where’s your medical degree?” Klaus asked, raising his eyebrows.
“I dated this girl once, a med student, she used to practice on me by…”
“Please don’t go any further,” Caroline groaned, trying to work out whether it was in their best interests to take Esther to hospital given all the unnecessary interest it would attract, especially given how she came to be injured. They didn’t sign non-disclosure agreements for no reason. 
They needed something more discreet. Then an idea came to her. 
One hour later
The bell rang out and Caroline rushed to the front door. Opening the door, she immediately smiled; he always had that effect on her. 
“Why do I always seem to be bailing you out, Care Bear?” 
“Just lucky I guess,” she grinned. “And what have I told you about not calling me that.” He dropped his bag and she jumped into his arms, excited to see him after all this time.
“Not to do it,” he teased, putting her back on the ground. 
“Care Bear? I’ll have to add that to my repertoire,” Klaus chuckled. Caroline fought the urge to roll her eyes, of course he was eavesdropping. “Who is this?”
Caroline pulled back, annoyed that yet again her annoying co-producer had interrupted. 
“Klaus Mikaelson, this is Enzo St John,” she introduced the two. “Our medic for the afternoon.”
“How do you know each other?” 
“Enzo is my best friend Kat’s cousin, we grew up together, well until he decided to leave the country on us.”
“Duty called,” he smiled. 
“Enzo decided to go and join Médecins Sans Frontières.”
“Doctors without Borders?” Klaus asked, his tone telling Caroline he was clearly impressed but was trying to play it down. 
“I’ve been in Burkina Faso most recently,” he explained. “But came home for some downtime, see what my cousin has been up to and of course to save Caroline, yet again.”
“It was once and you know how handsy my prom date was,” she said. 
“It was my pleasure to punch him out,” he smiled. “How is Stefan Salvatore doing these days?”
“I have no idea and don’t care,” she muttered. Klaus coughed interrupting their chat. 
“Well, maybe it’s best we get to the patient?”
“Can someone please give mother a gag? She is howling like a banshee,” Rebekah muttered, walking into the room. “And who do we have here?”
“I’m Enzo,” he introduced curtly. “I assume I’ll be taking care of the banshee?” 
“It’s only funny when I say it,” she drawled, sizing him up. Caroline could sense the tension from a mile off but she wasn’t sure whether they wanted to kill each other or rub up against each other. 
“Right on that note,” Caroline interrupted awkwardly. “Let’s go outside, shall we?”
“Why do I feel like I’ve entered the twilight zone?” he asked as she led him toward the tennis courts.
“Because you have,” she murmured, attempting not to laugh aloud. 
Enzo was an instant hit with Esther, no doubt due to his nationality, good looks and charm which he possessed in spades. 
She also decided that he needed to come to Mexico and play medic. Klaus and Rebekah thought otherwise and had tried to change her mind but being the matriarch of the brood, they all knew it was pointless.
Caroline had a feeling it wasn’t too much of a hard sell after what he’d come from. Although Caroline wasn’t quite sure he was ready for this type of jungle. 
“This is about Enzo,” she drawled. 
“Excuse me?”
“Now who’s asking the questions,” she huffed. “You don’t want me staying at the same hotel as him in Mexico.” 
They’d arranged their travel together, Caroline hoping to get some downtime to chat with one of her oldest friends. There had never been anything between them, their relationship was strictly platonic.
Also, Enzo loved himself too much to love anyone else but obviously Klaus didn’t know that. 
Caroline put it down to the fact Klaus was determined to ruin her life for whatever reason she had no idea. 
“That is so not true,” he growled. 
“Why don’t you tell me the truth for once, Mikaelson? I’m growing incredibly tired of this arrogant bluster.”
“Says the woman who uses insults as a defence mechanism?”
“Are we interrupting something?” Caroline looked up into the warm, brown eyes of Enzo. 
“Not at all, in fact we were just talking about how excited Klaus is to have you along for the trip,” she smiled, nudging Klaus in the ribs as she said it. “Hold on, what do you mean we?”
“You can’t go to Mexico and take my cousin with you and not expect a few extra guests, Care.” Katherine and Bonnie stood there, bags in hand. 
“You did say there were two bedrooms, right?” She asked Klaus sweetly, happy that she’d beaten him at his own game this time, or so she thought. 
You can read this chapter and follow the story HERE or HERE
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Hello Love/5
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Part 5
This is an AU story with tvd/to characters. All human, no vampires or witches.
A little love story_ 💞
A sweet fluffy love story, ft. Klaroline, Kennett, Jebekah (Rebekah and Jackson!)
but the main pairing is Miguel Galindo x Elena Gilbert
since I love to write crossover au’s, here I am borrowing Miguel Galindo from MayansMC…played by Danny Pino.
tag_  @miguelsbrat​
thank you for reading xoxo  ✽-(˘◡˘)/✽
The next day
In the Mikaelson Mansion
Klaus finished his phone call with his associates about a project he wanted to undertake while he was taking a year off. Esther knocked at the door of the roof greenhouse before she entered.
"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting"
"You're not, mother. What is it? I can see that you have your thinking cap on"
"Well, I was thinking - would you be interested in taking up the project of restoring our beach house?”
"Mother, you can have anyone - where has this come from? Why me?"
“Because I want you to do it. You’ve always loved being there.” Esther said.
“All right. I will do it. And you give me free hands. I can do it my way?”
"May I only ask for one thing? Let me make a few suggestions?"
"Put them on the table and I will look at it." Klaus said.
"Thank you." she said cheerfully and walked out of the living room. He now picked up the phone and dialed Caroline's number.
"How about a weekend outside the city- beach, good food, fresh air?"
Caroline said yes in a heartbeat.
Rebekah ran the last look at the next issue of the magazine. She was pleased with it. Sending a few notes to her editor-in-chief, she got up, walking to the window. She looked to a beautiful sunny day. She took a deep breath. Work was fine. Love life was non-existent.
"If someone told me that you would become a workaholic and turn into your father, I would tell them to take a hike."
Rebekah turned around sharply, nearly screaming at the sight of the man.
"Jackson! Wow-what are you doing here?"
'Business - long story- maybe not that long-I took over from my father." he explained.
"Really? Ok, I am done here. Drinks?!" she said and now took her bag.
"Drinks!" he agreed smiling and they walked out of the office.
In Lena’s Cookies shop
Finishing a new batch of Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies with marshmallows, her mind floated to the night before.
"I'll see you tomorrow!" Elena breathed in. Miguel nodded slightly, and as she was about to turn to leave, he grabbed hold of her hand gently. Sliding his hand around to her lower back her pulled her into a kiss again.
Elena was completely taken by the unexpected move, but it didn't take her long to respond feverishly, her hand finding its way up his neck, burying it deeply in his dark coiffed hair.
Oh, yeah, it made her head spin and more. Was she on planet Earth, or was she now in outter space.
Elena closed the door of her small office and leaned on it, a big smile danced on her face, feeling like she was floating on air as she thought of Miguel.
If it wasn't for her phone ringing, she would have stayed in this cloudy state for the entire day, playing the kiss over and over in her head. She moved and now looked for her phone. Finding it in the bedroom, she picked it saying, "Hey"
"Hey you, what happened? You've not replied to any of my texts." Caroline said all flustered up on the other line.
"Sorry, I was a bit busy." Elena said.
"What is this about ending up having wine with Miguel? Can you please tell me - I am dying here" Caroline said.
"Bonnie and I are meeting for lunch and I will tell you everything there - in detail."
"You are mean!" Caroline exclaimed.
"See you there." Elena said.
Caroline agreed and as they hung up.
In Upper East Side, Miguel welcomed his friends and colleagues from San Diego. Dr Adelita Reyes.
“It is so good to see you” Miguel gave the woman a warm hug.”How is Angel?”
“He is in process of opening a new specialized motorcycle shop with EZ. It’s going to be custom chopper-style motorcycles only. They are going to do their own designes.” Adelita replied.
“I have to order one” Miguel said.
Adelita laughed a little.
“I’m serious.” Miguel said.
“What’s happened to you? When I got in - I saw that you are kind of different. New York is really doing something to you.something good.”
“Maybe - you know - I have locked myself away from the world - letting life pass me by. I’m done. I want to do things. Get out there. Live again. Bye a motorcycle.”
“If I didn’t know you - I would say that middle-life crisis has hit you hard.” Adelita shot at the surgeon, and then apologized for being so forward.
Miguel tilted his head and partly agreed, spreading a smile. He didn’t care. He felt good. His whole being had never been more alive, and there was nothing an no one in the world that could bring him down.
“OMG - did you meet someone?” Adelita then said.
“I did.” Miguel didn’t hide the fact that it was a significant someone that made his heart, his soul smile again.
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“This is great! I’m so happy for you - and you know what spread the middle-life crisis thick. Who is she?”
“Her name is Elena. She is a pastry chef - a friend of my sister Rebekah - and she is - preciosa!” Miguel’s eyes sparkled, now revoking last night’s kiss, his heart bumping with a joyful beat.
“You’re in love?!”
“I am” Miguel admitted, and sat back in his chair, letting the happy feeling soak right into his bones. For the first time in forever his body and mind relaxed, continuing to talk about how he had met Elena, switching eventually to talk about the conference the next day and their presentation.
In East Village
"I've decided to open the second shop bakery. It will be cupcakes only. Oh, and- Jenna arrives week Friday. I am having a 'welcome back' party-and there is news from Jeremy, too. He has officially told me that he is now exclusive with Sarah.”
“Wow - about the bakery and wow for Jer, he is finally serious with someone,” Bonnie said, “good for him.”
“It’s crazy how things change. I thought that you and him would be together forever”
“Yeah, but - you know”
“I do - his immaturity back then killed it.” Elena remembered Jeremy’s unsavoury behaviour, causing Bonnie and him to break up, and moving away to the west coast.
“But we are sister anyway, even though I will marry someone else.” Bonnie said.
“What? Don’t tell me Kol proposed?” Elena nearly jumped from her seat.
“No - not yet. I found the ring” Bonnie said.
“You’re not serious? How? When?” Elena couldn’t wait to find out more, but they were both now interupted by Caroline, who joined them, sitting down, panting like she had been chased by the gang of wolves.
“Sorry, you guys,” Caroline said, “guess what? Klaus invited me to the Hamptons with him, to their beach house.”
“Isn’t it damaged by the hurricane, last year?” Bonnie said.
“Apparently he is going to redesing it - ok - this now is not like so important” Caroline than turned to Elena, “Now tell us about Miguel”
"I kissed Miguel - well, we kissed!" Elena said, her stomach flipping at the thought of the kiss that still lingered with her so vividly.
"Wow!" Caroline exclaimed shocked. "How was it? If he kisses anything like Klaus-"
"Oh, he can kiss! He can really kiss!" Elena said swooning.
"What is this whole mantra about you not going to date for a while?” Bonnie said.
"I guess it’s out of the window,” Elena said with a cute grin on her face,”I don’t know what it is about him, but I just feel - everything inside me feels so good - my heart just goes kaboom when I’m see him”
“Then just go for it! He obviously likes you” Caroline advise.
“But there is this something inside me that,” Elena inhaled sharply as if she was going to lose breath,”what if it all goes wrong and -”
“Why would it go wrong?” Caroline cut right in the middle of her sentence.
“I don’t know - I’m freshly out of a relationship - he hasn’t dated anyone in a thousand years”
“Listen to your heart” Bonnie said. “What does it tell you?”
“That it feels so good.” Elena replied.
“And the case is closed” Caroline said. “Where is Bekah?”
Rebekah ditched her friends, excusing herself, sending a selfie of her and Jackson having a cocktail lunch.
“He is back - and better looking than ever” Caroline remarked looking at selfie Rebekah sent of her and Jackson.
“Did they like date in college?” Bonnie asked.
“No - she always was into him, but - nothing happened - they ended up being good buddies.” Caroline replied.
“Didn’t he marry that witch Hayley Marshall?” Elena remembered.
“Yep,” Caroline replied,”but it didn’t last. They are divorced. And she got a crazy settlement.”
“He is such a good guy,”Bonnie said,”and Rebekah deserves someone good like him.”
“I hope things happen for her, too, same as it is happening for us” Caroline now had only one subject in the center of their girly meeting and that was Klaus.
Later that day as Rebekah called Caroline to share how ‘drinks’ with Jackson went in detail, she divulged that he had invited her to his family’s beach house in the Hamptons.
“Klaus invited me to your house!” Caroline said.
Now those two concoted a plan for have a small gathering in the Hamptons for the weekend, and as she checked with Jackson, both women now invited Elena, Miguel, Bonnie and Kol to come along.
“I have a feeling that this will be the best summer ever” Caroline exclaimed happyily.
“I believe so, too. I have a feeling the stars have finally aligned in our favour” Rebekah said.
“Hello summer, Hello love!” Caroline said cheerfully.
That weekend, at the agreed hour the party of eight set off to the beach town some fifty miles far from the city.
As they arrived, and after they settled each pair wanted to do something different. So, Kol and Bonnie together with Rebekah and Jackson down the beach. Klaus together with Caroline went to the Mikaelson house, which was not far down the road. Elena and Miguel went to a gourmet food store.
“I will make an easy lobster paella,” Elena said as they entered the speciality store, “and a French Apple tart or something else with puff pastry.”
“We could have all gone out to a restaurant. It is not fair that you spend time cooking.” Miguel said.
“It’s not a big thing. Plus it is cozy to have a meal together in the garden - and don’t forget I’m a pro and I know a lot of shortcuts. First shortcut is buying already made puff pastry.” Elena said, marching to the frozen food section.
At the Mikaelson beach house
"Please" Klaus said as he opened the doors and they walked in. It was dusty, but still very stylish and it was clear to her that Klaus had inherited the creative streak from his mother.
"It's -beautiful!" Caroline exclaimed.
"Yes- it needs some TLC though. I’ve have always loved this house. We would spend the entire summer here when we were children. I'd like to show you my favourite hide out?!" he smiled charmingly.
"Lead the way." Caroline smiled back at him.
"You love modern stuff!" Caroline concluded as he had shown her his most favourite creations by the famous architect.
"And you?"
"I love the mod-cons!" Caroline said flirtatiously.
"I know exactly what house I would design for you”
"You would desing a house for me?” Caroline looked surprised
"You want to build me a house?!" she was stunned as she realized where the teasing led.
"Yes. I would like to design a house for you and so much more."  he looked deep in her eyes as if he was compelling her to become his.
"You are kidding me, right? Is that how you get all your women to bed?" she said.
"I have never offered any of them to build a house or take them to a place like this. I just had them. You, on the other hand- " before he could say more, she was kissing him and he vigorously accepted her lips.
Elena and Miguel returned to Kenner’s beach house. He carried all the bags for her like a gentleman he was.
As Elena washed her hands and put her hair up, he made himself comfortable at the table and watched her in action. In no time she made pastry diamond, flowers and pinwheels, filing it with cream cheese, topping it off respectively with strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.
“There is something missing” Elena said and jumped, “we haven’t anything with chocolate.”
“Isn’t this quite enough?”
“Yes, but without chocolate - nothing goes. At least in my life.” Elena joked, and now cut the puff pastry in stripes feeling it with soft cheese and chocolate chips, skillfuly flapping it over creating a perfect braid pattern.
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“Rebekah said that you have won the second place on the Artisanal Sweet Fair last year.” Miguel said.
“Yes. I lost to Cupcake Heaven” Elena said placing the last batch of pastries in the oven. “There is always the next year. It’s all about working hard.”
Miguel admired her resolve. And pouring them both a drink of rose wine, they toasted a little to the summer, he continued watching her do her magic with the lobster paella.
“Ah, it smells so good!” Kol exclaimed as he and Bonnie entered the kitchen from the back garden.
“How can I help?” Bonnie asked her friend.
“I got all under control” Elena said.
“She is like a wizard,” Miguel said,”she’s already set the table, made these delicious pastries”
“That’s our Elena” Rebekah now said, appearing from the living room, taking one of the pastries.
“Call Caroline, because the paella is nearly done - I just need to add the lobster and the kielbasa, and my super shortcut paella is done.” Elena said.
“Yes Ma’am” Rebekah joked and was immediately on the phone to find out what was keeping Klaus and Caroline, who were there in a flash, after Rebekah got hold of her friend.
“Caroline said that your paella is something that should not be missed.” Klaus said as they sat down.
Very soon, the whole party complimented the Chef and agreed with Caroline. The “shortcut paella” was delicious, and the little puff pastires went well with the wine she had chosen.
Rebekah and Caroline togehter with Kol made sure there is more fun to be had and the bunch went from sharing stories from childhood to playing silly games of charade, dancing. Enjoying the summer evening to the fullest.
“Would you like to go for a walk - down the beach?” Miguel said to Elena as she finished talking to her aunt.
“Yeah - let me just get my cardigan - the wind is picking up” She ran quickly to the room, pulling  out a turquoise floral chiffon cardigan.
Taking the stroll down the path,they exchanged the impressions of the day.
“I’ve forgotten how much I love this place.” Miguel said. Memories of his childhood hit him in the best way possible, but there was some sandess attached to it unfortunately.
“What is it?”
“The first time I came here was the summer my parents  - you know. Mother - maybe it sound quite unsual to you that I call Esther Mother, but she has took me in like I was her son. Not a day did she treat me any different form Klaus, Rebekah or Kol.”
“But deep down you wished your parents would miraculously come back” Elena said.
“Yes” Miguel inhaled softly, turning to Elena. “I don’t want this evening be again about - the past. I love the present so much.”
His masculine yet mellow voice made her skin spread with goosebumps. Her heart was dancing a beat she had not known existed. For a moment it felt like she had no air, and she thought it was all because of the sparkling wine, that still bubbled in her head.
Miguel could feel Elena's sweet restlessness and even he himself had to contain his own passion during the whole evening, especially when they danced to Norah Jones’ "Come away with me". He wanted to swoop her away there and then way from everything and everyone to have her all to himself.
All at once, she was painfully aware of his nearness as he now leaned over to her, cupping her chin everso gently. And when his gaze lowered to her lips, heat coiled through her so strong, her mouth opened slightly, moistening her lips.
“You are so beautiful” his breathing was ragged like hers, warm and sweet oozing a faint scent of chocolate from the pastry he had earlier. His hard-muscled chest was so close she could almost feel the dampness of his shirt while the familiar scent of Old spice, warm and complex mixture of South Sea, flowers and green herbs whirled her senses. And then his lips latched onto hers, now kissing her with the same quiet intensity he had in his stare. Tentative at first, but gradually turning bolder, covering every inch of her mouth with slow, deep kisses.
And I want to walk with you On a cloudy day In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high So won't you try to come
Come away with me and we'll kiss On a mountaintop Come away with me And I'll never stop loving you
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missnmikaelson-main · 5 years
Be-Witching Halloween
Word Count: 4114
Warnings: None
She couldn’t remember the last time she had been excited for Halloween, but she suspected she had been a child. Back then it had been all about the candy; lately it was all about the costumes, and even that had begun to lose its appeal since Caroline had taken over.
She loved her best friend to bits, but authenticity was going to kill her, or rather she was going to kill her for being such a nit-picky control freak.
Did it really matter if her fishnets were ripped in just the right place? Did the fake tattoos need to be perfect? Did she have to outline the spot where her lipstick would run from her lips?
The answers were all – unsurprisingly – resounding yes’s: ‘yes Elena, I am Harley Quinn and my costume will be perfect’.
Did Elena really have to wear the skin tight unitard? That question had garnered a smirk and the offer of a second costume that had Elena gritting her teeth.
She had promptly bitten her tongue and crammed her body into the black suit before fixing the mask in place.
Elena’s costume was perfect; there was just one teeny, tiny, significant problem.
Somebody else was wearing it too. She matched the scowl and crossed her arms over her chest, striding until she stood in front of her mirror image. Her eyes slashed over her from her black stilettos to the pointed ears on top of her head.
“Well,” Elena met her opponents eyes as they circled each other like jungle cats stalking their prey, “one of us has to change,” she thought of the skimpy outfit upstairs on the guest bed, “and it’s not gonna be me.”
“I think it is cupcake,” she purred, with a wicked glint in her feline eyes, “now be a good little kitten – just like we all know you are – and go change.”
Several people turned to look at them, gaping at the odd scene. Truthfully it wasn’t that odd since the pair of them hated each other with a fiery passion that often left one or both of them with third degree burns both figuratively and literally.
“Do I sense a cat fight brewing?” Kol whistled. “I’ve often wondered what it would be like to watch two identical women tear each other apart.”
It was not unusual to find Elena and Katherine at odds, but it was unusual for them to be perfectly identical.
“Shut-up, Kol,” Elena snapped.
“Don’t be mean cupcake,” Katherine smirked, slinking towards her, “he did call it after all.”
Elena glanced beyond Katherine’s cat ears to the grand staircase. Caroline – in an out of character move – had yet to notice the brewing storm; her attention was focused on securing the emerald scarf around Hope’s neck. The child made an adorable Poison Ivy with her ribbon wrapped tights and red hair, but Hope could only distract Caroline for so long.
She dragged her gaze back to Katherine and scoffed; certain Kol had ‘suggested’ the costume to stir up trouble.
“I’m not gonna fight you, Katherine.”
“Scared you’ll lose,” she taunted, prowling closer. Elena half-expected to see a tail flick out.
“We both know I could best you if I wanted to,” her shoulder muscles rippled. Katherine was older but Elena was resourceful and quick. “I just don’t want to fight you with Caroline because I ruined her party… plus I don’t want to give Kol and Damon the satisfaction of watching.”
She spun on her heel and disappeared into the crowd, reappearing moments later in the bedroom. She yanked a pillow off of the bed and screamed into the feathers, confident that nobody would hear her over the Monster Mash, but not everyone was at the party.
Her cheeks stained scarlet when she lowered the pillow, spotting her new companion.
“Elena,” he fought back a laugh.
“Elijah,” her voice emerged, breathless.
He stepped down into the bedroom, carefully prying the throw pillow from her hands. He poked a finger through a slash in the fabric and met her bright eyes.
“I was unaware of your aversion to throw pillows,” his lips turned up in a smirk, but the question danced in his eyes.
“Katherine decided to come dressed as cat woman,” she shook her head, crossing her arms. She despised putting up with Katherine, but Rebekah was with Stefan so Damon was a part of her life and lately Damon came with Katherine. “I suspect Kol’s influence, but the main problem is that I now have to change in order to avoid a cat fight.”
“When did you start avoiding fights with Katherine?” He tossed the violet pillow on the bed.
“When it became clear that this one would lead to a subsequent fight with Caroline – that would dissuade anyone regardless of the presence of a child in the room,” she perched on the edge of the bed, trying to take a deep breath and finding it impossible in the too tight costume. “I try to avoid violence in the presence of children.”
“That’s understandable,” he watched her pull the mask and ears away from her head, “but why are you upset about changing? Surely Caroline insisted on a back-up costume.”
“She did,” Elena reached for the small pile of fabric in the middle of the bed. Shaking it out revealed a body suit with pieces cut out in strategic places on the red bodice, and gold stars over the blue bottoms; it was essentially a bikini.
“Are you telling me that Caroline Forbes selected what is quite possibly the most derogatory Wonder Woman costume on this earth? Caroline Forbes?” He glanced at the fabric, but refused to picture Elena wearing it; in a thousand years it was one of the hardest struggles he had ever had to endure.
“Yup,” she shrugged. “She said I didn’t have to get a costume because she would take care of it, and apparently she really wanted me to be cat woman.” Her eyes fell to her leather clad form. “She knows me well and knew that the only way she would get me in a unitard was if my only other option was… well…” she gave the star spangled costume a little shake.
“I can see where you’d be reluctant,” he tilted his head, glancing down at the costume. She had placed it in front of her body and the image came unbidden. He cleared his throat and tore his eyes away; they found a new home on the night stand.
Caroline and Klaus had been ‘dating’ for years, making Elena a frequent guest in his home. Each time she stayed she carried around a book – the same book. She had read it so many times that the cover was practically falling off the weathered volume, and when she read it now she skipped around to her favorite passages; some of which she could recite by heart.
He stared at the book for a long moment as a slow smile appeared on his face.
“I have an idea,” he offered her a hand up, “but it will require a little trust.”
“You know I’d trust you with my life,” she grinned, eyes twinkling. Slipping her hand in his she suppressed her shiver at the contact. “I have on several occasions, so I think I can trust you with a Halloween costume.”
“Is there anyone you wouldn’t?” He led her into the hall and deeper into the compound, glancing over from the corner of his eye.
“Kol,” she responded without a hint of hesitation, causing them both to laugh.
He brought her to a stop in a room filled with trunks of various sizes and directed her towards a screen.
“You might want to take that off.” His heart gave a leap when she turned around and swept her hair over her shoulder. He held his breath and acceded to her silent request by reaching out to unzip her costume, taking care not to touch the tantalizing reveal of skin.
“Thank you,” she murmured, hoping her disappointment at not feeling his hand on her back didn’t bleed through her voice.
She slid behind the screen, wondering if she had imagined the strain in his voice.
Elijah averted his eyes from her shadowed silhouette and selected the appropriate trunk. He extracted a mixture of garments and approached the screen where she was straightening up in one fluid movement. He cleared his throat to announce his presence, smiling when her heart jumped.
“There is a fair amount of fabric,” he shifted closer. “Would you like it in stages?”
“Are you going to tell me what I’m wearing?” She poked her head around the screen and flashed him a teasing smile.
“Where would be the fun in that?” He smirked, handing her the first pile of fabric.
She vanished again, giving him a brief glimpse of her bare arms. He saw her moving beyond the silk screen: rolling stockings up her shapely legs, dropping a formless shift over her head, shaking out her hair, and fitting her arms into sleeves.
“I may need help with the corset,” she emerged.
He swallowed, nodding. Every inch, save her arms and collarbone, was covered in material, but he still remembered the days where her current attire would have been forbidden beyond the walls of a bedroom.
She turned her back on him and allowed her lips to form a pout as his deft fingers worked the laces without touching her; not so much as an accidental brushing of skin on skin.
She schooled her features and spun around, placing her hands on her hips. Her brow arched elegantly.
“Now what?”
“Now you close your eyes and trust me,” he chuckled.
She nodded, lifting her arms at his instruction. Silk fell over her wrists, coming to swirl around her ankles with the barest of whispers.
“Are you attending the party?” She felt strings being tugged into place along her spine.
“I don’t have a costume,” he handed her something that felt like a glove.
She worked the material by feel.
“We’re in a room full of what I can only assume are period clothes,” she sighed, feeling her smooth gloves.
“Would you like me to go?” His voice came from lower down.
“I think you should have some fun,” she shrugged, letting him guide her feet into a pair of shoes. “Please come to the party.”
“Very well,” he stood. “Turn to your right, take three steps and then you can open your eyes.”
He had disappeared by the time her eyes adjusted to the light. The indigo dress held a slight shine. She fingered the black lace over the bodice and swayed, watching the fabric shift.
“Is this Rebekah’s dress?” She used the hairpins behind her ears to twist her hair into a quick chignon.
“For tonight it’s yours,” Elijah emerged, fastening the buttons on his blue jacket.
“It’s beautiful,” she fingered the skirt and turned to look at him. Her eyes roamed over his tall form and straightened her shoulders. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he smiled. Reaching out he smoothed a few strands of hair behind her ear. The tip of his fingers grazed the soft skin, sending an electric jolt up his arm.
Her breath caught in her throat as she met his eyes and found herself stuck in his gaze. A force drew them closer together as his fingers skimmed over her throat. Her tongue darted out to wet her bottom lip; his eyes dropped to her mouth for a split second and had she still been human she might not have seen it.
Her chin tipped up as her skirt brushed his legs.
He inhaled the sweet smell clinging to her body, a combination of perfume, lotion and all of the candy she had helped Caroline make for the party; she was intoxicating.
“Elena,” a loud voice shattered the stillness, startling them apart. “I know you’re up here. You can’t hide from the party.”
She glanced at Elijah and drew in a quick breath.
“I’ll be down in a minute, Care,” she called.
“If you’re not on the dancefloor in five minutes you will face the full wrath of Harley Quinn.”
“Got it,” Elena laughed.
She met Elijah’s eyes when he cleared his throat.
“May I have the honour of escorting you to the ball, Miss Bennett?” He lifted her hand, placing a chaste kiss on her gloved knuckles.
“You may, Mr. Darcy,” she giggled.
He slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow.
“Why weren’t you going downstairs?” She picked up the hem of her skirt when they reached the railing.
“Would you believe ‘I do not have the talent of conversing easily with people I have never met before’?”
“Not for a second,” she laughed.
“In truth I find such parties tedious,” he sneered at the crowd, but his expression softened for her, “present company does make it enjoyable.”
“Really?” She ducked her head, trying to hide her smile.
“Really,” he patted her gloved fingers, “I enjoy your company immensely,” his eyes flitted to the speakers, “this music, not so much.”
“Don’t worry; Caroline only planned themed music for the first hour,” she teased, “after that Rebekah gets control of the line-up. Speaking of…” her eyes found the blonde Original working her way through the crowd. “Is she going to be upset that I’m wearing her dress?”
“I doubt it,” he let go of her hand reluctantly.
“That’s my dress,” Rebekah crossed her arms, looking Elena up and down through narrow eyes before nodding, “much better than the last costume.” She glanced at her brother and whipped her phone from the vintage 1922 purse, snapping a picture of him and Elena.
Elijah gave her an inquisitive look.
“Documented proof that you participated in a costume party,” she grinned, turning her eyes to Elena. “I don’t know what you did to get him down here, but good work.”
“I just asked,” Elena frowned with a line between her brows.
“No, really,” Rebekah laughed, “what did you do?”
Before she could respond Caroline appeared and linked arms with her and Rebekah, giving them an annoyed look.
“It’s about time,” she rolled her eyes. “Love the dress,” she smirked glancing at Elijah and then back to Elena. “Come on, picture time… you too, Elijah.”
“Oh no,” he shook his head, backing away.
“Oh, yes,” Elena grinned. She gripped his arm in time for Caroline to pull the three of them.
Elijah allowed her to take him along to the area where the rest of the family waited. He took the position Caroline dictated, but his eyes never sought out the vampire Caroline had dragged over to act as an impromptu photographer.
His eyes were glued on the woman beside him; the woman who had bewitched him, body and soul.
Hours later Caroline sat on the bathroom counter flicking through hundreds of pictures while Klaus scrubbed furiously at the paint on his face.
“This bloody make-up won’t come off,” he growled, throwing down the wash cloth.
“Try these,” she passed him a package of make-up wipes. Her thumb changed the picture to one of Elijah spinning Elena around in a dance.
“Seriously?” The pack crinkled in his hand.
“That’s my line,” she smirked, examining another picture. “Is there something going on with Elena and Elijah?”
“Well, he did come to the party – in what amounted to a couple’s costume – because she asked,” he sniffed the wipe.
“Witch hazel,” she answered. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“I am wearing a pound of white face paint and my hair is green…” he cocked an eyebrow, “… because you asked.”
“I’m thinking Smurfs next year,” she grinned.
“You do this just to see what you can get away with, don’t you?” He lowered his brows.
“You do look good in blue,” she plucked the wipe from his hand. She began washing away the paint in circular motions. “So what’s going on there?”
“Where?” He lifted his chin so she could get his neck.
“Elena… Elijah…” she met his eyes.
“Contrary to popular belief, love…” he closed his mouth when she wiped at her upper lip, “… I don’t get involved in my sibling’s love lives.”
She made a sound in the back of her throat, suspiciously close to a laugh.
“Tatia, Alexander, Sage, Katherine, Emil, Celeste, Marcel, Stefan, and those are just the ones I know about,” Caroline hummed and got out a fresh wipe. “I’m sure if I asked Kol would have a list as well and might even add to the names I already know for Elijah and Rebekah.”
“Anymore,” he amended, “I don’t get involved anymore.” He pulled her to the end of the counter, stepping between her legs. His thumbs hooked in the jagged rips in her tights. “She’s your friend. Shouldn’t you know?”
She cleared the last of the white away and used the corner to clean away her lipstick.
“After my overexcitement at the Stelena relationship and the terrible advice during the Delena debacle she stopped telling me about new romances,” Caroline sighed. “She only tells me stuff when it’s serious, or over. So if I don’t know, and you don’t know I’ll have to keep meddling until one of us figures it out.”
“Keep meddling?” He cocked an eyebrow.
Caroline bit her bottom lip, but couldn’t stop her sheepish smile. “I may have suggested to Stefan that he recommend Katherine come to the party in the same costume as Elena in the hopes that Elena would change, but because she didn’t have another suitable costume someone would have to help her out, and I knew that Elijah wouldn’t be caught dead downstairs… unless Elena ‘asked him’… apparently…”
Klaus tilted his head and cleared his throat, waiting until he was certain he wouldn’t laugh while speaking.
“Okay,” he nodded after a moment, “I’ve got two things to say, you meddlesome woman.”
“Control-freak,” Caroline tilted her head, “but, continue.”
“One, if something is going on between them it will get serious really fast as he’s been pining for years.”
“I saw that in the pictures,” Caroline flipped between images. In one Elena watched Elijah, in another he watched her; it went back and forth in all of the pictures with them. “What was the second thing?”
“This is very important, love,” he cupped her cheeks, continuing only when she nodded. “You’ve got to stop giving people ship names.”
She rolled her shoulder, folding her arms behind her back. It took her longer than she would ever admit to find the strings of the ball gown, and unfastening them proved impossible; somehow she managed to create a knot of the neat bow Elijah had tied.
“Damn it,” she muttered.
She twisted her body in front of the full length mirror until the knot came into view. The mess would take forever for her to pick out by feel.
The compound housed nearly a dozen people at any given time, most of who were intimately with the garments she needed removed. She pursed her lips and squinted at the tangled strings; a few strands of hair appeared to be stuck in between the mess of knots. Any attempt to remove it would end in ruined fabric, and while Rebekah had been alright with her wearing the dress she would not be happy if the dress was torn.
With a sigh she lowered her arms and moved to the door. She made it three steps down the hall before meeting someone. His dark eyes looked her up and down before focusing on his watch.
“It is nearly four in the morning, darling,” he cocked an eyebrow, “and you’re still dressed.”
“I got stuck,” she motioned to her back. A line appeared between her brows. “How did women ever get undressed by themselves?”
“In this house they didn’t,” he winked.
“Is there any hope for you?” She struggled to hide her amusement behind a stern look and an eye roll.
“What is your problem with me, love?” He stepped closer and looked down into her eyes; he heard her heart speed up.
“You’re a hopeless flirt,” she tilted her head.
“Most women enjoy that,” he smirked, “a few men, too.”
“I’m not most women,” she shook her head.
“I’ve noticed,” he chuckled. He made a circular motion with his finger. “Let me see this mess of yours.”
“Why would I do that?” She cocked an eyebrow.
“So I can do what I’ve been trying to do for years,” his eyes flickered over her body, “and get you out of your clothes.”
“You do know that’s not gonna happen,” she laughed.
“I was only joking, love,” he smiled, holding out his hands with his palms up, “I’ll be on my best behaviour. Let me help you, love. You can’t sleep in a corset.”
They stood in the hall for a moment, locked in a silent battle of wills that Elena felt she was in danger of losing. She was just about to step back in her room and let him held when a third body appeared in the hall.
“Stop being a prat, Kol,” Rebekah gave her brother a shove, “go find some witch to torment.”
“Why would I do that?” He pouted. “I’m finally about to get a glimpse of the illusive doppelganger.”
“No you’re not,” Elena shook her head, “and even if you were, calling me doppelganger seriously blew your chances.”
“Are you saying you don’t want all of this?” He took a step back and posed against the wall in a manner designed just to make the girls laugh.
“Not if you were the last man on earth,” she giggled.
“Darling,” he took a heaving breath, pressed his hand to his heart and even managed a fake sob; “you wound me.”
He couldn’t stop his smirk.
“If you’re that desperate for a doppelganger go and find Katherine,” Rebekah rolled her eyes, “if she hasn’t tossed Damon to the curb yet I’m sure she will soon.”
Elena thought Kol looked like the suggestion made him sick if the sudden shift in complexion and grimace were anything to go by.
Rebekah waved him off and turned Elena back to her room. She swept aside the curtain of shiny hair and set to work untying Elena from the dress.
“How did you manage that?” She asked when the gown pooled on the floor.
“I tried to untie it,” Elena shrugged. She stepped out of the silk and lifted it to fold and drape over the back of a chair.
“I’m surprised Elijah didn’t help you.”
Elena caught Rebekah’s eyes in the mirror; she dropped her chin to hide her blush.
“He got a call about a Faction thing.”
She tried not to imagine Elijah’s deft fingers removing the many layers and failed. Then she tried to banish the image of his hands playing her body like one of his instruments, composing a melody with the sounds she would make at his skilled urging.
“The witches want to celebrate some new feast day,” she said by way of distraction.
“That’s probably a good thing,” Rebekah murmured.
Elena frowned at the blonde in the mirror. Against all odds the pair of them had become friends, and as her friend Elena knew when Rebekah was saying less than she knew; she got that infuriating twinkle in her blue eyes that never failed to increase her resemblance to Kol.
“Oh,” Elena prompted. Rebekah had the twinkle in her eye.
“Yes,” she grinned, working free the last of the corset’s laces. Her words sent a flush over Elena’s skin until she resembled Caroline’s buckets of fake blood for the party.
“It is a very good thing Elijah didn’t help you because he would have missed the meeting and probably ruined my pretty dress and corset in his haste to get it off of you.”
Elena pressed her lips together and sucked in a sharp breath through her nose.
“Ripping my clothes off seems like more of a Kol move, or Klaus if you believe Caroline. I think Elijah would be the tease by agonizingly slow removal of fabric type,” she snickered.
Rebekah sputtered and turned red. “One comment does not mean I want to talk about this.”
“Then you shouldn’t have brought it up,” she smirked. “Elijah would have to be really riled to rip off my clothes.”
“You know,” Rebekah smirked, “you and Kol might be a match made in heaven.”
“Take that back right now, Rebekah Mikaelson!”
“Take back what you said first!”
“Fine,” she sighed. In the back of her mind she wondered what it would take to make Elijah lose control and rip off her clothes.
@elejah-wonderland @elejahforever @eternityunicorn @morsmornte @fandomrulesall @xanderling @cry-btch @kol-and-elena-fanfiction @geekofmanyfandoms
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Can u please rant about how shitty and fucking stupid H*yley and C*mille r? I need a serious pick up and reading shit about these two really helps
Hmm a rant... Well here’s both my Anti Hayley and my Anti Cami which is pretty much an extensive guide as to why I dislike both characters but here are my personal reasons.
The difference between both characters is that while I have a fundamental objection to Camille as a character I don’t mind her personality that much. Sure she’s a bit simpering and irritatingly optimistic but if Camille was a real person I wouldn’t find her completely intolerable. I’d probably say, that girl’s nice, I’d engage in small talk with her but we wouldn’t be best friends.
Hayley, on the other hand, is obnoxious and a character so void of personality that the writers decided to overcompensate with just a series of undesirable traits instead.
Camille is a sexist conception. Unlike many of the female characters on TO/TVD who were created as their own characters (Bonnie, Caroline, Elena, Davina etc...) or as part of a storyline who then gained their own character arch (Lily, Jo, Liv and arguably Hayley although I’ll discuss that). Camille was created for Klaus. She is only there to be his love interest. There isn't a thing to do with Camille that happens to Camille that isn’t directly or indirectly about him. 
e.g: Her twin’s death (Klaus mind raping her and taking her memories); anything to do with Father Kieren; her, turning into a vampire; everything. Not only that, she is basically an emotional wank puppet for Klaus to empty out his feelings into. Literally a human handkerchief. Camille the bartender/therapist, the only one who could truly understand all of Klaus childhood trauma and repressed emotions wah wah wah...
EVEN DURING HER DEATH, the TO writers use it as an opportunity to plug what a good ass person Klaus is and how she believes in him and how he’s so gooood deep down inside.
TO even pulls the same shit posthumous. 
They bring Cami back as a ghost to talk Klaus through his trying time in captivity and they only have Vincent discuss her tell Klaus how proud of him she would have been and the big shiny gold star he would have gotten had she been there. 
The worst part is, Cami’s ‘love’ doesn’t even change Klaus, the same way Elena’s love doesn’t ‘change’ Damon. Klaus was and is exactly the same as he was except now he cries more and he’s a dad. That’s it. Klaus disregarded everything Cami said and did the opposite. She had no agency. And let's face it she was a knock-off Caroline sent from CW writer hell to distract us because Klaroline had people excited and the writers were salty because we actually liked something that wasn’t their intention for us to like. 
Frankly, it was embarrassing to watch. I think Leah did the best she did with the character tho, no criticism there.
Hayley, I would like to point out was never meant to be the main character. There is a reason there is not a whole book in the bible about Judas. He’s barely even mentioned in the New Testament aside from the bits where he’s betraying Jesus because that’s his purpose in the narrative (I’m using the term narrative loosely I’m not suggesting the Bible is just a storybook I personally believe it isn’t you are free to think otherwise).
Similarly, Hayley’s purpose was to be part of Tyler’s tragic, coming of age, werewolf, pack leader story. She was a footnote that got turned into a novel. If this was executed well (and if Phoebe could act) I wouldn’t have minded. Klaus was meant to die at the end of season 3 but he was so popular and Joseph's acting was so good that they kept him on. Arguably, even though they butchered it, Klaus was deserving of a spinoff, the Original family were interesting as a concept. But instead of using that dynamic and interesting concept and centring a TV show about it. They centred it around a bratty teen pregnant werewolf instead.
In many ways, the conception or rather, inflation of Hayley’s character on TO was just as sexist a feat as creating Camille. Hayley initially has two purposes. Carrying Klaus’ child (i.e: status as a human incubator) and being Elijah’s love interest. She is then upgraded with motherhood and takes on a third role as Jackson’s wife and then his widow. Arguably Jackson is the only character on TO more useless than Hayley herself. It goes to show you Hayley lacked so much agency and significance that her love interest was the third wheel in his own relationship and was killed off solely so Halijah could bone (*shudder*).
My main problem, however, is the pedestal Hayley is put on. There is nothing special about her. She’s not even a nice person. TO conveniently swept under the rug the fact that she had a hand in ruining Tyler’s life and had the audacity to bring him on the show to villainize him and make Hayley out to be a victim. I lost count of how many times in s2 Klaus called Hayley a queen or told people what an amazing fierce majestic hybrid kween she was. 
Her marriage to Jackson was literally just a marriage of convenience, she became alpha by default, not to benefit her but so as to have an army to protect the magical miracle baby, thus fulfilling her role as baby mama/incubator. So yeah, the whole empowerment element of kween Hayley the all-powerful hybrid was dog shite.
Phoebe’s acting is a huge part of it but to be fair to PT the writers didn’t even try to flesh out Hayley's character and give her depth, they just slapped on a series of tropes and annoying traits and occasionally declared to us, the audience, how invaluable she was.
Both ladies represent lazy writing and an image of women from the male gaze, okay so it’s not in an overtly sexual way but it’s most definitely there. It’s that reason why I can’t tolerate either of them.
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Dear TVD
Warning: the following blog might be very unfocused and somewhat confusing, but that's only because I have a lot to say.
It doesn't take much to create a bad show. However, it's pretty difficult to make it good. Creating a good show from the start takes effort, talent, and luck. But you know what is super easy?
Creating a good show, and then ruining it completely.
At first, Elena is the type of girl that could make a gay guy go straight again. Just incredible. And Stefan is the type of person that would make that same man gay again. Damon, however, is the ultimate villain. Killing and tormenting people for no good reason at all.
Then, for no good reason at all, Elena starts to have feelings for Damon. Why?! He literally killed her father (or attempted to), slept with her birth mother, killed her brother, raped Caroline and abused her, tried to kill Bonnie and was responsible for the death of her grandmother, all for Katherine.
For 150 years, he was in love with her, and then all of the sudden he forgets all about her and moves on to Elena? Are you freaking kidding me?! How is that even logical?
Damon is constantly blaming Katherine of the person her became, and each time he does that, I don't know if I should roll my eyes or laugh out loud. She didn't teach him how to kill, and he was just a bad person ever since he decided to ruin Stefan's life after his transition. Plus, take Klaus for example, he was abused as a child, but not once did he blame Mikael of the person he became (only Ester, but rightfully so). Damon had no excuse of his actions, and that pisses me off.
One of my favorite characters in the show were Lexi, and of what we know, she was Stefan's best friend for over a century. And then, Damon killed her. Two episodes later, it was all forgotten. WTF?! But, when Stefan "killed" Enzo (it was a freaking self murder for crying out loud!) Damon never forgot about that, but completely ignored the fact that he left him for dead before.
Plus, Lexi is 360 years old. Remember when she went to help Damon in New York in the 80? She is a lot smarter than they made her in that scene in which she falls for Damon's crap. She would've known better.
I feel like the writers don't even know the character's personality half of the time, and just constantly change it. It's really confusing an frustrating. One minute, everyone is being mature and reasonable, and the next, they go back to kindergarten.
Normally, characters develop for the better, such as: Caroline, Jeremy, Klaus, Tyler and... well, I think that's it.
The characters that were regressed: ELENA, DAMON, BONNIE, MATT, STEFAN (sometimes) and the list goes on and on and on.....
From being the ultimate dream girl, Elena became a freaking doormat. Always obeying to Damon and being his little bitch. That's not love, my friends. That is freaking twisted.
Damon went from being a fifteen year old to being a ten year old. Makes a lot of sense, right? Plus, he is supposed to be the older brother, but not for once in the whole show did it look like that. Could've fooled me with Stefan being the eldest. Plus, in his human life, he was actually kinda nice, what the hell happened to that?! Oh yeah, Katherine. Not.
Stefan was often treated very poorly for making one bad choice. Damon has slept with so many people for so long and killed more than all of the originals combined, but when Stefan slept with Rebekah in season 4 and Katherine in season 5 people treated him like he is Satan.
Damon is the type of man you fall for in the middle of high school, change your whole personality for just to have his attention, and then he leaves you broken. That is a terrible massage to the next generation.
Stefan, however, is the perfect gentleman. Kind, smart, loving, respectful, honoring, and since he's a vampire and this is a television show -  a tormented soul that needs to be fixed. Just like Elena.
And they were beautifully broken together. Their ripped edges fit together, like they were meant to. It was more than perfect. It was EPIC.
But, sadly, other people didn't think like that. They thought that the man who is the bad guy should be the one to get the girl, because she can fix him. Have you watch the film Gone Girl? There was a sentence there that really stuck to me. "He took and took from me until I no longer existed." That is the definition of Delena. He has taken everything from her, her freedom of choice, her emotions, her family, her personality.
"That's murder."
I have also noticed how most of the fans ship Delena only because of Ian and Nina. I have asked one of my friends if she would've still shipped Delena if Paul was the one to play Damon, and she shook her head and said; "Hell no!"
I don't know if it's just me, but I've noticed that after someone dies and becomes a vampire, they become a whole different person. I hate that. You might as well have just taken the character and left it dead. I felt the fact that their emotions are heightened and whatever, but that doesn't change them.
And I don't know if it's just me, but the sire bond between Damon and Elena is based on feelings, and they didn't say what type of feelings. For all we know, they could've been hatred. Which makes a lot more sense.
I have also noticed something that happened in TVD a lot more than it should have. Once it appears as if the character has no where else to develop, it's been killed off. Jenna, Tyler, Kol, Vicky, and the list goes on. Again.
That is how they solved so many issues in the show - love triangles, characters made for one episode alone, stuff like that. And that is so immature and stupid to make a character only to kill it off.
I just have to say this: what Nina did was kind of a bitch move. Leaving the show while you're the lead actress is kinda like a company's CEO decides to quit all of the sudden. I completely understand her decision, but I think it's really something only Hollywood stars can afford to do, and that I like you spit in the fandom's face.
The show is called the vampire diaries - the diary of the vampire - the vampire is Stefan. The show is about him, not his serial killer psychopath of a brother!
By the way, the fact that Nina left doesn't mean that Elena had to go. With all of the traveler stuff, they could've just made Elena go into different body. That would've solved a lot.
A very big part of Delena's relationship is the sex. The reason their relationship even started is sexual attraction. That is a terrible message to send the future generation - have I mentioned that? I think I did. - and if Elena would've been transformed into a different body, that would have been a huge obstacle in Damon and Elena's relationship, and an opening for Stelena.
The doppelganger storyline wasn't as main as I thought it would be. In fact, I'd hoped that during her coma, Elena would have visions of the past couples and that we might get to see a few, and that they would make her understand how special what she had with Stefan truly was.
The more I write here, the more I understand I don't even like Elena anymore. I just want Stefan to be happy and the happiest I have ever seen him was with Elena.
And I just realllllyy wanna see Damon get what he deserves.
To be honest, I didn't watch the 7th and 8th seasons of the show. I promised myself that I would only if I felt like the ending was worth it. Frankly, it wasn't, so I have no intention to sit in front of my laptop and catch up, because there is no reason to. The ending sucked. Stefan was supposed to live happily ever after. If not with Elena, then by himself (Sorry Steroliners, but KLAROLINE IS LIFE) he deserved to live. I had hope that Damon would finally take the responsibility of being the older brother and finally do something for once in his whole wasted life, and help his little brother be happy, but of course not, Stefan must "Sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of other's right?" as he said in the finale of season 4. Too right.
Stelena was love, and respect, cherishing and loving the other person, especially their flaws. It was about concurring all and saving the people you care about, but remain loyal to yourself.
Delena is sex, sex, and some more toxic sex. It's putting yourself first and not caring about the amount of people that you hurt. THAT IS NOT WHAT THE SHOW SHOULD ENCURAGE!
People say that the type of people you like onscreen, especially serial killers, says a lot about your personality. Delena fans, who support this abusive relationship? They are like the watchers in Nerve, pressing on the YES button to kill the soul of an innocent girl. That is what they did to Elena. 
I asked my nephew today about his favorite super heroes, and he said "Spiderman, superman," ect. When I asked him of the joker, he said "NO! I don't like him, he's scary!"
And when I ask my friend - the delena fan mentioned before - she says "The joker is awesome, I love the bad guys."
I don't want him to grow up in a world in which in youth he is taught to help others in shows like Dora and Spiderman, and then become a teenager in a world that likes films with criminals and serial killers. Damon represents just that.
And let's be honest, every single one of the problems in the show would've been solved if Damon died in the first season.
To sum up, the show shouldn't have gone on without the main character. And I don't know if it's because I'm just hopelessly in love with the originals' accent, but I intend to watch the originals (I haven't watched the 3rd season of it as well, because I assumed that they would be linked and that I would get confused.) but I have hope that they writers will redeem themselves in the 4th season and maybe give us all the better ending we deserve.
Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think. I have no friends and I need someone to talk to about this lol.
P.S. is it just me or we still have no idea who stood on the bridge the day Elena and Jeremy's parents died? IDK...
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