#this is messy and unrelated to the panel itself i just got struck with a ‘god i love bruce wayne and his love language of silent actions’
martyrbat · 1 year
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detective comics #484
[ID: college aged Dick Grayson, in his Robin costume, talking to Mr. Haly (the circus owner) after preventing a tragedy from occuring. Dick worriedly asks, “But what will you do now, Mr. Haly? With the damage caused by the fire you might have to sell out...” Mr. Haly reassures, “No, my boy, because for years I've been recoevin these checks — anonymously! Thanks to them, the Haly Circus will remain in my control!” He shows Dick the check, who instantly recognizes it! He thinks, ‘Hmmmm, that check comes from a bank where a certain Bruce (Batman) Wayne is a heavy depositor... What do you know!’ He tells Haly, “Well, you're still on top, Mr. Haly — and I have places to go!” END ID]
#OUGH LOVE THE IDEA OF BRUCE ANONYMOUSLY SUPPORTING AND FUNDING THE CIRCUS BECAUSE ITS IMPORTANT TO DICK....#i think bruce is the type of autistic to hesitate in saying vocally how much he cares because its difficult to find the right words and his#fear of saying the wrong thing (and how he puts his foot in his mouth often which furthers those fears) and it can be damaging because#people wrongfully take his more quiet nature as not caring. but just how his actions show time and time again how much he cares and loves..#from silently supporting the circus without even telling dick to his frequent anonymous donations to charities to his nightly paroles#like bruce is a character who loves so much that it can be destructive. that's what makes him so interesting.#he has the brains and logic and everything. he's called the worlds greatest detective for a reason. but his heart is what controls him#he KNOWS the risks he's taking every night and does it anyways. he KNOWS its a Sisyphus task to attempt to stop crine and protect everyone#he tries anyways. he KNOWS the possibility of some people rehabilitation and change is so low that it barely exists. yet he holds onto hope#anyways because theres still that small chance. its a man that isnt reckless because hes stupid or unaware of consequences#its a man that has plans upon plans and tries to be prepared because hes aware of the risks yet does things anyways#this is messy and unrelated to the panel itself i just got struck with a ‘god i love bruce wayne and his love language of silent actions’#c: detective comics | i: 484#crypt's panels#bruce wayne#<- cause he was mentioned :3#dick grayson#robin i#haly's circus
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