#this is kinda rough so excuse any typos lmao
occulthours · 8 months
still on my stefonnie bullshit and i can’t stop thinking about how much they mirror each other.
stefans mom abandoned him and damon only to start a new family with the heretics as her children (stefan went on to date one of them). bonnies mom abandoned her only to adopt jamie (bonnie and jamie dated for a few episodes).
stefans dad was emotionally distant and had high expectations for him (re: being against vampires). bonnies dad was emotionally (and physically) distant and had high expectations her (re: expression arc)
stefan and elena broke up because elena had feelings for someone else. bonnie and jeremy broke up because jeremy had feelings for someone else. (both are victims of emotional cheating and ironically were done dirty by the gilbert siblings).
stefans ripper arc started due to his desire to protect damon and elena. bonnies expression arc started due to her desire to save jeremy. both ended up attacking their loved ones (namely elena), were isolated from the friend group, and were manipulated by the main villain of the season (in stefans case klaus, in bonnies case silas).
stefan spent the summer in between season 4 and season 5 drowning in a safe. bonnie spent the summer in between season 4 and season 5 dead. neithers absence were noticed until months later.
season 5’s storyline was literally started due to their ancestors (qetsiyah and silas) having a long and complicated history together that was so deep that affected the supernatural world as a whole.
they had the same morals, same general outtakes on life, were the two main people making sacrifices for the group, and got the two worst endings of the main tvd characters. you’d think they were written with the intention of being twin flames/soulmates of some sort with the sheer amount of parallels you can find between them. their friends to lovers arc would’ve been one of the best to come out of the TVDU if the racist ass writers weren’t insistent on excluding bonnie from things (from storylines to romantic/platonic dynamics) that she should’ve been apart of.
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