#this is internet literacy 101 people
gromellette · 1 year
this isnt that serious but it's always annoying to me when people get mad at/block people who reblog their posts. that they posted. on the internet. publicly. (oftentimes) with no share restrictions.
like obviously you should be able to set boundaries (and use your judgment to determine when a post is too personal to reblog without asking, of course) but i feel like if youre posting something, especially on a website that has the function to turn sharing & commenting off, you are straight up consenting to being perceived by dozens, hundreds, thousands of people and to those people contributing to what you posted.
you can have "do not reblog my posts or you will get blocked!" in your bio all you want (your prerogative), but dont be shocked when someone inevitably does.
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non-exhaustive list of phrases seen today, some on posts complexity unrelated to any of these things, which gets the block button in response (unfortunately, blocking irl for shit like this is harder to do)
'this and [other instagram] are great sources on how awful zionazis are'
'omg your scarf is sooo cute but like isn't it oppressive and you should fight back for your rights, no pressure tho'
'we should spit on all jews we see just in case they're one of the supporters of genocide'
'from the river to the sea is just a phrase'
'everyone should report [user] for obvious reasons [israeli +/ palestinaian flag in bio] [+/ hebrew +/ arabic words]'
'quick question but are you jewish or are you normal'
'fuck off with that chosen people, am yisrael chai bullshit'
'yeah idk i only skimmed it but reblogging for reach i seems important guys'
'mabye im spelling it wrong but [person with vaguely nonwhite name] is a terrorist and [you shouldn't support them]'
'but which side are you really on because either you want to wipe out an entire civilization or you support a two-state solution condemning the world'
'im not there or an expert but i trust this is a valid opinion bc the account is followed by my smart friends'
'unable to link now but check out [this tiktok] of how [somewhat prominent jewish person living in the uk] is acshully a settler who killed palestinians to take their house'
'sorrrrry idk if im explaining this right?? but [wildly unsubstantiated, widespread conspiracy theory] is like super important to be aware of you guys'
'how dare you [read/watch/listen to something] made by [person who has explicitly said they are in support of human rights and acknowledges that there isn't an easy one side or the other answer] who is pro occupation'
'you should commit suicide and then maybe your family will become normal about the conflict and see the truth instead of listening to your trash'
'friendly reminder that [person] said [statement which is very easy to search and find that they said something close to the opposite] so you should hate them but not sure didnt do as much research'
y'all can't even be bothered to check something as basic as someone's name, no wonder you are so content with sharing neat little infographics and being in an echo chamber of slogans that do fuck all for the people who are actively in danger and sometimes, believe it or not, you make things worse.
excuses of 'oh i'm a minor' (<- even if you are, it's kinda irrelevant and internet safety 101 is don't advocate that) or 'i don't actually live there but heard something like this from [random mutual]' (<- continues to talk over people who actually do and/or people who have experienced these things) or 'bestie how am i supposed to know who is a bad source' (<- that's condescending, not cute, and maybe if you asked genuinely people would have patience to walk you through basic literacy and comprehension exercises) or 'well what are you doing to help' (<- gotchas aren't cool, especially when your version of help is actually hate speech) or 'okay even if i was foggy on the details the point is the same' (<- how do you reach the same conclusion when the information shows a drastically different narrative than the first one) etc. are flimsy and frustrating
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edgepunk · 2 years
I find it baffling that a lot of folks think that a character not explicitly saying something or every single mystery not being uncovered in one episode is considered bad writing. You know, there’s a rule in film making called “Show, don’t tell.” in which we’re shown what a character is doing or thinking based on their actions/expressions/body language. Shows and movies aren’t the same as books where it’s logical that everything has to be spelled out to us, because duh it’s a book. We’re supposed to use those small things stored in our heads called brains and use them when a director is visually telling us something. We don’t need words for every action or thought, a good direction + acting can speak louder than words. Same with mysteries - why are you expecting a mystery to be solved in one episode? It’s storytelling 101 that a show/movie raises questions in the beginning of the story and slowly answers them through the course of the story. That’s the point, we as an audience are supposed to be questioning things and speculating what’s going to happen next. Answering every single question in one episode would ruin the story and the story would basically end or become boring, because what is the point? We have all our answers, we don’t feel compelled to keep watching. 
Seeing all these takes on the internet just proves that people need to take media literacy classes. It’s not bad writing, not everything has to be solved in one go or spelled out to us in an audiovisual medium.
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desolationsuperfund · 2 months
quick information literacy 101:
a screenshot of a post with a screenshot of a link to a source without the actual link to the source included is not easily verifiable information. It has the appearance of legitimacy while actually making it difficult to track down the source and verify. It makes it easy to spread misinformation this way because people will reblog it because it s e e m s right and fits with their worldview, without actually checking it. Often posts like this will be something that engages your emotions in some way. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's not true or that OP is trying to spread propaganda, it just means it's possible and you should be wary, and not just take it on face value.
On the other side of this, if you want to share real information, always include your source. It actually really helps whatever issue you care about to have traceable sources, and not just look like you're trying to spread propaganda.
The more propaganda style posting surrounds an issue on the internet, the harder it is for people to actually engage with it on any kind of actionable level, because you spend so much energy just trying to sort out fact from fiction.
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light-lanterne · 6 months
Ayo Angel who do I have to fight? 😡 😤 I can't stand when anons wanna talk mess instead of minding their actual business trying to police what people write! They do realize that writing is literally the safest way to explore certain "bad topics" without having to actually commit the deed right? If they love Marvel movies or detective dramas or basically anything that even showcases a smidgen of violence etc then they're a hypocrite cuz does that make the writers of ST fucked up for all the torture they put their underage characters through? S4 legit had a grown man slaughter lab kids and Hawkins teens but are they called sickos or deranged for writing it? S1 showed us El killing folks and she is like 12 years old but the writers aren't considered disturbed? Newsflash, horrific shit happens ALL THE TIME 24/7 and people shouldn't write about it like huh what make it make sense?
Anon truly doesn't fuck with horror movies then or crime detective TV shows cuz that always displays violence. It is a hard truth but violence doesn't discriminate no matter the age, gender, location. It is a universal experience and instead of targeting I dunno actual criminals that use violence to control and destroy - like war criminals, people getting trafficked, those that glamorize real life serial killers and demonize their real life victims - they choose this fake ass activism of silencing and policing a fanfic writer. Performantive moral high ground distraction cuz anon is choosing to focus on something that isn't a real issue cuz if you don't like keep scrolling. Internet etiquette 101. You aren't forcing folks to read unlike real violent people who exert power nonconsensually to others. You're tagging those that fuck with it and using the tags/keep reading button as last resort warnings if said anon chooses to engage with the triggering content. Just saying irl there is no trigger warning, you just gotta deal with that in real time.
Anyhoo keep doing you Angel my evil twin 😈 my angel 😇 and as my people say "must be doing something right cuz I got haters 😝😏🤪" and ofc the other slogan being "oh you mad? stay mad then" lol
hi lex ~ yay to everything you said ~!! most of the media we consume nowadays has some level of violence or amorality and that's all fine since it's fiction ! it is through fiction that we can all explore different facets of the human condition that are either too grim and depressing to think about in real contexts, or that hide some lessons about the things that truly matter and are often just taken for granted in our day-to-day lives.
so yeah, exploring violent, uncomfortable or heavy topics is important to fiction as a whole, and it is nigh impossible that anon (or anyone else) has never consumed any type of creation that showcases these stories to some degree.
ultimately, the perfect ethical piece of media doesn't exist and trying to force people (not even filmmakers, showrunners or published authors/artists; random internet people who create things for free) into abiding by some wacky, sanitised, morally upright set of rules made up by a conglomerate of people who lack media literacy is absolute madness and it only serves to destroy creativity and limit self-expression >.<
,,,anyway, thanks for the message lex !! ^-^ you don't have to fight anyone, don't worry. i get these messages twice a week so i've grown used to them and can handle them ~ ! hope you're doing fine and are having a great day !!!
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visceralcoma · 2 years
Tumblr media
This is hilarious because google searches are based on what you’ve been googling recently. So if Encanto porn showed up, that means they were looking it up a ridiculous amount of times that google noticed the pattern. Because on a freshly installed browser, searching Encanto with safe search off, it’s like the 250th image that shows anything remotely racey. And even then, it’s a fanart of a character in a swimsuit. That’s not porn.
Sooo uhhh anon, you played yourself. Someone in your house or who has access to your computer has been looking up encanto porn. It’s Internet Literacy 101 to use incognito to search porn or clear your browser history of your porn. Also if your sister is a minor, then they should have been monitored while using the internet AND have safe search on. So that’s really on you and your parents/guardians for not protecting your sister.
Also gross on telling me to fuck my siblings. That’s disgusting to suggest a real person do that. In fiction people can write whatever they want because it’s fiction! It’s not real. I don’t write incest but I’m proship/profiction so I support people’s right to write it. It’s the written form of a telenovela. It’s an ages old plot device to add drama. So get over yourself nonnie.
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insomniac-arrest · 5 years
articles that sound interesting
hey y’all! I’m applying to freelance at a magazine soon :D
autostraddle to be exact and I’m thinking of pitch ideas/articles to write for them, which one of these sounds most interesting to you??
one-shot stories
The Pros and Cons of Vulnerability on the Internet
No Script, No Problem: Flirting While WLW 101
Reshaping Relationships with your Body: Down with Diets up with Health Literacy
Being Hard on Yourself Doesn’t Work: Guilt Culture is Unproductive
Some People are Giving up on Democracy (and Why You Shouldn’t)
The Medication Bias: How Extreme Leftism Screwed me Over as a Kid
Fanfiction is Saving Lives: The Effects of Grassroots Literature
Being Gay Abroad: An Outsider Looking In
How Mental Illness Reshaped my Entire Sense of Self: What They Don’t Tell You About Growing Up Atypical
Top Five Movies that Make More Sense if They’re Gay
Overcoming Social Conditioning: Stigmas of Female Sexuality
Damning the Results: Not Letting the Fear of Failure Paralyze You
FEEDBACK HERE! (I can only pitch 3 lol)
thank you so much and wish me luck❤❤
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mcs005-blogpost · 4 years
The Rise of Influencers
Blog Draft: The Rise of Influencers
Due to the rise of social media, mass communication has transformed into a showcase of culture via pictures and videos. The spread of culture today is influenced by the media people interact with daily on several platforms. Influencers are to blame for the rapid changes in style and cultural norms such as vernacular. Influencers work with businesses and brands by promoting items or services in sponsored social media posts. Essentially, influencers offer promotions to their audiences in exchange for money and/or free items from a business. Marketing tactics, such as influencers in social media, hold the power to transform societies by determining what is “in” and what is “out.”
Basically anyone could become an influencer because there are endless brands and businesses looking for marketing opportunities. With that said, all it takes to become an influencer is a heavy following and a professional feed presentation. An influencer’s social media feed must reflect the brand or business they choose to work for. Therefore, choosing a niche is essential to starting a career as an influencer as well as quality photographs of the product or service the influencer is endorsing. Niches are important because they link accounts together to form whole communities on social platforms. Interacting with promotional posts lead to suggestive content of the same niche.
Businesses prefer to hire influencers rather than spending money on billboards or commercials because it is more efficient to market their campaigns. Using the influencers to market their brand reaches more people and accounts by serving different audiences. These business opportunities may also be used in advertisements and are based on the agreements between the influencer and the business. The more followers an influencer account has indicates how much they are worth to businesses. For example, Kylie Jenner is the most famous influencer and partnership with her account is worth over $1 million dollars per sponsored Instagram post solely due to her follower count. (Conklin) The traction the influencers bring in led to brand deals with businesses, in which an influencer would market new items every time the brand releases new collections or items for a large sum.
For these reasons, my friend’s Instagram jewelry business thrived after she partnered with influencers. She used influencers to grow her brand within months and she went from fifty followers to thousands by offering free items to new influencers starting out, since we all cannot afford Kylie Jenner. Influencers brought her business loads of daily interactions and visitors to her page.
In recent years, the app Instagram has grown from just another social media application to a platform owned by FaceBook and ranked as the third most used social media platform according to 99Firms blog. The social media app has transformed into a place for businesses to showcase their work and gain supporters and clients. One of the most popular users of the platform happens to be Instagram influencers. It has also become a product of commodification by including an “explore page” that is modified to fit the users needs as they continue to navigate through the app. (Mosco) It uses and collects data from the person's account to fill out their explore page with new content within their communities. Through the Instagram explore page it is easy to see trending posts from both  local and worldwide perspectives. Popular and trending items within the users circle end up on this page therefore, it is suggesting a personalized culture per social media user.
Instagram influencers were the blueprint for other influencer opportunities across platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and now TikTok. Brand deals are becoming new ways to start a blogging career via social media rather than developing a website. It is free to post and simple to earn money as a social media influencer. The job also comes with perks such as invitations, a higher follower count, and paid flights to the business’s social gatherings and release parties. Recently, the most downloaded app TikTok sent their verified Black accounts to a gathering in Los Angeles with all expenses paid during black history month. These bonuses keep influencers in the mix with others and give them content to post as well as promotion on the business’ end.
Essentially, influencers have transformed the way we see blogs and interact with advertisements. Social media is a place for creating and building culture, it has the power to reach people all over the world. Baran wrote, “Logically, then, the most powerful voices in the forum have the most power to shape our definitions and understandings.” Influencers with certain niches can transform their communities by introducing new products or services to their followers on multiple platforms. This is called audience fragmentation in which niche marketing and targeting is used to find suitable audiences. (Baran)
One of the most vast ways influencers have altered social media culture is by sharing their day-to-day lives via social media. It has become a product of the rise of influencers because they are expected to have consistent content and interaction with their followers. It is the rejuvenated version of blogging. Stories are an easy way to share a piece of an influencer's life. Many platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat have options to post stories rather than posts which last twenty-four hours. Celebrities such as Chantel Jefferies and Kylie Jenner use their stories to promote items in addition to full posts on various platforms.
"How Many People Use Instagram? (15 Faqs Answered For 2020)". 99Firms.Com, 2020, https://99firms.com/blog/how-many-people-use-instagram/#gref.
Conklin, Audrey. "Top 5 Highest Paid Social Media Influencers". Fox Business, 2020, https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/5-highest-paid-social-influencers.
Baran, Stanley J. “Mass Communication, Culture, and Media Literacy.” In Introduction to Mass
Communication: Media Literacy and Culture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2015. Pp. 17-18.
Baran, Stanley J. “Convergence and the Reshaping of Mass Communication.” In Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2015. Pp. 36-37.
Mosco, Vincent. “The Body and Culture.” In Becoming Digital: Toward a Post-Internet Society. Bingley, UK: Emerald House Publishing, 2017. Pg.101-102
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petcareawareness · 7 years
People seriously underestimate the impact the media has on notions of pet ownership and what people can handle in animals.
Books, movies, TV, and internet videos from Youtube, Instagram, and The Dodo often show animals in their best moments, or even acting because they’ve been trained to do certain tasks (or are animated as humanlike characters). The fact is that the vast majority of people, even those who already have pets, have a very low or nonexistent level of animal literacy; what they take away from that kind of media oftens turns into “I want that animal as a pet.” 
People who watched Finding Nemo created an explosion of demand for clownfish and blue tangs; Harry Potter, owls; 101 Dalmatians for dalmatians, etc etc etc. When the decision to get a pet modeled after the cute, photo-ready animals seen on a screen is made, there is zero consideration as to whether or not their needs can be met and if people can actually handle them. 
Media featuring animals inevitably creates a boom of abandonment and huge environmental impact precisely because people who were in over their heads and acted purely on a whim got their dose of reality, and it’s incredibly heartbreaking to have to see the news detailing such cases. These are just some examples: 
Yearly reminders have to be passed around telling people not to buy rabbits on Easter unless they’re committed to actually taking care of them  
Thousands of dalmatians were abandoned when families discovered that they are very energy intensive, broody work dogs that are not suited to families with small children, unlike the cuddly Perdita and Pongo
Similarly, huskies and malamutes were surrendered to shelters when people realised they are not loyal Westeros direwolves
Entire ecosystems in Europe and southern Asia lost valuable apex predators when people began poaching them to sell to fans who wanted their own Hedwigs and Errols, and again abandoning them en masse when they discovered owls are highly aggressive, loud, messy, and nocturnal
Japan imported thousands of North American raccoons after the release of the Disney movie Rascal, people let them loose in the wild, and Japan now has a problem trying to figure out what to do with their enormous pest population that has no natural predator in place to control their numbers
Pacific Reefs suffered greatly when people demanded to have clownfish and blue tangs as pets, especially considering they were caught by being stunned with sodium cyanide, which, additionally, severely damages coral as well. NatGeo estimates that up to 90% of tropical fish imported by the US are caught by way of cyanide fishing; this often ends up for naught as these fish are often flushed down the toilet or released to the wild in other ways, which is also why the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico are under threat by voracious invasive species like lionfish   
The gist is that the media perpetuates this cycle of people reading about or seeing animal characters, demand is created, people impulse buy those animals, and then leave them for shelters to care for or release them to the wild when they get a rude awakening and find they’re actually unable to deal with those animals. 
This isn’t even counting other animals like “mini” pigs, chihuahuas, snakes, foxes, etc etc etc. And we can’t exactly blame this on over enthusiastic children when it’s adults who have the purchasing power to buy a pet, and who choose to do zero research, and who choose to indulge said children or even themselves when that I Want the TV Animal as a Pet urge comes on. 
Ignoring what is essentially weaponised cuteness used for online likes is hard, especially when faced with such palatable stuff like that gif of the owl riding the tablet stylus, or the plethora of cat videos. But it costs very little effort to not only educate yourself on the needs of animals and to also not encourage a rapacious pet trade industry, but to communicate that to others so that, hopefully, we won’t have to see things like Peter Dinklage and Jo Rowling having to make statements to the news because of this problem. 
--Mod Nick
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I love tumblr yelling about critical thinking then posting block lists with no evidence and no named reason for each person. I dont care how guilt trippy you are about it or even if its true, like you could have 4 legitimately hurtful people on a lust then just sprinkle in whoever you like this is internet literacy 101
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Media Literacy, Digital Citizenship.
Hey everyone, I want to take some time to discuss a few things. These few things include media literacy and digital citizenship! Media Literacy is defined as  “Media literacy encompasses the practices that allow people to access, critically evaluate, and create media. Media literacy is not restricted to one medium.”(Wikipedia) Being in the 21st century we all encounter technology and with that we have to know how to navigate that, how sort through clutter and get to where we are going. Below I listed a few resources that can help further your knowledge about media literacy.
- https://www.edutopia.org/blogs/tag/media-literacy
- https://medialiteracynow.org/resources/
- http://mediasmarts.ca/media-literacy-101
- https://newseumed.org/stack/media-literacy-resources/
Now what is digital citizenship? Digital citizenship is defined as “A digital citizen refers to a person utilizing information technology in order to engage in society, politics and government.”(Wikipedia) We are all digital citizens in a way, if you engage on Facebook, Instagram, twitter, etc. Even if you use the internet to search things to gather more understanding of a subject you are a digital citizen. Here are a few more resources on what it means to be a digital citizen. 
- http://www.cyberwise.org/digital-citizenship-resources
- https://www.commonsensemedia.org/educators/digitalcitizenshipweek/home
- https://www.edutopia.org/article/digital-citizenship-resources
- https://www.thetechedvocate.org/8-must-digital-citizenship-apps-tools-resources/
That is all I have! keep it real and keep pursuing knowledge.
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maxihealth · 3 years
Zoom Became a Household Name in the Pandemic. It’s Working to Do the Same in Healthcare – At #HIMSS21
The COVID-19 pandemic digitally transformed most people living in the U.S., re-shaping consumers to work from home when possible, go to school there, and buy all manners of goods and services via ecommerce.
In March 2021, Zoom conducted research into the question, “how virtual do we want our future to be?” posing that to thousands of citizens living in 10 countries including the U.S.
As the first chart from the study illustrates, most people in America expect hybrid lifestyles, from fitness and retail to entertainment and education.
And 7 in 10 U.S. health citizens want their health care to be hybrid, too.
That means both virtual and in-person, or in the current parlance, “omni-channel.”
This week at the annual HIMSS Conference (being held in hybrid mode, BTW), Zoom announced its new program expanding virtual care to people via texts and email messages.
Zoom developed a new iOS mobile browser client on the Zoom for Healthcare platform, enabling people to connect for appointments with health care providers via Apple devices. This is designed to take out friction of having to download an app, allowing the patient to simply open up an email or text that contains a Zoom meeting link from the provider. This is in beta, and Zoom plans to roll the capability out to other operating systems.
I welcomed the opportunity to speak (via Zoom, of course) with Ron Emerson, Zoom’s Global Healthcare Lead, just a days before HIMSS 2021 kicked off.
In preparing for our virtual meeting, I found that Ron had been trained as a nurse, and was a young pioneer working with the Maine telemedicine network 25 years ago.
Ron cited three early learnings that he’s applying now in this bullish telehealth era:
The experience of both patients and clinicians are key to building adoption and use of virtual care, respecting patient and clinician satisfaction;
Clinical efficacy and how well care can be done from a distance; and,
Cost-effectiveness and sustainability.
“At Zoom, we’ve developed trust in all 3 areas,” Ron told me, pointing to Zoom’s ease of use and dependability, experience in working in lower bandwidth environments, and integration with EHRs like Epic with a growing portfolio of use cases.
Zoom had already been a telehealth partner to many healthcare systems and organizations before COVID-19. They had developed business associate agreements (BAAs) for HIPAA compliance over four years ago, thousands of which had been in place across the U.S. prior to the pandemic — from Federally Qualified Health Clinics to some of the largest tertiary centers of excellence in the world, Ron explained.
Of course, the pandemic drove up telehealth traffic on Zoom simultaneous to mainstream consumers adopting Zoom as both a noun and a verb as in, “to Zoom.”
To that point, from aging grandparents down to kids, virtual connections helped bolster emotional health during the pandemic. The third graphic from the Zoom global survey report illustrates how different health citizens around the world felt about remote connections and emotional health, with U.S. consumers among the most bullish on the concept of virtual activities helping to improve mental health.
“One of Zoom’s focuses as a company and culture is about equity and access….we always focus on that,” Ron said to me. “If you look at the focus of this, anytime, we can reach out to people for access.”
In its conclusion on “going forward,” Zoom asserts that the tech we trusted to connect us personally and professionally through the first year of COVID-19 was more than simply “‘pandemic technology.’ Reliable video communications like Zoom are a way of life,” the company foresees.
Health Populi’s Hot Points:  On Monday afternoon (9th August), HIMSS kicked off the week-long conference with a panel looking at the future of virtual care. One expert voice was Ateev Mehrotra of Harvard , one of my own go-to gurus on the evolving health landscape and public policy.
Ateev warned about digital divide risks for virtual care vs. phone calls (rich v poor, urban v rural). Furthermore, he envisioned the scenario that patients who receive the many growing flavors of virtual care — from phone to remote patient monitoring and real-time telemedicine visits — will be faced with new co-payments and explanations of benefits that may not make sense to them As telehealth grows we must educate health citizens on, simply put, Telehealth 101 — what are these services, how do they work, privacy implications and, to be sure, the costs covered by health plans and shared costs for the patient.
To Ateev’s first point, I turn to a just-published research letter published in JAMA Network Open on the factors associated with use of and satisfaction with telehealth by adults in rural Virginia during the coronavirus pandemic. Maria Thomas of the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and colleagues from other Virginia-based organizations explored rural Virginians’ use of telehealth and experiences comparing demographics, health characteristics, literacy, internet access, and the probability of tapping into virtual care.
“Implementation of telehealth will continue after the pandemic,” the authors forecast. But there’s a caveat: “our work highlights key considerations for rural residents to ensure that existing technology barriers are not exacerbated.”
To Ateev’s point, and my dear colleague Abner Mason, Founder and CEO of ConsejoSano’s ongoing reminder: we must be mindful of health equity, peoples’ access to broadband as well as hardware on-ramps and the cost of data plans, lest we further intensify the digital divides and health disparities still so prevalent in America.
The post Zoom Became a Household Name in the Pandemic. It’s Working to Do the Same in Healthcare – At #HIMSS21 appeared first on HealthPopuli.com.
Zoom Became a Household Name in the Pandemic. It’s Working to Do the Same in Healthcare – At #HIMSS21 posted first on https://carilloncitydental.blogspot.com
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enddaysengine · 7 years
Non-Fiction Resources for Chronicles of Darkness by Gameline
June 6th Update: It seems that Tumblr has a limit to how many links you can put in one post. As a result, I’ve moved the resources for Dark Eras, as well as the links organized by topic, to a separate post that you can find at this link. 
Much like I did for Eberron, I’m putting together some links to non-fiction materials you could use for Chronicles of Darkness. Since CofD is set in a dark mirror of our world, there are a lot of materials that could go in this post, but I will try to be selective. While I am keeping Chronicles in mind while I do this, you could use these links for any other RPG that is set on historical Earth (I’m looking at you, Call of Cthulhu!) Some links may show up more than once if they fit in multiple categories.
This post is very much a work in progress and probably will never be complete because of the broad availability of applicable materials. If you know of a resource that you don’t see on my list, please feel free to reblog/reply/DM me to say what the resource is and why it should be included on the list. I’ll do my best to add it in.
General Websites
Crash Course: It’s free, it’s on Youtube, and it’s in a ten-minute episodic format. 
Coursera: Coursera is a website where university level classes are available for free. You can also get certifications from Coursera for a fee so you can build your resume while planning your next chronicle. 
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: Dan loves historical “What if?” moments, and with good reason. If you want to hear the most badass historical stories, examine how drugs, alcohol, and human stupidity impacted history, or get a sense of what it was like to live through the most brutal historical eras, this is the place for you.
edX: Another excellent site with free courses that you can upgrade for a certificate. A good place to look for courses in the humanities and religion. 
Great Course/Great Courses Plus: GC and GC+ are not free services, but they have such an extraordinarily high production value that you can understand why. History, science, culinary theory, economics, anything you can think of is covered in the Great Courses catalogue. Great Courses Plus is their streaming service, which at $15/month for an annual subscription is a killer deal.
Google Books/Google Scholar: My first goto for research of any kind, and the first place I advise my students to begin their research. Seriously, I’ve written papers, then had them published just using these two. Use them. 
JSTOR: If you have operated in any kind of academic circle for the last two and a half decades, you know JSTOR. Full access is tough to come by unless you are currently enrolled in a university, but you can still sign up for free to get access to journals on topics you just can’t find anywhere else (like the Mutapa Empire). Sign up with multiple users if you have to. It works. Trust me. 
Open Yale Courses: University classes, taped lectures, and course materials, all from one of the best educational institution in the world. Take advantage of them. 
The Vault: Declassified FBI documents. A lot more of them involve the paranormal than you may expect. An excellent source of inspiration both for things that actually happened or that people think happened. 
Writing with Colour: The best place to go to check yourself for unintentionally problematic depictions of POC in your games. Also a great read if you are looking for details and cultural beats for NPCs you don’t share a background with. They are awesome and you’d be surprised how many chronicle ideas you can get just by binging their archive. 
Mortal Chronicles
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
Maya to Aztec - Ancient Mesoamerica Revealed: Awesome resource if you are planning to run a Skinchangers game using the Aztec Dark Era. 
Medical School for Everyone - Pediatric Grand Rounds: A good place to look for ideas for Innocents 
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Beast the Primordial
Ancient Marine Reptiles: Yeah, I know, Beast is supposed to be about dragons and monsters, but I guarantee you that plenty of ancient reptiles are also stalking the Primordial Dream. Plus, aquatic reptiles are awesome and don’t get enough face time with the public, so you might want to think about your next Beast being one. 
Dino 101: The ultimate course about Dinosaurs. Very beastly. 
Early Vertebrate Evolution: What’s so scary about ancient fish, you ask? Only razor jaws and bone for skin. 
Secrets to Sleep Science
Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origins of Birds: At five lessons long, this course is pretty short, and the content matter is fascinating (says the biology teacher).
Dark Eras
African-American History: From Emancipation to the Present
The Civil War and Reconstruction Eras
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Signature Settings
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Mountains 101: If you are going to visit Kathmandu, you better be thinking about how mountains will impact your Chronicle!
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Changeling the Lost
Secrets to Sleep Science
Successful Negotiation - Essential Strategies and Skills: A very, very Changeling course. 
Dark Eras
Atlas Historique de Paris: I can’t read French, but I am assured by people who do that this is an excellent resource. 
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
Underground Atlas of Paris
Signature Settings
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Demon the Descent 
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
Crash Course Computer Science 
Crash Course Games
Digital Signal Processing
Internet History, Technology, and Security
Inventions That Changed the World
Robotics - Ariel Robotics
Successful Negotiation - Essential Strategies and Skills: Also a very, very Demon course. 
Dark Eras
Living in the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon
Maya to Aztec - Ancient Mesoamerica Revealed
Ottoman Empire
Signature Settings
Cultural Competence - Aboriginal Sydney
A History of Hitler’s Empire
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Hollywood: History, Industry, Art
Ottoman Empire
World War II - A Military and Social History
Geist the Sin-Eater
Death: Seriously, that’s all the course is called. It’s Yale, its good, the name is just to the point. 
Soul Beliefs 1 - Historical Foundations
Soul Beliefs 2 - Belief Systems
Soul Beliefs 3 - How Does It All End?
Dark Eras
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
The Great War
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Indigenous Canada
Signature Settings
The Early Middle Ages (284-1000)
History of the United States 2nd Edition
World War II - A Military and Social History
Hunter the Vigil
Introduction to Forensics
Aegis Kai Doru
Archaeology - An Introduction to the World’s Greatest Sites
Introduction to Ancient Greek History
Ahl al-Jabal (Source)
Ismaili Gnosis: Okay, breaking alphabetical order here, but this one is special. If you have a passing familiarity with Islam, you may have had the initial thought that the write-up of Ahl al-Jabal doesn’t look like anything you’ve seen before. That’s because Ahl al-Jabal are Nizari Ismaili Shiites and trust me when I say it is extremely accurate (minus the vampire hunting). Ismaili Gnosis is an excellent source for current events, history, and particularly metaphysics as it applies to Ismailis. 
Assassin Legends: The Assassin State of the Crusades is legendary, but what most people know about them is just that: legend. If you are using the Ahl al-Jabal, either in historical or modern chronicles, let Farhad Daftary bust the myths about the Nizari State for you. This link only gives you a preview on Google Books, so some pages will be missing, but it is still worth a read. 
Ama-San (Source) 
Oceanography- Exploring Earth’s Final Wilderness
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History 
Ascending Ones
History of Ancient Egypt
Ashwood Abbey
Wine Tasting - Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis: Are you really part of the Abbey if you aren’t a wine connoisseur? 
Ave Minerva (Source)
The History of Rome Podcast 
Azusa Miko (Source)
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History 
Barrett Commission (Source)
Crash Course US Government & Politics 
The Bear Lodge (Source) 
Mountains 101
Bijin (Source)
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History 
The Cainite Heresy (Source)
Gnosticism - From Nag Hammadi to the Gospel of Judas
Lost Christianities 
Cheiron Group
Critical Business Skills for Success
Economic History of the World Since 1400
Division Six (Source)
Crash Course US Government & Politics: Division Six may not actually be a part of the US Government, but they sure think they are, so understanding how they think they fit in isn’t a bad idea. 
The Faithful of Shulpae (Source)
The Ancient Near East - History, Society, and Economy
Habibti Ma  (Source)
The United States and the Middle East - 1914 to 9/11
Hototogisu (Source)
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History 
The Hunt Club (Source)
Forensic History
Illuminated Brotherhood (Source)
Addiction and the Brain
The Addictive Brain
Drugs and the Brain
Keepers of the Source (Source)
Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behaviour
Keepers of the Weave (Source)
Indigenous Canada 
Knights of Saint Adrian (Source)
Why Evil Exists
Knights of Saint George (Source)
The History of Christianity
Les Mysteres (Source)
Crash Course Mythology 
Cultural Literacy for Religion
Great Mythologies of the World
Les Voyageurs (Source)
Indigenous Canada 
The Long Night
The Apocolypse - Controversies and Meanings in Western History
The History of Christianity
Lost Christianities 
The Loyalists of Thule
A History of Hitler’s Empire
World War II - A Military and Social History
The Lucifuge
Why Evil Exists
Maiden’s Blood Sisterhood (Source)
How to Become a Superstar Student
The Modern Political Tradition
Malleus Maleficarum
The History of Christianity
Lost Christianities 
Why Evil Exists
The Merrick Institute (Source)
Medical School for Everyone - Pediatric Grand Rounds 
Secrets to Sleep Science
Network Zero
Internet History, Technology, and Security
Night Watch (Source)
Why Evil Exists
Null Mysteriis
Animal Behaviour
Introduction to Forensics
Mountains 101 
Otodo (Source)
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History 
Why Evil Exists
The Promethean Brotherhood  (Source)
Decoding the Secrets of Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Greek 101
Latin 101
Miracles of Human Language - An Introduction to Linguistics 
The Story of Human Language
Protectors of the Light (Source)
Indigenous Canada 
The Reckoning (Source)
Heroes and Legends - The Most Influential Characters in Literature
The Scarlet Watch (Source)
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Crash Course US Government & Politics 
History of the United States 2nd Edition
World War II - A Military and Social History
Talbot Group (Source)
Psychological First Aid
The Union
Cities Are Back in Town - Urban Sociology
Utopia Now (Source)
Great Works of Utopian and Dystopian Literature
Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit (Source) 
Introduction to Forensics
The Vault: The FBI’s online archive of popular declassified documents. Lots of weird stuff, and the perfect source of inspiration for VSCU.
Yuri’s Group (Source)
De-Mystifying Mindfullness
Healing with the Arts
How Music Can Change Your Life
Dark Eras
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of Ancient Egypt
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Indigenous Canada
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Signature Settings
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Mage the Awakening
Addiction and the Brain: Mage 2e’s theme is “Addicted to Mysteries.” Understanding that addiction is a good place to start. 
The Addictive Brain
Ancient Philosophy - Aristotle & His Successors
Ancient Philosophy - Plato & His Predecessors: If there is one course on philosophy you take for Mage, it should probably be this one. At four lessons, this is a pretty quick one to complete. 
Gnosticism - From Nag Hammadi to the Gospel of Judas
Magic in the Middle Ages
Dark Eras
Great Zimbabwe in Historical Archaeology
History of Ancient Egypt
Introduction to Ancient Greek History
Politics and Long-Distance Trade in the Mwene Mutapa Empire
World War II - A Military and Social History
Signature Settings
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Hollywood: History, Industry, Art
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Mummy the Curse
Archaeology - An Introduction to the World’s Greatest Sites: Let’s go find some Relics!
History of Ancient Egypt
Introduction Ancient Egypt and Its Civilisation
Soul Beliefs 1 - Historical Foundations
Soul Beliefs 2 - Belief Systems
Soul Beliefs 3 - How Does It All End?
Dark Eras
The Early Middle Ages (284-1000)
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
The Great War
Great Zimbabwe in Historical Archaeology
Ottoman Empire
Politics and Long-Distance Trade in the Mwene Mutapa Empire
Signature Settings
The American Revolution
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Promethean the Created
Introduction to the Biology of Cancer
Understanding Cancer Metastasis
Dark Eras
African-American History: From Emancipation to the Present
Epidemics in Western Society since 1600
Signature Settings
Antarctica: From Geology to Human History
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
National Geographic Polar Explorations: Follow the steps of Doctor Frankenstein. 
World War II - A Military and Social History
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
Werewolf the Forsaken
Animal Behaviour
Dark Eras
African-American History: From Emancipation to the Present
The Ancient Near East - History, Society, and Economy
Cybele: The Great Mother of the Augustan Order
The Great War
Hardcore History - Punic Nightmares
The Early Middle Ages (284-1000)
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Signature Settings
The Civil War and Reconstruction Eras
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Mountains 101: An awesome course in general, but especially useful for Werewolf’s signature setting, the Colorado Rockies. 
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
War for the Greater Middle East
Vampire the Requiem
Animal Behaviour
History of Ancient Egypt
Introduction Ancient Egypt and Its Civilisation
Carthian Movement
Circle of the Crone
Magic in the Middle Ages
Lancea et Sanctum
Magic in the Middle Ages
Ordo Dracul
Ottoman Empire
Dark Eras
African-American History: From Emancipation to the Present
The Civil War and Reconstruction Eras
The Early Middle Ages (284-1000)
Epidemics in Western Society since 1600
The Great War
Living in the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon
Ottoman Empire
Digital Tour of Tutor London
Signature Settings
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
History of the United States 2nd Edition
Introduction to Ancient Greek History
Understanding Japan - A Cultural History
235 notes · View notes
dhallucr-blog · 5 years
Businesses, Social Media Influencers, and The Self Image
Deeva Hall
Professor James Anderson
Media and Cultural Studies
7 June 2019
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Businesses, Social Media Influencer, and The Self Image
For some, creating content on free social networking sites like Instagram is now done with the hopes in becoming Internet superstars and product ambassadors who receive six-figure incomes. A dark reality surrounding social media influencers and common social media users user-generated content is revealed by taking a closer look at why businesses are deciding to use social media in the first place as their primary marketing strategies as opposed to traditional marketing strategies. By analyzing key concepts in the works by Christian Fuchs, Vincent Mosco, and Asa Berger alongside mega-retailer Target Corporation (Target), we can see that big businesses quantify, hypercommericalize, and exploit the personal brand of social media influencers for monetary gain, authenticity, and the appearance of having less coercive marketing tactics.
Businesses are able to commodify social media influencers’ quantified selves. Mosco notes, “[the term quantified self]... is also used, however, in the critical sense of reducing the self to a quantity by turning a personal identity into nothing more than a statistical reading, at the expense of the qualitative, subjective, and otherwise unquantifiable dimensions of life” (101). The dark side to this is there is no limit to what extent people will go to achieve a like, follow, or comment. As a result, self worth is minimized to online presence that is based on quantifying self image. Another aspect of quantifying the “unquantifiable dimensions of life” is how corporations quantify the emotional labor of the individuals who use social media as an outlet to express their displacement in society. Target’s “Swim Body Positivity” Campaign is an example of how companies can use emotional labor as a measurable tool to sell products. While its true that Target’s advertisement of a nonnormative, nonwhite, and curvaceous woman is widening the spectrum of cultural acceptance and beauty, it’s not without monetary motive. Emotional labor is quantified when corporations monitor the patterns, interests, lifestyle, and networks of those who, in this case for example, used the hashtag body positivity and turned the qualitative data into a way to make a dollar amount.
Social Media Influencers are actual people living real lives whose personal brand appears to bring authentication and credibility to a business’ products. According to Baran, “selling more advertising on existing and new media and identifying additional ways to combine content and commercials are the two most common strategies that lead to hypercommercialism” (38). Whether created by social media influencers or average social media users, it’s hard not to notice the hyper-commercialization of nearly every photo posted. As seen in Target’s “Victoria Beckham For Target” Campaign promoting Victoria Beckham’s Target collection (mediakix.com), casual life events are being re-presented as a reason to reinforce capitalism. For Laura Izumikawa (@lauraiz), spending her birthday with her daughter meant “celebrating in style” (mediakix.com) in Beckham’s clothing line and Rachel Bilson’s (@rachelbilson) very normal day meant taking a selfie in a shirt from Beckham’s collection. From life changing celebrations to the typical day-to-day events, content and commercials are existing as one. Online post that show real people living real, normal lives while expressing how a product has enhanced life’s any given moment  becomes a motivating factor that leads an influencer’s follower to behave actively in consumer culture.
Commodifying self image online is exploitative, as corporations exploit social media influencers who in turn exploit audiences. Behind every paid Instagram post is a carefully framed personal branding. Paid posts require preparation including but not limited to angles, lighting, and mise-en-scene. When the lines of self-image and work are blurred true, authentic moments are lost to fiction. As Berger mentions, “people become increasingly more alienated, they become the prisoners of their alienated needs and end up, as Marx puts it, ‘The self-conscious and self-acting commodity’” (Berger 51). Consider mommy blogger Terra (@loveandlarock) who was one of the social media influencers paid to advertise Target’s “Persil At Target” campaign (mediakix.com) on Instagram as an example. How many shots did the mommy blogger have to take to achieve the perfect photo? How many times did Terra have to step away from the moment with her daughter to check the photos? Interruption is the exploitation of social media influencers, where they become prisoners of the content they’re creating and thus becoming increasingly more “separated or estranged from their work, from friends, from themselves, and from life” (51). At the time Terra (@loveandlarock) released the “Persil At Target” advertisement on Instagram, the paid partnerships link to every paid post had already been mandated. Still, the campaign “targeted heavy laundry detergent users...by promoting Persil to audiences that have a higher than average laundry needs and changed consumer habits through the advice of trusted bloggers” (mediakix.com). In this case, Target exploited Tera’s (@loveandlarock) personal brand and her followers given that they had no knowledge of Tera’s (@loveandlarock) actual use of said product. This enabled Target to reach into the network of consumers by less apparent coercive means, but misleading nonetheless.
Overall, businesses that use social media influencers’ self image as a marketing strategy benefit in more than one just way. By quantifying, authenticating, and exploiting the online presence and personal brand of social media influencers, businesses are able to take up more space economically and digitally.  Target Corporations’ Instagram campaigns are prime examples of how social media influencers contribute to culture, consumerism, and the misleading strategies that influence both culture and consumerism. Online advertising as opposed to traditional marketing proves to be more effective, effective, and regardless of the closely related dark realities, the technological advances brings propaganda to a new, digitized platform.
Works cited
Baran, Stanley J. “Convergence and the Reshaping of Mass Communication.” In Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2015. Pp. 29- 45.
Berger, Arthur Asa. “Marxist Analysis.” In Media Analysis Techniques. 5th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2014. Pp. 50-54.
“How Target Is Marketing On Instagram With Social Influencers.” Mediakix, 19 Apr. 2017, mediakix.com/2017/04/target-marketing-on-instagram-case-study/#gs.hihkn8.
Mosco, Vincent. “The Body and Culture.” In Becoming Digital: Toward a Post-Internet Society. Bingley, UK: Emerald House Publishing, 2017. Pp. 97-128.
0 notes
kate-bautista · 4 years
Individual Response to the 3 Readings, Module 0
1. What new insights have you gleaned from the three readings?
My main new insight is that now is the time that Development Communication and Communication for Development are all the more relevant and, if I may say, urgent.
Another worth mentioning is that just like in our other seemingly ordinary day-to-day realities, communication is formed through the interplay of social facts--norms, values, history, beliefs--leading me to the new formed realization that there is sociology of communication. In Section 1.5, it is stated that “We do not always recognize a culture when we see one. Cultures can overlap, absorb, encompass, and blend,” and much like the case in communication, which is also part of culture, it has become so normal to us that we don't immediately recognize its intricacies, which sociology gives us light to. In the end, we realize that all of which seemingly distant fragments are actually interconnected (SOCIO 101 and 102).
Lastly, as culture is expected to be the element of connection between community members, ironically “intranational communication can be far more cross-cultural than international communication,” to which the reading zooms in on the cultural gap between the elite and masses after. This relates to the ironic existence of both the formal and informal sectors in one developing country, to which this is termed as Dualism (DEV 101). It presents us that social class divides people more than nationality does, which I daringly pose as a problem. In application, this becomes a hindrance in engaging with pertinent beneficiaries and partner communities of different backgrounds. However, as I have learned in the recent ASEAN student exchange program which I had took part in, we Asians are more in community solidarity (e.g. Bayanihan culture) as compared to Western ideas that are much more individualistic. That being said, in contrast to a colonizer’s gaze of needing “competition” everywhere, to build a resilient, sustainable, and inclusive society, we need to learn from neighboring countries, and to do so, we must first put down the need for us to be divided by culture. Going back to intra-national relations, we must first let down our disparities as we have one goal at the end of the day--development.
2. What are the similarities among the three? The differences? Are there common themes?
From the tone of the readings, development is pictured as something that equates to modernization, which is not the case. The dominance of the technologically-advanced and homogeneous formal sector is not the sole measure of development. It is a common Western idea that has been adapted by other nations. "Defining development is an exercise of the imagination," meaning there is no one way of defining it thus is not supposed to be boxed in the general notions. That being said, modernity does not equate to development, but to be fair, "there is no development without modernity". Development is a reality that has not been made, but can be created (DEV 101).
Arcadian communities need not the intrusion of capitalistic principles and ideas when it is not being called for. For instance, Americanized Africa was when Americans insisted that Africans need to buy their machines in order to solve their crop production issue. This not only led Africans in debt, but also forced a need for them to adapt to modern technology, when their solution could have been land reforms which would yield them both healthier crops and a healthier community (DEV 101). Global North solutions are not Global South solutions, and vice-versa (SOCSCI 12)
Given that development is multi-faceted, a common theme that emerged in the readings, the power for social change should not be centralized to only policy-makers and higher establishments. It is time to listen and involve stakeholders, especially those from the grassroots, in the decision-making process! Media, however, which has become supposedly pocket-sized, accessible, and affordable nowadays, cannot all the time reach audiences of all walks of life, specifically those with low bandwidth and no access to the tools necessary for its consumption--time and resources (i.e. devices, internet connection, media literacy which is sharpened through education). In that sense, the government, media producers, and the general public still have control over how much information can certain people have access to. There is inequality in media. And that I believe makes Development Communication and Communication for Development all the more relevant.
Communication for development should not merely aim for raising awareness, rather it should push the envelope to proactive means for social change. It is not for speaking over the marginalized, but for amplifying their voices about their experiences of ostracization, limitations, discrimination, and inequalities to fuel the urgency of not only the development sector, but of the people. The goal is to have a well-informed dialogue that does not waterdown, romanticize, nor appropriate these struggles. To quote Sir Jayeel from tge Development Society of the Ateneo’s Advocates to Champions first ever Masterclass “The most successful movements in the world are grounded by the most powerful emotions”.
3. What concepts did you have difficulty understanding?
It is difficult for me to differentiate development journalism, development support communication, and why they cannot just fall under the same umbrella of Development Communication, especially since there is a lot of borrowing of terms, as stated in the reading.
I was also confused on how Communication for Development is different from Political Communication, however after briefly reading sources, I came to a conclusion. They are indeed both trans-disciplinary, design in such a way that gives specialization in its corresponding field. Perhaps a reason why I couldn't distinguish right away was because I'm used to considering politics as under the concept of development, when it deserves a whole new body of discussion itself.
Political Communication is geared at how the public administration will disseminate information to media platforms all the way to the general public. It is a top to bottom structure of communication.
Communication for Development is geared at how the development sector will mobilize stakeholders from the grassroots to address their concerns for social development, which also aims for the engagement of establishments and institutions towards achieving such. It is a bottom-up structure of communication.
— Kateleen Bautista
0 notes
brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Coronavirus Outbreak Highlights: Amit Shah holds meeting with CMs on COVID-19 lockdown, asks for suggestions on restrictions to be lifted
23:55 (IST)
Coronavirus in US Latest Updates
Amid virus lockdown, radio lessons return in Latin America
  At a small farmhouse outside Colombia’s capital city, Marlene Beltran picks up a ruler and crayons. She turns on the radio, sits down at a creaky wooden table and helps her 5-year-old brother with a lesson on how to make paper cubes and decorate them with drawings that tell a story.
The Beltrans work on dairy farms and have no internet connection at home. So an hour-long radio lesson developed by the municipal government keeps the children busy — to a degree — while schools are closed because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Broadcasting was once used widely in Latin America to teach basic math and literacy skills to those in rural areas. Now radio and TV lessons are making a comeback during the virus lockdown, especially with the region’s spotty internet connectivity.
“We don’t want children to lose their studying habits,” said Diana Lopez, a teacher in the Colombian town of Funza who helps produce a daily radio show for elementary school students. Her county on the edge of Bogota has 10,000 public school pupils, of which about a third have no computers or internet at home.
23:50 (IST)
Coronavirus in Madhya Pradesh Latest Updates
84 new COVID-19 cases reported in Indore
The Indore administration said that 84 new coronavirus cases were reported in the district on Thursday. Total number of cases in the district is now at 3,344, including 126 deaths.
23:46 (IST)
Coronavirus in US Latest Updates
US welcomes Indian, Pakistani companies to produce anti-COVID-19 treatment
"Welcome news that Indian and Pakistani life sciences companies will join forces via voluntary licenses with a U.S. pharmaceutical firm to produce anti-viral treatment for use in 127 countries to fight the threat of COVID-19," the statement said.
Welcome news that Indian and Pakistani life sciences companies will join forces via voluntary licenses with a U.S. pharmaceutical firm to produce anti-viral treatment for use in 127 countries to fight the threat of COVID-19.
— State_SCA (@State_SCA) May 28, 2020
23:38 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Mumbai Police head constable succumbs to COVID-19
A head constable with the Mumbai Police, Jagdish Pandurang Pote from Malvani Police Station succumbed to the coronavirus infection on Thursday, India Today reported.
23:33 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Pune reports 369 new COVID-19 cases
The Pune health department said that 369 new coronavirus cases and 10 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours in district. Total toll rises to 310 while the total positive cases in the district are 7,012.
23:26 (IST)
Coronavirus in Tripura Latest Updates
Two people test COVID-19 positive in Tripura
Tripura chief minister Biplab Kumar Deb said that two people tested positive for coronavirus in the state on Thursday. The state's total COVID-19 tally rose to 244. Of these, 74 are active cases
Deb said, "1050 samples have been tested today for COVID-19, out of which 2 people detected positive. Both of them have returned from Maharashtra. Positive Cases: 244. Active Cases: 74. Discharged: 167. Migrated: 03."
23:14 (IST)
Coronavirus in US Latest Updates
US layoffs climb to 41 million, despite business reopenings
An estimated 2.1 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week despite the gradual reopening of businesses around the country, bringing the running total since the coronavirus shutdowns took hold in mid-March to about 41 million, the government said Thursday.
In a glimmer of hope, the overall number of people currently drawing jobless benefits in the U.S. fell for the first time since the crisis began, from 25 million to 21 million, suggesting some companies are starting to rehire.
Still, the Labor Department report underscored the continuing economic damage from the viral outbreak that on Wednesday hit a confirmed death toll in the U.S. of 100,000, more than the number of Americans killed in the Vietnam and Korean wars combined.
23:00 (IST)
Coronavirus in Himachal Pradesh Latest Updates
Himachal govt says 90% of pharma industry start production of HCQ
"Ninety percent of HP pharma industries have started production, catering to the health care needs of not only domestic consumers but also supplying hydroxychloroquine, manufactured at Solan's Baddi, to the United States, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said," News18 reported.
22:48 (IST)
Coronavirus in France Latest Updates
France to open bar, resturants from 2 June
The France prime minister said that bars, restaurants, cafes to reopen with restrictions from 2 June, AFP reported.
22:35 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Locals in Nagpur red zone hold protest over closed roads
Locals in Nagpur's Mominpura COVID-19 red zone held a protest on Thursday demanding re-opening of roads in the area, today; social distancing norms flouted
22:23 (IST)
Coronavirus in Chhattisgarh Latest Updates
29 new COVID-19 cases reported in Chhattisgarh
Chhattisgarh reports 29 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday. Total positive cases stand at 398 including 315 active cases: State Health Department
22:08 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Amit Shah speaks to CMs over lockdown
CNN-News18 reported that Home Minister Amit Shah spoke to chief ministers about the coronavirus lockdown and  "heard about their views about restrictions and sectors they want to open up."
22:00 (IST)
Coronavirus in Telangana Latest Updates
Telangana reports 66 new COVID-19 cases
Telangana reported 66 new coronavirus cases, taking the total number of cases to 1,908. The toll is at 67, the state health department said.
21:49 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
1,438 people test positive for COVID-19 in Mumbai
The BMC said that 1,438 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Mumbai on Thursday, taking the total number of cases to 35,273. Total toll rises to 1,135 after 38 deaths were reported.
21:30 (IST)
Coronavirus in Haryana Latest Updates
Haryana govt seals border with Delhi
As Delhi recorded its highest daily-spike of 1,024 coronavirus cases, Haryana government stated that borders with the national capital will be sealed in view of the rising number of infections.
#WATCH "We will keep our border with Delhi completely sealed due to increasing COVID19 cases," Haryana Minister Anil Vij#COVID19 pic.twitter.com/aVZsMJkec2
— ANI (@ANI) May 28, 2020
21:18 (IST)
Coronavirus in Delhi Latest Updates
Over 1,000 COVID-19 cases reported in Delhi over 24 hours
Reports said that 1,024 new cases of the coronavirus were reported in Delhi in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of confirmed cases to 16,281 in the National Capital. The toll stands at 316.
21:15 (IST)
Coronavirus in Rajasthan Latest Updates
Rajasthan reports 251 new COVID-19 cases
The Rajasthan health department said that 251 COVID-19 cases were reported till 8.30pm on Thursday, taking the total number of cases in the state to 8,067.
21:06 (IST)
Coronavirus in Goa Latest Updates
One person tests positive in Goa today
The Goa government said that one person has tested positive for coronavirus in the state on Thursday, taking the total number of cases to 69.
20:53 (IST)
Coronavirus in Karnataka Latest Updates
Karnataka govt clarifies no ban on flights from 5 states
The Karnataka government on Thursday evening clarified that the government had not banned flights from Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan.
"In a clarification issued to the Media this evening, the Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs Mr J C Madhuswamy has said that Karnataka has not sought for imposing a ban on flights emanating from these places, as reported in some sections of the Media. 
Karnataka has appealed to the Civil Aviation Ministry to take steps to lessen the air traffic to the State, with the sacred intention that there may not be adequate quarantine facilities, if there is huge turn out at a short span of time, he added," reports said.
20:40 (IST)
Coronavirus in Jammu and Kashmir Latest Updates
Jammu and Kashmir reports 115 new COVID-19 cases
The Jammu and Kashmir government said that 115 new coronavirus cases have been reported in the union territory on Thursday, of which 14 are from the Jammu division and 101 from the Kashmir division. The total number of cases stand at 2,036 including 1150 active cases.
20:29 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
NHRC notices to Centre, Railways, Gujarat and Bihar govts over migrants crisis
The NHRC has send notices to the Union Home Secretary, the Railways and the governments of Gujarat and Bihar over hardships faced by migrants onboard trains due to delay in services and lack of food and water allegedly leading to sickness and death of some of them, officials said on Thursday.
In a statement, the National Human Rights Commission observed that the "state has failed to protect the lives of the poor labourers onboard the trains".
The NHRC has taken suo motu cognisance of media reports that the trains which are ferrying migrant labourers are not only starting late but are taking many additional days to reach destination, it said.
"In one of the reports, it is alleged that many migrant labourers lost lives during their journey by train due to longer duration and no arrangements for drinking water and food etc," the statement said.
20:22 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
2,598 new COVID-19 cases reported in Maharashtra today
Reports said that 2,598 new COVID-19 cases were reported in Maharashtra on Thursday, taking the total number of coronavirus cases almost to 60,000 in the state at 59,546.
The toll in the state also rose to 1,982 after 85 casualties were reported in the last 24 hours.
20:12 (IST)
Coronavirus in Odisha Latest Updates
Odisha health bulletin today:
Total cases — 1,660 Recovered — 887 Toll — 07 Active cases — 766
19:55 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
MEA says targetting to bring back one lakh Indians in 2nd phase of repatriation
The MEA on Thursday said, "We are targeting to bring back 1,00,000 passengers from 60 countries by the end of Phase II of Vande Bharat Mission. Preparations for the third phase are well underway."
"As of today, 45,216 Indians have returned. These include 8,069 migrant workers, 7,656 students and 5,107 professionals. About 5000 Indians have returned through land border immigration checkpoints from Nepal and Bangladesh," the statement added.
19:45 (IST)
Coronavirus in Ladakh Latest Updates
COVID-19 cases in Ladakh stand at 54
The total number of coronavirus cases in Ladakh is 54, including 11 active cases and 43 cured, the Ladakh government was quoted as saying by India Today.
19:35 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Over 45,000 Indians brought back under Vande Bharat, says Centre
The MEA said that as of Thursday, 45,216 Indians have returned. These include 8,069 migrant workers, 7,656 students and 5,107 professionals. About 5000 Indians have returned through land border immigration checkpoints from Nepal and Bangladesh.
19:13 (IST)
Coronavirus in West Bengal Latest Updates
West Bengal reports 344 new COVID-19 cases today
Reports said that West Bengal health officials reported 344 new coronavirus cases in the state on Thursday, which is the highest single-day spike in cases so far.
The total number of cases in the state rose to 4,536, which includes 2,573 active cases and 1,668 discharges. 
19:06 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
36 new COVID-19 cases reported in Dharavi today
Reports said that 36 new cases of coornavirus were reported in Mumbai's Dharavi in the last 24 hours. The total number of cases rose to 1,675 on Thursday in the densely-populated area.
18:57 (IST)
Coronavirus in Odisha Latest Updates
Odisha citizens to sing state song on May 30 in thanks to 'corona heroes'
Odisha chief minister Naveen Patnaik asked people to sing state song 'Bande Utkal Janani' at 5.30 pm on 30 May to express gratitude to 'Corona Heroes'.
"In a video message today, the chief minister said Odisha has lowest Covid-19 fatality rate praised the state for setting an example for others amid the global pandemic," News18 reported.
18:48 (IST)
Coronavirus in Assam Latest Updates
25 new COVID-19 cases reported in Assam today
Assam minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that 25 new coronavirus cases have been reported in the state on Thursday, taking the total number of cases to 856. Active cases stand at 762.
18:43 (IST)
Coronavirus in Tamil Nadu Latest Updates
Tamil Nadu reports 827 new COVID-19 cases today
Tamil Nadu health minister C Vijayabhaskar said that a total of 827 people tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday, including people who travelled from other states. The states's total number of coronavirus cases rose to 19,372.
18:35 (IST)
Coronavirus in Punjab Latest Updates
19 new COVID-19 cases reported in Punjab
The Punjab government on Thursday said that 19 new coronavirus cases have been reported in the state, taking the total number of cases to 2,158. There are 172 active cases in the state so far.
18:27 (IST)
Coronavirus in Karnataka Latest Updates
Karnataka suspends all travel from five states
Reports said that the Karnataka government had on Thursday suspended the arrivals of flights, trains and vehicles from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan "into the state to contain the spread of COVID-19," India Today reported.
18:18 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Maharashtra govt issues new guidelines for flyers
The Maharashtra government issued new guidelines for passengers travelling by flight to Mumbai and other places. The move came after the Centre resumed domestic flight operations across the country.
NDTV reported that these include,
"- All passengers will be advised to download the Aarogya Setu app. - They will have to declare that they are not coming from any containment zone and don't have any COVID-19 symptoms. - They will also need to declare that they have not tested coronavirus positive in the last two months and are not under quarantine. - Anyone travelling without meeting the required conditions will face action. - Airlines and airports will ensure social distancing at all times and thermal screening. - All passengers, crew and other staff will have to wear masks and follow sanitation rules. - All passengers will be stamped on their left hand and be under home isolation for 14 days. - Local officials will be authorised to give exemptions to isolation rule for important work. - Passengers who are coming to the state for less than one week will be exempt from home isolation. - Passengers will not be allowed into containment zones of hotspot areas. - Authorities need to be informed of where a passenger is staying if other than their homes. - Passengers are permitted to travel in their personal vehicles to the airport as long as they don't travel from a containment zone"
18:11 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
IndiGo says some asymptomatic passengers have tested positive
"Few asymptomatic passengers who travelled on IndiGo flights were tested positive for COVID-19 on 2 May. Of these, 3 passengers were onboard from Delhi to Jammu on 26 May, six passengers onboard from Bengaluru to Coimbatore on 27 May 27 and 2 passengers onboard from Delhi to Coimbatore on 27 May 27," IndiGo said in a statement on Thursday.
18:01 (IST)
Coronavirus in South Korea Latest Updates
South Korea reports highest jump in COVID-19 cases in 50 days
South Korea on Thursday reported its biggest jump in coronavirus cases in more than 50 days a setback that could erase some of its hardwon gains Health officials warned that the resurgence is getting harder to track and social distancing and other steps need to be taken.
The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 67 of the 79 new cases reported were from the Seoul metropolitan area where about half of South Koreas 51 million people live.
Health Minister Park Neunghoo called for residents in the metropolitan area to avoid unnecessary gatherings and urged companies to keep sick employees off work.
At least 69 infections so far have been linked to workers at a massive warehouse operated by local ecommerce giant Coupang Hundreds of other infections have been linked to nightclubs and other entertainment venues which saw huge crowds in early May after officials relaxed social distancing guidelines.
17:54 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
Two TMC corporators test positive for COVID-19
"Two corporators from the Thane Municipal Corporation were among 393 persons who tested positive for COVID-19 in Maharashtra's Thane district on Thursday," News18 reported.
17:46 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Union cabinet secy holds meeting with officials of COVID-19-hit cities
The Union cabinet secretary on Thursday reportedly held a meeting with municipal commissioners, district magistrates of 13 coronavirus-hit cities to review the situation.
"The measures taken by the officials and staff of the municipal corporations for management of Covid-19 cases were reviewed in the meeting," India Today reported.
17:39 (IST)
Coronavirus in Maharashtra Latest Updates
COVID-19 cases rise to 190 in Maharashtra's Amravati
The total number of coronavirus cases rose to 190 in the Amravati district of Maharashtra on Thursday, after five more people tested positive for the infection in the city since Wednesday night, News18 reported..
17:35 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Five flights to bring 900 Indians back from Dubai 
Five flights operated were from Dubai to Kochi, Kannur, Kozhikode, Hyderabad, and Trivandrum on Thursday, carrying more than 900 passengers back to India: the Consulate General of India, Dubai said.
Five flights operated from Dubai to Kochi, Kannur, Kozhikode, Hyderabad, and Trivandrum today carrying more than 900 passengers back to India: Consulate General of India, Dubai #VandeBharatMission pic.twitter.com/2XiUhb3qHL
— ANI (@ANI) May 28, 2020
17:33 (IST)
Coronavirus in Kerala Latest Updates
One COVID-19 death reported in Kerala
Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan said that one death due to coronavirus has been reported in the state. "The deceased who was a native of Telangana had mistakenly boarded a train for Kerala instead of Telangana," he added.
17:29 (IST)
Coronavirus in Kerala Latest Updates
Kerala reports 84 new COVID-19 cases today
Reports quoted Kerala health officials as saying that the state saw its highest single-day spike in coronavirus cases, after 84 new patients were recorded. "Of the new cases, 79 patients are people who have recently come back to the state," India Today reported.
17:22 (IST)
Coronavirus in Tamil Nadu Latest Updates
6 who travelled to Salem from Chennai test positive
Six people who travelled to Salem from Chennai on Wednesday by air have been tested positive for COVID-19, said Deputy Director Health department, Salem, Tamil Nadu.
17:09 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
No changes in fundamental properties of COVID-19 so far, says Centre
Principal Scientific Advisor to the Centre, Prof K Vijay Raghavan said that researchers haven't seen any change in the fundamental properties of the virus so far.
"In the next few months both nationally and internationally tests will be available that can be done on an individual," he added.
17:06 (IST)
Coronavirus in Manipur Latest Updates
11 new COVID-19 cases reported in Manipur
In the last 24 hours, 11 new  coronavirus cases have been reported in Manipur; taking the total number of confirmed cases to 55, the state government said.
16:56 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Centre says 34,336 passengers travelled on domestic flights yesterday
Union civil aviation minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Thursday said "Domestic operation figures for 27 May 2020 (till 23.59 hrs) departures 460 with 34,336 passengers handled. Arrivals 464 with 33,525passengers handled. Making it a total of 924 flight movements with 67,861 passenger footfalls on Day 3."
16:46 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
RT-PCR test will find infection regardless of symptoms, says Centre
The RT-PCR test is testing for the presence of the virus and "is agnostic whether you have symptoms or not", said Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India Prof K. Vijay Raghavan.
"Whether you are asymptomatic, if you have virus it will be detected," he said.
He added, "AICTE and CSIR have embarked on a drug discovery hackathon- this is a high-end hackathon where students are trained with information on how to do computational drug discovery."
16:38 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
Centre says 30 groups working to develop vaccines in India
K Vijay Raghavan, principal scientific advisor to the Centre, said that there are about a total of 30 groups in India  — big industries to individual academics — who are trying to develop vaccines to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.
16:28 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
NITI Aayog says fight against COVID-19 will be won through vaccines
VK Paul, member of the NITI Aayog on Thursday said that the fight against coronavirus "will be won through vaccine and drugs".
"Our country's science and technology institutions and pharma industry are very strong," he added. 
16:18 (IST)
Coronavirus in India Latest Updates
After deaths on shramik special trains, SC dictates step-by-step orders to provide food to travelling migrants
The Supreme Courtdirected minute orders regarding the provision of food to migrant workers who are travelling back to their native states by trains or bus, after several deaths due to lack of food and water were reported on journeys in the last few days.
The apex court directed the originating state to provide food and water, after which the onus is on the Railways. After the journey, the receiving state "shall give transport, food and meals from stations to their villages. This is applicable for both camps on the way or buses," the SC said.
"All migrants who are stranded shall be provided  food by the concerned state at places publicized and notified to them so that they can meet both ends. While they wait for turn to board train or bus, they can survive this way," the bench was quoted as saying by Bar and Bench.
Coronavirus Outbreak LATEST Updates: Reports that Home Minister Amit Shah spoke to chief ministers about the coronavirus lockdown and  "heard about their views about restrictions and sectors they want to open up."
  As Delhi recorded its highest daily-spike of 1,024 coronavirus cases, Haryana government stated that borders with the national capital will be sealed in view of the rising number of infections.
Reports said that 1,024 new cases of the coronavirus were reported in Delhi in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of confirmed cases to 16,281 in the National Capital. The toll stands at 316.
"Few asymptomatic passengers who travelled on IndiGo flights were tested positive for COVID-19 on 2 May. Of these, 3 passengers were onboard from Delhi to Jammu on 26 May, six passengers onboard from Bengaluru to Coimbatore on 27 May 27 and 2 passengers onboard from Delhi to Coimbatore on 27 May 27," IndiGo said in a statement on Thursday.
The RT-PCR test is testing for the presence of the virus and "is agnostic whether you have symptoms or not", said Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India Prof K. Vijay Raghavan.
"Whether you are asymptomatic, if you have virus it will be detected," he said.
He added, "AICTE and CSIR have embarked on a drug discovery hackathon- this is a high-end hackathon where students are trained with information on how to do computational drug discovery."
K Vijay Raghavan, principal scientific advisor to the Centre, said that there are about a total of 30 groups in India — big industries to individual academics — who are trying to develop vaccines to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.
The Supreme Courtdirected minute orders regarding the provision of food to migrant workers who are travelling back to their native states by trains or bus, after several deaths due to lack of food and water were reported on journeys in the last few days.
The apex court directed the originating state to provide food and water, after which the onus is on the Railways. After the journey, the receiving state "shall give transport, food and meals from stations to their villages. This is applicable for both camps on the way or buses," the SC said.
"All migrants who are stranded shall be provided food by the concerned state at places publicized and notified to them so that they can meet both ends. While they wait for turn to board train or bus, they can survive this way," the bench was quoted as saying by Bar and Bench.
The Supreme Court also said that if migrant workers are found on foot by any state authority, they should be "taken to shelters immediately and provided food and all facilities".
The Supreme Court directed state governments to add the details regarding migrant workers awaiting transportation in their replies before the apex court.
Live Law reported that the details demanded by the bench are:
"- number of migrants awaiting transportation to native places; - plan for transportation; - mechanism of registration; - other [requisite] details."
The Supreme Court on Thursday issued interim orders regarding the migrant crisis across the country and said that no train or bus fare should be taken from migrant workers.
"- Migrant workers shall be provided food by the concerned state and UT at places. To be publicised and notified for the period they are waiting for their turn to board a train or a bus. During train journey, originating states will provide meal and water," Live Law quoted the court as saying.
SG Tushar Mehta said that migrant workers started leaving for their home states on foot because they were "locally instigated", in the SC hearing ont the migrant crisis on Thursday.
The Centre is doing a lot to contain the coronavirus outbreak, but there are “Prophets of Doom in our country who only spread negativity, negativity, negativity”, the Solicitor General tells the high court. “These armchair intellectuals do not recognise the nation’s efforts,” he adds.
Trade or consumption of liquor is not a fundamental right and the state has the authority to regulate its sale, the AAP government has told the Delhi High Court maintaining that its levying 70 percent special corona fees' on MRP of all alcohol brands is a price for grant of such privilege to the public.
In the last 24 hours, 131 police personnel have tested positive for COVID-19 and 2 deaths have been reported. The total number of positive cases in Maharashtra Police rise to 2095 with toll at 22. Total 897 personnel have recovered and 1178 cases are active, reports PTI.
The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) sealed its headquarter building in Central Delhi on Thursday after a senior employee tested positive for COVID-19, taking the total number of employees infected with the novel coronavirus to 7.
Some 122 million Indians were forced out of jobs last month alone, according to estimates from the Center for Monitoring Indian Economy, a private sector think tank. Daily wage workers and those employed by small businesses have taken the worst hit, reports Bloomberg Quint.
In the past 24 hours, 131 more people tested positive for the novel coronavirus in Rajasthan, thereby taking the total confirmed COVID-19 cases to 7,947 on Thursday. The COVID-19 toll in the state stood at 179 after six more deaths were reported.
Assam registered a total 798 COVID-19 cases on Thursday after 15 more individuals tested positive for the novel coronavirus on Thursday, said health minister Himanta Biswa Sarma.
Of the 15 new cases, 11 were reported in Kamrup Metro, three in Dibrugarh while one in Lakhimpur, said Sarma
India registered 6,566 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, thereby taking the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases at 1,58,333, according to the latest data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The figure also includes 86,110 active cases.
After 194 more individuals succumbed to the viral infection in the past 24 hours, the toll reached 4,531 on Thursday.
Two SpiceJet passengers who travelled from Ahmedabad to Guwahati via Delhi on Monday have tested positive for COVID-19, the airline said on Wednesday.
"Two passengers who had travelled with SpiceJet from Ahmedabad to Guwahati on May 25 have tested positive for COVID-19. The passengers had travelled on SG-8194 (Ahmedabad-Delhi) and SG-8152 (Delhi-Guwahati)," an airline spokesperson said.
"COVID tests were conducted at Guwahati after landing and the passengers were quarantined. The test reports came on May 27. The operating crew has been quarantined and SpiceJet is coordinating with government agencies in notifying other passengers who had travelled with them," the airline said.
The toll due to COVID-19 rose to 4,337 while total number of cases climbed to 1,51,767 in the country, registering an increase of 170 deaths and 6,387 cases in the 24 hours ending at 8 am on Wednesday.
This is the sixth day that the country has registered more than 6,000 new cases. However, the Union health ministry said that there have been "multiple gains" from the lockdown and the most important of them is that it has "decelerated the pace" of the spread of COVID-19.
Confirmed cases climb to 1,51,767
According to the morning update issued by the Union health ministry, the number of active coronavirus cases stands at 83,004 in the country, while 64,425 people have recovered and one patient has migrated, the health ministry said. "Thus, around 42.45 percent of patients (in India) have recovered so far," a senior health ministry official said.
Confirmed cases in India climbed to 1,51,767 on Wednesday. AP
Of the 170 deaths reported since Tuesday morning, 97 were in Maharashtra, 27 in Gujarat, 12 in Delhi, nine in Tamil Nadu, five each in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, three in Rajasthan and one each in Andhra Pradesh, Chandigarh, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Telangana and Uttarakhand.
Of the total 4,337 fatalities, Maharashtra accounts for the highest (1,792) deaths in the country, followed by Gujarat with 915 deaths, Madhya Pradesh with 305, Delhi with 288, West Bengal with 283, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh with 170 each, Tamil Nadu with 127 and Andhra Pradesh and Telangana with 57 deaths each.
According to the health ministry data updated in the morning, the highest number of confirmed cases in the country are from Maharashtra at 54,758 followed by Tamil Nadu at 17,728, Gujarat at 14,821, Delhi at 14,465, Rajasthan at 7,536, Madhya Pradesh at 7,024 and Uttar Pradesh at 6,548.
"A total of 4,013 cases are being reassigned to states," the ministry said on its website, adding that its "figures are being reconciled with the ICMR".
Delhi records highest single-day spike
However, since the morning update given by the Union health ministry, many states have reported an increases in both cases and fatalities. Delhi recorded 792 fresh cases pushing the total past 15,000. The National Capital also recorded 15 deaths, taking the toll from the novel coronavirus to 303.
In Maharashtra, 105 more patients succumbed to the viral disease, taking the toll in the state to 1,897, whereas, the number of cases rose by 2,190 to 56,948, with Mumbai alone recording 1,044 new cases.
The state government, however, said that it is hoping to bring the numers under control by next week.
"The cases which are rising are in the same containment zones with high densities. There aren't new areas from where cases are coming up. And even in these containment areas, the numbers are slowly decreasing. We should be able to bring the numbers under control by next week," said Maharashtra minister Jayant Patil on Wednesday, according to News18.
Tamil Nadu also saw a sharp rise in cases as 817 more people tested positive, including 138 returnees from Maharashtra while six patients succumbed to the viral infection on Wednesday. The infection count in the state is now 18,545 while a total of 133 persons have died due to the disease.
The number of cases continued to rise in Kerala as well with the return of people from various states as well from abroad. The state which had been lauded for controlling the spread of the contagion reported 40 new cases on Wednesday, of which 37  were returnees, taking the overall tally 1,003. Presently, 445 people are undergoing treatment in various hospitals in the state and over 1.7 lakh are under observation, PTI quotes Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan as saying.
Tripura also reported 23 new cases and officials said that the majority of the recent cases have been detected among people returning from Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and other states.
In Madhya Pradesh, the Raj Bhavan, the residence of the state governor, was declared as a containment zone after six persons living on the campus tested positive for the viral infection.
Raj Bhavan sources told PTI that after the first case of COVID-19 was found at the Raj Bhavan a couple of days back, the sample of Governor Lalji Tadon was also collected for testing.
Meanwhile, officials in the hill state Uttarakhand said that the doubling rate of coronavirus cases has worsened and the number of infections has jumped nearly five times in this period due to the influx of people from outside the state.
New cases were reported from various other states and union territories as well, including Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Gujarat, Goa, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Puducherry.
Lockdown slowed spread of virus, insists health ministry
Meanwhile, the Union health ministry in a statement said the lockdown had contributed to the slowing of the spread of the virus in the country.
"Lockdown has garnered multiple gains, and primarily among them is that it has decelerated the pace of spread of the disease," the ministry said.
Estimates made by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation showed that a large number of deaths and cases have been averted, it said, adding that health infrastructure also had been strengthened.
"Health infrastructure required for COVID-19 management was ramped up during the lockdown. As on 27 May, 930 dedicated COVID hospitals with 1,58,747 isolation beds, 20,355 ICU beds and 69,076 oxygen supported beds are available," the statement said.
The Centre has also provided 113.58 lakh N-95 masks and 89.84 lakh Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to the states, union territories and central Institutions, the ministry said, adding that the testing capacity has increased in the country through 435 government laboratories and 189 private laboratories (total of 624 labs).
Chhattisgarh announces austerity measures
However, the impacts of the lockdown on the economy, particularly on the revenues earned by states continued to be evident, with the Chhattisgarh deciding to undertake various austerity measures.
"The state government has taken several important decisions to cut its expenditures and ensure optimal utilisation of resources available for development-oriented works in the backdrop of fall in revenue collection due to the lockdown," a public relations official told PTI.
"As a part of the measures, creating new vacancies, transfer of government staff, holding meetings in expensive hotels, foreign tours and purchase of new vehicles have been prohibited," he said.
The Punjab government decided to ask the Centre for a fiscal stimulus of Rs 51,102 crores to help the state tide over the financial crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and the prolonged lockdown that ensued.
A draft memorandum to this effect was approved by the Council of Ministers, at a meeting chaired by Chief Minister Amarinder Singh.
Meanwhile, two days after domestic flight operations were restarted in the country after a gap of two months, national carrier Air India said that a passenger, who had travelled on an Alliance Air flight from Delhi to Ludhiana on 25 May, has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, following which 41 people, including five crew members, have been quarantined.
At least seven migrants died onboard Shramik Special trains
The plight of migrants also continued to make it to the headlines, a day after the Supreme Court issued notices to the Centre and states on the issue.
According to PTI, at least seven deaths were reported onboard Shramik Special trains for migrant workers on Wednesday. The seven deaths — four on-board trains travelling to Bihar and three terminating in Uttar Pradesh — happened over the past few days, and were reported on Wednesday.
However, Railways officials said that most of the deceased had pre-existing health conditions.
Among the dead was 35-year-old Uresh Khatoon. Her toddler's vain attempt to awaken her from the eternal sleep on a platform in Bihar's Muzaffarpur was captured in a moving video that went viral on social media Wednesday, opening the floodgates of criticism for the Railways. The Railways attributed her death to a recent heart surgery, also corroborated by her son.
Another death reported from Muzaffarpur was that of a four-and-a-half-year-old son of a migrant from Bihar based in Delhi. The boy died at the railway station on arrival by a 'Shramik Special' train, while his father desperately hunted for some milk he believed would have saved his child.
While the father said that his son died of heat, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Railway, Ramakant Upadhyay, claimed the boy was ailing for some time and had died before the train reached Muzaffarpur station.
Two migrant workers were also found dead on a Shramik Special train at a Varanasi railway station on Wednesday morning.
Travelling migrant workers have complained of lack of food and water on-board these Shramik Special trains and also alleged they are not running on time and are being diverted "at will".
The Railways has, however, maintained that these trains are running on "pre-scheduled rationalised routes".
Some trains which should have taken 24 hours to reach to their destinations, arrived in over two days, according to reports, leaving the passengers on-board hungry and desperate.
Schools in West Bengal to remain shut till 30 June
West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee said the state considers ferrying of a large number of migrant workers by trains as a big problem for public health, as she sought Prime Minister Narendra Modi's intervention in the matter. Those returning from the coronavirus hotspot states of Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu will have to go for a 14-day institutional quarantine, Banerjee said.
Migrant workers wait outside a railway station in Mumbai hoping to be able to return to their home states. AP
The state government also announced that all schools will remain closed till 30 June.
In Mizoram, Chief Minister Zoramthanga said his government is contemplating extending the coronavirus-induced lockdown beyond 31 May in view of the influx of migrants from outside the state.
The Himachal Pradesh government has already authorised all district magistrates to extend the coronavirus lockdown beyond 31 May and three DMs have issued orders indicating that the curfew will continue in their areas for another month.
A nationwide lockdown has been in place since 25 March and the ongoing fourth phase of the lockdown is scheduled to remain in place till 31 May. While several relaxations have been given in the fourth phase for allowing various economic activities, educational institutions are among those that have not been allowed to open as yet.
With inputs from PTI
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