#this is a REEEAAALLLLYYY long post so-
libertys-lovers · 1 year
*sharp inhale*
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Another year has passed for these six goobers! Another year of being silly, another year of being goofy, and another year of being jobless little NEETS! 🥰 (Even though they’re technically not jobless? They work on their own show, don’t they? Anyways-).
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I know I’ve talked about it before, but these 6 have had such a huge influence on my life, it’s almost embarrassing. Their show is easily the most consistent fixation I’ve ever had, and their lives are a nightmare-scenario that I am so damn happy I get to indulge in. In self-ship lore, I’m proud to call them my friends. In real life though, damnit, I’m just glad I heard of them at all. Perhaps I shouldn’t get too personal, but every single brother’s had some sort of influence on me.
And, of course, that includes the catalyst brother for all of this.
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As you can imagine, Kara is especially important to me. He’s somehow a culmination of what I am and what I want to be. We’re both really dramatic & artistic in a way, and we both act despite how others perceive us; I just really need his confidence! And, of course, he’s important to me purely based off the fact I wanna smooch him silly. But… there’s another part of it too:
Kara, to me, represents two of the most influential aspects of my life; self-shipping and Oso-San. He may not be my first F/O, technically; Ichimatsu was my first official F/O, and Dororo may as well have been an unofficial F/O since I was a kid. But, Kara is the earliest on the list, he somehow came back on the list after being removed during a rough-ass time, and he has caused the most brainrot without a damn doubt. In a way, he kinda summarizes the entire self-ship experience for me. And, ya know, the Oso-San representation is self explanatory. I have other “most influential” franchises, like Homestuck or FNAF, but Oso-San is the most persistent hyperfixation I have. It got me through high-school & through the pandemic, and it’s by far the series I revisit most.
I’ve been thinking about that a lot recently, and I realized that Kara even represents my closest friendships (well, 2 of them anyway!). The two fixations he represents are closely tied to my friends; I wouldn’t be hitched to him if it wasn’t for one friend, and I wouldn’t even know about him if it weren’t for the other. I still remember watching clips of the show with @vhshipping , which actually caused dreams that literally gaslit me into watching the show NWKEKD; we ended up binging a bit of the show together, which I think solidified its place as a fixation in me lol. And I remember @self-shipping-payaso asking about the lil men I was posting about on my story, leading to them helping me realize that they could be F/Os! It’s crazy that a single character can bring back so many wonderful memories with such wonderful people. I hope those two realize how damn important they are to me, outside of their wingmaning as well! They better! I’m sending this to them so they should! You! You two! I fucking love you! 👋🥹
Needless to say, this has greatly increased his value as a character for me.
But… the question might pop up of “why are you talking about all of this in a birthday post?”, and the short answer is that “this is my blog and I’ll do whatever I want!”. But, if it wouldn’t kill me to be serious for five minutes, well, I guess it’s to showcase why I bother to make birthday posts about the bros in the first place. I usually don’t make big deals about fictional character birthdays, but these guys have had such an influence on me that I almost feel obligated to do it for them NAKDMDKFK. Maybe this is all my way of trying to justify why I’m so attached to them, idk.
Truth be told, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to properly explain everything they mean to me, but this was certainly a valiant effort!
So uh… TL:DR… Happy Birthday to the Matsunos~!
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manonamora-if · 3 months
This is a short-ish log. I know I forgot last week, but I'm sure you understand why :P There was the AMA on that Saturday, and I was sPENT.
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Teatime with a Vampire
IT IS OUT! The thing I've been working for almost a month, which I thought I'd be done in a week... It's way too long for its own good. But you CAN PLAY IT.
If you like vampires and smooches, and slightly about-to-get-steamy scenes, but also weird wtf moments, then this is perfect for you!
While you're at it, play some Queer Vampire Jam games. There's some good stuff there.
French Comp Entry
Currently writing it. An epistolary one. The base UI is ready. I have half the passages drafted. And one week to finish it.
Website update
Last week, I've been working on updating my website since it had been a while, and a bunch of new projects needed to be added. (also ended up fixing some lil things in the process). Check out how cool the first page and project-list pages are now!!
And over on itch, I've updated my page to include neat collections to find games easier.
The IFDB Awards were announced and DOL-OS won the Outstanding French Game of 2023!!! I'm reeeaaallllyyy happy about this! It was also nominated for a handful of other ones like: Outstanding Twine, Trailblazer, and Outstanding Sci-Fi!
Thanks to everyone who voted at the Awards (and for me :P ) Next is the Xyzzy... any day now xD
I think that's all for what I've been doing. I need to add more to the @manonamora-if-reviews queue, cause I've been reviewing a bunch of stuff lately too! If only the IFDB and Tumblr would "talk" to each other so the posting would be automatic xD
IF Events for next week:
The Smoochie Jam, the @seedcomp-if and the French IF Comp are ending very very soon! But there is still some time to submit!
The SpringThing will still accept intents to submit until March 1!
I've started the Interactive Fiction Showcase 2024 over on itch to try to find more IF release during the year. Consider sharing the post on Tumblr!
And that's it for now :) The end of the month is approaching, which means a new check-in will happen (and lots of admin too... ;-;)
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