#this hellsite has become a hellhome
thewickedspinster · 1 month
requests are open!
hi there! i've been around for a while, but i'm just now starting to engage and post here for myself. i'm a writer, mostly of fanfic but also of some other wips, and i want to extend my services to the tumblr side of the internet! i write for a slew of characters that are all wildly different, which i'll list below. send a message to my inbox with your ideas! i'll hear anything out and let ya know if i'm cool with it.
also, here's a link to my acotar fic on ao3 should you desire proof that i can, in fact, write:
the lineup:
sjm universe
nesta archeron
elain archeron
eris vanserra
lucien vanserra
aedion ashryver
chaol westfall
rowan whitethorn
fenrys moonbeam
ruhn danaan
tharion ketos (sue me)
harry potter
james potter
remus lupin
harry potter
ron weasley
fred weasley
hermione granger
cedric diggory
thorin oakenshield
carmy berzatto (the bear)
tristan caine (the atlas six)
callum nova (the atlas six)
parisa kamali (the atlas six)
matthias helvar (six of crows)
nikolai lanstov (king of scars)
honestly ask me and i'll probably be happy to write abt them!
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@support @staff my blog @callmebliss got terminated last night with no warning, apparent reason, or explanation. I have had the blog for well over a decade and would like it back. It contains countless stories of my family and is the hub of my online social connections, as well as the base from which several of my sideblogs built with themes of their own (callmebliss-got-swamped has become largely gardening things, @knottybliss is building a supportive network of fiber artists and thingmakers of all types)
If this hellsite is meant to be our hellhome, I have just been kicked out of my house and am yelling at the people holding the keys to it from inside a little cardboard box on the sidewalk across the street. Please let me back in.
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achangeinpriorities · 2 years
Okay but I saw you say that with your hc, Len is only a couple years older than David, and now I’m just imagining… what if Len was David’s sexual awakening? Just saying, I could totally see David having a thing for bad boys when he was younger.
Oh David absolutely has a thing for bad boys, past and present, he's just shy about it. (I mean, his and Hartley's thing speaks to that - there's no way anyone will convince me they didn't enemies-to-lovers, even though I don't think the comics have yet graced us with that.)
And after all, Len would be quite a sexual awakening. I suspect, in David's case, that it's not even necessarily the motorcycle or the punky leather and denim that does it; it's the confidence with which Len carries himself. Hard-won confidence, of course, but David doesn't need to know the roughest side of that; Len is perfectly fine letting him believe it's all from street fights and picking trouble with the law.
That said, the punky leather and denim *are* incredibly persuasive, especially on someone as attractive as Len. I can only imagine how many embarrassed fantasies David had—rational mind trying to convince him that he doesn’t want the bad boy, every other bit of his mind resistant to said convincing.
Len would be so deeply amused if he found out, too—I doubt David would hear the end of it, even when they’re both much older and on opposite sides of the law. And for as much as he’d act annoyed, I bet he’d enjoy the teasing, since Len’s teasing always has at least a vague element of flirtation to it.
(As a side note, I love that my reputation has become 'purveyor of David Singh headcanons.' Not what I expected, when I made this hellsite a hellhome, but I'll take it!)
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