#this has turned into a live blog
uncanny-tranny · 7 months
The thing that gets me about history and humanity is that you never know what is immortalized, and the things that will be immortalized are things you would never think.
I saw a person sharing a new tattoo, and it was one of Onfim's drawings. A boy who lived so long ago he is barely a blip now, but his drawings meant so much to people that somebody is now permanently marked in their skin with one of those drawings. Do you ever look at the things you make and just sit there and wonder if this is the thing that future people look at? Do you ever look at your art, your writing, your schoolwork, or anything that is yours and just wonder who will find it, who will fall in love with a piece of your humanity and become overwhelmed with emotion over? It's not unlikely. It's not totally unlikely that somebody will find a piece of you in the distant future and devoid of any other context of who you were will still love you because you were here. You were here, and you are still here, even hundreds or thousands of years later. Treat yourself with the same love that so many have for dear Onfim.
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murk888 · 4 months
Hey, friends. Wanna hear something funny?
I got into a car accident today.
But I was very lucky.
A truck went out of control, slid sideways down the road towards me and hit the driver's side with its rear end, pushing my car against a wall for a moment, then spun around again and got stuck, fully blocking the road.
I'm completely fine.
Only a piece of shattered glass cut my finger. Except for that, your humble artist is unharmed.
This doesn't feel real
What a crazy day
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theamazingannie · 1 month
Jordan trying to make Kyle think he has no shot is so annoying cuz I really think with Jordan gone, Kyle has the biggest shot of winning cuz he’s in good with the other four. Like Jordan being in the finale would be the worst thing for Kyle
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sonatine · 2 months
Top 10 Bend it Like Beckham Subtext Moments
All the women in Jess' life dress super girly and she dresses. Well. You're not going to believe this
Neither Jess or Jules interested in dating guys. It's implied that Jules has an ex, but he's never mentioned again and she does not care about him
Jess gets mad anytime someone calls her friend Tony her bf
All the girls in the park salivating over a guy with his shirt off and Jess is just like 😐
Why did Jess sit SO CLOSE next to Jules on her bed when her mom came in? What was the point of that?
Their cute date into city center to buy cleats
Comparing playing soccer to sneaking around with a boy (hm)
Jess' sister calling Jules "dykey"
"Me? Kissing? A boy??? You're all mad"
Jess asking her sister if her parents would still speak to her if she dated someone white (could apply to joe but also jules)
"How do you know if you love someone?" "You'd do anything for them" there is no WAY this is about Joe
Jules gets mad about Joe and Jess kissing but........ who is she maddest about
Parallels between Jess and her gay friend Tony
Shots of Jess' sister dancing with her husband at her weddings interspersed with shots of Jess playing at the finals with Jules
Jules planning to show up to the wedding """"IN HER BEST TROUSERS""""
"You look gorgeous" STOP
Holding hands at the wedding
I did forget about the kiss after the final match
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pliablehead · 2 months
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misformillie · 10 months
Boy fights his biggest enemy and adopts a bunch of cute children he finds at the battle place and his boyfriend is very supportive of it all.
And it happened twice
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(I know I CAN’T DRAW I’m sorry but I have my reasons)
and I know Snufkin and Moomin are not dating in canon but according to tumblr they are
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vse-kar-vem · 2 months
how to write vent post title that does not come off as self-pitying and or accusatory (because it's NOT !)
#sorry tumblr is like a diary to me idk what i'll do w this blog after i (sigh) inevitably move on#either way#im convinced everyone hates me again :3 but realistically no one cares about me even enough to hate me im just stupid and self centred 💔#if anything me TYPING these posts is actuvely turning people against me#again with the assumptions that people care enough to read these 😭 fhskfbhsjfkg#i hate that i care so much what people online think of me cuz irl it's like. whatever#but here there are so many cool people who i admire and would love to be friends with im always hyperparanoid of everything i do#and still i manage to overstep and come off as annoying#like obvs you're allowed to hate me even if you're someone i look up to like that's your perogative#but i hate worrying about IF anyone hates me#oughgh this is easier irl because usually people send off pretty clear signals if they dont like you#but online (esp with how prickly this fandom is) i don't know whether im being insecure and reading into things or whether people just don't#like me (which again is fine i would just rather know if anyone gets it)#i figure art is the one way i can get people to like me 💔 which sounds kinda pathetic because irl i KNOW im liked and capable!#fandom has just become such a big part of my personality that i cant detach my self worth from it#and i do love art and drawing and such i hate that even if i know people my stuff EYE dont and it doesnt mean anything or act as a signifier#of my friendships#wow .... i really am my own therapist ..... i should shut up#the industrial revolution and its consequences (jofandom)#i think these posts are half self exploration half ... almost self harm? because sometimes im so derogatory about myself on purpose in a#'you're worthless' way. but at the same time it's cathartic and i always feel better having probed at my feelings and gotten them in order#not to do a complete 180 but it's MY post and JO LONDON IN *12* DAYS!!!!!!!! AHH i'm sooo excited if it doesnt live up to my expectations i#may cry a little. and there will be another vent post from me !#sometimes i wonder if anyone actually reads these 😭#vee rambles
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knife-catto · 1 year
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Sobbing crying throwing up this was such a good chapter and I’m excited to see Phil’s backstory ❤️
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human-sweater-vest · 2 years
an exercise in reasons to exist:
friends who write you love notes and prose, fairy lights, collaborative spotify playlists, promises of shared apartments because rent is too high and wages are too low, over the garden wall watch parties each fall, writing music-both good and objectively bad, memes that make you laugh unexpectedly, moths on windows, dried roses in vases, set lists from concerts, relearning to love reading, seeing people’s comments in google docs of scripts, queer fiction podcasts, leaves changing color, history focused youtube channels, dogs, cats, teaching people how to play games, cribbage, putting stickers on things even though it makes you anxious, photography, playing live photos back months after they’re taken and hearing laughter, indie music, bookstores, chamomile tea, live theatre, the soundtrack to 36 questions- the podcast musical, twitter polls crowning the best shade of pink, the best avatar ship (zukka), the #1 tumblr sexyman, and more, crab rave, candles, decorative sewing scissors, the sparkle emoji, the moon, the sun, discord servers with strange names and even stranger channels, deer, embroidery, lesbians, binders, people who use your pronouns, sharing headphones with friends on busses, going for walks, dandelions, vintage teacups, the trumpet, getting dressed up incredibly fancy to go to the store, discovering a new favorite book, bald eagles, tchotchkes, music boxes, hugs, holding hands, kisses on knuckles, bonking your head against someone like a cat, lavender, having flowers you associate with people, calling fictional middle aged men “babygirl”, internet fandoms, writing meta, tumblr mutuals, fanfic, running jokes, kissing the homies goodnight, blorbos, office hours with your favorite professor, crows, ravens, raven boys (of the raven cycle), literary analysis, conversations at three am about god, ghosts, and the pando tree, the world’s largest organisms: a forest and a fungus, fly agarics poking out of the ground, instagram meme accounts, receiving playlists as gifts, being sent songs because they reminded someone of you, family photo albums, notes in the back of yearbooks, journals, buying journals you’ll never fill because they’re pretty, painting nails on floors, favorite songs, seeing pride flags in public, animated tv shows, poetry, mechanical pencils, meditation, willow trees, one day being able to see fireflies, lists of things that are good and worth staying around for
please add on if you’d like <3
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regallibellbright · 4 months
Precure fans for the first, oh, 75% of the show, hearing the early voice clip for Cure Majesty: So is this gonna be a Cure Ace or Cure Felice situation?
Ellee: Both.
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justicode · 10 months
literally why the fuck is tumblr determined to make it impossible to reach the source of a post. they went from "we're gonna make it easier" to "we're gonna eliminate that possibility entirely"
#OOC / HOLLY.#WHAT IS THE POINT#there was an xkit extension that like if you clicked on the username of the person someone reblogged the post from#at the absolute top of the rbed post it would take you to that post on their blog#instead of just taking you to the front page of their blog#well this morning I wake up to find tumblr has removed that entirely#the top of a rbed post just has '[username] reblogged this'#OKAY??? FROM WHOM??? FUCK YOU#not to mention that seeing who a mutual rbed a post from has historically been a decent way to find more people to follow#but now unless that person is the op OR added something to the body of the post you'll have to dredge through the notes to find anything#which anyway still doesn't address the problem that you can't just go directly to the post on op's blog#where the rpc is concerned 'reblog memes from the source' is about to be a thing of the past#which personally I don't care about#that wasn't really a thing when I started out in rp + I've never found it to be an issue for me. it has never once clogged up my feed#however I understand it's a different story for some people#some people need their activity feed cleaner#and I don't complain about tumblr updates. I generally find them benign#this one is a pain tho. as are the changes to how posts show up in tags [which was perfectly fckn functional thank you]#and the defaulting to the 'for you' tab and the tumblr live that we can't turn off permanently#the rest I can either adapt to; ignore; or turn off
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to-be-a-dreamer · 1 year
Yesterday my friend was telling me a story about how he drank eight shots of tequila mixed with two energy drinks and then woke up without a hangover and went to work just fine. And we were joking about how the shock of two energy drinks and the shock of 1.5 cups of straight tequila probably canceled each other out when he looked me dead in the eye and very seriously said “Don’t drink until you’re twenty-one and do it responsibly” like an older sibling suddenly getting protective. This man is only a few months older than me and also is not twenty-one yet.
Anyways it gives me Jack Kelly vibes cause you know that boy is constantly lecturing the younger newsies (they are three months younger) about how to be safe while you’re out selling and to stay away from drugs and alcohol and Charlie is just there in the background recounting every idiotic thing Jack has done in the past week alone
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sapphcon-ic · 2 years
God of war Ragnarok is the ultimate found family simulator
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muzzlemouths · 1 year
Psst. Just wanted to let you know that you're cool and I hope you have a really nice day today! You seem to be Goin Through It™ and I just wanted to let you know that we (your followers) like you no matter the quantity of stuff you're able to make at any given time (though we most certainly do like what you make, but that's not why most of us stay, I believe); you're very funny and have insightful opinions about writing, and you're always super nice when I stop by to say hi! Please remember to be kind to your mind and heart this upcoming Spring. I hope The Delights come into your life in leaps and bounds, and that you'll receive good news soon!!! <33
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ooh...ohh.h.....th.ank you for the kind words........
#ohhhh i fought long and hard to not just. keep this in my inbox so i could stare at it for days#when i first read this my initial reaction was ''oh god is it that obvious''#''am i like crashing and burning in real time on this blog. live on tv''#which..FAIR YEAH LMAO#to be 100% transparent here i actually haven't been on this blog all day BECAUSE i was having a day where I was just like.#ahaha my shit Sucks and everybody's just humoring me#comparison kills and i have been stabbing myself like its the ides of march lately#and the fact that i haven't put anything new out is half because of that i'm sure#like the mindset of ''if i post nothing at all then i can't compare it to [insert other authors here]''#WHICH IS SOOOO STUPID I KNOW I KNOW#self sabotage is my middle name its a bad habit i'm fighting daily but it's HARD#this has just turned into a Whining Session oh no#there's a reason i moved all of this to tags lmao#ANYWAY ANYWAY. GENUINELY I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU#from the bottom of my heart asks like these keep me from going over the deep end#it amazes me each and every day that so many of you choose not only to follow me but to STAY despite my general shenanigans and thinly veil#like i'll have days (like today) where i'm on the floor kicking and screaming over NOTHING and y'all just sit back and wait for me to get m#and it makes me so genuinely soft. the patience and kindness you show me#i will try my HARDEST to be kind to my mind and heart i promise. I promise.#if not for myself than for everyone out there continuously showing their support for me despite The Horrors#and I hope you're right i hope The Delights are somewhere in view soon enough#lord knows we could all use 'em#thank you again#❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#edit: oh tumblr cut off like half of these paragraphs#thats probably for the best. you can just guess what i said LMAO
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elegyofthemoon · 7 months
Sorry, but I saw your comment about how Gepard is in that piece like Serval's shield, and I guess you mean in general how that's the role he has as the captain of the Silvermane guards and how that's the role he tried to get to get "even" with Serval due to childhood, but also... The fact that at the same time Serval is still literally his shield? That always makes me soooo ajfkabfksndjd when it comes to them and their dynamic.
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peculiar--princess · 2 years
For anyone willing to share, what are some of your reasons to recover/benefits to recovery?
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