#this has been soMEWHAT OF A FLOP pls ignore this
beaubcxton · 5 years
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Heavy is the head that wears the crown 
➤ Remus Lupin for the incredibly kind @manqoz
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sero-sphere · 4 years
Writing Prompt : Serial Killer Tomura Shigaraki
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listen so i know its been awhile. alot of things happened. i got a new job, my computer broke, my computer got fixed....bnha season 4 ended. Tiger King was a thing, and obviously quarantine.
also sorry this is what i decided to post first. youve all been warned!
Prompt: a serial killer who finds their victims through dating apps has finally chosen their next target. they've been texting for a while and had planned what would've been a fatal first date, but then the country went on lockdown. the killer keeps in touch figuring they might as well keep around another potential victim except...they’re kinda starting to like this one.
(Serial killer Tomura x f reader)
Warnings: murder, non-con everything? , mention of rape? idk its bad he kills people. maybe a little hybristophilia if you look real close.  (pls just remember none of this is real and proceed with caution....thnks)
1 week before quarantine:
It had only been three days since you re-downloaded tinder off of a whim. There had been some pretty interesting matches up until this point, but you were flip flopping between two guys mainly. One was tall with dark hair. He was covered in burns that only seemed to add to his allure. He was hot, figuratively and literally. The other was another kind of mystery all together. He had denied all your requests for any more pictures of himself. He obviously had the standard few shown in his bio, but those were mostly all body pics. It’s not like he was even that big, his muscles were no doubt toned as anything, but, like the first boy, he was littered in scars that intrigued you. The chemistry the two of you shared seemed stronger in your opinion than with the first. You were dying to see him in person, after all you had only been able to see so much during your facetime calls.
After some time, you finally narrowed it down. You decided to take a risk and go with what was behind door number 2. Tomura Shigaraki.
 1 day before quarantine:
After a few days of chatting, the two of you had teased each other so much you couldn’t stand it anymore. You were just dying for him to ask to see you in person. You and your friends had stopped going to the clubs recently, and you just hoped your now empty schedule would line up with his at some point this week. Everyone around you was getting sicker and sicker so the club was definitely a no go for now. Plus, with the way you looked, it might be a bit dangerous. Still, you hoped to play your cards just right, and finally get him to give in. You decided a little impromptu face time session was the next step. Removing your sweatshirt, leaving you in only a tank top, you grabbed your phone.
-----------------------------------------    ≧◠‿◠≦✌    -----------------------------------------
Halfway through the call you were starting to tune him out when you heard him snap at you. “What are you paying attention to? Those eyes should be on me.”
Bashfully, you turned back to your phone. “Sorry, I mean, have you seen the news? Not only do they talk about the virus 24/7, they also talk about those murders all the time.”
“Oh…yeah?” He hardened slightly at the unintended mention of him.
“Yeah, I mean if the virus doesn’t take me out…I’m pretty sure this guy might. All the victims look almost exactly like me.”
He really was a sucker for your innocence. “Oh, I guess he must have a type...”
“Yeah it’s quite interesting.” Your eyes flicked up to your screen, then back to the T.V
“Interesting?” Shigaraki was genuinely confused.
Returning your gaze to your phone, you finally answered him. “Yeah I think so, why you don’t?”
Interesting was the last thing people called him. Freak, psycho, yeah, but interesting? “I’m not sure…why, are you interested in him?”
“Well, you just said he has a type…I just wonder what it is about girls like me that make him go crazy….I bet you he has mommy issues!” You said with a giggle.
“Hah, mommy issues…”
“Either that or he’s got one of those weird brother sister relationships…maybe if I pretend he’d let me live.” You moaned slightly into the speaker. “Oh, oniichan~”
He coughed to stop himself from moaning. “Maybe it’s a bit of both.” Admittedly you did look like his mom and sister. More similar to which, was the real question.
“Oh, you think?… Who doesn’t have family issues these days….”
He was silent as you continued to theorize about him unknowingly.  He couldn’t stop himself from asking “What would you say to him, ya know? You said you look like his victims…haven’t you thought about if it was to happen to you?”
“Hmm….. I guess I’d ask him why?”
“Why what?”
“Why kill them? Like I wonder what happened in his life for him to be able to do something like that?”
“That’s what you would say? Not scream for help?” All of his past victims screamed, God he hated that. That’s why he ended up shoving his cock down their throats half the time. Anything to get them to shut up.
“If I’m going to die anyway why not take the opportunity to get to know him a little. Might sound morbid, but he doesn’t let people get away.”
“Seems like you know a lot about this guy?” He asked probingly.
“I’ve been curious, nothing really going on in the world other than this virus...”
1 week into quarantine:
After that conversation Tomura became intrigued as to what you would think when you finally realized who he was. If you would really be brave enough to ask him ‘why’, right before he decided to take your life.  He was looking forward to the day you would finally agree to leave your house again. You were in the middle of a global pandemic after all. Until then, he had his ways of continuing his mission.
He started by hacking into the local hospital records. Truth be told he wasn’t ready to die, or be caught yet, so every week he would hack away for the names of the women who had recently been tested, and were found to be negative for the virus. He then sifted through their social media for girls that fit his profile. There weren’t too many, and he had to settle for a few that were a bit out of his age range.
A few weeks went by, the two of you keeping in touch every night. Tomura still finding suitable replacements until you were finally in his grasps. He didn’t want to give himself away by dragging you out, there were no excuses he could even think of at this point. It was better to wait, at least that’s what he kept telling himself.
3 weeks into quarantine:
“Victim? Victim, honey you’re my fifth one….”
After the deed was done, and he was just about to head out of there, Shigarakis phone started to ring. He was going to ignore it at first until he saw it was you.  It was rather unusual for you to call this early. You both kept to a strictly late night schedule. Curiosity got the better of him.
“Hey…” He answered, huffing into the phone. He was ashamedly out of breath after everything that just transpired.
“Oh hey, I didn’t think you were going to answer.”
“Well. I did…so what’s up?”
“Why do you sound so out of breath? What were you jerking off…” You said teasingly.
“No, I was about to though…” He wasn’t lying, he usually goes home to finish himself. Maybe now was the chance to take a little risk.
“Wanna help me get there?” Yup, he was doing this.
“Yeah, of course I do.” You replied, unaware of what the person on the other end of the phone was really about to do.
3 weeks and 2 days into quarantine:
“Hey Tomu, you hear about what the killer left behind this time?” You all but nearly shouted, as soon as Shigaraki accepted your facetime call.
“Hmm, what was it?” If he had to take a guess, he bet he could figure out what it was.
“He came all over her face, he’s never done that before!…do you think he killed her before or after?”
“Probably before…” Probably? Yeah right, he knew for a fact he killed her before your little call to him.
“Yeah you’re probably right. They said this one was a bit older, I wonder if that helped him out more…ya’ know cause his supposed mommy issues.”
“Somehow I don’t think that’s the case…”
He couldn’t really tell you it was you, who indeed got him there. Staring at that body that somewhat resembled you, while you were saying all those things to him. He really couldn’t wait to have you. He usually wasn’t a man of patience, so he couldn’t figure out why he hasn’t actually killed you yet. He kept making up excuses but deep down, he knew he was growing quite fond of you. He couldn’t help that you were stroking his ego every time he did something riskier and you would comment on it.  
4 weeks into quarantine:
 The last girl was different. They no longer felt right to him. He knew he had to have you. He wondered if he would miss you after it was done. Was he going to fuck you before or after? You weren’t going to be alive to theorize with him afterwards, that made him a little sad. He picked up his phone and shot you a text.
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seriestrash · 5 years
Chapter One
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- Banner by the amazing @punzellies -
Summary: TJ Kippen walks through life looking out for number one because nobody else seemed to. When an unlikely friendship sparks new feelings, TJ’s outlook on everything begins to change.
Note: This is an AU. Most of this will be explained in the story but a here’s a quick summary of the main changes: TJ and Cyrus met during the muffin scene but never reconnected after that. The kids are now all in high school. GHC and co. are sophomores whilst Amber and Iris are juniors. 
(read on ao3)
Chapter One 
Word Count: 1662
✗ ✗ ✗
It’s the last day of summer vacation before TJ officially becomes a student at Grant High School. To round off the break in a way that poetically reflects how the summer has gone for TJ, the rain pours down outside. 
TJ sits alone at a table situated at the back of The Spoon in a position where he can see everyone in the diner without anyone really noticing him. TJ has his headphones plugged in but with the music low enough that he could still clearly hear everything going on around him. TJ often did this, he liked to be aware but he also wore them because it tended to make people leave him alone. 
Even though TJ could hear everything clearly, he still pretends like he didn’t notice his cousin approach the table. It’s not until she forcefully yanks the cord - pulling the headphones from TJ’s ears completely - that he looks up from his phone.
“What do you want, Amber?” TJ grumbles. 
“Nice to see you too, cousin.” Amber exaggerates her smile. “I was on my break and I didn’t see you come in.” Amber explains. 
“I didn’t think you were working, if I’d known you were, I wouldn't have come in.” TJ exaggerates his smile too, mimicking his cousin. 
“Did you come from work?” Amber asks, choosing to ignore TJ’s jerky behaviour. 
“No, I wear this for fun.” TJ quips sarcastically as he motions to his Jackson Street Gym t-shirt. “I was walking home but it started raining.” 
“Wasn’t your mom picking you up today?” Amber questions, continuing to ignore his snarkiness. 
“I guess she forgot me.” TJ shrugs, “That’s been happening a lot lately.” 
"Maybe Aunt Tess was just busy,” Amber smiles sympathetically, “I finish work in an hour, want me to drive you home? I could try slip you some free fries while you wait.” 
“I don’t want your sympathy fries or your ride home.” TJ rejects grumpily.
“I’m just trying to be nice. No need to be such a jerk about it.” Amber huffs. “Walk home in the rain. See if I care.” 
TJ did just that, staunching out of the diner with a huff of his own. Luckily for the teen though, the rain had started to clear up so the walk wasn’t actually too bad. Eventually it stopped completely and the sun even poked through the gray clouds.  
With the weather change, TJ decides to walk through the park even though it adds an extra five minutes onto his trip. As TJ is passing the swing set he spots a somewhat familiar face singing a mopey song as he swings.
TJ usually ignored this kind of thing and kept to himself or he’d be the kind of guy to poke fun at it and he kind of does just that when he approaches and comments, “Nice song, what do you sing when you’re on the slide?” 
The boy stops swinging and answers with another rhyme, to which TJ can’t help but let out a faint laugh as he hadn’t actually expected him to have a song.
“I know you,” TJ says a little uncertain, “Chocolate, chocolate chip muffin right?”
“And you’re scary basketball guy.” He says with a hint of a smile on his confused face. 
TJ’s expression drops, although the boy had said it with a smile it felt like an insult nonetheless. “Actually, TJ.” 
“I know. Cyrus.” He points to himself. “I can’t believe you remember the muffin thing, that was like two years ago.”
TJ shrugs it off casually. “Didn’t you move to London or something?” 
“It was more in the country.” Cyrus explains, “But basically yeah. I’m back now though. For good.”
“When did you get back?” TJ asks. 
“Today.” Cyrus beams. 
“And your first stop was the park?” TJ raises a brow. 
“Swinging makes me feel better about things.” Cyrus admits. 
“You’re not happy to be back?” TJ questions. 
“More anxious.” Cyrus explains. “I’m kind of battling with a big decision.” 
“Like what shirt you’re going to wear for the first day?” TJ playfully teases. 
“Please,” Cyrus coaxes his head with a smirk, “I decided that two weeks ago.” 
TJ chuckles but eventually the laughter fades, he looks at Cyrus with a subtly curious expression, “So does it help?” TJ asks. “The swinging?”
“It helps me.” Cyrus nods, “Why don't you try?” He suggests, “It could just be the rain dampened look but you kinda seem like you need it.” 
TJ considered just walking away, he had already stayed longer than he planed - which was not at all - but before he even realised what he was doing, TJ took to the swing beside Cyrus. 
TJ begins kicking his legs back and forth, the momentum builds and he’s quickly swinging high, a smile building on his face, “Wow, this does kinda make me feel better.” 
“I told you,” Cyrus smiles as he swings at a slower pace. “There’s something about feeling like a kid that makes your problems feel not so important. What do you need to feel better about anyway?” 
“You don't know me. I got stuff.” TJ swings. 
“Betcha I got more stuff.” Cyrus almost jokes. 
“Betcha I can swing higher.” TJ challenges.
“I’m afraid to swing high, that’s part of my stuff.” Cyrus admits. 
TJ continues to try and bait Cyrus into swinging higher but when the boy continues to reject the idea, TJ jumps off his swing and a childhood game ensues. 
“That was exhilarating!” Cyrus exclaims and TJ watches Cyrus’ swing slow with a smile. 
“Feel better about your upcoming decision yet?” TJ questions. 
“I think so.” Cyrus laughs, “How about you, do you feel better?” 
“Yeah. I really do.” TJ smiles, swinging really had made him feel better but acknowledging that out loud again changed TJ’s mood, like a subconscious reminder went off about how he shouldn't feel that way. His expression drops, “I should probably get going.”
“You don’t have to.” Cyrus stops his swinging completely. 
“I still have to decide what shirt to wear.” TJ jokes. 
“Avoid red.” Cyrus continues the bit, “I find it too angry for a first day.” 
TJ lets his laugh taper off, “Thanks for reminding me about swinging.”
“You’re welcome.” Cyrus nods. “See you at school tomorrow, not so scary basketball guy?” 
“Sure thing, underdog.” TJ says almost sarcastically and it wasn’t meant in a malicious way, TJ just couldn’t imagine they’d have much reason to be in each others lives after this. 
After the swings, TJ makes his way home and on the way it began to lightly rain, getting him all damp again. TJ enters his apartment quietly, gently placing his keys on the hook by the door. 
“Teej, is that you?” His mothers voice trails down the hall.
“Yeah, it’s me.” TJ calls back. Silently he wonders what his mom would do if it wasn’t him. The chances of the person at the door -letting themselves in- being someone else were slim, after all it was just the two of them that lived there.
“I’m in the kitchen.” Tess announces. 
TJ zips up his still slightly damp jacket and finds his mom as promised, in the kitchen, stacks of boxes scattered about. 
“Sweets, you’re all damp.” Tess points out with a confused expression. “Has it been raining today?” 
“A bit.” TJ nods casually. 
“Where have you been all day?” Tess questions, “You shouldn’t be out in the rain, you can’t afford to get sick with high school just beginning.” 
“It’s fine, I was inside.” TJ states. 
Realisation crosses over his mothers face and her expression falls to guilt, “I was supposed to pick you up from work.” Tess slaps her palm to her forehead. “Why didn't you call me?” 
“I figured you forgot.” TJ shrugs. “It’s okay, I don’t mind walking.”
“Teej, I’m so sorry.” Tess apologises, “I didn’t mean to forget. I got distracted-” 
“Packing up our life, I know.” TJ cuts in bitterly. 
“Teej,” Tess frowns, “I know you don’t want to move but it’s not like it’s across the country. You’ll still be right here in Shadyside. The house will be bigger and there’s yard space. I’ll make sure you can set up a hoop right in the backyard.” 
“I don’t care about a big house or a stupid hoop.” TJ snaps, “This is our home, mom. Our memories are here.”
“Sweets, those memories will always be with you.” Tess soothes, “You don’t need this tiny apartment to keep them alive.” 
“You’re right, so why bother keeping half this junk anyway?” TJ angrily pushes a  box off the counter and dishes smash in the aftermath. 
“TJ!” Tess gasps. 
“I’m going to my room.” TJ states. 
“Dinner will be here soon, I ordered pizza.” Tess tries to defuse her sons anger. 
“I’m not hungry.” TJ grumbles as he leaves his upset looking mother behind him. 
TJ retreats into his room tossing his wet jacket and shirt to the side before putting on something dry. Just as he pulls the new sweatshirt over his head he catches a glimpse of something on his desk. It’s a new set of pencils with a post it note attached that reads, ‘love mom’ with a simple stick figure drawing of the two of them. TJ smiles at the gift and basic drawing, he had been needing new pencils for a while now. The thoughtful gift made him feel guilty for being such a jerk to his mother but TJ was stubborn and still angry that he was being forced to move so he stands firm about hiding away in his room for the evening.
TJ flops down at this desk, his unfinished summer reading staring him right in the face but instead of picking up the syllabus, he reaches for his new pencils and his old sketchpad. 
The time ticks by and as the sun sets on the final day of summer break, TJ fills the page with a drawing of two boys on a swing. 
✗ ✗ ✗
End Notes (pls read): Okay just a short little chapter to get us started. The next one is longer, I promise :) 
I noted a few changes at the top but here are a couple more changes explained further that were mentioned in the chapter;
- Kippen cousins (kinda): 
I am not really a Kippen sibling fan. I like the HC, it’s fun but too far from cannon for me personally. But!! I like the idea of their grumpy dynamic so I’m using it but putting my own spin on it - therefore cousins rather than siblings. (Also not having Amber be his sister works a lot better for this story). 
TJ’s mom and Amber’s dad are brother and sister. Amber’s last name is Brown (as some people tag her as such I can’t remember where this last name came from tbh.. I think it was Josh?). TJ’s mom’s maiden name is Brown but TJ is Kippen because of his father. Hope that’s easy enough to follow :) 
- Cyrus moved to England 
Soon after the muffin escapes and before their on screen swing set scene, Cyrus moved to England. Cyrus attended a fancy boarding school but more on that in future chapters. 
Since Cyrus moved away, TJ and him never really bonded fully after the muffin scene. This change will have impacted both their lives (as I’m a firm believer that people impact who we become) so you will see changes - or changes that never happened - with both of them.
OKAY. There will be a few tweaks to canon here and there but you should all be able to follow along each chapter easily enough!! 
Now to address, swing set new.0; I wasn’t even going to have TJ and Cyrus re-meet this chapter - I had a sort of different prologue planned but scrapped it - and their re-meet was never planned to be on the swings again but I do believe in fate and the swings really sparked their bond so I wanted to revisit that in my story whilst expanding on it to fit their new character dynamics. 
I would like to mention that whilst some parts of my story might include canon tyrus moments reimagined, I won't just be rewriting canon. I plan to incorporate the canon tyrus essence into this story but this story is something new and different. It will not be the tyrus we know but in high school. 
SOOOO, that’s a lot more wordy than usual for my end notes! Yikes! 
I hope you enjoyed this first instalment! More to come! :) I don’t have a planned posting schedule but I hope to release one chapter a week at least!! So ask about the tag list to keep updated! :)
Please let me know your thoughts, likes, reblogs, replies - they are all welcomed and very much appreciated! 
Tag List
- If you would like to be added or removed at any time please feel free to message me -  
@green-lemonboys @thorffour @marvelous-me-always @jonahsbeck @tyrusmagocious @deductionbattles @muffin-duo-xviii @perpetualtyrus @livelovelaugh456 @istillwearyourdenimjacket @thedampjofangirl @protectpetersimmonds @paytonotinthemood @i-am-beyoutiful @cereal-fan @differentandstupidhuman @luzawithoutu  @thefaeriemagic3 @arvinarvox32 @justyouraveragefangiri @someone-get-a-medic @ilovemyredgayson @thebisexualweirdo @amazingpartytattoos @justsay-love @andi-man @spacejellyyfish @ciniluv @amfcndom @bambiandambi @rilaya-tyrus @awkwardlonerkid @moonlightrush @tyruscrack @i-dont-do--sadness @jarolddaiii @tjgoodkippen
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mel-the-fangirl · 6 years
In The Rain - Requested
Sam Holland x Reader
Words: 2,513
Requested by: anonymous (anon, please forgive me. please.)
“Could I have a Sam Holland imagine where they have been dating for 4 years but know each other forever(Him and the reader are 20) and he takes her to their spot (your pick as long as it’s outside) and he has this plan in his head to propose to hear, but when he is about to talk it starts raining and he gets sort of sad, but then it’s all fluffy and he proposes?”
Good GOD this took way longer than it needed to. Please support me huhuhu I’m still here guys, I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking rusty please bear with me on this one, and please. TELL ME HOW I DID. COMMENT. MESSAGE ME. PLS LOVE ME HUHU I’M SO SORRY GUYS
You’ve been with Sam Holland for four amazing years, but you’ve known him even longer than that and it was such a beautiful thing to have your relationship progress so naturally. When you two met as children, you two clicked instantly, almost like it was always meant to be. As you two grew older, you never admitted it but you were afraid that you two would grow apart, that Sam would come into his own and forget all about you, replace you with better, more interesting people.
But that never happened.
Regardless of what you thought, you and Sam grew even closer as the years went on. You both knew that you had found something special in each other and nothing could take that away from you.
When you reached the scary and somewhat predictable world of high school, one thing that you never saw coming (but everyone else did) happened. Sam, your best friend, your confidante, your shoulder to cry on, asked you out. On a date.
And that was kind of the shock of your life, I mean, who would’ve thought? But like all things surrounding you and Sam, it just made sense and most of all, it felt right. Besides, you couldn’t really say no to your best friend, could you?
Your first date with Sam was one of the days of your life you would never forget. He took you to the cinema, picking that cheesy romantic comedy you’d been going on and on about for weeks, he didn’t care for it but just seeing you laugh and swoon at all the right moments was more than enough for him. After the film, Sam took you to dinner, holding your hand all the way and wrapping his coat around you when the night got too cold.
The only problem was that you were so nervous throughout the whole thing that Sam had to steal some fries off of your plate just to get you to act like yourself again.
“Oi, put it back where you got it, fucker.” you growled at him
“There she is.” Sam grinned broadly, placing the offending fries back on your plate
With a roll of your eyes and a smirk on your lips, you two eased back into your usual banter but of course the whole situation was anything but usual. Somewhere behind the laughter and the playful shoves was a subtle electricity wrapping around the two of you like a vise, it wasn’t much but it was a glimpse of something more to come.
After dinner ended, you walked to the park and honestly it was such a cliché, would you believe it actually rained? You two were soaking wet, running through the slick grass, hand in hand, laughter echoing all around you.
You two finally found shelter underneath a tall sycamore tree and you promptly wrung the rain water out of your hair while Sam shook himself out like a dog, effectively soaking you again.
“Sam!” you squealed as the cold water hit you
He laughed heartily and you couldn’t help but join in. When the laughter finally bubbled down into breathless chuckles, your eyes met underneath the glow of the moonlight escaping through the trees.
Sam felt like he was floating up in the night sky. His head was light and his freckled cheeks were burning, all that from one night with you. He didn’t know what came over him or how he found the strength to place his shivering hands upon your crimson tinted cheeks, but he did.
You exhaled sharply when his palms made contact, sending sparks and shivers throughout your body. You looked up at him, confused.
If the sound of the rain wasn’t so loud, you were sure Sam would be able to hear how hard your heart was pounding against your chest. It wasn’t any better for him, either. He was so nervous, he felt as if your beautiful eyes were boring holes into his own.
But it was now or never.
So he asked,
“Can I kiss you?”
His face was already mere inches from yours and his breath touched your lips as he spoke. It was dizzying. You nodded your head almost imperceptibly, frozen in the moment.
Slowly, Sam finally closed the distance between you, pressing his lips against yours.
Fireworks exploded behind your eyelids as your eyes fluttered shut. How on earth were his lips so warm in this weather? It seeped into your body as your lips melded together in perfect sync.
You two pulled apart sooner than both of you would’ve liked. You rested your forehead against his and shut your eyes, trying to steady your frantic heart. Unable to contain himself any longer, Sam cupped your cheeks in his hands and pulled you into a fiery and passionate kiss. Finally, you pull apart and open your eyes.
“Wow.” you mumbled under your breath
“I think we should do that again.” Sam chuckled, not wasting another minute before pulling you into him once more.
That was how it all began.
Four years later, on the day of your anniversary, you stood at the ticket booth in the same movie theatre Sam took you to on your very first date, with your hand in his. You watched him as he bought your tickets, his auburn hair flopping against his forehead in that messy way only he could pull off, his emerald eyes were shining underneath the glare of the fluorescent lights.
He just got more handsome as the years went by.
How on earth did you get so lucky?
The sound of his dorky laugh brought you back to the present, just in time to see the ticket clerk hand the tickets over to your freckled boyfriend. With a cheeky smile, he tugged your arm in the direction of your designated cinema number.
“What was so funny back there?” you asked Sam inquisitively, noting that he was more fidgety than usual
“Huh? Nothing! Just a good joke.”
Your eyes narrowed into tiny slits as you watched him fumble with your movie tickets, handing them to the attendant with shaky hands, you observed.
Oh, something was definitely up. You so hoped that Harry didn’t put him up to any pranks, the gall of those twins really if they were going to prank you on your anniversary. As you entered, you swiveled your head around the dimly lit area, checking for any sign of Harry, or even Tom. But strange enough, there wasn’t anyone in there.
“Are we too early?” you whispered to Sam as he led you to your seats
He shrugged his coat off, steeling his face into something more nonchalant.
“Uhhh, no I don’t think so, darling. I think we’re right on time.” he said, crossing his legs and placing his hand in yours
“Okay, what is going on?”
Your question was immediately ignored as the lights shut off and the movie began but even as the first notes of the film’s opening sequence began, you kept your eyes on him. What on earth was he up to?
And where the hell was everybody else in this fucking theatre?
You began looking around the room again to see if anyone else had come in or if either Harry or Tom was lurking around, hovering over your seat with a bucket of water or something to that effect. When you found no one, you settled back in your seat and put your hand back in Sam’s.
Focusing on the film in front of you, you were more than a little confused to hear and see a familiar scene playing out on the giant screen. A huge grin began to spread on your lips as you turned to Sam once again.
“I thought we were seeing something new?” you asked him, realising what he’d done
He let out a little chuckle, turning as well so that you were both facing each other.
The faintest and softest of smiles was playing on his lips, he looked into your eyes for a second before placing his lips against yours.
“Happy anniversary, darling girl.” Sam mumbled against your lips before pulling away
It was nothing short of amazing how after all these years, he could set your body on fire even with the most delicate kiss.
With the very same cheesy romantic comedy you watched on your first date playing on screen, you were reminded of just how much that day meant to the both of you. After the movie ended, you found yourselves on the same road you walked all those years ago.
It was silent, the both of you caught up in old memories. None of you seemed to be aware of where you were going. You two walked and walked, hand in hand, plainly enjoying each other’s quiet company.
You and Sam reached the park, the addictive smell of dewy grass mixed with the fresh night air mingled together, permeating your senses. Neither of you said a word, but almost certainly, you both knew where you were headed.
Underneath the sycamore tree.
Branches stretching and reaching towards the starry night sky, its leaves almost kissing the moon. The two of you sat underneath it, leaning against the trunk.
“You’ve been awfully quiet.” Sam observed, nudging his leg against yours
“So have you.” you replied, nudging back
“I guess I’ve just been thinking.”
“Oh, that’s no good.”
“Hey!” he frowned at you for a millisecond before tackling you down onto the soft grass, his fingers unleashing no mercy on your sides
“Sam, please no!” you begged in between your maniacal laughter
He had you rolling all around the grass, pieces of it stuck to your hair and on your clothes, lucky you weren’t wearing anything white. His attack was severe and you were gasping for air until in a flash, his hands were gone.
You were left with your back on the ground, your eyes facing towards heaven. As you took in lungfuls of air, you watched, entranced, as the stars danced in the sky. It just couldn’t have gotten any better at that moment.
The events of today took you on a trip down memory lane, you felt like you were sixteen years old again, holding Sam’s hand throughout the day, sneaking little kisses in the movie theatre, laughing like mad..
“This has been the perfect day, Sam. Thank you so much.” you said, hoping he would hear you despite how breathless you were
When he didn’t respond, you sat up and almost fell back down at what you were seeing.
Sam, a little pale, with one knee against the grass, holding a little velvet box in his shaking hands.
“Sam..” you drew a long breath in. Your heart was pounding and you hadn’t even recovered from his tickle assault.
“Y/N,” he began, his deep voice wavering ever so slightly
You watched him in a state of shock, your hand was covering your mouth and your chest was rising and falling rapidly. He took your stunned silence as his cue to begin.
“Y/N, my darling, my love, the light of my fucking life, I love you. And I know that in the majority of proposals, they always say stuff about looking to the future and things like that but I want to take a moment to look back,” Sam gave you a wobbly smile as his eyes began to shine with unshed tears, he didn’t want to cry, not yet.
“My entire life so far, I’ve spent it with you. We’ve had the most incredible adventures together, and I want you to know that I am so grateful for you, your presence, your advice, all of it. And I-”
Just as the first tear dripped down the side of his cheek, a crack of lightning shot through the sky, and pelting rain came not long after. He stood up abruptly, looking all around him as what he thought was going to be the perfect setting for his proposal turned into a fucking huge muddy puddle.
“Fucking shit.” he muttered in sheer annoyance, running a hand through his dampening hair
“Excuse me?” you called out to him, arms crossed against your chest
He spun on his heel and walked briskly to you, placing his hands on the sides of your arms.
“I am so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t think it was going to rain and I just wanted everything to be perf-” you cut him off by placing a finger to his lips
“Take the knee, Holland.” you commanded him
Sam looked into your shimmering eyes, smiled, and plunged a knee into the muddy ground without hesitation. You nodded your head in approval, struggling to maintain your composure as you took in the sight of him kneeling in front of you, ring box in his hand, and love glowing in his beautiful teary eyes.
“Please continue.”
“Right. So, as I was saying,” he chuckled, wiping at his eyes with his free hand
“I just can’t describe the feeling you give me. It’s like the feeling you get when your favourite song plays on the radio, the sky is that colour that makes you whip your phone out to take a picture, and the air isn’t too cold or too hot, but just perfect so that the wind can blow against your face,”
He took a deep shaky breath. Your heart was being pulled in so many different directions as you watched him start to cry freely, putting every emotion he was feeling into his proposal.
“God,” Sam sighed, shaking his head. “Y/N, you just make me forget everything that’s going on in my life and I don’t care how cliché it sounds, but you make me so incredibly happy.”
He looked up at you with more tears in his eyes and opened the tiny box. Nestled inside in a bed of black velvet, was the most gorgeous ring you’ve ever seen. It took your breath away and more tears began to streak down your cheeks with lightning speed, mingling with the rain.
“Marry me?” Sam whispered just above the roar of the downpour
You two were soaking wet and Sam’s trousers were getting muddy but neither of you cared. You took one look at your dashingly handsome fiancé and nodded your head, droplets of rain water shaking off of the ends of your hair.
“YES!” you screamed, jumping up and down where you stood
“Yes?!” Sam echoed ecstatically, getting up and immediately taking you in his arms
“Oh my God!” he laughed happily, slipping the ring onto your finger with ease despite his shaking hands
“Perfect fit.”
Sam held you gently, cupping your face with one hand. He gazed at you lovingly, the woman of his dreams, his best friend, his fianceé.
With the incredible thought in his mind that he was actually going to marry you, Sam wasted no time in placing his lips on yours. And just like the first time and every time he kissed you, sparks flew in every direction, and the world slowly disappeared around you.
permanent taglist: @theholyholland, @optimisticbee, @johnxstilinski, @lyssamorgan, @osterfield-holland, @planet-holland-writing, @draqcnheartstrinq, @leahhensonx, @twong2001, @cubedtriangle, @sebenagomez, @aussie-mantle, @the-crime-fighting-spider, @writerunhuman
(please message me if you’d like to be added!)
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