#this goes completly off the rails at the end
scrawnytreedemon · 3 months
I am so obsessed with this hellfire dynamic, I don't even know where to begin.
Like, yes, there's the delicious dynamic of a zealous prophet and an apathetic god who doesn't even really consider himself a god, but it's also so much more than that.
They're Jason and Medea. Except Ganondorf is more Heathcliff than Jason; he's more Zant than Zant himself is; he is him; they are both Demise. They both saw each other as escape, but when push came to shove Ganondorf cut the spider's thread and let Zant die, and it bit him in the ass when he tried to call upon the vestiges of their bond and Zant clawed him down to hell with him.
They're like Jesus and Maria in the Pieta but Mary is shrieking and swearing while bawling her eyes out and Jesus isn't so tender, meek and mild now, is he? But they're also Jesus and Peter, first Bishop and first Pope, the one who holds the keys to Heaven, but also Peter is Judas, the knife in his back, the kiss on his cheek, and the means by which he fulfills his holy death.
What are they to each other? What is a God if not a Father, Teacher, King, Lord, Brother, Lover, Master, Husband and Traitor? What is a Disciple, if not a Prophet, a Servant, a willing Slave, a Sister, a Student, a Wife, a Mother, a Dog, your Son?
What does it mean, to share the same body, even for a bit?
When does a lifeline become a noose? If you throw down the rope, how do you know you too won't be dragged down? Ganondorf cut the cord, and fell when the waves hit. He was the hand that fed, and when he stopped, the beast had grown large enough to devour him.
They're Adam and Eve; Eve formed from Adam's rib, from him, his side, and when she offered him fruit proved his demise.
Did Odin create his own doom by dividing Loki's children? By damning Hel to the underworld, Jormangundr to the sea, and Fenrir to ribbon-bound treachery?
Do Sigyn and Angrboda both spurn Loki for the way he twisted them? For the children lost, the annihilation at hand? And yet she holds the bowl anyway.
I think Zant loved him. I think it was selfish, and hungry, and childish, and greedy. And I think he meant it. He would have walked barefoot across the desert, danced with knives in his feet on a ballroom floor of shattered glass, crawled on his belly over hot coals and dove to the bottom of the sea for him. He would have swallowed him down to keep him safe, and rebuild him again, and again. and again, as many times as he needed to rise anew. He gave him life, life worth living; and he gave him life, a new body: rebirth.
I do not think Ganondorf knew how far it went. If and when he realises... what then? It's one thing to exploit hatred, greed, to justify your own backstabbing with the idea that he betrayed his own monarchy, his own people, for you,
What do you do, when faced with a love so big it would do anything you asked, at the price of having you?
Ganondorf is a fiercely independent sort of soul. He brought himself up by his bootstraps despite everything working against him, and fought tooth and nail for the right to even exist. He does not trust, cannot trust, and only brings in people with the knowledge he'll cut them off if they become a liability, and specifically seeks out other ambitious, morally-unhinged people for this. No man is an island, but he'll be damned if he's going down with the rest of the continental shelf.
What do you do when you're suddenly given a soulmate?
That has to be fucking terrifying.
You get everything you want, the way you want, at the cost of losing you.
After all, a God belongs to His people.
As do kings, and lords, and fathers, and sons.
What do you do when you seek a contract and find enmeshment instead?
The rope goes both ways: the lifeline is the umbilical cord, and severence means death in either case. Ganondorf overestimated his own viability, and died clawing himself from his "mother's" embrace.
When they go to Hell, do they see each other? Does Ganondorf escape it so he can escape her? Escape her sharp nails, her malformed fingers around his neck, the bitter hisses and saccharine kisses lain upon his ear? Does he loathe the softness of her thighs when she presses his head to his lap and miss them when he lies awake under an open sky?
Does she curse him when he's near and sob when he's far? Does her heart flutter when she sees the sun in his hair, as her mouth fills with bile vowing to drag him back down with her? Does she yearn to be Semele and Euryidice, wishing he would come fetch her and knowing bitterly it ends the same regardless?
Theseus and Ariadne, Dionysus both.
It's been often said that Zeus, Hades and Dionysus were all aspects of the same god.
In making that pact, are they, too?
What is marriage but a vow to merge 'til death do us part?
Do you want to become one with me?
Birth and Death are two sides of the same coin.
Do you want to become one with me?
In cheating it, have you cheated me?
Do you want to become one with me?
Hyrule's history tells of a King of Thieves,
Did you mean to steal this, too?
All men are the same; you have no honour. Why must I suffer, for bearing you?
I love you; I love you so much; I want you even if it kills me.
And it does.
You're the moon to my water, the sun in my sky. There are 93 million miles between us, and yet we gain union via an eclipse.
I'm your little satellite, your angel, your Lucifer, your dutiful executioner and nightlight. I watch over your bed with fingers aching to dig themselves into your supple neck.
It's not fair! It's not fair! I have been nothing but honest with you. Why do you lie to me? Why do you feed me, then withdraw your hand when I try to lick it? Your taste is wonderful; I love you, I love you so much. If you asked me, I'd gobble you up. I have been nothing but good to you; why do you betray me?
I could make your whole. I would give your my blood, my skin, my teeth and my bones. You could use me for spare parts and I'd thank you each time. Just cradle me on your lap; just offer me milk; offer me meat; offer me hair and offer me water.
You can have anything you've ever wanted,
If only you give yourself.
If you get anything, can I not have everything?
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Richmond weird/funny interview idea.
I was going to write this as a fic but then realised I would have to try to figure out how y'all do awards shows and what they are called and gave right up.
So in AFL (Australian football), we have this awards night for the best player in the league that year and most of the other big awards (called the brownlow). It basically means all the biggest players in the league come together to this award ceremony. And on the red carpet, they do interviews and stuff for radio and tv. Pretty normal stuff. Most the time, it's what are you wearing, how do you think your year has been, who do you think will win blah blah. But there is this one segment a radio station came up with entitled 'sh*t brownlow questions', and the interviewer just asks completely random and stupid questions for fun. And it's hilarious because these players are just so out of depth with the random questions.
Now I cant get a Richmond version out of my head.
Like they go to an awards show, all dressed to the nines and there is some interviewer there who decides to ask random questions for entertainemnt on his channel, when all the guys are expecting the usual questions and it starts of pretty well and funny
Interviewer: Hey Dani, just a quick question. Would you rather fight 1 Isaac McAdoo sized duck or 100 duck sized Isaac McAdoo's?
Dani in his chipper demeanour: oh I wouldn't want to fight any version of Issac at all he is such a great guy, and I love him....
Dani suddenly going serious and grabbing the mic and looking straight down the camera: But if I had to chose, I would go 1 duck sized Isaac because 100 tiny Isaac's would be too many Isaac's, they would completly overwhelm you and tear you apart!
Interviewer: Hey Colin, just wondering do you do your tax returns as soon as you can or wait until just before the cut off date?
Colin going pale: oh no. When are the tax returns due? I don't know when the last time I did my taxes was......
Interviewer asking like this is going to be a football question: Hey Sam, we are getting to the serious end of the season now so I was was just wondering, who do you think will win..... this seasons Lust Conquers All?
Sam with his serious face at the beggining of the question laughing by the end: Oh Janet for sure but I think I would be a amiss if I didn't mention Jamie was robbed last season.
Interviewer: Hey Roy, just wondering.....
Roy barley glancing at him as he walks past: Nope not doing it, f**k off.
Interviewer: Hey Richard, so the big one is coming up, Wembley Stadium, 90 000 people, just wondering........ did you manage to get Taylor Swift tickets?
Richard without blinking: Yes, yes I did.
Any question asked of Ted, Ted is just ecstatic, takes it 100% seriously, and is generally happy to answer.
The interviewer joking pulls out a cross word from the paper and asks for some help from Beard. Two minutes later, he has a completed crossword, and he just looks at it in astonishment.
Then the interview goes off the rails a little.
The Interviewer asks Jamie a random queation about history but instead of stumping him Jamie lights up and peoceeds to give an in-depth answer with alarming detail and the interview now knows more than he ever needed to on the subject. (This makes Roy even more unhappy because Jamie is now going to 100% talk his ear off about this for the rest of the night, just info dumping on him. Let be real he secretly loves it)
Interviewer: Hey Moe, just wondering if you had an opinion on the election in (insert random country here, most people wouldn't know about the elections of).
Moe: automatically goes into lecture mode about democracy and the evil's of government  and gets so passionate and loud aftet 5 minutes of it Issac needs to come and save the reporter who eyes are as wide as saucers and is questiong everything.
Like, I can just imagine the chaos of the AFC and their personalities in a segment like this. The fans would go crazy for it, too
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Evil Laugh (1986) is a fever dream I wish went on forever.
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I refuse to let Evil Laugh, a movie me, and whatever other pyschos watching obscure low-budget slasher movies, to be the only ones that know about this absolute gem of a movie. I Know, I know. It's a slasher that was birthed smack dab in the slasher craze of the 80's.You might be asking yourself, is it a movie with porn level acting and a budget consisting of a paper clip and whatever you find inbetween the couch cushions?
Yes. Yes it is.
Why? Well, where do I even start? This movie is kind of like a dirty prostitute you find in a dark alley, only to strike-up a conversation and find out that she knows some shit, seen some shit and what kind of distaster movie plot did this woman's life go on before ending up talking to a weirdo like you? Where was I again? Oh yeah, Evil Laugh.
Let's start with an introduction. You know the drill, a group of attractive, meatbag, dumbass young people ready to get killed in similar ways to all the other big slasher movies of the era at the time did. They're on the way to their the house their friend rented or some shit. Obviously, their dick-ass friend get's smoked in the first scene of the movie, and they spend the rest of the movie bunkered down in the vacation home hoping he went somewhere to get food. The characters think something's wrong but they forget about it and go back to fuckin', making gay jokes and dying to the killer (Who looks like janitor in a human-sized condom). Oh yeah, this movie is kinda gay, your guess is just as good as mine as to why.
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Waiting for the day for this to become a halloween costume.
Anyway, that's the basic plot. The police show up, they tell a spooky story about a guy who killed a bunch of kids because they said he was pedo, blah blah blah whatever. The movie actually shines when it goes completly off-rails and delves into the shenanigans of the stupid young meatbags. There's a scene where a guy is about to bring a girl to pound town, but his friend reaches out of the matress and starts groping his ass. The characters in this movie consist of every basic slasher trope, except for one character who does the fanatic horror movie fan personality. Yeah, this movie came out 10 years before Scream and it did Randy first, I was pretty damn suprised when I realized this and kinda wish people know that this type of character was actually made WAAAYYY before Scream did. The life storys of this movie's actors is so batshit insane that it overshadows anything I can actually say about the characters, one of them became a leader to a hollywood prostitution ring and our last girl who refused to show her private parts on camera for Evil Laugh, but later decided to become a pornstar. Guess the innocent last girl persona didn't pay the bills.
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The kills in this movie are great. Be it someone getting stabbed in the dick, someone getting their head stuck in a microwave and turned on ( Which is probably the coolest kill of the entire film imo) or the guy getting fucking blasted as his roped down fuck-buddy can only watch in horror.
All in all, out of every shitty Friday the 13th rip-off I've watched (Which hopefully I'll talk about on here), this one was a pleasant suprise and feels somewhat self-aware. This one get's my seal of approval as a must watch for anyone looking into the more obscure slasher movies. The movie's on Youtube, check it out. (Not at the best quality, but beggars can't be choosers, right?)
I also reccomend the follow video by "Schlock Horrori" which dives a bit deeper into the movie and offers other tid-bits of info it.
Thanks for reading and uh.... Don't have sex on trips with friends? Is that the point of these movies? Maybe. Probably.
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thefleshmustgrow · 4 years
Oo tell us about the demon au >:)
vibrates intesnly
ok ok ok ok so ive been thinking abt demons a lot and what exatly demons are and (listing to tma got me thinking more in depth with is were this kinda rly took off so claps hands
this is going to be rly disjointed and all over the place sorry bvufvb
the story follows toy foxy mainly, who is a demon
demons, by definition, are beings of supernatural orgiin and power that feed on fear
the ‘cause’ for demons, isnt really known by anyone, even them. you could be born ottally normal and be a demon, a demon could come into exiantce one day out of nothing. theres no hard rules for “how” they exists
toy foxy is a demon who was born nomrally, to a normal family, no past links to demons or the supernatural, but is a demon anyway.
demons by all means can live perfectly happy, normal lives among sosociety with only the ocasinol feeding.
all demons need to feed, however, the amount they feed majorly effects how they... well... apear lets say.
a demon who is cl,ose to there miimal amount of needed feedings will apear completly normal, i.e toy foxy.
but a demon who fully indulges in feeding, who really goes off the rail, will no longer be reconizable as a regular person. demons that fall into this catagory inclue the puppet and ennard, who, upon seeing them, you would know without a doubt what they were and that you were in danger.
springtrap is at a sort of midway point between these two. if hes careful were he goes and when he can pass as an avrage but slightly weird person. but get a good look at him proper out in proper lighting or close up and youd know what he was.
demon have ‘rituals’ they cant just kill people willy nilly and get fed. they have specific things they must do, witch they know by instict usually.
ok lets talk characters
in this au teddy, toy freddy is a paranormal investigator. he sort of knows demons exists, but he dosnt KNOW they exist. he dosnt, at first, know that two of his freinds are this.
toy foxy and og foxy are demons, their ritual is hunting. and they often hunt together as a sort of ‘pack’ there both on the lowest end of distortion.
the puppet is on the higher end of distortion and lives in the shadows of the city, their ritual is controling people like puppets.
springtrap, medium distortion. ritual is classic slasher style killings. toy foxy meets him one day when he tried to kill them not knowing there also a demon. hes very zombie themed.
oh important, demons cannot be killed by mortals. and demons cannot feed off of eachother. a demon can kill another demon, but a demosn is much more hearty then a mortal and can survive being eviserated without dieing.
the funtimes, ballora, circus baby, funtime foxy, bon bon and funtime freddy are a group of demon hunters. they are mortal, and want to figure out how to kill demons.
they have captured ennard, a face stealing demon, who takes the place of his victems. they use him to ‘dispose’ of other demons they caputre as they cannot kill them themselves, but are trying to figure out how, and when they do, IF they do, will dispose of ennard.
jackie, jack o chica, toy chica and og chicsa cousin is a demon, lowest distortion. her ritual is arson based.
og chica and toy chica are sisters. toy foxy owns an icecream parlor with adult hours and boozed icecream treats, foxy works down at the shipyards. 
this is all over the place but this is most of the basic informations yeehae!!
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dimensionwriter · 5 years
Deadliest Friend
Gender Neutral Monster x Genderless Reader
I don't know why I've been struggling to write lately. I would start something and struggle to finish it. So, I apologize of this doesn't reach the standard. I just wanted to try to write SOMETHING to try to break this writer block. So, enjoy.
You're use to a lot of things happening in your life. But sometimes, something just wear you out completly. A great example will be this week you just had.
It started off Sunday with you simply going down to the bakery to get something nice to eat on a lovely afternoon. When this old woman decided to crossed the road without looking both ways. And guess what happen to be speeding down the road? A tiny kitten, nah. More like a 18 wheeler carrying stacks and stacks of logs. In a moment of blind panic, you ran within an inch of you life and shoved the woman out of the way. The two of you crashed down on the side walk as the 18 wheeler sped past.
Even in your dazed state, you felt proud that you saved someone life. But that feeling quickly vanished when she started beating you with her cane while screaming at you to get off her. She then proceeded to walk away while grumbling how she's lived through more wars that you could count and how she was perfectly able to help herself. Not a single thank you came out of her mouth.
Then Monday came and your phone somehow died in the middle of the night, while still being plugged in. Meaning, not a single lovely melody drifted from your phone to wake you from your peaceful slumber. So when you woke up with the sun blazing through your window, you knew you messed up.
You proceed to do the entire olympic course within your house as you got ready for work, not even grabbing breakfast or lunch. You barely had a shoe on when you exited your house, it wasn't the time to think about food. But two hours in your job made you wonder if it would be okay to eat your shoe from how hard your stomach was trying to digest itself.
Tuesday was pretty decent, well, except for your closet's railing deciding to snap in the middle of the night waking you up into a fearful frantic state. You couldn't call in becuase it was late at night, so that was something future you was going to have to worry about.
Wednesday was the defintion of hell on earth. Your phone had died completely, not just the battery. Your phone didn't respond to any thing, only showing a cracked black glossy screen that reflected how much of a mess you were. So you had to drive to your cellphone company to get a new one. And then call up your residence manager to send someone over to fix the poles in your closet. You tried not to think about your piles of clothes laying everywhere on the ground.
Thursday was a little better with only all you electricity in your house being cut off. There was a storm that apparently happen during the night that knocked out all of the electricity in only one house, yours. You had to navigate your house with a flashlight and the sight of a blind person.
And all that leads up to today, Friday. You had the day off since the repair people should be coming over to fix the railing later in the afternoon. And your lights should be back on by night time, hopefully if nothing else goes wrong.
With rough sandy texture under your fingers, you slowly flipped through novel, soaking up each word. Your house was lit up from the multiple of candles you have recieved as gift during the holiday from coworker who barely knew you. But as a bonus, your house smell absolutely divine.
"….." You stopped reading to look up around at the living room you were in. It sounded like something was mumbling to you. "…turn.."
You felt chills go down your back as you were able to make out a single word out of the mumbling around you. "Turn?" You asked into the open air with a small hope that nothing would respond back to you.
"The page," it whispered in your ear. You spun your head around to see nothing but shadows. You thought it was the shadows from the candle light, but some of it remain unmoved.
"Who are you?" You asked slamming the book shut, just in case you would have to run as fast as you could out of your door. This week just had to get worse, didn't it.
"I am the beginning of the end. I am the face you see in your last breath. I am-" you cut whatever it was about to continue rambling about by holding your hand up. The shadows around the flames seem to stopped moving allowing you to get a shape out of the thing.
It was a tall broaded creature that was really blending itself into the shadow, almost like it was feeding off of them.
"I asked who you are. Not your backstory," you grumbled scooting to the edge of your sofa. Your feet touched the cool carpet. Trying to easy away the panic, you slowly ran your toes through the strands of carpet.
"Oh, well," they mumbled their voice sounding odd. It was like it was unusually high and extremely low, forming this grey inbetween. "I'm Death."
"Death?" You asked raising your eyebrow to look at them. You imagine death to be a lot more different than what is infront of you. Well, from what you can see.
"Show me yourself then Death," you taunted not believing them. It was probably just the kid next door trying to prank you. From the zombie fiasco, you wouldn't be surprise if he did this.
"Wait, you want see me?" They said in shock causing your smirk to rise up. They didn't expect that now did they. It was probably them that were cutting off the light.
"Yes, I want to see what Death looks like in the flesh," you said not even trying to cover up your heavy sarcastic tone.
"If you insist. But please reframe from screaming, for you humans are fragile and.. I don't want anything to happen to you."
Your eyebrows dropped down at the tone of that sentence. The word chocies was odd and their voice dropped down to a thick grumble at the end almost making it impossible to understand them.
You didnt have long to question the meaning of their sentence when all the candles started burning higher and brighter. You jumped up in shock as the candle infront of you became a roaring fire.
The entire room lit up making you squint your eyes at the new light source. You turned your head around to see all the candles were like that
"What the.." You sentence was cut off as you turned to where your neighbor's child should have been, but something entirely different was there.
The creature was something past anything your imagination could come up with. They seem to be towering above you, even though they were only barely touching your roof.
The body looked wrong. There looked to be a midnight black torso covered with dark silver veins twirling around like intricate designs. But there was a set of ribs bone ontop of the skin that were a blood red.
The legs were similar to what you imagine for a dragon with glimmering black scales. They turned into sharp talons that seemed to be digging deep into your carpet.
Your eyes slowly drifted upwards again at the bone covered toroso to see the arms. They too big to be proportional with his body and seem to dangle at his side, brushing the back sides of his calves. His fingers went from the black flesh colour to talon like sharp nails that looked like they could pull your heart out just by simply poking you.
They had long flowing black hair that reached farther than their arms. The hair seem to form a cloak around them with something white peaking through at the top.
You were a curious creature. And maybe just a little bit stupid. You lean over to the creature and pushed the hair back.
Instead of a human face, there seem to be a mask ontop. The mask was of antelope skull with its horns painting to a dark red, same as the ribs on their torso.
"So, you're death," you said looking at the eye holes of the skull. If you stared hard enough, you can see something moving behind the skull.
"I am death," they stated leaning forward a little. The skull pressed gently into your finger making you realize that the skull was too cool to be made of bones. It was probably crystals or somrthing.
"I imagine you to be different," you said looking down at the body again. Their form was sleek but still had some muscles in it.
"Humans have a limited imagination. It quite funny seeing your version of me. The only noticable thing being a black cloak and a scythe," they said and a small thing of laughter came out of them, shaking their frame.
"So death, why are you in my home? And if you say for me, I am booking it out of here," you said pushing the hair back trying to see any emotions present on their face, well mask you guess.
"No of course not. I couldn't bear taking such a thing from this horrific world," they said lifting their arm up. You glanced down to see their arm laying on the arm rest.
"They why are you here?" You asked dropping your eyebrows in suspicious. They seem to freeze at the question. You felt something brush past your knee and looked down to see that their talons were pushing into your couch.
"Oh, why am I here?" They mumbled looking down causing their hair to fall out of your hand. "I'm here because… well... you see."
You noticed that their mask was turning from a white to a light pink. Is the make part of their face? Wait, that means death is blushing right now.
"Calm down. You acting like I'm accusing you of being the reason all this stuff happen," you joked trying to calm them down. But their mask turned a bright red as they brough their head down in shame.
"Wait, are you serious? How did you manage to kill my phone? I got in trouble with my boss for being late," you yelled getting angry. You lean over the arm rest to get closer to death. You don't know the consequences of fighting death, but you are about to find out.
Their arms shot out to hold you in place causing their hair to swing back. Allowing you to see their mask was now pure red, matching the horns. But you noticed that there was now a pair of golden spheres in the eye socket. They were shaking slightly, as if working as their eyes.
"I didn't mean to. I was trying to walk past it, but the talon accidently touched it and it died. And I sincerely apologize for your closet. I-I slide in there to hide in there when you kept moving in your sleep and my shoulder put too much pressure on it," they rambled quickly with their voice jumping on random octaves. You blinked as you processed the information.
You let out a gasp and jumped out of their reach. You stood ontop of you couch as you looked at them with fear. "Where you watching me while I was asleep?"
"No!" They squeaked backing away. Their arms shot up to cover their face, clearly embarrassed. But it was obvious they were lying to you.
"You were. I don't care if you're human or not, but that's weird. How would you feel I were to watch you sleep," you yelled jumping on the couch.
"That would be kind of nice." They grumbled something but you couldn't understand them. "I mean, I know it was wrong, but that was the only way to see you without you seeing me."
The anger kind of subsided, but there was still some there. "Why?" You asked confused.
"Well, I'm sure you wouldn't be please with someone like this," their hand displayed their definetly not human body to you," appearing to you. So, I tried to stick to the shadows, which is hard when you humans are light based."
Light based? You glanced around at the numerous candles burning through your house. Oh, before your electricity went out, your lights were always on. Guess would have been hard for them to navigate.
"But you still didn't answer my question. Why are you here? Why are you trying to see me?" You asked splaying your hand against your chest. They started playing with the bottom of their hair as if they were trying to distract yourself.
"Well, Sunday, I was schedule to retrieve an old woman soul. She was schedule to get hit by an 18 wheeler around noon. But this human stopped it somehow and I was… well curious. So I started following you around, which I knew was creepy, but humans can't see us when we don't want them to, so I was just gonna stay for a little bit. But then I became fascinated by how you lived your normal human life. And so, I continued to watch. I didn't plan on staying for too long or causing too much trouble."
"If you wanted to get to know me, you could have just simply talked to me, like we are doing now. I'm sure you thought I would scream my head off, but I didn't, did I?" You sat down on the back out your couch. It was kind of uncomfortable, but it will have to due for now.
"I guess not. So your not scared of me," they asked talking a step forward, slowly sinking their talons into the carpet. The high burning candles casted an eerie light over the creature beside you. But the light pink blush on their mask and the way the talons on their hands were twirling the ends of their hair, made them seem like the least threating thing in the world.
"As long as you stop staring at me while I sleep," the blush returned back heavier," and don't lurk in the shadow. I'll say we could be good friends."
"Friends," they whispered as if testing the word. "I've never had a friend before." You jumped off the back of the couch. You slowly made your way over to the creature. They truly did tower over you.
"Well, there's a first for everything," you said sticking your hand out towards them. They looked down at your hand before slowly lifting their owns and laying it gently into yours. Their skin was slightly cooler than yours, but it felt pleasant. Their skin felt like silky and flawless. "You can now say you got yourself a friend Death."
Part 2
Tadaaa. Yeah, I didn't have the usual things I like to include, but at the same I time I really hope y'all like it. Please comment on any of my works, I love reading them. Tell me what you would like to see more of or if you interested in seeing me write somrthing new. I'm also interested in writing headcanons, so start requesting some. Any way, enjoy your the rest of your day or night.
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