#this game has similar mechanics to my other game anamnesis!
goblinmixtape · 1 year
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DEATH OF THE AUTHOR: a solo tarot TTRPG about a character fighting for control over their story.
The free DEMO is out now!
The demo contains sample Scene prompts for Chapters 1-3 (the final version will have 5 Chapters).
If you like the demo, please let me know! I'm considering bringing the final game to print and the demo's reception will help with that decision.
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mycomicbox · 1 year
I need to get this off my chest.
As you may know, I run the sideblog @project-omori2 , where I talk about my ideas for an indirect sequel to OMORI that stars new characters in an all-new story while sharing elements with the first game, much like other game series such as Final Fantasy and Pokémon. I feel like I've said this a million times by now, but these series do exactly what I'm talking about: shared core elements but with different stories, characters, and settings, often with updated game mechanics, unified under the same name.
(cutoff because long vent post)
I'm having fun with it, but trying to get the OMORI fandom on board has been... an uphill battle.
Whenever I say that this OMORI 2 would share elements with the first game, people dismiss me by saying that "it would just be the same game all over again".
And to that I say: Think bigger! Expand your mind! 
Final Fantasy IX isn’t just “the same game“ as Final Fantasy VII. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet isn’t just “the same game“ as Pokémon Black and White. Yes, these franchises are not as story-focused as OMORI, but their stories are still unique yet also similar. With an indirect sequel, the sky is the limit.
And another issue. Even when I pitch my example, I still get ignored because, as I've said in the past, a lot of OMORI fans are extremely stubborn. They are so glued to the first game's story and characters that suggesting the idea of something other than a direct sequel/prequel/DLC/AU is met with dismissal (using the flawed arguments that I've previously pointed out).
I think this is partially why other fan projects get so much more widespread attention, because they are direct continuations, such as with the Reverie mod or @omori-anamnesis-mod , or otherwise have to deal with the same characters, such as the OMARI AU or HIKITO AU. (no shade towards those other projects despite my envy)
And finally, people often ask “why is it called OMORI 2 if Omori is the name of a character?“, which is admittedly a valid concern, but I have a perfectly logical explanation right here. (TLDR: Since Omori’s design and name comes from Mari’s piano, with “Omori” being the brand, what if there was another Omori-branded object of story significance?)
All of this nonsense is honestly a bit discouraging, not to the point that I want to drop OMORI 2, of course, but still.
If you’re one of the few people who have been following the project and inputting suggestions, I sincerely thank you. And if you’re interested in the project, my ask box is always open.
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