#theyre both trans t4t lets go
doctorjackdaw · 5 months
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tim and sasha were winning the poll when i started drawing this SO. have some sweet archival assistants before anybody gets... well <3
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da-gamingojichan · 9 months
Do you think PolLiet is t4t
i thought t4t stood for team 4tress two. sorry
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l3viat8an · 1 year
based off of, but otherwise completely unrelated to, levi anon’s transfem levi n satan stuff
transfem lucifer what than ? + transfem beel
maybe luci doesnt realize shes transfem cause shes too stressed taking care of brothers n being loyal to diavolo, due to this she never really had the time to question her gender
luci eventually realized that shes transfem late at night, when shes trying to go to bed n her thiughts started to drift towards her gender n gender presentation
she realizes that she does NOT like identifying as or appearing masculine, that she didnt wanna be perceived as a man
it took luci a while to come out to her brothers, her pride getting in the way, but she eventually did over dinner, letting herself blurt it out, making her brothers stop whatever it was they were doing
they all supported her immensely, immediately asking what her pronouns, what name she likes, etc, asmo even told her the hes gonna take her shopping tomorrow, which luci accepted w a sigh, knowing that, w asmo in tow, shopping is gonna be a day long event
she felt relief that she no longer had to live as a gender she no longer felt comfortable as, not w her siblings aggressively affirming her gender at any given moment
this also indirectly encouraged beel to realize that she might be transfem beel as well, cause while luci explained how she felt n how she came to the conclusion that shes trans, beel realized that applied to her as well, most of it at least
she decided to take a lil while to think about it before saying anything, wanting to gather her thoughts n feelings n what she wants to say before coming out
belphie was the first beel told, it was late at night n both was talking about just about everything, from their time in the celestial realm, to their favorite shows n games, everything, eventually when it was silent, beel let it slipped that she was transfem, that she wants to be a girl
belphie was surprised but supportive, quick to accept his twin sister n repeated the questions he heard when luci came out; what pronouns do u use, what name do u wanna be called, etc
she quickly told the rest of her siblings the next morning, all of which quickly accepted n supported her, n asmo, like w luci, immediately told her that theyre gonna go on a shopping trip later on today
beel ended up tearing up at how accepting her siblings were, even tho she already knew that they were gonna accept her due to how quick they were to accept their eldest sister, but either way she was extremely happy n fortunate that shes in a family that supports her
~ t4t anon
I’m not even adding anything cuz I just can’t think of any it’s already perfect dhjshs
But I did talk about transfem! Lucifer before! It’s just mixed in somewhere with everything else 🚶🏼‍♀️
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cherencherencheren can you infodump to me about hyjn on tumblr dot com <3 both hiyojun and junhiyo btw
raises off the ground. oh dear lord
ive been more insane about them than normal recently and ive got no clue why but theyre. theyre so. theyre sooooooo. theyre my everything. my little t4t icons.
it's something very specifically about the way canon portrays them. like yes hiyori is canonically a little bitch and i love her for that, and then at the same time there's jun who's an even bigger bitch but he's able to at least put on a facade in front of others that don't know he's an asshole and they're so ridiculous about it. and then, at the same time, the only people they're unable to fully be assholes with is each other. yes they'll be some teasing little motherfuckers but 6 minutes later jun will be bridal carrying hiyori and hiyori will be all cooing over jun-kun and how she trained her puppy so well. and nagisa and ibara are looking over there "what. :)" "are you two sure you didn't get the wrong soulmates." (they're all in a poly relationship.)
They're so ridiculous to me. They're a power couple in the most pathetic way possible. If you insult either of them the other is gonna almost die fighting you (or until Hiyori breaks one of her nails, but then Jun would come to fight you instead so it still counts). The fact they literally adopted a whole ass DOG together?????? And just kept hiding it away in reimei like it wasn't any problem at all???? I'm sorry but you just KNOW hiyori spoiled that dog like she was her child.
"Oooh Jun-kun look at the new clothes I bought our cute daughter bloody mary!!! 🥺 they match the ones I bought for myself!!! ♡" "ohii-san was it necessary to spend half a million of eve's monthly budget on clothes for bloody mar—" "JUN-KUN!!!! Are you out of your mind?! Of course it was!!! Our cute and perfect bloody mary deserves to be as stunning and wonderful as both of her parents, this, indeed, is a ii hiyori! ★" and jun just sighs in defeat.
They're untamable. They're also the only people capable of taming each other. And at the same time, they're one of the few people who truly get and understand each other (alongside the other two things in their polycule).
Hyjn makes me insane. They're so. Oauaurughh. The way Hiyori saved Jun in Reimei and brought him into the spotlight, but at the same time Jun indirectly saved Hiyori and brought her the one thing she didn't have back then in Reimei: A real connection. Someone she could feel close to, someone who could stay and deal with her no matter how demanding or "annoying" hiyori could be. Someone who Hiyori could trust after Nagisa and she parted ways, Jun was her safe spot during that time until all of Eden met again. I know about the whole "hiyojun sun/moon" and yeah sure, it makes sense, but to me specifically Jun is the comet to Hiyori's sun. They need each other, and just like the rest of Eden, I don't think they'll let the other go that soon.
On another note can i mention how cute i think the idea of "hiyori helps jun to go out shopping once he comes out as trans, but jun was never girly so he can't help hiyori at all and she's just left to stay all pouty at jun until he shows his uttermost support for her and agrees to learn about that stuff just to help her" is. yeah thx bye
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tamaharu · 3 years
I...........omg i sent that t4t harutama ask, worried so much that it was too long and wordy and cringy but not only did you answer enthusiastically you also gave a long answer too........i wanna get that tattooed in the back of my eyelids tumblr user selkiecoded.............i shall leave you with this parting image; harutama on a cute little picnic date, tamaki in the strawberry dress that he initially bought for haruhi but “accidentally” ordered too large—oh well, we cant let a strawberry dress for a strawberry themed picnic go to waste now, can we! Haruhi helps zip up the back and pecks the nape of his neck and now theyre both blushing and trying to act cool about it! And then they go on the picnic and eat cute little cakes and fresh fruit and such. At one point haruhi gets dirt on the dress but tamaki cant even be mad about it. Yea i love them................STRAWBERRY DRESS TAMAKI AND STRAWBERRY SHIRT HARUHI SUPREMACY.............and eventually hopefully tamaki stops building a whole scheme before participating in even the barest crumbs of gnc behaviour and just! Feels comfortable without the pretense of accidents and coincidents and such! Just comfortable! Being their fully confident, beautiful nb gnc self!
anyways thanks again for ur answer 🥺 ive been letting online transphobes get to me recently but trans positivity is like a soothing balm to that hurt! Yea
omg thank YOU. i was so excited to answer it last night. the greatest update tumblr has ever done is getting rid of the character limit in asks. im so sorry that transphobes have been being assholes to you, im glad i could help even a little bit lol.
i also agree that a lot of tamakis gender nonconformity will take a minute to really get into w/out pretenses, and i really think haruhi will be the one to help him through it. insert my whole thing abt haruhis skirt in my fic. there was also a thing that ive never written (but wanted to) along the lines of like, tamaki and haruhi going shopping and pretending to shop for girls clothes for haruhi while tamaki is actually the one dictating what needs to be bought. bc it is weird and terrifying to shop in the 'wrong' clothing section w/out plausible deniability!
BUT! he will grow! he will learn to be comfortable! he will wear that dress, he will wear that lipgloss, he will grow his hair out! he will wear what he wants w/out fear! i am manifesting this until either i get to write the ouran reboot or tamaki suoh becomes real in real life.
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