#they're so a not-having-important-conversations type throuple
enbysiriusblack · 5 months
regulily dating and they slowly start hanging out with james all the time and he becomes a "third wheel", although it doesn't really feel like he's a third wheel with them. and none of them really realise it but they start inviting james on date nights, holidays, library trips, as their plus one at events, etc. and after a few years, it gets to the point none of them really know and at this they're not going to ask. like james is 90% sure he's somehow become part of their relationship (especially after they go to the theatre and lily holds his hand as well as regulus') regulus knows he's bad at understanding social situations so he's 90% sure he just didn't realise exactly when james joined the relationship but he's haopy about it. lily is 90% sure they've been in a throuple for years, but they just never really talked about it and now it's a bit late to so that.
until they're hanging out with their friends and the topic of children come up- in which james says he's always wanted kids and marlene asks if he's planning on it soon. to all of them. and dorcas frowns and comments that james isn't dating anyone. and now they've got dorcas and marlene arguing because marlene thought they were in a throuple ever since regulus and lily started to date. and james, lily, and regulus all have absolutely no clue what to say. because are they dating?? they have no clue.
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petrichoraline · 1 year
hii petri! for ship bingo, your favorite ship from kinnporsche and/or your favorite ship from the untamed?
mint, i know you wanted to give me choice and creative freedom and i appreciate it so much but my gOSH am i not the person to do that for 😂 not only do i rarely have favourites of anything but i have to figure out my emotions for these unnamed blorbos? this is how you end up with five answers for the price of one ✨
so, for kinnporsche i came to the conclusion i have two - one for the earlier part of the show and one for the last episodes (i think the green is..fairly obvious)
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first one is the men themselves who made me feel so many things throughout the show and turnt it into the amazing experience it was for me, watching them learn how to understand each other and open up, the tender scenes, the chemistry, following the discussions on here about kinn and his trust issues (omg especially around the tawan episodes, that was crazy) - their journey was so much fun!
the second one..what can i say, vegaspete were what everyone seemed to anticipate and i was kinda neutral until their episodes actually hit, then i went insane lmao, i just love pathetic men and "only i understand him, only i can tame him" type of stuff - i got plenty of that and some top notch chemistry and they were what made the last episodes for me
onto the untamed.. i don't like thinking about it too much because one cql viewing later i'm a broken woman, i do not understand how people watch it more than once and choose to actively think about it, write analyses, delve into the lore - i'm not built like you guys and you have my respect 💕 all of that is to say i dont think bout the ships too much either, i picked these as faves because they had a certain smth
I don't think anyone could possibly guess what the three couples are they're - not the most popular 😂 except for wangxian, those are my babies:
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the next one is jiang cheng with... *drums*
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...wen qing 🥰 i didn't ship them as divorced until i saw the option and decided that yes, they would be so amazing as divorced parents or smth and i would read about it for sure; not the comb, not the post-war conversations - that inn scene always comes to mind, it feels like a checkpoint at which you could take a different route and change the outcome, a spot where you can stop and think "what if"... jiang cheng before the weight of zidian, the only thing of importance at the moment - his brother's safety... wen qing with only her brother to look out for, testing how far she'd go for an outsider while risking everything... or, y'know, i just find the scene fun, smart and rewatchable 🤷‍♀️ they're a very interesting ship for me cause i don't mind them not being together, either way is fine and makes sense and i never really feel this way about ships i care about, they usually HAVE to be together y'know but with these two i just have many thoughts and feelings that don't actually make me go crazy which is so refreshing
and the one ship that i'm not sure i even ship but b o y they make me feel things...
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...xiao xingchen and xue yang YES I KNOW, still to this day am not sure about some story details lol that whole arc left me shaken to my core and i've worked on forgetting it so it took a while to even remember they exist .. anyways, they found home in each other and could've been happy but they are who they are and they acted how they acted and that's that :) also my feels on song lan (and him with xiao xingchen) are mixed but this might be the one triangle i can see myself enjoying as a throuple.. i avoided stuff about that whole psychological horror arc so stuff that could sway me in any particular direction haven't been encountered in a while ✨
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