#they're making baklava <3
nulfaga · 4 months
24 for orph? <3
24: "Hold onto this."
“Right. You hold onto this,” says Orpheus, and pushes some manner of paper into Martin’s hands—Martin fumbles with the page, a brown and battered folio, and peers at the writing. The letters are Cyrodilic, though rendered in someone’s loopy, gallivanting cursive hand. . .but the text is illegible.
“Yes?” Orpheus stares expectantly, bracing his big hands on the kitchen counter. Between those hands is his festive hoard of ingredients: pistachios, orange blossoms, flour, olive oil. “Direct me, Dragonborn.”
“I can’t seem. . .” Martin sets the page down, admitting defeat. “It’s not in any language I know.”
“It’s plain Cyrodilic. A sailor from Stros M’Kai copied it down for me decades ago. Might smack of Anvil a little bit. Let me have a look.”
Martin hands over the page: Orpheus takes it, looks utterly blank for an instant, narrows his eyes, and finally goes very pink.
“Can’t read in this light,” he mumbles.
Achille, the one competent baker in Cloud Ruler Temple and Orpheus’ sous-chef for the afternoon, clears his throat and suggests: “Let me go and ask the Grandmaster for his spare glasses.”
Short of announcing a family tragedy, this is the worst thing one could possibly say to Orpheus Velvassius, and this kind tactless boy stumbled upon it while offering help. “That’s all right,” says Martin quickly, before Orpheus, beet-red, can open his mouth and draw blood. “That’s all right. We’ll put our heads together.”
“Okay,” says Achille, bemusedly. “Where did you get all these things, anyway?”
“Bought some sundries the last time that balding monster sent me out.”
“Velvassius,” snaps Martin.
“He wishes I was pushing up daisies right now,” Orpheus replies, with the same heat. “And I’m not allowed a little invective? Even a little?”
“Be civil,” says Martin, meaning be civil with the Blades around, because I don’t know what I’ll do if they force you out. They’ve had this conversation so many times it’s rote. The first part is shorthand for the rest.
“Civility itself,” says Orpheus, and winks. “To answer your question, Bladesman, most of it came from Leyawiin, but I’ve been squirreling things away as I went. The olive oil is from the Gold Coast, of course. Nowhere better.” He observes the spread with pride. “If you’ll read out what you see, Dragonborn, I’ll see what I can make of it.”
Martin takes a breath and sounds out: “Shof l-blostm, est flam, l-thricemal wutra, lesh ye maor blostm sur hlabos dense.”
Orpheus grins. “’Dense-eh’, not ‘dense’. That bit’s Old Cyrodilic, you ought to know that.”
“’Chauffe’ is Bretic,” says Achille eagerly. “To boil. . .what did you say, sir?”
“’Blostm’,” says Martin. “Blossoms. The orange blossoms.”
“See,” says Orpheus fondly. “Easy.”
Achille stands on his toes to look over Martin’s shoulder. “Boil the blossoms on something flam. . .”
“Est flam. A high flame,” says Martin, recalling an Aldmeris dirge for which the Chantry of Akatosh loved to trot him out. Burn high the fires of Auri-El. “For the length of three wutra?”
“Yeah,” says Orpheus. “A wutra is a prayer, but I never knew what prayer he meant, so I always just rattled off the Song of Mara thrice over. She of the bleeding heart, she of the fruiting love, you know. Seemed to work.”
“Then pour the blossom-something. . .”
“’Maor’; the blossom water.” More Aldmeris. “The extract, I suppose.”
“. . .Onto a something something,” concludes Achille.
“’Hlabos dense’? Dense-eh,” Martin corrects himself.
“A big leaf,” says Orpheus.
“Dense is leaf?”
“Hlabos is leaf. He’s talking about a big, thin layer of dough. We cut it up later.”
“You named the prior’s horse ‘Leaf’?” says Martin incredulously.
“Oh.” Orpheus thinks for a moment and then laughs his huge laugh. “No. I’d love to take the credit, but it was that odd little shepherd at the priory. It’s a Dunmeris word. I quite liked it, so I didn’t rename her.”
“That gorgeous creature? ‘Leaf’?”
“Don’t worry, Hlabos doesn’t speak Dunmeris.” Orpheus takes a handful of orange blossoms and starts to mince them, motioning for Achille to take a cutting board and join him. Achille’s hands are faster and surer. “Why? What’d you name your horses at home?”
“My father named them,” says Martin, suddenly sheepish. “Always things like King or Golden or Knight. He had that sort of taste. He let me name one of the colts.”
“What’d you choose?”
“. . .Shalidor.”
“Shal—pfft. Fuck.” Orpheus shakes so hard with laughter he has to set his knife aside. “Mara’s mercy, Dragonborn, you can’t go after poor Leaf with a record like that.”
“S’pose not,” says Martin under his breath.
When the blossoms are boiled, the pistachios are ground, and the resulting puree has been flavored with radical amounts of honey, the three of them begin to roll out the large, paper-thin rolls of dough. The ‘leaves’. Achille takes one to himself and rolls beautiful, uniform leaves; Martin and Orpheus take one between them and struggle.
“Shitting hell,” says Orpheus when the leaf tears for the so-manyeth time. “I think it needs more olive oil.”
“No, it doesn’t,” says Achille with surprising sharpness. “Don’t add any more olive oil.”
“Ave, commander,” Orpheus grumbles, preparing to do more violence against the little ball of dough.
Martin, exasperated, takes his wrist. “A little gentler, love, or we won’t make one leaf when he’s done ten.”
Orpheus looks up, stung. His good eye is wide open. “Gentle as a spring breeze. Your Imperial Majesty.”
He’s difficult about these things: kisses; terms of endearment; a gentle touch. Suits him better to pretend he’s still in the Legion, punch Martin’s shoulder, banter with him, until something like this comes up—‘love’—and he looks as wounded as a little boy.
“You can’t want to be called 'Champion' forever,” says Martin. “You won’t exactly live up to it when you’re old and grey.”
“Ha,” says Orpheus. “You haven’t met my father.”
“I certainly don’t want to be ‘Dragonborn’ forever.”
He grins and turns his attention back to the dough. “Take it up with Akatosh.”
An hour or two later the pastries are layered, cut into squares, and baking in the oven. Achille, rightfully exhausted, has cleared out to play a hand of cards with the other Blades; Martin and Orpheus have brought dining chairs into the kitchen.
“What’s the occasion, anyway?” asks Martin, enjoying the sweet smell of the baking pastries. Somehow familiar, although he hasn’t had them before.
“No occasion,” says Orpheus. “Just thought you could use something sweet.” He hesitates for a moment and adds: “Actually there’s a little place on the Coast that makes these better than anyone. I’d have liked to take you there, listening to the sea and all. But since you’re in the hole, I improvised.”
This aggravating man has scoured half of Cyrodiil for ingredients for no other reason than it might make Martin happy. But in the face of a word of affection? Gods protect and deliver! Bar the doors, bolt the windows!
“’In the hole’?” says Martin faintly.
“Aren’t you? You can’t leave.”
What Martin fervently wants to say is I don’t need all these antics: I just want you around. Instead, without much hope, he holds out his hand.
Orpheus looks at it. That injured look passes over his face again. He takes Martin’s hand.
They watch the pastries bake.
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Spoilers under the cut
Adaine trying to relax for her friends is so sweet I love her so much
Fig wrote a song so banging she managed to reach out to and touch her God. I love her so much.
The way she's trying to reach out to Ankarna is so sweet to her. The fact they're bonding over their girlfriends being out of town is insane.
What Fig does to Ruben is lowkey wild when you think about it. What are you doing to that poor guy. What did he do to deserve this.
BRITISH KRISTEN FUCKING GOT ME AGAIN holy shit. K2 you are in my head what is up with you???
WHY IS EVERYONE HELPING HER DO THIS? They're all absolutely deranged I love it.
This whole scene is so crazy what the hell is happening
Jawbone is so fucking sweet I love that man so much. He's so great. I love how much Kristen is concerned for him and how close they are. Jawbone's amazing <3
Murph's face while Kristen talks to Bobby Dawn is SO FUNNY. They're great.
Brennan Lee Mulligan how dare you make me cry about Bucky Applebees right now.
Fig talking about her future made me so happy,,, the kids are alright.
DID AYDA LEAVE HER A METEOR SHOWER??? OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD HOLY FUCKING SHIT I LOVE LOVE. BRENNAN LEE MULLIGAN I OWE YOU MY LIFE. I have NEVER in my ENTIRE LIFE HEARD ANYTHING AS ROMANTIC AS THAT MESSAGE. I AM OVERWHELMED WITH EMOTION. And the ending was just fucking great. "You are not going to believe how much my dad spent on this jet ski" absolute peak comedy.
The foreshadowing of Fig leaving the group is a little sad, but like. You know what? Fig's great. And wherever she goes I know the Bad Kids have her back :)
SHE WRITES AYDA A LETTER [sobs] These two ARE true love!
Ankarna and Cassandra's fascinating relationship will haunt me forever. And the fact that Ankarna fell before Cassandra also haunts me. holy hell
FUCK. YES! Is coming back to fucking bite the party in the ass. Kristen Applebees you have to pull a nat 20 out of your fucking ass
Kristen's bid for president being the key to stopping the big bad evil guy is absurd to me. I love her so much
I love Emily Axford so much. She always swings to the fucking fences with her acting and I love her so much.
GOD I LOVE PORTER he's so fucking evil he's great.
Riz is so smart and Murph's luck has been INSANE. That whole scene had me WRACKED with emotion. His insane spy shit fucks so hard this is so cool.
The final battle's going to be at Fabian's party isn't it??? I'm so excited
This group has such good chemistry and they're such good friends and I love them SO MUCH
Riz's ability to case a fucking joint is ABSURD. This man is BUILT for this shit and it's great to see him do the shit he's best at.
The RatGrinder's Plan as its laid out now is so scary, and I CANNOT WAIT to see how this all plays out. Aguefort picked the WORST time to go on fucking vacation.
THEY HAVE TO KILL THOSE FUCKERS. Maybe the RG's just need therapy but you just need to KILL THOSE FUCKING TEACHERS.
Fried Rice Dimension in the Garage, losing it.
"this is too easy" god Murph you're so right this is too fucking easy
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kybelles · 4 months
So I found this around, can I ask for Damen/ Laurent?
♥ Send a ship and I'll give you who:
- Gives nose/forehead kisses
- Gets jealous the most
- Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
- Takes care of on sick days
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
- Gives unprompted massages
- Drives/rides shotgun
- Brings the other lunch at work
- Has the better parental relationship
- Tries to start role-playing in bed
- Embarrassingly drunk dancer
- Still cries watching Titanic
- Firmly believes in couples costumes
- Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
- Makes the other eat breakfast
- Remembers anniversaries
- Brings up having kids
HELLO 💕 oh this looks fun!
gives nose/forehead kisses: damen cause the height difference 🤭 but i like to imagine laurent returning the favor when they're fresh out of the baths and he's toweling damen's hair (there was a very lovely fanart about it but i couldn't find it!)
gets jealous the most: i'm gonna say both! only damen outright admits he's jealous while laurent quietly steams in anger before finally cracking
picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: hmm i'm gonna go with laurent picking up damen
takes care of on sick days: both 🥺 their phantom thread slay <3 (I'M JOKING)
drags the other person out into the water on beach day: definitely damen
gives unprompted massages: DAMEN IT'S LITERALLY CANON (and what a scene it was 😳)
drives/rides shotgun: damen drives and laurent rides shotgun but occasionally damen also wants to be the passenger princess
brings the other lunch at work: i'm gonna go with both 🙏
has the better parental relationship: damen but laurent has a better relationship with his brother (again, canon)
tries to start role-playing in bed: LAURENT 🗣️🗣️ anyone who sees this post MUST go read one way or another immediately!!!
embarrassingly drunk dancer: damen but he actually rocks it he's not embarrassing 💅
still cries watching titanic: i don't think neither of them cries during titanic...
firmly believes in couples costumes: damen! style is everything
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas: both 💀 they are loaded so they don't set up a rule like this
makes the other eat breakfast: chef damen is a beloved hc for me 🫶 his baklava is to die for!!
remembers anniversaries: both cause they are crazy about e/o
brings up having kids: i feel like this is an unpopular opinion but i don't think neither of them are very crazy about kids?? like i love the concept of them fostering nicaise but i don't think they would want like a new born or something?? just my two cents
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c-h-pictures · 1 year
TCG Boys' Night but everyone's a little tipsy
Kaveh: Oh and uhh... The guy that lives down the road and owns a spaniel - what's his name?
Alhaitham: I have no idea who you're talking about.
Cyno: Daniel.
Tighnari, barely conscious: Oh, yeah, I know Daniel - wh - no! Shut up!
Kaveh: *coughing violently for no apparant reason*
Alhaitham: *talking over him*
Tighnari: Did you know there's a mind control fungus called -
Cyno: Cordyceps, we know, you bring it up every other conversation.
Kaveh: Why are you so mad today?
Tighnari: I was up all night because of an argument I wasn't even involved in.
Cyno: Tighnari! We just got out, where are you hiding?
Tighnari: *face down on the table*
Kaveh: Is he alive?
Alhaitham: *drops a workbook on Tighnari's back*
Tighnari: Mmmm...
Alhaitham: Yes.
Tighnari, sat behind the art stand at the arts & culture festival: Am I even allowed to be here? I'm not on the register for helping out.
Kaveh: You're my friend and I'm the organiser, it's fine. I'll let you sit underneath it and hide from the world if you need. And if you want to contribute to the stall, I can teach you how to make people's names fancy.
Tighnari: I don't want to be in the building - Cyno, stop taking all of the baklava, it's not for you.
Cyno: I'm not running any of the stalls, so technically it is. We'll make a deal, you'll stop getting mad at me for eating it and I'll cover for you skipping Maths.
Tighnari: I never mentioned skipping Maths.
Cyno: You look like you're about to cry and Maths is your hardest. And you've missed 3 homeworks that I know still aren't done.
Alhaitham, also eating from the food stand: I'm not coming up with an excuse for Kaveh skipping Maths.
Kaveh: How dare you?
[The day after the intruder alarm test interrupted a lesson]
Cyno: How are you after yesterday?
Tighnari: I'm only here because we're doing a practical, if we weren't, I'd be working from home.
Cyno, patting him: Okay.
Tighnari, elbows on the table, glaring at the knife in Cyno's hand: Fuck you. You're shit. It's an onion. Why can't you cut a fucking onion?
Tighnari: Kaveh! Are you done with your knife?
Kaveh: No.
Tighnari: All you're doing is scraping it into the beaker, you can use your finger for that! Give!
Kaveh, scared: Okay.
Tighnari, taking the other half of the onion: Archons, this one's shit too. I could cut this faster with my fingertips. And I do mean the actual skinned padded part.
Cyno: Never use skinned in that context again, that was a horrendous visual.
Fire alarm goes off
Tighnari: I'm going to kill the person that decided to test these the day after each other.
Cyno: Don't say that with a knife in your hand!
Tighnari: This knife won't do shit to a human!
Tighnari: We should've brought the onion and the cuttings boards with us. Wait for them to sort things out, sit in the corner of the car park cutting on the ground.
Cyno: We wouldn't have been allowed to.
Tighnari: What were they gonna do? Tell us to go back into the building?
Alhaitham, watching the timer on his phone: Ours is already in the water bath.
Tighnari: How? Your knife was just as shit as ours.
Kaveh: We gave up after getting a quater of the onion cut.
Cyno: Why didn't we do that?
Tighnari: Because I'm now adamant to cut a whole onion with these knives to prove that they could've done it.
Tighnari: Why are they making us go through reception? Why can't we just - *realisation* shit, they're checking IDs.
Cyno: Why 'shit'?
Tighnari: I have my ID over my jacket because I don't like the feel of it against my neck. The jacket which I took off to put the lab coat on.
Alhaitham: Did you leave your ID in class?
Tighnari: Yeah...
Alhaitham: Ah, hope they don't hold you back for too long.
Kaveh: ...
Alhaitham: Did you leave yours as well?
Kaveh: Yep.
Alhaitham: Well, that's your issue.
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raizenz5 · 8 months
Omg lodos looks so cool! Can you talk more about them?
i'm really glad you are interested in her! (insert overly exaggerated sobbing emoji in here because im really happy hahaha) i've already talked about her backstory and still haven't made much of an adjustment to it, but i suppose i can talk about her likes and dislikes and some other extra stuff - despite being turkish, she dislikes turkish sweets because they're too sweet for her, but she sometimes does miss them as a result of being away from her homeland for years. she does like baklava though. - she's also actually a really laid back person and doesn't take anything seriously at all, so it's not unusual to see her with a stupid smirk on her face most of the time (that's for when she doesn't have her mask on though) - this slides more towards oc x canon content but the only thing that infuriated her was sam calling her nicknames (like affectionate ones?? he just does it to get a reaction out of her though) she got used to it at some point and now doesn't mind it at all. - her and sam bet on random things on a daily basis. she has won at least 100 dollars from these bets to this day - she loves blade wolf so much, she genuinely feels bad for him after seeing what kind of treatment mistral gives him and tries to pet or just do whatever real dogs like to cheer him up on missions they go on together - she has also secretly snuck a cat into her headquarters but refuses to accept it. sam knows about it but doesn't tell anyone these are all i have in mind for now, and i dont want to make this a really long post either LMAOOO but as i said, i'm really glad you're interested in her <3 it was fun explaining my silly little oc to someone else
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vriendenboekjes · 1 year
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ok uhm. manifesting it now he's going the land the salchow and 4A during worlds this is just training to him ❤️
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Mijn #1-bericht van 2022
please interact: young old hags, bi women who love their lame ass boyfriend, enjoyers of the colour yellow, people who never learned how to roller skate, doubters of whether i should have typed "learnt" just now, baklava lovers, horror fans that are afraid of blood, stuffed animal conoisseurs, people who've never had braces, jazz musicians, people who know they're hot because they're funny instead of being focused on appearance, people who like oolong tea, people who are bad at talking and make even less sense when writing, people who unpack their suitcase the day after they get back home, when the sky is an endless blue and you feel you can be swallowed by it, people with dangly earrings, lesbians in love with fictional men and gays in love with fictional women, people who love birds and/or butterflies, people who need an itinerary for any social activity, people who like the harpsichord, poets, people with sensitive noses, and lastly, people who cut their own hair.
177 notities - Geplaatst 19 maart 2022
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my nr 1 post having 177 notes 😎 the merits of having an unpopular blog
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🍰🌌✂️❇️ for any oc(s)!
Physically unable to not talk about all of them all at once if its for any oc. Thank you for the ask Sir Crow!!
Link to ask list/post
🍰- favorite cake flavor? are they specific about types of cakes? 🌌- what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them? ✂️- what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people? (I've repurposed this question to how do they deal with people leaving/dying) ❇️- what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
Marks (CT-282)
🍰- He wants to try cake. Its something he's heard of. I would say he enjoys a nice vanilla slice with kind of fruit syrup/mash on top. Should he get the chance he will try it, but tends to go for more starchy meaty type of foods when on leave.
🌌- My inspiration for this guy is that he already exists in legends (I think) and I've decided he is mine now. Marks is from a mock article written by Kevin Rubio . Immediately nailed him as a nerd.
✂️- Marks is forced to let people go a lot of the time, so its something he's had to get good at. My only oc to be reconditioned he knows that if he couldn't let go and kept trying to look for the siblings he's missing in his own head, he would only get worse migraines.
❇️- Most prized possession is his hard drive full of political theory and definitions. He wasn't supposed to keep it. But he decided he was stealing <3 Values the knowledge and agency it represents.
Shade (The Stillness in Shade/CT-13-6048)
🍰- Congrats, you've opened a can of worms! Shade, for plot and character reasons spent some time with local peoples. In this instance it is the Togruta Kiros colonists. His favorite "cake" is the sweet/savory sort of pie that Togruta make after a victory made with star wars equivalent to red beans. "Tastes like victory" is an idiom that finally makes sense to him and it tastes like joy and freedom. (I personally think that Togruta can eat plant matter, but maybe a little sparingly)
🌌- Decided this guy was going to be so weird about religion. Also, part of his inspiration was like eyes that glow and coins and finding lost things. It'll make sense eventually.
✂️- Some times its best simply do not exist in his life and others times it hurts very badly. Most rounded guy in dealing with cutting people off, removing them from his life or people dying. He's front liner that gets tossed around battalions. Makes friends, some temporary and some long term. mourns and then carries them but also carries on. people he needs to cut off is a little more complicated.
❇️- Most prized possession is that he has a little string of metal baubles and coins that he found while on patrol and scouting. He has two favorites and he does little magic tricks with them. Has a superstition that he needs the two of them on his person at all times.
Medic Pallor, Specialist in Forensic Examining
🍰-Loves layers in his food. Baklava, tiered cakes, the likes. He just thinks they're neat. Pallor isn't to picky about flavors, enjoys the experience.
🌌- There's a few things I wanted to explore in the star wars universe in regards to medical practice and being a clone. Also the idea of being cold. Jacob Geller has deeply influenced this character.
✂️- He has a unique relationship to death and specifically the death of his siblings, compared to the vast majority of other clones. Cutting off people is phrase that carries a lot of weight in an ironic way to him. If he didn't have a solid support base around him he would actually lose his mind, and he knows it. If he needs to end a relationship, he'll just say bye and get himself assigned to an assignment where he has to travel for a bit to cool down.
❇️- His homemade sketchbook and ink pen. Got some charcoal from Tar one time. They help him cope.
Corporal Mellie
🍰- Just to fuck with Tar she'll get the most toothachingly sweet flavors. Birthday cake and sprinkles. Store bought mass produced stuff. Drives Tar up a wall, she thinks its hilarious. She actually likes a matcha flavored sponge cake with a drizzle over it, or a simple well made brownie.
🌌- Decided that outwardly she is a very kind and caring and empathetic person but deep down she's all vocal fry screams. Her being thoughtful is a conscious choice. The only person truly close to her is Tar. Inspiration was... mellification. It is a mummification process OR the process in which honey becomes honey.
✂️- Cannot bring herself to cut people off. Toxic trait of hers. Emotional leeches are the second greatest problem in her life. If its a death during a battle, she will have a mourning period later. If its through the grapevine Mellie will pretty much go on autopilot through the rest of the day. She's to nice to everyone for them to not feel bad about being mean to her. She knows and will exploit this if necessary.
❇️- Bee and honey themed accessories. Its her self expression you know? (the photo-booth pictures)
Private Tar
🍰- On principle he abhors fondant. Likes chocolate and a dollop of buttercream with some coco powder sifted over the top. A little mint leaf and raspberry to the side. Its pretentious and Mellie makes fun of him for it.
🌌- Tar pits. self insert. the other, inedible half to Mellie's honey. The resin seal on Mellie's stone coffin. Still working on something more coherent then "I have shrimp emotions about him".
✂️- On the holonet he loves blocking people. Doesn't have time to argue on his space reddit posts. Blocking the chancellor on space twitter was a moment for him. He doesn't particularly hold grudges, but he does remember things. Will watch and wait. If he doesn't see a change in behavior Tar will just ghost the person if possible.
❇️- Picture of him and Mellie in a photo-booth. Likes having physical reminders of people. black nail polish bottle.
Also I'm pretty sure they all value their actual kits very much, but I've focused on things that individualize them.
This got pretty long, let me know if there's anything you want me to make more clear!
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raw-law · 15 days
Number anon again!
Thank you both for the luck :] ♡ + i dont know how to feel about the fact that i giggled at the anon-quadro thing
Honestly, the qualifications of square-like, triangle-like and circle-like things is subjective, as everyone experiences the world differently. Just earlier I was arguing about whether or not the number 3 is a circle-like number or a triangle-like number.
Me, personally, I go by gut feeling. I look at a number and decide whether or not it's triangular or circular. I try not to decide by the shape of the number itself, as the way some numbers are written (7 and 4 for instance) differ depending on the font or handwriting. (However if you're the type to circumcise your 6s and 9s i am so judging)
My friend on the other hand, defines circle-like numbers as more 'softer' numbers, and triangle-like numbers as 'harsher' numbers.
Now, on to flavors... this one, I have a more 'concrete' answer for!
- In my head, savory foods fit within a Square to Triangle scale. Square being 'milder' savory flavors (potatos, salt, etc). Then we have the middle which would be garlic and onion - they have a kick, but aren't spicy. Then we have triangle savory flavors which are foods that are spicy. Rarely are things fully squares or fully triangles, it's a spectrum.
Then the circle spectrum is it's own thing. We have a flat circle, which represets pure sugar — the middle, which would be an oval, being sweets foods that aren't overwhelmingly sweet (strawberry shortcake, cheesecake), then a sphere that represents sweet foods that are technically sweet foods but you can't taste much of the sweetness (dark chocolate). Admittedly, the fault in this sweet scale is that baklava would be a pretty difficult thing to classify... so far, I'd decided a good baklava is a cylinder.
Sour flavors are stars. And sweet-and-sour flavors are the shape of a scrub daddy sponge (i have no idea how to explain myself here)
Hopefully this makes sense...!
- 📒
Okay, the numbers one is still kind of vague...but the flavours categorisation does make sense!
At least, it's a classification system where there are concrete rules, and I could see it being used among other people...so, yes, this has been really interesting.
I suppose your system could also possibly be used to inform your friends/close acquaintances about the taste of a food they've never tried beforehand?
Well, either way, it's certainly a very creative way of classification, and thanks for letting us both know about this.
(And before anyone says anything, yes, I know how insane Ryuzaki sounds below, but you've gotta admit he does have somewhat of a point...I guess...?)
anon-quadro it is then. :]
i agree with light on the numbers bit... considering it's mainly subjective, i doubt i could really decode it accurately. but it's also what makes it all the more amusing, so i support it nonetheless. (circumcised 6s and 9s are superior though.. i will not take any other variations of them........)
the flavors definitely do make more sense though. however... the existence of a scrub daddy sponge category in general concerns me...
you do realize this creates a paradox, yes..? considering scrub mommies and scrub babies exist... are they counted in this system too?? do we eliminate them entirely?? do we need to create a scrub cinematic universe just to ensure we cover all bases????? what would even fit into them if they were to exist....... this is what happens when you don't think these things through........ tcktck..
and another question, what category would starfruit fit into? they're shaped like stars, but if it's based off flavor, i'd consider them more spherical..... hm..
anyhow, your system is indeed very intriguing. i'm glad to be learning more about it. but i will keep poking it nonetheless..
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arabella-au · 10 months
From Mezze to Main Course: Popular Middle Eastern Restaurant Sydney Recipes
Middle Eastern cuisine is known for its rich and diverse flavors that tantalize the taste buds and transport diners to the heart of the region. In Sydney, the culinary landscape is dotted with exceptional Middle Eastern restaurants that offer a delightful array of mezze and main course dishes. From creamy hummus to succulent kebabs, the popularity of Middle Eastern restaurant Sydney recipes continues to soar. In this article, we'll explore some of the most popular dishes that have captured the hearts and palates of food enthusiasts across the city.
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Mezze Madness: Small Plates with Big Flavors
Mezze, the tradition of serving small, flavorful dishes, is an integral part of Middle Eastern dining culture. These appetizers are perfect for sharing and set the stage for a memorable culinary experience.
1. Hummus with Warm Pita Bread
Hummus is undoubtedly the star of the mezze platter. Made from creamy chickpeas blended with tahini, lemon juice, and garlic, it's a heavenly dip that pairs beautifully with warm, freshly baked pita bread. Many Middle Eastern restaurant Sydney menus feature this classic mezze dish as a crowd-pleaser.
2. Baba Ganoush
Another beloved mezze favorite is baba ganoush, a smoky eggplant dip. Roasted eggplant is mixed with tahini, garlic, and lemon juice, creating a velvety texture and a wonderful depth of flavor. It's a perfect accompaniment to crunchy pita chips or fresh vegetables.
3. Falafel
No Middle Eastern mezze spread is complete without falafel. These crispy, golden-brown chickpea fritters are seasoned with a blend of herbs and spices, making them irresistibly flavorful. Served with tahini sauce, they're a delight for vegetarians and meat-lovers alike.
Main Course Marvels: Hearty and Flavorful
Middle Eastern main courses are a celebration of aromatic spices, tender meats, and wholesome grains. These dishes are often enjoyed as a communal meal, bringing friends and family together.
1. Shawarma
Shawarma is a quintessential Middle Eastern street food that has taken Sydney by storm. Succulent strips of marinated meat, usually chicken or lamb, are slow-cooked on a vertical rotisserie. Served in warm pita bread with pickles and tahini sauce, it's a delightful handheld meal.
2. Shish Kebabs
Shish kebabs are a barbecue favorite in Middle Eastern cuisine. Skewered and grilled to perfection, these kebabs feature tender pieces of marinated meat, often accompanied by grilled vegetables. The result is a mouthwatering dish bursting with smoky flavors.
3. Mansaf
Mansaf is a traditional Jordanian dish that showcases the importance of hospitality in Middle Eastern culture. Tender lamb is cooked with fermented yogurt and spices, creating a rich and savory sauce. It's then served over a bed of fragrant rice and garnished with toasted almonds.
The Dessert Delight: Sweet Endings
A Middle Eastern dining experience wouldn't be complete without indulging in the delectable desserts that grace the tables.
1. Baklava
Baklava is a true icon of Middle Eastern desserts. Layers of buttery phyllo pastry are filled with chopped nuts, sweetened with sugar syrup, and baked to perfection. Each bite is a harmonious combination of textures and flavors.
2. Kunafa
Kunafa is a show-stopping dessert that captivates both the eyes and the palate. Layers of shredded pastry are filled with sweetened cheese or semolina, then baked until golden and crispy. It's drizzled with fragrant sugar syrup and sometimes garnished with crushed pistachios.
Experience Middle Eastern Magic in Sydney
With the rise of Middle Eastern restaurant Sydney offerings, the city has become a hub for culinary exploration. From mezze to main course dishes and delightful desserts, these recipes reflect the rich heritage and passion for food that Middle Eastern cuisine embodies. Whether you're a seasoned food enthusiast or a curious culinary explorer, indulging in these popular Middle Eastern dishes will undoubtedly be a memorable and flavorsome experience.
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vinnival · 3 years
Hallo! I’m not sure if you have requests open or not, not sure if this prompt is already made or somethin’ similar or will get picked, but I would love to req the main 3 + Tricky who’s had a very heated argument with their s/o and ends up lashing out on them/hurting them severely on accident. You get to decide if S/o lives or dies lmao, their life is on your hands
(ps: LOVE your works btw! I swear yer works‘ll give me brainrot sooner or later from how much I read them. {in a good way!} )
HOHOHO IM GLAD <333 angst central will answer your call, enjoy !!!
TW for death, blood, gore, just sadness in general
Hank accidentally ate your baklava, sent to you by your friend
You shouldn't have approached him while he was stressed out about a mission, and cutting up cucumbers.
But you did
It began as a simple statement
"Hank, honey, did you eat that baklava in the fridge?"
"Yeah. Sorry, didn't save any for you. I was hungry."
"That was sent to me by my friend as a gift."
Hank stopped cutting, and shrugged haphazardly
"Tell them to make you another."
"Fucker, they're from out of state, do you know how hard it is to get shit into Nevada nowadays?"
He whipped around, frustrated, "how was I supposed to know?! I'm sorry, okay? Leave me alone or else-"
"Or else what? What if they're dead now? What if that was the last gift they sent me? You wouldn't give a shit, would you?" You were fuming now, "All you care about is what HANK wants. What HE wants and when HE wants i-"
You were violently cut off when a butcher knife was slammed into your arm.
You yelled in pain, looking back at Hank as you stumbled
He looked pissed, his hand still in throwing position
You stumbled back and fell to the ground as Deimos walked into the room, worried about your yell
Hank realized what he's done when Deimos noticed you on the ground and confusedly yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK, HANK? TO YOUR OWN S/O?!"
Deimos took you to 2B to get medical help
You lost a lot of blood, some core nerves were damaged, and your arm had to be amputated
He was babbling apologies constantly after you recovered
Deimos made a prosthetic arm for you.
Hank despised himself, and he vowed to never touch any type of weaponry while at home again
Eventually, you got over it and foragve him, but he would never forgive himself
He still gets sad whenever he cuddles you and feels or sees your prosthetic
Arguing while training wasn't a good idea
You absentmindedly critiqued his attacks
Hes finally had enough, and told you to stop
You rebutted, and it escalated into you two full on arguing while you fought
You tried to avoid any type of wounding damage, but unfortunately
Sanford threw his hook a little too hard, slicing your face
That "oh FUCK" moment immediately hit him and he rushed over to you, where you were writhing in pain
Turns out he ripped off a whole skin patch on your face, and damaged one of your eyes to where you couldn't see out of it anymore
You had to wear a glass eye and you had to get leather stitched to your face to replace skin
Although he hated looking at your face now, he still comments on how beautiful you are
He still feels horrible though
He'd caress your face sometimes
Every time he does it, tears slip out from under his glasses
You've grown to expect it every time he does it, and immediately comfort him
Hank had just gotten done lecturing Deimos
He was annoyed now
And if Deimos is annoyed, he'll lash out at anything miniscule that goes wrong
He was in his lab, tinkering with a big ass machine to calm down
He wasn't calmed enough when you entered
You were on the other side of the machine
You asked him if he wanted help, and he declined
So you tried to just watch him, placing your hand on the table where the machine sat
You accidentally tipped over his glass drink
It hit the floor, making a loud sound, thus making Deimos jump
He screwed up on a wiring from jumping
"Dude what the fuck?! Can't you be more fucking mindful?"
You scoffed, "I didn't know it was there, I'm sorry!"
"Sorry won't fix it, boo," he seethed, slamming his hand down on the machine
Uh oh that was a button
It sprang to life, but with the mis-wiring, it malfunctioned
It sent electricity everywhere
Most of it zapping you
Oops again, you were zapped to death
Deimos immediately fell out of his chair, yelling your name
You were already gone by the time he got to your side of the table
he hates himself and robotics now yikes
Poor guy
Doesn't want anything to do with machinery anymore
The others try and solace him but he can't escape that forever-staying guilt
Knowing the clown you two probably didn't even get into an argument
He got too pent up in anger one day, and when you got too close to him while he was angry, he lashed out
You were just beginning to say, "Are you okay, honey?" when you were cut off by incessant growling, and a flash of green, red, and grey rapidly approached
His stop sign was RAMMED through your gut
Like, sliced straight through. JJBA donut style
You coughed up blood, too in pain to let out any noise
Tricky then recognized you and started screeching
He despised the Auditor but was desperate
He held you in his arms, his sign awkwardly sticking out of you while he rushed to the Auditor to heal you
He made it to the building
Alas... you didn't make it with him
He sat there on the AAHW property with your dead body on the floor
He finally took back his sign
He kept sitting there until The Auditor forced him out
He brings your corpse to one of his favorite places, his Clown Hideout (a secret bunker filled with circus items), and buried you right next to it
He sits there for days on end, constantly talking to himself
Still acts like you're there at times before he realizes he killed you and then goes into another bout of silence
A cycle is then born
When he returns to killing, he's more violent than ever before, in your honor
Once again, sadness combat
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ofcloudsandstars · 7 years
Hey there. Do you or any of your followers know of a good magical use for walnuts? I have two black walnut trees in my backyard, and while i do leave a bunch on the ground for squirrels to get them through the winter, i have to pick up a lot of them for when i mow the lawn (i have to keep the lawn trimmed since i rent). I already have five pounds of walnuts, and they're not even done falling! Thanks in advance, love your blog ♡♡♡
That sounds ahhhmazing really! I know it can get overwhelming when you have a tree that keeps on giving but walnuts are so delicious and can definitely be used in a lot of cooking. Off the top of my head I think of salads, breads, extra garnishes on roasted meats and baklava. I can definitely see how after eating too much it can get nauseating though. For magic immediately I think of protection. Walnuts have a really hard shell to crack and would be great to use powder in a protective circle. Kind of like how some witches use sea salt, or black charcoal or egg shell powder, you could probably powder the walnut shell to make a ward or cast a protective circle. (Also the shell hull wards parasites so it does have good protection properties).Walnuts are also very good for your brain. You can use it in kitchen magic for mental clarity or road opening spells when you need to unblock obstacles and the walnut will help you to keep your mind steady. You can blend the nut part into a crumbly powder and add it into smoothies, top smoothie bowls, add it in cereals with dried fruit or sprinkle it any where like on ice cream or on cakes. Just depending where you like walnuts lol. If you are into crafting I think you could also collect a shell and make a protection charm from it. If you use something maybe like hot glue on a halved shell you can put some things inside for protection (like a small crystal, obsidian, charcoal, wormwood, sage; it depends on what you like to work with) and seal the husk together but maybe drill a hole through it to make a necklace or charm. I’ve never worked with black walnuts before so I am unsure but I can speculate that the shells can be used for a lot of crafts! If you find one partially intact you can probably make floating tealights or even walnut shell runes if you like to work with runes! Walnuts are also associated with power. In Pennsylvania Dutch/German folk magic culture (since a lot of black walnut trees grew in that area), when there was a cluster of them it was a sign that the soil was very good, rich and nutritious since it needed to be in order to grow strong trees that demand so much. The wood is very strong and was sought after so much that people would poach the trees which is awful lol. So once again with strength and having a hard shell and being good for mental clarity it’s good for magic that has to do with manifesting something sturdy and reliable in life and protection. Also to add to the protection bit, the walnut trees produce a kind of chemical that make it difficult for most plants to grow underneath so it is also an expeller/banisher along with a protector. Its also expelling/banishing because it’s hulls can be used to get rid of parasites in the body (in tincture form). Ok to wrap up everything, walnuts are great for protection, strength and even banishing! Also with color association one of the many things I associate with black is protection so its a bonus that it also has a dark shell!Also thank you so much for the compliment! And my followers feel free to add if you know anything else about the walnut! 
PS: to add you can make Black Walnut Ink!! I did not know this!! Great for paper spells and paper charms and grimoire writing!! 
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