#they're isolated and traumatized and overall just Not Having a Good Time
byanyan · 2 months
byan "i thought being a vampire would be sick as fuck but instead it's turned my life upside down, caused me to lose the few safety nets i actually had, and somehow given me less freedom where i thought it'd give me more" byun
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ckret2 · 1 year
How are ford and dipper interacting with Bill. (especially after their ptsd due to how he hurt them)
So "how are they interacting with Bill OVERALL" is a big question—and one i've already touched on in a couple previous asks—so to shrink the question to manageable size, I'm gonna interpret this one more as "talk about any Bill-related trauma Ford and Dipper might have and how seeing him again impacts it."
I actually don't think either of them necessarily developed PTSD (although Ford has worse odds). Not because they didn't go through traumatic experiences thanks to Bill, but rather just because not everyone who goes through a traumatic experience develops PTSD. Some excerpts from the National Institute of Mental Health:
It is important to remember that not everyone who lives through a dangerous event develops PTSD. In fact, most people will not develop the disorder.
Many factors play a part in whether a person will develop PTSD. Risk factors make a person more likely to develop PTSD. Other factors, called resilience factors, can help reduce the risk of the disorder.
Some factors that may promote recovery after trauma include:
Seeking out support from other people, such as friends and family
Finding a support group after a traumatic event
Learning to feel good about one’s own actions in the face of danger
Having a positive coping strategy, or a way of getting through the bad event and learning from it
Being able to act and respond effectively despite feeling fear
The Pines are part of a close knit family that shared in Weirdmageddon, and 3/4 of them were puppeted, hurt, and/or manipulated by Bill and can commiserate. They also have friends in Gravity Falls they can talk to about their Bill experiences. Although Ford and Dipper are ashamed of being fooled by Bill in the past, even during the course of the show they started helping each other process that; and all four of them have reason to be proud of how they faced Weirdmageddon. They all ultimately responded to their fears by taking action. The family's in a good position to get through the aftermath with minimal lingering trauma!
The biggest potential issues are their physical isolation from their support network, and Gravity Falls' Never Mind All That Act hampering people from talking with each other; but if you assume they're still regularly talking with each other on phone or online and that people are still willing to talk in private amongst friends about Weirdmageddon, I think they can get around the majority of those issues. (Plus, realistically, the Never Mind All That Act would hamper recovery from trauma; but since it was clearly intended to be a funny cartoon joke about life going back to normal, I don't want to narratively treat it like a serious thing with serious consequences.)
(I'm also on the fence about headcanoning whether Dipper & Mabel tell their parents; Dipper spends most of summer trying to tell the nearest adult relative all about the weird stuff in Gravity Falls and Mabel immediately writes to mom & dad about the new gruncle that came out of a magic portal, I don't see why they'd stop that when they get home. Odds the parents get the kids therapy is like 90% but odds they'd let the kids go back next summer is 5% so... *makes a weighing scales gesture*)
So I think they'll get through with minimal trauma-trauma. But the scars of the incident can show on them in ways other than full-blown PTSD.
The worst of it Dipper experiences is nightmares. Sometimes about Bill, sometimes about being stuck outside his body while it sleeps below. Admittedly, nothing to sneeze at; few things are more terrifying than waking up, disoriented and in the dark, from a nightmare about a guy who can actually invade nightmares—you can spend the next half hour asking yourself "what if it was real?" But if you've got a sister in the next room to reassure you it wasn't real and a grunkle in a weird time zone you can call at 3 am to hear he's had similar dreams for thirty years and they never meant anything... eventually a half hour of fear becomes five minutes of fear and the dreams become annoying instead of terrifying.
If anything, being in the Shack with Bill helps Dipper deal with the nightmares—it's reassuring to be able to wake up from a Bill nightmare, bellow "GET OUT OF MY DREAMS YOU FREAK," and hear back from the floor below, "I'M NOT IN YOUR DREAMS, I'M WATCHING TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES WITH ABUELITA."
Even his dreams about out-of-body experiences have decreased since coming back to the shack—that's probably a sign of healing, right?
(One of the things Bill plans never to admit to the humans: he still has a sizable amount of dream-related magic, and he's started shoving Dipper's soul back in his body whenever Bill sees him astral projecting because he's sick of getting blamed for Dipper's "nightmare" when he wakes up.)
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Between Dipper and Ford, Ford's the most likely to actually get PTSD—specifically because at the outset, he got the least emotional support. After he found out Bill's motives, he was trapped alone in his house for weeks, afraid that the world could end if he fell asleep, until the point that he was hallucinating Bill in other people's eyes—if it was a hallucination.
That extreme sleep deprivation, that paranoia, that terror, and most of all that isolation from any support—THAT sure could trigger PTSD.
But Ford's had thirty years to process that, all while traveling through a multiverse full of people like "oh, THAT Bill Cipher? Oh yeah we totally sympathize, that's the exact kind of thing that guy would do." Getting dumped into the multiverse probably gave him a better shot of healthily processing the experience than he could have had on Earth. (Note that he's not checking people's eyeballs when he gets home from the multiverse.)
On the other hand, I do believe he's got some noteworthy trauma from thirty years in the multiverse, but never mind that! (You could arguably call that "caused" by Bill—but I don't think interacting with Bill conjures up memories of traumatic multiversal travels for Ford. He didn't see Bill during those 30 years. His mind sorts them in different boxes.)
The biggest negative psychological impact Bill left on Ford is trust issues. When he first returned to Gravity Falls, that was more global—TRUST NO ONE. Those trust issues have shrunk a lot—now it's just "don't trust Bill." Bill could tell Ford the sky is blue, and he'd have to go look to make sure Bill isn't trying to keep Ford from finding out that the sky's turned pink.
Upside: this makes it almost impossible for Bill to mess with Ford's head. Ford is all but mess-proof. Everything Bill says carries zero weight with him. Downside: this makes it almost impossible for them to carry on a conversation.
(Bill's the only one who considers this a downside. He's looking for a way to twist Ford into regretting not listening to Bill. Maybe the next time the kids are in trouble, he'll go tell Ford first, and then he can feel all self-righteous when Ford feels all guilty about brushing Bill off and not helping the kids.)
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newty · 7 months
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dion fic ch2 meta and edit process!
this chapter kicked my butt! i did not expect it to get so long but overall i like the places i went to a lot. overall i think that in a perfect world, there's a lot i would have extended and lingered on more, but the work it would take + the return it would give wouldn't be that different. i wanted to move on rather than beat over the same themes in the name of a smoothly completed scene. i think this choice is evident in the way each scene ends a bit abruptly.
this was the hardest chapter to keep my limited 3rd person pov active tho omg. terence and kihel had so many thoughts that i had to hold onto for later while dion made everything about himself. this chapter was full of demands on terence, but it also will be the end of dion's passivity after he realized that he was party to his own 'uselessness.'
i like that i was able to keep dion's relationship with kihel a little fraught, too. i didnt want them to be immediately buddy-buddy in some kind of Destined Together vein, so it was important for me to keep giving them misunderstandings and things that isolated them from each other.
their conversation while gathering yarrow is also a mess i enjoy. kihel doesn't have the ability to express herself as succinctly as dion does, so it becomes extremely one-sided, awkward, and confusing with too many emotions that don't get properly tied up. walking away and not addressing that (beyond some lousy attempts) was important to me. they're all in an extremely uncomfortable situation and nothing will relieve that but time (and more earnest but lousy attempts).
i think that the aether floods disappeared within a few weeks or less of the game's end. people still avoid those areas from superstition, which freed up moore for some bearer irony. at first i wanted to fill the town with branded while the chapel operated like a sanctuary for those in worse health, but then i narrowed the whole operation to the chapel and ahmed. the dragon was also irony re: doing its job rly bady and being a confused angry disabled weapon that terence has to smack down with
speaking of terence. hes exhausted. i wanted to give the dragon fight some Real Repercussions but after dion went thru his whole church monologue i was like. yeah no i dont need to add another thing to the pot rn. i also wanted him comparatively healthy to dion and his rock skin.
anyway. worming in part of the eucharistic prayer/roman canon into dions orgasm was probably top tier blasphemy im ngl. that sex scene was an absolute MESS of half-conversations and lifelong guilt. at some point i sat there like. if these bitches dont stop being sad abt the One good thing ive allowed them, im gonna have to find Another way to get them to be shitty dads and leave a re-traumatized girl home alone so they can try again.
have i mentioned lately that i love writing idiot men that find increasingly convoluted ways to validate their increasingly selfish decisions. bc. theyre back.
regardless, the bit of prayer after my shameless lifting of ascension lyrics is from an intersession to st george. shout-out to the prof dragon killer himself but hes got good violent prayers. i also made a really accidental shout-out to ffx tidus/yuna kiss and had to stare at a wall for 15 minutes until i decided i was NOT going to rewrite it into smth else. i just like the ocean and wanted to incorporate part of its danger into snapping dion out of his emotional suicide plan. and terence's tattoo is ffiii bahamut by amano.
next chapter is The Family Problems I Ignored And Compartmentalized For 30+ Years Are Coming Back To Bite Me In The Ass Now That I've Started My Own Fantasy Family. and TERENCE POV, FINALLY
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alostlittleriverlotus · 8 months
"you can come to me about anything"
Thanks I will never take you up on that offer and will feel that I will just make you depressed :)
Thanks I will never take you up on that because I only bring things up when they're brought up by others :)
Thanks I'm never gonna do that though because I don't wanna traumatize you with the stuff that's basically "easy" for me let alone if I ever told you about the real terrible stuff :)
Me realizing this is why MA and my comfort characters are the only ones I find comfort with. Theoretically all my friends would want to help, but there's a barrier there. Yeah we're all traumatized, but it feels different from me. Like everything is more severe with my stuff. T was the only one somewhat close to me, but even then, I never felt safe to. Which is why I never talk about stuff.
You can't really expect me to just bring up something super depressing and traumatizing lol. No I'm just gonna make endless jokes about it, avoid it absolutely, and then resent myself for never being able to open up and feeling emotionally disconnected from everyone. The "disorder" part of my disorders is the worst here. I'm pretty numbed to it/used to it that I'm not super bothered by my disorders. I'm not in constant distress most of the time so I'm not super bothered by it and I have good coping mechanisms. But when stuff like this pops up, it sits with me and I hate it. I can daydream and fantasize about reaching out all I want, I can have dreams about reuniting with friends or hanging out again, but it will never change the fact that in reality: I am almost entirely alone.
I would love to list every tiny way my disorders affect me and how that all plays into social isolation, but I never have the brain power for it. It's not like I mind being alone overall, but when you crave that intimacy of friendships and honesty and trust yet you can only achieve it with a single person and you see others with it constantly, it's a bit hard on ya. I want meaningful close relationships. But I'm either paranoid and scared, distant and apathetic, worried about acting the right way, having intense social anxiety, feeling inadequate, completely uncaring, feeling pressured by "acceptable" behaviour, worried I'm pushing boundaries, and constantly too exhausted to give a shit, I so rarely have the energy to become close with anyone. I treasure my close loved ones dearly. The love is so intense. But having to keep up with those relationships is not something I care about. And as more time passes, the more anxious I become about acting "correctly" around them. It's easier to just avoid them and have them still be my loved ones than to try to unmask and risk losing them because that isolation will be far worse than being distant isolation.
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scoundrels-in-love · 1 year
This might be cheating, but:
Your honest opinion about the most fic-prolific pairing in your current hyperfixation
Hi, thank you for asking!
So, I'm going to be honest, I thought this question about pairing I've written about the most in Trigun/Tristamp (Mashwood) and my sibling thought you meant the pairing with most fics in the fandom overall (Vashwood).
So, I'm giving you both answers, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
First of all, the name. Not the worst or the best named ship I've sailed (Captain Swan vs Jisbon, fight), but it does amuse me. Let's mash that wood, people.
I have to admit that I've not read TriMax/watched 98 anime, but I have my opinions from what I know, so there's that.
And one of them is that I think that no matter how you look at them, romantic or platonic in one or multiple angles, there is something really special about their bonds. Something where I have a hard time isolating just one specific pairing out because they're always in such a flow of impacting each other constantly. (At least until narrative takes away Wolfwood and even that brands and breaks and reforges the remaining two and their (future) relationship.)
One of the things that really gets me is how I think that any one of them think the other two are better suited together. Vash looks at Meryl and Wolfwood and sees two ultimately humans who have all this fire, who challenge him and do not bend, who butt heads with each other, but often because they're so similar and because they want what's best (for each other, for Vash), who learn from each other and lean on each other in quiet ways. Of course they fit together, they're the two who can have a family in ways he thinks he can never give them.
Meryl looks at Vash and Wolfwood and sees two deeply traumatized people who can understand each other the way she never can. She will never know the blood and the pain like they do, being broken over and over again, and raising up to stride toward their goals. She can never guard their backs in gunfire like they can trust each other in this. Of course they fit together, forged in similar awful fires and yet holding so much love in their hearts beneath their armor that only they know how to take off of each other.
Wolfwood looks at Vash and Meryl and sees two stubborn people who are so good it hurts to look at them at times. Something he profoundly believes he is not. Two people who care about noble things, two people who somehow manage to change and bend the world around them into something more akin to their vision. Of course they fit together, two idealists not long for this world.
And yet, the thing is, all of them fit together perfectly. There is the exact space for all of them, the shape isn't complete without what they individually bring. In fact, the chances it even comes to exist is because they're all there. Yes, it can be reformed if one isn't there anymore or has never been met, but it will always have a crook in one of the lines that misses the third.
Vashwood As I said in previous part, I have harder time isolating individual pairings. When I try to write it, the third almost always sneaks in and when I am reading fic, I keep looking for mentions of the missing one as well. Even when I know that Wolfwood is most likely dead by that point in narrative, I want him to be acknowledged as having existed and impacted their lives. Nonetheless, I do enjoy the Vash and Wolfwood dynamics, they are so damn important to each other in narrative and in the human way of caring, loving. There is no story of Vash without Wolfwood and the other way around. The tragedy of loving and losing Wolfwood changes Vash, makes him face some bitter and painful truths about his life and what he has to do. They get each other like no one else, in the silliness reclaimed from the horrors and in the pain of the horrors as well. They deserve to be happy and together so much. And in the same way, the story has doomed them from the start. So, off to AU world we go. Because I'll give them happy times even if I have to do it my damn self.
Send me a ship for brutally honest opinion?<3
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
R, T, W for the writers asks but with a twist! (I am 100% cheating the game to be specifically nosy so feel free to ignore me 😅)
R + how would you pitch those ships to a fandom outsider?
T - since you already did favourites, most overused and underused?
W (...would really love to know about any Jace wips in particular 👉👈)
Thanks for playing! Let's see how good I do on twists xDDD
R. Romance - Do you write for any certain ship? What's your OTP or main pairing?
See ur being nosy but not specifically nosy because do you know HOW MANY fandoms I have? *sobbing*
I'm a multishipper so it's rare for me to only have one ship for a character. Much less for a fandom. But I do have what I'd call flagships, my biggest ship per fandom.
And since you did not specify if you wanted this for a particular fandom, I'ma just go with Shadowhunters and Jagnus!
They were roommates! Seriously, when Jace is at his lowest, when he leaves the only place he knows as home, he comes to Magnus to ask to live with him. That's canon. Magnus takes him in. That's canon. They're just convenient roommates or bros living together, their rooming together is born from Jace being in a desperate and vulnerable state and he seeks out Magnus and that shit just hits hard.
They have both lost a parent in a traumatizing manner as little children and are REALLY shit at coping with their trauma like they both suck so badly at it but that is what makes it fun because they also fundamentally care about other people so it can be like a dual "I will help you through your trauma".
Magnus Bane canonically has a thing for blue eyes and Jace has blue eyes in the show and I will never let that die. Magnus Bane also has magical golden eyes that made him feel isolated and lonely - and guess who ALSO canonically has magical golden eyes? JACE.
Both of them are fun-loving and promiscuous and I do think that this shared energy when it comes to sex really makes them go well together.
When they first meet in book canon, just before they meet, we as the readers are introduced to the concept of flying motorbikes existing and Jace whining about always having wanted one. After one (1) meeting with Jace, Magnus just gives Jace a flying motorbike. For free. Just like that. As a present. To this boy he met once. And, might I add, that is the same day he meets his canon endgame romance too and in the same scene we learn that Jace always wanted one, we also learn that said canon endgame romance also always wanted a flying motorbike. But the author chose that no Magnus should just randomly gift Jace a motorbike. How am I supposed to not come out of that shipping them?
T. Trope - What's your favorite fanfic trope? What's one you avoid like the plague?
Most overused and most underused? That is so much harder somehow because I don't really read all THAT much fanfiction and if so I read only specific things so I don't really know how the overall on these tropes is.
I think soulmate AUs are underused there should be more soulmate AUs because there are so many different takes possible for this, it is such a broad variety of possibilities!
And I think that modern/non-powered AUs are overused but that is also because I really don't like them. Personally, I don't read them at all. I come here because I like what's going on in canon, I want to read these bitches falling in love in their world. Making them average people in today's time usually removes vital elements of their canon dynamic and severely undercuts just how much they have going for them.
I know that sounds a bit hypocritical because I have written a shit-ton of modern/non-powered AUs myself but that's also because I have literally written over 1000 fics and at one point you do run out of ways to make these bitches fall in love in the canon setting and after satisfying that urge, I do feel tempted to go "okay but what if they met under different circumstances" and play around more.
And I'm saying that this trope is overused because sometimes, with some ships, you really will find more modern day AUs than in-universe fics and that just completely baffles me that really shouldn't be a thing in my opinion?? Canon-set and canon-divergent should definitely outweight "so I removed the fun supernatural/scifi/fantasy elements and made them average people" takes on supernatural/scifi/fantasy shows?
W. Wips - How many wips do you have? What is taking the majority of your time currently?
Okay in this case your addition is actually helpful because it narrows this broad-ass question down for me. xD
So I'm going with a broad definition of WIP as "fics that are on my private schedule, even if they are only ideas for now and I am not actively writing them yet" (because that's a distinction for me from the active WIPs I am currently writing).
So Jace WIPs! Well, the most obvious is The High Warlock's Vampires, my current multi-chapter Malace fic. Which was supposed to be three chapters but then I failed so it became five chapters but then I failed again and now it's at a definitely it's gonna be seven chapters. I'm just having way too much fun with this What If scenario.
For March, I have a Malace oneshot coming up on the 2nd that's called Visitors From Another World that's inspired by a comment I got on another Malace fic, asking for the boys being visited by alternate ABOverse versions of themselves that are actually dating and where Jace is currently pregnant with Alec's kid and you know me, how can I resist ABOverse Malace and pining Jace, mh?
There's also the poly week in March and I have a Malace/Jimonael fic planned for the "metamours" prompt on the 9th called Husbands-in-Law, also ABOverse but where Jace gets twice the love. ;D
Then there is another Malace fic for March 30th (March seems to be very Malace heavy, I am just noticing), called The Turned Double Agent that was born over on our Jace Appreciation Discord Server where I went "kay but what if FBI agents Alec and Jace, sent undercover to spy on mob boss Alec but both fall in love with Magnus and also Jace ALREADY is a double agent because his father is Valentine, another big mob boss, so Magnus is trying to turn both his FBI agents" aaand yeah I have to write that too. xD
April's gonna be Jimon and also less Shadowhunters, I'm afraid (poly-week added one fic and March's length and timing of the Wednesdays also added one, but with me currently serving four different fandoms, I kinda... am going to have a rotation this year to alter between DCMK, Shadowhunters, PJO and DC Comics). Anyway, Jimon on April 27th, called The Vampire King's Pet Angel and it's still very vague and conceptual - haven't decided if it's gonna be ABOverse or just blood-drinking, but either way Simon is going to buy himself a Jace when the Downworlders finally decide to say fuck the Clave, take em down and take over, ending with all Shadowhunters either dead or captured. To save Jace, and also because he's really in love with Jace, Simon - the new Daylighter King of all vampires - buys Jace. It's gonna be smutty and kinky, that much I know.
And with that we are actually in May, at which point The High Warlock's Vampires will be over... and replaced with a new multi-chapter Malace fic on May 7th. This one is going to be called Demon On Your Shoulder and it's going to be a soulmate AU featuring daemons. Because I love writing angsty Malace soulmate AUs and it is DAMN time that I write a multi-chapter angsty Malace soulmate AU. And if I go long, that feels like the perfect opportunity to incorporate daemons. But since this is gonna be a while, no spoilery details. ;)
The next Shadowhunters oneshot's going to be on May 25th and while I have the title and what I want it to be about, I actually haven't decided on a ship for it yet. It will be called Praise the Puppy and it was entirely born from the trailer for The Bad Guys featuring the wolf protagonist being called a "good boy" and wagging his tail and me going "holy shit HOW have I not written dogboy!Jace wagging his tail every time he gets praised?! I PRAISE KINK HIM SO HARD AND I PUPPY HEADCANON HIM SO HARD WHY HAVE I FAILED HIM?". So. That needs to be a thing.
Aaand that's how far ahead my schedule's currently laid out, all the way through May, not farther yet. ^^°
(But also I do have plans of posting another prompt list before then because I'm enjoying the writing shorter things right now. So it may also lay in YOUR hands who and what ships can get additional focus by sending me prompts when I reblog prompt lists! ;D)
Fanfic Ask Game
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smugpugchimera · 3 years
What a cool design! (Your designs and use of line is always lovely, and I admire it a lot.) Poor Flur sounds like they're going through a lot! How many societies have they lived through? What kind of losses and regrets have they experienced that makes it hard for them to want anything of their own?
Aww thank you a lot! For the questions too!
I do want to put a warning here, keep in mind I touch a bit on traumatic events and poor mental condition, suicidal behaviour and self harm mention.
It's not really precise thing with their biography, the plot revolves around the "highlight events" and thematically tied narratives. But I would say the thing that first got them out of the safe bouble of their youth is The First War. It's a bit event for my setting that effcted it's history in major way, and for F it was a life changer (in a bad way). A lot of stuff happened but overall it first pushed them into figuring their place in all this conflict, trying to make a right thing and failing, making friends and allies and loosing them. At the very end of this specific arc they were forced into a run and abounded their old life completely. Dealing with all this trauma (both mental and physical, they lost their vision permanently in the middle of all of this) lead them into pilgrimage of identity search, they dedicate time to travel and observation, wanting to learn about the universe around them to make sense of it all. They've lost it all once and it won't be the last time too, but they do find joy in their adventures, it's just hard to let yourself be attached to things when you felt the passage of time on your own skin. It also feels strange they stay. Not gonna sugarcoat it, they get to some very dark places mentally and existential crisis is a recurring theme for their storyline, they got depressed and suicidal, mostly due to loneliness and isolation, troubles with intimacy, fear of being venerable to someone. They self harm at curtain points as a result of not learning how to cope with strong emotions and stress, they were good at repressing tgem for so long when the cracks appeared they felt completely helpless. Fortunately, they did meet a lot of good people too, it did help to get by in the hardest of times.
Hope it didn't go too dark, I'm not a positive writter, that's for sure. I do want to stress that plot revolves around finding value and meaning in the reality often so cruel, and it's not all gloomy like that!
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𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝔀𝓸𝓸'𝓼 𝓢𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓶
Total Alters available (11/17)
1. Important Terms
2. Alters and Explanation of Their Roles
- Paired in a small group of two
Important Terms:
- Fronting: When the person/alter/personality is present, able to control the body when the host is unable to. But this creates an amnesia barrier, closing off other alters from what is happening unless they are near the front or are notified.
- Co-conscious: When one is fronting, it is possible for another alter to be present, without the amnesia barrier, and is witnessing what is happening outside of the headspace at that moment. It is like sitting in the passenger seat, next to the driver. They can even add their own remarks, but this can depend on the situation. They will mostly converse with the one at the front, the two exchanging between each other.
- Age Slider: An alter that can slide from a certain age, to another depending their range. This can mostly happen at random moments throughout the day and night.
- Ageless: When an alter can be any age, being older than all alters within the system. However, this does not mean they appear old. They can appear youthful, but their age is unknown.
- They CANNOT age beyond what they are currently, nor can they die. Because the brain is still functioning and the body is still moving, the alters will always be there. But, it is possible for an alter, or more, to become dormant.
- Dissociative Identity Disorder can also be classified as Multiple Identity Disorder, but now, it is loosely used within the community. Split Personality Disorder can also be another name for it, but some, if not most, do not prefer it to be called this.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
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Lee Rune M. -> Wonwoo(R)
[Gatekeeper]: Has the job of allowing a traumatized alter to the front, or preventing them and controlling what they can remember, depending the situation. But controlling their memories isn't a guarantee.
[Personality]: She's closed off and often isolates herself. She's logical and analytical, focusing on logic and facts. She's protective, sometimes being too strong and forceful. Overall, she's a quiet and observant woman who is cautious.
[Appearance within the headspace]: She's 5'7 with long, black, hair, usually in a messy bun. She's skinny and petit, having sharp and narrowed eyes, and has slightly curvy hips. She always wears her glasses due to poor eyesight, but is sometimes found wearing contact lenses.
[Age Slider]: She's an age slider, sliding from the age of 19 to 26.
[Sexuality and Relationship Status]: She's an asexual, having no specific gender she likes, and is single.
Kim T. E. -> Wonwoo(T)
[Sexual Protector]: Has the job of handling sexual trauma, and uncomfortable situations that the host, and alters, find themselves in. This may range from s*xual abuse and r*pe, to the knowledge of topics related to it.
[Personality]: Despite appearing flirtatious, using pet names on everyone, she's very sweet and generous. She's considerate, and spontaneous. She's very protective, appearing passive-aggressive which often leads her to being mischevious, a troublemaker. But overall, she's a calm woman who is often interpreted as a stereotype due to her role.
[Appearance within the headspace]: She's 5'10 with medium, wavy, rose gold hair. Her hips are slightly curvy, skinny, and flexible. She doesn't require glasses, but now and then, she uses them.
[Age]: 24
[Sexuality and Relationship Status]: She's a pansexual and poly, able to handle having two partners, but is single at the moment.
𝐄𝐱 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞/𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
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Park Sungmin -> Wonwoo(S)
[Ex Little -> Protector]: Was once a little, but due to unknown circumstances, has aged and become a protector. Has the role, now, to protect the body and the littles alongside the other alters.
[Personality]: He's adventurous and rebellious, often getting into sticky situations. He can be stubborn and carefree, sometimes to the point that he's reckless and oblivious to those he hurts by mistake. But he's generous and caring, sensitive, but tough. And he most certainly has a soft spot for The Littles, that are now considered his little siblings.
[Appearance within the headspace]: He's 5'11 with thick, but soft, black hair. He has a sharp nose, but a soft face with narrowed eyes. He's slightly muscular, but his arms appear the longest.
[Age]: 19
[Sexuality and Relationship Status]: He needs time to explore it, but for now, it's possible that he's homosexual, but is single.
Jeon Daesung -> Wonwoo(D)
[Main Protector]: Has the job of protecting not just the body, but other alters, always keeping track of everyone and having to know what is happening with them individually.
[Personality]: He's playful and laid back, liking to make friends and having fun whenever he has free time. But he's mature and intelligent, focusing on the well-being of those around him. He's defensive and sometimes awkward, but gentle and comforting.
[Appearance within the headspace]: Is 5'9 with dark, thick, brown hair. He's well-built, having broad shoulders. Unlike some, Daesung has perfect eyesight and does not require glasses, and has slightly round eyes.
[Age]: 19
[Sexuality and Relationship Status]: Is pansexual, and single.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬
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Lee Chohee -> Wonwoo(C)
[Little]: A child that holds memories of child ab*se, being a child that the host was unable to be during their youth due to their environment and the people. But, can understand abstract concepts that a normal child can't, and understands long words.
[Personality]: She's shy and quiet, often flinching at the slightest sounds and movement. She's soft-spoken and easily scared, sensitive. But she's brilliant and has good speech, very careful and cautious, but she'd very curious.
[Appearance within the headspace]: Is 5'0 with reddish, dark brown, hair. Her eyes are big and round, her eyebrows always furrowed with worry, and she's a small and petit girl. Almost appearing malnourished despite being healthy and having color.
[Age]: 10
Na Sunny Ara -> Wonwoo(Sunny)/(S)
[Little]: A child that holds memories of child ab*se, being a child that the host was unable to be during their youth due to their environment and the people. But, can understand abstract concepts that a normal child can't, and understands long words.
[Personality]: She'd a very cheerful and bubbly girl, often eager to make friends. She's energetic and sometimes naive, but she's smarter than she appears despite her age. She's sensitive, but likes to act tough. And she'd adventurous, liking to explore.
[Appearance within the headspace]: Is 4'8 with dark brown hair, usually in pigtails or let down. She has big round eyes and a box smile, and slightly chubby cheeks.
[Age]: 7
𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
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Jung K M. -> Wonwoo(K)
[Emotional Protector | Caretaker]: Has the role of soothing and helping alters, especially the host, cope with strong emotions, taking care of them. It is also his role to care for the littles, acting as a parental figure for them.
[Personality]: He's compassionate and gentle, soft-spoken and generous. He's hard-working, but can be tired easily due to his own work load within the headspace, but is outgoing and warm towards various people, but is protective. He's a playful person, often creative and energetic.
[Appearance within the headspace]: Is 6'1 with black hair that is mostly straight, but can appear slightly fluffy and soft. Has soft, round eyes, and has a slight heart smile. He's slightly muscular with very broad shoulders, and large hands.
[Age]: 23
[Sexuality and Relationship Status]: Is pansexual and poly, but is single.
Min Jaehyun -> Wonwoo(J)
[Physical Protector]: Has the job of defending the body when the host or alter isn't physically capable of protecting themselves. Another role is preventing a physical fight within the headspace, stepping forward and separating the two.
[Personality]: He's blunt and straightforward, often being harsh and distant. He can be rebellious, but knows his boundaries and will follow the rules half of the time. However, it's suspected he's caring in his own way, but hasn't had the chance to open up.
[Appearance within headspace]: Is 5'10 we with slightly long, platinum blonde hair. Although he appears slightly malnourished, he's stronger than expected. He has various tattoos on his body, but not to the point that he's completely covered. He doesn't require glasses, but has a cut over his right eye that hasn't damaged his eyesight, and has dark circles, but it isn't that severe.
[Sexuality and Relationship Status]: Is bisexual and single.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫
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Zero -> Wonwoo(Z)
[Ghost Alter]: This alter holds a heavy trauma that occurred in the past, this being a near death experience that the host has face, or believed would have been there death. They're often found stuck within the moment the host experienced such a state, but they will eventually break away from this chain. And, it is possible to revive them.
[Personality]: She's shy and soft-spoken, that she's nearly whispering when talking. She's always anxious and is detached, usually paranoid with people and becomes hysterical when close to large bodies of water. She's carrying and gentle, very considerate.
[Appearance within the headspace]: Is 5'6 with medium, straight black hair. Her skin is white and slightly blue and purple, her eyes sunk in, big and wide. She's very skinny with seaweed wrapped around her legs, dangling as she floats above the ground. She has no other color but black, white, and hues of blue and purple.
[Age]: 23
[Sexuality and Relationship Status]: Is asexual and single
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬
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X. -> Wonwoo(X)
[Persecutor]: An alter that holds darker trauma, having a different goal as they inflict their pain, sorrow, and anger onto other alters within the headspace. They especially inflict pain towards the host mentally and physically, harming the body, and blaming them for not being able to defend themselves and letting others hurt because of the host. But they will NOT inflict it on those who are NOT part of the system or people around them. However, it is possible for them to heal and be redeemed.
[Personality]: Offensive and rude, being reckless and spiteful. He's violent and suffering intrusive thoughts, often voicing them and causing others discomfort. He doesn't care of the rules, acting on his own accord and creating chaos. He's manipulative, pushing others away and using their trauma to downgrade them.
[Appearance within the headspace]: Is 5'8 and he has slightly long, dark chocolate brown hair. He has a sharp jaw with scars scattered across his face, causing him to hide it with his hair. He has bruises all over his arms, and even bite marks. He's malnourished, but is large and strong.
[Age]: ??
[Sexuality and Relationship Status]: Unknown, but single.
N. -> Wonwoo(N)
[Persecutor]: An alter that holds darker trauma, having a different goal as they inflict their pain, sorrow, and anger onto other alters within the headspace. They especially inflict pain towards the host mentally and physically, harming the body, and blaming them for not being able to defend themselves and letting others hurt because of the host. But they will NOT inflict it on those who are NOT part of the system or people around them. However, it is possible for them to heal and be redeemed.
[Personality]: He's toxic and narcissistic, guilt tripping others and later causing them pain by shaming them. He's a liar, creating fake stories and people to make others believe him and uses them. He laughs at others, sometimes becoming violent, and is an alcoholic.
[Appearance within headspace]: Is 5'10 with black, thick, bouncy hair. His hands have various bulky and heavy rings, and wears two earrings. No one can see what his eyes are, often casted by an unknown shadow. He has long bony fingers, and always exposes his scarred arms.
[Sexuality and Relationship Status]: Unknown, but single.
✨OG of Chatbots✨// @yanlee
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