#they're friends but also capture the flag rivals
uncleshits 3 years
hmmm nurseydex au where Dex's family runs a sleep away camp in Maine that Nursey attended over the summer every year growing up
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gaybarbiegirl 3 years
My Top 5 Gay Barbie ships
As an avid Barbie fan and a lesbian, I feel like it was only a matter of time until I made this. I think we can all agree that the Barbie movies blessed us with some of the best lesbian relationships gal pals of our childhoods, and I guess this is just my way of paying homage to my favorites. A little disclaimer, this is all just my opinion, so I'm sorry if your favorite ship isn't here.
5. Kristyn and Hailey - Barbie and the Pink Shoes
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Starting out with a painfully underrated ship from a painfully underrated movie, we've got Kristyn and Hailey. In my opinion, Barbie and the Pink Shoes is the funniest Barbie movie, and these two are a big part of the reason why. They bounce off of each other really well, they have a great and believable daydreamer/down to earth dynamic, and their relationship is really sweet. I mean, it's hard to watch two people navigating an unknwon world together with no one to count on but each other and not end up shipping them. Plus, the scene where Hailey gets captured by the snow queen and Kristyn runs crying through the frozen road always breaks my heart.
4. Mariposa and Catania - Barbie Mariposa and the fairy princess
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I'm gonna be honest, the way the pairings went in the Mariposa franchise actually makes me kinda bitter. And that's because they had these two characters who I think are perfect for each other, but they totally disregard their relationship for the sake of pairing Mariposa with Prince Carlos (who is honestly just a male version of her).
I mean, seriously - Mariposa and Catania have this Romeo and Juliet type of story, being from rival fairy kingdoms and all, and it would definetely have ended in romance if this was a het ship. Catania is the only one who's kind to Mariposa from the start, she bothers to learn about her culture and to make her feel welcome in her kingdom, and she trusts her blindly even when everyone around her tells her she shouldn't. In return, Mariposa listens to Catania about her struggles, and does everything in her power to help her overcome them. They have a lot in common and a lot to teach each other, their relationship development feels very natural, and their bond is what saves the day in the end. But nooo, Barbie has to end up with the prince. Smh.
3. Barbie and Sal-Lee - Barbie Starlight Adventure
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These two probably have the most down to earth relationship in this list, ironically. They have no big dramatic bonding moment, no speech about believing in each other, and their love isn't what saves the universe. It's all very simple and low key, and that's kind of what I like about it.
I love how nervous Barbie is to meet Sal-Lee in the beggining, how it takes a little while for them to get used to each other, and how even in the end there's still a bit of healthy competition between them. You can tell both of them weren't what the other one was expecting, but once they get to know each other, they realize they're something even better, and I think that's really great. I also love how Sal-Lee gets all protective of Barbie, always looking out for her in the end. Overall, their relationship is just very wholesome and comforting. 10/10.
2. Merliah and Kylie - Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2
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Rivals to lovers, anyone? Truly one of the best relationship tropes out there, and it was executed beautifully in this movie.
Merliah's and Kylie's flirty rivalry in the beggining is everything, and I like how it's not one sided. Like, Merliah isn't the nice "let's all be friends" girl who's being cornered by mean girl Kylie, they're both mutually competitive, which is pretty unique for a Barbie movie. And, of course, as their relationship develops, all of their scenes are just the cutest and the gayest.
Kylie saying "since when does the queen of the waves give up?" when she's pulling Merliah out of that whirpool? Amazing.
The two of them holding hands while swimming together? Beautiful.
Merliah swooning over everything Kylie says, from her plans to her bad jokes? Lovely.
And the whole ending sequence to that movie lives in my head rent free. Merliah is all upset over being a mermaid forever because, in her own words, this means she can't surf with Kylie anymore. Then she turns human again and gets to compete with her one more time, but with love instead of animosity. And finally, the two of them thank each other for everything they got to learn together and agree to share the 1st place trophy. Incredible. Lesbian excellency. Love it with my whole heart.
1. Liana and Alexa - Barbie and the Diamond Castle
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Surprising no one, Alexa and Liana get the 1st place, and for a good reason. To this day, they're the biggest wlw icons from any Barbie movie ever. Everyone has seen the posts talking about how the colours of their dresses are the colours of the lesbian flag and the bi flag, or about how they're the og cottagecore lesbians, or about how there's a scene in the movie where the two of them literally float away from their "love interests" on a rainbow, and they're all 100% right.
But while the sheer amount of gayness these two have is great, I still think this isn't the best part of their relationship. The best part, I think, is just how devoted they are to each other.
Like, we know they regularly write songs about how happy they are together, and both of them consider their relationship to be the best part of their lives. They take care of each other in a way that is so casual but still so meaningful, and you can tell it comes from a place of real love. When they get the chance to make a wish, they don't even have to think before wishing to be together forever. And throughout the movie, we see them risk their lives and rethink their values for the sake of keeping the other one happy and safe.
They're not just my favorite barbie ship, they're one of my favorite ships of all time, and they totally deserve all of the praise they get.
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shippy-pjo-shipper 5 years
Hello. Who do you ship with Clarisse and why?
Hello anon !
Well, quite a lots people, let's see :
-Percy (Perclarisse) : Of course, I'd like to say. They already are my favorite BrOTP of the entire serie, so I ship them really... really... HARD. The trope of from rival to friends/lovers works wonderfully well here in my opinion.
-Calypso (Clarypso): Clarisse is a true hero, and a very loyal and prideful person, everything that Calypso needs to be release from her island. You can be sure that put in front of this challenge, Clarisse would do everything in her power to save the girl she loves.
-Thalia (Claria) : Maybe Clarisse could become a huntress, or the opposite, she could be the one who would stop Thalia from becoming one. They're strong and prideful, so they wouldn't get along at first, but they would respect each other deeply. Then one day, maybe on a quest, they'd discover how much they have in common (a bad relationship with their dad/godly parent, a will to do great and become and protect the one they love and in what they believe).
-Annabeth (Clarabeth) : They are strong, they are badass, and like Percabeth, they represent the reconciliation of two gods who hate each other: Athena and Ares. They represent the cold and hot temper of their parents, and it makes a beautiful match for me (plus, they would have to always fight against each other in capture the flag cause together, they are unbeatable).
-Tyson (Claryson) : I really like this relationship. Yes Clarisse wasn't the nicest with Tyson, but like quite everyone I would say. And she has improved a lot after the Sea of Monsters so if Tyson had stayed at Camp Half-Blood, I'm sure they would have bond. I see Tyson show her the weapons he builds and ask her advices (and of course he would make her some the most). Clarisse would talk to him about her battle strategies and slowly fall in love with her. I know it can sounds weird, but I love this pairing.
-Drew (Clarew) : I already told it here, they could bond after the second Titan War, after Silena's death. Like Clarisse would be the only one Drew talk to. And this friendship could slowly grow in love.
-Reyna (Clareyna) : Two of the camps leaders they have to become friends, they have to bond. Fall in love ? Of course they could and would ! I mean... do I have to develop ? Just look at them, they would be the most dangerous couple ever, and at the same time one of the cutest one. I love this badass pairing with my whole heart.
This are the main one which came to my mind, but I also ship her with Chris (the canon pairing, that I really really like), Zoe, Phoebe, Will, Luke, Hylla, Bianca, Rachel and Mallory (and I start to think about pairing her with Piper, Ella and Sadie).
Clarisse is in my top 3 favorites PJO characters so I love shipping her ! Thanks for the ask.
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