#they wouldn't go hungry (ha-ha.) for power and abuse it in the same way they're doing
misclogarts · 27 days
mfw i'm writing questionablepie +strawberry family fluff and bb drops more content for them (it's angst)
#itlogthoughts#inquirer are you okay... girl... say something..........#ok i'd be pretty pissed too if the only place i could relax in was connected to that underground organization that's been a pain in my* ass#for like. a while (*and pretty much everyone else's...? or at least those from the council of magic)#what i wonder though is that considering cherry pie is there there must be other fruit witches (or at least. anyone with an “unimportant”-#-specialty) in their ranks. that being said if the other witch disappearances are also from the everlasting (ie spider witch; lily witch-#-heck even the lemon witch that cherry may or may not have cooked) why are they targeting civilians instead of like. idk their actual targe#i mean giving it more thought it's probably so they can collect power before attempting anything (which makes sense) on the council#but like... do they not feel bad. because they're essentially preying on witches who are already at a disadvantage to the system (which-#-would also technically work in their favor; the council doesn't value them so if they disappeared it would cause minimal issue)#i guess it's a “the end justifies the means” type scenario but i'd hope that if the everlasting does manage to usurp the council of witches#they wouldn't go hungry (ha-ha.) for power and abuse it in the same way they're doing#on a completely unrelated note of all of the people to take on the role of the head of the mind division ... why and how did they pick-#-memorial. i mean he could be qualified for the job or maybe well-loved but going from that one post bb made anything under their managemen#is a total mess in comparison to when philos was the head. that combined with the whole "can't get mad at what you can't remember thing...#i suspect foul play :/#i wonder what button's speciality is because there's no way that they're just a random hire
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I love your characterization, and it made me wonder
How would you characterize the Shepards as socs? I’ve thought about it myself but I figured I was interested in what you had to say lol
Oh, this is a fun question, thanks anon!
This might be controversial, but I think the Shepards as socs would be a lot more...mellow? ig compared to their greaser selves, and let me explain why. A huge part of how I see and write the Shepards is shaped by their circumstances. Tim had to step up to raise his siblings because no one else would. He had to turn to dealing and illegal activities because how else could he survive? how could he feed himself or his siblings when his mother spends her money on booze and his dad is no longer around? Tim's desperation to take care if his siblings, his determination to not only survive but thrive even in the shit circumstances he's been born into are what make him who he is. Curly and Angela are so close because emotionally, they're all each other has, growing up with abusive/absent parents, and Tim who had to focus on providing physical needs before emotional ones. Angela became so jaded and cold to protect a heart that hungered for love and was only fed scraps, Curly becomes so egotistical because there was no one growing up who ever told him he was good enough. He pulls dumb stunts because it's the only way to get a shred of attention. He's hungry for affection that simply doesn't exist in the world he was born into.
The soc version of them just...wouldn't be the same in my eyes. Even if their dad was still abusive or absent, even if their mom still had addiction issues, the money socs have could hire a nanny. Tim wouldn't be parentified to the degree he was, he'd have an oportunity to grow an identity beyond surviving and raising his siblings. He'd probably still be proud, still have strong leadership qualities, still excel at whatever he does- but they key drive of him as a greaser wouldn't translate, so I think he'd be a calmer version of himself. Soc Tim would have the opportunity to be selfish, which is a luxury greaser Tim never has. To me, Soc Angela would still be temperamental and headstrong, but her coping mechanisms would likely be different. I could see her filling emotional wounds with material items, and becoming the stereotypical high school 'mean girl' but again, taking away the need to survive in tough circumstances would take away the need for being closed off and cold. I think she'd be softer in some ways, more open to love, but also I think social power and prestige would go to her head and she'd lord that power over others. Finally, I think soc Curly wouldn't be calmer, but his recklessness and stunts would be dismissed due to socs being viewed as 'refined' compared to greasers. If Curly had the option of covering stuff up or buying his way out of trouble, he'd use it to his full advantage, but not being branded as a 'hood' and a 'troublemaker' would change his future, if that makes sense. Honestly, he'd probably end up a lot like Bob: never knowing when to quit, never being curbed or learning consequences, and that would probably be his downfall.
Anyway, this got longer than I meant it to, but yeah, you can take the Shepards out of the east side, but you can't take the east side out of the Shepards without fundamentally changing them as people (at least in my opinion).
Thanks again for the ask xx
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rwbyazre · 10 months
in azre how would your rank salem's council members from your least favorite to your favorite?
I explained in a previous ask but I love Tyrian simply because they are a fun character to write and think of in various situations. They're not the insane trope or really flat like in canon, I wanted Tyrian to keep their obssession, their deadliness, and their odd behaviour, but connect it in a unique way different to other members of the council or really Remnant as a whole.
Because so many of the villains in AZRE are written as foils to what the heroes very well could've become. Adam could've been like Kaanchana, Weiss could've ended like Cinder or Watts, Yang could've been a Gretchen or a Raven or a Mercury, but Tyrian was born in unique enivronment that is one of the few places directly connected to Salem rather than Remnant.
Plus I just think they're neat.
Speaking of villains that could've easily been foils to our heroes, Spectre is a close second for my list because I think he's cool and interesting with Atlas in combination with Watts.
A Faunus born and raised in the propaganda of Atlas, molded into a weapon to oppress others like him, and was casted out when he fought against the system for the betterment of his own people? Giang's interesting because he isn't wrong. The only reason he's even with Salem is because Ironwood and Atlas has made it so he has nowhere else to go.
He doesn't believe in Salem's power hungry motives for godhood or even likes the idea of Remnant being destroyed, because he loves Remnant He loves his home, he loves his people, he loves his family.
But there's nothing left for him to do. Either Giang sides with Salem with some desperate hope to make a change, or he falls into obscurity. And if he goes with the latter, he might as well have died that day he left Atlas.
Similar to what I like in canon, I just like Watts' personality and snarky remarks. He's funny in his own way and it's interesting writing someone who, in a group of highly trained fighters, he gets by just as well using his smarts and inginuity so that they can't replace him.
I also like the relationship he has with the Schnee family as a whole, but in particular with Willow, Jacques, and especially Winter. Watts' emotions are conflicted with the two adults of the family in different ways, but his relationship with Winter is even more based on just how similar they are as people.
Both have a very driven and dry sense when talking to people, devolving into biting remarks when towards people they don't like, and are primarily driven down their paths because of a love they held that was broken; their love in Willow. But they are both so similar and so different at the same time that there's a tragedy.
Maybe if Watts learned to let go, if he could've found happiness in being the best he could be, his life wouldn't be so low as it is.
Now I don't hate AZRE!Cinder even though she's near the bottom of the list, just that I like the others more especially since canon portrayals haven't soured them for me.
But Cinder in AZRE is pretty much a mixture of how she is in Poser and Maya. She has the cool mysterious and powerful vibe, but the pettiness and anger that is shown far more often in the later volumes, just without her constantly losing. Cinder is a conflicting character for me because a lot of the stuff I like about her, other characters just do it better for me.
That being said, I do enjoy just changing her backstory and seeing how her wealth and downfall has fed into her superiority and inferiority complexes, because Cinder definitely has both.
Now I like Gretchen, I do, and I like that she's just a normal character amongst all these geniuses, cult members and rights revolutionists. She's just a woman wanting justice for the abuse of power that led to her brother's murder.
That being said, she's just kinda there for me. Going through and thinking of her different potential story arcs is interesting, but not as much as say, Watts' or even Raven. Still, maybe when I get to actually writing her and really framing her story, my thoughts on her will change.
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ystrike1 · 2 years
Paradise of Deception - (8/10)
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The execution of this story is a little off. It's very slow and some of the dialogue doesn't make sense. Fifteen chapters are out, but none of the plot twists have been revealed. It's a smut horror series about a monster that feeds on misery, or a cult. We don't know yet.
Our main character is miserable. That is her entire life, and her personality. She worked hard, but she's penniless because he boyfriend betrayed her. He told her they were going on a date. Then, he ran and left her alone with a group of loan sharks. She has seen and felt every form of hell. Her father was a murderous rapist, and her mother was his victim. Her mother killed herself because she couldn't bear to give birth to his child. Her grandmother raised her just to abuse her, because the grieving woman wanted revenge so badly. She blamed the child that came out of her suicidal daughter to get it. Finally, after years of lonliness she met her boyfriend. He seemed kind, but his gambling addiction was more important to him than anything else. Now, she only has one kidney. She watched dogs eat a man alive, and the loan sharks threatened to do the same thing to her. Her life has always, always been a mess.
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Then she meets the Master. The town the Master lives in feels like a cult, and it's in the middle of nowhere. Our miserable main girl travelled all the way there to become a housekeeper, because the pay is so good. She got the job without an interview, and she works hard. When the Master returns they fast together. The Master must fast before the Dawn, which seems to be a festival where the town celebrates spring. The other people that live in town claim that the Master saved them.
They were all miserable before they met him.
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The Master starts flirting, and the people in town start spying on her. Everybody knows everything about her. They know when she's sick. They know when she's stressed. They know she doesn't like dogs.
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The Master offers to kill his dogs for her, and things escalate from there. The Master wants to kill her enemies and give her gifts. In fact, he wants her to be his Master. He'll give her anything if she stays with him. He'll kill her if she leaves him. The job offer was clearly a trap.
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The monstrous Master fell in love with her a long time ago. The scent of her misery drove him mad with longing, but he was just a child. He had to wait until he got older to invite her into town. He had to do it in a clever way too, so she wouldn't run away. She wants to leave the country, because she hates her life. She wants to start over, but the Master wants her to stay with him, and be miserable.
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He uses sex, presents, compliments, concern and money to keep her by his side. The people in town start giving her gifts. They start being even nicer to her. She is with the Master and she can control him, which makes her the most valuable person in the secluded cult. This Dawn festival will be special, because the Master has chosen his Master this year.
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The Master had a friend before. A happy friend who happened to be the son of the head maid. He was murdered by her murderer father. (I'm almost sure that's one of the plot twists.)
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Also there is a haunted, hungry closet that doesn't want the main character to leave.
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Is this love? Is this hate? Does the Master actually want to punish her, like her grandmother did? She has always been a lure for misfortune, and he feeds on that. They're a perfect match. When the Master says he will kill her ex-boyfriend, she smiles. She can't stop smiling and her sanity begins to unravel.
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She has never, ever had power. It's intoxicating. It feels good. The cult likes her. The Master loves her. For once there are people in her life that care about her welfare and happiness. Who cares if that happiness is selfish? Who cares if that happiness comes from murder? Misery tastes sweet to the Master, and she's happier.
This has to be good, right?
(The writing for this is super unclear. I really don't know if this is a cult story, a monster story, or both. The smut is also not that great. Just a warning. The chemistry between the main couple is meh, because she's so afraid of him. Maybe that will change...but I'm already 15 chapters deep and...yeah she fears him.)
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Umbrella Academy power swap au for the ask game! Everyone's powers are given to the sibling with the number preceding their own save Luther, whose powers go to Vanya
ohhh this could be interesting.
1) okay so first off this means that luther has the rumour power, allison can curve knives?? (tbh i'm not entirely sure what exactly diego's power does), diego sees ghosts, klaus can spacial jump, five has a tentacle monster inside him, ben has no power, and vanya has superstrength
2) i imagine klaus would absolutely not have the same drive as five to time travel, but he is insanely smart and of course had to study A LOT to be able to use his power well. he just doesn't care too much about trying out time travel? i can't see him getting that invested in it. he's just kind of vibing. maybe he gets in a relationship with someone after leaving though and they pose the idea of hey what if you could time travel wouldn't that be neat. and klaus is like heck yeah :D and works it out and then gets stuck. he then takes five's place in the original narrative
3) even if five doesn't have getting stuck in the future to keep him away from his siblings i imagine he still ends up separated. maybe he's still interested in quantum physics and thinks klaus' power is amazing and is frustrated by him not having any ambitions for what to do with it. especially when his own power is a hungry eldritch tentacle monster inside of him. i can't quite remember? but ben got torn apart by that right?? so maybe five gets torn apart around the same time he would go missing. this sticks diego with an annoying 13 year old looking ghost brother
4) maybe vanya leads the team this time, but she gets nervous and doesn't know what to do with that leadership. she just isn't a natural leader. because of this luther ends up leading a lot, which pisses off diego. luther and vanya probably end up with a slightly strained relationship because she leaves despite being the 'leader', but i feel like they're still vaguely in touch
5) i'm not sure what to do with ben except that he needs to take vanya's place. he's definitely more subdued than what we see following klaus around because of the medication keeping his power at bay, but i imagine he also has a lot of snark. he's probably very on edge about the family and thinks they're all assholes, though he still loves them. maybe he becomes a professor or teacher or something? or at least tries to, but is so numbed out by the medication that he doesn't really have it in him to finish his degree (or whatever it takes) for that
6) part of the reason everyone doesn't like luther being the leader is because he can literally make them do anything. he probably doesn't see any issues with this when he's younger, but slowly realises how wrong it is after everyone leaves
7) allison always wanted to be a movie star but she has a lot more trouble getting into the business without being able to rumour people. still, it's very freeing for her to finally be free from reginald, and even if it's a struggle she likes finally being able to do something that isn't missions, even if she's good at throwing blades.
8) i don't think diego has the same substance abuse issues (or maybe it's something he's struggled with before?? and still struggles with?) that klaus does simply because of the way he sees his body as a temple, but the ghosts definitely take everything out of him. he still ends up as a vigilante, though his power would be more suited to detective work/crime scene investigation, since the ghosts can tell him what's happened/who killed who
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lazy-cat-corner · 3 years
Honestly one thing that is so bizarre to me is when people try to guilt trip fans that liked the show because they believe Loki didn’t get enough time in the spotlight. It’s this overused speech of “loki is being mistreated by marvel again” and this supposed belief that the showrunners have a personal vendetta against loki, the fictional character. So it feels like people are being accused of some serious stuff like enabling abuse (against a fictional character) or of not liking loki enough. I don’t think that people who think like this go through this entire thought process but that’s what it feels like to me. I hang out a lot in the mostly-negative side of the fandom bc i thought the show was mehh overall but this particular thing is is my biggest pet peeve lol. Also while i do believe that a writer/director/studio can fail a character, i have yet to see actual proof that someone who works in a production is deliberately sabotaging it because they have some very personal feelings against one character in particular. Feels like a big accusation to make
One of my peeves with the fandom is that some posts/fans make these creepy assumptions about cast and crew on set. I remember people saying mean things about Chris Hemsworth just because they think he wasn't friends with Tom like...who? Who told you that and why do you talk about them like you're best friends? It's weird. The conclusions you're jumping to are weird. You don't know who they're texting when they're home. You're not in the group chat and you never will be so stop acting like you have it figured out.
It's okay to not agree with creative approaches taken in something, but that doesn't mean a character is being misrepresented or the actor is mistreated. All of these people you're assuming hate one another are paid professionals and if they did have problems they would settle it like paid professional adults that have unions and human resources to talk to before they even think of coming to a random blogger.
They wouldn't need to rewrite a script if they had beef. That would be impractical and petty. Imagine the millions of dollars a director could put a corporation in jeopardy because they don't like an actor. Do you think the company wouldn't be mad? Disney is the same one who cuts out scenes fans like because "studies show that scene wouldn't respond well with audiences" So why would they let the director add a scene they think wouldn't work?
If a power-hungry director really wanted to take their anger out on an actor and get rid of them, believe me, they have more direct and obvious ways of doing so. See also: Michael Bay versus Megan Fox, Joss Whedon versus Charisma Carpender, Dan Harmon versus Chevy Chase (and basically any woman who's had to deal with a Kyle-type director lmao). Making a goofy scene with a character is the silliest assumption and clearly shows how little the person understands how film productions work and the hurdles one has to go through to simply change a prop on set.
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Hi. So, I have a few Dark Forest cats and was wandering if you could help me find some backstories? They're all just names, so everything would be appreciated.
The names are:
Birchdew, Rainpaw, Fireclaw, Mintnose, Lightfeather, Beefall, Feathersight, Brookstripe, and Birdfeather
okay, a lot at once, but I got this
Since you have just names, I'm going to suggest two appearances per cat, that way you have a bit of variety and choice in there!
I'm also going to do my best so that no cat has the same backstory ideas twice!
That being said, I hope you enjoy these little ideas and even if you don't use them, with any luck they point you in a direction you'd like to go.
I'll do my best not to gender these cats so that the choice is still up to you!
tw; mentions of child abuse, murder, and violence
Possible Description 1; a scrawny silvery white cat with flecks of dark brown down their back, dark brown ears, and soft gray eyes.
Possible Description 2; a tall, lean white cat with small patches of both black and gray in a calico-like pattern; bright blue eyes
Birchdew was always a calmer cat compared to their Clanmates. One that lives by the "good things come to those who wait" while also just kind of.. nudging things in the direction they want.
though name alone, they don't have the vibe of someone whose outwardly hostile or power-hungry, but perhaps is a cat close to someone like that. Birchdew is a loyal warrior, but even more loyal to this cat they admire.
so much so that they're willing to turn and pretend not to notice when things go wrong or someone is getting hurt.
however, this was their downfall, being called out for not stopping this friend / idol of theirs when [the friend / idol] got out of hand and tried to hurt someone important.
while Birchdew did well trying to defend themself, when their friend / idol was exiled, they followed along as well. in the end, they followed this cat no matter what, even when it lead them straight into the Dark Forest.
They died as a rogue but used to be a WindClan cat.
Possible Description 1; a small silver tabby with black stripes and smooth, sleek fur; amber eyes
Possible Description 2; a gray cat with almost black points, large ears, a pointed muzzle, and brilliant blue eyes
Rainpaw had it all. They were a promising apprentice from day one and the pride of their Clan [imagining either River or Thunder]. From a respected family, a fast learner, and a big dreamer, Rainpaw wouldn't let anyone get in their way.
And then a new cat appeared.
A young apprentice from another Clan who had been moved because their Clan rejected them due to being [either half River half Shadow or half Thunder half Shadow]
This apprentice also turns out to be Rainpaw's younger half sibling, revealing that their father had been disloyal to not only his mate, but their entire Clan
The admiration the Clan had faltered and nothing felt the same as Rainpaw watched this new cat, this half sibling, climb the ranks and push themself to prove themself to the Clan.
Bitter and resentful as the Clan watched this stranger with great interest, Rainpaw decided that they weren't going to take this.
During what was meant to be a hunting assessment, Rainpaw put their tracking skills to different use, trying to hunt down their half sibling. Letting their anger take over, Rainpaw attacked and tried to kill their fellow apprentice.
They would've succeeded, too, if not for a warrior pulling them away and the stunned Rainpaw running off in a fit of rage, only for a hungry fox to block their way.
Rainpaw's body was never found, but their Clanmates seem to know that they're not coming back.
Possible Description 1; a large bright ginger tabby with a flash of white on their nose and hazel eyes
Possible Description 2; a black, orange, and cream cat with long, powerful legs and sage-green eyes
No one was surprised when Fireclaw became the deputy of ShadowClan. They were always a strong and noble warrior and being related to the previous leader - who was their grandmother - was a giant plus.
And of course, with their famous and their current leader having been an apprentice of hers.. Well the stars lined themselves for Fireclaw. And, to be fair, the Clan was excited to see the legacy of a great leader continue.
But what Fireclaw didn't understand was that their Clanmates were willing to wait.. Fireclaw was not.
The moment they were chosen, Fireclaw could see themself leading ShadowClan so proudly that no other leader could compare.
Not even their current one..
And every little mistake their current leader made felt like a personal slight against their grandmother's legacy.
So one night, after a gathering, they confronted the leader after part of ShadowClan was given to one of the other Clans during a treaty.
Outraged with the outcome, Fireclaw stated coldly that it was time for ShadowClan's true leader to take over.
But they'd never get the chance to lead, as the two both lost their lives in that fight.
Except.. Only Fireclaw woke up in the Dark Forest.. Their leader, the one they killed got to go to StarClan..
Possible Description 1; a fluffy gray and white cat with a dark stripe down their back and blue eyes
Possible Description 2; a thick and long furred, dilute tortoiseshell tabby with thick, swirling stripes and a drop of white on their nose; copper eyes
Nothing ever went right for Mintnose.
Being in the shadow of their littermates, Mintnose never was the strongest or the fastest or the smartest. They barely even looked like they belonged to their family, their pelt was too thick to fit in with WindClan and their legs were much too short to be any good at running.
They weren't much of a digger, either, and the open fields made their head dizzy.
What didn't help was, right before her death [before her litter became apprentices], their mother would never look at them. She'd call them her kit, but it was clear their four siblings mattered more to her.
Mintnose figured they were lucky they didn't have to spend more time fighting for their late mother's affection, but it stung deeper than any claw marks and they refused to admit it.
Hollow and alone, Mintnose didn't want to spend time with anyone else, they didn't want to deal with any possible rejection.
Perhaps that's what led them to this strikingly familiar rogue, whose pelt ruffled the same way theirs did and stripes ran the same way as well.
He would talk to Mintnose, having them drop everything that kept them together and went as far to turn them against everything the Clans stood for.
They were their father's kit in the end.. Even down to their dark and bitter heart.
Possible Description 1; a large, fluffy white cat with a thick mane of fur and bright dandelion yellow eyes
Possible Description 2; a lean golden tabby with a pale belly, pale paws, a pale muzzle, and hazel-green eyes
///disclaimer, this is not polyamory, but straight up just cheating///
Lightfeather knew they were special from the day they were born. Not that they had any outstanding kin or they were the most talented cat within the Clan [thinking RiverClan], but because they just knew.
Eyes on being the most beloved cat in the four Clans, one that anyone with half a mind would be padding after them like they even had a chance, the rules didn't matter to this soft-furred feline. After all, the rules were boring and kept them from what they wanted.
As a warrior they look a lover from each Clan, not telling any of them about the other and intentionally not attending gatherings to avoid any sort of confrontation.
These cats just wouldn't understand right away.
But when the time came, they'd learn that Lightfeather was just too wonderful for one cat to love.
Things started getting tense when their mate within their own Clan noticed Lightfeather leave the border after being way too cozy with someone from the rival Clan.
Not speaking, their mate waited til the gathering and confronted this other cat. When the two realized what was going on, they looked for any others.
That next night, Lightfeather and their in-Clan mate went out together, only to be confronted by Lightfeather's other mates.
They wanted answers.
Lightfeather becomes defensive, asking why it should matter when they [Light] has loved them [their soon to be ex mates] so easily for moons but suddenly, when they all know about each other, suddenly Light is the bad one?
This ends with all cats breaking up with Light and their secret being told to their leader.
Exiled and alone, Lightfeather spent the rest of their life bitter and resentful, believing that they had been in the right and their exes were in the wrong.
Possible Description 1; a small tortoiseshell cat with a white belly, white paws, and white patches on their back; blue-green eyes
Possible Description 2; a fluffy, plump, ginger tabby with thick stripes on their face, tail, and legs. They have a short tail and emerald green eyes.
Beefall was never patient.
If things didn't happen right away, they'd either drop it completely or try to push forward and get things done faster.
Their mate didn't even have time to see the red flags before they were together. It all happened so fast and before either of them knew it, they had kits. Four healthy, wonderful kits.
Beefall didn't wait for the kits to become apprentices. The best warriors started training young, right?
So they'd sneak their kits out of camp after they were weaned and began showing them how to fight. Sometimes they'd come back with some scraps and scratches.
"That's normal for roughhousing kits"
Excuses covered up their want to have a powerful, respected family.
At five moons old, the first death happened.
Fighting got carried away and the smallest of the four ended up dead at the claws of one of the larger kits.
Lies were created, saying that a rogue had found the kits sneaking out of camp and killed one before Beefall got there. The kits defended this story, though not all of them were thrilled.
After being apprenticed, another one died under Beefall's training and things became more tense.
When the third one almost died, the last kit stepped forward, outing Beefall as a terrible parent. They admitted to the lies they were forced to tell and the Clan turned on Beefall.
Beefall ended up dying at the claws of their mate, having attempted to kill their two remaining kits after being exiled for the deaths of the first two.
Possible Description 1; a large, thick-furred, feather-soft a blue-gray and cream tortoiseshell with tufted ears and dull yellow eyes
Possible Description 2; a long-furred, fluffy, plump, tricolor [gray, black, and white] cat with green eyes
Death had been a friend of Feathersight from a young age. With a father who died before they were born and a mother who died kitting, it was no stranger.
ShadowClan never sugarcoated anything for Feathersight. They knew for moons that their birth had been shrouded with misfortune and that didn't ever really bother them.
Not even when their foster mother died, being killed while out of camp while they were still in the nursery.
Death just happened.
Becoming a medicine cat apprentice - and later a medicine cat - Feathersight's relationship with death changed over time. Instead of being what just happened, it truly became a friend.
Those who only brought misery would be meeting the claws of their beloved death sooner or later.
And then they came to learn, messing around with herbs, that one could bring those deaths sooner.
Their faster father died at their paws that day, a tom they had never liked due to how they never let them feel at home. Despite being full ShadowClan, despite never having done anything, he looked to them with spite..
But he couldn't look anymore.
A servant to death, they would watch and listen, finding those most in need and death and taking it upon themself to poison and harm these cats until death herself took them away.
their mentor was the one who found out what they had been doing. An older cat, they didn't stand a chance.
But they couldn't defend themself enough for killing their mentor and their end brought a stressful time for ShadowClan, leaving them without a medicine cat and needing help from the other Clans.
Possible Description 1; a gorgeous, silver tabby with long, dark stripes, a thick, plumy tail, and brilliant blue eyes like pools of water
Possible Description 2; a long, sleek-furred gray and white tabby with dark stripes and streaks of white throughout their fur; hazel eyes
Brookstripe was supposed to be better than their father, who was once a terror to the Clans.
Born to rogues, Brookstripe joined ThunderClan after earning favor with the leader. Their father had been a merciless killer and many cats were cautious about Brookstripe at first. Could they be trusted?
But they were a charmer, unlike their father.
They could speak beautiful words and have cats swayed by their act.
And for a moment, Brookstripe would wonder if living in the Clan would be so bad
That is.. Until they remembered how the Clans treated rogues, how their father only started killing when a Clan cat had killed their father's siblings and blinded their [Brookstripe's] mother
And the hatred boiled back
For moons they tried corrupting ThunderClan, tearing the Clan apart from the inside. They manipulated the leader, who trusted her like a dear friend, and laid out traps for the other Clans to turn against ThunderClan.
Damage that would stay done, even long after their death, as their secret never came out.
No, instead they had been killed too early to finish their corruption. A battle at the border lead to them being killed by accident. Spiteful at their early death, they still like pulling strings behind the scenes.
Possible Description 1; a long legged, sleek black and white cat with dark orange eyes
Possible Description 2; a sturdy brown tabby with a pale belly and yellow-green eyes
Was it so wrong for Birdfeather to love a cat? Even before they knew of their mate's intentions, they were loyal to them no matter what.
Did knowing that their beloved killed some cats sting? Of course! But what were they supposed to do? They weren't going to turn their mate in, risk everything, just because some lesser cats died.
Love makes cats act a little silly, after all..
No, they never harmed anyone. They had no reason to.
So being banished alongside their mate was more than a little shocking. They never blamed their beloved, but they couldn't believe their Clan would just toss them to the side like crowfood.
They both had been such loyal cats.. The murders not withstanding. Were the weaker cats truly so much more important than two of the best?
Even after the exile, however, they would never kill another cat. Now, lading cats to the waiting claws of their mate? That was another story and they stand by that they technically never did anything wrong.
Eventually their crimes after the exile were discovered and both lovers were killed during the confrontation with their former Clanmates.
In the darkness of the forest, Birdfeather still feels nothing but love and loyalty to their dark-hearted mate.
I had to take time but I hope these ideas help, even if you don't use them dskjfha
I had fun working on these
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coldgoldlazarus · 4 years
It's also interesting to look at the parallels between Ruby and Cinder's overall arcs. Mainly, in the fact that while their moral alignments are of course completely opposite, they both respond to setback the same way; by doubling down. Ruby responds to all the trauma she experienced in Volume 3 by becoming even more determined to set things right, while Cinder's maiming from the Silver-Eyes blast makes her temporarily uncertain, but by the end of V4 she reverts back to her old power-hungry self. Volume 5's loss is a lot harder on Cinder, but she keeps hunting Ruby and the relic, and drags Neo into things too. Meanwhile, V6 is all about how the reveal of Oz and Salem's story shakes everyone, but once again Ruby rallies and decides it's still their responsibility to keep on doing what they can. But now, they've both experienced another major setback, and I feel like this may be what breaks the streak, to some extent or another.
Ruby has been forced to make more morally grey choices and grapple with how to do the right thing in a more complicated situation, then got betrayed by Ironwood and the Ace-Ops. Biggest of all, though, with a single sentence Salem was able to bring back the oldest trauma that she's been repressing her entire life. (Red Like Roses Part II).
I know she'll eventually get through this too, but I think she's been forced to confront some things that won't be so easily answered with the same old "I'mma fight you anyway", and she's going to have to deal with that eventually. Probably more in Volume 9 than 8, given how busy she's going to be dealing with the ongoing dumpster fire trainwrecks in Atlas, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's going to weigh on her mind to some extent or another, before she has the chance to really sit down and examine her feelings. I don't think she'll become the bitter, broken, cynical badass the weirdos insist she turn into, but I do think she's going to struggle a bit more than she has in the past before being able to come through with her values reaffirmed, but refined. Not so much doubling down, as coming to the same conclusion the long way around.
Cinder is a lot harder to predict, though. Again, she's at a really low point now, and her sheer desperation in V7C13 backs that up. She got absolutely humiliated by Freya, Penny, and Ruby in turn, and failed to become the Winter Maiden; and while Neo got her the Relic of Knowledge, she can't really take credit for that victory and it's going to feel like shit crawling back to Salem to beg for forgiveness. She's simultaneously in a somewhat better and somewhat worse position than she was in after V5, and the question now is whether she'll double down yet again, or if this is the breaking point, and she'll finally start to change - for better or for worse.
On one hand, there's the Zuko route. The comparison has been made, but outside of the surface-level "scar over one eye, disgraced antagonist chasing the hero" angle, they're very different people. Zuko was a fundamentally good person desperate to appease his abusive father, and while there is definitely some of that going on with Cinder and Salem, Cinder's got a drastically more severe list of crimes under her belt. That's not to say I don't think she could be redeemed, but she'd have a longer path to go despite all the comparisons with the other beloved firebender. It's an interesting option, and I think given everything she's responsible for, her arc may take a much different path than Zuko's. I don't think she'd ever be the type to join up with RWBY and pals the same way Zuko joined Team Avatar, but I could see her reaching a point of chipping in whenever the true final showdown with Salem arrives. (or the Gods, I have wondered if they'll come back into the picture at the end, for their whole Judgement Day shtick... But that's a different crack theory.)
The other option would continue her parallels with what I predicted for Ruby - coming back to the same conclusion, the long way around. Given how Emerald and Mercury are set to probably have a redemption arc of their own, it would almost be... Redundant? Maybe? For all three of them to make a turnaround. It could be interesting if Cinder struggles and genuinely has to step back and evaluate her actions... And then winds up making the wrong decisions from that, and reaffirms her hunger for power and ruthless villainy in a new, independent way, not as a lackey of Salem but of her own free will and agency, continuing the theme of being a twisted take on Cinderella's story. (Plus contrasting with Em and Merc's redemptions) Given how important she's been played as being from the start, it would be fitting in a way if it's not because she's set to join the heroes, but become just as big a villain as Salem. (If not outright supplanting her eventually, given the aforementioned thoughts I have on possibly un-Grimming Salem.)
Either way, I feel like this arc is going to well and truly test them both and make them dig deep into themselves. Ruby's path is more-or-less clear given who she is as a person and her role in the story, (Victory is in a simple soul) but the journey to get there is the important part. However, given how Cinder has paralleled her thus far, I'm interested to see how she'll come out of the other end of this... Finally breaking the parallel by making a drastic change and turning into an anti-hero of some sort, or keeping the parallel by giving fully into her own worst tendancies, and turning into a complete monster on par with Salem? Both avenues are rife with possibilities, and I can't wait to see which it is... Or if there's a third option I'm not seeing that they'll blindside us with. That would be cool too.
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