#they may kill me for my english accent but I can adapt it'll be fine
defiant-firefly ยท 2 years
Okay so I've been quiet for a long while about what's going on in my lil world so here's what's up at the moment
My housemates from uni didn't get in touch with me about the stuff I left at the house. That means it's all completely gone, not a single thing of mine left supposedly. So now I'm basically starting from scratch if I ever want to live on my own again, which I do.
I saw a post a while ago talking about something called a 'Hope Chest' which is the American name for what my mum knows as a 'Bottom Drawer' and I suggested we start one to make it easier when the time comes. What this is, is basically a box or whatever that you fill with all the things you'll need and want in your future home. Cooking tools, plates, ornaments, paint swatches whatever, it all goes in that box and it builds up over time when you find nice things to add to it.
So yeah, we're gonna start one of those for me now! Which is neat!
But also all I can think to put in it is a lava lamp.
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